2015 Family Conference Guide

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Family Conferences are long-anticipated by many families from around the world because of the inspiration and fellowship attendees receive. Inspiring speakers give practical tips for the whole family. Action-packed activities illustrate life lessons young people and children remember long afterwards. Special break-out sessions encourage fathers to be the spiritual leaders of their homes, while other workshops support mothers seeking to fulfill their callings. This year, a new break-out session for pastors has been arranged to encourage them in the unique challenges that accompany their role. Also new this year is a workshop for those who are courting, engaged, or recently married, to help them lay a foundation for relationships that honor God. This year the Family Conferences’ theme is “Draw Near to God.” Our loving heavenly Father promises to draw near to those who draw near to Him. (See James 4:8.) Drawing near to God is not an achievement we attain but a process of deepening a lifelong relationship with Him. As we “set our affection[s] on things above,” the things of this life fade to lesser importance in our hearts. Scripture states, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33). “Draw Near to God” is much more than just the theme of the 2015 Family Conferences. It is about being so much in love with Jesus that we cannot help but want to spend time with Him. God’s love sent His Son to the cross for mankind. When we experience the love of Christ that comes from knowing God, we will passionately enter into His presence, which will affect every area of our lives. May we all say with the psalmist:

“When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, Lord, will I seek.” —Psalm 27:8

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar

Drawing Near to God for Wisdom in the Changing Seasons of Life Jim Bob and Michelle have been an inspiration to millions of people through the ministry God has opened up for them through TLC’s series, 19 Kids and Counting. The Duggar family has opened up their home and their lives to be recorded and broadcast for more than ten years. As they have simply tried to live out the truths of Scripture, the world has watched. Their faithful witness has given them ministry opportunities all around the world. Recently, Jim Bob and Michelle have gone through a whole new learning curve as they have launched several of their children into a new season of life. Listen as they share what they have been learning about releasing their children to follow what God has called them to do and the life lessons they have learned through this process.

Speaking live in Big Sandy and Nashville*

©2015 IBLP • Box One • Oak Brook, IL 60522-3001

Printed in USA



Chris and Anne Hogan

Ken Pierpont

Jobe Martin

Drawing Close to God Brings Couples Close

Draw Near to God and the People He Loves

God Drawing Us Near Through His Creation

Chris and Anne have encouraged scores of frustrated couples to draw near to God as the first step to drawing near to each other. This year Chris will be teaching those who are courting, engaged, or newly married how to set a solid foundation for lifelong relationships that honor God.

Anyone who knows Ken knows of his fervent desire to help people deepen their relationship with Jesus. His heartfelt messages based on Scripture also incorporate engaging stories that challenge hearers to earnestly seek a closer walk with Jesus.

Not only does Dr. Martin travel the country speaking on creation using his years of research in the animal kingdom, but he and his family also faithfully teach about God’s design for the family. His latest release is “Creation Proclaims: The Amazon and Beyond.”

Speaking live in Big Sandy, Nashville, Sacramento, and the Twin Cities

Speaking live in Big Sandy and Sacramento

Speaking live in Big Sandy and Nashville

*Tentatively planning on coming. Awaiting final confirmation.


Conference Speakers


Dwain Swanson

Paul and Jenny Speed

The Contagious Effect of Drawing Near to God

Drawing Near to God Transforms Marriages

We All Prioritize— What Tops Your List?

Dwain Swanson is a man of God and an effective energy-giver. God has used Dwain to reach out to scores of men as he works from his lawn mower. He calls and encourages men to be in the Word and to be the spiritual leaders of their families. Listen to his reports of God at work.

For ten years Paul and Jenny have led couples and young people to the freedom that is necessary for believers to be able to draw nearer to God. This year they will be sharing keys in understanding how your beliefs about others affect your relationships with them.

While pastoring a church, running a small business and homeschooling a large family, how do Gil and Kelly overcome the main hindrances that prevent them from drawing near to God and each other? Join to hear them candidly share how they prioritize and gain victory!

Speaking live in Big Sandy, Nashville,* and the Twin Cities*

Speaking live in Big Sandy, Nashville, Sacramento,* and the Twin Cities

Speaking live in Big Sandy, Nashville, Sacramento, and the Twin Cities

Gary Fraley

The “Great Mystery” A Bible mystery is not something beyond what we can comprehend. Rather, it is something that we would not have thought of unless God explained it to us. There are 16 “mysteries” listed in the New Testament. However, only one is called a “great mystery,” and Gary will share on what God reveals to those who draw near to Him. Speaking live in Big Sandy, Nashville, Sacramento, and the Twin Cities

Gabriel Cleator

Gil and Kelly Bates

David Waller

Drawing Near to God Is a Daily Experience

Make Your Life Count— Live for Eternity!

Scripture says that most men will proclaim their own goodness, but a faithful man who can find? God desires that by the power of His Spirit we would walk faithfully before Him in the daily things of life, while drawing close to Him and communing with Him through His Word.

David has a heart for helping people know Jesus personally and live passionately for Him. Raised in a large family himself, David understands how ATI is not simply a curriculum but a means of discipling families in their desire to draw near to God and impact the world.

Speaking live in Big Sandy, Nashville, Sacramento, and the Twin Cities

Speaking live in Big Sandy, Nashville, Sacramento, and the Twin Cities

Use Your Business as a Platform to Draw People to God

Speaking live in Big Sandy

David and Jason are twins involved in entrepreneurial endeavors. When referred to as “businessmen,” they often state, “We are ‘missioneers.’ ” Recently their values were on trial in a unique way. They will share how they chose to stand for what they believe and how God gave them a worldwide hearing because they refused to compromise. They have also just completed writing a book detailing their story. It is titled Whatever the Cost and will be available at the Conference. You will be challenged and encouraged by the account of their faith and courage in the face of immense pressure. You will also be blessed to see how “God writes last chapters.”

S. M. Davis

Strengthening Relationships as We Draw Near to God

Speaking live in Big Sandy, Nashville, Sacramento, and the Twin Cities

Biblically dealing with root issues to resolve family problems is on the heart of S. M. Davis. With a pastor’s heart and vision, Dr. Davis will challenge hearers on the importance of drawing near to God. His Bible-based presentations that are loaded with illustrations and pictures will encourage and challenge us to realize that our nearness to God is key to solving many of our conflicts in relationships. Dr. Davis will be sharing several messages that will be practical for the whole family. You will enjoy listening to powerful messages from God’s Word that come from one who has years of experience helping people find lasting answers.

Tom Harmon

Are You Drawing Near or Drifting Away?

Speaking live in Big Sandy, Nashville, and the Twin Cities

*Tentatively planning on coming. Awaiting final confirmation.

To say that Tom Harmon is a passionate proclaimer of Biblical truths is putting it mildly. The energy and excitement he has for the Word of God and for drawing near to the Savior is contagious. Recently Tom stated, “If you are not drawing close to God, you’re likely to drift away.” Tom’s messages are filled with such pithy statements as well as stories from his eleven years as a Michigan State Trooper, all relating to insights he has received from his own walk with Jesus. Tom and his wife Joyce have been married more than 40 years and have four married children and 22 grandchildren. Tom has followed God’s call on his life to preach and has done so for the past 25 years. You will enjoy listening to his messages. Come prepared to be inspired!


David and Jason Benham


PASTORS’ WORKSHOP A special break-out session for pastors. Location and time will be announced in the conference schedule.

Encouragement for Pastors

A Special Workshop to Draw You Together and to Jesus Often the pastor’s position is difficult. He hears things he cannot repeat. He has pressures few people understand. He struggles alone, often in prayer, and sometimes it’s hard to please the “sheep.” Only God and your fellow pastors can understand. This time is set apart solely for you, pastors. Come be with other “under shepherds,” and encourage one another by testimony or with the Word of God. Seek to find comfort and rest or come prepared to encourage one another. This time is for you. Come prepared to share: • An answer to prayer • A timely provision • An inspiring testimony

• A prayer request • A burden on your heart

“Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine” (I Timothy 5:17).


Courting, Engaged, or Newlyweds

For couples who are courting, engaged, or newlyweds (within the past 5 years) • Register as individuals • Half-day schedule

Unless the Lord Builds the Home This year will be one you will not soon forget! Gary Fraley, Chris Hogan, Dwain Swanson, and other speakers will share from their experience the importance of drawing near to Jesus to find lasting fulfillment, true success, and eternal fruitfulness in your relationship. Their testimonies will inspire you to guard and nourish your relationship with God so you can guard and nourish your relationship with your life partner. Come hear about how to lay a good foundation for a union that honors God and brings lasting joy.

Gary Fraley has years of experience as a husband, father, and grandfather and has helped many in their life relationships.

Chris Hogan has recently developed a new curriculum to help coach you through four phases of relationships.

Dwain Swanson has a heart for people, especially young couples. He challenges young men to make wise financial decisions.

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar enjoy helping young couples set out on the right foot in their relationships with future life partners.

Paul and Jenny Speed have tools that helped them reject Satan’s lies and discover the truth when interpreting each other’s actions.

Conference Photography Workshop

For students aged 14 and up • Part-day schedule (will join Student Sessions when not on assignment) • $89 per participant

Successful Event Photography Learn, practice, and master the skills of covering the photography needs of a large event. Under the guidance and instruction of a photographer who has been shooting Family Conferences for six years, learn how to effectively capture the moment, create consistently bright and sharp images, and expedite the postprocessing work flow for meeting time-sensitive deadlines. The Photography Team is specifically structured to accommodate both beginner level and “beyond beginner level” photographers with SLR cameras. Students will learn through classroom training, on-location shooting assignments, and one-on-one photo critique. Items to bring: DSLR camera, laptop computer with pre-installed photo editing software such as Adobe Photoshop Lightroom® Note: IBLP will retain the perpetual right to use, print, and publish all images taken during the course of the workshop.

Daily Dress for Young Women

Daily Dress for Young Men

• Dress skirt of modest length (Please avoid slits.) • Modest-fitting blouse • Dress shoes

• Dress slacks • Dress shirt and tie • Dress shoes

STUDENT SESSIONS For students aged 12 and up • Half-day schedule • Free

Learn to Live for a Great Cause

Daily Dress for Young Women • Dress skirt of modest length (Please avoid slits.) • Modest-fitting blouse • Dress shoes

Daily Dress for Young Men • Dress slacks • Dress shirt and tie • Dress shoes

Please strive to maintain a professional appearance and attitude.

Young people have a God-given desire to live for a cause that is great. To help understand how to advance the cause effectively, we must first understand the importance of the relationships God has put around us. This is because great causes are often made up of great changes in the lives of individual people. To help learn how to reach the people around us, we must understand how to draw near to God, because His purposes and His power will flow out of our living relationship with Him. God wants to use each young person to reach the people around him or her and to advance His kingdom in powerful ways, but He is not a “stepping stone” to reach these goals; rather, they are the natural outflow of a life that has drawn near to God and knows Him. Sessions this year will discuss how to draw near to God and truly know Him on a daily basis, how to engage the world around you, and how to advance our great cause—and why to be successful at these, each must start with drawing near to God.




Family Ministry

Family Ministry Opportunities Families or siblings may audition to share special music or a Scripture recitation at a conference by sending a DVD or MP4 of their presentation to the ATI Department. Families are encouraged to consider submitting music that is related to a hymn. Families quoting Scripture are encouraged to use the King James Version. Please provide your contact information (including a current email address and number for a cell phone you will have) and indicate which conference(s) you plan to attend. Audition tapes should be submitted as soon as possible but no later than two weeks before the conference you are attending. Recordings will not be returned. ATI Department Box One • Oak Brook, IL 60522-3001 music@iblp.org 630-323-9800, ext. 590

Student Choir and Orchestra

Student Choir and Orchestra Students of all ages are welcome to audition for the Student Orchestra. If you play an orchestral instrument, we would love to have you join us! For information about auditioning, please visit www.familyconferences.org/orchestra, or call us at 630-323-9800, ext. 590. The student choir does not require an audition, and all students are encouraged to participate!

Friday Presentation Dress Code Dress for Young Men • Navy or black slacks • White dress shirt and tie • Dress shoes

Dress for Young Women • Solid navy or black skirt of modest length (Please avoid slits.) • Solid white, modest-fitting blouse • Dress shoes

For young ladies aged 12–15 • Half-day schedule (will join Student Sessions) • $50 per participant

Wholeheartedly Pursuing Jesus Cultivate your relationship with the Lord and get a vision to change your world! The sessions and activities of COMMIT are planned with these goals in mind: to motivate young ladies to choose to seek God first, become fully committed to Him, love Him with all their hearts, and humbly serve others in their irreplaceable youth. The teaching is presented with Bible references, personal illustrations, and life applications. Each team will be led by an enthusiastic team leader who will encourage the young ladies in the ways of the Lord. Daily Dress for Young Women

Items to Bring

• Dress skirt of modest length (Please avoid slits.) • Modest-fitting blouse • Dress shoes

• Small Bible • Pen • Notebook

Team Leaders Young women aged 16 and older who have been on a Journey to the Heart and have a desire to minister to others are invited to serve as team leaders or team assistants. For more information and to apply to be a team leader or assistant, please go to www.familyconferences.org/team-leaders.

PRE-EMBASSY For girls aged 8–11 • Full-day schedule • $50 per participant

Foundational Truths for Life Girls aged 8–11 are invited to join us for an exciting week at Pre-Embassy! The perspectives we gain as children set the stage for the decisions we make as teenagers and even as adults. For this reason, it is vital that children are given a foundation of truth to build their belief systems on. The girls will spend the week with young ladies who have a desire to share God’s love and truth with them. Together, we will study the names and character of God as He describes them. Having a right view of God will only intensify our desire to draw nearer to Him. Daily Dress

Items to Bring

• Burgundy shirt* • Navy or khaki skirt • Khaki bucket hat* • Tennis shoes

• Bible and notebook • Small binder* • Backpack or tote bag

* One Pre-Embassy binder, khaki bucket hat, and Pre-Embassy shirt will be issued at registration. Additional shirts may be purchased.

Team Leaders Young women aged 16 and older who have a heart for discipling younger girls may apply to be a team leader or assistant. To apply for a teacher or assistant position, please go to www.familyconferences.org/team-leaders.




ALERT Cadet Challenge For young men aged 8–17 • Full-day schedule • $70 per participant

The Purpose of ALERT Cadets The Cadet program, which operates in local communities around the world, is a branch of ALERT that assists fathers in turning their hearts to their sons and leading their sons into Biblical manhood. Each year ALERT and Cadet leaders come together to hold the ALERT Cadet Challenge at the Family Conferences. The “Challenge” is filled with spiritual, mental, and physical lessons designed to impart a global vision for service to each young man and to challenge him to develop a heart fully committed to Christ.

Squad Leaders Contact ALERT Headquarters or apply online at www.familyconferences.org/team-leaders. International ALERT Academy: cadet@alertacademy.com, 903-636-9228. Leaders should register for the ALERT Cadet Challenge; standard costs apply.

Items to Bring

Uniform for Challenge

• KJV Bible, pen/pencil • Small backpack • Filled water bottle (minimum 1 liter) • 6' long, ¼" braided, nylon rope • Rain poncho, sunscreen, compass • 3 morning snacks (lunch will be provided)

• Tennis shoes or broken-in hiking boots • Khaki-colored BDUs* or pants • ALERT Cadet T-shirt and a khaki cap**

Mark items with last name.


*BDUs can be purchased at thealertstore.com. Click on the ALERT Cadet link. **One shirt and one cap wi­ll be issued at registration; additional items may be purchased at the conference on a first-come, firstserved basis.

For children aged 4–7 • Full-day schedule • $50 per participant

The Goal The goal of the Children’s Institute is to “turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers” (Malachi 4:6). By teaching and discipling children in God’s truths in ways that are both understandable and exciting to them, seeds that will undoubtedly yield much fruit are planted in each child’s life. Team leaders learn basic principles of life and are taught creative ways to integrate these principles into lessons that captivate and motivate children.

Team Leaders Students aged 14 or older who have a strong love for teaching children may apply to be a team leader or assistant. Students may apply online at www.familyconferences.org/team-leaders.

Hotels with specially reduced rates for each conference can be viewed under the “Lodging” tab at www.familyconferences.org.

April 21–24, 2015

Big Sandy, Texas Meal packages are available. Please visit www.familyconferences.org/ bigsandy or contact ALERT at 903-636-2000 or events@alertacademy.com for more information. The ALERT RV Park and Campground is a fun site that hundreds of families have enjoyed! Call 903-636-2000 to make your reservations. International ALERT Academy One Academy Blvd. • Big Sandy, TX 75755

May 26–29, 2015

Nashville, Tennessee Meal packages are available. Visit www.familyconferences.org/nashville, or call 630-323-2842 for more information. A discounted rate is available to those who pre-order by May 19. The full meal plan includes seven meals, Tuesday dinner–Friday dinner. Nashville Training Center 612 W. Due West Ave. • Madison, TN 37115

June 30–July 3, 2015

Sacramento, California Meal packages are available. Visit www.familyconferences.org/sacramento, or call 630-323-2842 for more information. A discounted rate is available to those who pre-order by June 24. The full meal plan includes seven meals, Tuesday dinner–Friday dinner. Second Slavic Baptist Church 6601 Watt Ave. • North Highlands, CA 95660

July 21–24, 2015

Twin Cities, Minnesota Meal packages are available. Visit www.familyconferences.org/twincities, or call 630-323-2842 for more information. A discounted rate is available to those who pre-order by July 7. Please see online registration for information about meal plans available. Only individual meal tickets will be available for purchase at the door. University of Northwestern – St. Paul 3003 Snelling Avenue North • St. Paul, MN 55113


Conference Locations

2015 Family Conference Registration Form Register online! www.familyconferences.org

• Paper registrations must be postmarked three weeks before the conference begins. Online registration will be available until one week prior to the conference. All other registrations will be received at the door with appropriate fees.

• Final details will be posted on the website two weeks before the conference. • The conference help line is 630-570-4242. Our office hours are Monday–Friday, 9:30 a.m.– 12:00 noon and 1:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m. ct.

• Please bring your smiles. Our photographers will be taking pictures of bright, smiling faces that might appear in future IBLP promotional materials, products, or slide shows.

I am registering for the conference in: 1. Big Sandy

2. Nashville

3. Sacramento

(April 21–24)

(May 26–29)

(June 30–July 3)

4. Twin Cities (July 21–24)

Last name

Family ID number

Parents’ first names

Phone number

Address City/State

ZIP code

Email address Providing your email address will enable us to notify you of future seminars in your area, ministry reports, and other special offers.

Are you a . . .

Single parent Pastor First-time attendee Courting, engaged, or married recently (up to 5 years) Special sessions will be shared to support you in your season and role in life. For more information visit www.familyconferences.org.

Child’s Name

Please select one option for each child registering.

Family Children’s PreAge Viewing Institute Embassy Ages 0–3

Base Fee



Ages 4–7 | Fee: $50 Girls 8–11 | Fee: $50 Ladies 12–15 | Fee: $50 Boys 8–17 | Fee: $70


ATI Rate

ALERT Photography Student Workshop Sessions Cadet

For credit card use (Visa, MasterCard, or Discover only), please provide the following information:

Credit Card:


Family $185 $105 Individual $60 $40 Family at the door $200 $150 Individual at the door $90 $60


14 and up | $89

12 and up | Free!

Main Sessions Only

Base Fee: $ Program Fee(s): $ Total: $

– Expiration Date


Please complete this form and return it to

Authorized Signature

Note: All requests for refunds must be submitted in writing and will incur a $35 processing fee. Please allow 4–6 weeks for processing refunds.

Security Code (The 3-digit code is located on the back of your card.)

Conference Registration Box One Oak Brook, IL 60522-3001 Make checks payable to “IBLP.”

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