2016 Family Conference Guide

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April 19–22

July 5–8



May 17–20

Aug. 30 – Sept. 2

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. I JOHN 1:7

Register online at familyconferences.org.

CONFERENCE THEME To say “Family Conference” brings a host of memories to the minds of families who have benefited from rich fellowship, powerful messages, and hands-on experiences. This year will be no exception! Inspiring speakers will give practical teaching from the Word of God. Action-packed activities will be used to illustrate life lessons that young people and children will remember long afterwards. Special break-out sessions will be held to encourage fathers to be the spiritual leaders of their homes, while other workshops will support mothers who are seeking to fulfill their callings. We will again offer special break-out sessions for pastors, single parents, and young couples. A new opportunity is scheduled for the Saturday following the conference: a special morning session in which we will glean from experienced homeschooling parents. This year the theme for the Family Conferences is “Walking in the Light.” The timeliness and importance of this theme cannot be overstated. God’s Word abounds with teaching on light! In the beginning, God said, “Let there be light.” In our present culture there is a definite agenda to reject the light and silence those who bring the message of light. Jesus emphasized the urgency of His mission when He stated, “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work” (John 9:4). As Christ’s followers, we are described as “the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14). The best way to walk in the light is to make God’s Word a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. Many families around the world long for fellowship. Enriching fellowship happens when we humble ourselves and walk in the light. Scripture states that “if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin” (I John 1:7). The watching world around us sees and recognizes disciples of Jesus as we walk in the light and exhibit the resulting fellowship and genuine love for one another. It is by walking in the light that we become beacons of light to a lost and dying world.

Have questions? Call 630-323-2842.

CONFERENCE SPEAKERS GIL BATES Let Your Light So Shine Nestled in the hills of Tennessee stands the Bates family home, bustling with activity and beaming with light to their surrounding community. Gil is not only a dedicated father to nineteen children and now a grandfather of several “little blessings,” but he also pastors Bible Baptist Church, runs a tree cutting business, is an active member of the IBLP Board of Directors, and has worked with his family to be part of a TV series called Bringing Up Bates. This year Gil Bates will share messages about the importance of walking in the light of God’s Word by applying it to our lives each day. SPEAKING LIVE IN B IG SANDY, TOCCOA, SACRAMENTO, AND GREEN LAKE

DON SAVELL Watching the Weather Evangelist Don Savell refers to himself as “just a humble servant hoping to be a blessing to others for the Glory of our Great and Mighty God.” As such, he has been mightily used of the Lord for nearly a half century to bring the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ to people throughout the country. He is often on the road for forty-six weeks out of the year. Don’s love for the Lord and His Word is evident, and you will truly enjoy his classic series titled “Watching the Weather.”

©2016 IBLP • Box One • Oak Brook, IL 60522-3001

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JOBE MARTIN Using Creation to Shine the Light of the Gospel Dr. Jobe Martin and his wonderful family have focused their ministry on Biblical Discipleship. As a former dentist who excelled in his field, Dr. Martin was taught the humanistic philosophy that has permeated our culture. Today, however, his ministry uses the truths and evidence of Creation to refute those lies, dispelling the darkness by taking the light of Christ to the hearts and lives of people. You will be equipped and inspired by his message about “Creation evangelism.” SPEAKING LIVE IN B IG SANDY, TOCCOA, AND GREEN LAKE

Register online at familyconferences.org.

JAMIE LASH Casting Down Imaginations Jamie is the Director of Student Development at Dallas Baptist University and co-author of the best-selling book, This Was Your Life!  This year, Jamie will teach us how to drive out darkness by casting down imaginations that are contrary to the truths of God’s Word. He will also share messages about the importance of meditating on God’s Word and seeing God accurately so that we will trust Him, even in the midst of great adversity. SPEAKING LIVE IN B IG SANDY

DARREN MYERS Faith That Faces Tyrants God called Darren from twenty-five years of pastoring to found Freedom Focus. It started when his church hosted a patriotic community picnic that honored our military and law enforcement. Special speakers, color guards, a multimedia presentation, and fireworks drew thousands to reflect on our faith-filled history. Since then, he and his family have traveled across the country with a goal of making personal and political freedom “come alive.” SPEAKING LIVE IN B IG SANDY, TOCCOA, SACRAMENTO, AND GREEN LAKE

PAUL AND JENNY SPEED Walk in the Light for Rich Fellowship Scripture states, “If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin” (I John 1:7). Paul and Jenny have found the truth of this Scripture to be evident in all relationships, especially in marriage. In their messages and in their one-on-one counseling sessions, Paul and Jenny share the importance of openness and brokenness to achieve deep fellowship and oneness. SPEAKING LIVE IN T OCCOA

SHELLEY HENDRY Lessons From the Lives of Great Christians Shelley has a deep interest in studying the lives of great Christians. Proverbs 13:20 states, “He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.” As you see and hear Shelley’s dramatic monologue presentations, you will feel like you are walking with these wise men and women of Christendom. SPEAKING LIVE IN T OCCOA

OTTO KONING Share the Light Say his name and immediately smiles will appear as people recall the transparent and humorous life stories Otto has shared over the years. His famous “Pineapple Story” springs from the life lessons he learned as a young missionary in Papua New Guinea. Now residing stateside, Otto is eager to encourage everyone he meets to walk in the light and to share the Light while there is light for “the night cometh, when no man can work” (John 9:4). SPEAKING LIVE IN T OCCOA

Have questions? Call 630-323-2842.

PETER MAGNUSON God’s Glory, My Light Peter is one of the eight children of Roger Magnuson, who went Home to be with the Lord in November 2014. Just as his father was, Peter is an attorney, the pastor of Straitgate Church in inner-city Minneapolis, and a wonderful father. Peter will share about the light of God’s glory in the face of Jesus Christ and the power of that light to transform us in every area of our lives. SPEAKING LIVE IN B IG SANDY AND GREEN LAKE

RICK WARNER My Father’s Bible Rick and Donna Warner have served the Lord by ministering to those who live in the remote reaches of outer Mongolia. Purposing to walk in the light within a community of darkness for seven years before seeing fruit requires great faith. What spurred them on? Rick will share life lessons he learned from his father and explain how they impassioned him in his work overseas as well as in his work now with ALERT Cadets. SPEAKING LIVE IN B IG SANDY, TOCCOA, SACRAMENTO, AND GREEN LAKE

DWAIN SWANSON Be Courageous! Stay in the Light of God’s Word Dwain has nearly boundless energy and channels it into his goal to inspire men to be in the Word. He founded the ministry called “Courageous Men of the Word,” which is now reaching nearly four hundred men. The stories of how God has used this ministry in the lives of men and their families are inspiring. Dwain will be sharing about the importance of leading your family to the Word of God as well as how to practically walk in the light personally. SPEAKING LIVE IN B IG SANDY AND TOCCOA

S. M. DAVIS Walking in the Light for Lasting Answers Today families are struggling to find the answers they need. That is why Dr. Davis has worked tirelessly to help mine answers from God’s Word. He founded “Solve Family Problems” in an effort to help families find Biblical solutions to work through the issues they face. Dr. Davis will share messages that will help you as a family walk in the light of God’s Word. SPEAKING LIVE IN BIG SANDY, TOCCOA, SACRAMENTO, AND GREEN LAKE

JOE NORVELL Light to Discern Between Principles and Doctrines As a second-generation homeschool dad, Joe has a passion for family. As a pastor, he has a passion for God’s Word. As a believer in Jesus Christ, he has a passion for every believer to walk in the light and enjoy full fellowship with our Lord. Joe helped troubled youth at the Eagle Mountain Training Center and brings unique insights from God’s Word with every message. SPEAKING LIVE IN B IG SANDY

Register online at familyconferences.org.

OPPORTUNITIES  for the WHOLE FAMILY A highlight of the conferences is the melodious music that families contribute. We encourage all families to make music ministry a part of their normal family outreach. So why not prepare a special music piece as motivation to be ready for ministry anytime anywhere? As we listen to special music submissions, we are not so much looking for professional skill levels but rather for joyful and triumphant music presented by families playing or singing hymns or hymn arrangements together.

Family Ministry Opportunities Families or siblings may audition to share special music or a Scripture recitation at a conference by sending a DVD or MP4 of their presentation to the ATI Department. Families are encouraged to consider submitting music that is related to a hymn. Families quoting Scripture are encouraged to use the King James Version. Please provide your contact information (including a current email address and number for a cell phone you will have at the conference) and indicate which conference(s) you plan to attend. Audition recordings should be submitted as soon as possible but no later than two weeks before the conference you are attending. Recordings will not be returned.

Student Choir and Orchestra Students of all ages are welcome to audition for the student orchestra. If you play an orchestral instrument, we would love to have you join us! For more information, please visit www.familyconferences.org/orchestra, or call us at 630-323-2842. The student choir does not require an audition, and all students are encouraged to participate!

Have questions? Call 630-323-2842.

Please send audition recordings to: ATI Department One Academy Blvd. Big Sandy, TX 75755 Email: music@iblp.org Phone: 630-323-2842

Friday Presentation Dress Code Young Women • Solid navy or black skirt of modest length (Please avoid slits.) • Solid white, modestfitting blouse • Dress shoes

Young Men • Navy or black slacks • White dress shirt and tie • Dress shoes

ALERT CADET CHALLENGE for young men aged 8–17, all day The Purpose of ALERT Cadets The Cadet program, which operates in local communities around the world, is a branch of ALERT that assists fathers in turning their hearts to their sons and leading their sons into Biblical manhood. Each year ALERT and Cadet leaders come together to hold the ALERT Cadet Challenge at the Family Conferences. The Challenge is filled with spiritual, mental, and physical lessons designed to impart a global vision for service to each young man and to challenge him to develop a heart fully committed to Christ.

NEW: Leadership Training Challenge This optional opportunity for young men aged 13-17 will uniquely challenge them to develop character and skills necessary to be men of God and leaders. The Leadership Training Challenge will be more difficult physically and mentally, stretching young men as they grow into Biblical manhood. Participants will meet separately during morning sessions then rejoin the younger group to help teach them valuable life lessons. Uniform for Challenge

• Tennis shoes or broken-in hiking boots • Khaki-colored BDUs* or pants, 3 pairs • ALERT Cadet T-shirt (3) and a khaki cap**

Squad Leaders

Contact ALERT Headquarters or apply online at familyconferences.org/team-leaders. International ALERT Academy Email: cadet@alertacademy.com Phone: 903-636-9228 Leaders should register for the ALERT Cadet Challenge; standard costs apply under for boys aged 8–17. If you are 18 or older and would like to assist, please call 903-636-9228.

COST: $75 per participant

Items to Bring

• KJV Bible, pen/pencil • Small backpack • Filled water bottle (minimum 1 liter) • 6´ long, ¼˝ braided, nylon rope • Rain poncho, sunscreen, compass • 3 morning snacks (lunch will be provided)

* BDUs can be purchased at thealertstore.com. Click on the ALERT Cadet link. ** One shirt and one cap wi­ll be issued at registration; additional items may be purchased at the conference on a first-come, first-served basis.

CHILDREN’S INSTITUTE for children aged 4–7, all day The Goal The goal of the Children’s Institute is to “turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers” (Malachi 4:6). By teaching and discipling children in God’s truths in ways that are both understandable and exciting to them, seeds that will undoubtedly yield much fruit are planted in each child’s life. Team leaders learn basic principles of life and are taught creative ways to integrate these principles into lessons that captivate and motivate children. COST: $55 per participant

Love teaching children? Students aged 14 and older may apply to be a team leader or assistant.

Register online at familyconferences.org.

Find out more at familyconferences.org/team-leaders.

PRE-EMBASSY for girls aged 8–11, all day Foundational Truths for Life Girls aged 8–11 are invited to join us for an exciting week at Pre-Embassy! This year we will focus on how God has made His children to be lights and how to walk in the truth of who we are in Christ. Together we will learn about God’s heart and His good purposes for us. The perspectives we gain as children set the stage for the decisions we make as teenagers and even as adults. Knowing the truth of who we are in Christ will impact how we live and help us to be an effective witnesses for Christ. Items to Bring

• KJV Bible and notebook • Backpack or tote bag

COST: $65 per participant

Daily Dress for Pre-Embassy • Burgundy shirt* • Navy or khaki skirt • Khaki bucket hat* • Tennis shoes

* One Pre-Embassy binder, khaki bucket hat, and Pre-Embassy shirt will be issued at registration. Additional shirts may be purchased.

COMMIT for young ladies aged 12–15, half day Wholeheartedly Pursuing Jesus Cultivate your relationship with the Lord and get a vision to change your world! The sessions and activities of COMMIT are planned with these goals in mind: to motivate young ladies to choose to seek God first, become fully committed to Him, love Him with all their hearts, and humbly serve others in their irreplaceable youth. The teaching is presented with Bible references, personal illustrations, and life applications. Each team will be led by an enthusiastic team leader who will encourage the young ladies in the ways of the Lord. Items to Bring • KJV Bible • Pen • Notebook

Daily Dress for COMMIT • Dress skirt of modest length (Please avoid slits.) • Modest-fitting blouse • Dress shoes

COST: $50 per participant

Have a heart for discipling younger girls? Young women aged 16 and older may apply to be a team leader or assistant for Pre-Embassy or COMMIT. Find out more at familyconferences.org/team-leaders.

Have questions? Call 630-323-2842.

STUDENT SESSIONS for students aged 12 and up, half day Walk in the Light You Have Been Given Do you ever struggle with knowing what direction God wants you to take? We all want to do something great. However, in order to make an impact in the world, we must be willing to be transformed by the truth of God’s Word and a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. This year you will hear powerful life-changing messages from God’s Word by a variety of speakers. It is our prayer that you will be challenged to develop deep convictions based upon the Word of God, become a bold witness to a lost and dying world, and have a ministry of vital intercessory prayer! The simple truth is that if you walk in the light you already have been given, you will be given light for the next step. However, if you fail to receive the light, you may end up in the dark. This year’s student sessions will focus on walking in the light to receive direction for life. Life is short. So walk in the light and live for things that count for eternity!

Daily Dress for Young Men • Dress slacks • Dress shirt and tie • Dress shoes

Daily Dress for Young Women • Dress skirt of modest length (Please avoid slits.) • Modest-fitting blouse • Dress shoes

COST: Free!

PHOTOGRAPHY TEAM for students aged 14 and up Successful Event Photography Learn, practice, and master the skills of covering the photography needs of a large event. Under the guidance and instruction of James Staddon, who has been actively photographing Family Conferences for six years, learn how to effectively capture the moment, create consistently bright and sharp images, and expedite the post-processing work flow for meeting time-sensitive deadlines. The Photography Team is specifically structured to accommodate both beginner level and “beyond beginner level” photographers with SLR cameras. Students will learn through classroom training, onlocation shooting assignments, and one-on-one photo critique. Items to Bring

• DSLR Camera • Laptop Computer with Adobe Photoshop Lightroom®

COST: $95 per participant

Register online at familyconferences.org.

YOUNG COUPLES for courting, engaged, or newlywed couples • Wednesday morning Unless the Lord Builds the Home The transition from being a single young person to being a spouse has many adjustments. Then, to have a third personality in the home when your first little one arrives adds a whole new dimension. So much change occurs in those formative years that we seldom realize just how important and foundational those years are. Wise decisions can reap years of happiness and fruitfulness while just a few unwise choices can produce years of regret and heartache. Come learn how to lay a good foundation for a union that honors God and brings lasting fruit.


Single Parent Workshop & Luncheon

To say pastors have a tough task is an understatement. Not only are the physical and emotional demands challenging, but the spiritual attack is constant. In the Word, undershepherds are exhorted to be diligent in feeding the sheep, knowing their needs, and being examples as they tend them. Satan desires to hinder this important task. For this reason, we have planned a special morning of encouraging sessions and rich fellowship designed to strengthen pastors to do great damage to Satan’s kingdom and to promote great advancement of Christ’s kingdom.

The pressures and challenges that single parents face are intense and confusing, leaving parents often feeling misunderstood and vulnerable. If you are a single parent, you are not alone! This workshop is designed to encourage you through the support, prayer, and fellowship of others who are going through or have gone through similar challenges. Hesitant to come? Past attendees have shared about their initial hesitancy to come, yet how glad they were that they did because of the fellowship and encouraging support, they experienced at this informal gathering.

Friday morning

Thursday morning

HOMESCHOOL CATALYST special Saturday morning workshop Beginners and Veterans Collaborating for Success! Do you need some stimulating ideas, encouraging support, and practical tips to help you accomplish your goal of building your children’s education on the Word of God? This extra morning of sessions is planned just for you! Gary Fraley was part of the team who created the Wisdom Booklets. He not only helped write them but also coached many families through them. Bob Newhouse also was an ATI dad, and he, too, has had vast experience coaching families in their home education. Do you ever just feel overwhelmed with the daunting task of homeschooling? If you have been in this place and found your way through it, come and help mentor those who are just starting out. If you are in this place, you likely need a helping hand and a word of encouragement, so come prepared to be blessed, supported, and encouraged! Plan to stay a few extra hours on Saturday morning, and you may get just the tools you have been looking for to truly make God’s Word the center of your life and your learning!

Bob Newhouse

Child-care will be available for families attending the Family Catalyst workshop. COST: Free!

Gary Fraley

Have questions? Call 630-323-2842.

CONFERENCE LOCATIONS Housing with specially reduced rates for each conference can be viewed under the “Lodging” tab at familyconferences.org.

Big Sandy, Texas Meal packages are available. Please visit familyconferences.org/big-sandy or contact ATI at 903-636-2000 or ati@iblp.org for more information. The ALERT RV Park and Campground is a fun site that hundreds of families have enjoyed! Please visit familyconferences.org/big-sandy and click on the lodging tab to make your reservations. International ALERT Academy One Academy Blvd. • Big Sandy, TX 75755

Toccoa, Georgia Meal packages are available. These package prices are available only in advance with online registration. Meal packages purchased upon arrival will be very limited and offered at a higher price. The full meal plan includes ten meals, Tuesday dinner–Friday dinner. Visit mytoccoa.com/ walkinginthelight, or call 706-886-3133 for more information. Georgia Baptist Conference Center 462 Sonrise Way • Toccoa, GA 30577 Conference center website: mytoccoa.com/walkinginthelight

Sacramento, California Meal packages are available. Visit familyconferences.org/sacramento, or call 903-636-2000 for more information. A discounted rate is available to those who pre-order by June 21. The full meal plan includes seven meals, Tuesday dinner–Friday dinner.

Second Slavic Baptist Church 6601 Watt Ave. • North Highlands, CA 95660

Green Lake, Wisconsin Meal packages are available. Visit familyconferences.org/green-lake, or call 920-294-3323 for more information. Meals packages will be available for purchase after July 11 on a first-come, first-served basis.

Green Lake Conference Center W2511 State Road 23 • Green Lake, WI 54941 Conference center website: glcc.org

Register online at familyconferences.org.

2016 FAMILY CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM Register online! www.familyconferences.org • Paper registrations must be postmarked two weeks before the conference begins. Online registration will be available until one week prior to the conference. All other registrations will be received at the door with appropriate fees.

I am registering for the conference in:

• Final details will be posted on the website two weeks before the conference.

• Please bring your smiles. We will be taking pictures and video of your bright, smiling faces that might appear in future IBLP promotional media, products, or slide shows.

• The conference help line is 630-323-2842. Our office hours are Monday–Friday, 9:00–11:45 am and 1:00–5:00 pm , Central Time.

Big Sandy, TX

Toccoa, GA

Sacramento, CA

Early registration deadline: April 12

Early registration deadline: May 10

Early registration deadline: June 28

May 17–20

April 19–22

Green Lake, WI

July 5–8





August 30–September 2 Early registration deadline: August 23





EMAIL ADDRESS Providing your email address will enable us to notify you of future events in your area, ministry reports, and other special offers.

To help us better prepare for special workshops, please check all that apply:

Single parent


First-time attendee


Family Viewing Ages 0–3







Family at the door





Individual at the door Previous 2016 conference attendee

*The base fee is waived for families or individuals registering as a previous 2016 Conference attendee.

Saturday Homeschool Catalyst Workshop Child’s Name



Courting, engaged, or recently married (up to 5 years)

Please select one option for each child registering.


Children’s Institute



Girls 8–11 Fee: $65

Ladies 12–15 Fee: $50

Ages 4–7 Fee: $55

ALERT Cadet Photography Boys 8–17 Fee: $75

14 and up Fee: $95

Student Sessions 12 and up Free!

Base Fee: $ CARD TYPE:

Program Fee(s): $ Amount We Are Sowing*: $




TOTAL: $ Please complete this form and return to:


AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Note: All requests for refunds must be submitted in writing and will incur a $35 processing fee. Please allow 4–6 weeks for processing refunds.

*All funds designated to this field are used to assist those under financial strain to attend a Family Conference.

Family Conference Registration One Academy Blvd. Big Sandy, TX 75755 Please make all checks payable to “IBLP.”

Have questions? Call 630-323-2842. • Register online at familyconferences.org.

Main Sessions Only

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