2017 Family Conference Guide

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Family Conferences are weeklong, life-changing family events. Rich fellowship, inspiring messages, and hands-on workshops make Family Conference something to look forward to by anyone who has experienced one. Whether making new friendships with other families or rekindling relationships from previous years, the conference is an annual highlight for many. The conferences are structured to foster spiritual growth as young and old alike are challenged to honor God’s Word in every area of their lives. Special sessions are available for fathers, mothers, students ages 12–young adult (Student Sessions), boys ages 8–17 (ALERT Cadets), young ladies ages 12–15 (COMMIT), girls ages 8–11 (Pre-Embassy), and children ages 4–7 (Children’s Institute), as well as times for the whole family to learn together. This year our theme is “Trust in the Lord.” Scripture exhorts us, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5). More than ever before there is a great need to place our hope and trust in Jesus Christ—not only for our future, health, and finances, but also for our family relationships, fellowship with other believers, and revival in our country. While it is easy to place confidence in men, methods, or ministries, now is the time that we need to confirm that we are deeply rooted in God’s Word. Programs may help; people may encourage; families may be strengthened; change may take place in our nation—but when all is said and done, we must trust in the Lord. As you make plans to attend a conference, our hope and prayer is that you and your family’s trust in the Lord will grow stronger and deeper. Through messages from God’s Word and encouraging fellowship with committed believers in this special set-aside time, we desire that each person’s heart will be touched and every believer’s confidence strengthened as we each gain greater trust in the Lord.

Have questions? Call 630-323-2842.

CONFERENCE SPEAKERS Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar Raising 19 children is a big challenge; raising them for over 10 years while on reality TV is an even greater challenge. Trusting in the Lord for their family is something Jim Bob and Michelle have definitely experienced, both privately and publicly. The Duggars humbly share their joys and trials, desiring to minister to other families who desire God’s best, even when their lives take unexpected turns. Jim Bob and Michelle’s message is still the same: trust in the Lord. SPEAKING LIVE IN BIG SANDY

Scott Pauley Growing up with parents in full-time ministry, Scott witnessed his parents’ love for the Lord and was blessed to be raised in a joy-filled home. In a day when conservative Christian homes could easily slip into focusing on disciplines and regulations instead of love, Scott has a passion to help families experience a joy-filled home centered on God’s Word. Traveling now as a full-time evangelist, he preaches the Gospel and desires to influence this generation for Christ. SPEAKING LIVE IN BIG SANDY

Jerry Benjamin God distinctly declares that the first indication of not trusting in Him is not unbelief, anger, disobedience, or rebellion, but an unthankful heart (Romans 1:21). We express that ungratefulness with our murmuring, complaining, and grumbling. Yet, do we realize that murmuring maligns and defames the goodness of God— we are actually accusing God of no longer being good! God is good! Therefore, everything He does is perfect and right. He is good, and thus, we can trust Him! SPEAKING LIVE IN BIG SANDY, SACRAMENTO, AND GREEN LAKE

Register online at familyconferences.org.

Gil & Kelly Bates For a taste of Southern hospitality, stop by the Bates’ home nestled in the hills of Tennessee. For a taste of good, down-to-earth Bible preaching on family, marriage, and your walk with the Lord, listen as Gil Bates shares from the Word and his own walk with God. Gil and his wife Kelly love and serve God through raising their 19 children and ministering in a Bible-based church. SPEAKING LIVE IN BIG SANDY, TOCCOA, SACRAMENTO, AND GREEN LAKE

Tim Tomlinson Tim was raised by dedicated Christian parents who taught him to walk in the truth of God’s Word. As a boy, he placed his faith in Christ and yielded to the Lord’s leading to prepare for the ministry. He and his wife Angie married in 1998, and have been blessed with three children. Tim has been a Bible teacher for over 20 years and serves as Vice President of Administration at Crown College in Knoxville, Tennessee. SPEAKING LIVE IN BIG SANDY

Shelley Hendry Declare the mighty acts of God! Make His praises glorious! Shelley Hendry has found great riches in the inspirational value of studying the lives of great men and women of the faith. Her passion to bring to life the wonderful ways and means of God in history has led her to bring these heroes of faith to life through costumed monologues. Her heartfelt desire is to inspire and build the faith of this and future generations so that they may, indeed, trust in the Lord! SPEAKING LIVE IN BIG SANDY, TOCCOA , AND GREEN LAKE

Otto Koning Otto trusted God and obeyed His call to serve Him in Papua New Guinea in the 1960’s-’70’s. The life lessons he learned during his 14 years on the mission field ministering to tribal people not only impacted the tribes but also countless others who have heard his stories through his “Pineapple Story” series. Otto and his family continue to share their message of trusting in the Lord, the importance of missions, and understanding spiritual warfare. SPEAKING LIVE IN TOCCOA

Have questions? Call 630-323-2842.

Joe Norvell After graduating from public high school, Joe’s father made a unique appeal for him to try out ATI for just one year. Joe’s decision led him to trust God to lead through other key areas of his father’s counsel— the results would open doors that he never imagined! Joe is happily married to Heather, and they both desire to raise their growing family to love and serve the Lord. Joe has also been an assistant pastor at a church in Houston, Texas since 2007. SPEAKING LIVE IN BIG SANDY

Steve & Teri Maxwell Steve and Teri Maxwell, the parents of eight grown children and many grandchildren, homeschooled for thirty years. Through their first book, Managers of Their Homes, the Lord led them to begin their Titus2.com ministry. What initially began as teaching time management grew into a ministry of discipling fathers and families in a variety of topics. Their messages encourage hearers to seek Christ, plan and persevere in wise handling of time and resources, and prepare children to do great things. SPEAKING LIVE IN BIG SANDY

Jobe Martin Dr. Martin and his family travel extensively, speaking in a variety of venues—from secular campuses to churches—encouraging people to take God at His Word, from Genesis to Revelation. His testimony is that he was converted “from an evolution-trained scientist to a Bible-believing creationist.” Dr. Martin’s messages resonate with the importance of trusting in God’s Word to build our trust in the Lord. SPEAKING LIVE IN TOCCOA, SACRAMENTO, AND GREEN LAKE

Peter Magnuson As parents, our trust in the Lord often is tested as our children mature and begin to make decisions of their own. Does our parenting during this challenging time show more faith or fear? Peter Magnuson, son of Roger and Betsy Magnuson, grew up in a home where his parents sought to trust the Lord in the way they encouraged their children’s individual spiritual maturity. From his parents’ example, Peter will share Biblical principles related to faith-filled parenting. SPEAKING LIVE IN TOCCOA AND GREEN LAKE

Register online at familyconferences.org.

David Waller David was homeschooled with the ATI program, along with his nine brothers and sisters. He is grateful for parents who were and still are committed to the Lord Jesus and provided opportunities for their children to learn to trust in the Lord, whether here in America or on the mission field in Mongolia. David and his wife, Priscilla, have three children and reside in Big Sandy, Texas, where he currently serves as Director of ATI. SPEAKING LIVE IN BIG SANDY, TOCCOA, SACRAMENTO, AND GREEN LAKE

S. M. Davis S. M. Davis is internationally known for his extensive video library that he makes available to families through his ministry Solve Family Problems, and through his itinerant teaching and preaching ministry. His practical teaching helps us understand relationships and our roles as parents, teens, and children. His messages will center on how to trust in the Lord when your children don’t. SPEAKING LIVE IN BIG SANDY, TOCCOA, SACRAMENTO, AND GREEN LAKE

Gabriel Cleator “God wants us to trust Him wholeheartedly, but it is very difficult to trust Someone you don’t know very well.” Sharing from Scripture and life experiences, Gabriel shows how knowing God more wholly leads to trusting God more fully. His exuberant joy comes from the Lord, and his earnest desire is to encourage others in their spiritual walks. SPEAKING LIVE IN BIG SANDY, TOCCOA, SACRAMENTO, AND GREEN LAKE

Dwain Swanson Dwain founded the ministry Courageous Men of the Word, which is now reaching nearly four hundred men across the United States. Together these men are deepening their trust in the Lord through Scripture reading, prayer, and exhorting one another. Dwain will be sharing about the importance of leading your family to the Word of God as well as how to practically trust in the Lord personally. SPEAKING LIVE IN BIG SANDY AND TOCCOA

Have questions? Call 630-323-2842.

OPPORTUNITIES  for the WHOLE FAMILY A highlight of the conferences is the melodious music that families contribute. We encourage all families to make music ministry a part of their regular family outreach. So why not prepare a special music piece as motivation to be ready for ministry anytime, anywhere? As we listen to special music submissions, we are not so much looking for professional skill levels but rather for joyful and triumphant music presented by families playing or singing hymns or hymn arrangements together.

PLEASE SEND AUDITION RECORDINGS TO: ATI Department One Academy Blvd. Big Sandy, TX 75755 Email: music@iblp.org Phone: 630-323-2842

Family Ministry Opportunities Families or siblings may audition to share special music or a Scripture recitation at a conference by sending a DVD or MP4 of their presentation to the ATI Department. Families are encouraged to consider submitting music that is related to a hymn. Families quoting Scripture are encouraged to use the King James Version. Please provide your contact information (including a current email address and number for a cell phone you will have at the conference) and indicate which conference(s) you plan to attend. Audition recordings should be submitted as soon as possible but no later than two weeks before the conference you are attending. Recordings will not be returned.

Student Choir and Orchestra Students of all ages are welcome to audition for the student orchestra. If you play an orchestral instrument, we would love to have you join us! For more information about being involved in the student orchestra, please visit www.familyconferences.org/ orchestra, or call us at 630-323-2842. The student choir does not require an audition, and all students are encouraged to participate!

FRIDAY PRESENTATION DRESS CODE: Young Women • Solid navy or black skirt of modest length (Please avoid slits.) • Solid white, modest-fitting blouse • Dress shoes

Young Men • Navy or black slacks • White dress shirt and tie • Dress shoes

Register online at familyconferences.org.

ALERT Cadet Challenge for young men aged 8–17, all day The Purpose of ALERT Cadets Each year ALERT and Cadet leaders come together to hold the ALERT Cadet Challenge at the Family Conferences. The Challenge is filled with spiritual, mental, and physical lessons designed to impart a vision for service to each young man and to challenge him to develop a heart fully committed to Christ.

Leadership Training Challenge This optional opportunity for young men aged 13-17 will uniquely challenge them to develop character and skills necessary to be men of God and leaders. The Leadership Training Challenge will be more difficult physically and mentally, stretching young men as they grow into Biblical manhood. We desire to help fathers and sons connect with each other on a deeper level. New this year—we are offering an afternoon opportunity where fathers can come and participate sideby-side with their older sons who are participating in the Leadership Training Challenge.

UNIFORM FOR CHALLENGE • Tennis shoes or broken-in hiking boots • Khaki-colored BDUs* or pants, 3 pairs • ALERT Cadet T-shirt (3) and a khaki cap**

ITEMS TO BRING • KJV Bible, pen/pencil • Small backpack • Filled water bottle (minimum 1 liter) • 6´ long, ¼˝ braided, nylon rope • Rain poncho, sunscreen • Compass (optional) • Snacks (lunch will be provided)

COST: $75 per participant

*BDUs can be purchased by calling the Alert Cadet Office at 903-636-9228. ** One shirt and one cap wi­ll be issued at registration; additional items may be purchased at the conference on a first-come, first-served basis.

Squad Leaders Contact ALERT or apply online at familyconferences.org/ team-leaders. International ALERT Academy cadet@alertacademy.com 903-636-9228

Have questions? Call 630-323-2842.

Children’s Institute for children aged 4–7, all day The Goal The goal of the Children’s Institute is to encourage children to learn early in life the importance of trusting the Lord. As the children’s hearts are turned to the Lord, their hearts will also be turned to their parents as stated in Scripture: “. . . turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers . . .” (Malachi 4:6). Team leaders will learn creative ways to teach truth to children while also being encouraged in their own personal walk with the Lord. COST: $55 per participant

Love teaching children? Students aged 14 and older may apply to be a team leader or assistant. Find out more at familyconferences.org/team-leaders.

Register online at familyconferences.org.

Pre-Embassy for girls aged 8–11, all day Foundational Truths for Life Girls aged 8–11 are invited to join us for an exciting week at PreEmbassy! This year we will focus on deepening our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. The more we know our heavenly Father, the more we will be able to trust Him. The perspectives we gain as children set the stage for the decisions we make as teenagers and later as adults. Knowing the truth of Who Christ is and who we are in Christ will impact how we live and help us to be an effective witnesses for Christ.

ITEMS TO BRING • KJV Bible and notebook • Backpack or tote bag

DAILY DRESS FOR PRE-EMBASSY • Burgundy shirt* • Navy or khaki skirt • Khaki bucket hat* • Tennis shoes * One Pre-Embassy manual, khaki bucket hat, and Pre-Embassy shirt will be issued at registration. Additional shirts may be purchased.

COST: $65 per participant

COMMIT for young ladies aged 12–15, half day Wholeheartedly Trusting Jesus Cultivate your relationship with the Lord and gain a vision to change your world! The sessions and activities of COMMIT are planned with these goals in mind: to motivate young ladies to choose to seek God first, become fully committed to Him, love Him with all their hearts, and humbly serve others in their youth. The teaching is presented from the Scriptures using personal illustrations and packed with life applications. Each team will be led by an enthusiastic leader who will encourage the young ladies in the ways of the Lord.

ITEMS TO BRING • KJV Bible • Pen • Notebook

DAILY DRESS FOR COMMIT • Dress skirt of modest length (Please avoid slits.) • Modest-fitting blouse • Dress shoes

COST: $50 per participant

Have a heart for discipling younger girls? Young women aged 16 and older may apply to be a team leader or assistant for Pre-Embassy or COMMIT. Find out more at familyconferences.org/ team-leaders.

Have questions? Call 630-323-2842.

Student Sessions for students aged 12 and up, half day Total Trust for God’s Best


What does it mean to trust God? How do we fully trust Him? This year, the student sessions will focus on the importance of fully trusting the Lord for every area of your life. “Every area” means your future, your work, your marriage, your ministry—even your present! These special sessions have been designed to strengthen and challenge you to trust in the Lord in all parts of your life. Speakers will share from Scripture as well as from their own personal experiences of how trusting in the Lord has guided them in their lives.

Young Men • Dress slacks • Dress shirt and tie • Dress shoes

Young Women • Dress skirt of modest length (Please avoid slits.) • Modest-fitting blouse • Dress shoes

COST: Free!

Photography Team for students aged 14 and up Successful Event Photography Learn, practice, and master the skills for covering the photography needs of a large event. Under the guidance and instruction of James Staddon, founder of Lenspiration, learn how to effectively capture the moment, create consistently sharp images, and expedite the post-processing workflow for meeting deadlines on time. The Photography Team is specifically structured to accommodate both beginner and intermediate level photographers with SLR cameras. Students will learn through classroom training, on-location shooting assignments, and one-on-one photo critique.

ITEMS TO BRING • DSLR Camera • Laptop Computer with Adobe Photoshop Lightroom®

COST: $95 per participant

Register online at familyconferences.org.

SPECIAL SESSIONS Single Parent Luncheon

Adoptive Parent Fellowship

Thursday Noon

Thursday Afternoon

The pressures and challenges that single parents face are intense and confusing, leaving them often feeling misunderstood and vulnerable. As a single parent, it is very easy to feel alone and overwhelmed. Come meet and interact with other single parents; this specific time is offered as an opportunity to connect with others who are going through or have gone through similar challenges that you may be facing.

The challenges you face are not isolated to your experience. There are others who have been down the path of adoption and have faced similar obstacles and challenges Biblically. This afternoon is dedicated to you as adoptive parents—to support, encourage, and strengthen you in the unique challenges you face. Whether you are an experienced adoptive parent or you are just considering adoption, this fellowship is for you.

Young Couples’ Session

Pastors’ Workshop

Wednesday morning

Friday morning

The transition from being a single young person to being a spouse has many adjustments. So much change occurs in those formative years that we seldom realize just how important and foundational those years are. Wise decisions can reap years of happiness and fruitfulness while just a few unwise choices can produce years of regret and heartache. Come learn how to lay a good foundation for a union that honors God and brings lasting fruit.

To say that pastors have a tough task is an understatement. Not only are the physical and emotional demands challenging, but the spiritual attack is constant. In the Word, undershepherds are exhorted to be diligent in feeding the sheep, knowing their needs, and being examples as they tend them. Satan desires to hinder this important task. For this reason, we have planned a special morning of encouraging sessions and rich fellowship designed to strengthen and encourage pastors.


HOMESCHOOL CATALYST Saturday morning Beginners and Veterans Collaborating for Success! Do you need some stimulating ideas, encouraging support, and practical tips to help you accomplish your goal of building your children’s education on the Word of God? This extra morning of sessions is planned just for you! Do you ever just feel overwhelmed with the daunting task of homeschooling? If you have been in this place and found your way through it, come and help mentor those who are just starting out. If you are in this place, you likely need a helping hand and a word of encouragement, so come prepared to be blessed, supported, and encouraged! Plan to stay a few extra hours on Saturday morning, and you may get just the tools you have been looking for to truly make God’s Word the center of your life and your learning! Childcare will be available for families attending the Homeschool Catalyst workshop. COST: Free!

Have questions? Call 630-323-2842.

2017 Family Conference Registration Form Register online! www.familyconferences.org


Big Sandy, TX

Toccoa, GA

April 25–29

May 23–27

Early registration deadline: April 18

Early registration deadline: May 16

Sacramento, CA

Green Lake, WI

July 4–8

September 5–9

Early registration deadline: June 27

Early registration deadline: August 29




















Family at the door



Individual at the door



Previous 2017 conference attendee*


Register online at familyconferences.org.

*The base fee is waived for anyone registering as a previous 2017 Conference attendee.

PROGRAM REGISTRATION Child’s Name Please select one option for each child registering.


Family Viewing Ages 0–3

Children’s Institute


Ages 4–7 Fee: $55

Girls 8–11 Fee: $65

COMMIT Ladies 12–15 Fee: $50

ALERT Cadet Boys 8–17 Fee: $75

Student Photography Sessions 14 and up Fee: $95

12 and up Free!

Main Sessions Only Free!






Base Fee: $

from previous page


Program Fee(s): $

AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Note: All requests for refunds must be submitted in writing and will incur a $35 processing fee. Please allow 4–6 weeks for processing refunds.

Amount We Are Sowing*: $

*All funds designated to this field are used to assist those under financial strain to attend a Family Conference.

• Mail-in registrations must be postmarked two weeks before the conference begins. Online registration will be available until one week prior to the conference. All other registrations will be received at the door with appropriate fees. • Final details will be posted on the website two weeks before the conference.


• The conference helpline is 630-323-2842. Our office hours are Monday–Friday, 9:00 am–12:00 pm and 1:00–5:00 pm, Central Time. • Please bring your smiles. We will be taking pictures and video of your bright, smiling faces that might appear in future IBLP promotional media, products, or slide shows.

Have questions? Call 630-323-2842.

Conference Locations Housing with specially reduced rates for each conference can be viewed under the “Lodging” tab at familyconferences.org.

Big Sandy, Texas International ALERT Academy One Academy Blvd. • Big Sandy, TX 75755

Please visit familyconferences.org/big-sandy for meal plans and lodging, or contact 630-323-2842 or email ati@iblp.org. The ALERT RV Park and Campground is also another lodging option available.

Toccoa, Georgia Georgia Baptist Conference Center 462 Sonrise Way • Toccoa, GA 30577 Website: mytoccoa.com/trustinthelord

Meal packages are available with advance online registration. Meals purchased upon arrival will be very limited and offered at a higher price. Visit mytoccoa.com/ trustinthelord or call 706-886-3133 for more information.

Sacramento, California Second Slavic Baptist Church 6601 Watt Ave. • North Highlands, CA 95660

Meal packages are available with online registration at familyconferences.org/sacramento or call 630-323-2842 for more information. A discounted rate is available to those who pre-order by June 26.

Green Lake, Wisconsin Green Lake Conference Center W2511 State Road 23 • Green Lake, WI 54941 Website: glcc.org

Meal packages are available with online registration at familyconferences.org/green-lake or call 630-323-2842 for more information. A discounted rate is available to those who pre-order by August 29.

Register online at familyconferences.org.

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