Cautiousness Character Curriulum

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Cautiousness Overview What Is Cautiousness? Read aloud, study, and discuss what cautiousness means and how it applies to life.

The opposite of cautiousness is rashness, which means “proceeding hastily with lack of consideration.” A rash person is quick to speak, act, or react, following his natural impulses rather than taking the time to think through the ramifications, results, A cautious person will heed or consequences of his warnings and adjust his actions behavior. He tends to accordingly. neglect to gather essential information before making a decision. James 1:19 says, “. . . Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.” A person lacking cautiousness fool­ ishly disregards God’s direction, the feelings of others, or practical safety rules. He may jump onto his bike without taking time to put on his helmet or run outside


hastily before putting on his shoes. He tends to impul­ sively move forward, ignoring advice and overlooking an opportunity to learn from others. Proverbs 12:15 says, “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.” You may associate cautiousness with an interest in your personal safety because you use your God-given senses to protect your­ self. You are cautious around a campfire or an open flame because you feel the intense heat. God gives you spiritual, emotional, and physical senses not only for your well-being but also to exercise courage out of love for others. For The consequences of swallowing example, members of the a hot drink too quickly will remind military and the police a rash person to slow down. force who protect people, nurses who treat infectious diseases, and missionaries who travel to foreign fields must use caution. Yet they act with courage because God has called them to serve in the face of danger. Being cautious may involve patiently waiting or bravely acting at the right time. You may need to deny yourself to help someone else. God will help you know when it is the right time to take action, even at the risk of pain or loss for the benefit of others. He gives wisdom to process infor­ mation with your senses and gives courageous love to take the right action at the right time.

Copyright ©2018 by the Institute in Basic Life Principles ·


he operational definition of cautiousness is “know­ ing how important right timing is in accomplishing right actions.” A cautious person understands that right timing is crucial. For example, retrieving a base­ ball from the road for your brother is helpful, but if a car is approaching, that is not the right time to chase the ball! Cautiousness means that you first look carefully to make sure there is no foreseeable danger. Then, when no traffic is present, the right action can be taken. Many potential problems and dangers can be avoided by carefully and thoughtfully speaking and acting at the right time.

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