Cautiousness Character Curriulum

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Cautiousness in Scripture

He is, and allow Him to work in you, your life

will become a radiant expression of Him. God will be glorified as His character is seen in you.

CAUTIOUSNESS KEY VERSE “Also, that the soul be without knowledge, it is not good; and he that hasteth with his feet sinneth.” PROVERBS 19:2

The Character of God

Cautiousness in My Life

We see examples of God’s precise timing in giving caution:

Now let’s examine some ways God wants us to live out cautiousness daily.

God alerted Pharaoh to a coming famine and sent Joseph to save the nation.

What should I do when I am unsure that I am making the best decision?

(See Genesis 41:28–30, 33–36.)

God warned Joseph to flee to Egypt with Mary and Baby Jesus to avoid Herod’s wrath. (See Matthew 2:13, 22.)

God tells His angels to wait for the right time to gather the “tares” so that the “wheat” is not also destroyed. (See Matthew 13:27–30.)

Jesus’ timely message alerted people to repent and believe the Gospel. (See Mark 1:14–15.)

Jesus cautioned people about the dangerous hypocrisy and false teaching they were hearing.

(See Psalm 37:7, 34.)

Before I speak, do I consider the impact my words may have? (See Proverbs 18:19, Hebrews 3:12–14.)

How can I avoid worldly cares that stifle my love for God’s Word? (See Matthew 13:22–23.)

What helps me escape temptation? (See Mark 14:38; I Corinthians 10:6, 11, 13; and II Peter 3:17–18.)

Why should I be wary of believing someone claiming to be Jesus?

(See Luke 20:46–47.)

(See Luke 21:8.)

The Holy Spirit spoke through Agabus to warn the people of Antioch about a coming famine.

Why should I be cautious to not believe everything I hear but to test it against God’s Word?

(See Acts 11:28.)

(See Colossians 2:8, Acts 17:11.)

The Holy Spirit foretold that Paul would be delivered to his enemies in Jerusalem.

What caution does God give if I act selfishly? How can I avoid those consequences?

(See Acts 21:4, 10–11.)

(See Galatians 5:13–16.)

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