ave you ever been disap pointed when a special
occasion was canceled? Maybe you were looking forward to playing outside after your schoolwork, but it began to rain. Perhaps Dad began to read you a story but was interrupted by an important phone call. When plans change, do you complain or feel sorry for your self, adding more stress to the situation? Or do you humbly and cheerfully adapt? You can trust God, knowing He is in control and nothing happens apart from His loving will. “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God . . .” (Romans 8:28). Why would you be upset if you know God is bringing good purposes through the situa tion? By adjusting willingly and helping others to focus on another activity, you uplift your family and console others who may also feel disappointed. A Change in Plans for Joseph and Mary
FLEXIBILITY Not setting my affections on ideas or plans that could be changed by God or others 1