ost arguments are petty, such as who may sit in
the front seat of the car, who should feed the dog, or whose team you are chosen to be on in a game. You can quickly resolve these disagreements when you realize they are often of little consequence. However, some arguments escalate, injuring feelings and damaging relationships. Remember that loving others is more important than getting your way. Everyone wants to be heard and understood. You can stop arguments by yielding your rights to God, knowing that He is the Owner of all that you have. In the midst of a disagreement, keep your heart attitude right with the Lord and respond humbly. Even when you differ, an attitude of meekness soothes agitated emotions and enables you to consider another’s viewpoint. “Only by pride cometh contention . . .” (Proverbs 13:10). Abram Gives Lot First Choice
MEEKNESS Yielding my personal rights and expectations to God 1