Sample booklet: Responsibility

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Biblical Character Illustrated Curriculum Illustrated in Scripture “The testimony of the Lord is sure, making

2 Introduction

wise the simple” (Psalm 19:7b). Biblical character is illustrated in this curriculum

2 How to Use This Curriculum

through both artwork and lessons from

3 Goals and Objectives

the lives of people in God’s Word. We most

4 Character Quality Overview

5 Responsibility in Scripture

often benefit from the positive examples

6 Lesson 1: Be Faithful in Small Things

of faithful men and women. “For whatsoever things were written aforetime were

7  Bible Story: Miriam Watches Her Little Brother

written for our learning, that we through

8 Memory Verse: Luke 16:10

patience and comfort of the scriptures

9 Activity: The Right Hat for the Job

might have hope” (Romans 15:4). And there

10 Lesson 2: Stop Making Excuses

11  Bible Story: The King, the Excuse, and the Consequence

12 Memory Verse: I Samuel 15:22

13 Activity: No Excuses Here!

were people in the Bible who are representations of poor character, and we can learn from their lives as well. “Now these things were our examples, to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they

14 Lesson 3: Take Good Care of Things Entrusted to Me

also lusted” (I Corinthians 10:6). We would

15  Bible Story: David Tends His Father’s Sheep

has given us in Scripture.

16 Memory Verse: Romans 14:12

17 Activity: Word Search

18 Lesson 4: Remember He Is Watching

be wise to learn from the testimonies God

Illustrated in Life “Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17). Hearing

19  Bible Story: Silver, Gold, and a Babylonish Garment

the Word of God causes us to grow in faith.

20 Memory Verse: Job 34:21

21 Activity: What God Sees

This curriculum offers many practical

22 Additional Resources

applications of God’s Word to everyday life. “But be ye doers of the word, and not

22 Responsibility GEMs

hearers only” (James 1:22). As God enables

23 Journal and Application Chart

us to act in faith, our lives as believers will

24 Hymn Sheet Music: “Let the Lower Lights Be Burning”

illustrate His character to others.

25 Hymn History: “Let the Lower Lights Be Burning” by Philip P. Bliss

26 Explaining Salvation to a Child

27 Reproducible Coloring Pages

31 Recommended Resources

The character of God is illustrated in Scripture. May it also be illustrated in our lives.

Character Quality Overview What Is Responsibility? Read aloud, study, and discuss what responsibility means and how it applies to life.


he operational definition of responsibility is “knowing and doing what both God and others are expecting from me.” You can know what God expects from you by reading His Word. As you obey His Word, you will also fulfill your duties toward others, such as loving them, forgiving them, and meeting their practical needs. When an assignment is given to you by your parents, they trust that you will complete it. Once you thoroughly finish the task, you have shown responsibility. You knew One who is responsible finds what you needed to do joy in pleasing both God and his and you did it. Sometimes authorities as he accomplishes the responsible choice what is expected of him. involves sacrifice, such as waiting to play until you have finished your schoolwork or setting aside a planned activity so you can help someone else. However, responsibility reaps the invaluable rewards of a good name, greater privileges, and a clear conscience. (See Proverbs 22:1.) The opposite of responsibility is unreliability. A person who is unreliable does not consider his assignments important, so he does not think through what is required to fulfill them. His tasks are often late, incomplete, or forgotten. He may think, “This job can wait until tomorrow; I’ll play now!” At other times, he may not pay attention or understand what is expected. Rather than ask for help or clearer instructions, he may use his lack


of understanding as an excuse to delay doing the job. An unreliable person may quickly offer to help someone but then fail to follow through. Because others cannot rely on him to finish his tasks, they must often remind him of his duties. Greater freedoms or opportunities are not granted to him because he has not been faithful with smaller tasks. The irresponsible person will regret the way he foolishly handled his earthly assignments when he stands before God to answer for them. Knowing and doing what God expects of you prepares you for the day of accountability. Romans 14:12 says, “So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.” Do you search God’s Word and yield to what He would have you to think, say, and do? As you approach each situation or task, do you apply yourself with a good attitude? Do you complete your responsibilities wholeheartedly, knowing that you serve the Lord and that He is your An unreliable person, like an unstable Rewarder? If so, bridge, does not give others confidence when your works that he will do what he is expected to do. are tried, you will be able to joyfully receive lasting rewards from your Savior. (See I Corinthians 3:13–15.) No praise will bring greater joy than hearing Christ say, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant . . . enter thou into the joy of thy Lord” (Matthew 25:21).

Responsibility in Scripture



s you read and study God’s Word, see Who He is, and allow Him to work in you, your life

“So then every one of us shall give account

will become a radiant expression of Him. He will

of himself to God.” Romans 14:12

be glorified as His character is seen in you.

The Character of God

Responsibility in My Life

We see examples of responsibility in God’s character in the following ways:

Now let’s examine some ways God wants us to live out responsibility daily.

God is faithful to deal in love toward His children, just as He said He would.

(See Psalm 119:65, 89:33–34.) •

God always keeps His promises. (See Joshua 21:45.)

God will fully accomplish the sanctifying work He begins in the believer at salvation. (See I Thessalonians 5:23–24.)

Jesus said and did only what His Father wanted Him to say and do. (See John 5:30, 12:49.)

Jesus, the Son of God, did not owe earthly taxes, yet as the Son of man, He respected the civil authorities by paying what was expected.

(See Luke 16:10–11.) •

As He died, Jesus ensured His mother would be cared for by transferring the responsibilities of a son to His disciple John.

The Holy Spirit fulfills His role, convicting the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. (See John 16:7–8.)

What should I do before making a commitment and why? (See Luke 14:28–30.)

What does God expect of those who serve Him? (See Micah 6:8, Romans 13:8.)

When I am unreliable, what is the impact on others? (See Proverbs 25:19.)

What kind of person am I when I am not responsible to do the work given to me? (See Proverbs 10:4–5, 18:9.)

(See John 19:25–27.) •

For what will God hold me responsible on the Day of Judgment? (See Matthew 12:36–37, II Corinthians 5:10.)

(See Matthew 17:27.) •

When am I ready to be trusted with greater responsibility?

Who gives me the strength to accomplish my God-given tasks? (See Philippians 2:12–16.)




Remember He Is Watching


Silver, Gold, and a Babylonish Garment


ave you ever played peek-a-boo with a baby? When the baby covers his eyes, he thinks that you are no longer there. But, of course, you haven’t really left, and

you see him the whole time! This game illustrates how God sees you. At times, you may think He has disappeared, but God never leaves or loses sight of you! One of God’s


Names is El Roi, which means “the God Who sees.” Perhaps no one else sees you sneak

Knowing and doing what both God and others are expecting from me

a cookie, but God sees. Maybe you are harboring angry thoughts, but you are sure your smile is hiding your feelings. God knows. When you choose to play during your chore time, God still sees you and will hold you responsible for your actions. “For mine eyes are upon all their ways: they are not hid from my face, neither is their iniquity hid from mine eyes” (Jeremiah 16:17). Instead of attempting to keep secrets from an all-knowing God, walk in the light of truth and experience the joy of pleasing Him in all your thoughts, attitudes, words, and actions.


Lesson 4



oshua and the people were distraught. After God

seventh day, Joshua charged the people to shout at his

gave supernatural victory at Jericho, the Israelites

signal, then claim the city. He explicitly instructed them

planned their next attack on the small fortress of Ai.

to save only Rahab’s family. They were to destroy the

Because scouts assured Joshua the battle could be

rest of the city except for the silver, gold, and vessels

easily won, Israel confidently advanced with only a

of brass and iron. These precious items were designated

small army. To their surprise and dismay, Israel was

for the treasury of the Lord. At the great shout, the

soundly defeated! What went wrong? Why did God

towering walls fell flat and Jericho lay devastated!

remove His protection when Israel was going forth to

When they invaded the city, did the people obey God’s

claim the land He had given them? Earlier at Jericho, God had given the Israelites quick success. Although it

directions, knowing that He sees everything? What would the people be horrified to discover following

had seemed impossible to conquer that fortified city,

their crushing defeat at Ai?

Joshua and the people had followed God’s directions

Let’s read the Bible story in Joshua 7:2–26 and then

to march around Jericho for seven days. On the

discuss the following questions.

1. After the disastrous defeat at Ai, how did Joshua and the elders respond? (See Joshua 7:6–8.) When tragic circumstances occur, how should you respond? Why should you seek the Lord and ask Him to search your heart? (See Psalm 139:23–24.) 2. What concerned Joshua even more than the lives of the people? (See Joshua 7:9.) When you face a difficulty, do you consider how God may see the situation? How might your response affect His reputation? 3. What was God’s answer to Joshua? Was the sin a secret from God? What command had Israel disobeyed? (See Joshua 7:10–12, 6:17–19.) Why can you keep no secrets from Him? (See Psalm 44:21, Ecclesiastes 12:13–14.) 4. How seriously did God view this sin? What consequences would the guilty person face? (See Joshua 7:13–15.)

Why does God not ignore your sin? (See Proverbs 3:11–12.) 5. How did Joshua learn who had committed the sin? (See Joshua 7:16–18.) Why does God often allow your authorities to find out about your sin? (See I Peter 2:14.) What happens when you try to hide your sin? (See Proverbs 28:13.) 6. Who confronted Achan? Did confessing remove the consequences of his sin? (See Joshua 7:19–25.) When you sin, to whom should you confess? (See Psalm 32:5, James 5:16.) Why may you still face consequences, even though you are forgiven? (See Hebrews 12:11.) 7. What items had Achan taken? How did their value compare with what Achan lost? (See Joshua 7:21–26.) What is the cost of disobedience, which is sin? (See Romans 6:21–23, Jeremiah 7:23–24.) Why should you remember that God is watching? (See Proverbs 16:6.)



Play the game together to help the children commit Job 34:21 to memory. In the section “Doers of the Word,” have the children record how they will apply the verse to their lives.

“For his eyes are upon the ways of man, and he seeth all his goings.” JOB 34:21




In the blank below, write how this verse could be

Have everyone say the verse together three times. Next,

You,” “do what is right even when no one is around,”

select a child to leave the room while the rest of the children agree on a word they will clap instead of say when quoting the verse. The child reenters the room. He listens as the others quote the verse, and he tries to guess which word they clapped. Select another person to step out of the room and repeat the game until all the children have had a chance to guess a clapped word.

applied in your life, e.g., “speak only what is pleasing to or “confess my sin instead of hiding it.” “Dear Lord, I yield to You and am willing to apply this verse. Help me to _________________ __________________________________________ ��������������������������������������������. I ask that You would develop responsibility in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.” When the Lord gives you an opportunity to apply this verse, write it in your journal to later recall God’s working in your life.


Lesson 4


Supplies: •

be motivated to do what is right. This motivation is called “the fear of the Lord.” Proverbs 16:6 says that

Cardstock photocopy of the

“by the fear of the Lord men depart from evil.” Do you

“Flashlight” template from page 32 •

Clear, plastic sandwich bag

Black permanent marker

Black construction paper




apply yourself to your studies as if God is watching? He is. Are you playing with others as if God is watching? He is. Knowing that God is watching may cause you to feel fearful if


you are doing what is

Using your permanent marker, write on the plastic sandwich bag what God sees, e.g., “thoughts,” “motives,” “attitudes,” “words,” and “actions.”

wrong. Numbers 32:23 tells you that you can “be sure your sin will find you out.” However, if you are doing what

Color the flashlight on your copy of the flashlight template. Do not color the light beam. Cut out the flashlight and light beam in one piece. Cut a square of black construction paper the size of your bag, and then place this piece of paper inside the bag. As the children work, read the following paragraph to them: God is watching all the time. He knows our thoughts. He sees us when we are alone. When we realize that God is always watching and that we will give an account to Him for all we think, say, and do, we will

My thoughts: Psalm 1:2 Philippians 4:8

My motives: I Corinthians 10:31 Psalm 19:14

is right and have nothing to hide, knowing that God is watching brings comfort, peace, and joy. “The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them” (Psalm 34:7). Slide the beam of the flashlight into the bag between the written side of the bag and the black paper. As you move the flashlight, the light beam exposes those things in our hearts and lives that God sees. God sees everything! On the back of your flashlight beam, write what God is pleased to see in your life. Look up the verses below to find some examples:

My attitudes: II Corinthians 9:7 I Chronicles 28:9

My words: Colossians 4:6 Proverbs 31:26

My actions: Ephesians 4:31–32 John 13:34–35 21

Responsibility GEMs


EM is an acronym for “God Enables Me.” This phrase

even as by the Spirit of the Lord” (II Corinthians 3:18).

begins each of the ten statements that describe

The four colored GEM statements are the focus of the

the change that results as we behold the Lord and yield

four character lessons in this booklet. Let’s read the

to the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives. “But we all, with

listed verses that correspond with all ten GEM state-

open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord,

ments and explore the wide variety of applications of

are changed into the same image from glory to glory,

responsibility found in God’s Word.

God Enables Me to . . . Know my roles.

Follow the instructions I have been given.

“But I would have you know, that the head of every man

“My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not

is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the

the law of thy mother.” PROVERBS 1:8

head of Christ is God.” I CORINTHIANS 11:3

Know my duty and do my duty. “Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” JAMES 4:17

Complete my tasks.

Remember He is watching. “The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.” PROVERBS 15:3

Stop making excuses. “Then said he unto him, A certain man made a great supper,

“For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not

and bade many: And sent his servant at supper time to say to

down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient

them that were bidden, Come; for all things are now ready.

to finish it? Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation,

And they all with one consent began to make excuse. The first

and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock

said unto him, I have bought a piece of ground, and I must

him, Saying, This man began to build, and was not able to

needs go and see it: I pray thee have me excused. And another

finish.” LUKE 14:28–30

said, I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I go to prove them: I

Be faithful in small things.

pray thee have me excused. And another said, I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot come.” LUKE 14:16–20

“His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant;


thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee

Confess my sins.

ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.”

“He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso con-


fesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.” PROVERBS 28:13

Take good care of things entrusted to me.

Make things right when I do wrong.

“He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather

“Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour,

the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and

working with his hands the thing which is good, that he

shall gently lead those that are with young.” ISAIAH 40:11

may have to give to him that needeth.” EPHESIANS 4:28

Journal and Application Chart Record how God gave your family opportunities to apply this character quality.

Searching for the rich truths of God’s Word and applying them in your life is far more valuable than discovering rubies and diamonds. Add a check mark, sticker, or initials in a diamond each time God enables someone to apply responsibility in one of the suggested ways. Let’s set a goal and then celebrate, not only the accomplishment of applying God’s Word, but also our gratefulness for the work He is doing in our lives. Admit a mistake and make it right.

Put away your toys before doing your next activity.

Obey immediately without making excuses.

Finish a task according to the instructions given. Wait to play until after your schoolwork is completed.

Make a to-do list for today.

Do what is right even when no one is around to see.

Carry out your daily chores without being reminded.

Use your free time on a productive task or project.

Take care not to stain or rip your nice dress clothes.


Hymn History “Let the Lower Lights Be Burning” Sing “Let the Lower Lights Be Burning” and read about the responsibility proclaimed by the hymn writer, Philip P. Bliss.


n the growing darkness, Lake Erie’s waves crashed

One last question remained. The captain asked,

against the shore near Cleveland, Ohio. The light-

“Can you make it?”

house keeper was responsible to keep the beacon at the top of the structure lit. He also would light a row of smaller oil lanterns along the shoreline to guide ships into the channel toward the harbor’s safe haven. With each nearing storm, the lighthouse keeper would painstakingly go from lantern to lantern, filling and lighting each one. Despite the great beacon, without

channel without the lights that should have been shining brightly to guide him. But the ship crashed against the rocks and many lives were lost because one man did not do his job. A young man, Philip P. Bliss, read with horror the

to lead the ship

headlines and how one man’s negligence had been so

through the narrow

deadly. Later, Mr. Bliss heard evangelist D. L. Moody

passageway, the

refer to the tragedy in a sermon. Mr. Moody closed

vessel would wreck

with: “Brethren, the Master will take care of the great

upon the rocks.

lighthouse; let us keep the lower lights burning.”

night the lighthouse keeper did not light the lanterns. During the night, a violent storm arose. Amidst the turbulent waves and screaming winds, a ship’s captain tensed. His old pilot gripped the helm. As the ship heaved and creaked, the captain squinted into the darkness. “Are you sure this is Cleveland?” he asked the pilot. “Quite sure, sir,” replied the pilot, gripping the wheel. “But where are the lower lights?” questioned the captain. “They are out, sir,” was the terse reply.

Photo courtesy of

Desperately, the pilot blindly tried to steer into the

the smaller lights

One particular

Philip P. Bliss (1838–1876)

“We must sir, or we’ll perish.”

Mr. Bliss told a friend afterward, “. . . When I heard Mr. Moody use it as an illustration in his sermon that night, I cried out in my heart, ‘Bliss, you are just as guilty as the man in the story. As a Christian, you are to be one of the lower lights shining brightly so that some poor soul tossed about on the sea of life may find safety and everlasting life in the haven that God has prepared.’” Within a week Mr. Bliss had written the hymn, “Let the Lower Lights Be Burning.” We are entrusted with responsibilities as well. Just as the captain and crew depended upon the lighthouse keeper, people are depending on us. Are we showing responsibility by shining for Christ in this dark world, sharing the way of safety with people who are drowning in sin? Do we keep our “lights” shining so they may find peace in Jesus Christ?


Explaining Salvation to a Child Christ Our Righteousness You will need the following items: sticky notes, pen, and a white bed sheet.


he Bible tells us about God. He is the Creator of the universe and He is holy. God loves us and created us to have fellowship with Him. (See Revelation 4:11.)

through Christ. (See John 17:3.) If we accept God’s gift of

Select a volunteer who would not mind standing to represent the sin of all people. Romans 3:23 says, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Sin is anything we think, say, or do that breaks God’s Law. Can you name some examples of sin? As the children answer, write their examples on sticky notes and place them onto the volunteer’s clothing (e.g., speaking unkind words, stealing, disobeying, doing good with wrong motives).

Remove the sticky notes and wrap the white sheet around

Because we have all sinned, and God is holy, we are eternally separated from Him. However, because God loves us so much, He sent His Son, Jesus, Who died on the cross to pay for our sin and Who rose again to conquer death! Now we can have fellowship with God forever

salvation, Christ’s blood cleanses us from sin, and His righteousness is put upon us! (See II Corinthians 5:21.) the volunteer to represent Jesus’ robe of righteousness. Isaiah 31:10 describes what has happened this way: “My soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness. . . .” In Romans 10:9–10, we are told how we can accept this gift: “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” Are you trusting in Jesus Christ for your salvation? If so, your sins are forgiven and Christ is living in you!

In a Nutshell 1. God created all things (Colossians 1:16). God is holy (Leviticus 19:2). God loves us (John 3:16). 2. Our sin separates us from God (Romans 3:23). 3. God sent His Son, Jesus, to provide the way for our sins to be forgiven and for


crucifixion on the cross, His burial, and His glorious resurrection (I Corinthians 15:3–4). 4. We can do nothing to earn salvation. It is a free gift from God that we receive by faith (Ephesians 2:8–9). 5. We receive that gift of salvation by confessing with our mouth that Jesus

Your new, inward identity is one of righteousness in God’s eyes. The more you realize that you are a new creature in Christ and walk in the Spirit, the more your outward actions will demonstrate Christ living in you. Just as the Apostle Paul wrote in Galatians 2:20, you can also say, “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.” God gives

fellowship with Him to be

is Lord and believing in

us eternal life—sweet constant fellowship in the

restored (Ephesians 1:6–7).

our heart that God has

Spirit with our Savior—and then His righteous-

Jesus accomplished our

raised Him from the dead

ness is seen in us for His glory. (See John 15:4–10.)

salvation through His

(Romans 10:9–10).

LESSON 4: Silver, Gold, and a Babylonish Garment

“And Achan answered Joshua, and said. . . . When I saw among the spoils a goodly Babylonish garment,

and two hundred shekels of silver, and a wedge of gold of fifty shekels weight, then I coveted them, and took them; and,

behold, they are hid in the earth in the midst of my tent, and the silver under it” (Joshua 7:20–21).


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