Sample booklet: Responsibility

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Biblical Character Illustrated Curriculum Illustrated in Scripture “The testimony of the Lord is sure, making

2 Introduction

wise the simple” (Psalm 19:7b). Biblical character is illustrated in this curriculum

2 How to Use This Curriculum

through both artwork and lessons from

3 Goals and Objectives

the lives of people in God’s Word. We most

4 Character Quality Overview

5 Responsibility in Scripture

often benefit from the positive examples

6 Lesson 1: Be Faithful in Small Things

of faithful men and women. “For whatsoever things were written aforetime were

7  Bible Story: Miriam Watches Her Little Brother

written for our learning, that we through

8 Memory Verse: Luke 16:10

patience and comfort of the scriptures

9 Activity: The Right Hat for the Job

might have hope” (Romans 15:4). And there

10 Lesson 2: Stop Making Excuses

11  Bible Story: The King, the Excuse, and the Consequence

12 Memory Verse: I Samuel 15:22

13 Activity: No Excuses Here!

were people in the Bible who are representations of poor character, and we can learn from their lives as well. “Now these things were our examples, to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they

14 Lesson 3: Take Good Care of Things Entrusted to Me

also lusted” (I Corinthians 10:6). We would

15  Bible Story: David Tends His Father’s Sheep

has given us in Scripture.

16 Memory Verse: Romans 14:12

17 Activity: Word Search

18 Lesson 4: Remember He Is Watching

be wise to learn from the testimonies God

Illustrated in Life “Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17). Hearing

19  Bible Story: Silver, Gold, and a Babylonish Garment

the Word of God causes us to grow in faith.

20 Memory Verse: Job 34:21

21 Activity: What God Sees

This curriculum offers many practical

22 Additional Resources

applications of God’s Word to everyday life. “But be ye doers of the word, and not

22 Responsibility GEMs

hearers only” (James 1:22). As God enables

23 Journal and Application Chart

us to act in faith, our lives as believers will

24 Hymn Sheet Music: “Let the Lower Lights Be Burning”

illustrate His character to others.

25 Hymn History: “Let the Lower Lights Be Burning” by Philip P. Bliss

26 Explaining Salvation to a Child

27 Reproducible Coloring Pages

31 Recommended Resources

The character of God is illustrated in Scripture. May it also be illustrated in our lives.

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