BCIC Thoroughness Booklet

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f you are asked to care for a pet, you show good manage­ment skills by caring for its various needs at the right times. A dog must be fed, exercised, and bathed regularly. Don’t wait until the dog food is gone to add it to the shopping list! What are your responsibilities? How can you manage them well? First, consider what is most important to do today. Include your personal hygiene, daily chores, and schoolwork. Then decide the best order, time, and way to do your tasks, and pay attention to details! Track your progress on each assignment and double-­ check your work. Jesus praises and rewards those who faithfully accomplish their work. Ask Him to help you wisely manage your responsi­bilities so He can say, “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:23). A Priest Wisely Manages His Assignment

THOROUGHNESS Knowing what factors will diminish the effectiveness of my work or words if neglected 1

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