Selected Sermons of Ibn Leunardi (Allah's Slave)

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SERMON'S By Allah's Slave Ibn Leunardi Sermon 1 Praise be to Allah the eternal the absolute the ever worthy of thanking For know that one who dose not thank Allah (god) for that in which he ought be thanked, Provision, Creation, Honor, Glory and praise All these belong eternally to god and if they are giving to another they re sprout as a stoled good and you the beholder of that good shalt be the thieve who stoled it from god and gave it to another, For iam sure it is hard for many to understand and to practice but it is the truth and the truth is no avail over falsehood and falsehood flees from truth like night flees from day and day from night Recall the pharisees who believed in mens traditions before gods law they worshiped god but not in sincerity but in agony they where neglectful of prayers and the ones that where not neglectful only to wished to been seen of men so that they could be falsies gods and teach men their own doctrine and not what god has ordained for them for they even said it is from god but it was not from but was from them selfs and the proof is here as god has not sent confirmation for them who think to belie him, god seen what they where doing in those days and he cut their vine like a timber is cut in the forest and said "no more shall anyone of you disgrace my name for my names sake it is" and he cast them down but not without warning and he sent unto them one true and pure but they thought to belie the message in which he was sent and changed many things of him and their similitude is like one who picks at his own face until he has no face left save only bloody soars. and for a long time on this each many men took gods name in vain and thought to belie him until he did what he told them he would do. that if they fallow not his laws and his teachings he will respite them no more nor give them refuge and will indeed move and choose another people save only the remnant of all for surly it is true that god is with whom he pleases and exempts whom he pleases, for thus they did this to allahs prophets and he sent his promise of his mustered seed in which non can stand up ageist nor fight without exact retribution, but surly many hate their fellow brothers and sisters in religions but truly this is not the way that god has tought yous but it is in turn your place to forgive them and treat them as people of god lest i should remind you of the story of a sower of seeds who sowed seed of corn and on the ninth night a mischievous one planted seeds of yellow and brown tabbaco that was harmful unto them for the use they do not know yet, now in the morning the servants awoke and saw what had been planted next to the masters seed and they ran unto him and said o master let us remove these yellow and brown weeds that are corn will grow un corrupted on this the sower of seeds said nay wait lest ye pull up the corn along with it and vanquish the whole crop wait then for the hour of harvest when we shall cut down the whole field and sort the bad from the good and cast the bad into the fire and take the good into our storehouses;

Sermon 2 Praise be To Allah The Truly Merciful the only Abiding know My lord know not me he is sufficient for all your needs he will punish for the illegal you reap and the transgression you sow for the hearts you stoled and for the words you spoke

Know my lord know not me he is grate and all power is in his hand he can turn you to dust or powder quicker then he made sand Know my lord know not me without him you would not be he brought you to life in your mothers womb and he said let you hear and let you heed for all must swoon he said let you make choice between the good and the wrong and let you be judged by me for that in which you chose Know my lord know not me he is the only lord the god of Adam he layed the foundation of the earth and never did he sleep he sent his angels to sing yous to sleep he allowed prayers so you may be at ez he enjoined mercy so that you may teach and little is it man perceives Know my lord know not me his words are as sweet as honey and his wrath like a thousand hornets stinging you in harmony non are exempt all must be present So give ear and give only praises unto him for the days are near that thou are already inn so as the river is shallow and the river is deep so shall you be sure that Allah you will meet


Most glorious is Allah, the supreme the judge the one who shall turn dry lands into wet lands and wet lands into dry lands because you've all rejected him and his law, his messengers and his messages; Glorious is Allah above all things men say for lied the scribe in the days of esa gone by so lie the scribe today the scholars fallow their own dictates and desires, they seek something crooked to say "this is this and that is that" they commit the same offense as bani Israel up to this very day! woe is the lairs in Allah's religion for think you not that wallah sees? you know that you will not be exempt nor forgiving for your actions? Praise be to Allah the mighty judge of all that exist the one god the supreme who's names are like the seas many who's mercy is vast and unperceivable. if only you would have turned then you would not become a heap of ruin and a den of desolation From wrath from Allah fierce and scorching, the whirlwinds will not slumber. and the convulsions will not cease, the men will not stop, the famine will persist

and Allah's will shall prevail for all this because you have forgotten your lord's laws and what his messengers said you thrown his laws behind your backs and say we do not need them then you all run to crooked men to seek a crooked thing woeful is this and do you think that Allah does not see? fear for what is near. will leave not a rock standing nor a roof to shield save for those who turn towards Allah and seek to understand and love! know your lord is mighty and supreme he can turn you all to powder or break you down into pieces perplexed are the minds of those who try to perceive you o Allah almighty lacking of sight are the eyes of those who try to see you O lord Dissipated are the tongue of those who try to describe him lying are the ones who try to set fort a parable of him for only his creation can be an analogized object but Allah he cannot be compared unto anything; Praise be to you Allah o lord mighty and supreme it is you we worship, it is you we serve. no matter if men cast stones from the mouth or stones of the earth I will continue to serve thee O Allah mighty and supreme are thee their is non alike to thee nor is their any perfect but thee you are my savior and my place of refuge without Allah their is nothing and once You O mankind turn your backs on Allah and his message that he has sent O woeful are you for it is you who will be rejected on that grate hour and it is you who will face the swift return of Allah's punishment mighty is Allah little is it you perceive his strength cannot be matched nor is he limited nor is he his creation praise be to Allah the ruler of all that exist with out him their is no guardian nor is their a prophet and never will you find the righteous sinning like the the unrighteous and never will you find a believer that is like an unbeliever for verily bread crumbs are those who hearken to their lord Praise be to Allah the supreme! --


Praise be to Allah, the almighty, the supreme the one who blessed the direction of the qiblah no matter whence you direct from.

the one who is not limited to direction but is therefore all abiding Praise be to Allah, the mighty, and true the one who encompasses you, he is the one who hears and accepts praises he is the one who heard them before you and he is the one who will hear them after you and non except him can hear your praises Praise be to Allah, the true, the all surrounding the one who perceptions cannot perceive nor could minds withhold or even fully grasp neither could tongues describe nor images glance he is the one who eyes cannot see but he sees all that is he is the one who is all abiding and never leaving but yet you cannot understand O people? that he is witness over all things he is within and without but yet not his creation but separate from it: Praise be to Allah, the glorious, the true the one who illuminated the stars each in his session the one who sent down the mountains each in its orbit and position the one who formed the islands tiny as they be and divided they have made themselves away from the firmness you have set as land behold both land and island will be desolate and water shall cover them the same mountains will vanish and no one will call on their names and no one shall call upon mine and behold each man left his star behind him and traveled in the depths of darkness he wished for a black flame rather then one that could have lite the way so behold for this will Allah make you all pay for that you have rejected the mountains and corrupted them for that you have divided islands saying "keep far away from the land in which Allah has set" and because you have left the stars saying "never will that illuminated star rise again" for this Allah will punish for this he will make thee pay for so long have you O mankind forgotten your lord god most holly calling on others besides him, blaspheming what he has giving you and lying about what is just and truthful so for all this will Allah send plagues and famines wars and turmoils upon yous for you have rejected Allah thrown his law behind your backs and said "never will that illuminated star rise again his forefathers we slayd and his brothers forefathers we slain" so woe be you O wretched of the wretched for satan's term is nearly up and what is appointed cannot be set off

the rejecter's will be (in) humiliation and ever lasting pain for that they have thrown what is just out and took in what was unjust, Praise be to Allah, the true, the kind for those who turn to him with sincere love and a faithful heart Allah is most forgiving, most kind surly ready to appreciated service his love is vast of it's vastness are more then each grain of sand upon the earth and upon the other sixith earths his mercy is wide of its width is bigger then the the width of the seven firmaments and his names are many like the seas. his is beauty for all eyes to see but therefore Allah you cannot see nor could you yet perceive. Praise be to Allah, the strong, the wise praise be to Allah, the exalted far above. his law is the the law. and his ruling is the only ruling His Justus is the only Justus and his guidance is the only guidance with out him you have no guide and without him you will find no protection nor yet a protector!


Praise be to Allah the almighty the true the one who has blessed his slave with proper fiqh giving him proper rulings and laws and statutes that he must withhold to strongly and which he has to discharge exactly;

Praise be to Allah the only giver of reminder but men have been always fain to reject the reminder Allah takes from them and say's "one from amongst them" and they say "one from amongst us we shall never hear" woe is them for Allah will suffice against them and all their lying words and their lying men woe is them for Allah gives judgment by divine inspiration and they say "present me a tradition!"

O Allah Glorious are thee above these things and your will shalt prevail and your judgments are true O most glorious most most holly of those who are considered holly thou are the only perfect the sufficient for all our needs They say "by what authority" woe is them for the only authority that is true is the authority from Allah they say "nay Allah does not speak to mankind from a teacher behind a curtain" but they reject for it is Allah who is your goal and we only discharge our lords messages to you and for those who believe is the promise of satisfaction for they shall know sure well their lord and never will they be lonely again,

Praise be to Allah the mighty and true the one who hears all things the one who all creation is subject to the one who all creation must bow to willingly or unwillingly O nations of the world are you too proud to hear your lord? O Scholars are you not aware of the words and law of Allah? how is it you do not preach them and why is it you have divided it? and have you nations not seen what has become of former nations who grew as arrogant as thee?

O people why is it you do not heed why is it you run to the first liar and never heed who Allah picks O people has not Allah sent you a law and a guidance and has it not told you to hearken to Allah on ever matter and in ever period?

O mankind you have lost your roots and soon will your tree wither

unless you turn unto god and repentance Is it not enough that while Allah is warning that his sword will be unsheathed shortly but yet he has a open hand unto you asking you to join the right and forbid the wrong and be saved will it be to late before you O mankind remember and realize just how grate your lord is. he has promised many things he will lower all your city's even the most holly places for you did grate wrong on the earth while he allowed a period of trial and you have all turned your backs on Muhammad and Ali you have all rejected Jesus and Musa and now O disbelievers know that Allah's wrath is swiftly coming like a whirlwind approaching fastly on the horizon this is the time that Allah has promised a day of calling for those who will hear!

So let you come and hear the truth of Allah he is one free from his creation un perceivable, his laws are the only laws that should be fallowed he has forbidden you images of his slaves and of mankind he has forbidden you fornication he has forbidden you lies and you have all openly committed them in his (allah's) sight, he has forbidden you foreign gods but yet you run to your so called knowledgeable ones and say "teach me what you know" when you have just left the knowledge of Allah at the steps of the house like it was worthless. fie be upon you o rejecter of Allah for the call that day will be "throw throw throw ever contamaous rejecter of our lord into the fire" and behold the fire consumes with most severity. fear Allah the one who has set hooks bigger then men for those who hooked men into their lies like fisher men they acted and those like fish shall they be caught in the depths of the hell fire's

in the lower levels of the pit. Fear Allah as he should feared! he has forbidden you all speech that is not true so thus you should not say anyone is perfect except Allah, you should not say anyone is your father except your birth father and your fathers up to Adam, you should not say one is a liar when you have not heard what Allah has allowed him to speak

O beware for it is written mankind will reject many who are to come but only those who hear Allah will prevail with them so hear Allah and fear he is mighty and he will recompense for all your deeds, has not Allah's mercy been enough on yous now that you all have dug your selfs into pits and you find no rope of escape but if only you would have pondered beforehand and turned to Allah and requested a rope before you reached deep dark waters now we see you all drowned and consumed in the pit of fire unless you hearken to Allah and obey his laws; SERMON 15 All praises be unto god the living the eternal the all encompassing the all surrounding the one who not the smallest atom is hidden from nor the most vast universe hard for him he is everywhere but not his creation he is within and without everything but yet still is not his creation nor could he be perceived, attributes fall short of explaining him and never could he be analogized nor could he be called this or that neither man nor women nor jinn but yet he calls himself he and refers sternly as that kind of personality but yet his mercy is vast and his punishment fierce, and his workings are many but one too many men have corrupted truth and exploited a one eyed point of view of the matters and one too many men have mis interpreted the sayings and lied full knowing unto the subjects thus it has to be stated to stand upon the rock of god's truth For he told The children of Israel "their is no god but I therefore worship no other" and was it not our dear brother Jesus who said when asked what is the greatest commandment and he said by Allah's leave To love and worship your one god and did not Allah tell Muhammad "say he is Allah (the god) The one and only Allah the eternal, absolute..." therefore O people of the books Unite and join hands on the rock of god's truth weather you be Jewish Christan, Muslim Allah has promised us all mercy and it is only right that we give praises and thanks were it is due he is the only one who can forgive us our wrongs and guide us to truth and teach us patience and right mindedness and sadly many lack the right mind in these days if only they would turn and say O Allah (the god) show us the best way by you O lord teach us to fallow you and become submissive to your will and guidance. we recognize the as one who is not his creation nor can you be explained nor can we perceive save how you show us in the unique way and surly we

could never perceive Allah only thing we can know of him is what he has told us himself about himself so thus to stand on this wrong you must let go of the image in the mind and the heart, in the daylight and the night and in the room and in the outside what you cannot explain you should not assume, Allah is unlike anything nor could images capture him nor could he be perceived and described he is one separate from his creation but yet all abiding within and without of all things so that their is not a place you could go but there you will find wallah and their is not a thing said but that he witnesses it the creator of all things is well aware of his creation and never has he left it nor does he sleep nor is he limited by moving for he is everywhere but yet still not his creation. praise be to god the almighty god of Jacob and Kedar the most gracious lord of Issac and Ishmael so many men have lied to keep us apart when Allah wanted us to have knowledge of him together but only for now could it be never before for that was and is the decree praise and glory be to god the almighty the supreme the majestic all watching well aware;

SERMON 11 All Praise and glory and honor and thanks be unto Allah the supreme righteous judge the one who all matters return to for decision the one who all mens affairs are brought up before to end your quarrelsome chatter but yet you people still say let me make the decision and let me judge, has Allah appointed you a righteous judge ? present proof if you have any? proof from Allah and Allah alone if you can bring it to light to us for if you have not authority from Allah to judge then why judge you every passer by like you are better when you are worst in condition then the passer by. woe is you, you have you a splinter in your own eye but yet you fain to pull a splinter from thy brothers eye? so therefore hold you tung speak not fancy and judge not unless Allah has giving you authority lest you wish for Allah's judgment on you to be stern and fierce if you wish to meet the fire which blazes un controllable and destroying, look not down upon anyone save those who blaspheme Allah and (if) Allah has giving a word to chastise them but if you have not authority to do anything from Allah then you have no authority and you will be judged by Allah and he will give you the judgment of the wicked, worst then the one who has forgotten but you are the one who knew better, so let not Satan deceive if you have not authority do not take the position of authority and do not therefor act on such big matters unless Allah has made plain to you the decree and giving leave for such to take place, is it you all are dull minded and weak brained that you wish to judge what Allah has already said he will judge? be at peace unless they fight thee nothing last save Allah and no law is ordained save Allah's ordained law no allegiance is valid save allegiance to Allah no thanks is heartfelt save the thanks unto Allah the mighty the supreme the marker of all that exist the Governor of all that is and that was and that will be praise and glory be unto Allah and may he bless those who hear and may they save it (sermons) in a storage place for only the ears of the chosen keep it as a token of truth from Allah's slave to you and from Allah's leave to you and from Allah who is free of partners worthy of all praise to you. glory be to Allah the god of Muhammad the god of Jesus the god of mosses the lord who is neither of east nor of west but yet the east and west are under his ownership never could you comprehend the greatness of the one god Allah who cannot be a spirit for he created the spirit where you there for its creation to say that it is part of Allah? surly Allah has no part nor could he be described as so nor could he be limited by being called a spirit. free is Allah of this saying and any who utters it will meet anger that grate day! and Allah cannot be a man for a man is limited and he dies and becomes dust and bones and his spirit departs and until the hour of resurrection his spirit returns and he is brought up again wherefore Allah cannot depart from anything for he is everywhere nor could Allah die because he is the everlasting the eternally living nor could he be limited to be fit into a body nor a spirit but he is closer to man then man himself and he is all within and without but yet he is not his creation but the creator there of that encompasses all and never could he be limited nor described nor perceived grater and above these things is he. their is no god but Allah and i testify to Allah's oneness and i testify that Allah is one god separate from

his creation apart from anything he made and free of being described and ascribed to falsely he is no man nor is he a spirit but he is grater he is not limited as his creation is limited but he encompasses all things the only omni prescent not a thing that is utterd is there but that he knows of it nor is their a place to hide from his wrath or his bounty. hear the news for Allah has ended the matter for you if you have ears to hear and faith to trust in your lord and guidance and understanding to speak only truth and to understand truth, you with the ears it is your duty to speak but speak only what you know is truth anything other Allah will judge us all on! speak rightly of Allah now that the truth has reached you about him be honest and accept the truth of your lord. if you refuse your lord will not be pleased with you on that hour and grate is the fiery pit burning to (a) blaze wide expanse has it plenty of room for the rejecter's of Allah and his messengers and his imams and his friends and his warner's their is no god save Allah he is not his creation nor could he be a spirit. righteous is he and all matters will return to him for judgment and all who were wrong will know that they were indeed wrong. fear your lord the grate their is no god but he. mighty is he and non are exempt from him know him and know not me my wish is for you to know him and to fallow him correctly by Allah's leave so praise be to Allah and may he bless those with ears to hear and those with sight to sea grate is Allah and horrible is the condition of those who reject him:

++++++++++++++++ Gloryfied be Allah WARNING; ANY WHO CHANGES THE WORD'S Of Allah's Slave is Cursed and worst is he who changes allah's word may allah swifthly remove those who change allah's word! ~Ibn Leunardi ++++++++++++++++

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