rio pipeline NEWS
1st Edition – September, 20th 2011
rio hosts global pipeline industry
Exhibition area has grown 10% as compared to last edition
As from today, global repre-
the pre-salt and biofuels pro-
tion to the presentation of 342
sentatives of the pipeline sec-
duction offloading projects.
technical papers.
ventions Center for the eighth
The forecast is that the Rio
“The Rio Pipeline is today a great
edition of the Rio Pipeline Con-
Pipeline gathers about 3 thou-
meeting opportunity for the sector
ference & Exposition. The con-
and, therefore, we rely on the insti-
ference, which is promoted ev-
countries. In the exposition, 150
tutional support of the main entities
ery other year by the Brazilian
companies and institutions re-
of the sector”, points out Marcelo
Institute of Petroleum, Gas and
lated to the pipeline industry
Rennó, president of the event’s Or-
Biofuels (IBP), has attracted
will be represented. The con-
ganizing Committee, held with the
special interest due to the op-
ference will receive approxi-
participation of the American Soci-
portunities create in Brazil with
mately 1,300 delegates, in addi-
ety of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
tor gather at Sul America Con-
pre-salt pipeline offloading is conference topic
INtErVIEW marcelo rennó President of the Organizing Committee
Larger trade show in this edition
AGENDA SEptEmbEr 20th, 2011 tUESDAY > 08:00 / 17:00 Registration > 09:00 / 10:00 Welcome Brunch
pre-salt pipeline offloading is conference topic The current scenario and the per-
number of summaries, followed
spectives of the Brazilian energy
by the topic Subsea Pipelines. The
matrix will be the opening session
technical sessions program offers
topic of the Rio Pipeline Confer-
topics such as Logistics and Op-
ence & Exposition. The pre-salt
eration, growth of the slurry and
production offloading and the
ethanol pipelines in the country
technological trends and chal-
- which become more and more
lenges in the pipeline sector will
strategic for the development of
> 12:00 Rio Pipeline Expo Inauguration
be the key topics in the eighth edi-
the ore and biofuels sectors - au-
> 12:00 / 14:00 Lunch
tion of the Rio Pipeline. The panel
tomation, supervisory and mea-
> 10:00 / 12:00 Room B2 - Conference and Opening Ceremony: The Brazilian Energy Matrix - Current Scenario and Trends Speaker: > Maurício Tiomno Tolmasquim President - Empresa de Pesquisa Energética (EPE)
which takes place today, from 4.15
integrity, environment and op-
pm to 6.00 pm, will be moderated
erational safety will be presented
> 15:30 / 17:30 Technical Sessions (Poster)
by Petrobras executive manager,
separately. Inspection, reliability
Carlos Tadeu da Costa Fraga, and
and risk assessment techniques,
> 16:15 / 18:00 Room B2 - Panel: Pre-Salt Pipeline Offloading
will have speakers from Petrobras,
corrosion and need for labor qual-
Technip Brasil and BG.
ification will also be presented.
Currently, the pipeline industry
Aiming at attracting the key glob-
> Carlos Tadeu da Costa Fraga Executive Manager Petrobras /Cenpes
has a turnover of USd 50 billion
al representatives of the sector
a year worldwide in new invest-
to the city, parallel events such
ments. According to the IBP, the
as the PRCI meetings and the Oil
system is still small in Brazil,
Companies International Marine
mainly when compared to the
Forum will be held (OCIMF).
> 14:00 / 16:00 Technical Sessions (Oral)
Speakers: > Mauro Yuji Hayashi Planning Manager Petrobras/E&P-Presal > Ricardo Luiz Carneiro Beltrão General Manager Petrobras/CEnPES - PdEP > Frederic Delormel President Technip Brasil > Valéria Lima Commercial director BG
USA; however, the forecasts are very optimistic, due mainly to the economic moment of the country with the pre-salt discoveries. The expansion of the network in any country depends on a heated business environment. The Rio Pipeline 2011 technical committee received 513 summaries from 27 countries in this edition. The topic design, Construction, Assembly and Materials, reached a record-breaking
342 technical papers will be presented
INtErVIEW | Marcelo Rennó ”brazil offers quite a few opportunities ” President of the Rio Pipeline Organizing Committee points out the outstanding moment for the pipeline sector in the country.
How is the pipeline sector in Brazil
mental care, the sector has already
capacity, and several educational
promoted several technological im-
entities today offer qualification
Just like the entire oil & gas sector,
provements aiming at ensuring the
programs in the oil & gas sector
the pipeline segment offers good
integrity of the facilities, the op-
that comply with international
perspectives in Brazil, as a result
erational reliability and “zero” tol-
standards. We already rely on a
of the investments forecast for
erance to leaks. Therefore, a great
large, experienced staff working
the pre-salt production offloading,
deal of efforts is
as well as the movement of other
is necessary to keep
products, especially the ethanol. We
a continued train-
have a scenario where several busi-
leaking detection
ing effort for new
ness opportunities are offered for
systems, protec-
the companies interested in invest-
tion and monitor-
ing in Brazil. This accelerated de-
ing of rights of
How is Rio Pipeline
mand growth made sector become
way, in addition to
contributing to see
more strategic, but we must over-
corrosion control
the sector overcome
come a number of economic, tech-
and hillside stabil-
those challenges?
nological and environmental chal-
ity along the rights of way. The con-
The event has attracted a grow-
lenges. These are challenges that
cern with the environment and the
ing number of professionals, due
mobilize the industry worldwide and
sustainable development is always
to the increasing importance of
that is good for Brazil.
present in any strategy of the pipe-
the pipeline sector, but mainly
line sector.
due to the relevance of the top-
in the sector, but it
ics addressed and the substantial
What are these challenges? From the economic point of view,
Isn’t specialized labor another chal-
participation of the players in the
a continuous effort is required to
sector. We are facing an intense
Certainly. This is a key issue for
agenda and, therefore, we have
with research on new manufac-
an efficient and up-front manage-
the opportunity to exchange expe-
turing and assembly technologies,
ment for companies that develop
rience and knowledge, which will
with a view to reducing the proj-
business in the country. Brazil has
attract the main global represen-
ects’ CAPEX. As for the environ-
increased the training supply and
tatives of the pipeline sector.
Larger trade show in this edition After the successful 2009 edition, which had 120 exhibitors covering around 2,300m², the Rio Pipeline trade show became even larger two years later. In 2011, the event will have 150 exhibitors, in an area of 2,600m² – more significant figures as compared to 2005. The exhibition will be held on September 20 - 22, from 10.00 am to 07.00 pm, at the SulAmérica Conventions Center. One of the exhibitors, GdK, promises to display the assembly challenges and solutions of the Caraguatatuba-Taubaté
gas pipeline, which is 96km long
new technologies stand out at the exhibition
and overcomes the Serra do Mar through a 5-km long tunnel. The
ment offers the possibility of having
TBG is responsible for 2,593 kilome-
these projects to use CTdUT facilities”,
ters (length in the Brazilian territory)
explained Arthur Braga, executive
of Gasbol, totalizing 3,150 kilometers,
connected to a 500-m high shaft .
manager for the Technology Center.
counted the Bolivian territory section.
The Centro de Tecnologia em dutos
TBG is another company with news to
Liderrol, in turn, shows the new
(Pipeline Technology Center - CT-
the trade show. The Transportadora
pipeline installation technology in
dUT) will announce the execution of
Brasileira de Gasoduto (Brazilian Gas Pipeline Carrier) will make two demonstrations at the stand. The company will make a real-time broadcast of the operations in the Bolívia-Brasil (Gasbol) gas pipeline so that visitors may observe how all the process is made remotely, with support from the Oversight & Control Center (CSC).
confined and difficult-access en-
overcoming was one of the greatest challenges of the project, which was made through a tunnel inter-
an agreement with the Pipeline Research Council International (PRCI), which provides for the technical and services cooperation, among other opportunities that are still under negotiation. “The PRCI runs projects of key importance for the main global pipeline operators, and this agree-
vironments, from the pipeline design, manufacturing and installation. The solution is unique in the world. The company will also use the trade show to make an exclusive exhibition of the solution by bi-directional rollers, as well as the revolutionary guide rollers.
President of the Organizing Committee: Marcelo Rennó | Events Manager: Ana Guedes | Press Secretary and IBP Marketing: Tatiana Campos (email press@ibp.org.br) | Editorial office: FSB Comunicações | Layout and design development: FSB design | Photography: divulgação IBP/Somafoto |Translation: Lídio Rodrigues