Newsletter Ed.1 - Rio Oil & Gas

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September, 17 to 20, 2012


Riocentro | Rio de Janeiro | Brasil number 01 - july 2012

General Information Venue Riocentro Centro de Convenções do RJ

Rio Oil & Gas 2012 grows and becomes more global

Barra da Tijuca 22780-160

Conference, exhibition and parallel events indicate the future of the energy sector

Rio de Janeiro - RJ

The 16th edition of the Rio Oil & Gas is a

expect that the 38,000m² net area of the

Av. Salvador Allende, 6555

celebration of its 30th anniversary in 2012

trade exhibition receives 55,000 visitors –


as a global benchmark in the debate and

2,000 more than the event’s last edition.


exhibition of the oil and natural gas sec-

Monday through Thursday,

tor. The event, which is held in Rio de Ja-

Another novelty this year will be the Are-

neiro on September 17-20, will be larger –

na+10, hosting a broad debate on social-

in addition to occupying the five pavillions

environmental responsibility, in an area

in Riocentro, there will be adittional tents

especially assembled for this purpose, on

and a new theme block in the conference

the exhibition area. The name given to the

– Management and Scenarios of the In-

parallel event not only reminds us of the

dustry – in order to address the relevant

Rio+20, but also marks the tenth year sin-

topics for the sector more deeply. The ini-

ce the establishment of a specific space to

Transportation to Riocentro

tiative will ensure that delegates expand

discuss the topic sustainability in the oil &

Convention Center will be

the discussions on issues such as the new

gas industry, when Brazil hosted the 17th

provided by IBP, for Exhibitors,

exploration frontiers, operational safety,

World Petroleum Congress (WPC) along

delegates and visitors from

local content, professional qualification,

with the Rio Oil & Gas.

September 17-20, 2012 .

new technologies, responsibility associa-

The routes will be available at

ted to environmental accidents and sus-

The Business Roundtables, under coor-

tainable mobility.

dination of the Brazilian Organization of

12:00 – 20:00 Conference: Monday through Thursday, 9:00 – 18:30


the Oil & Gas Industry (Onip) and the BraPR Agency FSB Comunicações Lúcia Martins

The event, which is organized by the Brazi-

zilian Support Agency to Micro & Small

lian Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Institute

Companies (Sebrae), will promote op-

(IBP), once again will comprise an exhibi-

portunities between oil companies and

tion and a conference, whose slogan this

suppliers. In turn, labor qualification will

year is “Innovation and Growth with Res-

be the main topic of the program Pro-


ponsibility”. There will be 1.5 thousand

fissional do Futuro (Professional of the

Phone: (+55 21) 3206-5081

exhibiting companies and institutions,

Future), an initiative of the IBP supported

(+55 21) 8121-6742

which is superior to the 1.3 thousand exhi-

by its Youth Committee, and oriented to

bitors from the last edition in 2010. We

young college students.

Carlos Grandin Phone: (+55 21) 3206-5089 (+55 21) 8121-6740 Betina Bernardes Phone: (+55 21) 8121-1713 (+55 21) 3206-5086 Anna Gomide Phone: (+55 21) 3206-5050 (+55 21) 8864-3194 Press Registration: Registration may be done by the site

During the conference challenges posed to the oil industry will be debated, and the novelties of the sector will be introduced The 2012 Rio Oil & Gas Conference will

All plenary sessions will have the par-

comprise four plenary sessions and

ticipation of at least one foreign spe-

six theme blocks totaling 27 panels,

aker, thus reinforcing the internatio-

held from 2.30 pm to 6.30 pm, on the

nal profile of the event. The first day

segments of Exploration & Production;

will feature presentations by CEOs

Supply & Petrochemicals; Natural Gas;

from five large operators; on the se-

Biofuels; Environment and Operational

cond, another plenary will address

Safety; Legal and Economic Perspec-

the operational safety issue; the third

tives; and Management and Scenarios

plenary session will be on energy and

of the Industry. An exclusive discussion

will have speakers regarded as glo-

will be promoted on this last theme blo-

bal icons in this area; the last plenary

ck, on different corporate issues.

session will feature a presentation by Petrobras’ executives.

The intent with this set of talks is to increase the delegates knowledge on operatio-

In 2012, similarly to the previous edi-

nal practices and technologies, in addition

tions, there will also be technical ses-

to stimulate the reflection on the future

sions in the morning, when the 628

of the energy sector and help the quali-

papers selected by the event´s Tech-

fication of the national industry. “The Rio

nical Committee will be presented. In

Oil & Gas was designed as an event for

addition to the face-to-face sessions,

the integration of the Brazilian oil chain

this time there will be digital poster

and it has been becoming stronger year

sessions, where the papers will be

after year, with this feature. It is ackno-

presented in video format. With this

wledged by the companies as an interna-

format, it is expected that the largest

tional benchmark congress for technical

number of interested people are gran-

and technological discussions”, point out

ted access to information, at the same

Carlos Eugênio Ressurreição, coordinator

time as the researchers bear more

of the event’s Technical Committee.

chances to show their works.

From the Industrial Trade Fair to Rio Oil & Gas, event makes history in 30 years Event designed to bring suppliers together has gained international recognition The Rio Oil & Gas completes 30 ye-

congresses, which interpolated each

ars in 2012. Three decades following

other at each edition.

and contributing for the development of the Brazilian oil & natural gas sec-

The Rio Oil & Gas comprised the entire

tor, as well as its inclusion in the glo-

supply chain, from the hydrocarbon ex-

bal scenario. This history of success

ploration segment to retailing fuel. Ho-

began in 1982, while the country was

wever, the major turning point in its de-

under military government and the

sign took place in 2002, when it hosted

state-owned monopoly of the oil &

the World Petroleum Congress (WPC),

gas sector. From that time on, we un-

the largest global conference on the

derwent a redemocratization process,

sector, which occurs every three years

we discovered giant hydrocarbon re-

in a oil producing country. “It was a great

serves offshore, our local industry

victory to Brazil and a professionaliza-

grew stronger, the market opened,

tion milestone for the event”, remem-

the pre-salt was discovered and there

bers Ana Guedes, IBP’s Events Manager.

has been increased investment in renewable energy sources, among many

In a context of competitive environ-

other transformations.

ment among the operators in 2002, the Rio Oil & Gas had the presence of

Similarly, the exhibition and the con-

the major oil companies in the world

ference that comprise the event also

and an international pavillion received

progressed in this interval, adding pro-

delegations from several countries.

fessionalism to the organization and

One decade after, the expectation this

generating more and more results for

year is to reach an even greater stan-

the participants. Back to its origin, still

dard of professionalism and results.

in the 1980s, while it occupied only pa-

Since the last edition, a conduct ma-

villions three and five at Riocentro, the

nual has guided the exhibitors. The vi-

event was named “Industrial Oil & Gas

siting audience has also gained focus

Trade Fair”, and that was the name un-

as a professional acting in the industry.

til 1992. It was established with a view

These are some out of a series of ac-

to bringing the local suppliers of ma-

tions being taken by the organization

chinery and equipment together, who

to ensure continued evolution and its

would be interested in exhibiting to the

permanence among the main interna-

then only operator acting in the do-

tional oil & gas shows. Today, the Rio

mestic market, Petrobras. The event

Oil & Gas is regarded as one of the gre-

took place every other year, following

atest global events of the sector, and

the petroleum and petrochemicals

the greatest one in Latin America.

The first poster, on the left, of A energia como tema. O Rio como cenário. E você como convidado.

Rio Oil & Gas. 30 anos. Um encontro imperdível.

the event, under the name of “I Industrial Oil & Gas Trade Fair”, stimulated the suppliers to take the opportunity to promote their products with Petrobras in a five-day trade fair, October 3-7, 1982. The marketing material called the attention to the Cr$

17 a 20 de setembro de 2012 Riocentro - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil

121 million(note: former brazilian 05/12


Clube de Ideias

from July 16

The event will have 4 plenary sessions and 27 panels

currency)hired by the oil company in the previous year and the chance machinery and materials producers to be included in the

Patrocínio Prata:

Patrocínio Ouro:

vendors’ list for the company. Patrocínio Bronze:

Patrocínio Cobre:

Transpor tadora Brasileira Gasoduto Bolívia-Brasil S.A .




On the right, this year´s poster.


© All rights reserved to IBP - Brazilian Institute of de Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels

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