Newsletter Ed.2 - Rio Oil & Gas

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September, 17 to 20, 2012


Riocentro | Rio de Janeiro | Brasil versão português

number 02 - AUGUST 2012

General Information Venue Riocentro Centro de Convenções do RJ

Panel will debate difficulties in training workers One of the main news in the Rio Oil &

try needs many more workers and

Barra da Tijuca 22780-160

Gas confereces this year is the new

number of hours worked than what

Rio de Janeiro - RJ

theme block, entitled “Challenges and

occurs worldwide.

Av. Salvador Allende, 6555

Scenarios of the Sector”. There will be


seven panels to address topics such as

Exhibition: Monday through Thursday,

training of human resources, prevention

12:00 – 20:00

of environmental accidents, technological development of the sector, suppliers’

Conference: Monday through Thursday, 9:00 – 18:30

chain, financing of the oil & gas sector, legal aspects of the environmental accidents and the future of transport. IBP’s technology manager, Raimar

Buses Transportation to Riocentro

van den Bylaardt, coordinates the

Convention Center will be

panel Personnel Training and Qualifi-

provided by IBP, for Exhibitors,

cation. As he sees it, the issue of trai-

delegates and visitors from September 17-20, 2012 .

ning human resources and personnel

The routes will be available at

certification is becoming more and

more critical and, therefore, the aim is to step out of the commonplace of diagnosisng the problem and start

PR Agency FSB Comunicações

discussing what is being done and the solutions found.

As part of this panel’s program, Joaquim Passos Maia, from the Brazilian Association of Industrial Engineering (Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Industrial - Abemi), intends to approach the issue of personnel certification in Brazil, by comparing it with the scenario in the United States. Another speaker is Segen Estefen, from Coppe/ UFRJ, who will address the shortage of “trainers’ training” in the market. In turn, Mária Alves, from the Petrobras University, will make an account of the institution with fostering the specialization of the students since their undergraduate courses, thus developing with very defined focus on the chosen area, until the master’s degree, thus contributing for the increased le-

Lúcia Martins

Bylaardt points out that the produc-


tivity index of the labor in the the pe-

Phone: (+55 21) 3206-5081

troleum industry is very low in Brasil

Finally, Damian Popolo, from BG, should

(+55 21) 8121-6742

if compared to other countries and,

talk about the importance of globaliza-

consequently, the Brazilian indus-

tion of education in the sector.

vel of professional qualification.

Carlos Grandin Phone: (+55 21) 3206-5089 (+55 21) 8121-6740 Betina Bernardes

International pavillions on the move for Rio Oil & Gas

The major international exhibitors

content and business culture requi-

Phone: (+55 21) 8121-1713

are all ready for Rio Oil & Gas, looking

rements in Brazil”.

(+55 21) 3206-5086

out for the opportunity to enlarge the visibility of their countries’ companies with representativies of the

Jacqueline Farid

oil & gas sector worldwide. Canada’s Tel.: (+ 55 21)7124-7178

and France’s plans reveal the increased participation of those coun-

Press Registration:

tries this year, as compared to the

Registration may be done by

previous years.

the site

Canada’s Pavillion will have a recordbreaking number of 43 exhibitors at Rio Oil & Gas this year, representing

Twitter @RioOilGasExpo

a significant growth in relation to the previous event, when the num-

The French are also reinforcing their presence in the event. Hamza Belgourari, from Ubifrance, the French Agency for International Business Development, informs that the 50 exhibitors from his country will have a 400-m2 area in the French Pavillion in order to “communicate that we are making strong investments in Brazil, especially in this sector. The French representation at Rio Oil & Gas will be headed by Total,

ber reached 33. In 2006, when they

the multinational giant of the sec-


first participated, the Canadians

tor. Belgourari explains that there

were not superior to eight.

will also be an important presence

The oil & gas business manager for For registration, list of exhibitors and program details, visit

the Canadian consulate, Nadine Lopes, explains that the 2012 delegation comprises suppliers of goods, services and technology, who are

of companies that will bring possibilities of technological solutions, seeking partnership in innovative research with Brazil. “France is investing around USD 2 billion in the

interested in getting to know the

State of Rio, and must display a

opportunities and entering the Bra-

strong delegatoin”, he justifies. Be-

zilian market “in a structrured man-

sides Canada and France, the exhibi-

ner, based on well-planned strate-

tion will have other 12 international

gies, always considering the local

pavilions participating

Arena + 10 brings debate on sustainability Rio Oil & Gas’ Social Responsibility

of the oil & gas sector companies with

agenda reaches its 10th anniversa-

sustainable development. “There is,

ry in 2012 and, to celebrate, the Are-

today, more interest and more matu-

na + 10 - a seminar - will be carried

rity on the topic in the companies, as

out on September 19, at the event’s

they left welfare policies behind in or-

exhibition area, and open to all parti-

der to consider the topic as a strategic

cipants. The objective is to promote a

issue for business”, he analyzes.

wider debate on sustainability around

The focus of Arena + 10 will be on

the topic “Breakthroughs and Challenges of Sustainable Development in the Oil, Gas and Biofuels Sector”. The name given to the parallel event not only reminds us of the Rio+20, but also marks the tenth year since the establishment of a specific space to discuss the topic sustainability in the oil & gas industry, when Brazil hosted the 17th World Petroleum Congress (WPC) along with the Rio Oil & Gas.

the debate about how the economic issue reflects on the social and environmental impacts, that is, how the financial resources relate to social aspects of development.

The dis-

cussions will also focus on the great paradox posed by the stimulus to consumpton, while the society whats to reduce carbon emissions. According to Victal, the idea is to point out, at Arena + 10, that the solutions

Carlos Victal, IBP’s Social Responsibi-

demand longer term and must be ba-

lity manager, explains that, 10 years

sed on two pilars - energy efficiency

ago, Brazil innovated on a global basis

and use of natural gas. To that end,

by bringing the topic to the event. Now,

the event will have a large panel - So-

this innovative attitude will be cele-

cial Inheritance of the Oil & Gas Supply

brated with discussions that should

Chain, in addition to a round table on

reflect the evolution of commitment

careful use of energy.

© All rights reserved to IBP - Brazilian Institute of de Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels

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