John Piper: The Forties

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This book re-examines the work of John Piper who, as well as being a prominent

Curator at Tate Britain and an authority

painter, printmaker and photographer, was an active figure in many cultural

on Piper’s works. He curated the Tate

spheres during the 1940s when the foundations of his reputation were laid.

retrospective exhibition of Piper in 1983 and has written extensively on modern

The book brings together work that was officially commissioned during the

British art.

Second World War and contextualises it with work from the pre-war and postwar years. All aspects of Piper’s work during the forties are examined, including theatre designs, architectural paintings, the Recording Britain project, his work as a war artist, neo-Romanticism, and Welsh landscape paintings towards the end

J ohn P iper

David Fraser Jenkins is a former Senior

of the decade. In addition, the book features Piper’s writings and criticism, his

I try to do in painting is to say that I want

John Piper

to make a pictorial parallel for what I see, complete in itself and yet derived from nature – a lively symbol that seems to belong in a picture frame. I know when I have done it, up to my own limit, but it is never completely satisfactory to me; and I always go on trying to do better. After a time you get interested; it becomes an


designs for film posters and book jackets, photographs, exhibition catalogues,


sketchbooks and manuscript letters.

‘The nearest I can get to describing what

absorbing occupation, and you cannot stop.’

Page 55 (An extract from The Artist and the Public, published in Current Affairs No. 96, 2 June 1945, by The Army Bureau of Current Affairs)

IMPERIAL WAR MUSEUMS Philip Wilson Publishers 6 Salem Road London W2 4BU

Cover: Holkham, Norfolk (detail) 1939–40

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