Bottled Water Reporter

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W W W. B O T T L E D W AT E R . O R G


IN THIS ISSUE Why Engaging in How Unregulated Why You Should Contaminants Be a Bottled Public Policy Is Important Become Regulated Water Advocate



2016 IBWA Annual Business Conference and Trade Show NASHVILLE, TN

Create a Winning Ticket November 7-11 | Details p.23

How to attract and retain Millennials— and employees of any age

Also Inside: How to Get the Most ROI From Your Online Marketing Efforts A PUBLICATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL BOTTLED WATER ASSOCIATION

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VOL. 56 • NO. 5


34 | Working Together to Win the Public Policy Race in Washington How IBWA engagement in public policy leads to success. COMMUNICATIONS

38 | Why You Need to Be a Healthy, Hydrated, and Active Bottled Water Advocate Why all IBWA members need to promote healthy hydration. TECHNICAL UPDATE

40 | How Does an Unregulated Contaminant Become Regulated? When new contaminants are considered for regulation, what is industry’s role? VALUE OF IBWA MEMBERSHIP

44 | Membership as a Service to Clients Jillian Olsen (EarthRes Group, Inc.) explains to Bottled Water Reporter how her company's IBWA membership helps her learn about the issues her clients face.



CHAIRMAN’S COMMENTARY................................2 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE.......................................4 WATER NOTES.....................................................6

10 | Culture Club

CPO QUIZ..........................................................46

Learn how a strong organizational culture focused on responsiveness and recognition helps companies attract and retain Millennials—and employees of any age. By Jennifer J. Salopek


16 | How to Get the Most ROI From Your Online Marketing Efforts



Marketing blogs promote different—and sometimes conflicting—marketing strategies. Even seasoned marketers can become confused by all the information available. So, where should you start when marketing your business online? By Eric Brandt

23 | 2016 IBWA Annual Business Conference and Trade Show Primer Create a Winning Ticket


By 2017 (if not sooner), bottled water will be the No. 1 packaged beverage on the market. Join us in Nashville, Tennessee, November 7-11, to plan for whatever the future holds by creating a winning ticket of technical and business education sessions you can attend— along with networking opportunities to learn from your industry peers.

BOTTLED WATER REPORTER, Volume 56, Number 5. Published six times a year by The Goetz Printing Company, 7939 Angus Court, Springfield, VA, 22153, for the International Bottled Water Association, 1700 Diagonal Road, Suite 650, Alexandria, VA 22314-2973. Tel: 703.683.5213, Fax: 703.683.4074, Subscription rate for members is $25 per year, which is included in the dues. U.S. and Canadian subscription rate to nonmembers is $50 per year. International subscription rate is $100 per year. Single copies are $7. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Bottled Water Reporter, 1700 Diagonal Road, Suite 650, Alexandria, VA 22314-2973.


International Bottled Water Association

CHAIRMAN’S COMMENTARY BENEFITS OF MARKETING HEALTHY HYDRATION We’ve recently learned that by 2017 (if not sooner) bottled water will be the No. 1 packaged beverage choice for Americans by volume. According to Beverage Marketing Corporation, consumers choose bottled water because of its associations with healthfulness, convenience, safety, and value. It doesn’t hurt that you can drink bottled water any time of day—and it doesn’t have to be kept hot (like coffee) or cold (like soft drinks or juice). Bottled water’s diverse packaging options—3- and 5- gallon containers and various single-serve bottles—encourage water consumption at work, home, school, and while on-the-go. Contrary to what our critics say, bottled water is, in fact, relatively inexpensive—aggressively priced to make bottled water more affordable for all. Even with the market growth of healthy hydration, the United States still has an obesity issue. Many consumers choose to drink bottled water due to concerns about their health—appreciating the fact that it lacks calories and artificial ingredients—but U.S. adults and children alike are heavier than ever. Thus, it seems truer than ever that bottled water has an important role to play in helping people live healthier lives. That means we have an important role to play in ensuring consumers are equipped with the facts when they make beverage decisions. One powerful way to present the benefits of water consumption is through our online marketing efforts. Many IBWA members have accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Posting digestible pieces of information about healthy hydration on those platforms daily can provide consumers a constant reminder of the reasons why they should “drink more water.” (The fact that daily postings also can increase your Google ranking is a bonus!) In fact, your positive bottled water posts can serve as an archive for when you need to retrieve that information again. Undoubtedly, having a catalogue of ready-to-use healthy hydration research and facts will come in handy. For example, IBWA recently had great success in helping to increase the water consumption messaging in the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The guidelines recommend the consumption of water over sugar-sweetened beverages. But that success didn’t happen overnight. Years were spent providing regulatory bodies and elected officials with research, comments, and testimony on the benefits of drinking water. Now, as we begin work to increase pro-water consumption—and bottled water—messaging in the 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, IBWA members can share the information they post on their social media pages with those responsible for updating the guidelines. One never knows what pro-water consumption research or comment might be the tipping point to convince government officials that bottled water can help create a healthier America.

International Bottled Water Association OFFICERS Chairman Joe Bell, Aqua Filter Fresh, Inc. Vice Chair Shayron Barnes-Selby, DS Services Treasurer Lynn Wachtmann, Maumee Valley Bottlers, Inc. Immediate Past Chairman Bryan Shinn, Shinn Spring Water Company

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Shayron Barnes-Selby, DS Services Joe Bell, Aqua Filter Fresh, Inc. Charlie Broll, Nestlé Waters North America Philippe Caradec, Danone Waters of America Andy Eaton, Eurofins Eaton Analytical Brian Grant, Pure Flo Water, Inc. Brian Hess, Niagara Bottling LLC Doug Hidding, Blackhawk Molding Co. Scott Hoover, Roaring Spring Bottling Dan Kelly, Polymer Solutions International Greg Nemec, Premium Waters, Inc. Bryan Shinn, Shinn Spring Water Company Robert Smith, Grand Springs Distribution Louis Vittorio, Jr., EarthRes Group, Inc. Lynn Wachtmann, Maumee Valley Bottlers, Inc. William Patrick Young, Absopure Water Co., Inc.

IBWA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chairman Joe Bell, Aqua Filter Fresh, Inc. Shayron Barnes-Selby, DS Services Charlie Broll, Nestlé Waters North America Philippe Caradec, Danone Waters of America C.R. Hall, Hall’s Culligan Henry R. Hidell, III, Hidell International Scott Hoover, Roaring Spring Bottling Dan Kelly, Polymer Solutions International Ed Merklen, DS Services Bryan Shinn, Shinn Spring Water Company Lynn Wachtmann, Maumee Valley Bottlers, Inc. William Patrick Young, Absopure Water Co., Inc.

COMMITTEE CHAIRS Communications Committee Jane Lazgin, Nestlé Waters North America Education Committee Glen Davis, Absopure Water Co., Inc. Douglas R. Hupe, Aqua Filter Fresh Environmental Sustainability Committee Philippe Caradec, Danone Waters of America Jeff Davis, Blackhawk Molding Co. Government Relations Committee Shayron Barnes-Selby, DS Services Lynn Wachtmann, Maumee Valley Bottlers, Inc. Membership Committee Marge Eggie, Polymer Solutions International Kelley Goshay, DS Services State and Regional Associations Committee Joe Cimino, ChoiceH2O Ross Rosette, H2Oregon Supplier and Convention Committee Brian Grant, Pure Flo Water, Inc. Dan Kelly, Polymer Solutions International

Joe Bell IBWA Chairman 2



Technical Committee Andy Eaton, Eurofins Eaton Analytical Kevin Mathews, Nestlé Waters North America


International Bottled Water Association


BOTTLED WATER REPORTER is published for: International Bottled Water Association 1700 Diagonal Road, Suite 650 Alexandria, VA 22314-2973. Tel: 703.683.5213 Fax: 703.683.4074


IBWA is heading to the Gaylord Opryland Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee, from November 7-11, 2016, for our Annual Business Conference and Trade Show—and we invite you to join us! We’re particularly excited about the conference lineup we’ve got planned for this year’s gathering of bottled water professionals. Of note is our keynote speaker for the General Session: businessman and entrepreneur Brian Moran, creator of the “12 Week Year,” a program that promises to show you how to accomplish more in 12 weeks than most do in 12 months ( In addition, the Drinking Water Research Foundation (DWRF) is honored to present Marc Edwards, PhD, as its Alan A. Leff Memorial Lecture Series speaker. Dr. Edwards’ presentation will summarize the efforts of his research team—which combined ethics, engineering, citizen science, laboratory experiments, investigative science, and social media—to confirm the high levels of lead in Flint, Michigan’s municipal water. As it is a high-energy election year—and we’ll be in Nashville on Election Day (November 8)—we encourage all members to find out how best to submit their absentee ballots. Once at the conference, IBWA invites you to join us for our special Election Night Welcome Reception—where we’ll have screens set up around the room, so you can keep up-to-date on the election results while networking with your peers. For all the details about this year’s conference, please turn to page 23. But you don’t have to wait until the IBWA conference if you want to learn about the latest management and marketing trends. In this issue of Bottled Water Reporter, our cover story—“Culture Club” (p.10)—reviews the hiring and retention practices that can help your company attract and retain Millennials—who will, by 2022, make up 63.1 percent of the workforce. In “How to Get the Most ROI From Your Online Marketing Efforts" (p.16), we investigate the marketing strategies that work best in the world of social media. Our columns for this issue take note of the public policy victories IBWA has had so far in 2016 (p.34), encourage all members to be bottled water advocates (p.38), and explain how an unregulated contaminant becomes regulated (p.40). The articles and columns in this issue of Bottled Water Reporter are packed with information you’ll find useful for your businesses. But sometimes the best teachers are our peers. That’s why I encourage you to join us in Nashville, November 7-11, for the 2016 IBWA Annual Business Conference and Trade Show. You never know who you’ll meet—or what you’ll learn.

Joe Doss IBWA President




President Joseph K. Doss Vice President of Education, Science, and Technical Relations Robert R. Hirst Vice President of Communications Chris Hogan Vice President of Government Relations Kristin Pearson Wilcox Director of Conventions, Trade Shows, and Meetings Michele Campbell Director of Government Relations J.P. Toner Director of Science and Research Al Lear Manager of Publications and Special Projects Sabrina E. Hicks Manager of Member Services Cheryl Bass-Briscoe Education and Technical Programs Coordinator Claire Crane Executive Assistant Patrice Ward Bottled Water Reporter Layout and Design Rose McLeod Tel: 315.447.4385 Editor Sabrina E. Hicks Advertising Sales Stephanie Schaefer

ProStack ÂŽ & Polymer Solutions International, Inc. Where Ideas Become Solutions



House Passes Bill That Defunds NPS Policy Allowing Bottled Water Sales Bans On July 14, 2016, the U.S. House of Representatives passed its fiscal year (FY) 2017 Interior and Environment Appropriations Bill (H.R. 5538). That legislation contains the following IBWAsupported provision that prevents the National Park Service (NPS) from using federal money to implement its policy that allows individual park units to ban the sale of bottled water: BOTTLED WATER SEC. 121. None of the funds made available by this Act may be used by the Director of the National Park Service to implement, administer, or enforce Policy Memorandum 11–03 or to approve a request by a park superintendent to eliminate the sale in national parks of water in disposable, recyclable plastic bottles. 6



According to IBWA Vice President of Government Relations Kristin Pearson Wilcox, “IBWA has many members to thank for achieving this victory against the NPS sales ban policy. We also owe great thanks to our congressional champions Rep. Keith Rothfus (R-PA) and Interior Appropriations Subcommittee Chair Ken Calvert (R-CA) for leading this effort. They worked tirelessly across the aisle with their Democratic counterparts and collaboratively with the bottled water industry to help ensure national park visitors have access to bottled water and healthy hydration.” IBWA members may recall that, in June 2016, the House’s Appropriations Committee passed the Interior Department funding bill, which included a provision

championed by Rep. Keith Rothfus to defund the NPS policy that allows individual park units to ban the sale of bottled water. The bottled water sales ban policy, Policy Memorandum 11-03, Disposable Plastic Water Bottle Recycling and Reduction, was ostensibly established to reduce plastic waste left behind by park visitors. However, people coming to the parks are still allowed to buy other consumer goods, including sodas, sports drinks, teas, milk, beer, and wine. All of those products can still be purchased in plastic, glass, cans, and cardboard containers—but bottled water in plastic containers is not available for sale in 22 national parks. Research shows that when bottled water isn’t available, 63 percent of people will choose soda or another sugary drink—not tap water.

This year-long congressional effort began in July 2015 when the House of Representatives approved an amendment sponsored by Rep. Rothfus to the Interior Department Appropriations bill that prohibited the NPS from using any funds to implement or maintain a policy that allows for the ban on the sale of bottled water at any national park. Unfortunately, that provision did not become law. However, Rep. Rothfus continues to support water consumption and press his colleagues to end the NPS sales ban policy because he understands that promoting water consumption, in all its forms—tap, filtered, and bottled—is a message that can help Americans make more healthful beverage choices. The U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee has also recognized the need to end the deeply flawed NPS policy and included such language in its Interior Appropriations Committee report accompanying the FY 2017 Interior Appropriations Bill, which was approved by the committee. To read IBWA’s press release applauding the passage of H.R. 5538, visit HouseBillPreventsNPS BWban. IBWA members who would like to join IBWA’s effort to overturn the NPS policy that allows individual park units to ban the sale of single-serve bottled water products packaged in plastic can contact IBWA Vice President of Government Relations Kristin Pearson Wilcox:


Members of Congress Visit IBWA Member Plants One of the best ways to educate elected officials about the bottled water industry is to have them take a tour of a plant, and, recently, two IBWA members did just that. As part of its Elected Official Outreach Program (EOOP), Niagara Bottling hosted Congresswoman Norma Torres (D-CA) for a tour of its Rialto, California facility on June 28, 2016. The congresswoman’s visit follows her district representatives’ attendance at an Open House Celebration for the Rialto plant. Her team members were so impressed with the company that they encouraged the congresswoman to visit, which she did in a matter of weeks. During the plant tour, Congresswoman Torres was able to not only see for herself how efficiently the plant is run but also ask questions about Niagara’s workforce. In addition, the Niagara team was able to share its position on the industry’s federal legislative platform and seek her support. On June 30, 2016, Rep. Keith Rothfus (R-PA) visited with IBWA Chairman Joe Bell and Aqua Filter Fresh employees at the company’s facility in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. During his tour of the plant, Rep. Rothfus had the opportunity to address Aqua Filter Fresh staff. In preparation for the congressman’s visit, Aqua Filter Fresh employees printed and displayed around the plant a number of posters from IBWA’s

online image library (e.g., the National Park Service, “Get Out the Vote,” and “Reaching Our Recycling Potential” posters). IBWA members may remember Rep. Rothfus as a champion of water consumption who sponsored an amendment to an Interior Department Appropriations bill that would have prohibited the National Park Service (NPS) from using any funds to implement or maintain a policy that allows for the ban on the sale of bottled water at any national park. While that provision did not become law, Rep. Rothfus continues to support healthy hydration—including supporting the provision to defund that same NPS policy that passed as part of the House fiscal year (FY) 2017 Interior and Environment Appropriations Bill (H.R. 5538) detailed on page 6. IBWA encourages all members to invite elected officials to visit their plants and tour their facilities. It is through such educational efforts that legislators can become more aware of our issues and make informed policy decisions. In addition, members are also encouraged to visit IBWA’s online image library ( for printable posters that can be displayed throughout your plants, used during community events, or promoted via your company’s social media efforts.

Pictured from left: Aqua Filter Fresh's Special Projects/Route Manager Doug R. Hupe, IBWA Chairman Joe Bell, Rep. Keith Rothfus (R-PA), and Aqua Filter Fresh's President Doug A. Hupe.

Pictured from left: Niagara's Rialto Plant Director Tim Johnson, Congresswoman Norma Torres (D-CA), and Niagara’s Executive Vice President of Legal Affairs Brian Hess. SEP/OCT 2016




#Hydrate like a winner. Start every day with #water like 12 Grand Slam title holder Novak Djokovic: www.eatthis. com/novak-djokovic-food-secrets

September is #NationalPreparednessMonth and the bottled water industry wants to remind you to stock your emergency kits with #BottledWater. recommends you store 1 gallon of commercially purchased bottled water per person, per day for up to three days. Learn more about emergency water storage and recommendations here:

Hurricane season doesn’t end until November 30. Be prepared!

National Campaigns September: National Childhood Obesity Month, National Preparedness Month, First Day of Fall (September 22), World Heart Day (September 29) October: Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Make a Difference Day (October 22), Halloween (October 31) No matter who you vote for—vote on Tuesday, November 8, 2016! p/7siPgwqSoF/?takenby=bottledwatermatters

[Post on Halloween] Trick-or-treat! Why not hand out zero calorie, convenient #BottledWater tonight as a healthy alternative to candy? Perhaps also hand out flyers listing some of the benefits of water consumption. Bottled water treats and education? This Halloween isn’t spooky at all!

Photo Credit: Andy Eaton

are looking for new opportuniti consumers and es to connect w educate them ith ab o ut b o ttled water issu share any of th es, feel free to e following on yo ur social media si tes during Sep and October— tember or be inspired an d write your ow n! recommends you store 1 gallon of commercially purchased bottled water per person, per day for up to three days.

[On September 29, World Heart Day] Healthy hydration is good for all your organs – especially your heart! Happy World Heart Day! #BottledWater PoweredByHydration_Heart

According to Beverage Marketing Corporation research, Gen Zers drink bottled water more frequently than they do coffee and freshbrewed tea. Cheers to that! issues/2016-07/BD_Page2_LG.jpg

ote! NO MATTER WHO YOU VOTE FOR... VOTE ON NOVEMBER 8, 2016 Compliments of the International Bottled Water Association Find your polling station:


Hurricane Season 2016 isn’t over until November 30! Make sure you follow the advice of and stock your survival kits with bottled water. pin/414964553142553657

[After September 22] #Fall is here and so is the cooler weather. Make sure you remember to stay #hydrated this season—even though it’s chilly outside! #BottledWater #water #H2OfCourse Download:


Dude Perfect is all about the #BottledWater flip in this video! Check out the awesomeness...but leave the Front Flip Flipper to the pros. #waterbottleflipedition #dudeperfect

[On Halloween] Hottest trick-or-treat trend this year: handing out bottled water INSTEAD of candy! #HealthyHydration #DrinkUp


IBWA GOES TO WASHINGTON On July 14, 2016, several IBWA members were on Capitol Hill to meet with congressional legislators and attend the North American Meat Institute’s annual Congressional Hot Dog Lunch, where bottled water donated by IBWA was handed out to attendees. IBWA Chairman Joe Bell was joined by IBWA Vice Chair and Government Relations (GR) Committee Chair Shayron Barnes-Selby (DS Services) and GR Committee Member Derieth Sutton (Niagara Bottling). The IBWA Pictured from left: Nancy McNally (Van Ness Feldman); Derieth Sutton delegation met with staff from the (Niagara); Ryan, Joe, and Ethan Bell (Aqua Filter Fresh); Shayron Barnesoffice of the Speaker of the House Selby (DS Services); and Kristin Pearson Wilcox (IBWA) take advantage of a of Representatives Paul Ryan (R-WI) great photo opportunity while on the U.S. House Speaker’s office balcony. to discuss the National Park Service (NPS) issue. In addition, they presented to several other members of Congress the industry’s case for ending the NPS policy that allows individual park units to ban the sale of bottled water, including Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA) and Reps. David Joyce (R-OH), Tim Murphy (R-PA), Bob Latta (R-OH), Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), Grace Napolitano (D-CA), Martin Stutzman (R-IN), Rick Larsen (R-WA), Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), and John Moolenaar (R-MI).


DWRF Research Shows Predicted Health Payoffs of Switching From Sugar-Sweetened Beverages to Water Drinking a serving of water instead of a sugary beverage could trim 3.9 billion calories daily from U.S. diets. Losing weight and improving risk factors for chronic diseases may be as easy as drinking a glass of water instead of a soda or other sweetened beverage, according to a new study published in the peerreviewed journal Nutrients. The study, funded in part by the Drinking Water Research Foundation (DWRF), is the first to use national nutrition surveillance data to report beverage intake patterns for adults and predict the calorie savings, weight loss benefits, and other potential health benefits associated with drinking a glass of water in place of a soda, energy drink, or other sweetened beverage. Study results revealed that 18 percent of calories in adults’ diets come

from beverages. Current public health recommendations limit beverage calories to less than 15 percent of total daily calories. “Swapping water for eight-ounces of sweetened beverage every day could save people roughly 100 calories, which is between 15 and 30 percent of adults’ total energy intake,” commented the study’s coauthor, Kiyah Duffey, PhD, Virginia Tech. “If those calories are not replaced by other foods or beverages, that is a meaningful reduction in daily energy intake.” The predicted weight loss from such calorie reductions could mean that 1.6 million fewer U.S. adults would be officially classified as overweight. Dr. Duffey explains, “In addition to the potential direct weight loss benefits, individuals may also experience improvements in

blood sugar and cholesterol levels. We also know that most adults are at least mildly dehydrated and need to consume more calorie-free beverages like water, so there are numerous reasons to make the swap.” For more information, read the DWRF press release: DuffeyStudy. SEP/OCT 2016








A strong organizational culture focused on responsiveness and recognition helps companies attract and retain Millennials— and employees of any age By Jennifer J. Salopek

SEP/OCT 2016



Look into the future of your company: Only six years hence, in 2022, workers ages 25 to 54 years old will make up 63.1 percent of the workforce. As the American workforce continues to age, IBWA members must expand and optimize their efforts to attract and retain younger workers. You may feel daunted by the perception that Millennials are disloyal, jumping from one employer to the next, and that they expect every workplace to be like Google, with its free food courts and flexible hours—but that’s not really the case. It’s a myth that Millennials are job hoppers. However, it is true that young people are job hoppers. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, median employment tenure was 4.6 years in 2014; in 1983, the median was 3.5 years. For workers ages 20 to 24, average tenure in 2014 was 1.3 years, compared with 1.5 in 1983. For workers ages 25 to 34, average tenure in 2014 was 3 years, the same as it was in 1983. Economics may drive more young people to your company. For Millennials, the educational journey is being disrupted as college tuition gets more expensive. “Millennials question the value of a college education,” says Jamie Notter, principal of generational workplace consulting firm WorkXO. “There are so many alternatives that a traditional four-year, on-campus college education can seem archaic.” If President Obama’s proposal to make community college free for all Americans by 2020 is successful, it’s possible that even fewer young people will follow that traditional path.

Just as we know that not every Millennial is a knowledge worker (i.e., someone who works exclusively with information), Millennials know that not every workplace is like Google—and they don’t want it to be. The truth is twofold: Millennials bring unique generational characteristics to your workplace that, when viewed as strengths rather than weaknesses, can help to improve it; and, a work culture designed to respond to Millennials’ priorities is attractive to workers of all generations. But when talking employee recruitment and retention, it’s important to keep a distinction in mind: Recruitment is about tactics; retention is about strategy and culture.

Recruitment PureFlo Water in Santee, California, has been in business since 1958. The company employs 78 people, 26 of whom are home and office delivery (HOD) route salespeople. General Manager Leslie Alstad describes a workforce that is long-tenured and largely stable, but she cites high turnover among route drivers and staying fully staffed as ongoing business challenges. (Drivers average 3 to 5 years with the company, which meets or exceeds the nationwide medians.) During the past few years, PureFlo has changed its recruiting tactics to appeal to younger workers. They have turned to online advertising, social media, and employee referrals to generate leads on potential candidates. Route salespeople at PureFlo earn base pay plus a percentage of revenue. It’s a job

It’s a myth that Millennials are job hoppers. However, it is true that young people are job hoppers.





with many attractive features that should appeal to would-be entrepreneurs and people who don’t care for sitting behind a desk. Yet Damon Grant, the company’s director of marketing and technology, says that they frequently encounter a “generational expectation of coddling and hand-holding.” One recruitment method that will both indulge the desires of Millennial job seekers and benefit your business is employee referrals. Millennials know the value of work/ life balance and consider it important to have friends in the workplace. According to a LinkedIn study of 18-24 year olds, having friends at work makes them happy (57 percent), motivated (50 percent), and productive (39 percent). Like most young people, Millennials listen to the opinions of their friends—so when your employees explain what it’s like to work at your company, new hires know what to expect, which helps with retention. If you find that you’re having a hard time retaining Millennials, implementing an employee referral program may help keep them feeling connected to the workplace.

Interviewing and Hiring If employee attrition is exceeding targets, perhaps your company should fine-tune its interviewing and hiring processes. The recruiting process at PureFlo takes three weeks minimum and consists of an initial telephone interview, two in-person interviews, and a ride-along session with an experienced route salesperson. The company uses behavioral interviewing to look for “people people”—because they want employees with a customer service mentality. “We are closer to being fully staffed than we have been in years,” says Alstad. Greg Nemec, president of Premium Waters in Minneapolis, says his company has always hired for potential and trained for skill. “We look for a learning mentality, which has contributed to retention. It’s not really a story about hiring young, but it is important to invest young. We are aware that 13 to 20 of our senior leaders are retirement-bound, so this is key to effective succession planning.”

Retention Retention is important because turnover is expensive, says Jan Ferri-Reed, PhD, workplace consultant and co-author of Keeping the Millennials: Why Companies Are Losing Billions in Turnover to This Generation—and What to Do About It. She estimates that replacing a minimum-wage, entry-level employee costs $1,900. The first key to retention is to represent your company the way it truly is, says Notter: “My No. 1 recommendation is to get really clear on what your company culture is.

Does your work culture encourage all employees to share ideas for improving products, processes, or services? If not, this is an area you might work on. You must tell the truth and be authentic.” Notter says that Millennials have higher, but different, expectations of the workplace. He insists, “It’s not about foosball tables.” Ferri-Reed agrees. “Many of the things Google does are not about perks, but about how people are managed. Millennials value autonomy and input. Companies must approach this challenge from the standpoint of improving manager and supervisor ability.” Premium’s Nemec says that the company faces many of the same challenges as PureFlo: “ Turnover has been a problem numerous times in the history of our company. We have churn in route operations and certain other positions.” Premium Waters, which employs 800 people in facilities in nine states, has changed its approach. “We try to take every opportunity to be open-minded and embrace, rethink the paradigms. Millennials have redefined multitasking—there are zero degrees of separation with social media,” says Nemec. He advises managers not to panic when they see employees texting or surfing SEP/OCT 2016



Millennials are looking for meaning and a way to contribute; managers are the gatekeepers to and designers of that contribution.

the web, and encourages them to focus on whether the job is getting done. Having grown up with technology, Millennials are creative problem-solvers who are fearless in experimentation. That mentality means they are resistant to micromanagement and proscribed ways of doing things; Millennials appreciate user-designed experiences and enjoy sharing their own authentic experiences. They have no patience with concepts of seat time and face time. Does your work culture encourage all employees to share ideas for improving products, processes, or services? If not, this is an area you might invest some time in working on. This aligns with Notter’s notion that “the devil is in the details” when it comes to parameters and guidelines: “Must employees use the systems provided? Is it OK to bend the rules when it makes sense? If there’s no way to change the truck, is there flexibility in the schedule?” he asks rhetorically. “People want to know what’s going on and how they can contribute. If you have employees, shouldn’t you use them, let them play?” says Nemec. But expectation setting and transparency are essential for success. “Be very clear about what you will do with employee feedback and how you will act on it,” says Notter. You can equip employees to make even better suggestions by telling people what actually drives the success of your business. “Show us why you need the elements, and map out what you value,” he says. 14



A global study by the O.C. Tanner Institute demonstrates that Millennials aspire to build long-lasting careers with one company. At the time of hire, Millennials estimate that they will stay eight years with a new employer. Laying out lateral opportunities as well as career paths and professional development plans can be key to demonstrating that your company is also hoping for a long-term employment relationship. Grant notes that PureFlo has started providing coaching for its HOD salespeople, in which an experienced route salesperson rides along with new hires and provides real-time coaching. “We are training our drivers to really understand the role,” he says. “It is physically demanding and requires an unusual combination of skills in customer service, sales, and collections. It could be up to a year before new hires fully grasp the details, but we try to set them up for success.” Premium Waters recently hired its first director of human resources development, bringing that department’s headcount up to 12.5. Nemec reports that the company is working to develop one-, three-, and five-year professional development plans for its top 100 employees. The result will include a visualization of their career paths, identifying opportunities, promotions, and contributions. Ferri-Reed says that flatter organizations can use employee input to identify different levels of technical achievement that allow interested workers to gain new skill sets; while larger organizations might incorporate certification levels for technical jobs. “Ask employees what they want to learn, and offer exposure to various parts of the business. Provide opportunities to


lead teams,” she says. “And if your organization has programs for entry-level exempt employees, do not neglect professional development for hourly workers as well.”

Corporate Culture Check If employee retention is a persistent problem, more farreaching work on organizational culture and processes may be necessary. Millennials are looking for meaning and a way to contribute; managers are the gatekeepers to and designers of that contribution. Transparency equips all employees with the information they need to identify opportunities for improvement. Shared values provide a strong foundation. In December 2008, Premium Waters became the first bottled water company in the United States to achieve Level III SQF certification, one of the platforms of the Global Food Safety Initiative. Working to achieve the certification put corporate values front and center and gave employees a shared goal. “My job is to create a vision of a better organization, to articulate that vision and empower employees to realize it,” says Nemec. “We need everyone pulling together. Pursuing the certification created unity in the organization and requires daily participation. Our employees understand their roles and are empowered to stop the line," if necessary.

Recognition and Reward Employees of all ages want to be appreciated. Recognition programs that celebrate experience and tenure can be a boon to employee retention. The O.C. Tanner study demonstrated that service anniversary programs are strongly correlated with increased tenure and improving key employee engagement metrics. “On average, employees stay two years longer at companies that have a service award program versus those that don’t. If the program is perceived to be effective, employees plan to stay at their current employer for an additional two years on top of that… These results are true globally and cross-generationally,” the study reports. And remember: There’s nothing wrong with fun. “We’ve tried to keep things fun by sponsoring contests and offering incentives,” says PureFlo’s Grant. “We’re going further than we ever have before.” Have you thought about the role that health and enjoyment play in your corporate culture? Offering programs and benefits that help employees stay well and happy can be an investment with a lot of return. According to the CDC, 73 percent of small companies (3-199 employees) and 98 percent of large companies (200+) offered at least

“On average, employees stay two years longer at companies that have a service award program versus those that don’t.” one wellness program as part of their health benefits. Productivity losses linked to employees who miss work cost employers $1,685 per employee per year, while weight loss and smoking cessation programs have been shown to reduce employee medical costs. At the end of the day, however, foosball won’t cover up a toxic or dysfunctional corporate culture. “We are doing too much to try to sell our workplaces to Millennials,” says Notter. “They just want the truth.” Jennifer J. Salopek is a freelance writer in McLean, Virginia. She can be reached at

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On marketing blogs, post after post promotes different—and sometimes conflicting—marketing strategies. It’s easy to see how even a seasoned marketer can become confused by all the ideas. From SEO (search engine optimization) to SEM (search engine marketing, or paid search rankings), the ideas and techniques available for marketing your business online change as rapidly as the technology platforms themselves. So, where should you start?

SEP/OCT 2016



Tip #1:

In the world of social media, the notion that the competition is your enemy has become passé. Your competition’s audience is your potential customers. Engage them: share their posts and interact with their audience by commenting on their updates. Exposure to like-minded customers will only benefit your business. You never know where your next customer will come from. The Starting Point Choosing the best strategy for your company depends on where you are in your marketing lifecycle. Jumping in with the wrong strategy may lead to mistakes and revenue being left on the table. Assess where to begin by first evaluating your time and budget. Most small- to mediumsized businesses have limited internal resources to use for engaging in full-scale digital marketing campaigns, so they often look to third-party agencies for assistance.

“water bottling manufacturers in Santa Clara, CA.” Ranking for longer, more specific phrases (such as the example above), although searched for less frequently, are conducted by users further along in the purchasing process and convert at a higher rate of return. Many organizations will get the highest return-on-investment by improving their website’s visibility in search engines, laying out a cohesive content marketing strategy, and engaging socially with their potential audience.

But before partnering with an agency, you need to identify clear-cut marketing goals. Some organizations may want to grow brand recognition by increasing their social media following. Others may want to improve their organic (nonpaid) traffic by ranking for phrases like

After identifying your goals, determine your budget for services. If you opt to outsource your marketing efforts, you need to know that a typical marketing agency will work on a monthly retainer fee and may contract for a minimum duration of engagement. During that

period, the agency will provide you with a set of service deliverables (e.g., a number of blog posts, optimization of a set number of web pages, or a specified number of hours of service each month). It’s best to ask the agency to outline how each deliverable will impact your marketing goals. Another good idea is to ask if it plans to outsource any of your projects or if it operates completely in-house. Outsourced efforts may lead to loss of confidential information pertaining to your business operations and objectives. If the agency is local, schedule a meeting with the team that will be working on your website. Many digital agencies (i.e., a company that delivers services for the creative and technical development of internetbased products) can improve your site’s organic traffic through SEO. They may also be able to engage your audience socially through the channels deemed most appropriate for your business and generate engaging content that enriches the recognition of your brand. But not all social channels are appropriate. While Facebook is one of the more familiar social channels, it is most appropriate for business-to-consumer (B2C) businesses. A good B2C promotion on Facebook would be for a bottled water company to promote its

LOCAL MATTERS If you’re a location-based business servicing a specific geographical area, local SEO is right for you. Whether you have one location or 100, take these steps to improve your local rankings:



Create a “Contact Us” page on your website, prominently displaying the complete name, address, and phone number (NAP) of each of your staffed locations.

Ensure your NAP is consistent everywhere it is mentioned on your website and on third-party sites. Discrepancies in the company name or mixing up NAP elements between multi-location companies or multi-practitioner businesses could lower your SEO ranking.

Use schema markup of your location data. Schema markup is code that you put on your website to help search engines return more informative results for users.

Verify your phone number is visible on your website and clickable on a mobile device.

Make sure all location pages are linked to from a high-level navigation menu.

Want to keep your street address private? Don’t publish it on your website. But be sure you’re providing a valid phone number on the site that is staffed during business hours.



KNOWN ORGANIC RANKING FACTORS While no one knows the complete algorithm for ranking a website, Google’s business model is based on providing users with the most relevant results as quickly as possible on whatever device they are using. Consider implementing the following ranking best practices: • Organic Link Building: Purchasing links or providing reciprocal linking in any way is highly detectable by Google and will hurt your organic rankings.

Tip #2:

Your website will rank higher within Google if it is growing in size with quality content. Blogs are the best opportunity to create unique content for your website. latest product to its followers. However, Facebook would be a less appropriate channel for the label manufacturer of that new product to solicit new businesses, a business-to-business (B2B) opportunity. Understanding where potential leads exist in the digital space is critical for an effective social engagement strategy. Ask any agency you are considering for case studies on businesses similar to yours. Evaluate those studies and ask for specifics on how the agency plans to implement similar strategies to improve your online visibility before you sign a contract for the work. Be leery of agencies that overstate their size or experience. If you engage with an agency on retainer, you may end up paying for underskilled staff to learn on the job. If the agency does not have specific experience in your market, then you will also have to pay for its learning curve. Ask for referrals from companies in your industry that are of similar size. When speaking with references, always ask about their experience with the account manager, inquire about any experienced turnover

on their account, and ask if they expect to continue services with the agency.

The Benefits of Internal Staff Many IBWA members have small marketing teams that execute multiple portions of the marketing and sales cycle. Having an in-house marketing team offers many benefits, including flexibility and an inherent knowledge of your customers’ research process. However, a lack of objectivity when it comes to creating consumer-centric marketing experiences, as well as the general difficulty of finding the right talent for your team, are challenges for all organizations. When assessing the talents of your internal team, first evaluate its ability to track the complete marketing lifecycle. You must determine your ability to track leads from initial keyword queries all the way through to order submissions. If your visitor must go to a thirdparty website for any part of the order, are you able to track that user’s journey

• Page Load Speed: The faster your website loads, the less likely a visitor is to abandon your site in lieu of another website. • Content: Create unique, quality content and provide a reason for people to spend more than a few seconds reading your pages. • Content Engagement: Social media is now a contributing factor in organic rankings. The more frequently people share, like, and comment on your content are indicators of the quality of the content—and will positively impact your rankings. • Mobile-Friendly Website: More Google searches take place on mobile devices than on computers in 10 countries, including the United States and Japan. If your site does not have a mobile-friendly version, your site will not rank as well as ones that do.

through the other site and order fulfillment? The process of tracking from initial referral source though order execution is called “closing the loop,” which removes any bias as quantifiable data is examined and the process is replicated. If the full lifecycle is not visible to you and your team, consider hiring an experienced website developer or webmaster. SEP/OCT 2016



the purchasing lists of data that are not properly formatted will create more trash. Create a policy and procedures manual and data entry standard (DES) to create a set of organizational guidelines for handling critical data. Clean up your database using the following steps:

Tip #3:

Search engines are powerful tools used by varying groups, from the FBI tracking down fugitives to stay-at-home parents researching party ideas. Using “Incognito” or “Private Browsing” mode and clearing your cache when conducting searches will produce more authentic results that are not modified by the engine’s algorithm. That person should be able to identify critical website issues (e.g., website hack warnings and vulnerabilities) and be able to resolve them. He or she will provide the tools to track visitors from lead source to order and provide clarity to your marketing efforts. Another important tool in this process is Google’s Search Console (previously Google Webmaster Tools). This is a no-charge web service by Google for webmasters that allows them to check the number of pages of your site in Google’s results and optimize the visibility of your website. It is also a great way to address any errors that

Google has identified, and it provides tips and tools for fixing those issues.

Never Underestimate the Importance of the Database Once you understand the customer journey lifecycle, it is critical to maintain a clean database. Not only will a good database save you time, effort, and money but also it will make your marketing efforts much more effective. In lead generation and marketing, a piece of information is considered “trash” if it does not contribute positively to the campaign. Combining more than one database or

1. Provide support from the top down. (The database is a companywide issue!) 2. Audit and assess the status of the current database. 3. Identify areas and issues: • Create a plan to clean up the database. • Prioritize the most important areas first. 4. Backup the current database to ensure there is no lost data. 5. Begin the data cleanse. 6. Be proactive and be sure to fill in the information gaps. 7. Ask for help. Every staff member can chip in, which helps everyone understand the value of the database. 8. Maintain the database and schedule future cleanups.

Use Unique Creative Now that your data is clean, the next best value is in creative—and this means writing as well as graphics. Google looks for websites that are growing in size with quality content. Blogs are the best opportunity to




COST PER LEAD (CPL) = Total Spend (Salary, time, and materials) / Gross Number of Leads. CPL is important in evaluating the effectiveness of internal staff or an outside agency. This metric provides a quantifiable comparable metric.

CONVERSION RATE = Total Number of



the average net profit attributed to the entire future relationship with a customer. Use average lifetime value and conversion rate metrics to evaluate which marketing channels are providing the highest lifetime value and maximize the effort through those channels.

The amount of revenue a company receives for every dollar spent on an advertising source. Use this metric to evaluate channels and resources including third-party agencies’ effectiveness.


Sales / Number of Unique Visitors X 100.

and tying their compensation directly to their ability to generate revenue for your business. These agencies use best practices in identifying and optimizing the right channels for your company, ensuring best-in-class optimization, lead generation, and conversion optimization. They then create unique content strategies geared toward increasing brand recognition and improving website visibility. Outcomesbased marketing agencies will use social media and email to nurture and lead prospects through the customer’s journey.

Benefits of Outcomesbased Marketing

As the customer’s journey is optimized to meet his or her needs, the agency works to measure how the marketing efforts influence your customers’ behaviors, revealing valuable insights about your customers and why they are doing business with your company. Once you have a better understanding of how and why your customers convert, you have the tools necessary to acquire and nurture them.

For those looking to reduce the inherent risk of hiring an outside agency and who do not have the budget to bring on additional staff members, then performance-based agencies are an ideal fit. Outcomes-based marketing agencies come from the B2B world and buy into the idea of partnering with organizations


create unique content based on long-tailed key phrases such as “packaged mineral water label producers in Indonesia.” Provide something of substance that is different, useful, and can’t be found elsewhere. Create real value for your visitors with timely content. For example, your content should not refer to overcoming drought conditions during monsoon season. Provide direct answers to questions. More and more searches are based on questions people are asking. Answering those questions will help your results rank higher and will build trust within Google.

The primary benefit of using an outcomes-based partner is the compensation model in which the partner is not paid until specific milestones of your campaign are reached. The partner is motivated to accomplish even more for your company because the better your returns, the more it is paid. This puts the focus on improving and maintaining marketing success in order to build a long-lasting relationship. As a result, marketing campaigns are driven by best practices, promoting transparency and performance to deliver results effectively. Eric Brandt is the founder of 5th Gear Marketing based in San Diego, California. With more than 10 years working directly with clients' strategies to solve the digital marketing mystery, 5th Gear Marketing is an outcomes-based marketing agency servicing businesses in the B2B and B2C market. For more tips and tools, visit

SEP/OCT 2016



Bottled Water & Beverage Industry Services

           













SEP/OCT 2016




FACTS When: November 7-11, 2016

Where: Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center 2800 Opryland Drive, Nashville, Tennessee 37214 Hotel Policies: 615.889.1000. Check in: 3 pm, Check out: 11 am, Complimentary internet Hotel Room Rate: $189 for single or double + taxes ($220.32 total per night) Two Ways to Make Hotel Reservations: (reservation cutoff: Saturday, October 15, 2016) • Online, only at (Do not make reservations at • Call 615.889.1000, indicate you want to make a reservation at the Gaylord Opryland Resort within the International Bottled Water Association room block. Parking: $24 per day self-park or $32 per day valet parking Local Airport/Transportation: Nashville International Airport. Gaylord Opryland Resort is 8.3 miles (about 20-25 minutes) from the airport. Gaylord Opryland Resort offers a shuttle bus service to and from the airport that departs on the half hour between 5:00 am and 11:00 pm. Taxi fare is $30 one-way flat rate. IBWA/NAMA Education Sessions: 26 CEUs Available: 18.25 CPO Exam: Friday, November 11 (Ticketed Event) IBWA/NAMA Trade Show, Lunch, and Reception: Wednesday, Nov. 9, 12:15 – 6:30 pm | 150+ exhibitors Four Ways to Register for IBWA Conference: • Online: • Fax: 703.683.4074 • Email: (call 703.683.5213 to provide credit card number) • Mail: IBWA Annual Business Conference, 1700 Diagonal Road, Suite 650, Alexandria, VA 22314 Weather: Avg. High – 59˚, Avg. Low - 38˚, Avg. Rainfall – 3.5 inches (umbrella recommended) Attire: Business casual, with good walking shoes. The air conditioning is running year-round and may at times be cool in public areas of the hotel and in the meeting rooms. Bring a sweater, jacket, or wrap just in case you find yourself feeling cold in those locations. For Conference and Trade Show Information: Contact IBWA Director of Conventions, Trade Shows, and Meetings Michele Campbell: conventioninfo@ or 703.647.4606. For IBWA Membership Information: Contact Manager of Member Services Cheryl Bass: or 703.647.4615. 24



Create a Winning Ticket It’s a very exciting time for the bottled water industry. Beverage Marketing Corporation research predicts that bottled water will be the No. 1 packaged beverage by volume by 2017 (if not by the end of this year). That means the healthy hydration movement shows no signs of slowing down—and that’s a great thing for consumers— because it shows they are making healthy hydration choices daily. The 2016 IBWA Annual Business Conference and Trade Show, happening November 7-11, 2016, at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee, offers a chance for us to come together during this historical time. IBWA’s conference provides an opportunity for industry professionals to discuss our successes, issues, and challenges and hear from industry experts on what to expect in the future. A future that we can prepare for here, at the 2016 IBWA Conference and Trade Show, by building a winning ticket of technical and business education sessions—along with networking with peers, meeting new suppliers, and investigating new industry innovations.

Conference Highlights IBWA/NAMA Welcome Reception: ELECTION NIGHT 2016 Tuesday, November 8, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm An IBWA and NAMA co-sponsored Welcome Reception will kick off the week’s networking opportunities. This relaxing event will allow attendees to network with peers, catch up with old friends, and enjoy an evening of hors d’oeuvres and an open cash bar. Screens will be set up throughout the venue so that we can all keep up-to-date on the night’s election results.

DWRF Fundraiser | Tuesday, November 8, 7:30 pm – 10:00 pm The 2016 Drinking Water Research Foundation (DWRF) fundraiser returns to a crowd favorite: Casino Night at B.B. King’s Blues Club. Head downtown to B.B. King’s Nashville location for a night of fellowship and fun. This venue offers a true Nashville experience with live music and great Southern food. We’re adding casino tables to enhance the party atmosphere. Come out and show off your gambling skills or spend time learning a thing or two about playing the tables. A raffle will be held at the end of the night, and three generous prizes will be awarded! Ticket price includes a shuttle to and from the Gaylord Opryland Resort, with departures starting at 7:10 pm. Ticket price also includes food, one drink ticket for an alcoholic or nonalcoholic beverage, and $1,000 in gambling chips. Ticketed event: $150 per person, $75 is tax deductible. Your participation in the DWRF Casino Night helps fund the vital research that impacts the bottled water industry now and in the future. Please mark “Yes” under “DWRF Casino Night” on the registration form (p.27) to attend this event. Limited sponsorship opportunities are also available. Contact IBWA Program Coordinator Claire Crane for more information: or 703.647.4312.


Trade Show Details

Businessman and Entrepreneur Brian Moran to Discuss His “12 Week Year” Plan During IBWA's General Session

IBWA/NAMA Trade Show, Lunch, and Reception Wednesday, November 9, 12:15 pm – 6:30 pm

Brian Moran

Brian Moran, CEO and founder of "the 12 Week Year," has been selected to give the keynote address at the General Session on Thursday, November 10. He has 30 years of expertise as a corporate executive, speaker, entrepreneur, consultant, and coach and is a New York Times best-selling author.

Moran is a recognized expert in the field of leadership and execution. His realization that most people don’t lack ideas but rather struggle with effective implementation led him to the development of "the 12 Week Year." During his keynote address, Moran will show you how to "accomplish more in 12 weeks than most do in 12 months!" This dynamic keynote will provide you with the understanding of what it takes to perform at your very best each and every day. You will learn that effective daily execution is the key to consistent, high performance. Moran will outline what it takes to execute on your goals and priorities by learning the power of "the 12 Week Year," the 5 success disciplines and 3 high performance accelerators, and how to end the cycle of production peaks and valleys. He will also give you 5 things to do to begin to prioritize your life and business goals and exceed them...right now. His client list includes industry leaders like AXA, Becton Dickinson, Dunkin’ Brands, Guardian, Jackson National, Mass Mutual, Medtronic, Merrill Lynch, Nationwide, New York Life, Northwestern Mutual, Papa Johns Pizza, State Farm, and UBS. Certified plant operators (CPOs) who attend Moran's keynote presentation can earn 1.50 CEUs 1.50 . For more information about Moran, visit his website

Shayron Barnes-Selby

Allied Purchasing

Norland International Inc.

Betten Trucks, LLC

NSF International

Blackhawk Molding Co., Inc.

Oasis International

Chemetall US, Inc.

Pacific Ozone

Consolidated Container Company

Pall Corporation

Crystal Mountain Products EAGLE Certification Group

Plastipak Packaging, Inc. PolyCycle Solutions Polymer Solutions International, Inc.

Ebac Group

ROUSH CleanTech

Edge Analytical Laboratories

Sachiel Water, Inc.

On Thursday, November 10, 8:00-10:45 am, IBWA will hold its General Session, and IBWA President and CEO Joe Doss will give his state of the association speech to update members about the many successes the association has earned this year—and review any challenges that are before us in the months ahead. Members will also vote on the slate of nominees for IBWA’s board of directors, and IBWA Chairman Joe Bell (Aqua Filter Fresh) will discuss what he has learned during his tenure. Chairman Bell will also introduce the membership to Incoming Chairwoman Shayron Barnes-Selby (DS Services), who will brief members on her plan for IBWA in 2017.

Eurofins Eaton Analytical, Inc.

Shenzhen Shao Hong Electronics Technology Co. Ltd.

Mickey Truck Bodies, Inc.

Tech-Long, Inc.

During the General Session, we will also hold our Awards Program to celebrate the commitment of individuals and companies to the bottled water industry. We know that without the dedication of IBWA member companies and their staffs, the bottled water industry would not enjoy its past or current success. Plan to join us as we pause to recognized the contributions and achievements of bottled water professionals.

MTN Products, Inc.

Waterite America, Inc.


Joe Bell

IBWA Exhibitors*

EarthRes Group, Inc.


Joe Doss

Sometimes the best educational experiences are offered on trade show floors! Do you have questions for a current vendor? Have you been searching for that one offering that will take your company to the next level? The IBWA/NAMA Trade Show offers attendees the opportunity to be introduced to the latest and greatest products and services offered by vendors who know the bottled water and coffee industries. With time dedicated solely to conversation, decision making, and networking, it’s no wonder this event has established itself as one of the most popular and well-attended conference events.

Global Trade Works, LLC GoodPac Plastics Icon Technology Systems USA IGO Products, LLC International Bottled Water Association

Silgan Closures Sqwincher Corporation Steelhead, Inc. Tailor Made Products Team Creation Ltd. HK

National Testing Laboratories, Ltd. *List of IBWA exhibitors current as of August 8, 2016. For an up-to-date, complete list of IBWA and NAMA exhibitors, visit and click on “List of Exhibitors.” SEP/OCT 2016



SCHEDULE-AT-A-GLANCE IBWA Annual Business Conference and Trade Show† November 7-11, 2016


Monday, November 7 12:00 pm – 5:30 pm

Wednesday, November 9 cont.

Registration (Tennessee Ballroom Foyer)

*************** 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm

IBWA Education Committee*

2:45 pm – 4:15 pm

IBWA State Affairs Task Force /State and Regional Associations Committee*

4:30 pm – 5:30 pm

IBWA Political Action Committee Board Meeting*

Bottled Water Sales Trends

11:15 am – 12:15 pm

DWRF Trustees Meeting

12:15 pm – 6:30 pm

IBWA / NAMA Trade Show/Lunch/Reception



Thursday, November 10 7:00 am – 5:30 pm

Registration (Tennessee Ballroom Foyer)


Tuesday, November 8 7:00 am – 5:30 pm

10:45 am – 12:00 pm

Registration (Tennessee Ballroom Foyer)


8:00 am – 10:45 am

IBWA General Session and Annual Business Meeting with Awards Ceremony and Continental Breakfast Keynote Presentation: "The 12 Week Year" 1.50 CEU

8:00 am – 10:30 am

IBWA Technical Committee*

11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Alan A. Leff Memorial Lecture: Understanding the Flint, MI Tap Water Crisis

9:45 am – 11:15 am

IBWA Supplier and Convention Committee*

1:15 pm – 2:30 pm

Bottled Water Coffee Service Opportunities 101

11:30 am – 1:00 pm

IBWA Committee Chairs Lunch (Closed)

1:15 pm – 2:45 pm

IBWA Environmental Sustainability Committee*

1:15 pm – 2:30 pm

Using Proactive Communications and Policy Tools for Your Business 1.25

1:15 pm – 2:45 pm

CPO Study Session

1:15 pm – 2:30 pm

Ship It and Protect It: A FSMA Update

2:45 pm – 4:00 pm

Fleet Management Innovations

2:45 pm – 4:00 pm

FSMA Roundtable

3:00 pm – 4:00 pm

IBWA Water Risk & Best Practices Study

2:45 pm – 4:00 pm

Motivating Employees to Create a Culture of Success 1.25

3:00 pm – 4:15 pm

IBWA Communications Committee*

2:45 pm – 4:15 pm

IBWA Membership Committee*

5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

IBWA / NAMA Welcome Reception

7:30 pm – 10:00 pm

DWRF Casino Night Fundraiser at B.B. King’s Blues Club (Ticketed Event)









1.50 CEU

1.25 CEU



Friday, November 11, 2016 8:00 am – 11:00 am

IBWA Board of Directors Meeting and Continental Breakfast*

8:00 am – 11:00 am

IBWA CPO Exam (Ticketed Event)

Wednesday, November 9 7:00 am – 9:00 am

Continental Breakfast

7:00 am – 5:30 pm

Registration (Tennessee Ballroom Foyer)

*IBWA membership required for attendance at these meetings. †Schedule current as of August 12, 2016. Descriptions and updates will be posted at

*************** 7:00 am – 8:45 am

IBWA Executive Committee w/Breakfast (Closed)

8:00 am – 9:15 am

Change Management and FSMA

8:00 am – 9:15 am

Water Use Perception and Reality in the Bottled Water Industry: Management of a Renewable Resource

9:00 am – 11:00 am

IBWA Government Relations Committee*

9:30 am – 10:30 am

Critical Financial Performance Indicators for Bottlers 1.0

9:30 am – 10:30 am

The Recycling Partnership: Boots on the Ground for Better Recycling CEU










The Art of the Committee As a member of IBWA, you can make a real contribution by participating in the IBWA committee meetings. Starting Monday, November 7, and concluding with the Board of Directors Meeting on Friday, November 11, IBWA committees will meet to discuss the business of the association. All members are invited to participate in these meetings to learn more about the issues that are important to the bottled water industry. These IBWA member-only meetings offer another opportunity to learn about how upcoming regulations and proposed legislation may affect your businesses. Come, participate, and help us sculpt the future of IBWA and the bottled water industry.






ATTENDEE REGISTRATION FORM ONLINE REGISTRATION: MAIL FORM TO: IBWA Conference, 1700 Diagonal Road, Suite 650, Alexandria, VA 22314 FAX FORM TO: 703.683.4074 SCAN/EMAIL FORM TO: QUESTIONS? CALL: 703.683.5213 (Patrice Ward or Michele Campbell) INFORMATION AND CURRENT SCHEDULE OF EVENTS:



NAME:_________________________________________________ EMAIL:__________________________________________ q Yes q No COMPANY NAME:_________________________________________ WEB: ____________________________________________________ ADDRESS:______________________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY:___________________________________________________ STATE:_______________________________ZIP:_________________ PHONE:____________________________________ CELL:________________________________________ FAX:_____________________ (for onsite use only)

HOTEL: Make your reservation ASAP. October 15, 2016 is the cut-off date for the group rate, but rooms may sell out prior to that date. DATE I WILL ARRIVE:_______________

DATE I WILL DEPART:_______________

HOTEL I WILL STAY AT:__________________________

REGISTRATION FEES INCLUDE: Reception on Tuesday and Wednesday, 1 lunch, 2 continental breakfasts, 26+ education sessions, 3 plenary sessions, trade show


q New IBWA Member (10/1/15-9/30/16)

q Existing Member

Select One: q Bottler q Distributor q Academic/Government q Other: _____________________________________________________ Until 10/10/16: $299 per person After 10/10/16: $399 per person

NON-MEMBER BOTTLER/DISTRIBUTOR Select One: q Bottler q Distributor q Academic/Government q Other: _____________________________________________________ Until 10/10/16: $500 per person After 10/10/16: $600 per person


q New IBWA Member (10/1/15-9/30/16) q Existing Member q Member: Until 10/10/16: $800 per person After 10/10/16: $900 per person q Non-Member: Until 10/10/16: $900 per person After 10/10/16: $1000 per person




Guest: Tuesday Reception

DWRF Fundraising Event

WIN Fun Run/Walk



#___ @ $40 each= $______

#___ @ $150 each= $_____

#___ @ $30 each= $_____

q Yes, please register me for the CPO Exam @ $80/person. (IBWA members only.) Payment Method $_______ Total Due q Check (payable to IBWA, mail with this form) q Credit Card (provide account # here or call IBWA ) ___ AMEX ___ VISA ___ Master Card ___ Discover Name on Credit Card: ______________________________________________________________ Authorized Signature: ____________________________________

Account Number: ____________________________________

Exp. Date: __________

Confirmations and Cancellation Policy • Confirmations will be emailed or faxed to registrants within 48 hours of receipt. If you do not receive a confirmation, please call IBWA. • Cancellations must be received in writing no later than October 10, 2016 and are subject to a $50.00 administrative fee. After that date, no refunds will be issued. • Substitutions can be made, but must be in writing.



Tuesday | November 8

IBWA Meetings

Wednesday |

IBWA Committee Meetings | IBWA Education Sessions | IBWA and NAMA Joint Events

NAMA Meetings

7:00am-5:30pm IBWA Registration

7:00am-5:30pm NAMA Registration

7:00am 7:30am

8:30am 8:00am - 10:30am Technical Committee

9:00am 9:30am 10:00am

8:00am - 12:30pm Coffee 101 Certification (ticketed event)

9:45am-11:15am Supplier and Convention Committee

10:30am 11:00am

1:00pm 1:30pm 2:00pm

11:30pm-1:00pm Committee Chairs Lunch (Closed)

12:00pm - 5:30pm IBWA Registration

1:00pm-2:30pm Education Committee

1:15pm-2:30pm Proactive Media & Policy Communications

1:15pm-2:30pm Ship It & Protect It: FMSA Update

2:45pm-4:00pm Motivating Employees

2:45pm-4:00pm FSMA Roundtable

9:00am-11:00am Government Relations Committee

11:15am-12:15pm DWRF Trustees Meeting



7:00am-5:30pm IBWA Registration 7:00am-8:45am Executive Committee (Closed)



IBWA Committee Meetin IBWA Education Sessio IBWA and NAMA Joint E 6:30am-8:00am WIN Fun Run (ticketed event)

8:00am-9:15am Change Management and FSMA

9:30am-10:30am Critical Financial Performance

10:45am-12:00pm Bottled Water Sales Trends

1:00pm-2:30pm Opening Session

2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm

2:45pm-4:15pm State Affairs Task Force / State & Reg Associations

2:45pm-4:15pm Membership Committee

4:00pm-5:00pm NAMA Education Sessions (2)

4:30pm 5:00pm

4:30pm-5:30pm PAC Board Meeting





2:45pm-3:45pm NAMA Education Sessions (2)

7:30pm-10:00pm DWRF Casino Night Fundraiser at B.B. King's (ticketed event)


5:30pm-7:00pm IBWA / NAMA Welcome Reception

IBWA Board of Directors and Committee Meetings are open to IBWA members only.


| November 9

ngs | ons | Events

NAMA Meetings

7:00am-9:00am Cont. Breakfast

8:00am-9:15am Water Use Perception and Reality

9:30am-10:30am Better Recycling

7:00am-5:30pm NAMA Registration

8:30am-9:30am NAMA Education Session (2)

IBWA Committee Meetings IBWA Education Sessions 7:00am-5:30pm IBWA Registration

NAMA Meetings

IBWA Meetings

7:00am-5:30pm NAMA Registration

8:30am-9:30am NAMA Education Sessions (2)

8:00am-10:45am IBWA General Session

9:45am-10:45am NAMA Education Session (2)

9:45am-10:45am NAMA Education Sessions (2)

11:00am - 12:00pm Alan Leff Lecture Series: Understanding the Flint, MI Water Crisis

11:00am-12:00pm NAMA Education Session (2)

12:15pm-6:30pm IBWA / NAMA Trade Show, Lunch, and Reception

Friday | November 11

Thursday | November 10

1:15pm - 2:45pm Env. Sustainability Committee

1:15pm - 2:30pm Bottled Water Coffee Service Opportunites 101

1:15pm - 2:45pm CPO Study Session

3:00pm - 4:15pm Communications Committee

2:45pm - 4:00pm Fleet Management Innovations

3:00pm - 4:00pm IBWA Water Risk and Best Practies Study

8:00am-11:00am IBWA Board of Directors Meeting

8:00am-11:00am IBWA CPO Exam (ticketed event)

11:45am-12:30pm Closing Keynote


Go to for most current information.

SEP/OCT 2016





ATTENTION BOTTLED WATER PLANT OPERATORS: New Changes Enacted for the CPO Program The IBWA Bottled Water Code of Practice requires members to have at least one certified plant operator (CPO) in each member facility. As a result of changes to the CPO certification program, all IBWA education sessions at the 2016 IBWA Annual Business Conference will be eligible for continuing education credits (CEUs). To keep certification current, CPOs may either retake the CPO exam every three years or accrue the required 21 CEUs (of which up to 6 CEUs can be from nontechnical/business topics)—within each three-year period, which averages out to only 7 CEUs per year. At the 2016 IBWA Annual Business Conference, attendees will be able to participate in sessions from an outstanding education program that encompasses the industry’s key issues, including business and technical challenges and solutions. Leading experts and bottled water professionals will provide the latest information on a wide variety of topics relative to today’s competitive marketplace. This year’s educational program offers 18.25 CEUs—8.25 technical CEUs CEU and 10 business CEUs CEU (which includes 1.5 CEUs for Brian Moran's keynote presentation).

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8 1:15 PM – 2:30 PM 1.25 Using Proactive Communications and Policy Tools for Your Business CEU

Presenters: Jill Culora, Husking Bee Media; Chris Hogan, IBWA; James Toner, IBWA; and Kristin Pearson Wilcox, IBWA

to increased scrutiny of the industry by biased politicians, activists, and social media influencers. Attend this session to learn how to communicate the importance of bottled water, support pro-bottled water legislative and regu­ latory efforts, tell our industry’s stories, and answer customers’ questions.

1:15 PM – 2:30 PM Ship It and Protect It! A FSMA Update





2:45 PM – 4:00 PM Motivating Employees to Create a Culture of Success



Presenter: Jason Roberts, Jackson-Roberts LLC

This session will help supervisors and managers create a more dynamic, engaged, and energized workforce. The class is designed specifically to help management understand what employees want and respond to, and will provide a starting point for creating the culture you want to have at your company. While the presentation is focused primarily on quality control and assurance issues, it equally applies to production, sales, and corporate management of your facility.


Presenters: Bob Hirst, IBWA, and Joseph Levitt, Hogan Lovells

Did you know that more positive stories are published about bottled water than negative ones? However, with an increased focus on water safety— and bottled water poised to become the No. 1 packaged beverage in the United States—that could change due

Intentional Adulteration will require new food defense programs and plans at most large company facilities. However, IBWA currently requires all member facilities, regardless of size, to have food defense plans in place. Come and hear the latest from Bob Hirst and Joe Levitt.

Since last November, FDA has published two additional final rules which will have variable impacts on bottled water. Sanitary Transportation of Human and Animal Food is a rule that will impact some bottled water bulk water hauling operations. Mitigation Strategies to Protect Food Against

2:45 PM – 4:00 PM FSMA Roundtable



Presenters: Bob Hirst, IBWA; Joseph Levitt, Hogan Lovells; and members of the IBWA FSMA Joint Subcommittee and IBWA Technical Committee

Since 2010, IBWA has covered a lot of territory on new regulations under FSMA. It has been a challenge for all to keep up with the changes the bottled water industry will be implementing * CURRENT AS OF AUGUST 12, 2016.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9 8:00 AM – 9:15 AM Change Management and FSMA



9:30 AM – 10:30 AM 1.0 Critical Financial Performance Indicators for Small- and MediumSized Bottlers


Presenters: Bob Hidell, Hidell International, and Kathy Ransome, Hidell International

Presenter: George Heikkinen, DS Services

FSMA implementation will be the largest change in the food industry that has ever been implemented and enforced by FDA. The change management techniques provided in this session can be applied to more effectively implement FSMA, focusing on sponsorship, communications, managing resistance, and reinforcement. CEU

1.25 8:00 AM – 9:15 AM Water Use Perception and Reality in the Bottled Water Industry: Management of a Renewable Resource

Presenter: Louis Vittorio, EarthRes Group

In response to an increase in market demand for healthy beverages, the bottled water industry has expanded to meet customer demand. With that growth, the industry has come under unprecedented attacks regarding water source scarcity and product sustainability. This presentation will cover the management and use of water resources and the volume of water actually used for bottled water. The perceived overuse of resources will be discussed and data will be provided to address claims of source misuse, which have intensified due to development pressures and media coverage of droughts and water scarcity.

This session will identify those critical financial and operating components that must be tracked on a regular basis to assure the most efficient management controls that sustain margin performance. This presentation is the equivalent to HACCP for financial management. Just as food requires Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points, financial health reflects similar requirements. We find that all too often, financial performance failures are a result of not applying HACCP to your business activities, only to your products. During this session, the presenters will outline a very different view of management and control of the business itself.

9:30 AM – 10:30 AM CEU The Recycling 1.0 Partnership: Boots on the Ground for Better Recycling Presenter: Keefe Harrison, The Recycling Partnership

water industry can work to help increase recycling of all plastic products and recycling awareness. The Recycling Partnership (TRP) is a national nonprofit that is transforming recycling in towns all across America. From helping respond to Flint, Michigan’s recycling needs in the wake of its tap water crisis, to providing recycling education and program implementation, TRP is making a difference one community at a time. As a TRP member, IBWA continues to focus on increasing the recycling of all plastics and increased access to recycling opportunities.

10:45 AM – 12:00 PM Bottled Water Sales Trends



Presenter: Gary Hemphill, Beverage Marketing Corporation Americans drink more bottled water than any other beverage except for carbonated soft drinks thanks to its positioning as a healthy refreshment choice. Growth is coming across all segments led by the single-serve PET segment. Attend this fast-paced session to hear the latest industry data, learn about the current trends within the bottled water category, and get a glimpse into the industry’s future. This session will also feature updates on the performance of other competitive beverage categories— for example, carbonated soft drinks, energy drinks, and more.

When it comes to taking care of the environment, recycling is one of the most important ways that individual people can make a difference. Come to this session to learn how the bottled SEP/OCT 2016



during the next few years. Bring your questions and comments for discussion to our panel of FSMA experts!




THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Alan A. Leff Memorial CEU 1.0 Lecture Series Understanding the Flint, MI Tap Water Crisis Presenter: Marc Edwards, PhD, Virginia Tech

Dr. Marc Edwards led a research team and collaborated with local residents to address lead, pathogen, and water infrastructure issues caused by a failure to implement corrosion control treatment in Flint, Michigan's public water system. His presentation will summarize the Flint Water Study team’s efforts, which combined ethics, engineering, citizen science, laboratory experiments, investigative science, and social media, to confirm the high lead levels in Flint's public water system. Flint's 100,000 residents were exposed to lead-tainted water for over 18 months. Virginia Tech's role in uncovering the problem has been widely reported by media around the world. Dr. Edwards is the Charles Lunsford Professor of Environmental and Water Resources Engineering at Virginia Tech.

The Alan A. Leff Memorial Lecture Series In 2013, our friend and colleague Alan A. Leff, PhD, passed away. To honor Alan’s memory and recognize his many contributions to the bottled water industry, the Drinking Water Research Foundation (DWRF) has established the Alan A. Leff Memorial Lecture Series. The vision for these educational presentations is to provide a forum for experts from around the globe to discuss water-related subjects.




1:15 PM - 2:30 PM Bottled Water Coffee 1.25 Service Opportunities 101


Presenter: Ken Shea, G&J Marketing and Sales

Are you a bottled water company considering getting into the coffee service business—or perhaps expanding and improving what you already have? This session will provide a glimpse into the future through the past and present of this $5 billion industry. Coffee industry veteran Ken Shea will offer insights from his perspectives as an operator, distributor, broker, and consultant.

1:15 PM - 2:45 PM CPO Study Session



Presenters: Glen Davis, Absopure, and Bob Hirst, IBWA

This session is always a favorite among those attendees who signed up to take IBWA’s certified plant operator (CPO) certification exam. Attendees should put their thinking caps on and be prepared to have some game show fun! If studying usually makes you sleepy, you won’t have to worry about that here, as industry experts will help attendees prepare for the CPO exam—but you will have to be fast on your feet! Do you have the answers to run a bottling plant? Take the challenge and find out!

2:45 PM - 4:00 PM Fleet Management Innovations



Presenters: William Ardis, Nestlé Waters North America; Tom Arland, Mickey Truck Bodies; and Joe Rudolph, ROUSH CleanTech

Nestlé Waters North America is providing healthy hydration products by propane powered delivery trucks. Come learn more about a clean-burning and economic solution that satisfies your daily delivery needs, while also reducing your bottom line. Nestlé Waters, Mickey Truck Bodies, and ROUSH CleanTech have partnered to produce beverage delivery solutions for many different truck and body configurations without compromising standard delivery methods.

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM IBWA Water Risk & Best Practices Study



Presenter: Laura Nelson, Antea Group

In 2016, IBWA launched a Water Risk & Best Practices Study, with the intent of better understanding water risks within the U.S. bottled water industry, to assess where the association can provide better context for members to manage water expectations through best practices and common approaches to risk and opportunity management. The presenter of this session will review draft results from the member water risk survey and provide initial study observations.


INNOVATE Why our ozone test is the right choice: Meets FDA requirements for bottled water Cost savings up to 62% over leading competitor Innovative self-zeroing test method Requires just one ampoule per test Based on the indigo method | 800.356.3072

The United States presidential election of 2016 is set for Tuesday, November 8, 2016. Also, up for grabs that day are 34 seats in the U.S. Senate and 435 seats in the House of Representatives. As industry begins the final push of our 2016 educational efforts before the elections, a quick review of how IBWA members have exercised their democratic right to engage in the political process might give us a last burst of energy.

Working to End NPS Policy Allowing Park Units to Ban the Sale of Bottled Water

ote! NO MATTER WHO YOU VOTE FOR... VOTE ON NOVEMBER 8, 2016 Compliments of the International Bottled Water Association Find your polling station:

Working Together to Win the Public Policy Race in Washington How IBWA engagement in public policy leads to industry success By Kristin Pearson Wilcox, IBWA Vice President of Government Relations




On July 14, 2016, IBWA members celebrated being one step closer to defunding the National Park Service (NPS) policy that allows individual park units to ban the sale of bottled water. The fiscal year 2017 Interior Appropriations bill passed by the House of Representatives includes IBWA-supported language defunding this misguided policy. IBWA members have talked with members of Congress about why it was necessary to mandate that the NPS justify the ban. Our efforts were initially rewarded when language to end the policy was included in both a report to Congress in the 2016 federal omnibus spending bill and an amendment in the House Interior Appropriations bill, which passed on a House floor vote in June 2015. Currently, the Senate Interior Appropriations bill also has language in its accompanying report encouraging the NPS to withdraw the sales ban policy. Our success can be attributed to the efforts of IBWA members, particularly those from Alaska, Pennsylvania, California, Ohio, Georgia, and Minnesota who wrote emails and letters to members of Congress; traveled to Washington, DC, to meet with congressional staff; and scheduled plant tours and visits with

GOVERNMENT RELATIONS elected officials in their home districts. More than 360 IBWA members signed a letter to the Department of the Interior (DOI) asking for a meeting to review the misguided NPS policy. IBWA members worked with congressional champions such as Rep. Keith Rothfus (R-PA) and House and Senate Interior Appropriations Subcommittee Chairs Ken Calvert (R-CA) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK). IBWA garnered support from nutrition advocates and government watchdog groups, and produced in-house a 26-page comprehensive report debunking claims that the policy is in the public interest. While we are not at the finish line yet, we have come an amazingly long way.

Getting Water Consumption Included in the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans For the first time, Americans will see a water droplet icon on the MyPlate MyWins nutrition guide poster

EDUCATING MEMBERS OF CONGRESS CAN CREATE TANGIBLE RESULTS. ( to encourage them to drink water— which is much to the credit of a two-year effort by IBWA members. A dedicated band of IBWA members met with key policymakers at the White House and with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and also with powerful policy influencers at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND), the Partnership for Healthier America (PHA), the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), and the Consumer Federation of America (CFA). IBWA partnered with an unprecedented coalition that consisted of more than a dozen nutrition scientists from across the country who

wrote USDA and HHS is support of our initiative.

Supporting a Bottled Water School Grants Program To assist the nation’s schools as they deal with contaminated public water supplies (such as in Flint, Michigan), IBWA supported federal legislation to provide schools with bottled water in times of crisis. IBWA staff and members from Michigan worked with Reps. Mike Bishop (R-MI) and Tim Walberg (R-MI) of the House Education and the Workforce Committee to support committee approval of a school nutrition bill that would create an IBWA-supported $475,000 USDA administered fund to help

As part of the June 2016 IBWA Board and Committee Meetings in Alexandria, Virginia, contributors to the IBWA Political Action Committee (PAC) were given a unique opportunity—a private, nighttime tour of Mount Vernon, the home of George and Martha Washington. Want to find out how you can learn about future IBWA PAC events? Contact IBWA Vice President of Government Relations Kristin Pearson Wilcox ( or Director of Government Relations J.P. Toner ( SEP/OCT 2016



schools obtain bottled water during a declared presidential emergency.

More than 100 IBWA members joined a petition requesting the alternative labeling scheme.

Simplifying Calorie and Nutrition Facts Panel Labeling Requirements

Expanding Our Grassroots Advocacy

Throughout 2015 and 2016, IBWA staff and counsel met with officials from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to discuss an agreement for an alternative nutrition labeling scheme. The policy, if approved, would allow bottled water products to have zero-calorie labeling on the front of the package without having to also include a full Nutrition Facts Panel (NFP) on the back of the product. Instead, these products could use an abbreviated NFP statement on the label. Products that use the alternative labeling are not limited to being sold only in vending machines.

IBWA members have lobbied members of Congress nearly every month during the last two years. We’ve held 323 meetings with congressional staff and legislators since June 2014. In 2016 alone, IBWA members have had 102 meetings, with 73 of those meetings being held during IBWA’s annual June fly-in event—the most meetings ever held in a three-hour period of time by IBWA. We’ve also hosted our congressional champions—like Rep. Keith Rothfus (R-PA), Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA), Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), and Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-NC)—at

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IBWA meetings. By building those relationships, we were able to discuss industry priorities in-depth with our elected officials—and we’ve covered everything, including IBWA’s opposition to misguided NPS policies, labeling requirements on bisphenol A (BPA), and costly proposed FDA regulatory taxes.

Get Out the Vote Those success stories are pretty impressive. With election day just around the corner, we know we can look forward to opportunities to educate more legislators in the future about the issues important to the bottled water industry. In the meantime, we need to stay engaged and hydrated, and remember to get out the vote!


Market trends, new ideas, networking GOVERNMENT RELATIONS

13th Global bottlED WatER ConGREss 10-12 October 2016, Corinthia Hotel, Prague

Now in its 13th year, Zenith’s Global Bottled Water Congress features two days of conference sessions and a gala dinner for the 2016 Global Bottled Water Awards. The event will cover a range of key themes for the global bottled water industry and provide excellent networking opportunities for industry leaders, suppliers, customers and analysts to gain insights for essential business planning. Delegates will hear from top international and regional manufacturers on market and strategic developments as well as from newer innovators and entrepreneurs on their new concepts and products. This year also includes a bottling plant tour hosted by Karlovarské Minerální Vody.

Companies already confirmed to speak

For full programme details and online booking visit Early bird rates are available until 2 September

The 2016 Global Bottled Water Awards feature 11 categories covering innovation, taste (natural and flavoured water), marketing, packaging and sustainability across all sectors of the packaged water industry. Entries are open to innovators and entrepreneurs as well as established brands from anywhere in the world. Awards entry is just €195.00 + VAT per category and every fourth category comes free of charge. Categories Best Natural Water Taste Award • Best Flavoured Water Taste Award Best New Water Concept or Innovation • Best Functional Water Best Marketing (inc Social Media) • Best Sustainability Initiative Best Label • Best Cap or Closure • Best Community Initiative Best New Brand/Brand Extension • Best Packaging For a detailed description of the categories as well as an overview of what the judges are looking for, visit The deadline for entries is Monday 5 September 2016.

Why You Need to Be a Healthy, Hydrated, and Active Bottled Water Advocate By Chris Hogan, IBWA Vice President of Communications, and Sabrina E. Hicks, IBWA Publications Manager

It’s nice to be the Next Big Thing. Bottled water recently received that accolade from Beverage Marketing Corporation (BMC) when it announced that by the end of 2016 or early 2017 bottled water will replace carbonated soft drinks as America’s most consumed packaged beverage by volume. We’re on our way to being No. 1 because, for some time now, more and more Americans have been choosing to drink bottled water over unhealthy, sugary, and calorie-rich packaged beverages. Statistics provide the proof. In 2000, every American drank 17 gallons of bottled water; but by 2015, that number had increased by almost 20 gallons to a record 36.5 gallons. In fact, the U.S. bottled water market hit a historic high in 2015, when volume exceeded 38



11.7 billion gallons. The carbonated soft drinks category, on the other hand, suffered its eleventh consecutive year of volume reduction in 2015.

A Weighty Issue U.S. consumption trends indicate that Americans are becoming more aware of the affect their beverage choices have on their health. Still, according to the Institute of Medicine (IoM) and the American Journal of Preventative Medicine, one-third of American adults are overweight and another one-third is obese. Even more concerning is the fact that during the last 30 years, children’s obesity rates have climbed from 5 to 17 percent. According to the IoM, by 2030 obesity could affect 42 percent of Americans. A 2012 IoM

report, “Accelerating Progress in Obesity Prevention: Solving the Weight of the Nation,” states that, for the most part, the United States’ progress in combating this obesity epidemic has been too slow and ineffective. The good news is that bottled water can help. As more Americans seek to limit the amount of sugar, caffeine, and other additives from their diets, they see water as the best choice for healthy hydration. (For more, read “What You Should H2Know About Healthy Hydration,” bit. ly/H2KnowHealthyHydration.)

Promoting Healthy Hydration IBWA regularly communicates the important role that drinking water plays in helping consumers make better dietary choices. IBWA’s work

COMMUNICATIONS to promote healthy hydration was rewarded on January 7, 2016, when the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) released the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGAs), which includes a recommendation that water be consumed in place of sugar-sweetened beverages. The DGAs are influential guidelines that have an impact on the food selected for school lunch programs, which feed more than 30 million children each school day, and national food assistance programs—e.g., the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children, which has eight million beneficiaries ( Like the DGAs, the MyPlate food nutrition guide is intended to help educate individuals and families about how to make small, healthy changes (e.g., eating more vegetables or drinking water instead of sugar-sweetened beverages). Recognizing the important role of water, the USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion’s MyPlate MyWins Tip Sheet specifically advises the public to choose water: “Drink water instead of sugary drinks” ( In addition, a mini poster recently published on the MyPlate website includes a water droplet with the following text: “Drink water instead of sugary drinks. Regular soda, energy or sports drinks, and other sweet drinks usually contain a lot of added sugar, which provides more calories than needed” (bit. ly/MyPlateMyHydrationWins). On July 16, 2016, IBWA learned more encouraging news for healthy hydration. The U.S. House of Representatives passed the fiscal year (FY) 2017 Interior and Environment Appropriations Bill (H.R. 5538), which contains a provision that prevents the National Park Service (NPS) from using federal money to implement a policy that allows individual national parks to ban the sale of bottled water. Although that sales ban

policy did not impact the bottom line of many IBWA member companies, IBWA members stood up against the misguided federal policy because it wrongfully restricted access to bottled water—the healthiest packaged beverage on the shelf. As one of the nation’s leading health advocates, Margo Wootan, DSc, stated, it was a “policy that allow[ed] bottled sugar water (soda), but not healthy bottled water, to be sold at our national parks.” And that didn’t make sense.

How You Can Help As great as those achievements are, we need to continue promoting bottled water as the best packaged beverage choice for healthy hydration. IBWA has a variety of resources that members can use to educate their customers, local media, and legislators about water’s vital role in a healthy diet. IBWA members are encouraged to visit our online image

library ( for printable posters that can be displayed throughout your plants, used during community events, or promoted via your company’s social media efforts. Other content suitable for social media distribution is provided to IBWA members via a monthly communications toolkit, which is emailed directly to those responsible for the social media efforts at member companies and provided in the IBWA News Splash e-newsletter. In addition, each 2016 issue of Bottled Water Reporter has provided social media content in the WaterNotes news section (see page 8 of this issue), from which members can take inspiration for their company’s posts and tweets. Ultimately, this is a call to action: We need your help in communicating the many ways bottled water can help people live happier, healthier lives.



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SEP/OCT 2016



If there is parity between testing of public drinking water and bottled water, why do we hear claims like “public drinking water is tested for more contaminants than bottled water?” In most cases, it’s because the EPA follows a well-defined framework for determining occurrence, developing standards, and monitoring requirements for emerging, unregulated contaminants that include requirements for testing for these emerging contaminants in public drinking water. In fact, the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) requires that the EPA conduct a review of drinking water contaminants every six years. The SDWA also includes a process that the EPA must follow to identify and list unregulated contaminants, and to determine which of those contaminants, based on occurrence and potential adverse health effects, should be regulated in the future. This article explains the rationale behind any recommendations for special testing by the IBWA Technical Committee.

Determining Contaminants to Regulate

How Does an Unregulated Contaminant Become Regulated? By Bob Hirst, IBWA Vice President of Education, Science, and Technical Relations

A list of contaminants that are currently regulated in bottled water by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is found in Appendix A of IBWA’s Bottled Water Code of Practice. Appendix A also includes biological and chemical contaminants required to be tested in 40



public drinking water. Effective since 1995, the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic (FD&C) Act requires that FDA review all Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards for public drinking water and determine if they will also be regulated in bottled water.

The EPA must periodically publish a list of emerging unregulated contaminants, known as the Contaminant Candidate List (CCL), and decide whether to regulate at least five or more contaminants on the list. The EPA also uses the CCL to prioritize research and data collection efforts to help the agency determine whether it should regulate a specific contaminant. The SDWA requires the EPA to consider three criteria when making a determination to regulate: • The contaminant may have an adverse effect on the health of persons. • The contaminant is known to occur, or there is a high chance that the contaminant will occur, in public water systems often enough and at levels of public health concern.

TECHNICAL UPDATE In the sole judgment of the administrator, regulation of the contaminant presents a meaningful opportunity for health risk reductions for persons served by public water systems. Next, the EPA uses the Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR) to collect data from public water systems for contaminants suspected to be present in drinking water, but that do not have health-based standards set under the SDWA. Such data assist the administrator in determining whether or not to regulate the contaminants. When the EPA compiles a list of the contaminants and develops a national sampling plan for them, public water systems are typically required to submit data for those contaminants. However, the levels found during the sampling program are not enforceable. In some cases, the EPA will preface formal regulation of a contaminant by issuing a health advisory for the contaminant. Such was the case earlier in 2016 when the EPA published a health advisory of 0.07 micrograms per liter (ug/l) for perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). PFOS and PFOA are fluorinated organic chemicals that are part of a larger group of chemicals referred to as perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs). PFOS and PFOA have been the most extensively produced and studied of those chemicals. They have been used to make carpets, clothing, fabrics for furniture, paper packaging for food, and other materials (e.g., cookware) that are resistant to water, grease, or stains. They are also used for firefighting at airfields and in a number of industrial processes. Both chemicals were included in the UCMR3 list and are slated for full regulation, including maximum contaminant levels (MCLs), in the future. •

1,4-Dioxane is primarily used as a stabilizer for 1,1,1-Trichloroethane for storage and transport in aluminum containers. 1,4-Dioxane is also used in a variety of applications as a solvent (e.g., in inks and adhesives). It is also on the UCMR3 list and will likely be regulated in the future. When new contaminants are considered for regulation, both government and industry look to available information to determine regulatory exposure of the regulated community to those contaminants. When that information is not available, it is typical to advise the regulated community to conduct testing of source waters and/or finished products. When it is considered by IBWA to be important to the industry, IBWA’s Technical Committee will recommend or require, with the IBWA Board of Director’s approval, some testing for the

Download a copy of IBWA’s Bottled Water Code of Practice at education/codes-of-practice.

soon-to-be-regulated contaminants that will help to understand the industry’s exposure. Such was the case in 2001, when IBWA required bottlers to test finished products quarterly for one year to determine if the occurrence of bromate could be found in any bottled water products. During such special testing periods, all data received and reviewed by IBWA is always blinded by our legal counsel or by the laboratories who report the test results to remove all company or location identification. As this article goes to press, IBWA’s Technical Committee is considering advance testing for PFOS, PFOA, and 1,4-Dioxane.

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Emerging Contaminants to Watch The press has recently focused on 1,4-Dioxane in drinking water. SEP/OCT 2016





certified plant operators (CPOs) are encouraged to complete the following quiz for ½ IBWA continuing education unit (CEU). The questions are derived from material presented in this issue of the Bottled Water Reporter, the IBWA Plant Technical Reference Manual, and the IBWA Bottled Water Code of Practice. Submit this quiz to Claire Crane ( / Fax: 703.683.4074), IBWA Education and Technical Program Coordinator, 1700 Diagonal Road, Suite 650, Alexandria, VA 22314. Look for additional quizzes in future issues and earn additional IBWA CEUs! Name______________________________________________________

Company_ _________________________________________________



State/Province_ _____________________________________________

ZIP/Postal Code_ ___________________________________________

Check your selection for each question


Before formal regulation, chemicals such as perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) are tested in drinking water under the USEPA’s _____.


Safe Drinking Water Act Ground Water Rule Surface Water Treatment Rule Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule


_____________________ is used as a solvent in inks and adhesives.


1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,4-Dioxane PCB Ethylene glycol


The chemical symbol for bromine is ___________.


B Br Be Ba


Which of the following elements contributes to hardness in water?


Magnesium Arsenic Barium Sodium


Entry into a storage tank is regulated by _____ under its confined space entry rules.







Which of the following is NOT a common mineral found in water?


Calcium Magnesium Vanadium Potassium


Soluble iron and manganese can be sequestered, or held in solution, by use of _____.


Complexation agents Mildly acidic solutions Chemical coagulants Sequestration


Water softening is accomplished by reducing hardness ions and replacing them with _____.


Carbon dioxide Nitrate Detergents Sodium


Which of the following is NOT an effective means to remove Cryptosporidium and Giardia cysts?


Granular activated carbon 0.2 um filtration 1 um absolute filtration Reverse osmosis


What is added to water to produce fluoridated bottled water?


Hydrogen fluoride Sodium fluoride Stannous fluoride Fluorocarbons

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Edge Analytical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

National Coffee

Service & Vending. . . . . . . . . . . . Inside Back Cover Pacific Ozone Technology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Polymer Solutions Int'l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Quality Truck. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Steelhead. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back Cover

WQA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Zenith. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Southeastern Bottled Water Association Fall Education Seminar Blue Ridge, GA


Northeast Bottled Water Association Fall Convention Sands Resort and Casino Bethlehem, PA


Mid America Bottled Water Association Fall Education Seminar Dallas/Fort Worth, TX


IBWA Annual Business Conference and Trade Show (co-location with NAMA CoffeeTea&Water Show) Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center Nashville, TN

SEP/OCT 2016



VALUE OF IBWA MEMBERSHIP JILLIAN OLSEN PROJECT MANAGER EARTHRES GROUP, INC. PIPERSVILLE | PA ALL ABOUT JILLIAN Jillian, BSc, MSc, is currently training to run her first marathon. When not working, she can be found at the gym, in the garden, or helping her husband with his hobby—modifying cars and trucks. Jillian also loves drag racing and archery hunting.

Jillian Olsen knows firsthand how good it feels to have a strong industry voice. Since EarthRes Group, Inc. joined IBWA two years ago, she has participated in two IBWAorganized Hill Day events in Washington, D.C., and feels satisfied that her efforts contributed to an industry win. “It feels great to be involved in an organization that gives members the opportunity to have a voice, and IBWA made it really easy to do,” says Jillian. “I’m not very involved politically—it’s just not me—and I wouldn’t know how to get started otherwise. But on the Hill Days, I presented talking points on the National Park Service (NPS) issue [i.e., a NPS policy that allowed individual park units to ban the sale of bottled water], and the congressional committee recently took action to defund that policy. So, it makes me feel good knowing that I was a strong proponent of that and made a difference." EarthRes is an IBWA supplier member, and Jillian says being involved in IBWA has become a vital part of their business. Their membership provides opportunities to learn about and understand the issues their clients—many IBWA members—are facing. “Whether you are a bottler, bulk water supplier, vendor, equipment supplier, or service provider, there is no reason why you cannot gain value from your membership in IBWA. There is no other organization that so concisely keeps its members abreast of the regulatory changes occurring nationally and internationally that may impact their businesses. And if you are a supplier to the industry, you need to understand this information to better serve your clients. To me, it is just that simple.” Jillian, who has been with EarthRes for 15 years, says her involvement with IBWA has provided opportunities for her to more closely interact with industry leaders, her clients, and trusted vendors and suppliers in the industry. “It has opened up meaningful conversations on how to tackle a project, giving us new insight on how others may have accomplished certain challenges in our industry, and has allowed us to better serve our clients,” she explains. “I feel like one of our biggest challenges is getting information out there accurately and portraying it in such a way that we are not seen as simply pushing an agenda. We are science and industry leaders who back up our facts with research, data, and credentials." EarthRes has been providing consulting services to clients in the bottled water industry for more than 20 years, including hydrogeological expertise, FDA standard of identity determinations, site civil engineering, plant/process control, mechanical engineering, and permitting and compliance services. Based in Philadelphia, EarthRes delivers innovative and integrative engineering solutions that help keep its clients successful.






One Operator Bottling Systems: 150 – 350 bph 5 Gallon Systems

Water Treatment: RO, Mineral Injection, Ozone

Check with us for pre-owned options

Full Plants: Turnkey Solutions for Every Size


High Speed Bottling Systems: 450 – 3000 bph 5 Gallon Systems




All bottling processes are not equal. Steelhead stands alone with our commitment ommitme ent ients. to innovation, efficiency and bottom line profitability for our clients.


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