Appendix A List of Potential Attachments to Pre-Application Form Below is a consolidated listing of all of the potential attachments that may accompany the pre-application form. Please note that many of these only apply in specific situations. As well, only professional studies that have already been performed or conducted are being requested. 1. Fundamental Attributes of Site and Development 1.1 Owner and Property Information Site map Photos (aerial preferred) Tax Map with site outlined showing parcel acreages 1.2 Site Development Plan Anticipated property subdivision with the parcel sizes (if applicable) Internal road(s) or planned internal roads (if applicable) Primary automobile and truck site ingress/egress Floor plans and building description (Building sub-categories only) 1.3 Strategic Marketing Plan Conceptual drawings (if available) Site renderings (if available) 1.5 Flood Plain FEMA map with site outline 1.6 Slope and Terrain Topographical maps Any engineering plans Cost estimates for grading the site (if applicable)
1.7 Geological Stability Geotechnical and/or soils reports (if available) Any documentation of seismic risk factors related to the property (if applicable) 1.8 Easements, Liens, Leases, etc. Copy of all easements documents relative to the site Plat map and legal description ALTA Survey (ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey) (if available) 2. Land Use Planning and Municipal Zoning 2.1 Local Zoning, Deed Restrictions Description of allowable uses of the current (or desired) zoning classification Zoning map of the area showing neighboring land uses and zoning Any covenants or deed restrictions related to the site 2.2 Planned, On-going or Pending Land-use Processes Any community long-term growth studies or future land use plans relative to the site 2.3 Surrounding Uses Maps, aerials, or photos of surrounding properties 3. Environmental and Cultural Protections 3.1 Environmental Assessment (ground) Any environmental studies (if available) 3.4 Wetlands and Waterways Wetland delineation study or wetland determination (if available) Wetland mitigation plan (if available) U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service - National Wetland Inventory Map (NWI) (if available) Any written correspondence with Iowa DNR or the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 3.5 Archaeological / Historical Resources Cultural and historical resources studies (if available)
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4. Transportation Infrastructure 4.2 Freight Rail Service (only applies to the Rail Access sub-category) Any written correspondence from the rail provider 4.6 Traffic Flow, Impact, and Regulation Any traffic studies that have been performed relative to the site 5. Utility Infrastructure & Standards
Any written correspondence with the utility providers relative to servicing the site
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