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Iowa City Area Certified Shovel Ready Site Program Pre-Application Form
For which Site Category are you seeking shovel-ready designation? Choose One
1. Fundamental Attributes of Site and Development 1.1 Owner and Property Information Name, address and phone number of the legal property owner(s) of record.
Is the site inside of the city limits? Yes
What is the property’s physical address?
Name of site (if applicable)
Section, Township, and Range of Property Section : Township: Range: Property Size: Documented net contiguous developable acres: Usable Acreage:
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Sale price per acreage (or lease price per square foot)
Please list of any structures or improvements on-site including their age, size, and others, as applicable:
Please describe general site configuration/shape including any site development limitations.
Please attach the following: - Site map - Photos (aerial preferred) - Tax Map with site outlined showing parcel acreages 1.2 Site Development Plan Please provide any development plans for the site, including: - Anticipated property subdivision with the parcel sizes (if applicable) - Internal road(s) or planned internal roads (if applicable) - Primary automobile and truck site ingress/egress (preferably separate places) The following only applies to the Building sub-categories Smart Office and Technology Center: - Provide floor plans and building description 1.3 Strategic Marketing Plan Please describe any marketing programs, including: Marketing efforts to-date
Targeted industries as potential end-users for the site.
Please attach the following, if available: - Conceptual drawings - Site renderings
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1.4 Official Support Are the city or county economic development officials familiar with this site? Yes
Has this site been considered for purchase by a prospective business for building a new operation? Yes
If "yes", when? What type of new business? 1.5 Flood Plain Is all of the property outside of the 500-year floodplain? Yes
If “no� is the answer to the previous question, then please answer the following: - What percentage of the property is outside of the 500-year floodplain?
- Is all of property outside of the 100-year floodplain? Yes
Please attached FEMA map with site outline. 1.6 Slope and Terrain Describe the topography of the site and surrounding area:
Please describe the type of foliage on-site
Is the site assessable via 4-wheel drive vehicle? Yes
Is the site currently farmed? Yes
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Is the site cleared? Yes
What is the percentage slope of the site?
Please attach the following: - Topographical maps - Any engineering plans Cost estimates for grading the site (if applicable) 1.7 Geological Stability Primary soil type(s) Do you have a soils map of the property? Yes
Do you have soil boring samples? Yes
Do you have soils report from engineering or other qualified firm? Yes
Any documentation of seismic risk factors related to the property? Yes
If "yes" to any, please attach. If "yes", please check appropriate: Seismic vibration
Past undermining
Fault lines
Sinkholes If any are checked, please explain:
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1.8 Easements, Liens, Leases, etc. Does the property have any liens? Yes
Is there a current lease on the property? Yes
Has all or part of the property been leased? Yes
Does the site have a history of mineral rights ownership? Yes
Does anyone other than the landowner(s) have mineral rights to the property? Yes
If "yes" on any, please explain:
Please attach: - Copy of all easements documents related to the site - Plat map and description (e.g., deeds, title reports, county records, plans / agreements to acquire needed easement) - ALTA Survey (ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey) (if available) 1.9 Sustainable Characteristics Are you willing to engage a LEED-accredited professional to assist in the design of your site? Yes
Please provide a description of the site’s existing or planned sustainable characteristics.
Note: Sustainable practices are strongly encouraged, but LEED-certification is NOT a requirement of the program.
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2. Land Use Planning and Municipal Zoning 2.1 Local Zoning, Deed Restrictions What is the current zoning of the property?
Do you plan to have the property re-zoned? Yes
If "yes", re-zoning to what zoning classification?
Does this classification allow for outdoor/outside storage? Yes
Are there any height restrictions per government ordinance or land covenants? Yes
If "yes" to the above, please describe:
Please attach: - Description of allowable uses of the current (or desired) zoning classification - Zoning map of the area showing neighboring land uses and zoning - Covenants or deed restrictions related to the site
2.2 Planned, On-going or Pending Land-use Processes Is your property part of any community long-term growth studies or future land use plans? Yes
If “yes�, please attach any documents, maps, etc.
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2.3 Surrounding Uses Please describe all neighboring properties in the area and their uses.
Please attach any maps, aerials, and photos. 2.4 Overview of the Site and Building Permitting Process Which government agency has jurisdiction of construction approvals for sites and/or buildings?
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3. Environmental and Cultural Protections 3.1 Environmental Assessment (ground) Do you know of any environmental conditions on the property or neighboring properties (i.e. underground storage tanks, oil/chemical spills, buried material, structures with asbestos materials, etc)? Yes
If "yes", please describe.
Has an environmental study ever been conducted on the property? No
If "yes", please attach. 3.2 Species Endangered / Threatened Are you familiar with any endangered or threatened species on-site? No
Are you familiar with any endangered or threatened species in the area? Yes
If "yes" to either, which species:
3.3 Air Attainment Status (by pollutant)
3.4 Wetlands and Waterways Is there any evidence or documentation of wetlands or water bodies either on-site or within 100 feet of site? Yes
If "yes", please answer the following: - Are the wetlands and waterways excluded from NCDA or usable acreage of the site? Yes
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- Please describe the nature of the wetlands or water bodies.
- Is a mitigation plan in place? Yes
If "yes", please describe the mitigation plan or attach a copy of the plan.
- Has a wetland determination study or wetland delineation study been performed on the site? Yes
If "yes", please attach. Is property located on a U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service - National Wetland Inventory Map (NWI)? Yes
If "yes", please attach. 3.5 Archaeological / Historical Resources Has a cultural and historical resources study been conducted about the site? Yes
If yes, please attach. To your knowledge, does the site contain any of the following: - Evidence of archaeological artifacts? Yes
- Evidence of significant historical sites? Yes
- Any historical structures? Yes
- If yes to any, please describe:
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4. Transportation Infrastructure 4.1 Street and Highway Access What is driving distance (miles) to access the nearest interstate highway?
What is driving distance (miles) to access the nearest 4-lane highway?
Any planned improvements which will improve access to the site? Yes
If "yes", please describe the improvements and answer the following below:
- What are estimated costs of the improvements? - What is the funding source?
- Have construction drawings been completed? Yes
- When will the project go to bid?
- Estimated start date?
- Estimated completion date?
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4.2 Freight Rail Service NOTE: The following only applies to Rail Access sub-category of General Manufacturing Does a rail line or rail spur access or run adjacent to the site? Yes
If "no", please answer the following: - How far is the rail line / rail spur from the property? - Can rail be installed to your site? - Does the property owner control the easement or right-of-way to install a rail spur to the property?
Who is (or would be) the rail provider?
Have you been in contact with the rail provider? Yes
If "yes", please provide the person's contact information: Name Title Phone Email
Do you have any written correspondence from the rail provider? Yes
If "yes", please attach the correspondence. 4.3 Inter-Modal Container Facility What is the nearest inter-modal facility? Distance from the site?
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4.4 Port (water, barge) What is the nearest water port facility? Distance from the site?
4.5 Air (Commercial, Hub, Cargo) What is the nearest commercial airport facility? Distance from the site? What is the nearest cargo airport facility? Distance from the site? What is the nearest general aviation airport facility? Distance from the site?
4.6 Traffic Flow, Impact, and Regulation Are there any weight limitations/restrictions for the most direct truck or primary truck route(s) from the site to the interstate? Yes
If “yes”, please explain:
Are there currently any roads or intersections over capacity relative to the site and its accessibility to the interstate? Yes
If “yes”, please explain:
Have any traffic studies been performed relative to the site? Yes
If “yes”, please attach a copy of the traffic study. 12
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5. Utility Infrastructure & Standards Have you reviewed the “Certified Shovel Ready Specific Category Standards” (a.k.a.Utility Matrix)? Yes
Please attach any written correspondence from the utility provider relative to servicing the site. 5.1 Electricity Who is the electricity provider? Have you been in contact with a representative from the electricity provider? Yes
If “yes”, please provide the contact person: Name Title Phone Email
Is there currently electric service on-site or adjacent to the site? Yes
If “no”, what is the distance from the site? If known, what is the name of the electric circuit which services this site?
If known, what is the excess capacity of this circuit (in kilowatts)?
If known, what is the name of the substation which services this site?
How far is the substation from the site?
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5.2 Natural Gas Who is the natural gas provider? Have you been in contact with a representative from the natural gas provider? Yes
If “yes”, please provide the contact person: Name Title Phone Email
Is there currently natural gas service on-site or lines adjacent to the site? Yes
If “no”, what is the distance from site to its termination point? What is the size (diameter in inches) of the line? What is the pressure of the line (in psi)?
5.3 Water Who is the local water provider? Have you been in contact with a representative from the water provider? Yes
If "yes", whom? Is there currently a water line serving the site or adjacent to the site? Yes
If “no”, what is the distance from site to its termination point? What is the size (diameter in inches) of the line? What is the pressure of the line (in psi)?
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5.4 Sanitary Sewer Who is the local provider of wastewater treatment? Have you been in contact with a representative from the wastewater treatment provider? No
If "yes", whom? Is there currently a sewer line serving the site or adjacent to the site? No
If "no", what is the distance from the site to its termination point? What is the size (diameter in inches) of the line?
5.5 Telecommunication Who is the local telecommunications provider (incumbent local exchange carrier)?
Have you been in contact with a representative from the telecommunications provider? Yes
If “yes”, please provide the contact person: Name Title Phone Email
Are telecommunications lines on or adjacent to the site? Yes
If “no”, what is the distance from the site? Is fiber optics service available at the site? Yes
What is the distance to the closest point of presence (POP)?
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5.6 Infrastructure Improvements Are there any anticipated or planned improvements to the utility infrastructure? Yes
If “yes�, please describe the scope of the improvements.
Who is funding or financing the improvements?
What is the time table for their installation / construction?
Is the land owner prepared to assist in off-site improvements to achieve site certification? Yes
Is the local municipality prepared to assist in off-site improvements to achieve site certification? Yes
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