During the late 70's and early 80's Kaunas underwent a massive development of housing districts called microrayons. As whole Lithuania was under the rule of USSR, cities of country expanded at a considerable pace. The proliferation of soocial housing was part of Soviet Union's great ambition
-a seperate flat for every family. However, what seemed like a good idea at that time, didnt prove to be effective in the long run. Times have changed, so did the people, but the soviet back houses remained more or less the same and they do not fill the needs of the new generation anymore.
The goal of this studio project is to offer effective and comprehensive solutions for the development of the territory, and in turn, provide an attractive alternative to the suburbs to detain sprawl.
To put it more specifically, we aim to bring the advantages of the suburbs to the microrayon, while maintaining the best of what the current situation has to offer — high density, good access to the city center and budget housing options.