6 Tips For 6 Letter Word AUTISM Sarcasm is Not My Game Autism Games A Page From My Diary.
Ask Doctor Nigam
ne of the things which I came across while dealing with autism in my career was exchanging knowledge and ideas. I often realized that Parents are either ill-informed or not informed at all.
Dr. Gaurav Nigam EDITOR IN CHIEF
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree,it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
There’s only one motive we have at Icare autism and that is to bring as much knowledge as possible in this world regarding autism and deliver it to parents. In a world which is so fast paced we can not afford to be slow, so lets join hands and get on to this journey to make the best off what we have. Lets share, its completely free.
-Albert Einstein
DISCLAIMER: ICARE AUTISM MAGAZINE tries its best to deliver honest, unbiased reviews,resources and advice but please note that due to the variety of capabilities of people on the spectrum that these are recommendation and are not guaranteed by ICARE AUTISM MAGAZINE or its writers.Medical information, include but not limited to,text,grapohics,images and other material contain within ICARE AUTISM MAGAZINE is for informational purposes only.Always seek the advice off your physician with any questions you may have regarding treatment.
Nov 2015
EDITORIAL BOARD Priya Mathur Copy Editor
“Efforts & courage are not enough without purpose and direction.” - JFK
Pooja Bhatnagar Proof Reader
“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develops your strength.” -Mahatma Gandhi
Kashish Mathur Vaidya Creative Director
“Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” - Steve Jobs
Soumya Agarwal Design Director
“Out of clutter, find simplicity. from discord,find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” - Albert Einstein
Vimal Kashyap Picture Editor
“Imagination is more important than Knowledge.” -Albert Einstein
Manish Kumar
Production Manager “I alone cannot change the world,But I can cast a stone across the waters to create ripples.” -Mother Teresa Nov 2015
6 TIPS FOR 6 LETTER WORD AUTISM Understand your child ‘s need .Learn tackling their difficult behaviour.
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A PAGE FROM MY DIARY Thoughts of an Autistic kid penned down in a page.....
SARCASM IS NOT MY GAME Have you ever tried to peek inside the heart of your child. Are you being overprotective with your child......
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TOP 5 FACTS ABOUT AUTISM Things you should know about autism. AUTISM TAKES A TOLL ON STOMACH AS WELL. DOES IT ? Does your child constantly complain about stomaches. Our doctor tells you what should you do.
Nov 2015
ASK DR. NIGAM A column just for you. Ask any query you have for your child to Dr. gaurav Nigam AUTISM GAMES Games and puzzles especially designed for Autistic kids.
1.Non Verbal Clues
Tips for the Letter word
“If they can’t learn the way we teach, We teach the way they learn” Dr.O.Ivar.Lovas
Non Verbal Clues
o start observing the facial expressions,Gesour child is precious.In a Child with autism tures etc especially when they are tired.hunwhere the verbal commands are not so expressive we believe that non verbal clues should gry or want something. be pondered over. Its definitely not very easy.But then who said Do write them down and try to fulfill their needs according to the learned behaviour. that it would be easy.
Tantrums-they have a lot to say
o child throws tantrums without any reason. Atleast a lot of them. In most cases it’s a way for the frustration to vent out. Try to find out the reason as to why is your child throwing tantrums.
Nov 2015
It might not be easy to come down with a conclusion but you can always start by making a list of possible demands that were not met that let them to threw tantrums . This will eventually lead to ruling out other possibilities till you reach at one concrete one.
3 Y
Play -
just play
our child is mostly juggling between trainings and sessions and therapeutics.
“Let him just play.”
We don’t need reason for him to play. Let it be just play. Anything which makes your child smile,laugh or even shout with excitement. Whatever works. All we need is the child to have fun. And you will know it, just write when he will be having fun.
let it be
Being Consistent
hildren with autism seems to learn better when they are put into a schedule.But don’t make it very rigid one. Just work for it just enough so that it doesn't become stressful for them. Make a schedule for when they eat,bathe ,dance etc. They also tend to associate environment with what they are learning. Make sure to let them learn first in one set of environment. Then change the environment slowly so they can apply their learning in the new setup as well.
Reward Book
ake a colourful book with spaces inside it for stickers. Once you do that,for any good behaviour of the child , reward him with a sparkly sticker and ask them to put it in their book. Sometimes you just have to be too vigilant to catch them doing something good so you can reward them.
Your child sensitivities
e more observant towards your child. You should exactly know
What triggers him, we need to know about it. We then can avoid that trigger and make a huge difference.
“Is he too sensitive to loud sound or a bright light.“ I hope you have enjoyed reading this and it helps you and your child to go along way. Nov 2015
A Page From My Diary
I am 5 year old now,like every one else once had been. I want to tell something. Something that really matters to me. I am boy with one nose two eyes and a red lip. Ahhh! I think its kind of pink. But thats not important. Okay, so when I see so many people around me I feel that they are so complete. I feel that they have wishes,views… they have nails and hair. Some are fair some are pink. You know they have brown shoes and yellow bags. Then why do only I have “Autism”. I agree that I have it,but thats not all about me. I have those green shoes which uncle bought for me. Why would no one see that. Why ? If you keep your eye on my autism you won’t be able to see how fantastic I am. If you would keep your expectations low of me then I would keep it still lower.
let me grow. lets do it together.
Nov 2015
want to know the way people think. But i can't . When you say get a life I don't know what it means. I try to find life. I try to find it in garden ,in my wardrobe ,I literally try to find life. You say tighten your seat belts even when you are just disclosing your delicately cooked meal…..I try to find out the belt on my dining chair. I get confused when i don't find one. I feel why do you say stuff like that. I have lost counts now on the things that you have made me confused on.I regret of not being able to understand you. But don’t play sarcasm with me. Dont play idioms with me. If you want to say something to me, make sure you mean that literally. And when you do that…that way. The way that I am asking you, you will see how awesome I become. Come on let’s do it my way.
Nov 2015
Parents you can ask your queries regarding your child to Doctor Nigam
And find answers in next months issue of iCareAutism.
Q: Hello Dr Nigam, We are a 7 YEAR OLD MARRIED COUPLE residing in Bangalore. We have a son who’s 5 year old now. His Doctor says that he is autistic. We are not sure about it. He is extremely hyperactive and hardly able to concentrate over anything. We have tried all the measures which his doctor has told us like apples behavior analysis but it just doesn’t work. Please tell us what should we do?
A: HEY Parents, In my career so far I have come across a lot of parents who are having problem with their children being hyperactive.We always say that. 1. Firstly I would like you to analyze what are the situation when he plays being hyperactive. Is it that he needs something and when he can’t get that he behaves in this way. So firstly make sure to find that out. 2. Now you need something that i called a distractor. He wont stop being hyperactive until you will give him something new to do. Now I want you to do this as routine and see where is it taking him,you can sometimes use reward ideology as that helps. 3. Also i feel you should engage him in some outdoor exhausting play activity .we need to get that extra energy thats pending up to be released somehow.
Nov 2015
e want children to be healthy so they can dowhat they should do. In the world so fast paced and so confusing getting the right information on your child’s health is difficult. We went to painstaking strategies to solve this and came up with “iCare”.
iCare is a magazine handicrafted for your child by involving the best doctors around the globe,only for your child.
YOUR CHILD IS PRECIOUS, THEY DESERVE IT. For more information call at: 18001038575 Visit us at : or
ADVERTISE WITH US! Advertise in any of our issues of icare, icare Autism or iCare Plus. Just Drop us a email at Call at : 18001038575 Nov 2015
Facts About Autism
hildren with autism spectrum disorders may look just like you and me and attend same schools that most other children attend. We don’t know what causes Autism but doctors believe that a child’s genes,environmental exposure and the way the brain is constructed may all have a role
eople with ASD are different from one another . When you’ve met one person with autism you’ve met ONE person with autism. Some people with autism are chatty; others are silent. Many have sensory issues, gastrointestinal problems, sleep difficulties and other medical problems. Others may have social-communication delays - and that’s it.
“People with ASD are different from one
another Nov 2015
eople with Autism can be little autistic or very autistic. Thus,it is possible to be bright,verbal and autistic as well as mentally retarded,non-verbalandautistic.
“More boys than girls have Autism. “
They often like things to be done in specific ways and when it is not done in that manner they may become very upset.
t is often difficult for these kids to make friends and play.They may be unable to pretend to be a prince or princess or to imagine how a cardboard box may be a train or boat.
AUTISM GAMES 72-Piece Junior Puzzle - Game On! Even very low-functioning, violent, Autistic kids LOVE puzzles. Most of the time, they assemble the puzzles up-side down, so one is sure if they just see the pieces that fit together (not the pictures on the puzzles) . Puzzles can be used as a "break" after they have completed a number of tasks. It keeps them focused (without any "down" time). -"down" time or transition time is when students tend to get into trouble.
Teeter Popper "My special needs students loved the teeter popper. They sat, layed on and twirled on it for as long as it was out. One of my students turned it over and pretended it was a turtle shell. The popping sound was enjoyable to the children as well. "
Kinetic Sand - 2.2 lb "Great sensory toy. Playing with the sand is very relaxing to my Child with Autism."
Nov 2015
Super Fun Marble Run "Allows a child with a math and logic brain to problem solve and express themselves creatively. "
Waff Cubes "My autism spectrum 7 year old son has the WAFF notebook with the colored WAFF cubes. When he travels in the car he likes to write and draw landmarks and street signs he sees. He has an amazing memory and skill for drawing maps. The notebook travels easily in the car and the WAFF cubes as well. The bright colors and endless possibilities of attaching them to the notebook promotes his creativity and slows him down when he is sometimes really anxious about where we might be going or if we are taking a different route. While he feels he has to write/draw in the notebook to ease his anxieties he can't help but play with it too by creating a different color scheme with the cubes on the notebook "
* Article Source: Internet
Autism takes a toll on stomach as well. Does it?
here had been a lot of times that parents come across with so many different things.
One such is “My child keeps complaining of pain in abdomen.” So talking on that we tried to make a list of common symptoms and types of food which might be beneficial.
What symptoms mostly occurs? 1.Stomachache 2.Diarrhoea 3.Constipation 4.Flatulance. Just to name the few.
1.Gluten Free Casein Free diet-though 3.Mineral and Vitamin suppleits kind of little tough,But apparently one ments:Though i am a strong believer in
thing you must try if your child is really suffering with a lot of gastro intestinal issues. “Food should contain it all” theory but more often than not mothers will come to 2.Probiotics are the way to go. They me and narrate their ordeal. help your child in a larger way.These are good bacterias and therefore help in prop- This seems like a task.I just say that consult er digestion and regulation of food. your physician/Pediatrician and ask if he can add an supplement as the food should not suffer.
Nov 2015
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Nov 2015