The Benefits of At-Home IV Therapy
Glaucoma At-home IV therapy is a safe and convenient way to receive IV treatments outside of a clinical environment. In the past, patients only had the option of travelling to a hospital to receive IV treatments, which resulted in lost time, energy, and general discomfort. It was also challenging and exhausting for patients with mobility issues. However, medical advancements have made it possible for a growing number of IV therapy patients to be treated by a highly qualified nurse at-home. At-home care is especially helpful for patients who require long-term IV treatment.
What Happens During At-Home IV Therapy? At-home IV therapy is a practical option for patients dealing with an illness or disease that requires short or long-term IV treatments. A qualified medical provider will visit your home on a scheduled basis to administer the IV treatment. During this time the IV therapist will assess your wellbeing prior to the treatment; sanitize equipment and insert the needle or catheter; monitor the dosage and duration of the treatment; and adjust the needle or catheter, as needed. They will also watch out for reactions during and after the treatment to ensure that there were no complications. In result, you can receive the professional and safe care you need without travelling to a hospital or sitting in a waiting room.
iCare Home Health Services Inc., 2275 Upper Middle Rd. E., Suite 101,OakvilleOntarioL6H 0C3,Telephone: (905) 491-6941,