Published by the Italian Community Center 631 E. Chicago St., Milwaukee, WI 53202 VOL. 36, NO. 5 NOVEMBER 2014
ICC members elect Dean Cannestra as vice president in the only contested officer’s race
Mario Carini, Joe Campagna, Henry Piano and Ted Catalano take directors’ seats
By Thomas Hemman Times Editor In an election that saw 772 members cast ballots – nearly 200 more than last year – Dean Cannestra was elected vice president, defeating Pietro Tarantino, in the lone contested race among officers.
Giuseppe Vella captured the Italian Community Center’s presidency. Dave Spano, a past president, was elected treasurer and incumbents Rose Anne (Ceraso) Fritchie and Joanne (Sanfilippo) Czubek, were returned to their respective posts as secretary and
University School students given guided tour of ICC
sergeant-at-arms. Members also elected three past presidents Mario A. Carini, Joe Campagna, Jr., Henry G. Piano and a first-time candidate Ted Catalano as directors-at-large.
There were 10 candidates running for the four open positions. The other candidates were: Anthony Zingale, Joe Jannazzo, Ralph Busalacchi, Chuck Lazzaro, George Menos and Edward Ciano.
All welcome to ICC’s 2nd Festival di Danza e Cultura
Please turn to page 6
ICC asking its members to become part of “Annual Donor Society”
It has been 25 years since the members of the Italian Community Center have participated in a members’ donor campaign.
Anna Pitzo (far right) gave 63 fourth-grade students from the University School, Fox Point, a guided tour of the Italian Community Center on Friday, Oct. 10. The students were on a one-day walking tour of several locations in Milwaukee with historical and cultural relevance. Pitzo spoke to the students about the paintings, sculptures and pictures throughout the building and the impact that Italians and Italian Americans have had in Milwaukee and the United States. The students were accompanied by their teachers and adult chaperones. (Times photo by Tom Hemman)
Election results were announced at the ICC’s general membership meeting on Oct. 2. Vella will officially succeed Gina M. Spang as president on Nov. 1 in compliance with the organization’s bylaws. Vella has served the last two years as vice president and was previously a director-at-large (2010-12). Spang has held the presidency
During the period of 19851990, it was an appeal to raise funds for the construction of the organization’s current building at 631 E. Chicago St., in Milwaukee’s Historic Third Ward, the home of many of the city’s early Italian immigrants. Today – 25 years later – the ICC is asking its members to contribute for the continuation and growth of the organization which they cherish and love and all that it has come to stand for since its inception in 1978.
By Thomas Hemman Times Editor Several ethnic dance and music groups will come together for performances at the Italian Community Center’s second annual Festival di Danza e Cultura on Thursday, Oct. 30. This multi-cultural program,
which is part of the ICC’s celebration of National Italian American Heritage Month in October, will be presented in the Pompeii Grand Ballroom starting at 7 p.m. A pasta and meatballs dinner buffet will be available at 6 p.m. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. for a reception (cash bar). Please turn to page 8
Like many nonprofit organizations, ICC wants to make this an annual appeal to its members to ensure that the organization can prosper for years to come. The ICC is asking its members to become part of an “Annual Donor Society.”
Dear members: I cannot believe how fast these past two years have gone by. It seems as if it was just last month that I was being installed by my Uncle Sam and my Uncle Phil with my hand all bandaged up from my run in with my water heater! Well, my hand has healed and I am ready to move on. I am happy with what we have accomplished, and I am optimistic that our new President, Mr. Joe Vella, will continue to move the organization in the right direction. Thank you and a job well done to our outgoing board members, and congratulations to our incom-
ing officers and board members. Thank you to the Board of Directors, all committee chairs and committee members. You did very important and beneficial work these past two years. To those who regularly attended the general membership meetings – thank you for your dedication to the organization. You are truly the heart and soul of the ICC. And finally a big thank you to my friends and family for putting up with my being unavailable due to events or meetings at the ICC. I am looking forward to having more free time and being someone who attends the general membership
meetings instead of facilitating them J I am also looking forward to the leadership of our new President, Joe Vella. I know that Joe is genuine in his commitment to the Community Center and he is serious about making positive changes. He will keep us focused and moving in the right direction. He has a vision, and he is passionate about his Italian heritage.
In a two-page letter mailed recently to members, President Gina Spang and Vice President Joe Vella state that the ICC has become a “dependable, friendly, welcoming place where Milwaukee’s Italian American community meets to enjoy friends, wonderful food and celebrate its rich heritage. More than bricks and mortar, the ICC is a testament to our ancestors who were unwavering in their quest to pave the way to a more prosperous life for themselves and generations to follow.” The entire letter is reprinted in this issue and appears on page 10. Rose Purpero Spang, the ICC’s 2014 Fund-Raising Committee Chairperson, said she hopes all members will give this donor appeal serious consideration and do the best they can to support the ICC. “Many organizations have annual appeals to their members and donors to sustain themselves Please turn to page 10
A message from Gina Spang, Italian Community Center President
It has been a privilege to serve as your President these past two years. Thank you.
– Gina M. Spang ICC President