Oct 2014 online

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Published by the Italian Community Center 631 E. Chicago St., Milwaukee, WI 53202 www.ICCMilwaukee.com VOL. 36, NO. 4 OCTOBER 2014


ICC’s Casino Night proves to be a winning deal



Festa Italiana chosen overwhelmingly as favorite ethnic festival in Business Journal poll

In an online subscribers survey conducted by the Milwaukee Business Journal (www.bizjournals.com/milwaukee) in August, Festa Italiana was overwhelmingly chosen as Milwaukee’s favorite ethnic festival, receiving 41% of all the votes casts. In second place was Irish Fest with 19% of the vote. The survey results, which were published in the Aug. 15 edition of the Business Journal, reported that 485 people responded to the survey. While the survey listed all of the major summer ethnic festivals, it allowed participants to check a box for “other,” which The Italian Times learned meant smaller ethnic festivals that aren’t held on the Summerfest grounds. The “other” selection finished third with 18% of the vote. The rest of the results read as follows: German Fest 8%, Bastille Days 7%, Polish Fest 5% and Mexican Fiesta 1%.

Bill and Karen Dickinson, chairpersons of the ICC Membership Committee, organized a very successful Casino Night on Sept. 12. . Due to their hard work, the volunteers who assisted and the generosity of numerous donors, the event was a success evn before the doors opened. Casino Night also proved to be an enjoyable evening for all who attended. Look for more photos and information from the event inside this issue. (Times photo by Tom Hemman)

ICC election results to be announced at Oct. 2 general meeting

By Thomas Hemman Times Editor Results of this year’s Italian Community Center election, which features races for vice president and four director-at-large seats, will be announced during the gen-

eral membership meeting on Thursday, Oct. 2. The meeting will start at 6:30 p.m., and will be held in the Festa Ballroom. The buffet-style dinner will be available at 5:30 p.m. for $8 Please turn to page 7

ICC hosting 2nd annual Festival di Danza e Cultura on Thursday, Oct. 30 This is a don’t miss multi-cultural dance and music program sure to please

By Thomas Hemman Times Editor Several ethnic dance and music groups will come together for performances at the Italian Community Center’s second annual Festival di Danza e Cultura on Thursday, Oct. 30. This multi-cultural program, which is part of the ICC’s celebration of National Italian American Heritage Month in October, will be presented in the Pompeii Grand Ballroom starting at 7 p.m. A pasta and meatballs dinner buffet will be available at 6 p.m. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. for a reception (cash bar). The dinner and program prices have been set at $15 for adults and $9 for children (12 and younger). The cost for performance-only admission is $5. Reservations can be made using a credit or debit card and by calling the ICC office at 414223-2180 or by completing the form at the conclusion of this article and sending it in with a payment. Festival di Danza e Cultura is a presentation of the ICC Culture Committee and Tradizione Vivente: the Italian Dance Group of Milwaukee, in conjunction with the International Institute of Wisconsin. It will serve as a preview to the 2014 Holiday Folk Fair International, which is Nov. 21-23 at State Fair Park in West Allis. As of presstime, Gina Jorgensen, Culture Committee member, said that these groups had confirmed

their participation in the Oct. 30 program: The Billy Mitchell Scottish Pipes & Drums, Caledonia Scottish Dancers, Tatra Slovak Dancers of Milwaukee, Pommersche Tanzdeel Freistadt, Dnipro Ukrainian Dance Ensemble and Tradizione Vivente. She added that she was awaiting confirmation from performers representing the Indian Community School. The dinner buffet will include pasta with meatballs, salad, Italian

bread, dessert and coffee, tea or milk. It will be available until the start of the program, said Christina Ziino, Culture Committee chair. “We had such great feedback about last year’s event that we are now planning on having this celebration every year,” Jorgensen said. “We are so excited to introduce several new visiting groups this year. This is truly a mini-Folk Fair that gives people a solid glance at what they can expect at the

By Thomas Hemman Times Editor In an interview published in the March 1994 issue of The Italian Times, then-Milwaukee Alderman Thomas G. (Tom) Nardelli stated: “I’ve always felt that if I was going to embark on a task, I’d try to do it in a way so that it would not in any way discredit my family name. I’m very cognizant of my parents and grandparents and what they’ve done for me. It’s far more important to me to honor that name and what it means than it is to tarnish

it by my actions.” In today’s world, it seems many politicians make similar statements, but how many come close to living up to it? Over the course of 40-plus years in politics, Tom Nardelli not only demonstrated his commitment to his family name, but he was acknowledged and respected by his peers for his honesty, independence, forthrightness and dedication to his constituents. Nardelli died unexpectedly on Labor Day (Sept. 1) of a ruptured Please turn to page 6

Holiday Folk Fair in November. We truly appreciate the visiting ethnic groups that are generously giving their time and talents to our event.” She added that there will be a raffle for some interesting prizes and that tickets for the Folk Fair will be available for purchase. (Look for a separate story on the Folk Fair in this issue.) Please turn to page 10

Tom Nardelli, past ICC president, longtime Milwaukee alderman and state and county official, dies at 70

Tom Nardelli

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