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Insider Collection is InterContinental’s multitasting product for ensuring that every business event or meeting organized in Insider Collectionhotels is InterContinental’s multitasting product for ensuring that every business or meeting organized InterContinental De La InterContinental around the world becomes a unique experience. The specialevent packages offered by the inInterContinental hotels around the world becomes a unique experience. The special packages offered by the InterContinental De La Ville Rome have been Ville Rome have been exclusively designed by the Events Team to allow business guests get the most from their stay by discovering the exclusively designed by the Events Team to allow business guests get the most from their stay by discovering the authentic local flavor and best authentic local flavor best experiences Italian products. Many different arefor available, grouped into five themes, for making the event Italian products. Manyand different are available, grouped experiences into five themes, making the event memorable, educational and motivating memorable, educational and motivating to all participants: to all participants: INSIDER LOCATIONS INSIDER LOCATIONS With of the thecity, city,InterContinental InterContinentalDe DeLaLa Ville’s Withtheir theirin-depth in-depth knowledge knowledge of team able istoable provide accessaccess to a to range of exciting handpicked local Ville’sisteam to provide a range of exciting handpicked venues. as Visit the where Fashion‘MADE House where venues. Suchlocal as Visit the Such Fashion House IN ITALY’ was ‘MADE IN ITALY’ Come and see the high-fashion born. Come and seewas theborn. high-fashion vintage dresses created by some dresses created by someas of well Italy’sasmost famous designers, as and ofvintage Italy’s most famous designers, a photographic collection well as a photographic collection and over 2000 sketches. Visitors over 2000 sketches. Visitors can also take part in a fashion lesson can also take part in a fashion lesson organized by the Foundation. organized by the Foundation.

INSIDER SPEAKERS INSIDER INTERACTIONS Discover AttendItalian an onpasta or off-site lecture on Learning the howtreasures to make of realRome. homemade from the Hotel’s executive Umberto Vezzoli. lessons howof the the historic districtchef, of Campo Marzio andTaking discover the on magic to be a Steps gladiator theCondotti. fascinatingBe andswept mysterious of Italian Bel Spanish andinVia away world by The Ancient Rome. Discovering the beauty Rome on aworld Vespa,of justItalian Canto. Introduce your delegates to theof wonderful like Gregory Peck andlessons Audrey consisting Hepburn in of “Roman Holiday”. opera with musical live performances by These original team-building experiences will help your delegates professional singers. connect with each other and motivate them to build effective The perfect way to relax the body and mind after a busy working day. working relationships.

INSIDER BREAKS INSIDER BREAKS Real RealItalian ItalianCoffee. Coffee.Coffee Coffeeis isthe thenational nationaldrink drinkofofItaly Italyand andcoffee coffeeculture, asculture, we know it, was here. Learn thereallis there to know as we knowborn it, was born here.allLearn is toabout knowthe Art the Making Art of Coffee Making andwith go home owncoffee ofabout Coffee and go home your with veryyour ownvery Italian Italian coffee Learn Eat Well. The Mediterranean machine. Learnmachine. to Eat Well. ThetoMediterranean Diet has been described been described as the ‘gold standard for healthy eating.” asDiet the has ‘gold standard for healthy eating.” It is more than just a diet; it is It is more than just a diet; it is a way of life. This experience will a way of life.This experience will allow your delegates to enjoy real Italian allow your delegates to enjoy real Italian cuisine made from the cuisine madeingredient. from the finest local ingredient. finest local

INSIDER INTERACTIONS INSIDER SPEAKERS Learning how make realofhomemade Italian pasta the Hotel’s Discover thetotreasures Rome. Attend an on or from off-site executive Umberto Vezzoli. Taking Marzio lessonsand ondiscover how to be a lecture onchef, the historic district of Campo the magic Spanish Steps and Via Condotti. swept Rome. gladiator in of thethefascinating and mysterious world Be of Ancient away by The BelofCanto. your to Peck Discovering theItalian beauty RomeIntroduce on a Vespa, justdelegates like Gregory the Audrey wonderful world ofinItalian operaHoliday”. with musical lessons and Hepburn “Roman These original teamconsisting of live performances by professional building experiences will help your delegatessingers. connect with each The perfect way to relax the body and mind after a busy other and motivate them to build effective working relationships.

INSIDER COMMUNITY INSIDER COMMUNITY Clean up Of Castel CastelFusano” Fusano”forfora real a real corporate teamClean up the the “Pineta “Pineta Of corporate building experience aimedaimed at promoting environmental awareness. This team-building experience at promoting environmental activity takesThis place in thetakes Pineta di inCastel Fusano Reserve, an awareness. activity place the Pineta di Wildlife Castel Fusano Wildlifesanctuary Reserve, near an ancient sanctuary near the Tiber. mouth of the River ancient the mouth of the River Tiber. is toupclean this amazing placeyour withteam your members team The aimThe is toaim clean this up amazing place with and members and learn about the ecology and biodiversity of the learn about the ecology and biodiversity of the Mediterranean Mediterranean environments. environments.


working day.

InterContinental De De La La Ville Ville Rome Rome InterContinental Via Sistina, 67 - 71 00187 Roma Tel. +39 06.67331 - Fax +39 06.67339330 romha.sales

InterContinental Meetings is designed to capture a genuine sense of place that will inspire delegates and get results. Our experienced team understands the demands on your time Magic, Emotions, History, Art, Culture, Shopping embrace the Guests at the InterContinental as aLa busy planner is focused makinghospitality sure that at thethe process seamlessly at De Villeevent Rome. Icon ofand elegance andon modern top of runs the Spanish Steps every stage.Piazza Whatever the event, Meetings teamfor is here to make life dominates di Spagna and the Via InterContinental Condotti is the ideal location experiencing and discovering theand Eternal City. a rewarding occasion for those attending. easier for you to create

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