December 2010 - LRD Newsletter

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vol 6 no 3

December 2010

Pacific heads of agriculture and forestry meeting highlight agrobiodiversity


he Fourth Regional Meeting of Heads of Agriculture and Forestry Services (HOAFS) was held from 14 to 17 September 2010, at Tanoa International, Nadi, Fiji Islands. In recent national and regional forums, there have been strong expressions of concern and calls for more concerted efforts to address global issues such as climate change, food security, biosecurity and trade, pest and disease incursions, organic agriculture, and the place of youth in agriculture. The 2010 HOAFS meeting addressed these issues within the context of the meeting theme, Agrobiodiversity to address climate change, food security and trade, which recognises the UN International Year of Biodiversity 2010. The meeting was opened by Fiji’s Minister for Primary Industries, Joketani Cokanasiga who urged the forum to encourage self-sufficiency and the reliance of our people on traditional practices that have sustained agriculture in the Pacific for generations. “2010 is the International Year of Biodiversity and it is very apt that the Heads of Agriculture and Forestry have as their theme “agro-biodiversity to address

climate change, food security and trade”.” He said agrobiodiversity can be used as a tool to address the reduction of poverty, promote development and improve food security. “To achieve this, a new approach to agricultural research and development is needed. This approach is more complex, based on strategies aimed at farming systems rather than particular crops, and less reliance on external inputs,” he said. It requires greater appreciation of the multiple goods and services provided by biological diversity in agricultural ecosystems. This new approach also requires greater participation from all sectors and agencies and all levels of the community. Agrobiodiveristy provides us with a wonderful opportunity to ensure food production in very challenging times, and at the same time do minimum damage to our precious environment, we have to maintain our roots - but we have to treat our environment with respect and guarantee that at all times to have a place where we truly belong. “Much can be gained from the ....cont’d on pg 2

The HOAFS forum is made up of CEOs, Directors and Permanent Secretaries of Ministries of Agriculture and Forestry of the 22 member states of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC). The Suva-based Land Resources Division (LRD) of SPC provides the secretariat for HOAFS. The biannual HOAFS meeting is the main regional platform for discussing Pacific agriculture and forestry issues, and for updating members on developments at the national and regional level across the two sectors. volume 6 number 3 - December 2010


Land Resources News

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