RIBH MENA Projects Summary

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RIBH MENA is the GIZ responsible and inclusive business hub based at icecairo. It powers a paradigm shift towards sustainable development in the Middle East and North Africa. As its sister hubs in other world regions, RIBH MENA provides information on and raises awareness about Corporate Social Responsibility and Inclusive Business. Beyond this we assist the private sector with skills and business model development as well as networking support around CSR and IB.

We provide:

intelligence awareness skills networks

Inclusive Business






Egypt facebook.com/iceribh http://issuu.com/ice_ribh 32 Sabry Abou Alam, Downtown, Cairo



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HOME Movie Screening



Sustainable Business Circle 1: The SEKEM Sustainability Flower Sustainable Start-up Workshop 1

Sustainable Business Circle 2: Inclusive Business Models for Egypt


Dokkan Dilwa2ty: featuring APE Sep.

Sustainable Business Circle 4: Sustainable Start-up Handbook Inclusive Business Workshop: Agri

Offical Launch! Sustainable Business Circle 3: Corporate Volunteering Inclusive Business Workshop: Energy


Sustainable Start-up Workshop ToT

Sustainable Start-up Workshop 2 Sustainable Business Circle 5: Supporting Local Crafts


Inclusive Business Workshops: Crafts Dokkan Dilwa2ty: featuring TakeCaire

Dokkan Dilwa2ty: Christmas Marketplace

Sustainable Catering Workshop Dec.

“Support Local Crafts� Campaign

Sustainable Business Circle 6: Global & Regional Sustainability Trends

503 378


facebook.com/iceribh http://issuu.com/ice_ribh 32 Sabry Abou Alam, Downtown, Cairo

Total Participants Active Stakeholders Returned Stakeholders

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Information below is related to attendees of RIBH MENA events & activities from April to December 2013.

1. Who attended our activities? Age Group

3. What do participants think about our events? Benefits

o f

p a r t i c i p a n t s


n o .

Sector very bad









Your assistance and patience to support networking with different entities is valuable.

2. How did we reach our stakeholders? Communication Channels

I attended the Crafts workshop provided about product quality and assurance and it was really inspiring and beneficial. We have gathered so much information on common issues in Egypt concerning that topic. I would like to thank you for making these events accessible to everybody, as well as providing excellent opportunities for networking.

facebook.com/iceribh http://issuu.com/ice_ribh 32 Sabry Abou Alam, Downtown, Cairo

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The Sustainable Business Circle is a joint initiative between RIBH MENA and the Global Compact Network Egypt in the form of a monthly meeting for sustainability practitioners to discuss challenges around CSR or IB. Each session is always followed by an informal breakfast for further networking and collaboration between participants. The Sustainable Business Circle aims at creating a regular, interactive setting in order to obtain tangible outcomes towards sustainable development in Egypt, introducing new business ideas and trends. It keeps momentum on CSR and IB going, gains a pulse on what companies need/want, collects a database of CSR/IB practioners in Egypt, and gathers case study presentations on challenges in Egypt. The community is also connected on the LinkedIn group: Cairo Sustainable Business Circle.

In 2013: Sustainability Management

Inclusive Business Models from Egypt

Corporate Volunteering

Sustainable Start-ups

How can Businesses Support Local Crafts?

Global & Regional Sustainability Trends 2014 RIBH MENA is the GIZ responsible and inclusive business hub based at icecairo. It powers a paradigm shift towards sustainable development in the Middle East and North Africa. As its sister hubs in other world regions, RIBH MENA provides information on and raises awareness about Corporate Social Responsibility and Inclusive Business. Beyond this we assist the private sector with skills and business model development as well as networking support around CSR and IB.

facebook.com/iceribh http://issuu.com/ice_ribh 32 Sabry Abou Alam, Downtown, Cairo

in collaboration with:

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Global Compact Network Principles In collaboration with the Global Compact Network Egypt (GCNE), a series of sessions on the four pillars of the Global Compact principles took place in the Sustainable Business Circles during the first half of 2014. Each session started with input presentation by the GCNE Officer, Mohamed El-Fouly, followed by a discussion with one or two of the companies belonging to the GCNE on how they implement the presented principles in their workplace, and finally ends with an interactive session with all participants around further implementation of these principles. The road To susTainabiliTy

susTainable business circles 2014 ice_ribh and the Global Compact Network Egypt are bringing you a series of breakfast workshops on the four pillars of the Global Compact principles: Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-Coruption. In reference to the Egyptian business environment, we will discuss together with our participants how a business can integrate these four pillars into policies, strategies and activities...

26 FEb.

Save the dates!


19 mAR.



16 ApR.

14 mAy.



18 juN.

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5 Sessions on the Global Compact Principles 130 Total Participants RIBH MENA is the GIZ responsible and inclusive business hub based at icecairo. It powers a paradigm shift towards sustainable development in the Middle East and North Africa. As its sister hubs in other world regions, RIBH MENA provides information on and raises awareness about Corporate Social Responsibility and Inclusive Business. Beyond this we assist the private sector with skills and business model development as well as networking support around CSR and IB.

facebook.com/iceribh http://issuu.com/ice_ribh 32 Sabry Abou Alam, Downtown, Cairo

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By Country SyriA tuNiSiA





irAq jOrdAN kuwAit

AlgEriA Egypt


BAhrAiN qAtAr

SAudi ArABiA


Communicating Corporate Sustainability OMAN in the MENA Region

RIBH MENA launched the first study on sustainability reporting across the MENA region in April 2014. It was presented to a diverse audience of sustainability practitioners in Cairo during the SustrAvEl Circle on the 16th of AutOMOtivE tainable Business April 2014. AgriculturE hEAlth The study was conducted by Ahead of The chEMicAlS utilitiES fOOd prOcESSiNg CurveEducAtiON and provides detailed information for iNduStriAl tEchNOlOgy MiNiNg fiNANcE business owners, sustainability managers and trANSpOrtAtiON $ BASic rESOurcES rEtAil iNSurANcE policy makers alike on the state of sustainability BANkiNg rEAl EStAtE tElEcOMMuNicAtiON Oil & gASlisted communication among 170 of the largest MEdiA cONStructiON Colours indicate reporting style among majority companies from 17 countries inin each thesector. Middle East of companies surveyed and North Africa. It highlights pioneers according to country of origin, business sector and company size and looks not only at comprehensive sustainability reporting, but also at patterns of general sustainability communication as well as non-communication. 26% 44% companies provide 17%full sustainability reporting, another 40% While only 19% of 50% 3% 29% mainly via online tools. engage at least in basic sustainability communication, 30% 68% Still, more than 40% of companies 33% surveyed don’t communicate on sustainlArgE cAp practices at all. Only MEdiuM7% cAp of companies SMAll cAp MicrO ability report data forcAp their sustainability ($4 BilliON +) ($1.0 tO 4 BilliON) ($100,000 tO 1.0 BilliON) (lESS thAN $100,000) activities and performance. Colours indicate reporting style among majority of companies surveyed in each country.

By Sector

A comparative study on non-financial reporting across 17 countries in the Middle East and North Africa

Published by:

By Size

Extensive Reporters: Full report on corporate sustainability (print or online) available Brief Reporter: Information on selected corporate sustainability activities provided on website Non-reporters: No information on corporate sustainability available

RIBH MENA is currently also preparing a series of of Sustainability Reporting workshops during the Sustainable Business Circles in collaboration with Ahead 7%of The Curve. 17%


RIBH MENA is the GIZ responsible and inclusive business hub based at icecairo. It powers a paradigm 53% shift towards sustainable development in the Middle East and North Africa. As its sister hubs in other world regions, RIBH MENA provides information on and raises awareness about Corporate Social Responsibility and Inclusive Business. Beyond this we assist the private sector with skills and business mpanies in the Mena development 17% of companies in theas Mena 22% of companies the Mena CSR and 53%IB. of companies in the Mena model as well networking supportinaround gion report data. region link sustainability with region are involved in some form region involved in reporting, use business strategies. of stakeholder engagement. one or more guidelines.

facebook.com/iceribh http://issuu.com/ice_ribh 32 Sabry Abou Alam, Downtown, Cairo

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to read the full report, go to: issuu.com/ice_ribh

By Country SyriA tuNiSiA





irAq jOrdAN kuwAit

AlgEriA liByA


BAhrAiN qAtAr

SAudi ArABiA

SuStainability RepoRting uAE

in the Mena Region

Sustainability Reporting in the MENA Region

OMAN Overview of trends in non-financial reporting among 170 of the largest listed companies in the Middle East and North Africa. Based on a sample of 10 companies per country from 17 countries.

Colours indicate reporting style among majority of companies surveyed in each country.

Brief reporters

Extensive reporters

By Sector

One of RIBH MENA’s strong methods of communication and awareness creation is through designing visual trAvEl AutOMOtivE AgriculturE infographics. The one on the right chEMicAlS fOOd prOcESSiNg summarizes the outcomes of the tEchNOlOgy EducAtiON iNduStriAl MiNiNg “Sustainability Reporting in the MENA trANSpOrtAtiON Region” study, indicating BASic viarESOurcES color codes the rEAl reporting habits of 170 ofOil & gAS EStAtE tElEcOMMuNicAtiON cONStructiON Colourscompanies indicate reporting style the largest listed inamong themajority of companies surveyed in each sector. MENA region.

By Size The infograph is divided into three


19% 40% 41%

By Country SyriA tuNiSiA







irAq jOrdAN kuwAit

AlgEriA Egypt


BAhrAiN qAtAr

SAudi ArABiA



$ Colours indicate reporting style among majority



of companies surveyed in each country.



By Sector




hEAlth chEMicAlS

fOOd prOcESSiNg EducAtiON iNduStriAl




MiNiNg BASic rESOurcES


rEAl EStAtE tElEcOMMuNicAtiON Oil & gAS cONStructiON Colours indicate reporting style among majority of companies surveyed in each sector.

By Size main sections; 26% country, sector, and size. Each section 44% indicates the re17% 50% 3% porting style of the majority of com29% 30% 68% panies surveyed. The darker blue 33% represents extensive reporters, the SMAll cAp7% lArgE cAp MEdiuM cAp MicrO cAp ($4 BilliON +) ($1.0 tO 4 BilliON) ($100,000 tO 1.0 BilliON) (lESS 17%thAN $100,000) 22% medium turquoise represents comExtensive Full report on corporate sustainability (print or online) available panies thatReporters: provide some information Brief Reporter: Information on selected corporate sustainability activities provided on website Non-reporters: No information on corporate sustainability available on their sustainability practices, while the light aqua represents companies 7%that do not report at all. 43%

26% 44%


lArgE cAp ($4 BilliON +)


3% 29% 68%


MEdiuM cAp ($1.0 tO 4 BilliON)



17% 50%





SMAll cAp ($100,000 tO 1.0 BilliON)

MicrO cAp (lESS thAN $100,000)

Extensive Reporters: Full report on corporate sustainability (print or online) available Brief Reporter: Information on selected corporate sustainability activities provided on website Non-reporters: No information on corporate sustainability available

7% of companies in the Mena region report data.


17% of companies in the Mena region link sustainability with business strategies.

22% of companies in the Mena region are involved in some form of stakeholder engagement.

53% 53% of companies in the Mena region involved in reporting, use one or more guidelines.

to read the full report, go to: issuu.com/ice_ribh


RIBH MENA is the GIZ responsible and inclusive business hub based at icecairo. It powers a paradigm 53% shift towards sustainable development in the Middle East and North Africa. As its sister hubs in other world regions, RIBH MENA provides information on and raises awareness about Corporate Social Responsibility and Inclusive Business. Beyond this we assist the private sector with skills and business mpanies in the Mena development 17% of companies in theas Mena 22% of companies the Mena CSR and 53%IB. of companies in the Mena model as well networking supportinaround gion report data. region link sustainability with region are involved in some form region involved in reporting, use business strategies. of stakeholder engagement. one or more guidelines.

facebook.com/iceribh http://issuu.com/ice_ribh 32 Sabry Abou Alam, Downtown, Cairo

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to read the full report, go to: issuu.com/ice_ribh

The Sustainable Start-Up format is an interactive concept developed by RIBH MENA for small & medium enterprises that want to innovate their businesses on an eco-social basis. It is offered either as a five day (15-hour) workshop, or a condensed 3-hour case study lab in collaboration with icecairo. The workshop is divided into 5 sessions where participants: identify key challenges; assess stakeholders; realize their main positive impacts; learn about basic project management, and develop creative communication channels to discuss sustainability practices with stakeholders. The lab focuses on helping participants identify and implement more sustainable business practices allowing their company to have a positive impact on people and the environment. RIBH MENA also offers a training of trainers workshop on the format. Elements of The Sustainable Start-Up format include a handbook by RIBH MENA and the Global Compact Network Egypt that is available for free as hardcopy (from RIBH MENA’s office) and soft-copy (issuu. com/ice_ribh) and a website icecairo.com/sustainable-startup

Sustainable Start-up Handbook in 3 languages

2 Sustainable Start-up Workshops 3 Sustainable Start-up Labs 1 Sustainable Start-up ToT 94 Total Participants

RIBH MENA is the GIZ responsible and inclusive business hub based at icecairo. It powers a paradigm shift towards sustainable development in the Middle East and North Africa. As its sister hubs in other world regions, RIBH MENA provides information on and raises awareness about Corporate Social Responsibility and Inclusive Business. Beyond this we assist the private sector with skills and business model development as well as networking support around CSR and IB.

facebook.com/iceribh http://issuu.com/ice_ribh 32 Sabry Abou Alam, Downtown, Cairo

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Farm to Fork is an initiative by RIBH MENA that aims to enhance the network and promote the culture of sustainability in the food sector. It started by creating a Seasonality Chart of fruits and vegetables in Egypt in collaboration with the Egyptian Chefs Association (ECA), Semiramis Intercontinental, Nawaya, Gedety, and El Nour. Followed by the “Grown in Egypt” Female Chef of the Year competition that took place at HACE ’14 Fair which RIBH MENA participated in organizing with the ECA. And finally, the “Farm to Fork” Conference - the first sustainable food conference to take place in Egypt at the Semiramis Pavillion, in collaboration with Semiramis Intercontinental, ECA, and the Chamber of Food Industries. Egypt Seasonality Chart

Know when your favourite fruits and vegetables are in season. For healthier meals, a greener environment, and prosperous farming communities.



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PluM Pear


Prickly Pe a r

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Janu ary



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“Grown in Egypt”



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waterM elon



P o Me g ran olive at e be e t r oo t




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date a guav


tem Sep

be r



banana Octob er





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Au g


u Brought to you by:

RIBH MENA is the GIZ responsible and inclusive business hub based at icecairo. It powers a paradigm shift towards sustainable development in the Middle East and North Africa. As its sister hubs in other world regions, RIBH MENA provides information on and raises awareness about Corporate Social Responsibility and Inclusive Business. Beyond this we assist the private sector with skills and business model development as well as networking support around CSR and IB.

facebook.com/iceribh http://issuu.com/ice_ribh 32 Sabry Abou Alam, Downtown, Cairo

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The GIZ Responsible & Inclusive Business Hub MENA, the Semiramis Intercontinental, the Egyptian Chefs Association and the Chamber of Food Industries have in cooperation held Egypt’s first conference on sustainable business practices in the local food and restaurant industry. The event took place on 12 May at the Semiramis Pavilion in Downtown Cairo. Under the heading »Farm to Fork«, chefs, restaurateurs, food businesses and foodies gathered for a day of inspiring presentations, interactive workshop sessions and a unique sustainable food marketplace that showcased the latest in sourcing options from organic to seasonal and local to FairTrade. A host of innovative chefs and food businesses shared their expertise and ideas with participants. Farm to Fork conference

120 Participants 30 Expert Speakers 12 Sustainable Food Providers RIBH MENA is the GIZ responsible and inclusive business hub based at icecairo. It powers a paradigm shift towards sustainable development in the Middle East and North Africa. As its sister hubs in other world regions, RIBH MENA provides information on and raises awareness about Corporate Social Responsibility and Inclusive Business. Beyond this we assist the private sector with skills and business model development as well as networking support around CSR and IB.

facebook.com/iceribh http://issuu.com/ice_ribh 32 Sabry Abou Alam, Downtown, Cairo

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As a champion for responsible and inclusive business practices in Egypt and the MENA region we want to set an example by greening our own events. We can only succeed in this if we work closely with our suppliers, including catering providers. Here is the Semiramis Intercontinental Egypt implementation of the catering concept we developed together.

FairTrade Coffee. Coffee with the FairTrade label means that producers get a higher-than-usual price for their coffee and that a percentage of profits goes into community projects. In Egypt, FairTrade Coffee us for example available from Carrefour.

Reduced packaging and waste. Sugar served in bowls rather than using individual sachets. Paper cups, plastic cutlery, plastic tubs and other consumables are avoided.

More seasonal fruit and vegetables grown in Egypt on menus and in dishes to support our local farmers and avoid long transport routes (and associated costs). You might even think of working with small farmers to provide specialty produce such as micro-herbs and edible flowers.

Put up signs that inform guests that the coffee is FairTrade, the tea is organic and flowers are grown locally.

Packed leftovers for take away. Food will be eaten later and shared with people at the office and the community.

If you want your events to be catered sustainably, contact Mohamed Tawfik: mohamed.tawfik@ihg.com

facebook.com/iceribh http://issuu.com/ice_ribh 32 Sabry Abou Alam, Downtown, Cairo

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Dokkan Dilwa2ty is the RIBH MENA pop-up shop brand to support companies working with low-income producers by hosting a different inclusive business project every other month at the icecairo premises in downtown. By inviting our stakeholders and partners to meet in an informal gathering at Dokkan Dilwa2ty, business owners are given the chance to present their projects and tell the stories behind them. Through this, businesses can tap into our business network for marketing benefits as well as make direct sales at our events. Dokkan Dilwa2ty allows a diversity of set-ups according to the theme and business being hosted. It aims to support and promote inclusive business models in Egypt to inspire and push sustainable development forward in the whole region.

In 2013:

December Christmas Marketplace: featuring local, handmade products from all over Egypt



Recycled paper & cloth made by Egyptian women in Zabaleen area

Integration between local crafters & international designers

RIBH MENA is the GIZ responsible and inclusive business hub based at icecairo. It powers a paradigm shift towards sustainable development in the Middle East and North Africa. As its sister hubs in other world regions, RIBH MENA provides information on and raises awareness about Corporate Social Responsibility and Inclusive Business. Beyond this we assist the private sector with skills and business model development as well as networking support around CSR and IB.

facebook.com/iceribh http://issuu.com/ice_ribh 32 Sabry Abou Alam, Downtown, Cairo

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In 2014, Dokkan Dilwa2ty continues with a series of destination-themed events and pop-up shops that support local crafts, eco-lodges, and local tourism in Egypt. In February 2014, the series started with an event on Tunis Village in Fayoum, which was followed by another one in April on Siwa, and lastly, another one in June on Aswan and Nubian culture.

In 2014:

‫ م‬7 - ‫ ص‬11 2/ 22 ‫يوم‬

‫ الدور األول‬- ‫ ميدان طلعت حرب‬،‫ صبري أبو علم‬32

.. ‫سيوة في القاهرة‬

‫م‬9-4 ،‫ إبريل‬13‫د‬ .. ‫مستنينكم يوم األح يوة في أيس كايرو‬ ‫نتعرف على تراث س‬ ،‫ى حرفيين الخوص‬ ، ‫اتفرج عل منتجات سيوة اليدوية‬ ‫شتري من‬ ‫ا ستمتع معانا بمزيكا وأكل‬ ‫وا‬ ‫وشاي سيوي‬

‫ الدور األول‬- ‫ من ميدان طلعت حرب‬،‫ صبري أبو علم‬32

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.. ‫أسوان في القاهرة‬ ‫م‬٩-٥ ،‫ يونيو‬22 ‫مستنينكم يوم األحد‬ .. ‫في أيس كايرو‬ ‫نتعرفعلىتراثأسوان والسياحة البيئية‬ .. ‫ونشتري من منتجاتهم اليدوية‬ ‫ الدور األول‬- ‫ من ميدان طلعت حرب‬،‫ صبري أبو علم‬32

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RIBH MENA is the GIZ responsible and inclusive business hub based at icecairo. It powers a paradigm shift towards sustainable development in the Middle East and North Africa. As its sister hubs in other world regions, RIBH MENA provides information on and raises awareness about Corporate Social Responsibility and Inclusive Business. Beyond this we assist the private sector with skills and business model development as well as networking support around CSR and IB.

facebook.com/iceribh http://issuu.com/ice_ribh 32 Sabry Abou Alam, Downtown, Cairo

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Through many activities relating to and involving crafts producers over the past year, RIBH MENA has gathered sufficient amounts of information on the crafts sector in Egypt. Formats include the pop-up shop “Dokkan Dilwa2ty” which brought producers from various governorates to Cairo and a series of workshops held in cooperation with GIZ EconoWin; “Amayel Edayya” which looked more into the problems that the supply side faces in order to reach the market and final consumer. Furthermore, RIBH MENA has produced several case studies on the sector, and is running a corporate gift survey in partnership with a start-up working in the field “Sandmade”. Finally, RIBH MENA had run a crafts campaign in partnership with BridgEgypt in December 2013.

Your Car: Made in Germany. Your Computer: Made in China.

Your Crafts: Made Here.

support local crafts this festive season! Buy your corporate gifts from local artisans & designers.

Initiative by:

In Cooperation with the following Local Crafts Businesses: Powered by:

RIBH MENA is the GIZ responsible and inclusive business hub based at icecairo. It powers a paradigm shift towards sustainable development in the Middle East and North Africa. As its sister hubs in other world regions, RIBH MENA provides information on and raises awareness about Corporate Social Responsibility and Inclusive Business. Beyond this we assist the private sector with skills and business model development as well as networking support around CSR and IB.

facebook.com/iceribh http://issuu.com/ice_ribh

32 Sabry Abou Alam, Downtown, Cairo

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One of the activities RIBH MENA focuses on is Sustainable Tourism in Egypt and the MENA region. We participated in a series of eco-lodge workshops conducted by GIZ’s Private Sector Development Programme (PSDP) in Fayoum, Baharia, and Aswan. Based on the workshops, we are now developing with PSDP an eco-tourism manual of two parts; one for tourists who are interested in eco-tourism in Egypt with destinations and contacts, and one for lodges who want to operate sustainably. We also offer one-on-one trainings to lodges or hotels intrested in developing their business models with eco-social innovation. We bring four experts from sustainable tourism and related fields to work with you free of charge for three full days to: • Analyse the business to map existing eco-social credentials • Identify new potentials for activities related to environmental footprint

and social impact • Draw up an action plan for the implementation of the most promising activities, including identification of possible partners and funders • Point out avenues for improved marketing and market access of the lodge or hotel RIBH MENA also wrote 3 case studies on ecolodges in Egypt and is now running a monthly Ecotourism Meetup with PSDP to discuss challenges and opportunities of ecotourism in Egypt.

Together with RIBH hubs in Jakarta and Pretoria, we’re creating a framework for international inclusive tourism.

RIBH MENA is the GIZ responsible and inclusive business hub based at icecairo. It powers a paradigm shift towards sustainable development in the Middle East and North Africa. As its sister hubs in other world regions, RIBH MENA provides information on and raises awareness about Corporate Social Responsibility and Inclusive Business. Beyond this we assist the private sector with skills and business model development as well as networking support around CSR and IB.

facebook.com/iceribh http://issuu.com/ice_ribh 32 Sabry Abou Alam, Downtown, Cairo

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Private Sector Development Programme

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