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Gemser Publications
Founded in 1999 Age Groups 0 - 10 Languages Catalan, Spanish, English
Gemser creates illustrated children’s books and sells them to publishing houses all over the world. Its products aim to convey concepts, habits, attitudes and values that are close to the child’s environment. It combines excellent quality, good texts and beautiful illustrations to educate and inspire its young readers.
Gemser desenvolupa projectes de llibres infantils il·lustrats i els ven a editorials de tot el món. Els nostres productes, estan destinats a transmetre conceptes, hàbits, actituds i valors propers a l’entorn del nen. Combinem textos d’excel·lent qualitat i belles il·lustracions per educar i inspirar els nostres joves lectors.

Mercè Segarra Ros merce@mercedesros.com
Rights Manager
Georgina Segarra Ros georgina@mercedesros.com
Georgina Segarra Ros Castell, 38 E – 08329 Teià +34 935 401 353
Reference Books
· Stuart A. Lien learns what love is · Mean Marcie learns what kindness is · Healthy living
Main Collections
· Let’s talk about it · Stand up · Learning how to draw
georgina@mercedesros.com www.mercedesros.com
In 2020
· Manners are mor than just a please or thank you · Mateo does it his way · Activities for the body and mind