1 minute read
Founded in 2010 Age Groups 0 - 12 Languages Catalan, Spanish, English
Somnins is a book packager specialised in books for children aged 0 to 12 years. It makes reading an experience, with innovative books that boost children’s creativity. It works on paper, cardboard, cloth or digitally, adapting to each project’s needs. It also organises international co-editions and its books are tested against the highest safety standards.
Som un packager editorial especialitzat en llibres infantils de 0 a 12 anys. Fem de la lectura una experiència, amb llibres innovadors que potencien la creativitat. Editem sobre paper, cartró,tela o digital, en funció de cada projecte. Organitzem coedicions internacionals i els nostres llibres compleixen tots els estàndards de seguretat infantil.

Gemma Cera i Vieta Av. Rius i Taulet, 3 E – 08172 Sant Cugat del Vallès +34 936 814 549
Reference Books
· The three little pigs · Look and find in Egypt · The funniest atlas in the world
Main Collections
· Classic tales with mechanisms · Look and find in the history · Little entrepreneurs
gemmacera@somnins.cat www.somnins.com
@somninsedicions @somnins @somnins
In 2020
· Goldilocks · Puss in boots · Origami gifts