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Profit Editorial
Founded in 1984 Languages Catalan, Spanish
Profit boasts a portfolio of authors and collaborators of recognised national and international prestige. Most noteworthy are the professors from the world’s top business schools, including Harvard Business School, Columbia Business School, Lean Management Institute, London Business School, Wharton School, ESADE, IESE, UPF and EADA.
Profit Editorial té una cartera d’autors i col·laboradors de reconegut prestigi nacional i internacional, en què destaquen professors de les principals escoles de negocis, com ara Harvard Business School, Columbia Business School, Institut Lean Management, London Business School, Wharton School, ESADE, IESE, UPF o EADA, entre d’altres.
Francesc Tresens Trvessera de Gracia, 18-20, 6-2 E – 08021 Barcelona +34 609 565 491
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· La estrategia del océano azul · El método Wycoff · Nunca comas solo
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