Word From Jerusalem September/October 2024

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The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem was established in 1980 in recognition of the biblical significance of Jerusalem and its unique connection to the Jewish people. Today the ICEJ represents millions of Christians, churches and denominations to the nation and people of Israel. We recognise in the restoration of Israel the faithfulness of God to keep His ancient covenant with the Jewish people. Our main objectives are:

* To stand with Israel in support and friendship;

* To equip and teach the worldwide Church regarding God’s purposes with Israel and the nations of the Middle East;

* To be an active voice of reconciliation between Jews, Christians and Arabs and to support the churches and congregations in the Holy Land.

From its head offices in Jerusalem, the ICEJ reaches out to more than 170 countries, with branch offices in over 90 nations. Our vision is:

* To reach every segment of Israeli society with a Christian testimony of comfort and love, and

* To reach and actively represent to Israel the support of denominations, churches and believers from every nation on earth.

The Christian Embassy is a non-denominational faith-based ministry supported by the voluntary contributions of our members and friends across the globe. We invite you to join with us as we minister to Israel and the Jewish people worldwide by donating to the ongoing work and witness of the ICEJ.



ICEJ President Dr. Jürgen Bühler

Senior VP & Spokesman David Parsons

VP International Affairs Mojmir Kallus

VP Finance David Van der Walt

VP Operations Richard van der Beek

VP AID & Aliyah Nicole Yoder

Managing Editor/Publications Director Laurina Driesse

Staff Writers Nativia Samuelsen, Marelinke van der Riet

Graphic Design/Illustrator Ryan Tsuen

Administration Tobias H

Photography Adobe Stock, Adobe Firefly, Shutterstock, Wikimedia, JAFI, Dorron Kline-Telfed, Chris van Beek ICEJ Staff and Branches, Operation Lifeshield

The New King James Bible is used for all Bible references unless otherwise noted.

Word From Jerusalem is published by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Word From Jerusalem has no subscription price and is supported through contributions worldwide. All gifts to this ministry are tax-deductible (in countries where this applies). For more information, visit us at www.icej.org


P.O. Box 1192, Jerusalem • 9101002, ISRAEL

Support our ministry online at www.icej.org


Dear friends,

As I write, we are only two months away from our Feast of Tabernacles celebration from 16-23 October. There is still much uncertainty about where the current conflict in Israel is headed. While the IDF has made substantial progress in weakening Hamas in Gaza, Iran and Hizbullah have made loud threats to ‘punish’ Israel for targeting senior leaders of their terror network. Yet they also seem ready to hold back to secure a ceasefire in Gaza in hopes of saving Hamas from collapse.

No matter how this all plays out, we are determined to continue with our plans to “keep the Feast” (Zechariah 14:16). Christian groups are still visiting the Land and this Feast is shaping up to be a uniquely powerful and timely statement of steadfast Christian support for the Jewish nation and people. Our Israeli friends are so encouraged to hear that the Feast is still on. We believe the window will remain open for the physical Feast to take place, and that the Lord will draw a faithful remnant to join us in Jerusalem. We will gather here as Israel marks one year since this difficult conflict began on Simchat Torah last October 7. So, please do not let anything deter you if the Lord is leading you to be here at Feast time. And others should make sure to sign up for the online Feast.

Besides our Feast preparations, the Christian Embassy continues to be a source of aid and comfort for Israel amid the ongoing war. We will soon deliver our fifth ambulance in 2024 – this one to serve disabled persons through an ultra-Orthodox charity. We have donated dozens of additional bomb shelters this year, with many going to protect communities along the volatile northern border. We also are proud to show you in this magazine two beautiful, gentle therapy horses we recently gifted to a kibbutz in the South so more children can receive sorely needed trauma care. And our Aliyah efforts continue to bring Jews home from around the world, just as God promised in these days.

We also need to thank everyone who has joined us on the daily Global Prayer Gathering and other prayer initiatives our national branches are hosting. Prayer is a powerful weapon in the immense spiritual battle now surrounding Israel, and we see that our prayers are working. I recently shared on CBN News that more and more Christians are realising there is kingdom destiny at stake in this conflict, especially concerning Jerusalem, and they want to pray into this as never before. We also sense that Israel is getting its confidence back, and the enemy knows it and is starting to back down. There are more reports on answered prayers inside this issue, so please read on.

We cannot thank you enough for helping us rise to the challenges now confronting the restored nation of Israel. Indeed, Israel has never had so many Christian friends and our ministry offers you practical and prophetic ways to directly impact this nation at all levels. With your support, Israel will surely reach its destiny in God.

A warm shalom from Jerusalem!

Senior Vice President & Spokesman International Christian Embassy Jerusalem

COVER PHOTO: Israeli hostage Noa Argamani is greeted by her father Yaakov after being rescued by IDF troops from Gaza in early June 2024 (IDF Spokesperson)


The theme of this year’s Feast of Tabernacles is taken from Zechariah 4:6, which is one of the most prominent prophecies in the Old Testament on what God is planning to accomplish in the End Times. It is rich in symbolism and in parallelism to messages found in the New Testament.

The context of the passage is the return of the Jewish people from exile in Babylon. Among the returnees were Zerubbabel, a descendant of King David and ancestor of Jesus who served as Israel’s political leader; Joshua the

High Priest; and the prophets Zechariah and Haggai, who assisted Zerubbabel and Joshua in rebuilding the Temple (Ezra 5:1-2).

The chapter begins with an angel speaking with Zechariah and awakening him as if from sleep. For me, it sounds like God is waking up the Jewish people in these last days from a long period of sleep while scattered among the nations. He is again bringing them back to the Land of Israel to be awakened to His last days’ purpose for them.


It also is worth noting the symbolism depicted in Zechariah 4 of a menorah and two olive trees or branches remains a key symbol for Israel today. Whether at the Knesset, the President’s Residence, the Prime Minister’s Office or other government buildings, the official emblem of the State of Israel is this very same imagery from Zechariah 4.

An illustration of the golden oil in the bowl as described in Zechariah 4. (Adobe Firely) I.

The central menorah or golden candlestick with seven arms is a familiar piece of the furnishings found in the Tabernacle of Moses and in the Temple in Jerusalem. There is a small difference, however, in that Zechariah saw above the Menorah a bowl filled with golden oil that was constantly supplying the seven branches through seven pipes. In a way, it was an upgraded Menorah for Temple service, made all of gold – reflecting the perfect character of God.

This symbolism of the Menorah is also found in Revelation 1:12, where John turns and sees Jesus standing among seven golden candlesticks, and receives a powerful message from him. In verse 20, we learn that the seven candlesticks John saw are the seven churches. This means that the Church is called as a prophetic light, to shine light in the dark times around it.

The seven churches are to be light givers to the world.

The seven churches are to be light givers to the world. In the next chapter, a very successful, growing, dynamic church in Ephesus is commended by God, but He also warns if you do not return to your first love, He is going to come take their candlestick away (Revelation 2:5). Despite all their church programs, they have lost their passion for Christ from earlier days. And though they may still exist as a church, they will lose their core calling and ability to shine prophetic light to the world around them.

This is a serious message for each one of us today, and the same calling was placed upon the people of Israel. The most central commandment to Israel, in Deuteronomy 6:4 is: “Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” If they diligently follow this command, then Israel also would serve as a light to the nations. What an amazing parallel between Israel and the Church!

olive tree of Israel, and the other is the wild olive tree of the Gentile Church. This dual symbolism of the two olive trees or branches appears in only a few passages in the Bible.

The first one is found in Nehemiah 8:15, when Nehemiah led the people of Israel in celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles again for the first time in many generations. He instructed them to build succahs, or booths, as they celebrated this great, prophetic Feast. He also commanded them go to the hillsides and bring back branches “of the olive and the wild olive and the myrtle and palm and other leafy trees to make a booth” (Nehemiah 8:15/ESV).

Nehemiah is referring to the commandment of God concerning this festival in Leviticus 23 with a small deviation. He mentions here not only the natural or cultivated olive tree of Leviticus 23, but also a second type of olive branches. One is called zayit in Hebrew, meaning “olive” as it is used today, and the second Hebrew word is etz shemen, or the “tree of oil”. The ESV Bible translates these as the olive and wild olive trees, as do the well-known commentaries of Keil and Delitzsch, experts in Jewish culture.

The same symbolism reappears in Romans 11, where Paul compares the natural or cultivated olive branches representing the Jewish people with the wild olive branches of the Gentile Church. By the grace of God, the wild Gentile branches have been grafted contrary to nature into the cultivated olive tree of believing Israel (Romans 11:24).

prophecies are connected and they speak of corporate callings in these last days, but also that God will pick out individual servants like the two witnesses of Revelation 11 that have a very unique and specific prophetic calling in these last days.

In the days of Zechariah, it was Zerubbabel and Joshua who God used in a specific way, and they were joined by the whole people to rebuild the Temple. It seems that God is going to use these two witnesses in a very similar way in these last days, joined by Israel and the Church, in order to accomplish God’s end-time purposes.


The oil that is filling the bowl over the Menorah and then flowing through the seven pipes into the seven branches of the Menorah is without doubt a symbol of the Holy Spirit throughout the Bible. The oil, and the especially the anointing oil in the Temple, represents the empowerment and gifting of God’s people in order to accomplish the call that God has placed upon their lives. And the imagery of the bowl over the Menorah with its pipes indicates that there is an endless availability of the Holy Spirit in these last days to accomplish the purposes of God.

“Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.”




The second great symbolism of Zechariah 4 is the two olive trees, or what he later calls the two olive branches (4:12). In the New Testament, we also see two olives trees in Romans chapter 11 – one is the natural

Another instance of this parallelism is found in Revelation 11, where John very fittingly sees a vision of the Temple and is directed to “measure” or describe the scene, which he notes includes two prophetic figures: “And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth. These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands standing before the God of the earth.” (Revelation 11:3-4)

Here, we have the same symbolism of two olive trees as in Zechariah 4, yet he also sees two lampstands instead of one. I believe these

Amazingly, Zechariah 4:12 describes how through the two golden pipes the golden oil empties out into the Menorah. It is interesting to see that in the original Hebrew text, the golden oil referred to here is not actually oil, but just gold itself. As we said earlier, gold represents the character of God. So, it means in this endtime Church and work of God among the people of Israel, the Holy Spirit will bring forth in a powerful manner the character of God out of His people. It will be a great testimony and prophetic light to the nations.

Our Feast theme this year focuses our attention on the powerful way the anointing of the Holy Spirit is the most essential element for every believer in the Church and for the nation of Israel to reach our prophetic destiny. It is not by human accomplishments, nor by human strategies, nor by human wisdom that God is accomplishing His work, but by the power of the Holy Spirit.

I believe the vision of Zechariah 4 indicates that this will be a main characteristic of the end-time people of God, a people filled and empowered by the Spirit of God.

This is exactly what Paul wrote to the church in Corinth, where he says that his preaching was not with enticing words or man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and power of God (1 Corinthians 2:4). I believe the vision of Zechariah 4 indicates that this will be a main characteristic of the end-time people of God, a people filled and empowered by the Spirit of God.


There are three main lessons that we can draw from the passage of Zechariah chapter 4:

God is purifying the true Church in these last days.

1A Holy Church! Without a doubt, God is purifying the true Church in these last days. This is a theme found again and again in the Bible. In Ephesians 5:26, it is not just a call for the end-time Church, but it is a universal call to God’s people throughout the ages. In Leviticus 11:44, God calls upon the people to be holy as He is holy. God expected from the very beginning that His people would reflect His very nature and character. This is the same message which Jesus gave his disciples in the Sermon on the Mount, to be perfect, even as our Father in heaven is perfect (Matthew 5:48). We should strive to become holy and complete

like our Father in heaven. This is a call which the end-time Church cannot ignore. And again, it can only be accomplished by the power of the Holy Spirit being poured out in these days more than in any other generation.


“Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,” says the Lord of hosts. “Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain! And he shall bring forth the capstone with shouts of ‘Grace, grace to it!’”


2A Spirit-empowered People! These last days are characterised by many worldly obstacles that are facing the Church, be it the moral decay in Western societies or the outright opposition coming from Marxist regimes around the globe. Here, the Word of God gives us great encouragement:

“Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,” says the Lord of hosts. “Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain! And he shall bring forth the capstone with shouts of ‘Grace, grace to it!’”

(Zechariah 4:6-7)

No obstacle in these last days will be too big for the people of God. Every mountain that stands in the way of our accomplishing God’s purposes through the power of the Holy Spirit, through prayer and intercession, will have to become a plain, because the grace of God will guarantee its completion. Therefore, we should always ask the Lord to fill us afresh with the Spirit, as the early Church did, to accomplish the great tasks ahead.

The Noble and Wild Olive Branches are Coming Together! One of the main characteristics of the end-time Church is that God is reinserting the natural or cultivated branches back into the olive tree. This move is bringing a major change for the Gentile Church, as foreseen in Romans 11:24. Any horticulturalist will tell you it is against nature to graft a wild olive branch into a cultivated olive tree. Yet God has been doing it for centuries because He desires for all men to be saved. Paul then asks how much more easily then will the natural branches of the Jewish people be grafted back into their own tree of Messianic faith. We must recognise that God is doing something new within the Church, as we rediscover the Hebraic roots of our biblical faith, and recognise the unique calling God placed upon the Jewish people.

There is a final facet to this very powerful passage. In Zechariah 4:9, it says the hands of Zerubbabel laid the foundation of the house of the Lord, and his hands will also finish it. Without question, it was a believing Jewish remnant who laid the foundation of the Church some 2,000 years ago. They laid this foundation by giving us the New Testament, the birth of the Church, and most of all the Jewish Messiah. How church movements have changed over the centuries, forgetting their roots and where they came from. Yet the same hands of the very people who laid the foundation of this Temple will also bring forth the capstone – the finished work! That means in those last days, the Jewish people will play a central role in the completion of the Temple of God – the universal family of the redeemed, the Church.

The times of the Gentiles are ending (Luke 21:24). The fullness of the Gentiles is coming in (Romans 11:25). And God’s purposes for the Gentile nations and the people of Israel is starting to unfold. We must ask God to teach us, to enlighten us on the new things He is doing. This will be a time of great empowerment, where God is going to purify the Church as never before, to be ready for our bridegroom to return, shouting: “Even so, come, Lord Jesus!” (Revelation 22:20)

I. The Emblem of Israel depicts a temple menorah surrounded by an olive branch on each side, with the word Israel written in Hebrew (לארשי) below it. (Wikimedia)

II. An illustration as described in Revelation 11:3-4 of the two witnesses/prophetic figures. (Adobe Firefly)



The International Court of Justice in The Hague recently issued its highly anticipated advisory opinion that Israel’s presence in its biblical heartland of Judea/Samaria and eastern Jerusalem is an “illegal occupation”, and thus it must cease all settlement activity, remove existing Jewish communities, stop discriminating against Palestinians, and pay reparations for lost Palestinian lands.

The advisory opinion was requested two years ago by a minority of members of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA resolution 77/247) and was biased against Israel from the start. While non-binding, it will be used by the Palestinians to further fuel their ongoing efforts to demonise, delegitimise and eventually destroy Israel.

Israeli law professor Avi Bell recently explained that the most critical part of the ruling was the Court instructing the international community to sanction and boycott Israel in various fields, including arms embargoes. The intent is to completely strip away Israel’s legitimacy and right of self-defense.

Two weeks before the Court’s ruling, some 800 Christians from 42 nations gathered in The Hague to take a stand for Israel’s historic, biblical right to the Jewish homeland. The conference was organised by Jack van der Tang, an Evangelical minister and life-long resident of The Hague.

During this event, participants signed a Decree supporting Jewish rights to the Land of Israel and warning the Court about the dire consequences for “dividing the land” found in Joel 3:1-3. The World Court normally does not bother to listen to ordinary citizens, only receiving submissions from nations. But after much prayer, we were able to deliver the Decree to the Court registrar.

The Christian Embassy joined this initiative to ensure the 15 justices of the ICJ heard the voices of millions of Christians worldwide who stand by the 4,000 year-old Jewish claim to the Land of Israel. It was unfair that the Organisation for Islamic Cooperation was allowed to question before the Court the very existence of Israel since 1948, while Christians were ignored.

The request for an ICJ advisory opinion was part of the Palestinian Authority’s long, deliberate lawfare campaign against Israel. In a cunning division of labour, Hamas continues to wage “armed resistance” (i.e., terrorism) against the ‘Zionist entity,’ while the rival PA is using lawfare tactics to try to delegitimize Israel, deny its right of self-defense, undermine Jewish historic rights to their ancestral homeland, and force upon Israel a unilateral Palestinian state outside of direct negotiations.

Sadly, many Western democracies have encouraged and even funded the PA’s lawfare campaign in hopes of forcing Israel to accept a Palestinian state. But after the brutal Hamas terror attacks last October 7, some Western leaders are realising things have gone too far. With South Africa’s genocide case against Israel also before the ICJ, the war crimes probe against Israel at the International Criminal Court, the Hamas atrocities, antisemites openly marching in Western cities, and the ominous threats of Hizbullah and Iran – what Israel is facing is totally unjust.

Christians must awaken to the lateness of the hour. We are currently only one vote away in the UN Security Council from forcing a division of the biblical Land of Israel, including Jerusalem, in a way which could trigger the divine judgement of the nations warned of in Joel chapter 3. And the one nation standing in the way – the United States –actually supports dividing the land, they just want Israel to agree to it.

In the end, God will humble and judge the nations over their chronic mistreatment of the Jewish people, and the way they have always failed to respect God’s calling and election of both the Land and people of Israel for the purpose of world redemption.

Thus, we as Christians are called to carry out a ministry of warning, much like Noah, Moses and the Hebrew prophets – and this we recently did in The Hague. We need not fret whether or not the world’s highest judges and leaders will listen. As the Lord said in Ezekiel chapter 3, we just have to deliver the message, and thereby place their fate into their own hands.

Photo: David Parsons speaking at The Trial in The Hague (Credit Chris van Beek)


“And it shall come to pass that everyone who is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. And it shall be that whichever of the families of the earth do not come up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, on them there will be no rain. If the family of Egypt will not come up and enter in, they shall have no rain; they shall receive the plague with which the Lord strikes the nations who do not come up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles.”

(Zechariah 14:16-18)

These verses from the prophet Zechariah resonated in the hearts of the founders of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem when it was established in 1980, as they were moved to launch a Christian celebration of this ancient biblical Feast.

The Feast of Tabernacles, or Succot, was an unknown holiday to Christians back then. Such unfamiliarity was symptomatic of the condition of the wider Church, which had lost the understanding of many Bible truths since cutting itself off from its Hebraic roots. It is only in recent decades, after the Holocaust and the sudden miraculous restoration of the Jewish nation in their ancestral homeland, that the Church has begun to rediscover the very roots on which it was founded. In particular, the Feast of Tabernacles soon became the occasion for the biggest annual Christian celebration in Israel.

The Feast of Tabernacles is a feast of reliance. It declares that we are totally dependent upon God. The agricultural aspect of the Feast of Tabernacles is the ingathering of the fall harvest. In ancient times, the children of Israel were inspired by this festival to acknowledge that, ultimately, the fruits of this harvest were a gift from God. It reinforced their awareness that we are totally dependent on Him.

Why do we celebrate the Feast? Mindful that the festivals “are a shadow of things to come” (Colossians 2:17), we do not suggest doing it to keep the Mosaic commandments or to bring believers under the yoke of the Law, but rather as a way to deepen and enrich your faith walk with God. So, what can we learn from this biblical holiday?

The Feast of Tabernacles is a feast of reliance. It declares that we are totally dependent upon God.

The same theme is also present in the historical aspect of the Feast, as it commemorates how God provided for His people in the Wilderness when they were delivered from slavery in Egypt. He fed them, clothed them, cared for them, and protected them. The people of God were totally dependent upon the provision of God in a very harsh environment. That experience teaches us as well the lesson that we should trust God to provide all we need.

This is what Jesus taught as well. For example, in the Sermon on the Mount, he said:

“Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?

I) ICEJ holds its first Feast of Tabernacles celebration at the Anglican school in Jerusalem in 1980. II) The Feast of Tabernacles closes with morning prayer and worship at the Tower of David in the Old City of Jerusalem. III) The Feast of Tabernacles celebration saw pilgrims coming from all over the world coming up to Jerusalem to worship the God of Israel.

So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?” (Matthew 6:25-30)

The Feast of Tabernacles is an opportunity to learn to trust God rather than lean on your own strength. Over the years, many pilgrims experienced His miraculous provision in relation to their coming to this very Feast! Facing impossible financial situations or obstacles to travel, they relied on God and saw Him make a way where there was no way.

The Kingdom of God begins with Israel but has impacted the whole world. God decided to use Israel as a mechanism to reach all mankind with His salvation. This is the very reason why God called Israel into existence through Abraham, saying: “in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.” (Genesis 12:3)

The Feast of Tabernacles is an opportunity to learn to trust God rather than lean on your own strength.

Another unique aspect of the Feast of Tabernacles is that it is not only for the Jewish people. We find a hint in the commandments in Numbers 29 describing the sacrifices to be brought to the Temple during Succot. Counted altogether, there are 70 bulls, which Jewish commentators say are offered on behalf of the seventy nations descended from Noah – meaning the entire world. Also, the tradition of waving the four species (Leviticus 23:40) declares that God is the ruler of the world. Succot is thus the time when the reign of God over the whole earth will be manifested.

Now that Israel is back in their ancient homeland in accordance with so many biblical promises, the time is drawing near when His Kingdom will be finally established, and Jesus will reign in righteousness and peace from Jerusalem. Indeed, “the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea” (Habakkuk 2:14). At that time, as Zechariah 14 envisions, all the nations will come up to Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles.

The Christian Embassy is a ministry of preparation. We are calling the righteous remnant from all nations to discern the times and come up to worship the King in Jerusalem. Come join us as we prepare our hearts for His soon coming!

The Roll Call of the Nations displays the nations of the world coming up to Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles.
Photo: Jews pray at the Western Wall during the Feast of Tabernacles. (Credit: Shutterstock)
The four species: Lulav (palm branch), Hadas (myrtle), Arava (willow) and Etrog (citron)


Whether it is the threat of Hizbullah in the north or Hamas in the south, Israel’s border communities are still facing constant attacks by Iran’s ruthless terror network, and the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem is doing all we can to protect these vulnerable towns and villages. Here are reports on some of our latest efforts to preserve the lives of those on the frontlines of the ongoing war against the Jewish state and people.


Hizbullah forces in Lebanon have engaged in a war of attrition against Israel since October 8 last year in a bid to draw IDF manpower and resources away from the Gaza front with Hamas. This has involved months of relentless rocket and drone strikes, plus the threat of cross-border incursions by its elite Radwan units. All these threats have forced Israel to evacuate some 80,000 citizens from the border with Lebanon. Enemy rockets have ignited numerous forest fires across northern Israel, while the entire nation has lived with the

dread of an all-out war with Hizbullah and its massive arsenal of 150,000 rockets and missiles that can strike anywhere in Israel.

Due to this longstanding Hizbullah threat, the Christian Embassy already supplied some 50 mobile bomb shelters to vulnerable communities near the Lebanese border over recent years.

One such Israeli community is Hurfeish, a mixed Druze/Christian village located just four kilometers from Lebanon. Although all its inhabitants are Arabs, Hurfeish has repeatedly been targeted by Hizbullah, giving residents only seconds to seek shelter.

The ICEJ has provided Hurfeish with several mobile bomb shelters over recent years, but we recognised their desperate need for more protection and delivered six new shelters in early August.

Their delivery could not have been timelier, as only days prior a Hizbullah rocket struck the nearby Druze community of Majdal Shams in the Golan, tragically killing 12 children at a soccer field.

These six new shelters were strategically placed in locations where civilians are most vulnerable, such as bus stops, community centers, sports fields, and schools. They were provided thanks to ICEJ-USA and other Christian donors.

A beautifully painted shelter delivered to the Druze village of Hurfeish located just four kilometers from Lebanon.

continues its efforts to assist the Israeli communities on the northern and southern borders.

The local Druze community is extremely loyal to Israel and requested that both the Druze and Israeli flags be painted on the new shelters. So, in a wonderful gesture by the manufacturer, the mural artist Elyasaf painted beautiful imagery on the shelters along with both flags.

In addition, ICEJ-Canada recently donated a shelter that was placed at a soccer field in the northern town of Safed – an historic Jewish religious town situated 12 kilometers from the Lebanese border which has been frequently targeted by Hizbullah rockets.

During a recent visit to the North, an ICEJ team also dedicated three additional portable bomb shelters and informed the regional security officials that we would also be providing them with urgently needed All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) and firefighting equipment to combat the fires threatening homes and farmland. They were elated to learn that two ATVs would be delivered very soon.

Sha’ar HaNegev
Majdal Shams Galilee

Since the outbreak of the war last October, the ICEJ has responded with more protective shelters and emergency equipment strategically provided to reduce the impact during sudden escalations. In 2024 alone, the ICEJ has placed 19 new bomb shelters in the North, while renovating dozens more underground shelters in the Galilee. Together with our previous shelters, they are providing daily safety and refuge for local residents in times of need.


The Christian Embassy also has provided dozens of special encrypted communication devices for emergency response teams in the North to ensure swift and effective coordination during emergencies. In addition, Christian donors allowed us to provide fourteen emergency paramedic kits for

“The paramedic kits and communication devices enable us to better manage the civilian security response for our region,” said Dotan Rochman, security chief for the Upper Galilee region. “From coordinating emergency responses to transporting school children, these tools make a significant impact. We extend our heartfelt gratitude for the support that has made all this possible.”


Meanwhile, an ICEJ delegation recently met with the security chief of the Sha’ar HaNegev region in the South to deliver 17 new defibrillators to support medical responders in a region still recovering from the violent trauma of last October 7.

Ayal Chajbi, security chief of Sha’ar HaNegev, was extremely grateful when accepting the defibrillators.

“I want to express how incredibly excited I am at this moment,” Ayal said. “Why am I so excited? Because as soon as I asked you for defibrillators, I heard, ‘You’ll have these defibrillators.’ We initially discussed needing 14, but in the end, we received 17.”

“You are wonderful people,” he continued. “You do things you are not required to do; you do them from the heart and soul. In Israel, saving a single life is like saving an entire world. I experienced this firsthand when I saved someone at an intersection by running to them with a defibrillator.”

“I want to say thank you so much for everything you do for us,” he added. “We are a country that often needs to take care of

Right next to Gaza, the Sha’ar HaNegev region remains in great need of more protective equipment. The Christian Embassy has a strong commitment to this vulnerable area and its people, as we already have provided them with dozens of bomb shelters, firefighting equipment, special communication devices, medical gear, and other life-saving equipment over the years.


Defibrillators are essential in life-threatening situations where every second counts. Studies show that early defibrillation can boost survival rates by up to 70% when administered within the first few minutes of a cardiac event. The availability of these life-saving devices in high-risk areas provides a critical advantage in the sort of dire emergencies this region

As tensions remain high throughout Israel, the provision of these life-saving devices underscores the Christian Embassy’s dedication to the safety and survival of Israel, and especially to its more exposed border communities. Please join us by giving to our Israel in Crisis fund.

An ICEJ-donated shelter placed at a soccer field in the northern town of Safed.


In the heart of the parched Negev desert, a special place of hope and healing has sprung up amid Israel’s current war. The Lahav Farm is transforming the lives of war trauma victims through farming and animal therapy, and the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem has been there from the start, helping to pioneer this unique place of refuge and recovery from the conflict.

The Lahav Farm project is led by Nir, who experienced trauma himself in the past and thus has empathy for every person who steps onto the Farm for treatment. The vision is to bring healing to those traumatized by the war through interaction with nature, gardening, gentle animals, hiking, and creative projects like building benches and planting trees.

“Coming here has been a lifeline. The peace and support I’ve found at the Farm have helped me start to rebuild my life after the trauma I experienced,” said a first responder from Sderot.

Lahav Farm’s treatment program is noted for its innovative and adaptive approach. “We are teaching people how to deal with grief, loss and anger,” explained Amir, the clinical and farm manager. “It’s about learning to live life after trauma.”

The success of Lahav Farm has prompted plans for expansion. Two new farms are being set up in the Gaza border region. Each aims to reach specific target groups, such as survivors of the Nova music festival massacre or kibbutz terror assaults, or emergency first-responders and security personnel experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder

following their heroic actions on and since October 7.

In just a few short months, thanks to the Christian Embassy’s support, some 1,000 Israelis have received help at these farms. These places of respite have provided not only immediate relief but also a deep sense of community among participants.

“Many didn’t believe in the original idea, but ICEJ did,” said Nir. “You were the first to support us, and much of what’s happening here is because of you.”

During our tour of the Lahav Farm, the ICEJ team spotted a beautiful horse and learned that it had escaped from Gaza and sought refuge there. Nir explained that the horse initially showed signs of trauma such as bloodshot eyes and a swaying neck, similar to symptoms seen in people when they first arrive at the Farm. However, after being given a safe place to rest, the frightened horse soon calmed down, taking a deep, peaceful breath.

Please continue to support the ICEJ’s urgent relief aid projects during this time of crisis for Israel.

ICEJ AID Assistant Jannie Tolhoek caresses a lamb at Lahav Farm.


ot far from the Gaza border, Kibbutz Urim exemplifies Israeli resilience amid years of constant threats of Hamas terrorism. Established in 1947 by Bulgarian Jewish immigrants, this community of nearly 500 residents remains devoted to Israel, with every young adult serving in the IDF upon turning 18. However, their resolve in the face of violence and terror has been sorely tested, even before the October 7 massacres last year.

Seemingly peaceful, Kibbutz Urim masks the harsh reality faced by these farmers and ranchers of the western Negev. For over two decades, families here have faced relentless rocket attacks, terror tunnels, and incendiary balloons from Gaza. Many have lost loved ones to terrorism, leaving psychological scars on children who have regressed emotionally or developed negative coping mechanisms.

In response, kibbutz members created a horse therapy farm to address these deep wounds. Known as zootherapy, this method uses animals to treat various disorders. The therapy has shown positive results worldwide, with children experiencing reduced stress and improved well-being through their interactions with therapy horses.

The ICEJ began sponsoring these sessions and, recognizing the increased need for urgent trauma care post-October 7, donated two therapy horses – “Lucas” and “Andy” – to

Kibbutz Urim, thanks to generous Christian supporters from Switzerland and Canada.

Currently, 96 children are receiving therapy at the kibbutz stables, with 84 more on a waiting list. With 90% of local children affected by trauma, the high demand for rising therapy has led to extended sessions. However, parents struggle with the costs, highlighting the need for continued external support.

The impact of the horses has been profound. Take Erez, for example, a young Israeli boy who was kidnapped by Hamas and held captive in Gaza for 50 days before his release last November. Just two days after being freed, he requested to reunite with his beloved horse “Dingy”. Despite the challenges of gaining permission to visit the Urim horse farm, located at the time in a closed military zone, Erez arrived and spent over two hours riding. He later shared with his teacher that the thought of riding “Dingy” again was what had kept him strong during the long days of his captivity in Gaza.

Another memorable moment on the farm came when a small 5-year-old boy brushed a horse while singing loudly. Looking on from nearby, his mother was in tears. She explained that her son used to sing all the time, but after being stuck in a safe room for 12 frightful hours last October 7, he had stopped

singing altogether. Yet grooming the horse at the Urim farm that day sparked his singing again for the first time.

As Kibbutz Urim rebuilds amid ongoing threats, the horse therapy farm has become a crucial lifeline for its children, offering hope and resilience. Support is needed to sustain this vital service.

Donate to our Israel in Crisis fund today at: give.icej.org/crisis

ICEJ therapy horse Lucas at Kibbutz Urim.
ICEJ-sponsored therapy horse Andy at Kibbutz Urim.


In Israel, where ancient stories meet modern struggles, the Moses Basket Project (named after the biblical infant Moses) is saving lives with the help of the Christian Embassy. This pro-life initiative supports Israeli mothers who choose to give birth to their babies despite being under very trying circumstances.

Israeli law permits abortion under limited conditions and each one must be approved by a special committee. The legal standards reflect the view of Orthodox Judaism, which broadly objects to abortion except in cases with serious cause. Even so, there are about 20,000 sanctioned abortions yearly and many more illegal ones.

The Christian Embassy is proud to currently sponsor nine mothers through the “Moses Basket” project, supplying essentials like clothing, baby equipment, and formula for a year. This support helps the mothers focus on their children and build stable futures.

Chen from Eilat, despite economic hardships, joyfully celebrated her baby Opal’s first birthday. Monthly gift cards for essentials have been vital: “I don’t know how I would have managed without this support,” Chen shared.

Kebra, an Eritrean mother facing financial strain due to her husband’s job loss, finds the monthly vouchers crucial for her newborn, Moriel. “These vouchers have been a huge help,” she said.

“Thank you for enabling my child to be like every other child and have everything they need,” said another grateful mother.

“Knowing this support is on the way helps families make the crucial decision to choose life,” explained Nicole Yoder, ICEJ’s Vice President for Aid & Aliyah.

Please continue to support the ICEJ’s efforts to affirm life in Israel. Give to our Hope and a Future fund.


An ICEJ team recently visited the special ‘Little Hearts’ Preschool in Jerusalem where, thanks to our Christian donors, we are providing scholarships for 25 children from diverse backgrounds. This unique Christian educational center enables children from families of various backgrounds – Jews, Christians and Muslims – to come together in a nurturing and receptive environment.

The preschool’s director explained they have seen a reduction in enrolment due to the current war. They normally expect 65 children but are now down to 45 as international families returned home and local families felt nervous about Jewish-Arab interaction amid the ongoing conflict in Israel. Nevertheless, the preschool remains committed to providing a safe haven for all its children.

Touring the school, we sensed an atmosphere of warmth and belonging like no other kindergarten in the country. The preschool’s approach is to foster safety and acceptance, using language and intuition to build connections. Each classroom was filled with laughter and chatter, as we heard a symphony of languages – Hebrew, Arabic and English – blending together. Following the Montessori method, the children are encouraged to learn through hands-on activities that foster creativity and critical thinking.

The preschool’s vision is more than just providing a good start to the children’s education. The teachers at Little Hearts are laying the foundation for future harmony in society rather than the divisions often seen among different people groups in Israel and other lands.

The Christian Embassy is grateful to support Little Hearts Preschool with scholarships for over half the children attending the classes, investing in the future harmony of Israeli society.

ICEJ Aid Assistant Jannie Tolhoek interacts with the children.


In the Bible, the sound of the shofar (ram’s horn) called people to an assembly, warned of impending war, celebrated the coronation of kings, or proclaimed the sovereignty of God. One day it will herald the coming of Messiah.

The shofar also echoes the cry of human hearts. In Numbers 29:1-2, God instructs His people to blow the shofar on Rosh HaShanah and keep the day holy: “And in the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall have a holy convocation. You shall do no customary work. For you it is a day of blowing the trumpets (shofars).”

The shofar is acting as a wake-up call to examine one’s heart. That is because ten days later is the Day of Atonement in which God looks for true repentance. The Apostle Paul seems to be drawing on this truth in Romans 13:11 when he issues a wake-up call for believers to examine their hearts and ensure they are living holy lives.

However, while the shofars indeed sound throughout Israel on this day like an alarm clock, and people gather in a repentant spirit at the synagogues, it is also a day of rejoicing. This special day is generally known as Rosh Hashanah, the start of a new year. The Hebrew word for ‘blowing’ can also mean a ‘joyful sound’ and the link is made to the time of Creation when the sons of God were “shouting with joy…” (Job 38:7) Therefore, within Judaism the upcoming holiday of Rosh Hashanah is considered ‘the birthday of mankind’ and a celebration for all people!

The traditions of Rosh HaShanah include a special meal with family and friends, and like all birthdays, gifts are given. For many elderly Jews from the former Soviet republics who later made their home in Israel and are under ICEJ’s Homecare program, they were denied the opportunity to celebrate the biblical Feasts back in Soviet times.

Others remember childhoods of secretly celebrating a Feast under the heavy

prohibitions of Communism. So, while the rest of the country celebrates, it is an especially beautiful opportunity to reach out to lonely hearts who came from Soviet lands and offer them a present, and a card. The visits are becoming so meaningful and a highlight amid the despondency of a country at war.

Corrie van Maanen and the Homecare team visit and share over a hot cup of tea the meaning of the Jewish New Year and the Feast of Succot (Tabernacles) soon to follow. This brings encouragement during these dark days. For many of the elderly Jewish immigrants we look after, it is the only card and gift they will receive this holiday, so our team gives prayerful consideration to both.

Batya is an artist who lives in the Biblical heartland and is a passionate potter. Like other businesses, she is suffering from the economic downturn as the war drags on. She was excited to receive an order from Homecare for small

vases to distribute as holiday gifts to those under our care. She feels blessed to be part of the Homecare program by producing these vases on her potter’s wheel. She decorates them with red flowers, yet each vase is unique.

“It is a beautiful symbol of the work we do,” says Corrie. “Every person we visit, every family, every situation is different, unique.”

Across Israel, the heartache and tension from the war continue. But Psalm 62:1-2 gives us assurance: “The God of Israel, He is my defense; I shall not be greatly moved.” This is the verse the elderly, sick, lonely, and single mothers will hold in their hands this Rosh HaShanah. And as the Homecare team has witnessed from past new years, the card will be treasured, taken out and read many times.

Your giving enables ICEJ Homecare to extend personal hands-on support and comfort to elderly Jewish immigrants in need in Israel.

Luba who is 98 years old, loves her Rosh HaShanah gift.


The Hamas massacres in southern Israel last October 7 left the entire nation fearing massive rocket barrages and home invasions by crazed, heavily-armed terrorists. Israelis knew Hizbullah was capable of even worse atrocities and shuddered at the thought of enduring countless waves of deadly rockets raining down from Lebanon. That threat has not fully materialised yet, as the Iranian-backed Shi’ite terror militia has been content to wage a war of attrition by means of an intense artillery duel right along Israel’s northern border. But the threat of an all-out war with Hizbullah continues to hang over Israel, and Lebanon as well.

The recent Israeli targeting of Hizbullah’s senior military commander Fuad Shukr in Beirut, and of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, has heightened the chances of a dreaded escalation in the North. But both sides also remember the widespread devastation of the last major conflict between them in 2006, and so far cooler heads have prevailed.

Memories run deep of the intense 34-day war between Israel and Hizbullah in 2006, known on this side as the Second Lebanon War. For nearly seven weeks, Hizbullah forces fired thousands of Grad rockets, often laced with screws and ball-bearings to inflict greater casualties. Over two million Israelis in northern Israel, as far south as Hadera and Tiberias, were stuck in bomb shelters during the heat of summer.

Two iconic images from that conflict really capture the moment. In one photo, a Christian couple from north Beirut calmly watched from their balcony as Israel’s precision air strikes pounded Hizbullah’s stronghold in south Beirut. The other picture shows Israelis on the rooftop of a high-rise building in Haifa running for safety as an unguided Hizbullah rocket explodes just meters away. Unlike in Lebanon, there was no safe place for Israelis to remain spectators. And Israel has warned ever since that nowhere in Lebanon will be off-limits next time.

The intensity of that war did leave behind a strong deterrent effect, as Hizbullah largely held back for the next 17 years. And in northern Israel, community bomb shelters were allowed to fall into disrepair, such was the confidence that the enemy would dare not strike again.

That is until October 7! The next day, Hizbullah began launching rockets and armed drones against Israeli army bases and communities close to the border, in a bid to draw IDF manpower and resources away from the Gaza front. That limited approach has held ever since, but it could change at any minute.

Hizbullah is eager to exact revenge for the loss of their long-time military chief but must also listen to its masters in Iran. Since 2006, the

Shi’ite militia has grown into a formidable army of over 50,000 fighters, including an elite Radwan force specially trained to carry out cross-border incursions and home invasions like the Nukhba units of Hamas did on October 7. They also have accumulated a massive arsenal of over 150,000 missiles and rockets, many guided, that can now reach all of Israel. Israeli officials anticipate having to absorb around 4,000 rockets per day over several weeks or longer. Hizbullah also has developed a very lethal drone capability. And because Hizbullah is so much closer, security analysts assess it poses a much greater threat to Israel than any direct attacks from Iran.

This ever-looming Hizbullah threat has forced Israel to evacuate some 80,000 citizens from the immediate border area with Lebanon. Israeli leaders realise these evacuees cannot return home until Hizbullah forces are pushed back at least to the Litani river. A majority of Israelis are now in favour of an IDF armoured thrust into Lebanon to accomplish just that (though the chaos and costs of such an incursion could quickly change their minds). Hizbullah also knows its Shi’ite stronghold in south Beirut will be battered even worse than before –which is why most of the Dahieh neighbourhood was recently emptied. And Israeli leaders have recently warned that if Hizbullah targets civilians, then the IDF will respond with “disproportionate force” and all of Lebanon is fair game.

TGiven all these risk calculations, it is understandable that both sides have largely sought to contain the current clashes to the border area. The ultimate question is whether the hesitancy will last much longer. Hizbullah has insisted that if a ceasefire is achieved in Gaza, they will hold fire as well. For Israel, the decision is one of whether to tackle the intolerable threat of Hizbullah now or put it off for later.

Iconic Images from the Second Lebanon War of 2006

I. Lebanese Christians watch Hizbullah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah speak on television as Israel attacks Hizbullah’s stronghold in south Beirut. (AP photo)

II. A Hizbullah rocket explodes near the Haifa port, sending Israelis scrambling for safety atop a nearby high-rise building. (AP Photo/ Baz Ratner)


he International Christian Embassy Jerusalem has maintained a special Home for Holocaust survivors in Haifa for the past fourteen years. This home has developed into a warm, caring community for some 60 survivors currently living at the Haifa Home. The residents experienced the worst horrors of World War II in their youth,

ruthless terror militia Hizbullah in nearby Lebanon.

Since the atrocities of October 7, the ICEJ has taken key steps to better secure the Haifa Home residents. We have added above-ground bomb shelters, including a new safe room just off the community dining hall. We have stored food and secured a large generator in case of a power outage. And should there be intense rocket barrages from Hizbullah, we have arranged for their protection in underground bomb shelters at an adjacent school, and also prepared for the possibility of a prolonged stay there.

Haifa is a large port city set on a long ridge which is very exposed to rocket fire from Lebanon. Hizbullah has even mapped out the city by drone surveillance and would strike it harder than in 2006, when it took direct aim at the large Rambam Hospital. The port area has dozens of chemical storage tanks and other industrial facilities that present inviting targets for the enemy and could pose huge risks for the city’s 300,000 residents.

The Christian Embassy wants to be ready for any scenario that the Haifa Home may face. Our volunteer team and administrative partners there on site have very close ties to local municipal and security officials. But it would help very much to have funds in reserve to meet any urgent needs that might arise. The most likely emergency is making sure that the Holocaust survivors in our Home and other shelters in the city have enough food and medicine should they need to stay in their safe rooms for an extended period. So, please consider a generous and compassionate gift to help us care for Holocaust survivors under serious threat in northern Israel.

ICEJ Deputy Aid Director Yudit Setz (R) with Israeli artist Sabina Saad (L) at the Haifa Home.
Rita is a resident at the Haifa Home.



In the summer of 2024, the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ) is in the midst of what promises to be a major year of Aliyah – Jewish immigration to Israel. Despite ongoing challenges – including the wars in Israel and Ukraine and rising antisemitism worldwide – the ICEJ anticipates an increase in Aliyah numbers throughout this summer and fall.

Traditionally, the summer months are a peak season for Aliyah, as Jewish families relocate before the Israeli school year starts on September 1. This year, however, there is a heightened urgency due to the global surge in antisemitism. Remarkably, many are choosing to make Aliyah not despite the current conflict, but because of it, as they are driven by a desire to contribute to Israel’s needs during these trying times.

Recently, ICEJ Senior Vice President & Spokesman David Parsons delivered a powerful message to a large Christian gathering in The Hague, emphasising the prophetic significance of this moment: “Today, we are in a time of favour upon Zion. A time of favour and ingathering and replanting. I say that even in light of the immense tragedy of October 7. Unlike in the past, Israel now has a state and a strong army that can defend them, they just cannot let their guard down.”

Because we are convinced that God’s hand is regathering the Jewish people, the ICEJ has an

unwavering commitment to support Aliyah, and even more so in this time of war and the meteoric rise of antisemitism worldwide.

One cornerstone of the ICEJ’s summer Aliyah work is sponsoring youth Aliyah programs and summer camps for Jewish youths across Eastern Europe. These initiatives play a crucial role in connecting young Jews to their ancient heritage and introducing them to life in Israel. The ICEJ is currently supporting several summer camps spread across eight time zones, from the Baltic states to the Far East. In addition to Jewish youths having a fun time together, these camps offer a unique blend of cultural immersion, education about Israel, and practical preparation for Aliyah.

In Latvia, for instance, an ICEJ-assisted Aliyah summer camp recently hosted 95 children and 23 camp counsellors. The diverse group included Ukrainian refugees from various European countries, as well as local Jewish children from Latvia and Lithuania. These camps provide more than just a summer retreat; they offer a transformative experience that helps young people reconnect with their Jewish faith and envision their future in Israel.

The ICEJ is also sponsoring a series of Aliyah seminars and workshops. Plans include overnight Aliyah seminars in western Ukraine and Poland, each lasting two to three days and serving up to 70 participants. Additionally, six Aliyah Days are scheduled in Warsaw and the

Baltic region, offering concentrated lectures and workshops on Aliyah and life in Israel.

The ICEJ’s work extends beyond organising Aliyah flights and camps. We also are providing assistance to olim (new immigrants) at every stage of their journey. This includes help with submitting documents, flights and ground transportation, and integration into Israeli society. We recognise that Aliyah is not just about physical relocation; it is about building a new life in the Jewish homeland and the fulfilling of biblical prophecy.

However, this vital work cannot be accomplished alone. The ICEJ relies on the support of Christians worldwide who share the vision of restoring the Jewish people to their homeland. And indeed, we are in a time of favour upon Zion, and there is a new wave of Aliyah developing at this very time.

As we witness this prophetic ingathering, let us remember it is our privilege to take part in God’s present plans for Israel. We invite you to give your best gift today, to help write this new chapter in the biblical story of Aliyah. Together, we can ensure that more Jewish families find their way home, fulfilling ancient promises and shaping the future of Israel.


After the unexpected success of antisemitic leftist parties in the recent French elections, Jews in France are increasingly anxious about their future. Many now see the need to make Aliyah to Israel, and the Christian Embassy is committed to helping more French Jews reach their ancestral homeland.

The impact of the elections on many French Jews was immediate, as within 48 hours there was a dramatic surge in immigration files opened with the Jewish Agency office in Paris. Many were alarmed when a far-left party celebrated their surprising surge at the polls by waving Palestinian flags.

“It is clear today that there is no future for Jews in France,” said Chief Rabbi Moshe Sebbag of the Grand Synagogue of Paris, as reported by The Jerusalem Post. “I tell everyone who is young to go to Israel for a more secure country.”

France is facing an alarming spike in antisemitism that requires Christians to act. In 2024, we have witnessed a major surge in antisemitic attacks in France, with a 1,100% increase following the October 7 Hamas terror invasion. In public schools, Jewish students are facing physical abuse, Nazi apologia, and vicious insults. This all underscores the urgent need for French Jews to finally come home to Israel.

“Some 68% of French Jews report they don’t feel safe, so they’re looking for different options,” said Ariel Kandel, who heads an umbrella group for French immigrants in Israel. “The US and Canada were also options in the past, but many see the situation for Jews there has changed since October 7, and now think Israel is the true home of the Jewish people. People are looking for belonging, and Israel provides that for them.”

Studies show that 38% of French Jews are considering making Aliyah, which translates to roughly 200,000 people. Kandel noted that as many as 60,000 French Jews may be ready to move to Israel right now.

In its forecast for this year, the Jewish Agency projected that Aliyah numbers from France would range from 3,000 to 3,500, a marked

increase over the 1,100 olim (newcomers) last year. But those numbers are now expected to swell after the troubling election results.

So far this year, the Christian Embassy has sponsored Aliyah flights for 100 new Jewish immigrants from France this spring and gave funds to fly another 100 Jews from Paris and Marseilles during July and August. Plus, we expect to bring at least 100 more from France this autumn.

Meanwhile, a group of 13 South African Jewish immigrants – two from Cape Town and eleven from Johannesburg – arrived in Israel in early August on Aliyah flights sponsored by ICEJ-South Africa. They came under particularly dramatic circumstances, as they arrived in Israel amid numerous flight cancellations throughout the region due to serious warnings of an imminent Iranian attack.

This summer’s extraordinary surge in Jewish immigration to Israel speaks volumes about the nation’s perceived security and the strong ties that bind Jewish people worldwide to their ancestral homeland. Despite the imminent threat of a wider war, many Jews are still choosing to make Israel their home, viewing it as a safer haven compared to countries where antisemitism is on the rise.

The increased interest in Aliyah is particularly evident in South Africa, a country facing its own unique set of challenges, including growing antisemitism, economic instability and frequent power shortages. These factors are contributing to a rise in the number of South African Jews choosing to immigrate to Israel. The ICEJ’s South Africa branch has raised funds to sponsor 40 seats for Jewish families on flights from South Africa this year, and with your help, we can sponsor even more!

Please partner with the ICEJ by supporting Jewish families embarking on their Aliyah journey home to Israel.

French immigrants rejoice upon their arrival at Ben Gurion airport. (credit: JAFI)
South African Jews arrive home on an ICEJ-SA sponsored flight. (credit: Dorron Kline-Telfed)


Our God is awesome, for He can save to the uttermost


Since the beginning of the war between Israel and Hamas last October 7, the Christian Embassy has taken a stand by committing before the Lord to pray for Israel every day until the nation can declare victory in this current battle.

Just as the armies of Israel are at war, we have been engaging in the spiritual battle in the heavenlies through our daily online prayer meetings. One of these intercessory efforts is the Global Prayer Gathering, where Christian leaders and prayer warriors faithfully come together every day from 4:00-6:00 PM (Israel time). on.icej.org/ICEJGlobalPrayer

artillery duel and war of attrition in the immediate vicinity of the border ever since October 8 last year, but through our daily prayers we have been asking the Lord to hold back a wider attack by Hizbullah in the North. And we can report with thanksgiving that the restraining hand of God has held the enemy at bay for over ten months now.

For the past ten months, over 25,000 people from more than 170 nations around the globe have joined this prayer call, as we pray for Israel and the region amid the present turmoil. We want to thank everyone who has taken time to join us in prayer on the GPG.

Throughout this prayer vigil, we have seen God move in powerful ways. I would like to share some testimonies of the faithfulness of God we have seen so far.

First, we must thank God that roughly half of the Israeli hostages held by Hamas in Gaza have been freed. Hamas is widely known to be very cruel Islamic terrorists – just look at the atrocities they committed on October 7. Thus, to get that many hostages safely back has to be considered a miracle and an answer to our many prayers for the hostages.

Since the onset of this conflict, there also has been a looming threat that Hizbullah, Iran’s strongest proxy terror militia, would attack Israel from Lebanon. In response, Israel has evacuated all the communities within five kilometers of the northern border. There has been an

Another answered prayer is that the Lord is raising up Rahabs in the enemy camp to assist Israel against Hamas and other Iranian proxy militias. Early in this war, the Lord revealed that we should pray for Him to raise up people in Gaza, Lebanon and Iran who would be like Rahab, the local woman in the battle of Jericho who helped the Israeli spies with key intelligence into the movements of the enemy. In the same way, we have been praying that the Lord would use ordinary people to reveal the plans of Israel’s enemies. We have seen this prayer answered many times, especially when people inside the enemy camp have helped locate their leaders and, in some cases, the Israeli hostages. This intel was vital for Israeli forces to successfully carry out their missions against Hamas and Hizbullah leaders, even when they were honoured guests in Tehran.

In addition, we saw Iran launch a massive attack of over 320 cruise and ballistic missiles and armed drones late one night in mid-April. Many of us in Israel were already asleep but others alerted our intercessors abroad to start praying. Over the next couple hours, the vast majority of the missiles and drones were hunted down and destroyed before they ever entered Israeli airspace, and the few that got through did only minor damage. We are so grateful that the prayers of believers all around the world helped raise up an added wall of protection around Israel and her people.

So, we see that God is answering our prayers and His hand is moving as we continue to stand in the gap for Israel. Thank you again for your earnest, effective prayers for the Jewish nation and people.

Israeli hostage Noa Argamani embraced by her father after being rescued from Gaza. (IDF photo)
IDF troops remove an Iranian ballistic missile fuselage near Arad. (Erik Marmor-Flash90)



The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem has established the Nehemiah Award as an annual honour bestowed on a Christian leader who has demonstrated a lifetime of achievements in building support for Israel and the Jewish people. It is named for the biblical figure Nehemiah, who led his people in rebuilding the fallen walls of Jerusalem and bringing spiritual renewal to the nation of Israel.

The ICEJ is proud to bestow this year’s Nehemiah Award on Rev. Malcolm Hedding for his lifetime of accomplishments in standing with Israel and the Jewish community worldwide, and most notably as our primary leader throughout the crucial second generation of our global ministry.

Malcolm Hedding was born in South Africa in 1952 and received a dramatic calling into ministry at age fifteen. He first served as a church planter for the Assemblies of God of Southern Africa, and also got involved in the Christian Zionism movement in the mid-1970s through Basil Jacobs and Christian Action for Israel. This brought him into contact with many of the pioneers who founded the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem in 1980, and thus he has shared the journey of our ministry from its inception.

Then in 2001, Malcolm was invited by the ICEJ Board of Trustees to return to Jerusalem to begin serving as the Executive Director, taking over from Dr. Johann Lückhoff. Over the next eleven years, Malcolm set our global ministry on a course for greater stability and growth. Most importantly, he established a firm theological foundation for Christian support of Israel based on Biblical Zionism, and rooted in his distinctive teachings on Covenant theology. He also oversaw the establishment of strategic and even historic partnerships with Yad Vashem, the Knesset, and The Jerusalem Post.

After handing over the reins as Executive Director to Dr. Jürgen Bühler in 2011, Malcolm continued to serve with the ICEJ as an International Spokesman and a respected member of the Board of Trustees and governing Association until he stepped down earlier this year. He was and will always remain a beloved and highly sought-after Bible teacher and conference speaker within our global family and the wider Christian Zionist movement.

Malcolm first came on staff with the ICEJ in 1986 as our chaplain in Jerusalem, while also serving on the pastoral team of the Jerusalem Christian Assembly (now King of Kings). He arrived in Israel under trying circumstances, as Malcolm was forced to flee South Africa, along with his wife Cheryl and three children, due to threats from state security for challenging the apartheid system from the pulpit on theological grounds. The Hedding family sought refuge in Jerusalem and thus began Malcolm’s many years of official service with the Christian Embassy.

As the apartheid regime began to wane, the Hedding family returned in 1989 to South Africa, where Malcolm pastored the Olive Tree Assembly in Durban, while also staying involved with ICEJ as an international speaker and as a regular fixture at the Feast of Tabernacles.

Malcolm Hedding’s contributions to the Christian Embassy are unparalleled. His leadership helped safeguard the organisation in critical ways as he steered the ministry into a more balanced, spiritual and biblical-based foundation. His sharpened defining of Christian Zionism on solid Scriptural grounds has impacted other ministries and entire denominations around the world. He mentored a new generation of leaders to operate with wisdom, integrity and godly character. And he earned the trust of Israeli officials and Jewish community leaders in truly significant ways that have strengthened Jewish-Christian relations for the challenges ahead.

In light of his longstanding involvement with the Christian Zionist movement for the past fifty years and his many invaluable contributions to the ICEJ since our founding, Rev. Malcolm Hedding is a most worthy recipient of the Nehemiah Award for 2024. In honouring Malcolm, we also recognise the many contributions of his wife Cheryl, and their children Charmaine, Daryl and Liesl to the ministry over the decades.


Over 40,000 Brazilian Christians recently came together in the city of Manaus for a mass rally to stand with Israel and pray for the nation amid the current war. Apostle Renê Terra Nova, National Director of ICEJ-Brazil, hosted the rally, while Rev. Barry R. Denison, the ICEJ’s outgoing Vice President of Operations in Jerusalem and new Finance and Operations Director for our ICEJ-USA branch, came from Israel to speak to the gathering. The mass rally was

one of several events held in Manaus, on the Amazon River, to build support for Israel in a nation with a government now turning against the Jewish state. Other events included a teaching conference attended by 1500 pastors, where Barry spoke on the current war, the massacres of October 7, the plight of the Israeli hostages, the looming threat of Hizbullah and the need for Christians to stand with Israel and their local Jewish communities. Barry’s final event was joining the local Jewish


In July, ICEJ’s incoming Vice President for Operations Richard van der Beek travelled to Estonia to take part in a Prayer Leadership Summit hosted by Sergey Shidlovskiy of the God Seekers Movement. The gathering was held at their beautiful facility in Aseri, outside Talinn, and featured times of prayer, worship and teaching. Most attendees were from Eastern Europe, but others came from further afield. Several leaders gave powerful testimonies of the move of God in their nations. Sergey shared on the faithfulness of the Lord in enabling them to expand their

Alakeside campus and buy additional lands, and participants were blessed to dedicate their new Prayer Tower. Richard spoke about the ICEJ’s ministry and also gave an update on the 10-month old conflict in Israel. He found many were unaware of the situation due to the lack of credible media in their countries, and some even thought that the war was over. His briefing helped them know how to better pray for Israel and the Middle East region.

Thousands of Christians attend a pro-Israel event hosted by ICEJ-Brazil.

community to celebrate 92 years in Manaus, with Israel’s Ambassador Daniel ZoharZonshine in attendance.


t the end of July, the ICEJ bid farewell to Miguel Muñoz, who served for two years as the ICEJ’s Spanish Language International Speaker. Mojmir Kallus, ICEJ Vice President of International Affairs, shared how we first met Miguel while he was helping to open the new Embassy of his native Honduras in Israel. A devout Evangelical, he played a lead role in implementing the decision of the Honduran president to move the nation’s embassy to Jerusalem. As with neighbouring Guatemala, that decision was the result of prayers and advocacy by the Honduran Christian community.

After a change of government in Honduras, Miguel sought another opportunity to serve God and support

Israel in Jerusalem, and that is when he joined the ICEJ staff. For the past two years, he has worked tirelessly, using his numerous social contacts and diplomatic experience to spread awareness of God’s plan for Israel and of the ICEJ’s ministry among pastors and political leaders all over Latin America. He also encouraged many churches to pray for Israel and taught the Biblical foundations of Christian Zionism in online sessions and international trips.

“Miguel is a brilliant networker and skilled diplomat, and it was a joy to get to know him and his wife Ester over recent years,” said Mojmir. “We wish them much blessing and leading of the Lord as they move on in their spiritual and professional journey.”

Dedicating the Prayer Tower

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