Epm ppt template

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What is an e-Progress Mapping (EPM) website? EPM website is a website that…

Introduction of EMP

helps students to track/monitor and map their individual learning progresses throughout their programmes of study by their active coll ection of evidences of learning outcomes that may include coursewo rk and co-curricular activities such as performances, artworks, intern ships etc. These learning outcomes should demonstrate students’ ge neric* and disciplinary skills**;

helps students to set their learning and career goals as well as const ruct their professional identities;

facilitates the collection of evidence of student learning outcomes t hat could be used for job applications, professional development and career advancement;

facilitates the collection of learning evidence that could be used for purposes related to academic review, course inspection/audit, and q uality assurance.

What should be done by students?

Students are provided assistance to create their personal w ebsites using Google Sites (Other sites like Facebook, blogs, etc. will not be accepted) to regularly reflect on their learni ng, monitor developmental stages in their course assignme nts, and upload their learning evidences (such as assignme nts, artworks, etc.) along with reflections onto their websit es.

What should be done by students? Students are provided assistance to create their personal websites using Google Sites (Other sites like Facebook, blogs, etc. will not be accepted) to regularly reflect on their learning, monitor developmental stages in their course assignments, and upload their learning evidences (such as assignments, artworks, etc.) along with reflections onto their websites.

EPM2013-2014: Name of student

Course list 1. All courses should be listed in students’ websites, including the CILOs of these courses. 2. Highlight courses that have direct relationship to students’ personal statement

Year 1, Sem 1

Personal Statement Self-introduction, personal goals, professi onal/career goals, learning goals, year pla n…

CAC1001: Course expectations, plans and progress, reflections and self-evaluati on, showcase of learning outcomes CAC1002: as above CAC1003: as above

Highlights of achievement/ Special features Demonstrate/explain how personal statement has been achieved through learning evidences Examples: Participated in Artsbus events Participated in 4 workshops Read 12 articles about CBA from a variety of sources Research paper on Taiwan CBA artworks

Lang1088: as above Mid-semester Review Examine personal progress and identify problem areas, difficulties, opportuniti es, help needed etc. End-of-semester Review How the artefacts/ activities in this semester match the personal statement Year 1, sem 2

(Structure of eProgress Mapping Interface)

Recommended online platform: issuu.com, wix.com, google site (Not facebook)

(example of EPM weekly progress) BACAC (2012-2013 cohort)


Leung, Hoi yung Iceman (s09492361) email | website

Year 2, Sem 2 ART3185: Digital Imaging & Interactive Media

Your plans and progress: Week one | (What have you done this week?)

Personal Statement

I am a Lecturer of CCA in HKIEd; a candidate of E dD in Educational Measurement and Assessment (HKIEd); a psychometrician in assessing creativity for design profession. I am planning to be a resea rcher and educator in design education in Asia.

Your reflections and self-evaluation: Week one | (What have you done this week?)

Highlights of achievement/ Special features


Achievements from this modules

Your showcase of learning outcomes Week one | (What have you done this week?)

(Structure of eProgress Mapping Interface)

Recommended online platform: issuu.com (Not facebook)

(example of EPM weekly progress) BACAC (2012-2013 cohort)


Leung, Hoi yung Iceman (s09492361) email | website

Year 2, Sem 2 ART3185: Digital Imaging & Interactive Media

Your plans and progress: Week one | I have read the course outline in detail; I will try to use adobe after the class; ‌etc Week two | (What have you done this week?)

Personal Statement

I am a Lecturer of CCA in HKIEd; a candidate of E dD in Educational Measurement and Assessment (HKIEd); a psychometrician in assessing creativity for design profession. I am planning to be a resea rcher and educator in design education in Asia.

Your reflections and self-evaluation: Week one | (What have you done this week?)

Highlights of achievement/ Special features


Achievements from this modules

Your showcase of learning outcomes Week one | (What have you done this week?)

(Structure of eProgress Mapping Interface)

Recommended online platform: issuu.com (Not facebook)

(example of EPM, Week Seven)

Midterm reflection, week SEVEN Year 1, Sem 1 ART3185: Digital Imaging & Interactive Media Course expectations

CILO1: demonstrate knowledge an d skill in the use of major digital an d interactive media through works hops of photography, computer, i maging, printing and web technolo gy.

Your plans and progress: goal?

How is your plan and progress help your achieve your personal

Your reflections and self-evaluation: What is your reflections and evaluation for a better practice of coming learning?

CILO2: employ major digital and in teractive media to design a final w ork in an approved self-chosen the me in relation to identified social a nd cultural issues.

Your showcase of learning outcomes: CILO3: demonstrate self-reflective thinking to analyze and explain the relationship between the final wor k and the identified social and cult ural issue concerned.

What have you done in past seven weeks as your showcase of l earning?

(example of EPM weekly progress) BACAC (2012-2013 cohort)


Leung, Hoi yung Iceman (s09492361) email | website

Year 2, Sem 2 ART3185: Digital Imaging & Interactive Media

Your plans and progress: Week one | I have read the course outline in detail; I will try to use adobe after the class; …etc Week two | (What have you done this week?) … Week seven | (What have you done this week?)

Personal Statement

I am a Lecturer of CCA in HKIEd; a candidate of E dD in Educational Measurement and Assessment (HKIEd); a psychometrician in assessing creativity for design profession. I am planning to be a resea rcher and educator in design education in Asia.

Your reflections and self-evaluation: Week one | (What have you done this week?) … Week seven | (What have you done this week?)

Highlights of achievement/ Special features

• • • •

Adobe Certified Educator (2011) Member of the Art Directors Club (New York); Design Research Society (UK); National Council on Measurement in Education (2011); Chairman of Hong Kong Design Community (2010-2012); Founder of Hong Kong Design Directory

(Structure of eProgress Mapping Interface)

Your showcase of learning outcomes Week one | (What have you done this week?) … Week seven | (What have you done this week?)

Recommended online platform: issuu.com (Not facebook)

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