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Iceni Horoscopes What Do Your Stars Hold?
Horoscopes For September
Aries 21 March - 20 April
Creating the best schedule for you can bring huge improvements into your life, with the Full Moon on the 2 nd inspiring changes that might help you live to your full potential. Mind, as fiery Mars your ruler rewinds from the 9 th the pace can slow, and plans may need to be reviewed. Jupiter and Saturn push ahead though, and the fruits of your hard work might begin to show. From September 22n d , a sociable and communicative vibe enhances your relationships.
Taurus 21 April - 21 May
With your social and leisure axis in focus and a Full Moon on the 2 nd , an encounter could spark a surge of feeling, and may lead to further developments. Ready to entertain or beautify your home? Lovely Venus in Leo from the 6 th , could certainly assist. Plus, there might be movement regarding plans that have been on hold, as key planets move forward. From September 22 nd the emphasis shifts to wellbeing, work and lifestyle activities, and to finding a balance that suits you.
Gemini 22 May - 21 June
The Virgo emphasis brings home and family matters into focus, and offers a chance to recharge and connect with those you are closest to. From the 5 th , leisure and romantic activities are well-starred, and your innate curiosity can win you associates. Yet with Mars going into reverse for some weeks, you might be keen to evaluate certain friendships and connections Gemini. As Mercury moves into intensive Scorpio on the 27 th , it’s time to transform your daily routine.
Cancer 22 June - 23 July
A yearning to get away and enjoy a retreat somewhere peaceful and beautiful can show up around the 2nd. And if you feel tired, it could do you so much good. You may be fighting against delays regarding goals and ambitions as feisty Mars rewinds from September 9 th , when it helps instead to review plans and recalibrate your schedule. Hurrying is not an option. Key relationships might also show an improvement as Jupiter and Saturn push ahead, hastening progress.
Leo 24 July - 23 August
Ready to rearrange your finances Leo? A potent lunar phase on the 2 nd , could highlight areas that need attention. With the Sun here until the 22 nd , this can be a great time to create a budget and get into the saving habit. With fiery Mars rewinding, you may need to pace yourself over coming weeks and adjust your plans. Work and lifestyle matters might show signs of movement as Jupiter and Saturn push forward, so your efforts over past months could now begin to bear fruit. The Full Moon on the 2 nd across your relationship axis, may bring issues to the surface encouraging you to clear the air and discuss positive solutions. With a New Moon in your sign on the 16 th , this can be an excellent time to move ahead with ideas that have been on the backburner. With Saturn in the mix, they might get off to a slow start, but patience could pay off. Has your romantic life suffered? As Jupiter and Saturn turn direct, get ready for a resurgence of opportunities. Could your schedule do with some adjustment? The New Moon on the 2 nd , can highlight areas that need some attention. Don’t lose track of your spiritual needs though. Mercury enters your sign encouraging greater self-expression, and lovely Venus’s move into your social zone is perfect for some delightful get-togethers. With fiery Mars rewinding though, there is potential for mixed messages. Once the Sun enters your sign on September 22 nd , you’ll be truly in your element. With a very romantic Full Moon in week one, you may be ready to share your feelings for someone. Still, with the Sun in analytical Virgo, misgivings are also possible. Friends might be ready to share advice. As delectable Venus moves into a prominent sector from the 6 th , your charms could prove irresistible, especially if you’re keen to grasp an opportunity. The Sun’s move into a more meditative zone from September 22 nd , is perfect for quiet reflection.
Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December
With the Sun in Virgo encouraging you to relish the spotlight, the weeks until the 22 nd are an excellent opportunity to showcase your abilities. With Mars rewinding from the 9th for some weeks though, a romance could potentially stall Archer, and much patience may be needed. Lovely Venus in Leo from the 6 th , brings the chance of an exciting encounter if you are on vacation. With Jupiter and Saturn forging ahead, finances might also
Virgo 24 August - 23 September
show improvement.
Capricorn 22 December - 20 January
Mercury’s move into Libra and your career sector, brings a chance to network with those who can help you reach your goals. With Venus moving into an intense zone, a key bond could develop in passion and intensity. Family plans may stall though, as Mars enters its retro phase in week two. But with Jupiter and Saturn pushing forward, personal plans might see progress. As the Sun enters Libra, it’s time to promote your ideas and to move to fulfil
Libra 24 September - 23 October
your ambitions.
Aquarius 21 January - 19 February
As lovely Venus moves into Leo from the 6 th , her presence can help smooth over any difficulties and encourage negotiation. Yet fiery Mars will go into reverse for some weeks from the 9 th , so go easy when committing to a contract or deal, as circumstances could change or projects might stall. The New Moon in Virgo in week three, may be helpful for initiating a business idea or financial plan. Ready for travel adventures? From the 22 nd , they could be on
Scorpio 24 October - 22 November
the cards.
Pisces 20 February - 20 March
The Full Moon in your sign on the 2nd puts the focus on your feelings, encouraging you to share. Ready to discuss an issue? Now is the time to clear the air. Go easy around financial affairs though, as dynamic Mars will regress in your money zone for some weeks, inspiring you to take back control and adjust spending. Eager for a new beginning? The New Moon in Virgo on the 17 th , can see you taking a relationship to a new level or collaborating on a bold plan.