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See What Mummy Says Couldn t Believe Our Luck

Credit: Memories 2 Treasure

See What Mummy Says


When we saw that the topic this month was parenting, we couldn’t believe our luck!

How easy was it going to be to come up with a piece for a subject that we fill an entire blog with?! Well… it was surprisingly difficult!

Eventually, we decided that with all the worries and stresses in the world at the moment, we would share with you a few of our favourite things about being parents.

Children are honest. There is no escaping it, and it will creep up on you when you least expect it, or rather when you least want it to. A recent outburst of “They’re not two metres away from me!” reminded us of this. It’s also very reassuring to know that feedback is something your children will have readily available for you. One of my favourites has to be when our daughter declared “You’re not very good at running are you Daddy?!” No… no I’m not. I didn’t realise it was quite so obvious to everybody else though.

Being called “Daddy” is by far one of the best things I’ve ever been called… and as a retail manager, I’ve been called a fair few different things throughout my career. Daddy can be said in a variety of different ways… It comes in, but not exclusive to, the following forms: Happy you’re home, sad you’ve got to go, I’ve asked Mummy but now I’m going to ask you, angry you’ve agreed with Mummy, I’ve just had a nightmare, I’ve just broken something and

disbelief that you actually expect them to sleep at some point.

*Quick Fact: Our blog name was inspired by our children asking me something, and me very quickly deciding to double check with Mummy by telling them “See What Mummy Says”

Sometimes, life just gets a bit much. We struggle and we need support around us. It’s an amazing feeling when you are one of only a handful of people in the entire world that can make your child feel better, reassured and calm enough to continue with their day… and as we calm them, we take assurance that we are needed and have worth also. Got a bit serious there, didn’t it?

With the exception of our dog, I’ve yet to meet anyone more pleased to see me when I get home than our children. Even the little one of eight weeks seems to be saving smiles now for those familiar voices. Hearing about everyone’s days at school and work, sharing stories and catching up before we do it all over again tomorrow makes it all worthwhile.

Now, we can’t really talk parenting, and favourite things without mentioning the “C” word… I’m going to do it… Christmas!

Even with current restrictions and uncertainty, I’m excited for Christmas. I lost the Christmas excitement when I reached late teens, but it was completely reenergised when we had children. Even when they’re so young and they don’t actually have an understanding of any of it, there’s no denying that it is a truly magical time.

We always enjoy hearing from our followers, and we’d love to continue to celebrate parenting favourites… let us know yours through: www.seewhatmummysays.com or on Twitter: @whatmummysaysuk

Thanks for reading! Tom

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