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Iceni Horoscopes What Do Your Stars Hold?

Horoscopes For October

Aries 21 March - 20 April


The Full Moon in your sign on October 1st, highlights the need for good communication and negotiation. Mercury will rewind from the 14 th , and offers a chance to review financial matters and issues around deep soul bonds, although delays need factoring in. The week three New Moon is perfect for teamwork, and new beginnings on the relationship front Aries. Need to get your money working harder for you? The October 31 st Full Moon could inspire savvy ideas.

Taurus 21 April - 21 May

Getting your routines streamlined and deciding to have more fun, can bring a sense of buoyancy to the month ahead. Feel overwhelmed? Find a way to cut back or jettison activities that no longer appeal. The October 16 th New Moon is perfect for kickstarting new habits or perhaps a new job, Taurus. A delightful Jupiter/Neptune angle could coincide with an offer that opens new doors, and that helps bring a dream to life. Welcome the unexpected on October 31 st .

Gemini 22 May - 21 June

While a volatile Full Moon on the 1st could coincide with an exciting and romantic encounter, this might also be the time to turn over a new leaf if a romance has lost its sparkle. As Mercury rewinds from week two, plans may be subject to delays, and yet this is the ideal time to review your schedule and make it more efficient. From the 22 nd , some radical decisions can usher in a new and uplifting phase. Need to get your spiritual bearings? October 31 st brings inspirational guidance.

Cancer 22 June - 23 July

The start of the month may require a decision concerning your career, goals and work/life balance. Lovely Venus’s move into Virgo, spotlights opportunities to close deals and negotiate good terms. Ready to make a bold idea a reality? A superb Jupiter/Neptune tie can be perfect in this regard. As savvy Mercury rewinds from October 14 th , a reunion with someone from the past could have quite an impact. Romance sizzles with promise from October 22 nd .

Leo 24 July - 23 August

Have something to say? The 1st could find you and another engaged in discussions that may be a game changer. But you’ll also be eager to invest wisely, and make your money go further as Venus enters meticulous Virgo. Ready for something more? The New Moon on the 16 th , is one of the better times to launch a project or online business. Go easy though, as Mercury retro suggests it’s vital to read the small print. Avoid impulsive moves around October 31 st , Leo. Lovely Venus’s move into your sign, makes this one of the better times for a makeover or for enhancing your image. Need to impress? This is a time when you can wow everyone. Eager to collaborate? Your practical side, combined with someone’s creative ideas, could find you doing well. Mind, as Mercury goes into reverse, be careful when it comes to buying or signing. October 31 st might be a gamechanger, as a powerful idea may inspire you. Avoid impulsive actions though. If something doesn’t seem quite right within a relationship, the October 1st Full Moon can encourage discussion with a view to finding a way forward. The Sun in your sign until October 22 nd , is a call to share your perspective, rather than be too complacent. The New Moon in your sign on the 16 th , is perfect for embarking on a new idea or project that might open doors for you Libra. As Mercury rewinds back into your sign in week four, a reunion can have quite an impact. Finding the balance between work and rest can be crucial, and the Aries Full Moon on the 1 st , could push you to make positive changes that may be truly beneficial. With Mars and then Mercury rewinding, it’s worth considering your priorities and simplifying your schedule. As Venus sashays into Virgo, romantic and social opportunities will be enhanced. As the Sun enters your sign on the 22 nd , a surge in confidence and energy could see you accomplishing much.

Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December

If something is niggling you regarding your creative or romantic life, a powerful lunar phase on October 1 st , can highlight the cause and assist you in doing something about it. Being around others could boost your mood, while their advice give you the confidence to move in new circles and explore your options. With Venus entering your sector of goals, a little charm might help you move further towards a big goal. Need some quiet time? Go for it from the

Virgo 24 August - 23 September

22 nd , Archer.

Capricorn 22 December - 20 January

There may be tensions around your work/life balance, and your perspective could be invaluable in sorting things out. Try not to get caught up in feelings that can influence your decisions. Ready for a fresh start on the career front? If so, the October 16 th New Moon might be an excellent launching point to further success. As Mercury rewinds, a reunion may reconnect you to someone special. Your social life is buoyant from the 22 nd , with a sparkling encounter on

Libra 24 September - 23 October

the cards.

Aquarius 21 January - 19 February

There is the potential to make promises or agreements, without a full awareness of what you are letting yourself in for. Searching for information or advice? Check your sources, just to be sure Aquarius. Your sector of shared assets is lit up by Venus from the 2 nd , which can smooth the way regarding business and financial affairs. From the 22 nd get ready to shine, as the Sun in Scorpio could be a call to promote your talents and CV. A dazzling

Scorpio 24 October - 22 November

opportunity might result from this.

Pisces 20 February - 20 March

As Venus enters your relationship zone, her presence can ease difficult conversations, aid negotiations, and enhance warmth and good feelings between you and others. Plus, a very practical, yet spiritual Jupiter/Neptune aspect, is perfect for a collaboration that combines imagination and experience to create success. Communication is key to keep things up and running, although care is needed from week two, as delays could derail travel and other plans.

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