9. Yemen GENERAL, POLITICAL AND LEGAL OVERVIEW Yemen is still in the throes of a transitional period that began in 2012 when Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi assumed presidency, following widespread protests that overthrew his predecessor Ali Abdullah Saleh. This tumultuous period ended with a political agreement on the implementation mechanism for the transition process in Yemen in accordance with the initiative of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)87. A restructuring of the army and security forces and a national dialogue encompassing all political parties followed. The dialogue was wrapped up in early 2014 with an agreement to establish a union state settling the grievances of southern Yemenis and extending President Hadi’s term until such time as a referendum on the constitution could be held and new legislations passed to ensure a smooth transition and fresh elections. It was also agreed that the Parliament and Prime Minister would remain in power until all these conditions had been fulfilled. President Hadi was 87 http://www.al-bab.com/arab/docs/yemen/ yemen_transition_agreement.htm
granted greater powers to appoint ministers and government officials away from the partisan politics of the Gulf Initiative. Conflicting political factions succeeded in settling some of their differences through dialogue. Unfortunately, the reluctance of some armed groups to give up their weapons as well as foreign interference, has cast shadows on the political scene in Yemen. The Security Council unanimously adopted resolution 2140 (2014) welcoming recent progress in the country’s political transition and expressed strong support for the completion of further reforms88. Among them were drafting a new constitution and holding a referendum, as well as general elections. However, serious mistakes were made that threatened the state of peace and human rights in the country, including the decision to pass a law which granted amnesty to former president Ali Abdullah Saleh and many of his aides. This was described as a violation of Yemen’s international legal obligations since it offered Saleh immunity from prosecution for the crimes committed under his rule. The Government also failed to disarm the militia Houthis, eventually leading to the fall of Sana’a and other Yemeni cities. Instead of opening channels of dialogue with al-Qaeda, the Government opted to crack down on the group with severe brutality 88 http://www.un.org/press/en/2014/sc11296.doc. htm