3 minute read
Finally, it is time to move to the dessert! Our choice today is a fresh and colorful meal prepared with seasonal fruit, ideal to be served at the end of a meal or for a refreshing snack, especially in summer: Macedonia! The origin of the name “Macedonia” is not certain, some trace it back to the Balkan region where different populations live together: Macedonians, Greeks, Bulgarians, Turks, Albanians, and Serbs. According to others, however, the name derives from the French word macédoine, which means “mixture of different things”. What we can all agree of, however, it is its fresh taste! Here is how to make the one you’re eating today!

After having carefully washed the fruit, take the lime and grate the peel because it is loved and it will be a great flavor to the dish, being careful not to grate the white part otherwise it’s going to be very bitter. Cut the lime in half and squeeze the juice using a colander. Add a little sugar to the lime juice and then take a few mint leaves, add them and roll them up, and cut them and strips, finally add to the lime and sugar mixture. Add one and a half tablespoons of Rum to the mix, stir the mixture.
At this point, start preparing the fruit salad, start by cutting the watermelon into more or less thin slices, remove the skin and the white part (usually not very tasty), then cut into medium-large cubes and remove the seeds, add it to the previous preparation. When the orange is ready, cut following the size of the wedges and add it to the rest, use the juice of the remaining part by squeezing it into our fruit salad, finally cut the wedges in half forming smaller wedges. Now start cleaning the Pear by removing the peel, cut the pear, divide it in half again to remove the seeds and the central part, cut it into cubes and insert them into the mixture. Follow the same process for the apple. Then take the banana or other exotic fruits if you prefer, cut it in half, remove the peel and after having cut them into strips add it to the rest of the fruit, and Marinate the fruit together.
Now move on to the preparation of fresh cream, using a large container with a jack as a base make sure that the bowl in which the cream is prepared is always fresh, the proximity of the ice will make the job easier. Add a small amount of sugar to the cream and whip it slightly, forming a runny mixture, not too liquid nor too solid, this is the ideal consistency. Leave the fresh cream to rest, always with the ice underneath. Now start plating our fruit salad, take the fruit and mix the ingredients again, place a small portion of fresh cream at the base of the plate with the help of a spoon and place the fruit on top and complete by garnishing with more cream on top. To finish taking the ice cream, make sure that the temperature is not too low and the ice cream too hard, with the help of the spoon create a scoop of ice cream to lay the top of our fruit salad, finally decorate with fresh mint leaves. Our fresh Macedonia is now ready to taste!