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Considering all the importance that Italy gives to the quality of its agricultural and food products, it is no surprise that the country, alongside the European Union, has acted to protect its articles from counterfeits and copies. Therefore, two different labels were created to ensure the quality and the geographical indication of Italian food. By geographical indication it is meant: “A distinctive sign used to identify a product as originating in the territory of a particular country, region or locality where its quality, reputation or other characteristic is linked to its geographical origin.”

PDO, Protected Designation of Origin, and PGI, Protected Geographical Indication, are two certifications synonymous with typical high quality food and wine products. But what exactly do these acronyms mean and what is the difference between them? Let’s say straight away that these are distinctive brands of typical products officially registered and issued by the European Union on a proposal from the Ministry of Agricultural Policies which at the same time commit producers to constant checks by an independent certification body. PDO and PGI are therefore trademarks protected at a European Community level, for the benefit of consumers and against counterfeiting. Recall that Italy is the European country with the highest number of PDO and PGI agri-food products registered by the European Union! 1


PGI, in Italian IGP, IndicazioneGeograficaProtetta, simply means that a product can be traced back to its geographical origin during at least one phase in the production process. Meaning it can be linked to a place or region where it is produced, processed or prepared. Although the ingredients used may not necessarily to come from that geographical area, all PGI products must also adhere to a precise set of specifications and may bear the PGI logo.

PDO, in Italian DOP, Denominazione di OrigineProtetta, means “Protected Designation of Origin.” It is the stricter of the two certifications. If a product is labeled PDO, then you can be sure that it has been produced, processed, and prepared in a specific geographical area, using the recognized knowhow of local producers and ingredients from the region concerned. These products, whose characteristics are strictly linked to their geographical origin, must adhere to a precise set of specifications and may bear the PDO logo.

Therefore, the difference between PDO products and PGI products lies in the fact that, for PDO products, everything concerning the processing and marketing of the product originates in the declared territory; while for the PGI product, the declared territory confers to the product, through some phases or components of its processing, but not all the factors that contribute to obtaining the product come from the declared territory. More simply, the PDO mark certifies only products wholly obtained and packaged in the declared area of origin, while the PGI mark certifies that not all the production process is linked to the declared area of origin, but the most important phases are, i.e. those that give the product its peculiar character.

Now that we have reached the end of this journey in Campania, it is time to dive into your Authentic Italian dish and experience what does it meant to eat Italian for real! Thank you for reading and Buon appetito!

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