T h e h a rv e st i s p l e n t i f u l , b u t t h e w o r k e r s a r e f e w. - M att h e w 9 : 3 7
Pi sburgh South
Rejoice for unto us a child is born
Experiencing Christmas page 6
Steelers Defensive Back Will Allen Talks About His Faith page 10
Christmas, How We Got Here page 31
For Whom are You Seeking? page 38
Winter 2013
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Editor’s Page
Managing Editor Mike Granovitz m.granovitz@faithpittsburgh.com Faith Pittsburgh Advisory Board Steve Carlson Chris Jerin Jake Clawson Herb Shaffer Ken Culbertson Bryan Thiessen Melba Dibble
Winter, the holidays and the annual plunge in the mercury have officially arrived and you are no doubt dashing
OFFICE MANAGER Leo Vighetti l.vighetti@icmags.com
about, as am I, in an attempt to find the perfect Christmas gifts for your family and friends. As this Christmas
AD PLACEMENT COORDINATOR Debbie Mountain d.mountain@icmags.com
season is upon us, I implore you to remember why we celebrate this precious day. Without the sacrifice made by Jesus the Christ on the
At home with my
wife, Dina, and da ughter, Gabriella .
cross, we would be denied eternal life spent with our Creator in the Kingdom of Heaven. Each day, I am struck by the realization that we serve an amazing God; I see the doors He opens, the blessings He has conferred upon my family and me, and the incredible manner in which He uses ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things. My deepest desire is that Faith Pittsburgh be used as a tool to bring glory to God’s Kingdom. As we journey through this season — from a day of Thanksgiving when we must ponder all we have to be thankful for, to the celebration of the birth of our Savior, and culminating with the renewal that comes as we begin a new year — please accept my warmest greetings to each and every reader and your families. I wish you a wonderful and safe holiday season. Finally, thank you for your continued support of Faith Pittsburgh. You have our heartfelt gratitude for taking the time to read each page. I also ask that if you have a chance, please support our advertisers through the use of their services.
Art Director Melissa St. Giles GENERAL SALES MANAGER Tamara Myers ❘ t.myers@icmags.com SALES MANAGER Brian McKee ❘ b.mckee@icmags.com ADVERTISING SALES Sophia Alfaras Matt Amoroso Pamela Arder Jennifer Dahlem Julie Graff Robin Guest Aimee Nicolia Connie McDaniel Gabriel Negri Vincent Sabatini Michael Silvert RJ Vighetti ICM PRINTING SALES MANAGER Tom Poljak ❘ t.poljak@icmags.com ©2013 by IN Community Magazines. All rights reserved. Reproduction or reuse of any part of this publication is prohibited without the written permission of the publisher. Direct all inquiries, letters to the editor and press releases to:
Sincerely, Michael Granovitz
Faith Pittsburgh c/o IN Community Magazines 603 East McMurray Road McMurray, PA 15317 724.942.0940; Fax: 724.942.0968 www.faithpittsburgh.com icmags.com Please recycle this magazine when you are through enjoying it.
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In this Issue
6 Features
Seven Things You Didn’t Know About the First Christmas Party
Experiencing Christmas
Straight Talk
A Bit of Evidence...
Up Close & Personal With Will Allen
Yes – Every Battle is Worth It!
Wrapping & Unwrapping the First Gift of Christmas
Finding Purpose One Day at a Time
Good Grief
Surprise Obedience
Worth the Price: The True Value of a Christian College Education
Christmas, How We Got Here
How to Have a Godly Response When You’ve Been Wounded
Complete Surrender
For Whom are You Seeking?
Fear of Uncertainty: Support Psalm 94:18-19
Pestering Momma
The God Who Doubles Our Sins?
Faith Event Calendar
Women in the Old Testament Old Testament Quiz
Movie Review “October Baby”
Book Review My So-Called Life as a Submissive Wife: A One-Year Experiment...and Its Liberating Results
Bible Study
Faith Pittsburgh Bible Study
Luke 1:38
42 A True Act of Kindness A Children’s Story
sponsored content Industry Insight 9
American Wills & Estates It’s Cold Outside, but Stay Warm in Your Heart
NonProfit Focus
14 Urban Impact: Changing Lives
FAITH Pittsburgh South | Winter 2013 | faithpittsburgh.com 3
Seven Things You Didn’t Know About the First Christmas Party By Floyd Hughes
I realize that for many we were one Thanksgiving away from the start of the Christmas season. However, for others it started with the first snow, the first Christmas present you purchased for someone this year (for some that was in January, LOL), or the day after Halloween or the elections (depending upon your upbringing). With the start of the Christmas season comes gift wrapping, gift giving to co-workers, gift mailing to our troops and far away family members, and of course, Christmas decorating. But one of my favorite aspects of Christmas is the Christmas party, or as I like to call it, the Christmas Celebration.
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Many people have gotten away from having Christmas parties because the parties have become more about the party than about Christmas (I‘ll just leave that thought there). However, Christmas parties used to be about celebrating the true meaning of the season with family, co-workers, friends, and neighbors more than anything else. In fact, we can learn a lot by looking at seven things you didn’t know or may not have known about the very first Christmas party. A man named Luke researched the life of Jesus Christ including His birth. He captured his findings in what we today call the book of Luke or the Gospel (good news) of Luke. From that we find the following about the first Christmas party:
1. It was God’s idea – In the book of Luke chapter
2 we read about the birth of Jesus Christ. It was God’s idea to send His son, Jesus Christ, as the Savior of humanity, but it was also God’s idea to celebrate that birth and have representatives of Heaven and Earth join in rejoicing about it. In verse 9 of the book of Luke we read that God sent an angel to tell the shepherds about the very first Christmas party. 2. It was by personal invite – Although God could
have invited anyone and everyone, verse 9 also tells us that God sent an angel to provide a personal invite to some shepherds who just happened to be out on that particular night. He didn’t invite the most popular people, the richest people, or royalty (not even the media made this invite list). He sent an angel to personally invite local people from within the community to come and rejoice at what God had done. 3. It took place on Christmas Day – Most people and businesses plan to have their Christmas party weeks or days before Christmas. There was a time when every week in December and every day of the week before Christmas, there was a Christmas party being thrown by someone I knew that I would attend. Verse 11 tells us that this first Christmas party took place on the day of Christ’s birth, although in the evening. This is why many congregations used to hold a special service on Christmas day. Most congregations have gotten away from doing that by switching to holding it on Christmas Eve. 4. There was a whole lot of music – Verse 13 tells us the party started way before the shepherds got to the house. I can remember playing Christmas music and getting in a happyhappyjollyjolly mood before heading out to many a Christmas party. This must be where that tradition started because verse 13 tells us a multitude of heavenly beings appeared and started celebrating. The word multitude is used in the KJV whilst the Amplified and Complete Jewish Bible versions use verbiage indicating there was an army of heavenly beings. The Greek word used is one from which we get our English word plethora and it indicates there were a whole lot of angelic beings, a great number. While Luke tells us that they praised God, the word he uses for praise is a word commonly used for singing praises. Luke’s verbiage paints the picture that most of us grew up with of a heavenly choir appearing and singing and rejoicing at the birth of Christ before the shepherds even got to the location where Jesus Christ was born.
5. There were no gifts exchanged – Despite many of our traditions of exchanging gifts, or white elephant exchanges, there were no gifts given at this party. The shepherds showed up empty handed because they were there to acknowledge humanity’s receipt of the greatest gift ever given in the history of creation: God giving His Son to us. 6. There was only one party – Although verses 17 and 18 tell us that the shepherds left the party and immediately began telling others about it, we don’t read of any other gatherings or any other celebrations. There was only one gathering, one celebration, in an undecorated location that would make Martha Stewart cry if she knew parties were hosted there. But people representing the community gathered there to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Verses 15, 16, and 20 indicate they went eagerly, wanting to experience all that had been revealed to them and they left excited and happy and glorifying God. The main reason was... 7. It was all about Jesus – The shepherds went to celebrate Jesus, the party was all about Jesus, and they left glorifying and celebrating Jesus.
This Christmas Eve many congregations will be hosting a Christmas Eve Celebration. If you attend one you can put some of these things into practice by: • inviting a friend, neighbor or co-worker to go with you (invite them personally, not just by text or Facebook invite [although if you invite people that way, try to connect with them personally and let them know you really want them to attend]); • if you host a Christmas party or attend one somewhere else, be sure to invite those people to attend the Christmas Eve Celebration with you and your congregation (help get them in the Christmas mood before the celebration by taking them out for coffee, or lunch, or dinner depending upon the time of the celebration you are attending); • most importantly, let them know in advance that you want them to join you in celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. From myself , my family, and the entire church family of CrossRoads Community Church of Jefferson Hills, have a very merry Christmas and God’s blessings for the New Year. † Pastor Floyd Hughes Pastor/Neighbor, CrossRoads Community Church of Jefferson Hills 1028 Scotia Hollow Road N, Jefferson Hills, Pa. 412.384.9278 ❘ crossroadsofjeffersonhills.com pastor@crossroadsofjeffersonhills.com
FAITH Pittsburgh South | Winter 2013 | faithpittsburgh.com 5
Experiencing Christmas By Herb Shaffer
Christ. That only happens ... • when we exchange our quest for other’s acceptance to surrender to the unconditional acceptance of Christ. • when we let go of our attempts to earn significance through success, money, or applause to embrace our significance as objects of God’s affection. • when we transfer our search for security from financial accounts, alarm systems, weapons and health regimens to simply rest in the secure arms of our Savior. Experiencing God’s love is a whole lot like the simple joy of a much love child, who climbs into the lap of a parent, nestling in to just be with.
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“I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” 16 And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them.” -- Mark 10:15-16 The five year old “M/W” girl was marvelously caught up in the joy of the moment, oblivious to all else. May you be the same as you fully embrace the Christ of Christmas to experience His love. †
It was a typical elementary school “Winter” pageant. Parents, armed with devices to capture the timeless moment for posterity, watched as each class entered the cafeteria, sat down cross-legged and waited for their turn to shine. Christmas themes long surrendered, the program was filled with songs of reindeer, snow, the big guy in a red suit, good wishes and holiday greetings. Not much beyond young voices carrying festive melodies was expected. The kindergarten class took the stage to sing dressed in fuzzy mittens, red sweaters and bright caps. Each of the thirteen five year olds stood at center stage preparing to hold up large letters, one by one, to spell out the title of the song, “Christmas Love.” As the class sang, “C is for Christmas” a child held up the letter C. Then “H is for happy,” and on and on until the happy crew would spell out the proclamation, “Christmas Love.” All was well as the lyrical message progressed until the small, quiet girl in charge of the M proudly held up her letter... upside down. Instead of an M, held high with a smile was a wobbly W. The children in the audience responded with typical snickering at the little one’s mistake. Though the teachers tried to “shush” the children, the giggling continued until the last E was melodiously hoisted. Miss “W/M” was wonderfully oblivious, proudly, smilingly holding high her card. All saw it at the same time. Parents, students, and teachers who had been giggling and shushing moments before, stared in awe as a hush spread through the room. In that moment everyone glimpsed why, even in the hectic hurry, there was great purpose for the festivities. For when the last letter was raised, the message proclaimed was NOT “Christmas Love.” Rather, the message boldly declared read: “CHRIST WAS LOVE!” He still is. And I think God smiled, pleased. The lost message of Christmas is still love. You see, we have a problem. So we are caught up in the frenzy of December but are not caught up by the Christ Who is love. Anything but. Though we may know His name and some of the details of His arrival, we are still bereft of His love until we experience
Herb Shaffer Pastor, New Song Community Church 4767 Library Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102 412-283-0888
Straight Talk Welcome to Straight Talk — in every issue we will take a relevant subject and talk with a local pastor about it to gain some insight and understanding into the topics that touch our lives. ➢ Subject: Considering Leaving Your Church? ➢ Pastors: Floyd Hughes, Lead Pastor, Crossroads Community Church
FP: If you do leave the church is there a right way to do it?
Chris Jerin, Pastor/Elder, Jefferson Hills Bible Church
To Leave or Not to Leave, That is the Question. Many people go from one church to another for all the wrong reasons. We need to remember why we are in church - our purpose for attending church is to celebrate God, praise our Lord, and grow in our journey with our Father. Equally as troubling is the manner in which people leave a church - we must remain focused on the fact that we are called to be a family of believers; and as is the case with any family, there will be difficulties. FP: When is leaving a church the correct thing to do?
you are probably leaving for the wrong reasons. The only “good” reason to leave a church is if the preaching is not scripturally sound. To accurately assess that is the case in your church you must take the time to read and meditate on the Bible to gain some understanding as to what God’s Word says to know if what is being preached in your church is true. The reasons to leave a church may seem valid at the time, but the reasons may have more to do with personal preferences than being in the place where God has called a person to be. FP:What are the wrong reasons to leave a church?
FH: If you have taken the steps we discussed before: prayer, looking to God for direction, and talking to the pastor to see if the problem is fixable but you still conclude that you are not hearing Biblical teaching, the one thing I would love for you to remember is that you are leaving the congregation - not the body Christ. Don’t cut off all spiritual and relational ties with the people within the church you are leaving. We are all still tied together by the blood of Christ; we are the church far more than any brick and mortar building. CJ: God builds the church for His purpose; never forget that His purpose transcends the individual congregations and our own personal preferences.
FH: If God hasn’t placed it in your heart to leave and you haven’t taken time to pray about it, then
CJ: The list of wrong reasons to leave a church is unfortunately quite long. Some of the most common involve, the music: if you play contemporary music people will clamor for the “old hymns.” If you have too many hymns people will want contemporary. What we need to remember is that the music is not for us, it is a tool used to praise God. Another reason people may leave is because of a problem with another member of the congregation, or the pastor, or even the pastor’s spouse. We are all human and make mistakes, so before you walk away remember that Christ didn’t walk away from us when we were His enemies. Also sometimes people will leave because they might feel ignored. I would recommend trying to get involved in the activities going on within the church. Also you shouldn’t leave because others may be “different” than you. When unlikable or unsavory people (sinners)start attending the church remember that everyone needs to hear the gospel - Christ came for the lost and we are called to love everyone, not just those who are easy to love.
FAITH Pittsburgh South | Winter 2013 | faithpittsburgh.com 7
A Bit of Evidence... By Stephen Hathorne
As we approach the Christmas holiday, which many people celebrate, sadly many of those do so only as a social convention. Maybe the question that should be asked is: “Who was Jesus Christ?” After all he is the reason that we celebrate Christmas. In this article we will present one small bit of evidence that points to Jesus of Nazareth as the God of the Universe. Many skeptics ask to be presented “proof” that He was, and is God. Proof comes in two forms. Empirical – I can prove the Law of Gravity by repeatedly dropping a ball and through observation we can glean the fact that an object will fall toward the center of gravity at 32 feet per second. The other type of proof is historical – I cannot prove empirically that Abraham Lincoln existed, but I can present writings by witnesses that place him at specific events at times that are chronologically within the events presented. By examining this type of eyewitness evidence I can come to the conclusion that Abraham Lincoln did indeed exist. We can use a similar type of evidence to ascertain the existence of Jesus. His Godhood cannot be empirically proven or disproved by any means. An abundant quantity of evidence exists that can be used to substantiate His claims to be God. Yes, on several occasions Jesus did claim to be God. There are 351 fulfilled predictions (prophecies) that were made about Him, some over 1,000 years prior to his birth. So, what? What does that have to do with anything? Can you predict what city someone in your family line will be born in 1,000 years from now? Will that city even still exist? What that person will be named? What the lineage 1 It was important for the King of Israel to be of the house and lineage of King David. 2 In order to prove death the Romans would put a spear in the left side of the crucified, piercing the heart.
Prophecy Born of a Virgin Born in Bethlehem House and lineage of King David1 Crucified on a cross His side would be pierced2 His bones would not be broken3 He would be crucified alongside criminals4 They would gamble for his clothing5
Isaiah 11:1 Psalm 22:16 Zechariah 12:10 Psalm 34:20 Isaiah 53:12 Psalm 22:17,18
will be from both parents? A strong argument can be made that if all 351 of these things could be predicted and fulfilled, that the origin of these predictions must be God. One of the names predicted to be given to Jesus is Immanuel, which translated means “God with us.” The table above contains only eight of the major prophecies ascribed to Jesus. These predictions were selected because these were things that are beyond the ordinary control of humans. The odds of them being fulfilled by one person are 17 trillion to 1 (17,000,000,000,000 to 1). To illustrate these odds, take a single silver dollar and paint it red. Place it along with 16,999,999,999,999 other silver dollars in the state of Texas. (It would make a two-feet-tall pile covering the state.) Now blindfold someone, and tell him/her to walk anywhere within the state, and at some point reach down and pick up the single red silver dollar. † Stephen Hathorne Teaching Pastor, Crossroads Community Church of Jefferson Hills
3 The Romans routinely broke the leg bones of the crucified to speed death. If crucifixion victims could not pull up on their own legs they would drown in their own fluids faster.
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Biblical Reference Isaiah 7:14 Micah 5:2
4 He could not have known beforehand (un lesshe was God) who he was going to be crucified with. 5 He knew long before His birth that they would gamble for his clothing.
Estate Planning
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It’s Cold Outside, but Stay Warm in Your Heart
o, as I sit down to write this article for the winter edition of Faith Pittsburgh I am left to ponder, do I write about estate planning or do I write about probate estate administration? After all, as an estate lawyer I am certainly invested in both subjects. Still, it strikes me that so much of what I do revolves around death, incapacity and end-oflife decision making. While such topics are undoubtedly important and, frankly, somewhat inevitable, today as the holiday season approaches I think I’ll turn my attention elsewhere. It snowed last night, and as I write this I am looking out of my office window at a proverbial winter wonderland. It’s beautiful and pristine no doubt, but it’s hard for me to get past the cold, the sleet, the shoveling and the scraping that comes with this wintry weather. Yet it wasn’t that long ago that this white landscape would have enthralled me with the possibilities of sledding, skiing, skating and snowball fights, of building snow forts and making snowmen. Where does such youthful optimism go? Why do we so often lose are ability to see the world through the eyes of a child? I can hear many of you now: “I’ll tell you where it goes, Welling; it’s called growing up, getting a job, working, paying bills, putting food on the table. Who has time to play games?” And you know what? You’re right. Life is tough and it’s filled with pressures and responsibilities, but I’d like to think that we’d all be better off if we could each hold onto just a small part of our childhood innocence. If we could each be a bit less jaded and more open to the wonderment that is all around us. “Easier said than done,” you say and, again, you’re right. But it can’t hurt to try, can it? So as Christmas fast approaches, let us try to remember what this holiday is really all about. Sure, it’s a time at which we look forward to giving and getting gifts and to seeing family members and friends from whom we’ve been too long apart, but what this day is truly about is the miraculous birth of a child. A child who would change the course of the world. A child who by his birth would present us all with the opportunity to become people of God. Just an innocent child, but what a wondrous child. So as we decorate our trees, wrap the gifts and welcome our loved ones home, I hope that we may each take a moment to reflect on the true meaning and spirit of this momentous day. I hope that we may each take a moment to slow down from the hustle and bustle of our daily lives and take a deep breath. I hope that we may each take a moment to let a loved one know just how important and dear they are to us. I hope that we may each take a moment to see this beautiful world once again through the eyes of a child.
Here’s wishing that you and your family may bask in the warmth and glow of this holiday season. This Industry Insight was written by Lloyd A. Welling, Esq. Attorney Welling received his law degree from Duquesne University School of Law in 1992. He started the law firm of American Wills & Estates in 1997 and has practiced exclusively in the areas of Probate Estate Administration, Estate Planning and Real Estate law since that time.
FAITH Pittsburgh South | Winter 2013 | faithpittsburgh.com 9
Will Allen
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Up Close & Personal With Will Allen Will Allen of the Pittsburgh Steelers is in his 10th year as a defensive back in the NFL. by Michael Granovitz
Faith Pittsburgh: Tell us about yourself. Will Allen: I was born in Dayton, Ohio, with two brothers. I attended Ohio State University, and in 2004 was drafted into the NFL by the Tampa Bay Bucs. I spent six seasons with the Bucs before signing with the Pittsburgh Steelers, where I was part of the Super Bowl XLV team. I spent the beginning of the 2013 season with the Dallas Cowboys prior to returning to the Steelers. How did you come to your faith? WA: While I was still in high school I was invited to attend church on New Year’s Day, 2000; at the time I knew very little about God, lacking a home base that shared the knowledge of God with me while I was growing up. I didn’t really understand much about Christ, but I knew something was missing in my life. I started to pray and something came over me; beginning to cry I asked God to show me he was real. I wanted to know more and began attending church with a family from my hometown. As my knowledge and understanding of God and Christ grew I took the first step in my walk with God and accepted Christ as my savior prior to going to college. When I got to college, one of the first things I was invited to was a Bible study. Christ is the most important thing in life, and it is so important to remember that as we face trials and tribulation.
What are some of the difficulties you face as a Christian? WA: Everyone faces adversity regardless of profession; how we handle it is all about perspective. When the Lord puts you in a place it is for his glory. He is always trying to teach us through the adversities we face. What we must do is give him the glory in good times as well as bad times, while always remembering that, no matter what, God loves us. We are a testimony to the greatness of God and our reward is in Heaven, not here on Earth. We need to truly trust God and understand that he is in control; all we can control is our faith. We must remain humble and focused. In 2008 the Will Allen Foundation was formed. How did that come about? WA: I was sitting on the couch and thinking about all the people who had helped me while I was growing up and I wanted to do the same for others. I wanted to work with kids and help them to find their way as they develop as people. There is so much that they are not ready for – I wanted to offer them resources that would help them overcome the difficulties that they would face. Many young people make the same mistakes repeatedly, due to the lack of a plan. I wanted to be there at each level to prepare them for what life would throw at them. What is the mission of the foundation?
WA: To provide resources to people in need and to let people in the community know that there is someone who cares about them. What are some of the programs that your foundation offers? WA: Quest for Real Life Success is the core of the Will Allen Foundation. The program works to equip kids academically for college and careers. The program is structured to help them develop character and integrity. We also just introduced the REACH program (Rewarding Excellence & Achievement of Classroom Heroes) designed to reward teachers for creatively encouraging literacy in the classroom. If you could share one thing with our readers that could help them in their walk with the Lord, what would it be? WA: Remain steadfast, never give up, stay in prayer, love other people, and be genuine and intentional in all that you do. Where do you see yourself after football? WA: Getting into business in some way, whatever door the Lord opens for me. If you were you asking someone to pray for you what would your prayer request be? WA: That the Lord uses me as a servant and that I continue to grow in my walk with the Lord, gaining knowledge and understanding. †
FAITH Pittsburgh South | Winter 2013 | faithpittsburgh.com 11
Yes –
every battle is worth it! By Ron Moore
Joshua, the Old Testament leader of Israel, was given a heavy assignment. Following the great leader Moses, God charged Joshua to lead Israel into the Promised Land. Joshua knew the challenges and the risks. Seven groups of people inhabited the Canaan and there would be many battles to fight. Right after crossing the Jordan, when Joshua looked at the walled city of Jericho, he had to be asking: How in the world will we conquer such a fortified city? How would he lead God’s people to take the land? How many husbands, fathers, and sons will give their lives for what God has called us to do?
Joshua asked the same question we do:
Are the battles worth it?
You tell me. Our ministry is one of leading people—empty, hurting, broken, fallen—to inherit the eternal promises of the eternal God. Jesus has gone before, fought and won the battle. He is the One who leads us into the eternal promised land. And as those called to proclaim his message, we get to follow him and simply encourage others to come along and follow us as we follow Christ. When we are following Christ we can be sure that every battle is worth it. We are leading people to an eternal inheritance. And one day . . . if we do this thing right . . . we will look into His face and He will say, “Welcome home, good and faithful servant.” Yeah, every battle is worth it! The great pianist Paderewski was holding a concert in a grand hall. A mother took her young son to the concert and, while she was talking to friends as the hall filled with people, he slipped down the aisle, crawled onto the stage, made his way to the piano . . . and started playing “Chopsticks.” The crowd, waiting for the great pianist, was aghast. From the wings, though, Paderewski saw what was taking place, slipped onstage behind the boy and whispered in his ear, “Keep playing . . . don’t stop . . . keep playing.” Paderewski accompanied the boy’s “Chopsticks” with a brilliant harmony that turned this simple piece into a masterpiece. That’s what God does for us. When we are filled with fear, doubt, and discouragement, he puts his arms around us and says, “Don’t stop . . . keep playing . . . Don’t stop.” When we trust him, he strengthens our frightened hearts, bolsters our feeble efforts, and chases away the discouragement. He can turn a life of “Chopsticks” into a brilliant masterpiece. † Ron Moore, Senior Pastor, The Bible Chapel McMurray, Pa. ❘ www.biblechapel.org ❘ 724.941.8990
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Every good action deserves a reaction. Nonprofits receive free advertising space in Faith Pittsburgh through our nonprofit partnership program. Your nonprofit organization can receive up to two free pages each quarter. Program guidelines apply. For more details call
Mike Granovitz at 412.779.6733.
FAITH Pittsburgh South | Winter 2013 | faithpittsburgh.com 13
Nonprofit Focus
Changing lives one person, one family, one block at a time
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rban Impact traces its roots back to 1995 when Rev. Dr. Ed Glover, then the outreach pastor at Allegheny Center Alliance Church, felt called to begin a ministry that would not only meet their spiritual needs for salvation but also provide young people with the skills they needed to grow in their walk with the Lord. He recognized that youth could not read their Bibles because they struggled overall to read. He also noted that the ministry needed to provide recreation to help meet physical needs and teach them how to build healthy relationships to help meet their emotional and social needs. Pastor Ed also decided he needed to live in the community he served in order to reach the people who lived there; i.e. build an incarnational ministry. Pastor Ed knew that he would need to start a nonprofit to get the much needed funding that would allow him to serve the kids holistically. It was out of this need and desire that Urban Impact was founded. The mission has remained unchanged through the years; the leaders focus on doing their part in fulfilling Christ’s Great Commission by investing in the lives of at-risk children, youth, and their families. Their goal is to see lives transformed that, in turn, can make a powerful impact locally and globally for Christ. Urban Impact uses a holistic approach focusing on three key areas.
Body It creates a safe place for the kids where they can escape from the sometimes chaotic life in the city. Mind It fosters a loving atmosphere where the kids can learn to respect others, themselves, and authority. This helps to build character and help kids improve socially. Spirit At Urban Impact staff members know unequivocally that the transformation of lives is possible through the Gospel. That is why they routinely share the Gospel and give students multiple chances to respond to it. Urban Impact uses a tiered method to accomplish their part in the Great Commission and build disciples. Starting with the curious they initiate relationships and win them through outreach programs. As relationships grow, they provide opportunities and pro-
grams to build them up and help them to grow (e.g. mentoring, Bible studies), they equip them to develop post high school plans and equip them to also become disciple makers. They multiply through leadership development, encouraging youth to serve as volunteers or interns in Urban Impact programs. Lastly they are sent out into the world (college, trade school, jobs, military and ministry) where they too can impact untold lives. What makes Urban Impact different from many other organizations is the fact that it is mission focused and everything that the staff does is based upon their faith and Biblical principles. Pastor Ed and his wife Tammy have multiplied themselves through staff members — urban missionaries — that reside in the community to reach and transform the lives of young people. In the beginning the primary tool used to reach the youth was athletics. While sports are still a powerful mechanism being used for outreach purposes, there is so much more now; including the performing arts academy which offers choir, instruments, acting, and dance. They also have a newly formed education department that works with the kids through the local schools during the school year and through an 8-week summer day camp in summer months. Some of the biggest challenges are reaching out to the families of the children involved, helping the urban missionaries to raise their financial support, finding sufficient volunteers and donors, and transportation for the kids to and from the programs. For the first 15 years of this ministry leaders focused on the individual, but that has since changed to a much greater emphasis being placed on the entire family. In the past year, Urban Impact has touched the lives of 1,500 kids, utilized 320 volunteers,
served over 26,000 meals, and been blessed and rewarded by 325 students responding to the Gospel. Think about that exponentially; if the 1,820 people that those figures represent go out and touch the lives of two other people due to their experiences at Urban Impact that brings the total number of lives affected to over 5,000. There are several ways in which those interested can become involved and help to make a difference in the lives of children: 1) Volunteer — there are a variety of different volunteer opportunities available all of which offer ample training; 2) Give — invest your dollars in changing lives through the ministries of Urban Impact; 3) Pray — commit to praying for Urban Impact, for without prayer nothing will ever be successful. †
FAITH Pittsburgh South | Winter 2013 | faithpittsburgh.com 15
©2013 BGEA
Launch EvEnt Join us as we launch the Three Rivers Festival of Hope— a regionwide evangelistic outreach.
Thursday, January 16, 12–2 p.m. Grand Ballroom, Marriott City Center 112 Washington Place, Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Bring your ministry team for a complimentary lunch and learn how you can build church unity and growth as we reach our region with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Next year’s Festival of Hope with Franklin Graham will combine a strong presentation of the Gospel with stirring music from well-known Christian artists and personal testimonies. Come and see God do amazing things around the Greater Pittsburgh area as we partner together. NoT Too laTe! RSVP with your name, church, and how many will attend by January 6 at threeriversfestival@bgea.org. For more information, please visit ThreeRiversHope.org. Always Good News.
Wrapping & Unwrapping
the first gift of Christmas by Rev. Steven P. Carlson
ecently I saw an article on how to “guess your gifts without being caught.” I remembered how as a child I would try to guess my gifts by their size and shape, or by shaking, feeling, peeking, and even unwrapping (and quickly re-wrapping) them! My parents resorted to hiding gifts in secret places so that they would be presented at just the right time and not prematurely. Sometimes gifts would also be wrapped in disguise. A small gift of great value might be in a large box, and a large gift might be presented by way of a note in a small box. During this Christmas season, we celebrate the giving of the first gift of Christmas, the gift of Jesus, the Christ-Child, the Savior of the world. This gift had been long awaited. Since it was first promised, thousands of years had passed by. The Christmas song “O Holy Night” proclaims, “Long lay the world, in sin and error pining, till He appeared and the soul felt its worth.” The world had long been waiting, but God had not been idle, but rather He was fully engaged and mightily at work through the centuries, preparing everything just perfectly for the presentation of His gift. God was not rushed or pressured in His Christmas gift preparation. God was thoughtful and purposeful. This gift would be perfect! The first gift of Christmas was perfect, but it was perplexing in how it was delivered. It was almost unrecognizable, because it was wrapped in such a unique, unexpected, plain and ordinary way. God’s gift of salvation was wrapped in the
human flesh of a baby! The gift had not been expected this way, but the common wrapping made the gift all the more incredible. Not only was God giving the gift of eternal life, but He was taking on the flesh of humanity and living among us! The Divine, Almighty God, the creator of the world, was taking on the flesh of his creation and being born as a baby, in order to give new life to the world. In the Gospel of Luke, it is recorded that “when the days were completed for her [Mary] to give birth, she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid Him in the manger.” The pregnancy was now over and the months of waiting were completed. The Child was born! In a larger sense, a Divine pregnancy had also been taking place. God’s gift of salvation had been growing and unfolding throughout the centuries. It had mostly been hidden from view, but finally God’s salvation had appeared and was presented to the world. But for the most part, this weary world was not waiting or watching for this gift. But God would continue to offer His gift and reveal to the world why this first gift of Christmas continues to be the best gift of all. As Mary was wrapping the Christ-Child in swaddling clothes and laying Him in the manger, God was unwrapping Christ, the Savior, and presenting salvation for the world to see. Jesus had first been wrapped in the flesh of humanity and then in the swaddling clothes in the manger. He looked just like an ordinary baby, but He was our salvation. Ultimately this salvation of
God would be fully displayed upon the cross of Calvary. On the cross, Jesus would be totally unwrapped, clothed only in our sin, so that He might clothe us with His forgiveness and righteousness. By His shed blood on the cross, we are forgiven. Our sin is stripped away from us and we are clothed in God’s salvation. Without Christ, our souls would only be wrapped in the darkness of sin and death. But, because Jesus was unwrapped for us, we are wrapped securely in the salvation of God and cradled in His church, the body of Christ. Perhaps God’s gift of Christmas has been hidden from sight for you by too much commercial wrapping, religious clutter, and wrong assumptions about Jesus. This has caused you to be vaguely aware of Jesus, but you have not really unwrapped the true meaning of God’s salvation for you. This Christmas season, God is presenting to you the gift of His Son, the Savior. Will you receive God’s gift? Will you respond to His gift and present your life to Him, and let Him cause you to be born anew in Christ this Christmas? This Christmas, let us all receive and celebrate the first gift of Christmas, the gift of the ChristChild, the Savior of the world! Merry Christmas!! † Rev. STEVEN P. Carlson, Senior Pastor, Ruthfred Lutheran Church 3401 South Park Rd. Bethel Park, Pa. 412.835.7140 ❘ www.ruthfred.org
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FindingPurpose One Day at a Time
By Deb Dell
As a life coach I am often asked, “How do I find my purpose in life?” My answer is simple: “Your purpose is the same as mine…we are all created to love.”
John 4:16 tells us “God is love, and he who abides in love, abides in God, and God abides in him.”
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Each of us is born with a longing for God and loving Him is our destiny. There is a beautiful description of this found in the catechism of the Catholic Church that reads “God himself is an eternal exchange of love, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and He has destined us to share in that exchange.” Our longing for God is constant, therefore this sweet exchange is meant to happen every day. Unfortunately, we often confuse our longing for God as a longing for temporal things and our priorities shift. This results in a lack of contentment and joy that comes on so subtly, we lose track of our purpose and begin to live lives of quiet desperation. It starts to look something like this: We buy more, but enjoy it less; We have more conveniences, but less time; We spend too recklessly, laugh too little, and drive too fast; We get angry too quickly, stay up too late, and get up too tired; We read too seldom, watch TV too much, and pray too little. We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values; We’ve learned how to make a living, but not a life. We have more degrees, but less common sense; We have more knowledge but less judgment; More medicine but less wellness; We’ve conquered outer space but not inner space; We’ve cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul; This is life in the 21st century. Our culture is too busy, too noisy, and there’s too much going on in our lives.
Mother Theresa once said, “The language of God is silence.” If that is true, which I believe it is, I suggest that God’s voice is being drowned out by the circumstances of our lives. We can certainly change it if we want. But in order to do it, we must begin to live our lives on purpose.
a plan for “If you don’t havee els e does.” eon your life, som
FAITH Pittsburgh South | Winter 2013 | faithpittsburgh.com 19
I was watching “Good Morning America” recently and the anchors were discussing the new Will Ferrell movie that also stars a Dodge Durango truck. The filmmakers decided to write the truck into the script as a means of subtle advertising. Again, we are a media target. Radio, TV, movies, Facebook and Instagram are all trying to sell us something. Billboards on the road, TVs in the doctor’s office, screens at the bank, screens at the mall, and screens inside your table at some restaurants…we are constantly barraged by media influence. Advertisers tell us (and our children) we’ve “gotta have it,” we “NEED it,” and “just do it.” Marketing is clever and marketing is constant. As a result, we, as a society, are constantly craving. But what about our longing for God? What about our purpose to love? What about our eternal destiny? In order to create a positive shift in our lives we must learn to take the focus off our “outer” desires and begin to place it on our “inner” selves. We need to stop concentrating on what we don’t have and focus on what we do have. We have Christ. And even if we have nothing else but Him, He is enough. We must be careful not to let the noise of our lives drown out the calling of our hearts.
Meditation and Prayer Try carving out 10 minutes a day for silence.
My heart has heard you say “Come and talk with me.”
There are many ways to do this.
And my heart responds, “Lord, I am coming.” –Psalm 27:8
(1) Keep a gratitude journal and write down three things a day you are grateful for. Thank God for those three and all that is yet to come.
I often tell my clients,
“Our lives change when our habits change.” Is spending time with God a habit in your life? Before you answer too quickly, I’ll ask the question another way. Do you make time every day to spend quality time with God? If not, I suggest you begin – today.
(2) Read scripture and meditate on The Word using devotional books or a study bible. (3) Meditate using rote prayer or speak with God from the deepest recesses of your heart. (4) Confess to God; or (5) Very simply, just say the name of Jesus over and over, pushing all thoughts aside, until the noise of the world becomes a distant hum and the peace of God flows through you like a gentle wind. Meditation and prayer will warm your heart, quiet your mind, and console your spirit. Making meditation and prayer a habit takes time, but it is time well spent. Commit to 10 minutes a day, every day. I believe this small investment has the power to change your life. Remember, the language of God is silence and in the silence, your heart will hear Him speak.
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Choices One last thought for those of you still wondering what to “do” with your life. Whether it’s career, retirement, finances, education, the list goes on and on – there are always choices to make. This can be overwhelming. The best way to battle a sense of overwhelm is to be aware of your response to it. Intentionally say to yourself, “What a blessing! I have choices!” And rather than asking the question “What if this goes terribly wrong?” ask yourself, “What if this goes amazingly right?” After all, if it goes terribly wrong, God will take care of it—in His time and in His way. And if you have no idea where to start, consider the life of Jesus. He came to serve others and repeatedly asked us to do the same. Gandhi once said, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” We are called to love. So do it with a joyful heart. Loving God, your neighbor and yourself is always a great place to start. You’ve probably heard the quote “Put God in the center of everything and everything comes together.” Much of what I’m saying about purpose aligns with that. If you concentrate on your purpose to love, your “mission” (or, what to “do”) will reveal itself. Sometimes it takes a bit of coaching. Other times, it just requires patient trust. So enter the classroom of silence for 10 minutes a day and begin to know and understand the desires of your heart. † Deb Dell ICF Certified Life Coach Deb Dell is an ICF Certified Professional Life Coach. She resides in Bethel Park with her husband and two children, and can be contacted via email at deb@ renewyourworld.com . Vision Coaching and Training ❘ www.renewyourworld.com
City Mission A Regional Ministry
The City Mission has been serving the homeless and poor of Washington County for over 70 years. The basic services of food, shelter, and clothing continue to be the core of the City Mission’s outreach since its inception along with proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our mission is clearly stated as: “The City Mission exists to share Christ, to shelter, to heal, and to restore the homeless to independent living – without discrimination.” We are blessed to be a part of God’s plan to reach the homeless and needy with the message of Christ’s saving grace. Over the past few years it has become clear to us that we are being called to expand our services and our reach. Over the next year you will be hearing more about our plans to expand our facilities, services and reach to create a greater impact for the kingdom of God among the homeless and poor of our region.
FAITH Pittsburgh South | Winter 2013 | faithpittsburgh.com 21
Good Grief By Jessi Marsh
So grief hurts, doesn’t it? It can feel like anxiety, depression, shock, outrage, emptiness and more. When someone we love dies, we’re going on an emotional ride, like it or not. You can shut your eyes and pretend like you’re not hurdling through the air at high speeds against your will...but if you’ve ever been to Cedar Point, you know how well that kind of denial works. Most of the emotions are unpleasant. Like really tough. Parts of you that you didn’t even know existed hurt. Time seems to pass slowly. The pain springs up in unexpected and awkward ways. Hot, stinging tears fill your eyes while you’re just trying to pay for your milk and eggs and – let’s be honest – chocolate. Choking back sobs while you’re putting a sweetly clueless child to bed. Burning the toast because you got lost in a memory that swept you down the river of grief... rendering you pretty useless and frankly not hungry anymore. I would like to start a new tradition. When we lose someone we love we should be issued a t-shirt that says “I am grieving. Please be nice to me.” Why? Because it feels like the entire world is acting like a jerk to you when you’re grieving. You get cut off in traffic. Your boss yells at you. For some reason the hardest times (and I’ve only had a few) of real, life-altering grief
I’ve experienced, I’ve actually physically found myself at some point in some kind of situation where I’m essentially standing in the rain: cold, drenched and unable to feel anything but totally sorry for myself. And no one even notices! In fact someone in a large vehicle drives by splashing muddy splatters everywhere. That’s what the real nitty-gritty of grief feels like to me—standing alone, freezing, drenched, dirty and void of hope. So the title of this is “good grief.” How can it be good when it’s so bad? I have a few thoughts. Grief is good because it’s usually so intense we can’t help but be real. Typically, we spend a lot of time managing our reputations, creating ways for people to think we’re cooler, smarter and stronger than we are. Grief yanks those masks right off and burns them. Grief is not gentle but it is helpful in this way. We allow ourselves to be seen more authentically when we grieve. Of course there’s always the deeply unhealthy attention seeker who has to collapse in a public puddle of sobs when the opportunity for a lot of attention arises. That’s not what I’m talking about. I mean quiet (or loud...but maybe at least a little private?) moments with people who love you. Stripped bare of your tough facade, crying and saying things out loud that you know sound a little
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crazy. “We were supposed to go to the mall on Tuesday!!!!” Or “I forgot to give him back his sweater!!!!” It’s OK. Let it out. This lets people love you in a unique and wonderful way. Frankly I completely hate that part of grief, but I know it’s good for me and my relationships. Grief stops us in our tracks. Shows us what little things have been taking up our heart and brain space. Who cares if my gray hairs are showing or that my car is full of empty yogurt containers and granola bar wrappers? Don’t sweat the small stuff, you know? Grief can be a gift. How? We look heavenward even if we’re not into that. God can use grief to draw us near. When you’re really desperate, really lost...sometimes we’re willing to believe, just a tiny bit, that there is actually something... someone out there who is bigger and better than we ever dreamed. Don’t be afraid to seek that out just a little...you can always go back to believing we got here randomly and that we’re on our own. That belief will always be available if you don’t find something better. God says if we seek Him, we’ll find Him. Ain’t no harm in taking a peek around, right? Grief can bring up old hurts. Dealing with grief in a healthy way can help heal those wounds. Sometimes when a loved one dies, people feel like everyone they ever love dies. Those are abandonment issues that, if unaddressed, can lead to some bad life-controlling habits like refusing to connect deeply with anyone out of self-preservation or even starting down the path of addiction. Considering the seriousness of believing that everyone we love dies, then responding by investigating what led us to believe that— defining reality a little more clearly and willingly releasing that belief and its associated fears—can be very freeing. Grief creates community. You know who has really “got your six” when life falls apart in this way. Also, I’ve become new friends with people simply based on the fact that we lost a mutual loved one. Grief creates opportunity to serve those most impacted. However much you’re hurting, there is probably someone even more devastated. Think of your very best talents and resources and how you might offer them in some way. Food, music, your company, a poem that doesn’t suck, help with legal issues,
Jubilee Christian School cleaning, a foot rub, letters, texts and phone calls as are appropriate. Don’t just force yourself on people who are hurting. Pay attention and try to see what the best way to help is, and when. Grief is the worst. But it is also an opportunity for growth, learning and love. Don’t waste your grief. The author, Lemonscarlet (aka Jessi Marsh), is a 35-year-old wife and mother fighting advanced stage colon cancer with Jesus, humor, awkwardness and telling the truth about what cancer is like. This was written after her fellow cancer warrior friend, Laura, went home to be with Jesus. †
Imagine • Believe • Achieve A K-8thAgrade Christian School in the Heart SouthHills Hills K-6 Christian Elementary School in the Heartof of the the South
Jubilee Christian School provides students with Visit our Open House an exemplary education and enduring values Thursday, January 23 at 10:00 a.m. rooted in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
• Affordable Tuition • Small Class Sizes
Jessi Marsh Director of Development, Light of Life Rescue Mission fightingtrafficandcancer.blogspot.com
• Independent, Non-Denominational • Caring, Certified Teachers • Inquiry-Based Learning
The author, Lemonscarlet, aka Jessi Marsh, is a 35 year old wife and mother fighting advanced stage colon cancer with Jesus, humor, awkwardness and telling the truth about what cancer is like. This was written after her fellow cancer warrior friend, Laura, went home to be with Jesus.
• Monthly Field Experiences/Trips • Spanish, Art, Gym Classes • Parent Involvement Welcomed
Jubilee Christian School 255 Washington Road Mt. Lebanon, PA 15216 412.561.5917 www.jubileechristianschool.org Jubilee Christian School provides students with an exemplary education and enduring values rooted in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Miracles Happen Every day... Share your greatest miracle with us. Send your story to
editor@faithpittsburgh.com or mail to 603 East McMurray Rd. McMurray PA 15317 Attention: Faith Pittsburgh FAITH Pittsburgh South | Winter 2013 | faithpittsburgh.com 23
The Gospel According to Children
By Alan CiechanowskI
“For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. 16 Now if I do what I do not want, I agree with the law, that it is good. 17 So now it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me. 18 For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out. 19 For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing. 20 Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me.” - Romans 7:15-20 (ESV)
friend of mine once had a shirt that this verse always reminds me of. It had three lines of text on it: To be is to do—Plato To do is to be—Aristotle Do be do be do—Sinatra The first time I watched the first-graders during recess I was amazed at the way the teacher flicked the lights when she came back from lunch and announced that it was clean-up time. Every child got busy putting the room in
order, and then taking their seats and getting ready for lessons again. The next time I watched them I wanted to see if I could effect the same kind of obedience among the children. At five minutes to 12, I flicked the lights and announced that we were going to surprise the teacher by cleaning up before she arrived. Some of the kids got right on it, and started cleaning up: they put the chairs back in order, put games away, tucked the carpet squares neatly under the bookcases. A couple played at helping out, but I could tell
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that these few were disappointed that their recess had come to an end before the appointed time. Soon, however, everyone had their shoes back on and were seated at their desks, anxious to surprise the teacher. They wanted the lights off, they wanted to pretend they were asleep, or they wanted me to read them a story, but they were determined to surprise their teacher with their obedience. I thought the teacher was to be back by noon. As it turns out, she didn’t come back until about 12:10. At 12:05, the room began
to reach critical mass. The room had been so quiet and still for five minutes, and at any second it was about to blow. Children wanted to go to the bathroom, or to get a drink; they started to fidget and move around. Knowing that I was losing control, I set one boy in the hall as the scout, so that when the teacher came down the stairs, I could corral them with the promise of her imminent return. When she did arrive, she must’ve thought she was in the wrong room at first, but when the kids yelled “surprise” and ran up to hug her, she knew she was home. Just as children have a tendency to move and run and play, we have a tendency to sin. We try to be obedient; we want with all our hearts to please God and to be a man or woman after His own heart. We clean up well on Sunday morning, and we sit in the pew and listen to God’s Word and we are determined to surprise God with our obedience. But soon, often before we get out of the church parking lot, the novelty of our determination fades, and we find ourselves back to our old ways. It often takes us no more than five minutes to reach our critical mass, and our explosion point, and we are adults steeped in Scripture, not little ones just wanting to play. This first-grade teacher did not expect the children to be seated and still; she did not expect the room to be cleaned up. In the same way, thankfully, our Heavenly Father does not expect us to be perfect. He knows our natures. He knows we will more often do what we want to, rather than what He would have us do. But would this teacher love the children any less if she came down and found things at the point of total annihilation? No, she expects it. And she lovingly gets things back in order. In the same way, we should be glad when we have those times where we know we have pleased God with our actions and our behavior, but we should not feel He loves us any less when we don’t. It is by grace that we have been saved; and not by works, so that no one may boast. (Ephesians 2:8) † Alan Ciechanowski Development Director, Hillcrest Christian Academy www.hillcrestca.org
Over the twenty-four year history, the primary goals of the Pregnancy Resource Center have been to meet client’s immediate needs in a non-judgmental environment and then educate them so that they can make informed choices. Several of the services we offer are medical, and they include pregnancy testing, STD testing and treatment for men and women, and limited ultrasound for the purpose of determining if a pregnancy is viable. This is important because up to thirty percent of young women can naturally miscarry during the first trimester. Trained counselors provide options counseling for young women and their partners who are dealing with an unplanned pregnancy. For those who choose to parent, we offer support services and material assistance. When clients choose to place their babies for adoption, we refer them to an agency or an attorney who can assist with the legal aspect of this process. However, we continue to support those that chose adoption by educating them through childbirth classes and pre and post-adoption counseling. We also provide post-abortion counseling for men and women who are suffering from the emotional pain resulting from this choice. Due to the increase in the number of sexual assault survivors who are coming to the PRC for help, the PRC offers counseling for a woman who has survived the trauma of rape or sexual abuse. The PRC is defined by more than its reputation as a medical facility or a counseling center. It is a place where problems are solved and lives are saved. www.prcsh.org
Women in the Old Testament Old Testament Quiz
1.) What does “Eve” mean? “matron of the earth” “new beginnings” “daughter of God” “mother of all living” 2.) Who married Abraham? Sarah Anna Rachel Rebekah 3.) Looking for a wife for Isaac, Abraham’s servant found: Rachel Rebekah Michal Leah 4.) Jacob agreed to work 7 years for the hand of: Isabel Rachel Hagar Gomer 5.) This woman promised the Lord that if He would bless her with a son, she would dedicate the boy to Him. She later bore Samuel. Bathsheba Leah Hannah Jezebel 6.) David’s original wife was: Bathsheba Leah Michal Miriam 7.) This woman remained with her mother-in-law, Naomi, after Naomi’s husband and sons died. Ruth Miriam Hannah Esther
8.) This woman rumored that Joseph tried to commit adultery with her. Jacob’s wife Potiphar’s wife Pharaoh’s wife Gideon’s wife 9.) This harlot housed spies sent by Joshua to take the city of Jericho. Bathsheba Leah Rahab Jezebel 10.) This woman married Moses. Zipporah Michal Jezebel Rahab 11.) After David looked upon her lustfully, he had an affair with this woman that ultimately led to the death of her original husband. Rahab Leah Bathsheba Zipporah 12.) This woman tempted Samson to reveal the secret to his massive strength, which she used to betray him to the Philistines. Deborah Rebekah Jezebel Delilah
14.) This woman was given to Jacob as a wife deceitfully before he could marry her younger sister, who he loved. Michal Rachel Dinah Leah 15.) The prophet Hosea was commanded to marry this woman, though she was a harlot. Bathsheba Rahab Deborah Gomer 16.) This Egyptian woman was Sarah’s handmaiden, and bore Ishmael through Abraham. Hagar Zipporah Gomer Jezebel 17.) This wicked queen wanted to kill the prophet Elijah. Jezebel Zipporah Michal Hagar 18.) This woman gave birth to Moses. Keturah Jochebed Orpah Merab
13.) This brave Israelite woman became queen of Persia and used her influence to protect her people, the Jews. Ruth Esther Rachel Naomi
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Source – religionresourcesonline.org
See page 49 for answers
movie Review October Baby Director: Jon Erwin & Andrew Erwin Drama 109 min. PG-13 Starring: Rachel Hendrix, Jason Burkey, John Schneider, Jasmine Guy, Chris Sligh, Shari Rigby, Jennifer Price, Lance Nichols, Rodney Clark, Tracy Miller, Austin Johnson, Coleen Trusler Dove Approved 12+ “October Baby” delivers a compelling message as to the power of forgiveness and the sanctity of life through excellent storytelling and captivating performances. Rachel Hendrix shines as Hannah; she delivers a performance that is genuine, moving, and engrossing. Hannah’s world is turned upside down upon learning that she is adopted and the reason for her many physical ailments are the circumstances surrounding her birth; she was born after a failed abortion attempt by her biological mother. Distraught and angry Hannah embarks on a journey, looking for answers to the multitude of questions that she has regarding her life. Accompanying her on her quest of self-discovery is her best friend Jason (Jason Burkey) who she also happens to be in love with. The romance between Hannah and Jason develops as both come to the realization that they are and have been in love with each other. From the very beginning of the movie until the final minutes “October Baby” engages you and tugs at your heartstrings. Viewing this movie you will experience the gamut of emotions; very important and sensitive subjects, the value of a life and forgiveness, are presented very well and with no preaching. “October Baby” definitely gets two thumbs up, and if you haven’t already seen it do yourself a favor and make it a point to watch it.
Book review My So-Called Life as a Submissive Wife: A One-Year Experiment... and Its Liberating Results Author: Sara Horn Review By: CaRanda Thiessen
At first glance, the book title My SoCalled Life as a Submissive Wife left me with a few pre-conceived ideas as to how I was about to be taught a good lesson in my wifely duties. Much to my surprise the author, Sara Horn, completely threw me a curve ball from the first chapter. She actually forewarns readers that if they are well versed or even, approaching from the opposite side, looking for an instruction manual on how to be submissive to their husbands to stop reading from the very beginning. This is no “self-help” book. Being that I found myself in neither category my interest was peaked and forward I went. Within a few pages I was hardly able to put the book down. Sara does a fantastic job communicating the post-modern concept of “submission” through an honest, transparent, and extremely humorous account of her one-year personal challenge to study biblical submission and how it applies to being a submissive wife. Honestly, I have never given much thought to the idea of submission because I haven’t felt it was an area needing additional attention in my marriage. Although, after reading this book I have come to the conclusion that submission is truly a biblical concept and, as a Christian, should spill over into every area of my life. Sara’s personal account of her journey through more deeply understanding this topic left me feeling challenged and encouraged to do just the same.
Throughout the book she discusses what submission tangibly looks like and how to apply it in our daily lives as women. It seems that the challenge to becoming a “submissive” wife is that most don’t understand where to even begin. One of my favorite things about this book is that it clearly lays out some basic guidelines on how to get started on this journey. Sara suggests that it starts on a personal level, which I most certainly agree with. She touches on the recent trend that many Christian women are beginning to become absorbed in, and that is worldly distractions. Her chapter entitled “Fifty Shades of Distraction” states this so powerfully. Temporary satisfying distractions are so readily available to women that we often fall into the trap of “following Eve instead of following Jesus..”. When we only desire what we want it is no longer about submission, but rather selfabsorption. Spiritually passing through this roadblock brings such freedom. Overall, that is what I took away most from reading and actually “studying” this book. Submission isn’t something of the past in which I bow to my husband’s every request. It isn’t about this at all. The act of submission is a lifestyle, a daily challenge to serve. I would strongly encourage women to consider taking the time to pick up this book. If it isn’t for you then that’s OK, but I wouldn’t be surprised if you learn something new about yourself. I know I certainly did and I am thankful for it.
FAITH Pittsburgh South | Winter 2013 | faithpittsburgh.com 27
Worth the Price: The True Value of a Christian College Education By Kenneth A. Smith, PhD
Christians who are planning to pursue an academic degree face some difficult questions, not the least of which is “Can I afford to attend a Christian college?” Many factors influence college selection—choice of major, location, reputation—but, along with academic quality, the deciding factor is often affordability. Christian schools are often believed to have higher tuition costs than some public institution options, but research shows that secular colleges and universities can sometimes charge the highest price of all—the loss of a student’s commitment to the Christian faith. The most important question for students and their families then becomes, “Is the savings worth the cost?”
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“Unless they are at a Christian college, they may find themselves in an environment that is not conducive to providing supportive answers.” Pressure from peers is part of the problem, of course, but so too is pressure from faculty.
New Year’s Resolution #1 … RUN FOR A CAUSE The college years are a period of transition, when young people form their own personal identity and values. This is a natural time for young adults to examine and question the beliefs handed down by their families as they progress toward an owned and personal faith. But the fact that students raised in Christian homes attending secular schools often abandon their faith during these years is especially troubling because research indicates that these changes in religious values will remain into adulthood. Steve Henderson, the president of Christian Counseling for Colleges and Ministries, Inc., conducted a study of 16,000 students from 133 institutions and, according to his research, more than half of Christian students who attend a public or private secular university will no longer profess their faith four years later. For Christian families, this is quite a sobering statistic. After all, they have spent nearly two decades teaching their children to love and serve the Lord, only to find everything undone in four short years. So why do Christian students at secular schools walk away from their convictions in such large numbers? “College students are asking deep questions about their faith,” says Henderson. “Unless they are at a Christian college, they may find themselves in an environment that is not conducive to providing supportive answers.” Pressure from peers is part of the problem, of course, but so too is pressure from faculty. In the March 29, 2005, Washington Post article “Study Finds College Faculties a Most Liberal Lot,” author Howard Kurtz reveals that 72 percent of professors at American colleges identify themselves as liberal. Additionally, 51 percent of faculty members at these schools attend religious services rarely or not at all. Students tend to view their professors as mentors, and these statistics show that some faculty members at public institutions may not support traditional Christian values. The good news is that Henderson’s research provides confirmation that students attending Christian institutions, particularly schools that are members of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU), become significantly more committed to their faith. He says, “Attending a CCCU school is clearly
correlated to increases in nearly all measures of religious commitment. “The differences in choosing a CCCU school versus a non-CCCU school are dramatic: one-fourth the drop in church attendance, one-seventh the drop in prayer and meditation, and nearly five times the increase in overall religious commitment,” Henderson continued. Member institutions of the CCCU are intentionally Christian colleges and universities that aim to “transform lives by faithfully relating scholarship and service to biblical truth.” They are committed to hiring only believers, so students are continually challenged by professing Christians to grow in their faith as opposed to having their faith challenged by others. Campus programs at CCCU schools are designed to support Christian principles, and students are exposed to chapel and other worship experiences as well as a full integration of faith and learning in the classroom. Perhaps most importantly, students spend these critical years of transition living in a community of believers who endorse and strengthen Christian values. Not every student who attends a secular school abandons their faith, just as not every student at a Christian school maintains it. However, the numbers clearly show the positive impact of enrolling in a CCCU college or university. And there are ways to make a Christian education more financially affordable, like need-based funds from federal and state government sources, merit scholarships, private grants, and institutional funds. I encourage everyone facing this challenging decision to seek the Lord’s guidance. Some families opt for the lower sticker price at a public college—but remember, the total price paid by over half of those students includes walking away from their faith, and that is a cost not worth any amount of savings. †
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Dr. Kenneth A. Smith President of Geneva College 3200 College Avenue Beaver Falls, PA 15010 www.geneva.edu 1.800.847.8255
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Faith Pittsburgh
Welcome to Faith Pittsburgh Bible Study. Every issue we take a verse, break it down, look at what the verse says, talk about the meaning and discuss ways to apply it in our daily lives.
2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2 (ESV)
Meaning: This verse admonishes us to guard against a worldly existence. Things which are of importance to the world - money, status, and possessions - are not to be a priority in the life of a Christian. Our transformation begins on the inside as the Holy Spirit commences working in our lives and continues outwardly; manifested as our actions and reactions are guided by God’s Word. As we mature as believers we will gain knowledge, understanding, and discernment which will enable us to seek and follow the guiding of our Lord.
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Application: The application of this verse is accomplished by living as we are called to in scriptures so that God can work through us by means of the Holy Spirit, that our lives might fulfill His will. Our time in this world is finite and we must constantly be aware of this undeniable fact, and live knowing that at any moment our time on earth might come to an end, and we will be called upon by the Lord to answer for the manner in which we have lived.
Christmas, How We Got Here By Rev. Dennis Moriarty
Galatians 4:4 tells us that the Father sent His son “when the set time had fully come,” to save humanity from their sins. What does the writer (The Apostle Paul) mean by this “set time”? It means when man was ready to receive him. “Advent” means an awaited arrival, something that is looked forward to. As we experience Advent Season, we see the importance of this verse of scripture. Mark Antony and Octavius had battled one another for the throne, a series of bloodthirsty battles and the cause of serious unrest in the Roman Empire. Octavius was the victor, and he assumed the role of Emperor. He changed his name to Caesar Augustus and enjoyed the most peaceful reign of any of the Caesars in the last several hundred years. So peaceful, in fact, that he ordered a census be taken of the conquered nations that made up the empire (Luke 2:1). Were it not for that census, a very pregnant Mary and Joseph would have had no cause to
travel from Galilee to Bethlehem. Had Jesus been born in Galilee, the Old Testament prophecy in Micah 5:2 would not have been fulfilled. It also enabled the Magi to come to visit the Holy Family, bringing them gifts that financed the journey when they fled from Herod to Egypt. The freedom of travel brought about by this peace between countries enabled them to return to Galilee years later. This peace was prized by Rome and the leaders went to great lengths to preserve it. There were so many conquered countries that the troops were spread thin. Also, peace was vital to trade and they could not afford to have uprisings and unrests in the territories. This is how Caiaphas and the High Priests were able to manipulate Pilate to allow the crucifixion of Christ ( John 19:12). Ultimately, it was this same peace that allowed such free travel between the nations
that made it possible for the early Church Fathers to plant churches all over the world in the first and second centuries. A century earlier and this would have been impossible. The anticipation of opening that wrapped gift or seeing that distant relative this Christmas should remind us of this verse in Galatians. Phrases like “good things come to those who wait” or “anything worth having is worth waiting for” should also serve as a reminder that God hears our prayers but gives us what we need when the time is right. †
Rev. Dennis Moriarty Protestant Chaplain, KANE McKeesport Senior Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church 120 Anborn Dr., West Mifflin, PA 15122
FAITH Pittsburgh South | Winter 2013 | faithpittsburgh.com 31
How to Have a Godly Response When You’ve Been Wounded By Julie Van Gorp
The husband of a dear friend of mine has gravely hurt her by his unfaithfulness, and she’s been left with a gaping wound. The enemy of her soul is doing his best to get her consumed with unforgiveness, resentment and bitterness—“settled anger”—so that those sins will eat away at her and negatively impact her fruitfulness for His kingdom. I imagine you can relate to this temptation because you too have been wounded by someone else and have heard Satan’s voice encouraging you to rehearse over and over again every aspect of the offense committed against you. When someone has wounded you, you’re extremely vulnerable to the attack of the enemy, and it’s especially critical that you “guard your heart.” (Proverbs 4:23) You must fight this tactic of the enemy, to keep you in a
place of anger and resentment, as if your life depends upon it—because it does! This doesn’t mean the pain when someone offends you isn’t real. It’s very real! The closer our relationship is with the person who wounded us, the greater the pain. God doesn’t expect or want us to deny the reality of the pain; that’d be like saying that a knife stabbed in the gut is merely a flesh wound. If it were a physical wound, you’d immediately seek medical attention and go to the nearest hospital emergency department. Praise God we have a Great Physician who is able and longs to heal us when we’ve been wounded in our spirit! Jesus came to bind up the brokenhearted (Isaiah 61:1; Psalm 147:3) and he says to us, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I
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will cause you to rest. I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.”(Matthew 28:11; Amplified) He totally understands how to deal with your pain because, “He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces, he was despised, and we esteemed him not.” (Isaiah 53:3) He was betrayed, abandoned, and forsaken by His closest friends. He understands your pain like no one else does or ever could. When you are tempted to withhold forgiveness from those who’ve hurt you, remember Jesus fully understands your struggle. Hebrews 4:15 says, “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.”
To overcome sin we must do as Jesus did when He was tempted: we must wield the ‘Sword of the Spirit,’ God’s Word (Matthew 4:1-11). On the cross Jesus cried out, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34) We have been called to follow Jesus’ example and forgive those who’ve hurt us. In the deepest sense, they too have no idea what they are really doing. Apart from the grace of God at work in your life and mine, there is no sin that we are not fully capable of committing too. When someone hurts you, look to Jesus; look to the cross! “Consider Him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” (Hebrews 12:1-3) Look to the Jesus who was “wounded for your transgressions (Isaiah 53:5),” and respond as He responded.
To overcome sin we must do as Jesus did when He was tempted: we must wield the ‘Sword of the Spirit,’ God’s Word
in the
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Pour your heart out to Jesus and ask Him to give you His perspective. Ask Him to give you eyes to see your offender as He sees you—eyes filled with love and the understanding that all sinners are going to sin and all desperately need a Savior! Jesus’ forgiveness of your sin has allowed you to go “from death to life.” Turn to Him when you are in pain and ask Him to fill you with His love and forgiveness; He will enable you to forgive the one who hurt you, no matter the depth of your pain. God gives us the privilege of partnering with Him to help bring those who’ve offended us from “death to life” by “forgiving as He’s forgiven” us. (Colossians 3:12-13) Are you aware that after someone hurts you deeply, you are extremely vulnerable and you must guard yourself against Satan’s attack to take you captive to the sins of unforgiveness, bitterness, and resentment? Are you willing to take your pain to Jesus and allow Him to heal you and to give you the power to “forgive as He’s forgiven you?” † Julie Van Gorp President, True View Ministries, Julie Van Gorp is the President and Co-founder of True View Ministries which offers retreats, conferences and online television shows designed to challenge and equip women to live authentic Christian lives. www.trueviewministries.org
FAITH Pittsburgh South | Winter 2013 | faithpittsburgh.com 33
Heaven the road to
Follow Jesus Today
Everyone has sinned and has fallen short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)
If you are ready to follow Jesus take the first step now and pray this prayer.
Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved. (Acts 16:31)
Lord I know and confess that I am a sinner, Lord please forgive me for my past sins and keep me from future sins. I believe Jesus is God and lived a sinless life, died for my sins so that I wouldn’t have to, and was raised from the dead that I can have new and eternal life. Lord please come into my life now and become my personal savior. From this day until my last day I give you control Lord. Make me a new person born again this day, guide my life to fulfill your will and bring glory to your name. In Jesus Christ’s name I ask this. Amen.
Confess your sins. If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins. (1 John 1:9) Everyone needs to be saved, because sin causes separation from God and eternal death. The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 6:23) You can’t save yourself, but God desires to save you! This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (I Timothy 2:3,4) For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. (Ephesians 2:8-9) By faith believe Jesus and accept Him. Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, you and your household. (Acts 16:31) 34 724.942.0940 to advertise | FAITH Pittsburgh South
If you said this prayer sincerely desiring a relationship with Jesus Christ and have accepted Jesus as your savior, you have taken the first step in an amazing journey with the Lord. There is much more to do; first and foremost is to find a church family to be part of that will educate and inspire you in your walk with the Lord. Please write to Faith Pittsburgh and let us know about your choice and if there is anything we can do to help you.
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Raising Up Young Leaders
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Word of God
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Kelso Museum of Near Eastern Archaeology, free museum Barbour Library, theological and historical resources Continuing Education, for pastors and lay persons Metro-Urban Institute, certificate in Christian leadership World Mission Initiative, education for missional churches Non-degree evening courses, for those interested in a class or two 616 N. Highland Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15206 412-362-5610 www.pts.edu
Surrender Complete
What does it mean to surrender to God? What does complete surrender look like? What is God after deep within our hearts? By Melissa Pearce
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urrender is learning to take up your own cross and follow after Christ Jesus. Surrender is to trust God and walk in obedience to His ways even when we may not know or understand the outcome. Surrender, above all, is revering the Living God. When we decide to relinquish our lives to God, we learn to trust who He is and what He has for our lives. Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” Yet, why do we find ourselves struggling internally to let go? Why do we battle abandoning our own agendas and wills? Is it out of fear? Or perhaps it is out of insecurity. Until we come to truly revere Him as God, the Omniscient One, we will not walk down the road of complete surrender to Him. To revere God means to honor and worship Him. One of the highest forms of worship we can demonstrate toward God is our act of obedience to His directions and ways. Every part of our being says, “Not my will Lord, but yours.” I’m reminded of the life of Abraham. Abraham and his wife, Sarah, were promised a child by God. Abraham was 100 years old when God finally delivered His promise. Abraham loved his son, Isaac, dearly. Yet, a time had come when God would test Abraham’s heart. Genesis 22 gives the account of how God tested him: “Then God said, take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you about.” (v2) Had life’s possessions become Abraham’s obsession? Did Abraham worship his son? Or was the test a revelation of Abraham’s allegiance? Would Abraham trust and walk in obedience to God even though he could not understand the final outcome? How many times do we allow life’s possessions to become our obsession? What item, person or position are we worshiping other than God? Or what item, person or position are we placing before God? The reality is that we do it more than we realize. We can fall into the trap of worshiping our homes, our kids, our spouses, possessions, and even our jobs. Yet, the question becomes, do we love the Lord our God more than those
things? If He asked us to walk away from our you? Beloved, walk in faith and believe God jobs and go in a different direction, would we to work out the details. Trust me; He’s big be as obedient to Him as Abraham was? Or if enough to handle any situation you may be God asked us to give up our home, would we? enduring. Further down in verse 12, the Lord Finally, surrender is not only revering the commands, “Do not lay a hand on the boy, Living God, trusting in Him, but it also is he said. Do not do anything to him. Now I learning to take up your own cross and follow know that you fear God, because you have not after Christ Jesus. Mark 8:34 “Then he called withheld from me your son, your only son.” The the crowd to him along with the disciples and heart of the matter is that God is looking for said: ‘If anyone would come after me, he must complete surrender of the heart. Do we fear deny himself and take up his cross and follow Him, like Abraham did? Will we respond to me.’” What does this mean? It is ceasing to God’s direction when given? Was the situation make one’s own self the center of life. We difficult? Yes. Do I think Abraham struggled come to realize it – “It’s really not about internally – emotionally, and spiritually? Yes, me!” It’s about bringing glory and honor to Abraham was human. He was not Superman. the One who paid the ultimate price for our Yet, Abraham’s heart was completely freedom. Jesus displayed a heart of complete surrendered to the Living God. surrender to God the Father. He literally Abraham revered God. His actions of took up His Cross to walk in obedience to obedience displayed honor and worship. the Father’s will. Just as the Cross led to His Abraham’s relationship with God was his true death for our sins, we will symbolically carry possession. Abraham withheld nothing from our own cross, meaning total commitment God, not even his precious son. He desired to Christ Jesus no matter the cost. What God’s will to be done, not his own. How areas within your life have you not fully about you? Is God your true possession? Are committed to Christ Jesus? Is it your need to you willing to withhold nothing from the be in control? Or is it brokenness that needs Lord in your life? Are your uttering the words, healing? Or is it an addiction to alcohol, “Yes, Lord, Your will be done, not my own.” drugs or even pornography? Listen beloved, Surrender is not only revering the Living just as Christ Jesus took the Cross for our God, but it is heart trusting in the One and ultimate freedom in Him, He too will require Only. Just as Abraham had to trust God for us to bear our own cross to walk in the during his trial, we too will have to trust – lean liberality He has designed for us. We have to on, believe and know within our hearts that trust God – completely. God will not fail us. Hebrews 11:17-19 “By So perhaps God is using this teaching to faith Abraham, when God tested him, offered have you reflect upon your own commitment Isaac as a sacrifice. He who received the promises level toward Him. Let me ask you, “Do was about to sacrifice his one and only son, even you have a ‘yes attitude’ toward God?” Is though God had said to him, ‘It is through Isaac God asking you to trust Him in a particular that your offspring will be reckoned.’ Abraham circumstance even though you may not reasoned that God could raise the dead, and have all the details or even understand the figuratively speaking, he did receive Isaac back outcome? Does your heart reflect, “Lord, from death.” Abraham by faith, in other words Your will be done”? Or perhaps He is asking by belief and trust, believed God and obeyed. you to walk in His example so you can be free. God’s desire is for us to walk by faith with How I pray the Lord will bless you and Him. Walking by faith is trusting in the One keep you. May His face shine upon you and even when we don’t have all the details ahead give you peace. † of time. Walking by faith is relinquishing control over our lives and knowing that God Melissa Pearce will work all things to the good of those who Founder/President, Enduring Hope Ministries, Inc. love Him, according to Romans 8:28. You Enduring Hope Ministries, Inc. see, it was Abraham’s faith in God to work PO Box 194, Murrysville, PA 15668-0194 out all the details. So let me ask you, what is 724.519.7554 contact@enduringhopeministries.com God asking you to trust Him with? And will www.enduringhopeministries.com
FAITH Pittsburgh South | Winter 2013 | faithpittsburgh.com 37
For Whom Are You Seeking? By Judith “Cookie” White
“After Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, ‘Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him.’” (Matt. 1:1-2) • The Magi were seeking a king.
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“When he came down from the mountainside, large crowds followed him. A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, ‘Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.’” (Matthew 8:1-2) • The leper was seeking a healer. “Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him. Without warning, a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him, saying, ‘Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!’” (Matt. 8: 23-25) • The disciples were seeking a rescuer. Numerous accounts of conversations in scripture reveal mankind seeking an audience with the Almighty requesting specific assistance. The Magi, learned men who studied the stars, followed an abnormal sighting and began searching for a predicted king. How little did they realize this child was the foretold Messiah, Emmanuel, God with us! A leper was desperately seeking an audience with the one who was rumored to be healing the sick of all diseases. According to scripture, this man knew the Lord could heal him. As the man allowed his faith to swing the bat of belief in the One True God, leprosy flew out of the park rendering health to his bones and a new life in Christ. The disciples, men who walked alongside Jesus on a daily basis in ministry, didn’t quite grasp the magnitude of Christ’s magnificence. In the midst of calming a storm with His voice, Jesus yet again revealed the true nature of the One to whom they were following. As in times past, Christians continue to cry out for deliverance, pray for healing and long for a personal encounter with the Almighty. Have we forgotten since the death, resurrection and ascension of our Lord the gift of the Holy Spirit whom dwells within us? The blessed Spirit of God has been bestowed into the hearts and souls of those who place their faith in Christ Jesus. We need seek no longer. • The Messiah has been found. • Our Healer and Great Physician is anointing the sick. • Our Savior and Lord is seeking the lost, the confused and those in need of rescue from drowning in an eternity of darkness. Believers place their hope in a Savior who will deliver them. Regardless of what we face this coming year, Christ is the firm foundational Rock upon which we stand and cling. To Him we run and are satisfied. †
Judith “Cookie” White Founder, Author, Teacher, Speaker & Women’s Life Coach The Sounding Board Teaching Ministries www.thesoundingboardteachingministries.com tsbtm@comcast.net
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Today’s Scripture
Luke 1:38
And Mary said, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her.
What’s it mean to me:
Mary is saying that she is the submissive and obedient servant of the Lord, and as such stands ready to implicitly obey the Lord’s commands. Each and every Christian should strive to be as Mary was, obedient, submissive, and desiring the Lord’s will to be done in our lives. It is then, as the life of Mary exemplifies, that the Lord can perform amazing works through us.
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Support ❘ Psalm 94:18-19 By Ron Moore
When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your unfailing love, LORD, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy. Psalm 94:18-19
Sometimes we can feel it coming on. Like a person who loses his footing on a steep climb, we can feel our emotions slipping. The waves of anxiety build until they crash into our hearts and drench our souls. Here it comes, the fear of uncertainty. • Our teenager is late coming home on a stormy night. • My boss wants to see me first thing in the morning. • The doctor wants to run some more tests. • Our minds swirl in the waiting room for news from the surgery. • The doctor says, “I’m sorry. There is no more we can do.” • The savings are gone. • He walks out the door. Life is filled with things that cause uncertainty. The stuff of life is beyond our control and it’s the lack of control that causes our emotions to implode. What do we do when we are standing in the midst of life and feel the fear coming on? The psalmist instructs us to turn hard toward God. It is our loving Father who comes to our aid. As we take on the crashing waves of uncertainty, he keeps us standing. When our feet begin to slip, he grabs us and holds on tight. His peace passes human understanding. His comfort brings joy even in the midst of stormy trials. When we know God as our Father, certain help is always present with us. Father, some are reading this with a heart saturated by anxiety. Allow them right now to feel the calming comfort of your Spirit. Give them a certainty of your presence that always comes with a deep peace. Let them know that since you are for us, nothing can stand against us. In Jesus’ name. Amen. † Ron Moore Senior Pastor, The Bible Chapel, McMurray, Pa.
FAITH Pittsburgh South | Winter 2013 | faithpittsburgh.com 41
A True Act
of Kindness By Charlotte Hopkins
It was a chilly Saturday evening and Justin was going to Fuzzy’s, the corner store in Glassport, with his mom and his sister, Megan. They wanted to pick up snacks, juice, and the famous Fuzzy’s hoagies. They were planning a movie night at home. There was a kind elderly woman in line when they got there. She had $5 and was trying to see how much lunch meat she could get and if she would have enough left over for bread. When the cashier, Amy, was ringing up the food, Justin and Megan listened closely as the woman was now trying to see if she could also get cheese. His mom knelt down and said to Justin and Megan, “I think we should help her, what do you think?” They smiled big and said “yes!” Mom took Amy aside, handed her $20 and said, “This is for her, let her get all the lunch meat she can but don’t tell her until we leave.”
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When they left the store Megan was giggling and Justin happily said, “Now she can get lots of meat and cheese.” Then Justin asked, “How come you wanted us to leave first?” His mom said that sometimes people are too embarrassed to take help from others. She did not want the woman to turn the money down, and if they are not there, then she cannot give it back or say “no, thanks.” His mom then said, “remember, a true act of kindness is one that’s done anonymously.” Justin and Megan probably heard their mom say a million times that, “A true act of kindness is one that’s done anonymously.” Justin knew it meant something about being kind to others. He was not too sure about the “anonymously” part. A few days later, they went back to Fuzzy’s. Amy was working and reminded them of the little old lady that they helped. Amy said that the woman was so happy to learn that someone left $20 for her that she almost cried. The woman said “she knew” that there must have been an “angel” in the store that day. Megan giggled to hear that the lady thought her mom was an angel. A few weeks went by from that afternoon at Fuzzy’s. Justin and Megan often thought about the little old lady and wondered how she was doing. Their mom arrived at school one afternoon to take them home and she talked with the other parents as she waited outside for the bell to ring. Megan came out first and was telling her mom all about the poster contest the school was having. The theme was, “Suddenly I turned around and saw ___.” Megan already had
ideas of what to draw. Fifteen minutes had gone by and almost everyone had left the school, except for Justin’s class. When Justin and his class finally came out, Justin had a story of his own to tell his mom. His teacher, Mr. Kristen, was angry and held the class back. It was a good day, up until the end. Mr. Kristen was so glad with how well everyone behaved that day that he passed out new pencils as a reward. There was one pencil left over that he kept for himself. After he passed out the pencils, he left the class for a few minutes. But while he was gone someone stole Mr. Kristen’s pencil off his desk. He was pretty hurt and angry. He demanded to know who took it but no one confessed. He waited ten more minutes, hoping the guilty person would speak up but no one did. Justin told his mom that Mr. Kristen told the students how disappointed he was that someone would steal off of him after he did something nice for them. His mom agreed that it was mean for that student to steal from Mr. Kristen. Justin happily looked up at her and said, “Yea, but guess what I did?” Justin giggled and said, “When we were leaving the room I put my pencil on Mr. Kristen’s desk.” She asked Justin why he would give Mr. Kristen his pencil. He said, “Because someone stole his pencil and I wanted him to have one.” She repeated, “So you gave him your pencil?” Justin said, “Yes, and he didn’t even see me.” Then she asked Justin if he at least told Mr. Kristen that he did that? Justin stopped, looked up at his mom and said, “No, remember, a true act of kindness is one that’s done anonymously!” Charlotte is a local mom of two, who lives in Elizabeth.
Mr. Kristin
FAITH Pittsburgh South | Winter 2013 | faithpittsburgh.com 43
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John 3:16
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Praise Praise Save Star Save Save
See page 49 for answers
g n i r e t s a e m P om M r
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only have two children and they are amazing, beautiful kids. Often, it sounds as though I have four or five kids instead. “Momma!” “Momma!” I hear this throughout the day. In fact, if I hear it too many times in a row, my friend and I will burst into the chorus of an old classic rock song, “Momma, ooooooooh, I don’t wanna’ die...” just to lighten the moment and make the kids laugh. Plus, if I’m really loud, it’s a little harder for them to keep interjecting. Seriously, kids can sense weakness! They know that I can’t effectively tune them out and that I am somehow wired to automatically respond. I also think that children have innate radar that alerts them to when I’m busy. When I retire to the restroom on the second floor at the farthest corner of my house for a moment
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of privacy, instinct inexorably draws them to my location. They will stand outside the door, “Momma! What are you doing?” I’ve often thought, but never said, “Why I’m having cake and getting ready to open presents. Then I’m going to play games!!! You are really missing out on some serious fun!” If I’m on the phone, my son will approach and with a pseudo-whisper start to the pestering... “Momma, can I have some ice cream? What can I have to eat? Can I have a soda, Momma?” Even the sternest glare cannot dissuade him from interrupting. The older one sometimes takes it upon herself to be the second in command and the tattler-in-chief. “Momma, did you know that he did this?” This isn’t always helpful, because it is often in the form of an interruption too.
As I stood downstairs yesterday staring at all of my dirty dishes, I whispered yet another prayer for God’s help and intervention. As the prayer left my lips, I experienced a moment of clarity. I do the same thing to God that my children do to me. Truly, I love the sweet chorus of their pleas. But, sometimes I long for those precious moments when they want to snuggle up with me and be still. I smiled to myself, because God knows exactly how I feel and I think I might have a better understanding of how He longs for me to abide with Him. He loves my questions, is glad to meet my needs, but he wants me to just want to be with Him. † Deborah is a military wife and proud mother of two children. She has been writing for many years, but until recently has never submitted any work. Her educational background is in biology & environmental science. All of God’s creation fascinates her and she particularly enjoys being outdoors.
Article Source: www.faithwriters.com
FAITH Pittsburgh South | Winter 2013 | faithpittsburgh.com 45
Faith Based News
21st Annual Mercy Parish Nurse and Health Ministry Symposium: “Weaving Prayer and Presence in Health Ministry” By Amy B. Armanious, RN, DNP, MSOL, FCN
The Mercy Parish Nurse and Health Ministry Program, part of Pittsburgh Mercy Health System and CHE Trinity Health, in the tradition of the Sisters of Mercy, hosted its 21st Annual Mercy Parish Nurse and Health Ministry Symposium on Saturday, October 26, 2013, at UPMC Mercy in Uptown Pittsburgh. The theme of this year’s symposium, “Weaving Prayer and Presence in Health Ministry,” was based on the scripture Psalm 46:10, “Be still, and know that I am God.” “The symposium was a great success in helping participants to take a fresh look at their faith community nurse and health ministry programs in which they serve daily to glorify God,” stated health ministry specialist and symposium coordinator Amy Armanious, RN, DNP, MSOL, FCN. Seventy-one community participants attended and were refreshed with the wonderful teaching and storytelling of keynote speaker Faith Roberts, RN, MSN, FCN. Faith is the director of the Magnet/ Professional Practice Program, Parish Nursing, and Obstetrical Services at Carle Foundation Hospital in Urbana, Illinois. This special time together was full of learning and fellowship as Faith brought enthusiasm and encouragement in the vision of parish nursing/faith community nursing and health ministry in the present time and for the future. Faith emphasized that faith community nurses, health ministers, clergy, and
Gotta have Faith!
volunteers are not to forget that the spiritual dimension is central to all that we do to help others. Lastly, Faith encouraged all participants to draw closer to God and reflect upon His grace for our lives and service to Him and others. To learn more about faith community nursing and health ministry, or to learn more about educational opportunities and resources that are available to faith community
nurses and health ministers in Southwestern Pennsylvania, visit www.pmhs.org/parishnurse-program. Call 412.232.5815, or email ParishNurse@mercy.pmhs.org. The author, Amy B. Armanious,RN, DNP, MSOL, FCN, is a health ministry specialist with the Mercy Parish Nurse and Health Ministry Program.
If you would like free copies of Faith Pittsburgh for your church, nonprofit, or any other group check the website www.faithpittsburgh.com for distribution sites or contact us at 724.942.0940. At any of our distribution sites you are free to take as many copies as you would like. If your church or group needs 300 or more copies please contact us and we can arrange delivery to you. If you would like copies for an event please contact Mike Granovitz at 412.779.6733.
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Faith Based News
Women of Faith October 4, 2013 at the Petersen Events Center, Pittsburgh welcomed the return for a third year of the Women of Faith: this year’s focus was Believe God Can Do Anything. More than 5,000 people attended this year’s event; the attendees were inspired, educated, and entertained with great music from Third Day. The inspiration and education came from a gifted group of speakers, which this year included Holly Wagner, Sheryl Brady, Mark Lowry, CeCe Winans, Sheila Walsh, and Tullian Tchividjian. Women of Faith is based in Texas, and is are one of the largest producers of inspirational events in the world.
The mission of the events is to empower women with the love of Christ and to ensure that they know that God loves them unconditionally. This is the 17th year of the Women of Faith events, with some of the event cities changing each year: next year the closest event will be held in Columbus, Ohio. Much of what is accomplished each year is due to the sponsors that help support this thriving ministry and the amazing staff and volunteers that make the events as successful as they are. If you would like more information about the organization, upcoming events, or how you can get involved please go to the Women Of Faith
From October 25-27, hope could be found free of charge at the Waterworks Theaters in Fox Chapel. Celebrating its 11th anniversary the Projecting Hope Film Festival again provided inspirational, faith-based films at no cost to local audiences. Over the course of the weekend the festival featured 21 free screenings, inclusive of 13 different titles. Over 4,000 tickets were distributed, resulting in many of the shows being sold out. Once again the festival provided films running the gamut from cartoons (Veggie Tales) to serious dramas (Unconditional, Kings Faith, and Return to the Hiding Place) that delivered powerful messages and inspirational stories through
what has become the storytelling medium of our generation, film. The film festival was born out of the desire to bring light to an industry that was all too often thought of adversely by many Christians. “At the time, the church was doing a lot of boycotting and crying foul at Hollywood, but was doing very little to get our voice heard in cinema,” related Scott Anderson, director and founder of the Projecting Hope Film Festival. Scott went on to say, “The film industry is truly a marketplace of ideas. Instead of cursing the darkness, we decided we wanted to try to light a candle. We kind of learned as we went, but it’s really not hard to get folks to
support something that offers hope and is free of charge. The first event was held in my hometown of Dubois. From there, it grew to include Altoona, then Pittsburgh, and now a film festival in North Carolina as well.” Along the way the festival has been extraordinarily blessed with wonderful sponsors that make it all possible. If you didn’t make it to this year’s event the tentative dates for next year are October 1012. The festival is a wonderful way to get the family out of the house and be treated to a movie, or two, that will make you laugh, cry, and be inspired.
FAITH Pittsburgh South | Winter 2013 | faithpittsburgh.com 47
FAITH Word Search Solution
The God Who
Doubles Our Sins? By Rock Dillaman
Isaiah 40: 1-11
Key Verse Speak kindly to Jerusalem; and call out to her, that her warfare has ended, that her iniquity has been removed, that she has received of the Lord’s hand double for all her sins. (Isaiah 40:2)
Devotional At first glance the second verse of Isaiah 40 appears to be rather schizophrenic! God opens by speaking of kindness and the removal of sin. But then He promises His hearers will receive double for all their sins! It sounds like big-time divine payback, like sowing to the wind and reaping a whirlwind! But seeing as how God is not the author of confusion and never changes, it can’t be both. So which is it; and why the apparent contradiction? The truth is there is no contradiction. The second promise enlarges the first rather than negates it! The key to recognizing that is found in Hebrew culture. When people were in such deep financial debt they could see no possible way out, they declared their bankruptcy in a unique fashion. It was also a means whereby they could humbly seek assistance. They openly wrote a listing of their debts on a piece of parchment, nailing it to the outside wall of their home for all to see. Why? Because there were wealthy benefactors in Israel who delighted in helping such cases. If one of them looked at the record and felt he/she wanted to lift the debtor out of the financial pit, the benefactor would double the piece of parchment, then return it to its place, signing his/her name on the outside. This was a signal to creditors and the person in debt that a generous heart was intervening in an impossible need. Everything would be covered! So you see God’s words through Isaiah aren’t a study in confusing contradiction. Just the opposite; every Hebrew would have known that God was promising to do an awesome, liberating thing. And
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we now know how He pulled it off. Through His death our promised Messiah removed the debt we could never have repaid. Seeing our need He signed His incredible name to our impossible debt. No wonder this chapter opens with the word “Comfort!” As you prepare to celebrate Messiah’s arrival I’d like to suggest you take a few moments and make a partial list of all the moral debt once posted over your life. Then double the paper and write Jesus’ name on the outside. Then throw it away, for Christmas means all iniquity has been removed for those who trust in Messiah. †
Prayer Our gracious Heavenly Father, thank you for sending Jesus our Messiah to offer us the double for our sins. And help us to never re-post what has been doubled. Help us to rest in His name written over our debt. Amen.
Rock Dillaman Senior Pastor, Allegheny Center Alliance Church 250 E. Ohio St., Pittsburgh, PA 15212 412.321.4333 / www.acac.net
Faith Pittsburgh CALENDAR
Winter Jam
Bountiful Blessings
2nd and 4th Saturday of every month 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM New Song Community Church 4767 Library Road Bethel Park www.bountifulblessingsinc.org
Spring Women’s Conference Featuring Kay Arthur Friday and Saturday, April 25-26 Prepared for the Days Ahead South Hills Campus Bible Chapel McMurray, Pa.
From This Day Forward
A Marriage Renewal Weekend
Friday, Feb 28, 2014 9:00am to 7:00pm Sheraton Hotel (Station Square) Pittsburgh, Pa. Coming in February is an event you don’t want to miss. Whether you are blissfully, happily married or are struggling in your marriage. You will learn why the “pinnacle” of marriage centers on the love of Christ. Featured speaker will be Dan Seaborn, founder of winningathome.com and author of “The Necessary Nine.”
Location: Seton Hill University Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014 Time: 9:00am -4:30pm Who Should Attend: Young ladies in their 20s to early 30s For more information visit www.enduringhopeministries.com
Festival Of Hope Franklin Graham Aug. 15-17, 2014 Consol Energy Center
The Art Group’s Second Annual Christmas Show
December 6, 2013 – January 10, 2014 Connections Cafe and Main Lobby South Hills Campus Bible Chapel McMurray, Pa.
Ignite Conference
10 bands for $10 Consol Energy Center March 21, 2014 www.jamtour.com
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Kids Corner
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Puzzle Answer
Matters of the Heart
Following and the
page 12
Purpose Ques t page 16
Raising Up Young Leaders Following Jesus on page 30 the Job page 22
Matters of the Heart page 30
Word of God on the
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page 34
page 7
FAITH Media Quiz Answers 1. Genesis 3:20 Mother of all living 2. Genesis 17:15 Sarah 3. Genesis 24:67 Rebekah 4. Genesis 29:28 Rachel 5. 1 Samuel 1:20 Hannah 6 1 Samuel 18:26 Michal 7. Ruth 1:16 Ruth 8. Genesis 39:14 Potiphar’s wife 9. Joshua 2:1 Rahab 10. Exodus 2:21 Zipporah 11. 2 Samuel 11:2 Bathsheba 12. Judges 16:6 Delilah 13. Esther 7:3 Esther 14. Genesis 29:25 Leah 15. Hosea 1:3 Gomer 16. Genesis 16:15 Hagar 17. 1 Kings 19:2 Jezebel 18. Exodus 6:20 Jochebed
Gotta have
If you would like free copies of Faith Pittsburgh for your church, nonprofit, or any other group check the website www.faithpittsburgh.com for distribution sites or contact us at 724.942.0940. At any of our distribution sites you are free to take as many copies as you would like. If your church or group needs 300 or more copies please contact us and we can arrange delivery to you. If you would like copies for an event please contact Mike Granovitz at 412.779.6733.
603 East McMurray Road McMurray, PA 15317
724.942.0940 www.faithpittsburgh.com
Reach the Customers
who need to reach you
If you are a Christian business owner, nonprofit organization, Christian school, or if churches are one of your customers, Faith Pittsburgh can be a valuable tool for you to reach your target audience. We will be publishing Faith Pittsburgh quarterly in regional editions. Each full-color non-denominational issue will have 25,000 copies distributed through a large network (300+) of both secular and religious locations within each region. If you are interested in scheduling a personal appointment to discuss the advertising opportunities available to your organization within the pages of Faith Pittsburgh please contact us.
Join the Faith Pittsburgh Community 603 McMurray Rd. McMurray, PA. 15317 Attn. Mike Granovitz Emai: m.granovitz@faithpittsburgh.com • Phone: 724.942.0940 • Cell : 412.779.6733