FALL 2011
Lincoln Highway
Road Rally 60 Anniversary UPMC Bedford Memorial
Bedford County Farm Tour
Thank you, Pittsburgh. At UPMC Health Plan, we don’t set out to win awards. We simply focus on doing what’s right for our members. Like providing them with access to world-renowned UPMC doctors and hospitals as well as outstanding community hospitals and physicians. Giving them the tools and programs they need to live a healthy lifestyle. And offering them a personal Health Care Concierge and online chat capabilities to answer all of their questions. So when J.D. Power and Associates ranked us Highest in Member Satisfaction among Commercial Health Plans in Pennsylvania, we don’t see it as adding another award to the trophy case. We see it as doing our jobs.To learn more visit upmchealthplan.com.
“Highest Member Satisfaction Among Commercial Health Plans in Pennsylvania” UPMC Health Plan received the highest numerical score among commercial health plans in Pennsylvania in the proprietary J.D. Power and Associates 2011 U.S. Member Health Insurance . Study based on 33,039 total member responses, measuring 11 plans in the Pennsylvania-Delaware Region (excludes Medicare and Medicaid). Proprietary study results are Plan StudySM based on experiences and perceptions of members surveyed December 2010-January 2011. Your experiences may vary. Visit jdpower.com.
Contents Bedford | FALL 2011 |
FA L L 2 0 1 1
Health and Wellness News You Can Use
Fall is for Families Take advantage of the cooler days to enjoy time outdoors with your family.
What’s Inside page 2
page 3
Critical Access Diagnosing stroke patients via telemedicine Use Your Head to Stop Strokes
13 page 4
Healthy Eating for Busy Families Achoo! Don’t Get the Flu
page 5
A Matter of Choice Magee’s Fibroid Treatment Center helps women determine the right solution for themselves
page 6
A New Level of Pinpoint Accuracy That’s Patient Friendly
page 7
Tailgating 101 Welcome the arrival of fall with a tailgate party
UPMC Bedford Memorial Annouces 2011 Flu Shot Schedule
© 2011 UPMC
Publisher’s Message | 2 COMMUNITY INTEREST
Lincoln Highway Road Rally | 3
Car Cruisin’ | 4
Rotary Buffett Blast | 6
Houses of Worship Serving Bedford County | 7
Everett V.F.D. Carnival
UPMC Bedford Memorial’s 60th Anniversary
Bedford Farm Tour
Ladies Only Football Night
Heroes Among Us
Kay Reynolds, Community Involvement | 30
UPMC Today | Health and Wellness News You Can Use | 13
Bedford Kids | 21
Older Adults in Bedford County | 28
Real Estate in Bedford | 33
8 |
22 |
Homewood at Spring House Estates | 31
Edward Jones Financial | 32
Lincoln Highway Road Rally motorcyclist Bonnie Van Allen
Bedford County | Fall 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 1
FALL 2011 Welcome to the Fall issue of Bedford County magazine. As the summer winds down, and the kids head back to school, I sincerely hope that you and your family had some time to get away from it all and relax. It seems that these days, parents driving the family taxi, and kids with their sports/lessons/parties rarely get a chance to enjoy the slow pace of an ever more elusive “lazy summer.” Ask yourself – when was the last time everyone ate together around a family table? When did everyone gather to play a board game? Does anyone remember board games? If your answer was “That one night that the power went out,” then you might be trapped in the 21st century jail of hyper-life. (I made that term up, but I can do that – I’m the publisher.) I’m not an old guy, unless you ask my kids, but I think that life should be simpler. Moms, dads, brothers, sisters, should all try to spend some time with each other as a family more than that one night when the power goes out. Family time is an important part of being a community. And every community should value quality time with their families – it’s how we teach our children values, etiquette, and more importantly, how to participate in a family structure so they can pass on to their kids what you have worked so hard to build. Recently, I saw a commercial where a father shut off the main power to the house so that the family could enjoy dinner together and blamed the outage on a thunderstorm. The Xboxes were dead. The Facebook was closed. The kids came downstairs in disillusionment to ask what happened. While the commercial was pushing some tasty dinner product, the message was more palatable – you have to make family time. I would take that message one step further – you have to make family time a priority. I hope that it’s one of yours. Have a great fall! Wayne Dollard Publisher
Bedford County is a great place to visit any time of year, but it seems especially inviting in the fall, with the beautiful colors of the changing leaves, providing the perfect scenery for a drive through the countryside. In this edition of Bedford County, we take you on the wonderful Farm Tour sponsored by the Bedford County Chamber of Commerce. We also get in on the 60th anniversary of UPMC Bedford Memorial Hospital which is using cutting-edge technology to treat patients. We also enjoyed the Rotary Buffet Blast, the Everett Volunteer Fire Department No. 32 Carnival and the Cruise-In, also in Everett. We caught up with Kay Reynolds, director of the Bedford County Endowments to find out how that organization helps the community, and Dennis Tice of the Bedford County Visitors Bureau talks about one of “The Heroes Among Us.” So, as you make your way to and fro this time of year, I hope you take time to admire the falling leaves and their beautiful colors, and I hope you enjoy this edition of Bedford County Magazine.
IN Bedford County is a non-partisan community publication dedicated to representing, encouraging and promoting the Bedford County area and its comprising municipalities by focusing on the talents and gifts of the people who live and work here. Our goal is to provide readers with the most informative and professional regional publication in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. PUBLISHER
Wayne Dollard M A N AG I N G E D I TO R
Marybeth Jeffries marybeth@incommunitymagazines.com R E G I O N A L E D I TO R
Monica L. Haynes m.haynes@incommunitymagazines.com O F F I C E M A N AG E R
Leo Vighetti leo@incommunitymagazines.com WRITERS
Jonathan Barnes Kelli McElhinny
Pamela Palongue
Cassie Brkich Anna Buzzelli Sharon Cobb Susie Doak
Jan McEvoy Joe Milne Tamara Tylenda
ginography Rebecca Bailey Garyyonphotography.com One Way Street Productions A DV E RT I S I N G S A L E S
Derek Bayer Brian Daley Gina D’Alicandro Tina Dollard Rose Estes John Gartley Jason Huffman Lori Jeffries Rita Lengvarsky Connie McDaniel Brian McKee
David Mitchell Tamara Myers Gabriel Negri Robert Ojeda Annette Petrone Vincent Sabatini Michael Silvert RJ Vighetti Nikki CapezioWatson
This magazine is carrier route mailed to all district households and businesses. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Copyright 2011. CORRESPONDENCE All inquiries, comments and press releases should be directed to: IN Community Magazines Attn: Editorial 603 East McMurray Road McMurray, PA 15317 Ph: 724.942.0940 Fax: 724.942.0968
Winter content deadline: November 8 www.incommunitymagazines.com
Monica L. Haynes Eastern Regional Editor
Please recycle this magazine when you are through enjoying it.
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Bedford County
Lincoln Highway Road Rally I
In 1905 not a single mile of paved road existed in the United States. By 1912, the automobile was well established, but good roads were not. Detroit businessmen put their heads (and wallets) together to promote the idea of a cross country highway ~ the Lincoln Highway. Designated in 1913, it stretched from Times Square in New York City to San Francisco. For the last 15 years, the nonprofit Lincoln Highway Heritage Corridor has worked to raise awareness of this historic transportation corridor in Pennsylvania by installing 200 Lincoln Highway road signs; establishing the 200mile Lincoln Highway Roadside Museum (12 Lincoln Highway-themed murals, 65 interpretive exhibits, etc.); providing free Lincoln Highway book covers and a Lincoln Highway Road Trip Board Game to all middle schools along their six-county route. The organization has also created a Handmade along the Highway Program for Lincoln Highway artisans; worked with five Career and Technology Schools to create five Roadside Giants of the Lincoln Highway; restored Bedford’s 1927 Coffee Pot structure; created a QR code sticker to drive smart phone users to tourism-related Lincoln Highway businesses; and hosted twelve Lincoln Highway Road Rallies, each concentrating on a different section of the historic route. The 13th Lincoln Highway Road Rally took place October 8 and 9, 2011. An NCIS-style theme (with volunteer attendees willing to don the infamous NCIS ball cap) helped in locating significant evidence to identify the suspect who took the life of a former naval officer originally commissioned to the S. S. Grandview Ship, 17 miles east of Bedford. Forensic evidence will be spotty, especially with the 2001 fire. The suspect’s only defining characteristics are his Lincoln Highway tattoos, his penchant for traveling the Lincoln Highway, and a slight twitch. The Rally began in Jennerstown with a hearty breakfast; then it was off to the Bicycle Built for Two Roadside Giant; followed by a stop at the new Flight 93 National Memorial. Next up was Bedford County Historical Society’s special Quilt Show and Civil War Exhibit, followed by a special luncheon (and program) at the Omni Bedford Springs Resort and Spa. A restful night in Everett or Breezewood prepared the Rally motorists to continue traveling east on Sunday to historic McConnellsburg and Chambersburg, where a compelling presentation was given. Then it was onto Caledonia State Park for a catered lunch and tour of the Thaddeus Stevens Blacksmith Shop and/or the Forest Fire Heritage and Discovery Center. Capping off the Rally was the experience of Mister Ed’s Elephant Museum (which is so much more…) and Candy Store in Orrtanna. Hopefully, the Lincoln Highway sleuths were able to solve this ‘crime’ before heading home. For more information on the Lincolhn Highway Heritage Corridor, visit www.LHHC.org or email office@LHHC.org; or call the Lincoln Highway Heritage Corridor office at 724.238.9030.
Lincoln Highway Road Rally motorcyclist Bonnie Van Allen Bedford County | Fall 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 3
u r i s e C Gary er Hawkett lv i S r e m Ever udebak 1957 St kensturm fro Moc
A Cruise-In was held July 2, 2011 at Weis Parking Lot Rt. 30 East, Bedford Square in Everett Pennsylvania. A crowd of car enthusiasts gathered to appreciate and show off their prized Ken Hauck vehicles. Wayne Dull, the 1937 Ford P hantom event host, has been providing entertainment and gathering free items to share with attendees for 14 years. All items, such as gift certificates for car care items and free beverages are donated by local business owners. Some of the participating businesses were The Sac Shop, Advanced Auto Parts, Wendy’s, and Weis Markets.
Wayne Dull, event host
Wayne Du ll with wo Mercedersld’s smallest 4 724.942.0940 to advertise
Bedford County
Denny Mell ot fro 1930 Ford m Clearville Sedan
Jeff and Nora Co llins
1965 For d
Mustang Fastback
8 ord with 196 f d e B m o r f t Ron Lamber c Firebird Pontia
Pete ry Bussard a G O T G c ia t 1965 Pon
1958 Ford Fairlane Don an d Judy Reffner
1991 VW Cab riolet Gary Sams
Bedford County | Fall 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 5
Charlene Dodson, Patty Reid Heidi Kreider
Rotary Buffett Bob and Cindy Dibert
The Bedford Sunrise Rotary hosted its annual Buffett Blast August 5 at the Crossroads Bible Church. Jimmy Buffett music was performed by Tom Watt and the Fruitcake Band. Guests were treated to dinner and drinks, 50/50 raffle, small games of chance and a silent auction. All proceeds will be used to support various local and worldwide Rotary projects.
Amy and Billy Higgins with Nancy Pyle
6 724.942.0940 to advertise
Bedford County
H oUSES oF W oRSHIP SERVING BEDFoRD CoUNTy Emily Cannon Todd Chwatek Patty Chwatek and Jonathan Chwatek
Bedford Presbyterian Church 145 S. Juliana St. (on the Public Square) 814.623.6891 www.bedfordpresby.com
Community Grace Brethren Church 1216 Raystown Rd. Everett, PA 15537 814.652.5405 www.communitygbc.org
Bedford United Methodist Church 132 E. John Street Bedford, PA 15522 814.623.8711 Pastor: Jeffrey K. Welsch pastorjw@bedfordumc.org www.bedfordumc.org
Ryot Church of the Nazarene 406 Dunkard Hollow Road Alum Bank, PA 15521 Senior Pastor: Stacy Dickt Associate Pastor: Kevin Davis 814.839.2543 www.ryotnazarene.org ryotnazarene@hughes.net
Chris Bollman and Dusti Howsare
Helene Koontz and Sue Rose
Mike Beaupre and Tracy Kirsch
Breezewood Lighthouse Assembly of God Church 1092 Lighthouse Road Breezewood, PA 15533 Pastors: Jonathan and Tracey Wyns 814.735.4420 Facebook: Breezewood Lighthouse Assembly of God blagchurch@frontiernet.net Clear Creek Brethren in Christ Church 357 Eshelman Road Everett, PA 814.652.6409 www.clearcreekbic.com Clear Ridge Fellowship Church 26 South of Everett Pastor: Todd Bowles 814.652.5203 Community Bible Church 120 West Virginia RD Osterburg, PA 16667 Pastor: Neal Weaver 814.276.3640
Spring Meadow Family Worship Center 2875 Quaker Valley Road Fishertown, PA 15539 814.839.4427 Trinity Reformed Church 722 Main Street Osterburg, PA 16667 Pastor: Charlie Miller 814.276.3302 www.trcosterburg.com Facebook: Trinity Reformed Wills Mountain Church of Christ 1350 Gooseberry St. Hyndman, PA 15545 814.842.9713 If your church is missing from this list, please e-mail mark@incommunitymagazines.com.
Bedford County | Fall 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 7
Volunteer Fire Department No. 32 The Everett Volunteer Fire Department No. 32 Carnival was held from August 16th to the 20th. Games, rides, amusements, food and live nightly entertainment were presented. This annual family-friendly event is an important fund raiser for the community’s fire department.
Susan Bonner and Mike Grance EVFD
Autumn Conley, Megan Stup, Courtney Price
8 724.942.0940 to advertise
Bedford County
Ian and Eric Smith ring toss
Julian Carrolls
Brian Mickey Kathleen Foor of the Chaneysville Ramblers
Barbara Huffman
Bedford County | Fall 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 9
UPMC Bedford Memorial’s
In 1951, Memorial Hospital of Bedford County was established to serve the basic medical needs of the surrounding community. Now called UPMC Bedford Memorial Hospital, it celebrated its 60th anniversary this year as a state-of-the-art facility with cuttingedge medical technology.
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Bedford County
and his or her doctor at UPMC Bedford to be seen and consult with doctors throughout the UPMC system, via a cart with a camera and computer that can be placed next to the patient’s bed. It is used in cases of stroke, during which the consulting neurologist can observe the patient, review test results, consult with the doctor on site and determine an appropriate course of action. “That speeds up our delivery of stroke medical therapies,” said Dr. Elliott Bilofsky, who specializes in ear, nose and throat care, head and neck surgery and facial plastic surgery at UPMC Bedford. “With this sort of sped-up delivery system, outcomes related to stroke “We are part of UPMC, but we are still a community are greatly improved.” Telemedicine has also been used hospital that treats our patients as if they were our at the hospital for breast and liver disease surgery. family,” said hospital president Roger P. Winn of the Dr. Bilofsky, who’s been at UPMC Bedford for more 49-bed facility. on August 13, nearly 700 people than 16 years, emphasized his facility’s superiority to many turned out for Hospital Day, a public fete held as the community hospitals when it comes to the use of culmination of events scheduled that week to technology, and the qualifications of its doctors. our commemorate the hospital’s anniversary. “Hospital medical staff, for example, are all board certified emergency Day is our way of saying ‘thank room physicians, which is not you for trusting us to care for The hospital became part common. In many community you, your family, friends and hospitals, family physicians do a lot of the UPMC Health neighbors,’” Winn said. The day of the hospital care. outpatient included food, games, a petting System in 1998 and is one care and hospital care are vastly zoo, a used book sale, and other different,” Dr. Bilofsky said. of the few hospitals of its events. UPMC Bedford, which has a size to have telemedicine. staff of 37 physicians and 444 The public also had the chance to tour the hospital and employees, hosts nearly 2,700 the STAT MedEvac helicopter, as well as view an admissions and observations each year. Its emergency exhibit created by employees showing advancements in department receives nearly 15,000 visits and its their specialties. The departmental storyboards exhibit operating rooms and outpatient procedure units was created by employees to chronicle the growth and perform more than 5,000 procedures. changes in their specific departments spanning the The hospital is also ahead of the curve when it comes to hospital’s 60 years. having fully implemented electronic health care records, as Earlier that same week, on August 9, the hospital all hospitals are mandated to have by 2014. “UPMC is one held a President’s Reception for local legislators, of the leaders and the board members and medical staff, past and administrators have present. “That included a couple of brief done this in all of speeches and a tour that showed what we are their hospitals now compared to what we were 60 years ago,” ahead of time Winn said. The hospital held a similar event on because they feel August 11 for Bedford County Chamber of that’s important to Commerce members. In addition to the tours, patient health and both groups got a demonstration of the hospital’s safety,” Winn said. telemedicine technology. The hospital became part of the UPMC Health System in 1998 and is one of the few hospitals of its size to have telemedicine. This UPMC President Roger Winn and high-tech videoconferencing link allows a patient Chairman of the Board John Blackburn with the 60th Anniversary cake presented to them by the Bedford Chamber of Commerce to mark the hospital's 60th anniversary.
Bedford County | Fall 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 11
UPMC Bedford Memorial’s
❋ Continued from page 11
ing Interest out Facts Ab UPMC l ospita H l a i ne in r o m rd and o e fo d M e B d in o ne Bedfor pitals — laced? two hos unty rep
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Bedford County
FA L L 2 0 1 1
Health and Wellness News You Can Use
Fall is for Families Take advantage of the cooler days to enjoy time outdoors with your family.
What’s Inside page 2
Critical Access Diagnosing stroke patients via telemedicine
page 3
Use Your Head to Stop Strokes
page 4
Healthy Eating for Busy Families Achoo! Don’t Get the Flu
page 5
A Matter of Choice Magee’s Fibroid Treatment Center helps women determine the right solution for themselves
page 6
A New Level of Pinpoint Accuracy That’s Patient Friendly
page 7
Tailgating 101 Welcome the arrival of fall with a tailgate party UPMC Bedford Memorial Annouces 2011 Flu Shot Schedule
© 2011 UPMC
Critical Access
Diagnosing Stroke Patients Via Telemedicine When minutes matter, telemedicine can be lifesaving. Minutes after a 40-year-old woman was recently rushed to the UPMC Bedford Memorial Emergency Department with weakness on her left side, a neurologist in Pittsburgh was examining her, asking questions, and confirming a stroke diagnosis. A short time later — following the quick administration of a clot-busting drug back at UPMC Bedford by emergency physician Douglas Stern, MD — her stroke symptoms began to subside. “It was awesome — a moment of instant gratification. You could see the improvement right away; she made a full recovery,” says Dr. Stern, director of emergency medicine at UPMC Bedford. “The family was so excited. It looks like a miracle, and it is. We’ve come a long way in treating strokes.” Key to the woman’s recovery was a telestroke consultation with an expert 100 miles away at the UPMC Stroke Institute in Pittsburgh. This state-of-the-art, interactive technology uses videoconferencing, or telemedicine, to immediately bring the expertise of UPMC neurologists in Pittsburgh to rural areas. The stroke specialist uses a two-way video and audio link to talk directly to a patient, observe movements, and even zoom in on a patient’s face, arms, or legs. The specialist also can talk directly to the patient’s family and attending doctors and nurses.
“We can have a conversation like the stroke specialist is right in the room with us,” Dr. Stern says. “UPMC’s telestroke program provides instant access to some of the best neurologists in the country. That’s important for a rural hospital like UPMC Bedford.” During a stroke, fast action is necessary to restore blood flow in the brain and lessen the risk of lasting disability or death (see related article on page 3). Clot-busting drugs, or thrombolytics, are effective if given within three hours of the onset of stroke symptoms. But an accurate diagnosis of the cause of the stroke is essential, because the drugs can’t be administered to patients whose strokes are caused by brain bleeding, not blood clots. The telestroke consultation allows the UPMC stroke experts to determine which patients should immediately receive the clot-busting drug at UPMC Bedford, and which ones should be transported to Pittsburgh for treatment and follow-up care. Those patients diagnosed with transient ischemic attack, or mini-stroke, might be admitted to UPMC Bedford for treatment. Since the telemedicine equipment is portable, it can be moved to another room, or another floor for a follow-up consultation with the patient According to Dr. Stern, stroke symptoms can be very subtle. Telemedicine gives neurologists the opportunity to see symptoms emergency physicians might not detect, sometimes as they happen. Most of all, when minutes count, it means patients can go directly to UPMC Bedford to receive expert care. “Not having to drive an hour to see a specialist can save a brain,” says Dr. Stern. “Telemedicine is a big bonus to our community. It brings big city care to a small hospital.”
Use Your Head to Stop Strokes Be smart about your heart — and stroke treatment — to protect your brain The myths about stroke are numerous. Among the most popular — and perhaps one of the most dangerous — is that stroke is something that happens only to older adults. In fact, a recent report by the American Stroke Association showed a sharp rise in stroke hospitalizations among men and women ages 15 to 44, while rates declined by 25 percent among older adults. “The biggest mistake people make is thinking it won’t happen to them,” says Tudor Jovin, MD, director of the UPMC Stroke Institute. “Strokes can happen to anyone, at any age,” he says.
“You’re at risk any time your blood pressure or cholesterol are up. It’s far better to prevent a stroke than to deal with the consequences.” — Lawrence Wechsler, MD
Lowering your risk is the best way to avoid the life-changing impact a stroke can have on you and your family. When a stroke does occur, fast action is critical to minimize damage. The window of opportunity for the most successful stroke treatment is just three hours after onset.
Prevention: What you can do “Heart disease increases your chances of having a stroke, so it’s important to control the risk factors,” says Lawrence Wechsler, MD, chair of the Department of Neurology at UPMC. While you can’t do anything about your age, family history, or ethnicity (African-Americans have a higher incidence of stroke), you can control high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, physical inactivity, and smoking. “You’re at risk any time your blood pressure or cholesterol are up. It’s far better to prevent a stroke than to deal with the consequences,” Dr. Wechsler says.
Treatment: Time lost is brain lost
Think FAST Use this simple acronym to help determine whether you’re witnessing a stroke:
Can the person smile (or does one side of the face droop)?
Can the person raise both arms (or does one side drift downward)?
Speech: Can the person speak clearly or repeat a simple phrase?
Call 911 immediately, if someone exhibits any of these warning signs!
Every minute after the start of a stroke means greater risk of permanent damage or death. One of the best treatments for ischemic strokes — where a clot blocks blood flow to the brain — is the quick administration of the clot-busting drug called tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA). While UPMC doctors have had success beyond three hours with a special procedure to retrieve the blockage or dissolve it with drugs administered directly into the clot, time is critical.
Strokes require immediate medical attention, so knowing the warning signs is crucial, says Matthew C. Meyer, MD, of UPMC Bedford Memorial. Stroke symptoms can include sudden onset of:
For patients experiencing a hemorrhagic stroke caused by bleeding in the brain, fast action is needed to repair the leaking blood vessel.
• Problems with balance or walking
Call 911
• Slurred speech
If you suspect someone has suffered a stroke, call for emergency medical help immediately so treatment can begin without delay.
• Confusion
Specialized stroke centers — such as UPMC’s Stroke Institute at UPMC Presbyterian, UPMC Shadyside, UPMC St. Margaret, and UPMC Mercy — have experts available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to diagnose and treat patients. The UPMC Stroke Telemedicine Program also uses technology to provide fast treatment to patients at other UPMC hospitals throughout western Pennsylvania.
• Severe headache
• Paralysis or weakness in the face or limbs, especially on one side of the body • Vision problems
• Problems speaking or understanding
To learn more about stroke prevention and treatment, visit www.UPMC.com/Today.
Health Tips from UPMC Health Plan
Healthy Eating for Busy Families America is getting fatter and Pennsylvania is helping to lead the way as one of the nation’s top 20 “most obese” states. Our busy lifestyles encourage unhealthy eating habits, like eating on the run and high-fat/high-sugar snacking. But with a little effort, you can gradually transform your family’s diet from “fat” to “fit”!
Don’t Get the Flu
Start your day off right Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Kids who eat breakfast — especially those packed with “brain food” like protein, vitamin C, and omega 3 — are more alert and focused in school; adults have more energy and concentrate better.
Unpredictable. That’s the best way to describe flu season, which officially begins in late October and winds down in May. Winter is prime flu season, but it can peak as early as October or as late as April.
• Is cereal your family’s breakfast of choice? Look for low-sugar, high-fiber options and top with fresh fruit and low-fat milk (1% or fat-free). • Get your creative juices flowing with easy-to-make fruit and yogurt smoothies. • Crunched for time? Grab a hard-boiled egg and toast, or top an apple or banana with peanut butter for a tasty “breakfast to go.”
It’s impossible to know what the 2011-12 flu season has in store for us. What we do know is that the flu is a highly contagious respiratory illness that can cause mild to severe reactions, and it can even be fatal. Every year, more than 200,000 people in the United States are hospitalized with the flu. The best way to protect yourself and your family is to get vaccinated every year.
Think smart when it comes to fast-food lunches No time to pack your own lunch? Use these healthy strategies when dining out: • Say no to fried, sautéed, or creamy foods. Opt for roasted, grilled, broiled, steamed, or baked meals. • Beware of add-ons (like mayo, butter, and salad dressing) that quickly increase calorie counts. • Replace sodas with water or fat-free or 1% milk. Even diet sodas can be bad for you! • Go online for the nutrition information on your favorite meal. Don’t just focus on calories: look at factors like fat and sodium content.
Who is at risk? Even healthy children and adults can become very sick from the flu and spread it to family and friends. You can pass on the flu before even knowing you are sick!
Who should get the flu vaccine? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that everyone over the age of six months gets vaccinated. Those at higher risk for serious complications from the flu include: • People age 65 and older • Children younger than five, but especially children younger than two • People with health conditions such as asthma, chronic lung disease, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes, as well as kidney, liver, and neurological disorders • Pregnant women
Make dinner a family affair
Others who should get a flu shot: • Health care workers
Eating together as a family offers countless benefits — including serving more balanced, nutritious meals and the chance for parents to serve as “healthy eating” role models.
• Residents of nursing homes or other long-term care facilities, as well as family and friends who have contact with a resident
• Talk to your children about portion control, with fruits and vegetables comprising half of every plate. • Reduce the amount of meat your family eats by gradually introducing healthy alternatives into your meals, like fish, whole grains, and beans. • Look for seasonal produce that is grown locally. In the fall, that means vegetables like pumpkins and squash, and fruits like apples and pears. Interested in learning more about nutritious eating? Check out the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s new guidelines at www.choosemyplate.gov.
• Caregivers of young children, especially infants under six months who are at the highest risk of flu-related complications
What is the best time to get vaccinated? The sooner you get a flu shot, the sooner you’ll be protected. However, experts agree: it’s never too late. If you have questions about getting a flu shot, talk to your doctor. To locate a physician in your area, visit www.UPMC.com/FindADoctor or call 1-800-533-UPMC (8762). Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
A Matter of Choice Magee’s Fibroid Treatment Center helps women determine the right solution for themselves Robin Eberle of Butler, Pa., never had a problem with her periods. But when this mother of five hit her mid-40s, her periods became heavier and lasted longer. “There were times I couldn’t even leave the house,” she recalls.
In the past, the leading treatment for UFTs has been a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus). “It’s still the only way to totally prevent fibroids from recurring,” says Philip Orons, DO, chief of interventional radiology at Magee. “But women who are planning to have Before embolization children or who are some years away from menopause may want to consider other options.”
Her gynecologist prescribed an ultrasound, then an MRI. Based on those results, he diagnosed Robin with uterine fibroid tumors (UFTs) and referred her to the Fibroid Treatment Center at MageeWomens Hospital of UPMC. As many as three out of every four women have UFTs, but the majority never even know it. For women like Robin, though, these non-cancerous growths in the wall of the uterus can literally take over their lives.
The Fibroid Treatment Center
After embolization
Established in 2008, the Fibroid Treatment Center offers the region’s most comprehensive approach to UFTs. “We bring together gynecologists and interventional radiologists with extensive expertise in treating fibroids,” says Richard Guido, MD, the center’s founder and director. “Our focus is educating women on their full options so they can choose the best treatment plan for themselves.”
For Robin, her treatment of choice was a uterine fibroid embolization, a minimally invasive procedure requiring little downtime. Using a thin catheter, about the size of a spaghetti strand, Dr. Orons injected small particles into the blood vessels that “feed” the fibroids to stop the flow of blood to them. “The procedure literally changed my life,” says Robin. The center offers a full range of other options, including pain medication, hormonal therapy, and surgery. It also has a research component that includes trial procedures unavailable elsewhere.
To learn more Women are encouraged to first have a conversation with their doctor if they think they may have UFTs. If you’re looking for a physician in your area, visit www.UPMC.com/FindADoctor or call 1-800-533-UPMC (8762).
The center’s structure also offers women much-valued convenience. “During a one-day visit, you can have necessary diagnostic tests done, the results of these tests evaluated, and then meet with our physicians for a counseling session to determine your best plan of action,” says Dr. Guido.
Do You Have Uterine Fibroids? Ralph Aldinger, DO, a gynecologist with UPMC Bedford OB-GYN Associates, says that uterine fibroid tumors can be as small as a pin or the size of a grapefruit. “It’s not clear why fibroids occur, although family history seems to play a role,” he explains. “They’re also seen more frequently among African-American women.”
“Symptoms usually appear in the late 30s and 40s, and they often can be controlled through birth control pills or other medication,” says Dr. Aldinger, “but others require more aggressive treatment, such as surgery or uterine fibroid embolization.” For most women, the symptoms of fibroids significantly diminish during menopause.
He advises that women be alert to these early symptoms: • Heavy bleeding • A sense of pelvic pressure • Pain during intercourse
It’s important to know that other conditions can cause symptoms similar to those of uterine fibroids. That’s why it’s vital to have regular checkups, and keep an open line of communication with your gynecologist or family doctor. For more information, visit www.UPMCBedfordMemorial.com.
A New Level of Pinpoint Accuracy That’s Patient Friendly TrueBeam allows UPMC cancer specialists to enhance treatment and patient comfort TM
Martha Makin of Somerset, Pa., says she’s “done it all” since being diagnosed with lung cancer in 2007. Not a candidate for surgery, the 69-year-old grandmother first received chemotherapy, followed by multiple radiation treatments that required her to remain still on a hard surface for long periods. But her most recent radiation treatment in April used a new form of technology that left her impressed and enthusiastic. “I was amazed at how fast and comfortable it was,” she says. “It’s definitely my choice for future treatments!”
Determining the right treatment “We see many cancer patients who are not good candidates for conventional surgery, particularly among the elderly,” explains Neil Christie, MD, a cardiothoracic surgeon with UPMC. “Additional medical complications or hard-to-reach tumors just make surgery too risky.” Radiation therapy is often used in such instances to shrink or eliminate tumors. For Martha, her age and type of tumor made her a good candidate for the Novalis® powered by TrueBeam STx system, selected by UPMC cancer specialists for the precision, speed, and comfort it offers patients. TM
“TrueBeam is one of the most advanced radiation technology available,” says Dwight E. Heron, MD, FACRO, professor of radiation oncology and otolaryngology, and vice chairman for clinical affairs, Department of Radiation Oncology at UPMC Cancer Centers. “It’s letting us treat challenging cancers of the brain, lungs, spine, neck, and prostate with much greater precision.”
Another UPMC first When UPMC introduced TrueBeam STx to Pittsburgh last November, it became one of the first 20 medical centers worldwide to do so. But like all technologies, TrueBeam is just a tool. Its real potential is realized through the talents of those who use it. “In the late 1980s, UPMC was the first center in the United States to use Gamma Knife® technology for radiosurgery of the brain. Since then, we’ve advanced our knowledge through research and the innovative use of technology,” notes Dr. Heron. “Our multidisciplinary team approach gives patients a highly individualized plan of treatment based on their specific needs. TrueBeam now extends the kind of care we can offer them.”
How it works Some cancerous tumors are located in a hard-to-reach part of the body, while others “float” in an organ, or shift position when a person breathes or coughs. Just like a sharpshooter often struggles to hit a moving target, such cancers make it hard to directly aim radiation at a tumor. “But TrueBeam’s built-in imager produces sharp, ‘real-time’ 3D images that fine-tune a patient’s position during treatment, even while breathing,” explains Dr. Heron. “It’s able to track a tumor’s exact location within a millimeter.” UPMC specialists are combining TrueBeam technology with RapidArc®, another radiotherapy technique that delivers a powerful, faster, more uniform dose of radiation. Radiosurgery and other radiation treatments can now be accomplished two to eight times faster, with fewer side effects reported by patients. “These and other minimally invasive treatments are really redefining how we treat cancer,” notes Dr. Christie. “We’re no longer limited by conventional procedures.”
To learn more The TrueBeam system is housed at the Mary Hillman Jennings Radiation Oncology Center at UPMC Shadyside. UPMC provides access to a number of physicians that can refer interested patients to the center. For a list, visit www.UPMC.com/FindADoctor or call 1-800-533-UPMC (8762).
Tailgating 101 Welcome the arrival of fall with a tailgate party Tailgating is a uniquely American tradition, starting off as a college football pregame ritual. But, by the 1970s, tailgating went mainstream in a big way, and here in western Pennsylvania it’s a form of hospitality we’ve perfected! Here are some helpful tips to make your fall tailgating parties ones to remember.
It’s all about the food Spoiled food means a spoiled tailgate party. Follow these recommendations from the U.S. Department of Agriculture: • Prepare and store foods safely. Because bacteria grow most quickly at temperatures between 40°F and 140°F, food should not be left out of the cooler or off the grill for more than two hours (one hour when outdoor temperatures are above 90oF). • Use an instant-read food thermometer to avoid undercooked meats when grilling. • Use well-insulated coolers and ice to keep cold foods cold and keep drinks in a separate cooler. • Never put grilled food on the same platter used to hold raw meat or poultry. • Pack clean, wet, disposable cloths or moist towelettes for cleaning hands and surfaces.
Play it safe Caution and common sense will go a long way toward keeping you and your guests safe. • To avoid grill-related accidents, use the proper tools and utensils when grilling. Never leave a grill unattended, and always allow your grill enough time to cool off before packing it back into the car. • Carry a first aid kit in your car for cuts and scrapes, sunburn, and other minor injuries. • On hot days, have plenty of water on hand and provide a canopy or umbrella for shade. Travel blankets ease the chill on cold days. And be sure to take a poncho or umbrella for rain. • Remove all banners, streamers, or pennants from your vehicle before heading home.
Clean up your mess Left-behind trash gives all tailgaters a bad rep, so be sure to clean up after your party. • Bring trash bags to clean up your area. For even quicker cleanup, use disposable items. • Place aluminum cans, bottles, and recyclable plastics in a separate trash bag to be recycled later.
UPMC Bedford Memorial Announces 2011 Flu Shot Schedule UPMC Bedford Memorial, in cooperation with the Bedford County Area Agency on Aging, is sponsoring influenza immunizations specifically for older adults in Bedford County. The cost of a flu shot is covered entirely by Medicare Part B, UPMC for Life, Security Blue, Freedom Blue, and Security 65 (the appropriate card must be presented at the site). For individuals not covered by the insurances outlined above, the cost of the flu shot is $25, payable at the site.
Dates, times, and locations for flu shots are: Tuesday, Oct. 25 9 to 11:30 a.m. Broad Top Senior Center (Saxton) Tuesday, Oct. 25 1 to 3 p.m. Hopewell Senior Center
Did You Know? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that everyone over the age of six months should get a flu shot. To learn more about why it’s important for you to get a flu shot, turn to page 4.
No reservations are necessary.
UPMC Bedford Memorial 10455 Lincoln Highway Everett, PA 15537
UPMC Today is published quarterly to provide you with health and wellness information and classes and events available at UPMC. This publication is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice or replace a physician’s medical assessment. Always consult first with your physician about anything related to your personal health.
Follow UPMC on Facebook.
strength of ofUPMC UPMCisishere. here. The strength UPMC Bedford Memorial is home to an outstanding staff of health care professionals who are proud to live and work right here in Bedford County. With a strong tradition as a deeply rooted community hospital that is committed to ever-advancing standards of care, UPMC Bedford Memorial combines high-touch with high-tech, providing our patients with compassionate care and advanced technology and treatment. UPMC Bedford Memorial also provides residents of our community with access to all the resources of a nationally recognized academic medical center. And with the recent investment of $5 million in renovations and enhancements to better serve our patients, our dedication to the community has never been stronger. For more information about UPMC Bedford Memorial, or to schedule an appointment, call 814-623-6161 or visit UPMC.com/BedfordMemorial. Minimally Invasive Surgery • Orthopaedic Services • Cardiology and Cardiac Rehab Services • Rehabilitative Medicine, including Aqua Therapy Ob-Gyn Services, including 4-D Ultrasound • Imaging Services, including Mammography and DEXA Scanning Sleep Study Laboratory • Lymphedema Care Center • Autism Services • Occupational Health Services 24-Hour Physician-Staffed Emergency Department
Here are a few things you can do to keep healthy! Keep Your Hands Clean – make sure to wash with soap and water after a visit to the girls or boys room, and before lunch. It’s also a good idea to use hand sanitizer if soap and water aren’t available. • Sneeze into your elbow – if you feel a sneeze coming on, make sure you use the inside of your elbow to catch the sneeze! • Fuel Up! Every morning eat something healthy for breakfast. Some kid favorites include a waffle with peanut butter, hard boiled eggs, cereal with milk or fresh fruit and yogurt. • Get your rest – Did you know that kids between the ages of 6-16 need 10-12 hours of sleep each night? This helps your body recharge and get ready for the next day. •
word search
Find and circle all of the school supplies that are hidden in the grid. The words may be hidden in any direction.
The Bedford County Agri-Business Committee held its 2nd Annual Fall Farm Tour, presented by Bedford Grange Mutual Insurance Company, Saturday, September 17.
T ur
Misty Haven Carriage
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Colleen and Doug Ekman Duncansville
he tour began at the Bedford Grange Mutual Office at 477 West Pitt Street in downtown Bedford. During the ttour, guests (who traveled in their own vehicles and at their own pace) got the chance to see rural Bedford County at the start of the harvest season, highlighted by the first changing leaves and changing landscapes. The tour included stops in Schellsburg, Fishertown, Claysburg/King, New Enterprise, and Everett, and concluded in Downtown Bedford. Special stops were mapped out for visits to local fruit, vegetable and livestock farms. Those on the tour experienced animals up close, including horse-drawn carriage rides by Misty Haven Carriage. Participants also saw local farm products, including wine, furniture, clothing, and more. Special events on the tour featured a Fall Festival at Health by Choice as well as the Southern Cove Power Reunion, featuring farm machinery, contests, and demonstrations. Another special feature was a farm-to-fashion mini-tour, which allowed those on the tour to see three stages of Alpaca Farming, from meeting the unique animals, to visiting a spinning studio to watching the fleece being spun into yarn, and finally to a store which sells Alpaca fiber products, including sweaters, socks and toys.
Heads N Tails’ Cameron McCreary and Mia
“The goal of the Fall Farm Tour is to introduce the public to the importance of agri-business in Bedford County,” said Chamber Executive Director Kellie Goodman-Shaffer. “This is the number one industry in Bedford County and the state of Pennsylvania, and it impacts all of us on a daily basis.”
Health By Choice Apple Butter Demonstration
Brumbaugh Family Farm, Kathleen Brumbaugh
Bedford Farm Bureau Co-op Jessica Harrison & Nicole MIller Bedford County | Fall 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 23
Ladies Night
football For a female football fanatic with a penchant for shopping, what could be better than the Bedford County Chamber of Commerce’s Ladies Only Monday Night Football event? Not much. The event, which takes place October 31, 6 to 10 p.m., at the ProCare Bedford Sportsplex, offers a little something for all the girls who “just wanna have fun” and share their love of football at the same time. For football newbies, there is a Football 101 seminar; for fashionistas, there’s a fashion show; and for those shopping divas, there will be 35-40 vendors on hand to provide plenty of opportunities for a little retail therapy. And what could a Ladies Night Out be without food, drinks, games and raffles? Bedford County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Kellie Goodman-Shaffer said last year’s event attracted some 200 people on a very snowy night in downtown Bedford, and this year’s is expected to be well attended also. “I think women really love football,” GoodmanShaffer said. She added that the addition of NFL apparel specifically for women is proof that the National Football League knows that it’s not just the guys who are ready for some football this time of year. “A lot of women haven’t had the opportunity to learn about football because we don’t play it,” Goodman-Shaffer said. Well, at least not in the NFL.
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There is the Women’s Football Alliance, under which the Pittsburgh Passion and the Keystone Assault female football teams play. In fact, last year, members of the Keystone Assault participated in the Ladies Only event, answering questions and letting attendees try on their jerseys and pads. “They’re coming back this year,” Goodman-Shaffer said. “They’re inspirational women.” For those women who may not be as familiar with football as others, the night includes a presentation in football fundamentals by Goodman-Shaffer, who used to be a sportscaster for the local CBS affiliate, and Jesse Topper, a local color commentator for high school football and a former assistant high school football coach. “It’s a PowerPoint [presentation] with basic rules, strategy, positions…that kind of thing,” GoodmanShaffer said. “We expect it to be a pretty fun night.” While the Bedford County Chamber of Commerce has geared this event toward women, it hasn’t forgotten about the guys. The Chamber will have its Sportsman’s Dinner & Raffle on November 9 at the Bedford Elks Country Club. Of course, this event is open to men and women, GoodmanShaffer said. The guest speaker will be Dr. Chris Rosenberry, supervisor of the deer and elk section of the Pennsylvania Game Commission. There will be a raffle with more than $6,000 in prizes including unique guns, hunters’ ATV accessories, guided turkey hunt, wildlife art, an overnight lodge stay and more. Even more interesting is the wild game-focused menu including penne pasta with bison marinara, rabbit pot pie, and Cajun duck gumbo. Tickets for Ladies Only Night are $15; tickets for the Bedford Sportman’s Dinner & Raffle are $50. Sponsorships for both events are still available. For tickets or more information, call 814.623.2233.
Bedford County | Fall 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 25
TheHeroes Among Us By Dennis Tice Director of the Bedford County Visitors Bureau
any of you around Bedford County know Bill Patterson. Some of you know him from his 25 years as a teacher at Bedford High School. Others know Bill from his years as the pastor of the Methodist Church in Wolfsburg. As for me, I first met Mr. Patterson in 2009, when he granted me an interview about his experiences during World War II. Bill Patterson joined the United States Marine Corps in 1942 and was one of those guys who bore the brunt of the war in the Pacific. He received three Battle Stars for some of the fiercest fighting of World War II; the Marshall Islands in February of 1944, Saipan-Tinian in June of 1944 and Iwo Jima in February, 1945. I learned a lot in that 90-minute interview.
Japanese soldiers often carried personal flags, signed by friends and neighbors, as a patriotic symbol. This is Bill Patterson, with one of those flags from Iwo Jima.
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Bill Patterson has carried the memory of those terrible battles since 1945. Unlike the two-dimensional images you and I may have seen of WWII, Bill remembers the full panorama, including the sights, sounds, smells and sadness of seeing friends around him lose their lives. It is a burden that only the combat veteran can know.
Bill Patterson, USMC, 1945
Local Patriot
Marine LCpl. Kevin Dively,
Help us to honor Bill and the more than 5,000 Bedford County WWII veterans by making a donation to create a Bedford County WWII Monument. The cost of this wonderful memorial is $200,000 and we need your help to make it happen. Please send a donation to “The WWII Monument Fund.” Your donation is tax deductible; include your address and we’ll mail you a receipt. Mail your donation to: WWII Monument Fund, PO Box 288, Bedford, PA 15522
a 2008 graduate of Bedford High School, had always been patriotic. “But whenever September 11 happened, that was a big moment for him. He definitely loves his country,” said his proud mom, Abby. The young man was determined to join the armed forces, so Abby Dively and her husband, Kyle, gave their permission for Kevin to enroll in a delayed entry program for the Marines while a junior in high school. He signed up on his 17th birthday. L.Cpl Dively underwent basic training at Parris Island, SC, and then went onto training in Missouri for instruction in driving large military vehicles.
“The Echo” was (and still is) Bedford High School’s yearbook. This was Bill Patterson’s faculty picture from 1971.
In January, he returned from a tour in Afghanistan and will complete his military service in August 2012. Recently, he received a Good Conduct Medal. In the meantime, the 20-year-old Marine, who is big brother to 15-year-old Kale, is scheduled to get married November 5. His goal is to become a state police officer.
Bedford County | Fall 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 27
Older Adults
in Bedford County
The Senior Dance By PAMELA PALoNGUE
“Dancing with the Stars” is one of the most popular shows on television and with good reason. The participants appear to be having a better time than the audience and the music is always so uplifting and fun. The health benefits of dancing are obvious, as many celebrities on the show have melted away several clothing sizes while in competition. But is dancing safe for senior adults? According to some recent studies, dancing is not only safe but very beneficial for the mature adult. Flexibility and muscle tone increase with repeated dance moves. And remembering the sequence of the dance steps may help decrease dementia. According to the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, the mental challenge of remembering a dance routine has been credited for a more alert mentation. In fact, learning in general helps to keep the memory fit, so learning new steps and moves combine the advantages of physical and mental fitness. Physically, older dancers have shown improvements in increased range of motion, balance and gait. Those with good balance and a steady gait are less likely to become victims of fall injuries. The movement of dance also increases respirations and heart rate for a good cardiovascular workout that is not overly taxing or jarring on the joints. Coordination also is increased in
those who dance regularly. The Mayo Clinic notes that exercise helps lessen the symptoms of depression by releasing endorphins which improve a person’s mood. The social aspect of dancing is very important to overall mental attitude and health as well. Human touch is essential to the development of a child. Several well-known cases of children deprived of touch in abusive situations do not develop normally either physically or psychologically. Touch is also very important to the health of adults as well. According to the Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals (ABMP), touch helps to lower the blood pressure, boosts the immune system and decreases stress levels. Just about any kind of dance encompasses the most important aspects of dancing that are beneficial to one’s health. Ballroom, square dancing, polka, and ethnic styles such as Greek dancing or Irish Step all involve an increase in heart rate, coordinated movements, memory of steps and social interaction. Find a style that works for you and start enjoying the benefits of dance. you’re never too old to learn a few new moves. *It is always advisable to check with your physician before beginning any new physical activity or exercise.
Good News for the Second Half of your Life 28 724.942.0940 to advertise
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Older Adults
To Aging
hances are, if you’re over the age of 40 and have trouble sleeping, one of your sage friends has informed you that after a certain age, you don’t need as much sleep. Not true, says the National Sleep Foundation. our body’s need for sleep remains pretty much constant throughout the life cycle. Sleep is the way our bodies repair themselves. When our respiratory, cardiovascular, mental and physical systems shut down for the night with minimal activity, our bodies are busy at work repairing the damage done by stress, inflammation and toxins that have invaded during daylight hours. If the heart rate or mental functions are still engaged in activity, the body cannot wholly devote itself to repair. over time this can contribute to heart disease, diabetes and other ailments. What does change as we age are our sleep patterns. It may take longer to fall asleep or you may have noticed that you have trouble staying asleep.
in Bedford County
About 44% of older Americans have some form or insomnia. Much of the time it can be attributed to medications which either interrupt sleep or prevent deep sleep known as REM. If insomnia is caused by medication, it is well worth a trip to the doctor to discuss other alternative medications. Another contributor to loss of sleep as we age is snoring. Snoring is more prevalent in those who are overweight and unfortunately aging is often accompanied by weight gain. Losing weight may help alleviate some of the interruption of snoring. Loud snoring should be evaluated by a doctor since it may be a sign of a condition called sleep apnea. This is where the individual actually stops breathing for brief intervals, (usually a few seconds). In addition to preventing deep, healthy sleep it can also be potentially fatal. Acid reflux may also be the cause of sleepless nights. The strong digestive acid from the stomach flows back into the throat causing a burning sensation and awakening. This condition also warrants a trip to the doctor to rule out more serious conditions. While there are medications available to neutralize the stomach acid, the condition is also helped by eating earlier in the evening, giving the body more time to digest the food. Also, drinking more water will aid in digestion as well. If none of these problems seem to be the cause of sleeplessness, exercise or other physical activity may help you to enjoy a more sound sleep. Also avoiding caffeine and alcohol in the later evening hours will allow your body to relax before bedtime. More sedentary activities for an hour or so before bedtime such as reading a book, will also calm you down prior to sleep. Watching suspenseful action pictures or sporting events may raise your level of alertness so that more time is required to fall asleep. If you find that none of the suggestions or treatments prescribed by your doctor work, a visit to a sleep disorder clinic may be in order. Sleep is important to your overall health and well-being.
rand Openi G * n * gs! ** **** Front row: Chamber Ambassador Rita Bush, Rick Grubb, Gary Redinger, Jamie Boyd, Derek Horne, Chamber Ambassador Patty Chwatek and Lana Fisher Back row: John Whitmore, Allen Harr, Brooks Shoemaker, John Blackburn, Bill Wise and Denzel Valentine.
A ribbon cutting held Friday, August 26th for Everett Physical Therapy on Main Street in Everett. Owners are Brian Wingard and Borut Spehar (holding scissors).
Bedford County | Fall 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 29
Bedford County Endowments’
Kay Reynolds Rewarded Through t is no surprise that Kay Reynolds would be involved in philanthropy. Her kind voice and gentle nature are very well suited to the spirit of giving. As director of the Bedford County Endowments, she lends her talents to helping provide funding to welldeserving nonprofit organizations in the county as part of the Bedford arm of the Community Foundation for the Alleghenies headquartered in Johnstown. “I’ve been with this office for six years – from the beginning,” Reynolds said. “We’ve been working diligently to introduce it to the community. We have been establishing funds that benefit specifically Bedford County, and we do a lot of grant making in Bedford.” Reynolds grew up in nearby Ligonier Valley, “which kind of has some things in common with Bedford,” she said. “I started living in Bedford when I got married. I raised my son here. We lived in other places as well. We lived in the southwest and in the northwest, but Bedford has always been near and dear to my heart. It’s a good little town.” After having attended Penn State Altoona, Reynolds began in sales, spending 16 years with the Cannondale Company, a bike manufacturer. She was the company’s director of sales and dealer service. A dear friend, who had been involved with philanthropy all his life, told her about the Bedford County Endowments position. “It was appealing to start with this foundation. It’s a direction that I fed very fulfilling, and it’s fun,” Reynolds said. “It certainly confirmed my belief that people want to help. We all want to help each other and you do not have to have huge resources to be philanthropic.” Recently, the Bedford County Endowments launched the Bedford County Community Fund with an event held at the Omni Bedford Springs, which included a scavenger hunt, trail walks, a picnic and tethered hot air balloon rides. The Bedford County Community Fund is being established to award grants for projects specific to Bedford County. “I have a great advisory board advisory committee working with me on this,” Reynolds said. “They’ve just been irreplaceable.” Also irreplaceable is the work being carried out as a result of the
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This is the most wonderful job I’ve ever done
endowments’ partnerships. One is with the Memorial Hospital of Bedford County Foundation Fund, which began with the old Memorial Hospital of Bedford and continues under UPMC Bedford Memorial Hospital. “This fund provides more scholarship support than any fund that we have in the community foundation,” Reynolds said. “We’re so proud of that.” The scholarships are awarded to students who are pursuing heath care careers. This year, the hospital foundation and the new Thomas E. Bailey Memorial Scholarship for UPMC Bedford Memorial Hospital will provide nearly $74,000 in scholarship support for 45 Bedford County students. Its newest partnership is one with the Bedford People for Parks Fund. This group of young parents is working on a playground for The Green, an already established park that includes tennis courts and a softball field. The plan is to build a playground on an underutilized space, Reynolds explained. Another partnership she points out is the one between the endowments and the Bedford County Food Bank being administered by the Mt. Pisgah A.M.E. Zion Church Fund. In November, Bedford County Endowments will kick off its “Smart Living Series” aimed at helping local individuals and wealth professionals learn about financial planning issues. The Bedford County Endowments also supports Bedford’s annual Juneteenth event, a celebration that commemorates the date (June 19, 1865) that Union soldiers let Texas know that slavery had ended. “That’s kind of unique to Bedford,” Reynolds said, noting the area’s “small but vibrant” African American population. Reynolds is quite happy helming the Bedford County Endowments. “This is the most wonderful job I’ve ever done,” she said. “It’s been an eye opener for me. Work for a nonprofit is the most rewarding, satisfying job you can do.”
VOTED #1 SENIOR COMMUNITY IN BEDFORD COUNTY! ■ Great Location ■ Great Value ■ Great Amenities Homewood at Spring House Estates is located conveniently between Everett & Bedford, and is surrounded by the natural scenic beauty of Bedford County! Our 55+ independent living community offers upscale cottages and apartments and maintenance-free living, all situated perfectly on 49 wooded acres! Close to all medical services & shopping PLUS quick access to all point north-south-east-west!
You’ll love our extraordinary amenities and excellent service! ■ Café at Spring House – chef prepared meals ■ Spring House Salon – full service beauty shop ■ Fitness Center – state-of-the art equipment And the list goes on…Outdoor pavilion, postal services, game/ activities, long list of events! Join our Walking Group or Exercise Class, attend one of our monthly informative seminars or entertaining events. Challenge others to Bocce, Horseshoes, or Pinochle. Or just while away the hours on your private patio! We offer flexible financial options for joining our community and the security of knowing continuing care is there when you need it!
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OPEN HOUSE Come Tour Our Community When: Saturday, November 26, 2011 Times: 1 p.m. - 3 p.m Where: Spring House Estates Community Center Open to the Public For more information contact Tina Boozer, Marketing Director @ 814.623.0349 Just follow the signs, look for the balloons! Homewood at Spring House Estates 150 Victoria Ave. Everett, PA 15537 814.623.0349 ■ www.homewood.com
“My best advice is don’t wait too long! Make the move while you can enjoy all that Spring House has to offer! – Betty Lee “I just love our cottage we live in and it accommodated our downsizing very nicely, plus the location is perfect.” – Jessie B.
Bedford County | Fall 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 31
Retirement isn’t merely a goal you reach — it’s a journey that can be very rewarding. Retirement also can bring its share of challenges. With that in mind, we offer the following principles as a “road map” to serve as a guide along the way.
1. Map out your goals.
6. Don’t reach for yield.
When preparing for a journey, especially one you’ve never taken before, a map can be invaluable. It can help you avoid wrong turns that can cost precious time — and headaches. Although the word “retirement” means something different to each person, everyone shares the need to enter retirement with a road map, or strategy, in place.
High-yield bonds or stocks paying an abnormally high dividend often attract investors looking for more income. However, remember the saying, “There is no such thing as a free lunch.” If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
2. Plan for a long and fulfilling retirement. Retirement should be one of the most rewarding stages of your life. Unfortunately, many people don’t plan for a long retirement and can run the risk of outliving their money.
7. Maintain a healthy portfolio. The cost of health care is becoming a bigger issue for retirees. Costs continue to rise, which can have harmful side effects for your finances. However, there are ways to help deal with rising health care costs.
8. Keep retirement from being taxing. 3. Start smart with your spending. As the saying goes, it’s not how you start but how you finish. But in retirement, how you start is very important. Withdrawing too much in the early years could put you in a difficult position down the road.
4. Inflation doesn’t retire. All of us remember a time when our purchases cost us a lot less. That’s inflation at work. Inflation influences what you can spend and how your money is invested, especially in retirement.
5. Prepare for the unexpected. Life is full of uncertainty. Even with a welldesigned road map, there can be unexpected events, or “shocks,” that have the potential to derail your long-term plans. However, even though you can’t predict the future, you can prepare for it. Brian A Jeffries, AAMS® Financial Advisor .
133 S Juliana St Bedford, PA 15522 814-623-4886
As you consider how much money to withdraw, don’t forget about taxes. Every dollar you pay in taxes is one less dollar you can spend in retirement.
9. Define your legacy. Preparing for life in retirement is important. It can be just as important to prepare your legacy. One thing is certain: If you don’t have a strategy for your estate, the courts or government will.
10. Remember your annual checkup. A trip to the doctor each year can provide vital health information and help identify issues before they become more serious. The same can be said for annual financial reviews. Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors do not provide tax or legal advice. Clients should review their specific situations with their tax advisor or legal professional for information regarding their particular situation.
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RES-4192-A APR 2008
MAKING yoUR HoME MoRE ACCESSIBLE To ALL GENERATIoNS According to a study conducted by the Pew Research Center in Washington, D.C., homes where multiple generations of family have blended together under one roof are on the rise. It is not uncommon in the Bedford County area, and throughout the region, to find three generations of a family living under one roof. With economic constraints and the high cost of child care, it is easy to see why children, parents and grandparents living together in one dwelling makes sense in many situations. It’s easy to see why multi- generational dwellings which appeal to the needs of all ages are quickly becoming the trend. From this perspective a ranch-style house on one floor is a good choice. Seniors with mobility problems will not have to deal with steps, but also parents will not have the added worry of their young children falling down stairs. Another important feature of multi-generational homes is the ‘mother-in-law suite,’ which could just as easily be called the ‘father-in-law suite.’ This is generally an area of the house that is designed for an aging parent, giving them a degree of privacy and independence while still being a part of the nuclear family household. They are sometimes located in a basement for easier access for those with mobility issues and often times will have a separate entrance, giving it the appearance of a mini-apartment. They usually always include a bedroom and private bath, however they may also come with kitchenettes and a small living area as well. When accessibility becomes an issue with an older adult, there are many options for making the home more accessible without giving it the industrial-style, nursing home appearance. This is an important consideration when it comes to the re-sale of the house. First of all, if an individual is wheel-chair bound, doorways must be made larger to accommodate the chair. With a modern contemporary home, this may be accomplished by removing walls for a more open floor plan which appeals to buyers or widening doorways with attractive archways. This will make the change look more intentional and less like a temporary fix for a mobility problem. There are qualified professionals around the Bedford County area to help with both the construction and the financing of these types of modifications. Many times it becomes necessary to install grab bars in baths and showers for the safety of senior family members. Although there are many industrial style models from which to choose, there are a few companies on the web that are sensitive to the attractiveness of the grab bars and offer styles in decorative brass and silver. Walk- in showers and baths can be constructed with attractive glass enclosures that fit everyone’s style and are still accessiblefor seniors. A few changes to your home can help make it safer for seniors and children and more valuable when it comes time to re-sell.
Bedford County | Fall 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 33
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