Baldwin High School Wins Architecture Award Baldwin Borough Pool and Community Day Information Inside
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Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall
IN Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall is a non-partisan community publication dedicated to representing, encouraging and promoting the Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall area and its comprising municipalities by focusing on the talents and gifts of the people who live and work here. Our goal is to provide readers with the most informative and professional regional publication in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Bald win Arch High Sc itect ure hool Wins Bald Awar wi d and n Boro Comm ugh Po Info rmat unity Da ol ion In y side
IN Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall | SPRING 2012 |
Baldwin Borough News ................... | 6 Briefly Brentwood Borough News . | 11 UPMC Today | Health and Wellness News You Can Use ................................... | 33 Baldwin Borough Public Library.... | 41 ON THE COVER
Members of the Building Committee, from left to right, Lawrence Kovchnak, John Palmiere, John Schmotzer, Frank Pikutis and William McKain.
Brentwood Borough School District News .................................... | 42 Special Value Coupons .................... | 70
Health and Wellness News You Can Use
Dr. Sean Hayes & Dr. Michael Martini What You Might Not Know About Going to the Chiropractor .............................................. | 64
Let’s Get Physical What can a daily dose of moderate physical activity do for you? Plenty! As you get older, regular exercise is a key to staying strong, energetic, and healthy. To learn more about the link between fitness and aging, turn to page 3.
What’s Inside page 2
Need Quick, Convenient Care? Head to UPMC Mercy’s South Side Walk-in Clinic
page 3
Fit at Any Age
page 4
page 5 page 6
page 7 © 2012 UPMC
Larry Jackley
Surviving Allergies: What You Can Do Putting Ergonomics to Work for You Brightening Lives With Light A Walk to Remember
A Lasting Legacy of Caring
Tax Season is Here ~ Are you Prepared? ...... | 71 BUSINESS SPOTLIGHTS
What’s for Dinner? .................................................................
Katie Z Wows Them at First Night ..................................
Brentwood Park ~ Better Than Ever ..................................
Baldwin High School Renovation Earns National Architecture Award .............................................
Young Poets - Creative Thoughts from Some Brentwood Students .................................................
Pleasant Hills Roller Hockey League ...............................
The 2012 Polar Bear Plunge ..............................................
Baldwin High School Band Jams with River City Brass ......................................................................
Home Improvement: Reduce Costs with Attic Insulation .......................................................................
Profile: Ron Dufalla ...............................................................
Southwestern Group ........................ | 65 Sport Clips Haircuts ......................... | 66
Marybeth Jeffries m.jeffries@icmags.com
elcome to the spring issue of Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall magazine. Hopefully, we are all enjoying the lengthening days as we forge into summer. While spring usually brings more rain to the region than we normally get throughout the rest of the year, I’m glad we’ve had a few days of nice weather to get outside and remember what the snow covered up. We’ve grown once again over the winter, and have s hifted some staff around to accommodate that growth. I want to point this out to you because you, the readers, give us many of the great story ideas that you see featured in these pages, and I want you to have the right point of contact so that your story can be heard. The editor for the South and West Regions is Mark Berton (mark@ incommunitymagazines.com). Please forward your good news to Mark, and h e’ll make sure it finds a place in the magazine. If you’re not sure whether you have a good story, give Mark a call at 724.942.0940 and ask! While our editors have re-aligned into better-organized zones, we still want everything in those zones to be 100 percent local to you. We also appreciate your feedback (good and bad) to let us know where we missed the mark and where we hit it out of the park. Lastl y, it’s not too soon to start thinking about the rest of the year! I know we just got through the holidays, and are thawing out, but since we’re quarterly, we’re already looking ahead to fall and beyond. So if you have events planned and would like to promote them, call or email Mark. If you have an event coming up earlier, let us know so we can send our photographers and document the occasion! Here’s hoping that the start to your year has been a good one!
Mark Berton [South and West] mark@incommunitymagazines.com Monica L. Haynes [East] m.haynes@incommunitymagazines.com NORTH ZONE COORDINATOR
Pamela Palongue p.palongue@incommunitymagazines.com SCHOOL & MUNICIPAL CONTENT COORDINATOR
Megan Faloni m.faloni@incommunitymagazines.com OFFICE MANAGER
Leo Vighetti leo@incommunitymagazines.com AD PLACEMENT COORDINATOR
Debbie Mountain d.mountain@incommunitymagazines.com GRAPHIC DESIGN
Cassie Brkich Anna Buzzelli Sharon Cobb Susie Doak
Jan McEvoy Joe Milne Tamara Tylenda
Jonathan Barnes Heather Holtschlage Kelly Lotter Leigh Lyons
Dana McGrath Joann Naser Gina Salinger Judith Schardt
Wayne Dollard, Publisher
Jessica DeLuca Ginni Hartle Brad Lauer
Kathleen Rudolph Gary Yon
hile Community Magazines is a non-partisan publication, we don’t live in a vacuum. This year is a presidential election year, and striving to keep readers engaged and active in the community is part of our mission statement. We’re not here to endorse anyone, but we are here to remind you that voting is a hard-earned right that we have as Americans. However, many people pass on that right, which is a s hame. If you view your vote as insignificant, then you are not only forfeiting your right to be counted, but also your right to be heard. Voting isn’t just about numbers, it’s about opinions as well. Your vote lends your voice to a chorus that decides who should be deciding our foreign and domestic policies, budgeting for specific social programs and who sends our young people into conflicts around the globe. These are critical issues that everyday people have to live with. If your candidate loses, you didn’t lose. The margin of loss sends a strong message to the victor as to whether people agree with their views, or found them to be less appealing. To be part of that process is something that those before us fought for through marches, protests and even death. To sit it out casts aspersions on their efforts and memory. We may not wake up happy on Nov. 7, but we should all be happy that we participated on Nov. 6. The deadline for registering to vote is 30 days prior to the next primary or general election. For more information, go to www.alleghenycounty.us/elect/registration.aspx.
See you at the polls!
Mark Berton, Editor 4
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Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall
Derek Bayer Tom Poljak
Tamara Myers
Brian Daley Gina D’Alicandro Tina Dollard Karen Fadzen Julie Graf Jason Huffman Lori Jeffries Connie McDaniel Brian McKee Gabriel Negri Aimee Nicolia
Robert Ojeda Ralph Palaski Annette Petrone Vincent Sabatini Jennifer Schaefer Michael Silvert Karen Turkovich RJ Vighetti Nikki Capezio-Watson Sophia Williard
This magazine is carrier route mailed to all district households and businesses. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Copyright 2012. CORRESPONDENCE Direct all inquiries, comments and press releases to: IN Community Magazines Attn: Editorial 603 East McMurray Rd. McMurray, PA 15317 Ph: 724.942.0940 Fax: 724.942.0968 www. incommunitymagazines.com
Summer content deadline: 5/18/2012 Please recycle this magazine when you are through enjoying it.
Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com
3344 Churchview Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15227 412.882.9600 www.baldwinborough.org
Baldwin Mile
Community Day Parade Willett and Churchview to Municipal Building Opening Ceremonies (Immediately Following) Free Rides, Music and Fireworks Free Swim Municipal Pool – 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Food Booths, Games organized by Baldwin Borough Community Day Association for non-profits to raise funds for their organization PARKING AVAILABLE AT PAYNTER SHUTTLE BUS ROUTE: Paynter School, Pleasantvue Dr, John Romanus Drive, Municipal Grounds: Churchview Ave, Mary Ann Dr, Pleasantvue Drive, Paynter School. BALDWIN BOROUGH COMMUNITY DAY ASSOCIATION President – Darlene Schrello Vice President – Samuel McPherson Treasurer – Michael Fetsko Secretary – Frank Schrello Board of Directors: Butch DeMarco, James Reed, Colleen Kuczinski, and Joan Etzel 6
Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall
SATURDAY, MAY 26, 2012 – NOON – 6 p.m. SUNDAY AND MONDAY – NOON-6 p.m. Weekdays - 4 p.m. until 8 p.m. JUNE 11 – AUGUST 17, 2012 COMMUNITY DAY –1 p.m. until 5 p.m. MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY – NOON – 8 p.m. NOON – 6 p.m. Limited Hours – HOURS TO BE ANNOUNCED Monday, September 3, 2012 – SEASON'S LAST DAY
SEASON PASSES Resident $50.00 $30.00 $20.00 $140.00 $15.00 $8.00 $6.00 $2.00
First, Second Pass in Household Third, Fourth and Fifth Pass in Household Sixth Pass in Household FAMILY PASS (2 Adults & 3 Minors) Pre-Schoolers-Must be purchased with an Adult Pass Senior Citizens – (65 years or above–must prove residency/age) Daily Admission Rate / $3.00 after 4 p.m. Replacement Photo ID’s
Non-Resident $75.00 $65.00 $45.00 $200.00 $15.00 $8.00 $6.00 $2.00
PHOTO ID CARDS Photo ID cards will be issued to all season registrants. Photos will be taken at the Borough Pool Week of Monday, May 21 thru Friday, May 25 – 4 p.m. until 8 p.m. and during regular business hours at the Borough Pool.
SWIMMING LESSONS FIRST SESSION ~ JUNE 18 through JULY 6 SECOND SESSION ~ JULY 9 through JULY 27 $30.00 PER SESSION – SEASON PASS HOLDERS $45.00 PER SESSION – NON SEASON PASS HOLDERS EACH SESSION CONSISTS OF TWELVE (12) - 25 minute lessons and the class size is limited to five (5) students per instructor. The shorter class will eliminate students getting too cold to swim and will make it easier to hold their attention. Parents will only be permitted in the refreshment area during lessons. *NO CLASSES ON WEDNESDAY
Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com
Divert E-Waste from your local landfill. June 16, 2012 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Bring your unwanted computers, monitors, printers, fax machines, cell phones, digital cameras, chargers, adapters, microwaves, televisions, stereo equipment, VCRs and any hard to recycle electronic waste to the Municipal Parking Lot. (In case of rain, collection will be moved to the front of the building) Sponsored by Goodwill Industries of Southwestern Pennsylvania
Borough Ordinance No. 844 Upon passage of Ordinance No. 844 (pending) any sale, refinance or transfer of ownership of property will require the video televising of the private Sewer Lateral Line by a Certified Plumber with Allegheny County. This will be in addition to the regular Dye Testing required. No paperwork will be given by the Borough until these inspections are completed and certified by the Plumber.
NOTICE TO RESIDENTS: The Borough provides two (2) dumpsters for loose yard waste. They are located at the Swimming Pool Parking lot and at Leland Center in the rear parking lot behind the Salt Building. These dumpsters are only for yard waste i.e. leaves, branches, grass etc. General trash and materials are not permitted in these dumpsters. The dumpsters in the Municipal Parking Lot and Leland Center Lot are for the Borough’s use only. No material should be placed in these dumpsters by borough residents.
Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall
Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com
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Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall
Briefly Brentwood Borough News FROM THE DESK OF MAYOR LOCKHART… “It takes a Borough” to put on a great race! That’s exactly what happens every year in Brentwood; the last 4th of July Annual 5-K Firecracker Race had nearly 1,700 participants making it the largest 5-K Race in the history of Brentwood. It was a beautiful day with lots of excitement and a tremendous crowd, cheering on the runners in anticipation of a friend or family member that may be a top winner. As it takes numerous volunteers and sponsors to make this race possible, it is through their efforts that the Borough has the cooperation and support of the many invaluable Borough resources such as the public works, EMS, police and library personnel to work together to make this day an easy flow, with so many participants and spectators lining Brownsville Road. A perfect example of “Teamwork.” Thanks to all who participated! I’m sure Janice Boyko, former Race Director, as she looks down smiling would say, “I knew they could do it without me.” Well that may be so, but we do miss Janice, her direction, involvement, and all her contributions to the Borough, including her crazy jokes. Ready, set, go and plan to enter the next Brentwood 5-K Race on Wednesday, July 4, 2012. (See additional article on 5-K Race.)
Mayor Ken Lockhart
Below is a listing of several happenings in the Borough. Please call a friend and plan to spend some time together and participate in these events. There’s something here for everyone, the weather is changing and people will be out and about.
Sat. April 21 REDD-UP DAY/BBOA SHRED DAY Sat. April 21 EMS - Annual Vendor Show Sat. May 26 Swimming Pool Opens Mon. May 28 Memorial Day Thur. June 7 High School Graduation Tue. June 19 Kennywood Picnic Thur. June 21 BBOA PNC Park Pirate Game Tue. July 3 Battle of the Barrels/ Sidewalk Fair Wed. July 4 4th of July, 5-K Race, Parade, Fireworks
Left to Right: (Back Row) Pat Carnevale, Charlie Johnson, Vice President; David Wenzel, President; Martin Vickless, Clyde Zimmerman. (Front Row) Ann Schade, President Pro Tem; Ken Lockhart, Mayor; Cathy Trexler
Council meetings are the 3rd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at the Brentwood Borough Municipal Bldg.
See page 16 for more on the 2012 Brentwood Borough Council Re-organization Meeting Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com
Briefly Brentwood Borough News BOROUGH MANAGER’S MESSAGE "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." – Martin Luther King, Jr.
Brentwood’s Financial Foundation
any cities around the country are faced with declining revenues, deteriorating capital infrastructure, and structural imbalances within their budgets, forcing reduced services, staff layoffs, employee benefit reductions and other drastic measures. A National League of Cities survey found that more than three in five municipal finance officers said that their city was less able to meet the financial nee ds than in the previous year. When cities are forced to move from financial crisis to financial crisis, they are unable to strategically and proactively tackle the critical urban issues of today: infrastructure maintenance, workforce development, public safety and economic development. Brentwood, on the other hand, has been able to avoid these crises by building and maintaining a financially healthy org anization. In other words, we running as lean and efficient as can be without affecting services. Yet in our effort to be financially secure, there is still more for us to do. The Borough needs to devote more time to the areas of long-term financial planning, capital maintenance and improvement programming, additional investment in economic development and marketing strategies and neighborhood, park and open space improvements. With the Borough’s somewhat isolation from the plunging economy, the relative stability of the Borough’s housing market, and recent capital improvement projects to infrastructure (roads, Park, and sanitary sewer lines) Brentwood is better positioned to create a better community for its citizens. Our challenge is to invest these hard-earned dividends strategically to both increa se progress toward achieving the Borough Council’s and residents’ priorities and to ensure we strengthen the financial position of the Borough. However, the Borough’s soundness can only be sustained for so long. With property values frozen for nearly 10 years and subsequently the revenues the Borough receives from property values likewise stagnant the Borough is forced to maintain their level of servi ce with annual increases in expenditures but without any increases in revenues. As such, the Borough was able to use the fruits from the time when property tax revenues were in line with expenditures and use the Borough’s Operating Reserve Fund to make up the ever-increasing gap between revenues and expenditures. As you are all aware by now, the 2012 Budget does not include any increase in real estate taxes. The current rate of 8.5 mil was used when estimating 2012 real estate taxes. There has not been a tax increase in Brentwood for 6 years. This is commendable given the current economic times. However, with assessed property values remaining constant due to the 2002 Assessment Freeze, Borough revenues likewise remained constant over that time period. Unfortunately, expenditures were not so cooperative over this time period increasing approximately 8% each year on average. The last two 12
Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall
years we have been able to diminish this by the various operating procedures and policies that have been put into place. Actually, 2011 will realize a reduction in expenditures by nearly $400,000 from 2010 expenditures. This can be attributed to Borough Department Heads as well as Borough Staff, taking ownership of their respective budgets. Again, this is commendable, however one can only cut, rebid, and improve efficiencies so much. Even by holding the line on expenditures, which have ranged from $5.8 million to $6.4 million in recent years, ($6.3 mil proposed in 2012) revenues have not kept pace ranging from $5 million to $6.2 million. As such, the Borough has been taking advantage of what was an over $2 million reserve fund to balance the operating general fund each year. Transfers of nearly $500,000 in 2007 to $200,000 in 2010 and $250,000 in 2011 are examples of what was needed to enable the Borough to hold the line on any tax increase. As you can imagine, without additional revenues to replenish the fund it is only a matter of time when this reserve will no longer be able to make-up any budget sho rtfalls. Ladies and gentlemen, we are near this time. As of December 31, 2011, the end of year fund balance was approximately $1.1 million dollars. Any additional revenues needed to balance the budgets will need Council’s approval to transfer from the “Operating Reserve Fund” to make up any shortfall. This makes the process more transparent and, like I mentioned, more clearly illustrates that right now, as has been the case over the past several years, the revenues generated do not meet the expenditures. To further illustrate the pending “economic storm,” I have forecasted the Borough’s General Fund Revenues and Expenditures out 4 years to 2016. (See below Table 1 and Chart.)
Assuming an uncharacteristically non-conservative 3% increase in all expenditures and holding the revenues constant, except for years 2015 and 2016 where increases are due to the expiration of the Giant Eagle TIF, you will see that Operating Expenditures exceed Operating Revenues in each year by over $400,000 and nearing $600,000 in 2016. Remember, these are only associated with providing “normal” day-to-day operations of the Borough and does NOT include any Capital Purchases or Capital Projects which alone should be at a minimum $600,000/year ($500,000 for roads and $100,000 for equipment/vehicles). Based on this, the Borough’s revenues are approximately $1,100,000 short of what is needed to not only effectively provide standard services (police, public works, code enforcement, fire, EMS, etc.) but also to ensure that Borough employees have safe vehicles and equipment and that our deteriorating infrastructure is adequately maintained (Roads and Storm Sewers). So, after taking time to digest the above, you can see that the Borough does indeed have enough in the Reserve Fund to balance the General Fund for the next two years ONLY if it decides to forego any new Capital Projects (vehicle purchases, roads, etc.) in 2012 and 2013. This could probably be accomplished; however this only further delays the inevitable in 2014 (if not 2013). All expenditures are tight and there are really no areas that could be cut any further. Like I mentioned earlier, the $2 million reserve has enabled the borough to avoid any tax increases over the last 6 years, but this is nearly exhausted and the time has come to make some tough dec isions.
George Zboyovsky, PE Borough Manager
Briefly Brentwood Borough News A MESSAGE FROM COUNCIL PRESIDENT Dave Wenzel
As I begin my first article as President of Council, I want to welcome new members, Pasquale (Pat) Carnevale and Marty Vickless. I’m looking forward to working with them as they bring another perspective to council. Many changes are in the future for Brentwood Borough. All are positive. Brentwood Park construction will begin in 2012; a study for a building for the Public Works Department (DPW) is under way in order to reduce the $14 million dollar estimated price tag of a new Borough Building. By eliminating the DPW from the original plans, Council hopes to reduce the price tag for a new facility by 50%. The Park construction will begin as soon as the grant money is released and in the borough coffers. We will be able to start and complete Phase l this year and if approval is obtained from the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) possibly Phase II as well. There may be a small disruption in field use but the end result will be worth it. The new DPW building will be located in the hollow at the bottom of E. Willock Rd. if the core samples show that the land will support it. The DPW will have all of their equipment and materials in one place. Other projects and initiatives planned for the Borough in 2012 include: In order to keep pace with increased demand for emergency response services the Borough will include the purchasing of crime scene equipment and a new Police Cruiser for the Police Department. Enhance the Borough’s overall ability to effectively utilize technology and improve customer service by improving upon the utilization of the customer service/code enforcement management software with the continued use of GeoPlan software as well as enhance community outreach and improve citizen access to important Borough events and policy decisions by expanding the Borough’s website at www.brentwoodboro.com. • Implement the community’s expressed vision of a revitalized Borough by advancing and supporting a number of key projects including: • Brentwood Pool ADA Project • Brentwood Civic Center ADA Project • Ensure the Borough’s reputation as a business-friendly destination by continuing to work closely with the Brentwood Business Owners Association, the Executive Director of Economic Development South (EDS), and implementing a Borough marketing and branding strategy. • Continue with the much needed economic development of the Rt. 51 Corridor by working with EDS and the communities that share this corridor. So as you can see, Borough Council has a lot on their plate this year. We will work diligently to ensure that Brentwood’s quality of life is sustained and that the Borough continues to move forward and prosper. David Wenzel Brentwood Council President Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com
Briefly Brentwood Borough News General Fund Revenues A conservative and realistic approach was utilized when preparing the 2012 Budget by underestimating revenues and overestimating expenses. In an effort to enhance our residents’ quality of life, and to support local business growth, the Borough will continue to invest in public works, public safety (police, fire, and EMS), sanitary sewer infrastructure, parks and recreational facilities. The property tax rate will remain at 8.5 mils of property tax generating an estimated $2,867,590.94 based on a total local taxable assessed property value equaling $337,363,640.00. It is unfortunate that not all of this is collectable due to the 2% discount rate as well as delinquent tax payers. Therefore, a 90% collection rate was assumed resulting in $2,529,215.21 in total current property tax revenues. This equates to the following dedicated millage: General Borough Operations
7.00 Mils
$ 2,360,533.39
0.50 Mils
$ 168,681.82
1.00 Mils
$ 338,375.73
8.5 Mils
(1) Includes $57,351.82 caused by the 2% discount payment and $281,023.91 in non-payment of real estate taxes.
A summary of the revenue sources being proposed for the 2012 Overall Brentwood Borough Budget are as illustrated to the right.
Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall
General Fund Expenditures Generally, because of the need to meet the demands of a dense and older urban community that borders the City of Pittsburgh, operating requirements have increased in virtually every department. These requirements are reflected in the department funding requests. We recommended some service enhancements that meet the critical needs of our community, funding to further the work o f meeting the Borough Council priorities and action plan, and fill gaps created by austere budgets and fiscal decisions made in previous fiscal years. This budget supports basic government services such as road maintenance, sewer, transportation improvements, parks, police, fire and library services. Furthermore, it continues to address additional community needs such as economic development, park and s tadium renovation and Rt. 51 Corridor plans. The budget contains all Borough programs, services and capital improvement projects that will be provided to Brentwood’s citizens and businesses from January 1, 2012, to December 31, 2012. It is a balanced financial plan that has been carefully prepared to provide Brentwood with a sustainable set of municipal services. The proposed budget for this fiscal yea r is the product of past achievements, current work, and future priorities. The proposed 2012 budget presents an estimated decrease in revenues from $6.85 million to $6.40 million, in comparison to the 2011 Budget. The primary reason for the decrease in revenues is due to a decrease in revenues transferred from the Operating Reserve Fund. Although the Borough is not transferring as much as what was pr oposed in 2011, this is due to additional revenues attained through aggressive delinquent tax collections as well as revenue increases in other departments due to the increase in parking ticket fees, and increases in Zoning Hearing Board fees, etc. In addition, the 2012 general fund budget will continue to see a transfer from the Borough’s Sanitary Sewer Fund to account for General Fund expenditures th at pertain to sanitary sewer related work and associated salaries. Expenditures will also be decreasing from $6.85 million to $6.40 million. The primary reason for the decrease in expenditures was on account of significant decreases in various departments. Due to contractual obligations and the rising cost of healthcare and employee benefits, the Borough saw some of their largest increases in departm ents such as Administration (3%), Planning and Zoning (8%), Communications (4%), Crossing Guards and Meter (3%), Public Works (13%), and Pool (6%). The Borough’s Long Term Debt Principal and Interest Payments in 2012 will actually see a slight decrease of (<1%) from 2011 levels. This
Briefly Brentwood Borough News equates to a total debt principal and interest payment of $403,529.52 which is $140 less than 2011. Cuts will be reali zed by continuing to implement efficiency measures into Borough Operations without sacrificing Borough services. For example, Legal services are anticipated once again to see reductions of (-18%). Engineering costs are estimated to be further reduced by (-20%) by doing a lot of this work in-house, and due to Council’s decision not to replace two (2) officers who left the Borough in 2011; Police expe nses will be decreased by (-9%), respectively. Recreation expenditures are also reduced by (-65%) due to the Borough’s decision not to hire a part-time recreation director in 2012. A summary of the Proposed 2012 General Fund Expenditures are presented in the table below.
Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com
Briefly Brentwood Borough News
January Update
Mayor Lockhart opened the Tuesday, January 3, 2012 Brentwood Borough Re-organization meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and welcomed the newly elected Council members: Mr. Pasquale (Pat) Carnevale and Mr. Martin (Marty) Vickless and congratulated Mr. David Wenzel on his re-election. District Magistrate John Bova was
present and conducted the Oath of Office to the newly elected officials. This meeting was open to the public; however, if you were unable to attend, Councilman Mr. David Wenzel was appointed President of Council, Mr. Charlie Johnson was appointed Vice President and Mrs. Ann Schade was appointed President Pro Tem. Completing the seven members of Council are Mrs. Catherine Trexler and Mr. Clyde Zimmerman. After the appointments to committees and a brief presentation by each Council member, the Borough officials and residents remained to enjoy refreshments. For information regarding Brentwood Borough visit the website at www.brentwoodboro.com
Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall
Now that spring is here it is a good time to consider a few things. How can I reduce trash or yard waste, or can I do anything to help other communities by reducing storm runoff? The answers are simple and easy. Most residents have only one recycling bin (the Borough has 18 gallon bins for $9.00 or 35 gallon cans for $16.00 which are sold at cost) and you may buy an extra container and have it clearly marked “recycle.” Blue is the universal color for recycling and it is a lot easier for Allied Waste to spot recycling material when it is in a blue container. I keep one of my bins outside for cans, glass bottles, and plastics and my second bin is in my basement for all papers and cardboards. 1) Save a cardboard box and any “junk” mail you receive and put it in the box, along with your newspaper. Have you considered receiving your newspaper through the internet? 2) How about the recent purchase you made (toys, new TV, home decorations, a faucet?) Don’t put the box in the garbage; put it in your recycling bin. Brentwood Borough is again in the South Hills Recycling contest. The following is the final result for 2011. Now everybody knows we pay to either recycle or throw away trash. We now have a recycle bin for paper at the Borough Building located in the rear in which we will be reimbursed for every ton of paper we recycle. All residents are encouraged to use it. If you choose to drop off at the Paper
Robert Mackewich Public Works Supervisor reports:
Briefly Brentwood Borough News Bin in the rear of the building the restriction is as follows: 1) only newspaper, magazines, catalogs, office or school paper, paperback books, mail, or shredded paper in plastic bags. 2) No cardboard, food boxes, text books or hard cover books, or phone books. These items will go in the regular recycle bins. To reduce yard waste consider starting a compost pile; it will reduce the overall cost of garbage fees since we pay a tonnage rate. To comply with DEP and to receive credit for recycling, the Borough will have a roll off for yard waste located on East Willock Road opened once a month from May to September. The hours will be from 8 a.m. to noon. Any yard waste may be brought to the yard and put into the roll off. No garbage or concrete will be accepted. Yard waste consists of grass clippings, leaf waste, tree branches, or any type of vegetation. Storm runoff is a hot topic because communities in the lower sections of the basins do get flooded in rain events. We are asked to slow down or store runoff if possible. A rain barrel or rain garden helps. A simple barrel connected to a downspout with a hose bib works great and water stored can be used for flower or vegetable gardens. A rain garden takes a bit more work but if you visit www.raingardennetwork.com the site will walk you through the process. Not only will you regenerate ground water you will also have a flower garden which does not need watering (once established). One of the criteria is to make sure it is about 10 feet from your house to keep the water from entering your basement walls.
Applications are being accepted by the Borough of Brentwood for Seasonal Public Works Employees for the 2012 Summer Season. This person will assist the fulltime Public Works staff in performing and operating a variety of equipment in the construction, operation, repair, and maintenance of Borough facilities. This position is non-exempt under the FLSA.
Applications are being accepted by the Borough of Brentwood for the position of Summer Public Works Technician Intern for the 2012 Summer Season. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and enrolled full-time in college, trade school or must submit letter of admission to military service. Applicant must have a valid PA driver’s license. Applicant must have knowledge of database and telecommunication systems; knowledge and ability to operate a personal computer, including word processing and spreadsheet software; phone; copy machine and fax machine.
Applicants must have a high school diploma or equivalent, enrolled in college degree program or equivalent, or enlisted to join the military. Experience in maintenance operations preferred. Applicant must be at least 18 years of age at the time of employment.
Applicant must have the ability to enter data accurately; ability to establish effective working relationships with employees and supervisors; ability to work efficiently; ability to meet project deadlines; ability to perform work requiring good physical condition; ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing; ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with subordinates, peers and supervisors; ability to exercise sound judgment in evaluating Applicant must have a valid PA Driver's license, or ability situations and in making decisions; ability to follow verbal and written instructions. to obtain one prior to employment. While undertaking the essential duties and responsibilities of the position, the applicant must repeatedly sit, speak, hear, listen and detect sounds, and use arms and hands to The job will require mowing grass, trimming shrubs, shoveling asphalt, installing signs, painting and general grip, hold, reach, or manipulate tools and equipment. The applicant is periodically required labor work. The applicant is required to wear steel-toed to walk. shoes. Preference will be given to Borough residents. Hours are Monday through Friday 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Preference will be given to Applications are being accepted until positions are filled, Borough residents. at the Brentwood Municipal Building Administrative Applications are being accepted until the position is filled at the Brentwood Municipal Office, 3624 Brownsville Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15227. Building Administrative Office, Attention: Dawn Lane, 3624 Brownsville Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15227. Applications also available on the Borough website: www.brentwoodboro.com. Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com
= free = $26 = $35 = $43 = $25
= $108
= $15
POOL PARTY RENTALS The Brentwood Borough Swimming Pool may be rented to Brentwood residents after the pool’s normal hours for $200. Sunday & Holidays: 7–9 P.M. Weekdays: 8–10 P.M. 18
Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall
Briefly Brentwood Borough News JOB
POOL MANAGER The Pool Manager will perform a variety of duties in planning, scheduling, maintaining the seasonal operation of the pool, and communicating with the Borough Manager. This position is non-exempt under the FLSA. Qualifications include Bachelor’s degree in Physical Education, Recreation Administration, or equivalent years of experience in pool management. Possess current Water Safety Instructors Certificate. Act 33/Act 34 clearances reflecting an appropriate criminal record for work around children. Current CPR and first aid certified. Knowledge of the operation of a swimming pool, including sanitation, maintenance, safety, and public relations. • Knowledge of swimming pool cash management operations and recordkeeping. • Knowledge of principles, practices and application of lifesaving and first aid techniques. • Knowledge of rules and regulations pertaining to the pool use. Salary is set by Borough Resolution at $12/hr. Applications can be picked up at the Borough Administrative Office at 3624 Brownsville Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15227 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday – Friday or downloaded from the Borough Website; www.brentwoodboro.com.
SUMMER TEMPORARY POOL ASSISTANT The Summer Temporary Pool Assistant will perform a variety of duties including, but not limited to, collecting and recording payment of pool passes, issuing pool passes, duties needed to maintain a clean and safe facility, and miscellaneous job-related duties as assigned by the Pool Manager. Applicant must be at least 16 years of age, be able to deal with the public in a courteous manner, communicate effectively, and be able to use a computer to record payments and issue pool passes. Salary is set by Borough Resolution at $9.60/hour. Applications can be picked up at the Borough Administrative Office at 3624 Brownsville Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15227 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday – Friday or downloaded from the Borough Website; www.brentwoodboro.com.
BOOTH ATTENDANT Applicants must be at least 16 years of age. Salary is $7.55 per hour. Preference will be given to Brentwood Borough residents. Applications can be picked up at the Brentwood Borough Administrative Office, 3624 Brownsville Road, Pittsburgh, PA, 15227 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. or obtained by visiting the Borough website at www.brentwoodboro.com.
SUMMER TEMPORARY LIFEGUARDS Must have proper certifications, CPR and First Aid requirements and must be at least 16 years of age at the time of employment. Salary is $7.75/hour. Applications can be picked up at the Borough Administrative Office at 3624 Brownsville Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15227 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday – Friday or downloaded from the Borough Website; www.brentwoodboro.com.
Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com
Briefly Brentwood Borough News For nearly 100 years, the Borough of Brentwood has commemorated our nation’s independence with a celebration which has included a parade, fireworks, and events in the park. Our 4th of July celebration is attended by thousands of persons of all ages. Over the years, the parade has become a major attraction for the residents throughout the South Hills with more than 40,000 people lining Brownsville Road to watch the many marching units. The first parade was recorded in 1918 – just three years after the Borough of Brentwood was founded. WE NEED YOUR HELP AS A VOLUNTEER The annual celebration is planned and implemented by a group of dedicated volunteers who serve on the Brentwood 4th of July Committee. These individuals organize the parade and other events for the day as well as conduct fund-raising activities. VOLUNTEERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME. The Committee meets the second Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the Community Room at the Brentwood Library. If you are interested in participating with the 4th of July activities, you can contact Committee Chairperson John Frombach at 412.882.3926 or at jwfrombach@comcast.net. WE NEED YOUR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Although we have exceptional support from the Borough police and public works departments, Brentwood Borough tax dollars are not used to pay for the fireworks, parade, or other activities of the
committee. Many of the performing units in the parade are paid an honorarium to participate in the parade. Our budget for 2012 will exceed $25,000. In conjunction with the 4th of July celebration, the committee sells raffle tickets at various businesses throughout the community. The winning tickets will be drawn prior to the fireworks in the stadium on Wednesday, July 4th. We also conduct an annual fund drive. Through the generosity of Brentwood residents, businesses, churches, organizations, and clubs, we are able to raise funds to help pay for the festivities. Once again, you can support the 4th of July celebration. There are several ways to make your donation: • Send your donation by mail to: Brentwood 4th of July Committee 3501 Brownsville Road Pittsburgh, PA 15227 • Drop it off in person at: Brentwood Municipal Building or Brentwood Borough Library (envelopes are available at both locations) Checks should be made payable to “Brentwood 4th of July Committee.” Since the 4th of July Committee is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, all donations are tax deductible. You will receive an acknowledgement for your donation in accordance with IRS regulations.
Any House in Brentwood Borough is Eligible Show your Colors and your Spirit on the 4th Decorate your house with Bunting, Flags or anything RED, WHITE or BLUE! PRIZES FIRST $100 + RIBBON SECOND $75 + RIBBON THIRD $50 + RIBBON ENTRY FEE ~ $5 ~ Checks made out to “4th of July Committee” Entries will be judged on overall Appearance, Creativity and Originality. Name of Applicant ______________________________________________________________________ Street Address ____________________________________________
Phone _____________________
Any special comments or directions _________________________________________________________ Judging is Monday, July 2, from 7 – 9 p.m. Results to be announced after the Parade and at the Fireworks Return your completed Application to: Charlie Johnson, 3304 Willett Road, Brentwood, PA 15227 412-996-7285 20
Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall
With the 2011 5-K Race being so successful and each day more people are interested in their health, exercise and being fit, this is a good mix and perfect timing for the 5-K Race Committee to look into the future and implement new ideas. In an effort to gather more participants and spectators we went to the World Wide Web! Beginning in 2012, we’re on Facebook: facebook.com/brentwood5k, log on for information. Another new 2012 feature – The 5-K Race Website: www.brentwood5k.com presenting all the information needed about the race application, date, time, place and schedule. For those not too familiar with computers, applications will be available at the Brentwood Library prior to June 1, 2012. With the cost of everything increasing, the Committee agreed to continue with the individual and family discounts for pre-registration; however discount deadline ends July 2, 2012. Pre-registration Entry Fees are $15 for individuals and the family discount is $40 for a 3 member family living at the same address. Each additional household member is $12. The mailing deadline for pre-registration is June 23, 2012. The runners’ fee covers the expenses of a t-shirt, insurance, the timing equipment and service, awards, door prizes and refreshments. For clarification, the 5-K Race is a separate entity from the Fourth of July Committee, which sponsors the 4th of July parade, the afternoon events in the Park and spectacular fireworks display in the evening. The 5-K Race Committee also donates to several charities each year. In 2011 the 5-K Firecracker Race donated funds to the Brentwood Food Pantry, Disabled American Veterans and the Brentwood Park Initiative. In anticipation of the Brentwood Centennial, the 5-K Race Committee kicked-off the fund raising of the Brentwood (Centennial) Historical Society with a donation for the upcoming celebration in 2015. With this in mind, we are so grateful for the many interested residents that dedicate their time and service to help orchestrate this annual event. This is truly an annual “teamwork” effort in showcasing the Borough with all the festivities scheduled during the day and ending with a great display of fireworks. Who could not ask for a better way to celebrate Independence Day!
Briefly Brentwood Borough News WASHINGTON— Taxpayers can get the most out of various recovery tax benefits and get a jump on preparing their 2011 federal income tax returns by consulting a newly revised comprehensive tax guide now available on IRS.gov. Publication 17, Your Federal Income Tax, features details on taking advantage of a wide range of tax-saving opportunities, such as the American opportunity credit for parents and college students, and the child tax credit and expanded earned income tax credit for low- and moderate-income workers. This useful 303-page guide also provides more than 5,000 interactive links to help taxpayers quickly get answers to their questions. Publication 17 has been published annually by the IRS since the 1940s and has been available on the IRS web site since 1996. As in prior years, this publication is packed with basic tax-filing information and tips on what income to report and how to report it, figuring capital gains and losses, claiming dependents, choosing the standard deduction versus itemizing deductions, and using IRAs to save for retirement. Besides Publication 17, IRS.gov offers many other helpful resources for those doing year-end tax planning. Many 2011 forms are already posted, and updated versions of other forms, instructions and publications are being posted almost every day. Forms already available include Form 1040, short Forms 1040A and 1040EZ, Schedule A for itemizing deductions and new Form 8949 for reporting sales of stocks, bonds and other capital assets.
Please note, the Borough receives many letters and phone calls throughout the year from our residents informing us of various issues and concerns they have witnessed in the Borough. We even receive the occasional “thank you” and “great job” letters. We really do appreciate your being the “eyes and ears” out there for us. Never assume that Public Works, Police, and Code Enforcement is aware of every issue. We appreciate our residents' help by being our eyes and ears. Please feel free to contact any of our departments or elected officials any time. However, please note that along with the letters and phone messages with legitimate complaints or information for the Borough, we do receive those who wish to remain anonymous. These “anonymous” letters or voice messages tend to be accusatory in nature and sometimes hostile. These letters are seldom given the attention as those legitimate letters and messages from individuals who leave their contact information. If you cannot leave your contact information, we cannot take action since we have no way to confirm it is a valid concern. We realize that sometimes residents are concerned with their privacy in fear of retribution; please rest assure that all correspondence received is confidential. Again, we thank you for assisting us in identifying issues in the Borough so that we can address them in a timely fashion. Together we will work to keep Brentwood the jewel of the South Hills. Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com
Briefly Brentwood Borough News Around town you may see the Brentwood Volunteer Fire Company either on Route 51, Brownsville Road or various streets throughout the borough. Maybe it was at the Fourth of July, Light Up Night or Memorial Day parades. Or perhaps you’ve attended one of our many fundraisers such as our Sportsman’s Bash, Dog Days of Summer or Car Cruises. Has the fire company ever responded to your home or business? Have you ever wondered what it takes to become a volunteer firefighter or what exactly does the fire company do? This past year the volunteers of the Brentwood Volunteer Fire Company responded to over 300 details consisting of structural, motor vehicle, natural gas emergencies, carbon monoxide, company drills, mutual aid and community service calls. We have a solid staff of dedicated volunteers who respond as they are sitting down to eat dinner, on the way home from work, in the middle of the night and during their children’s sporting events. Although being a volunteer firefighter requires a lot of time and dedication it is a very rewarding and fulfilling experience. For the Brentwood Volunteer Fire Company a new year means the start of our annual updates of training to keep our firefighters on top of their game. This year we’ve already completed our CPR/First Aid/AED bi-annual update provided by the Brentwood EMS. We’ll round out the spring quarter with our Hazardous Materials Operations Level Update, an
Emergency Vehicle Operations Course (EVOC) and Basic Vehicle Rescue (BVR) Update. Our first quarter training consists of updates primarily so we may incorporate the skills learned throughout that quarter into our future weekly drills so we may master the techniques through practice throughout the year. The classes listed above are also offered to our various mutual aid companies giving us an upper hand on multi-alarm calls. It allows us to work better as a unified team if we are all on the same page. The Brentwood Volunteer Fire Company would like to thank all of our residents for their support either through donations, patience when being diverted through side streets to accommodate an emergency call or attending one of our functions. We look forward to serving you for another year and encourage you to join our team. The Brentwood Volunteer Fire Company consists of firefighters and social members. Applications can be obtained from any member or by visiting our station located at 3433 Brownsville Road. Our monthly meetings are held the first Monday of every month and drill nights are 7:30 p.m. on Thursdays with the exception of the Thursday the week of the monthly meeting. Any questions, fire station tours and safety training information can be obtained via our website www.brentwoodvfc.com or our main phone line 412.884.1433. *Remember when you turn you clocks forward to replace your batteries in your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors.
Boy Scout Troop 296 St. Sylvester’s Boy Scout Troop 296 will conduct the Annual Flea Market on Saturday, March 31, 2012 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. For information to participate and purchase a table please call 412.881.6532. It’s a great time to check out some items that will fit your budget. Be sure to stop in and browse! 22
Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall
CHAMBER LUNCH Councilman Clyde Zimmerman enjoyed breaking bread and talking politics with new County Executive Rich Fitzgerald and State Representative Harry Readshaw during the January Brentwood-BaldwinWhitehall Chamber of Commerce lunch meeting.
Briefly Brentwood Borough News The 2012 EMS Subscription Campaign is underway; the subscription form insert is available for your convenience. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the business office at 412.884.8740.
CPR Classes: The Brentwood EMS will conduct CPR classes on the following dates. • Saturday, March 17, 2012 • Saturday, April 21, 2012 • Saturday, May 19, 2012 • Saturday, June 16, 2012 If you plan to attend, please call 412.884.8740 to register. All classes begin at 9 a.m. and the cost is $55.
Spring Vendor Show: On Saturday, April 21, 2012 the Brentwood EMS will sponsor their Annual Vendor Show from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at St. Sylvester’s Church Hall. If you have time and want to enjoy a few hours away from home, please stop in and browse the wares and have lunch. Hope to see you there!
Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com
Briefly Brentwood Borough News
Brentwood Borough, in conjunction with Citizens Against Litter and the Brentwood Business Owners Association, has scheduled the Spring Redd Up Day for Saturday, April 21, 2012, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Brentwood is one of over 250 neighborhoods and groups participating in the event. There will be four ways to participate: 1. Volunteer and earn four community service hours! – We are asking for volunteers to assist us by picking up litter from our streets, parks, and other “Garbagevilles” throughout the Borough. Volunteers will be able to earn four community service hours for participating in the event. Volunteers will meet at the Brentwood Library Community Room. For additional information or to register for this activity, please contact Cathy Trexler at 412.885.4350. 2. SHRED-IT! – Dispose of your old tax returns, and securely destroy your confidential documents with the Shred-It document destruction service courtesy of the Brentwood Business Owners Association. 3. E-Cycle your e-waste! – Goodwill Industries will be on hand from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. to collect your unwanted computers, monitors, printers, fax machines, digital cameras, chargers, adapters, microwaves, and other electronics on Park Drive in Brentwood Park. All hard drives and data are destroyed to Department of Defense standards. Goodwill reuses and recycles your donations to help improve job and educational skills, careers, and lives. 4. Drop off your hard-to-dispose-of items! – Dumpsters will be available at the Brentwood Park parking lot from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. to drop off the following items: • • • • • •
Tires (no rims) Large brush/clippings 4 inches or less (no logs) Scrap metal and aluminum Construction materials including larger items Old gas grills, lawn mowers (gasoline and oil must be removed) Refrigerators and air conditioners (Freon must be removed and item properly tagged)
Note: No hazardous waste will be accepted (paint, varnish, motor oil, batteries, car parts, etc.) (Proof of residency is required.)
Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall
Briefly Brentwood Borough News Brentwood Library Board Meeting, 7 p.m., Program Room Thursday, March 22 Wii Jeopardy! 1 p.m. Thursdays, March 29; April 5; May 3 Come play Jeopardy! Meet in the Program Room the first Thursday of each month to play against all of your friends here at the library! Enjoy some snacks and drinks while being quizzed by (virtual) Alex Trebek! Wii Bowling, 1 p.m. Thursdays, March 22; April 12, 26; May 10 Join us every 2nd and 4th Thursday afternoon at 1 p.m. to practice your virtual gutter balls here at Brentwood Library “Lanes!” Between frames, enjoy complimentary snacks and coffee in the Program Room. All Ages Poetry Writer’s Workshop, 10 a.m. Saturdays, March 10, 17, 24, 31 Are you a poetry writer? Want to learn more about writing in different poetic styles? National Poetry Month is coming up in April, and Brentwood library is inviting all interested poets ages 7 and up to sign up for our seven-week poetry workshop. Published poet Barry Governor will lead this workshop in the Jane Haney Room. Please sign up by calling Katie, 412.882.5694 x 13. Movie Mondays, 2 p.m. Mondays, March 12, 19, 26; April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30; May 7 Watch a feature film recently released to video and enjoy some popcorn, every Monday beginning at 2 p.m. in the programming room! This event is one of our most popular. Bring your friends for our free Monday matinee! Card Club, 10 a.m. Mondays, March 12, 19, 26; April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30; May 7 Join your neighborhood card players for coffee and cards each Monday morning! Bring yourself or bring a friend to the Program Room for some friendly competition!
Crafters Circle, 6:30 p.m. Mondays, March 12, 19, 26; April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30; May 7 Local crafters welcome! This patron-run club is made up of dedicated crafters of all kinds, doing crochet, knitting, paper-folding and more! This club meets weekly. Stop by to work on your own crafting project, or learn a new craft! Brentwood Historical Society Meeting, 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 3 Contact: Audrey Iaccone. Join the Brentwood Historical Society on the first Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. to discuss historical facts and treasures about our community. LS Tai Chi, 2:30 p.m. Wednesdays, March 14, 21, 28; April 4 Join nationally-recognized Tai Chi instructor Gurney Bolster for 7 weeks of free Tai Chi classes, sponsored by Lifespan senior outreach! The class will be held downstairs in the library's Community Room. Please sign up on the sign-up sheet at the library, or by calling Courtney at 412.343.6050. Learn more about this ancient meditative martial art! Winter Wander-Lands, 1 p.m. Fridays, March 9, 16, 23, 30 Buckle up for travel and documentary programs with our Winter Wander-Lands series! Join us every Friday afternoon at 1 p.m. for a visit to a different spot around the world! See the natural world up close, take a ride through a big city, or travel through time, we’ll go places near and far, past and present, and enjoy some snacks in the Program Room! Monthly Book Sale! 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Saturdays, March 10; April 14 Stop by the library for our monthly book sale! Spend your Saturday morning browsing our selection of used items! Hardbacks, paperbacks, children's books, audiobooks, and more! All proceeds benefit the library. Game Day, 11 a.m. Wednesdays, March 14; April 11, 25; May 9 Wake up with board games, word puzzles, and plenty of coffee! Game Day is held every other Wednesday!
Bingo! 2 p.m. Thursdays, March 15; April 19 On the third Thursday of each month, meet in the programming room at 2 p.m. to play Bingo and win prizes! This popular event is always well-attended, and promises a lot of competitive fun. Bring a friend!
AARP Driver’s Safety Course, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Tuesday, March 27 and Wednesday, March 28 Brentwood Library has made arrangements to offer an AARP Driver Safety Course. This course was the first nationwide comprehensive driver improvement program designed especially for older drivers. This course helps improve driving skills and prevent traffic accidents. Taught by experienced teacher Joe Kletch, the eight-hour course will be offered over a two-day period, Tuesday, March 27th and Wednesday, March 28th, 2012 -- both days from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. The tuition is $14 per person or $12 with an AARP card (must present card) and advance registration and payment is required. The class size is limited to 30 people. Author Talk: Meredith Mileti, 6:30 p.m. Monday, April 23 Come meet local author Meredith Mileti, whose novel Aftertaste was recently featured in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review! Book discussion and complimentary light refreshments in the Program Room. Angela Easterling Concert, 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 8 Folk musician and singer-songwriter Angela Easterling will be performing at the library! Find out more about Angela on her website, www.angelaeasterling.com
Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com
Briefly Brentwood Borough News When do I need to shovel the sidewalk in front of my home? Brentwood Borough Code, Chapter 182-32, requires all sidewalks to be shoveled within two hours in the business district and within four hours after the snowfall or daylight of the following day in residential districts. If you are elderly or physically unable to shovel your sidewalk, please call the borough office. We have a list of volunteers available to help you.
How many pets am I allowed to have? No more than four animals shall be kept in any residential housing. Also, any household pet that frequently barks, screeches, howls, or yelps is declared to be committing a nuisance. Animal owners shall remove all feces deposited by their pets and dispose of the same in a sanitary manner per Brentwood Borough Codes Chapter 76.
All you need to know about garbage collection: Garbage is not to be put out before 5 p.m. on the night before garbage pickup. Brentwood Borough Code Chapter 174-27(G) states that “storage containers may be placed at curbside no earlier than 5 p.m. prevailing time on the day prior to the designated collection day and must be removed from the curbside to the usual storage place no later than 6 p.m. prevailing time on the day of collection.” Allied Waste is the garbage collector for Brentwood. Please call them at 1.877.788.9400 to set up an account. Recycling is collected every other week on the same day as your garbage collection. The borough participates in “single stream” re-cycling, which means that anything that is recyclable can go in one bin.
Permits must be obtained for the following: Dumpsters/PODS Decks, porches Fences Roofs Garages Swimming Pools
Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall
Driveways, Sidewalks Room Additions Signs Utility Sheds Excavating Structural Interior
I have an old car that needs work done on it. Can I keep it in my yard until I get it running? Inoperative or unlicensed motor vehicles shall not be parked, kept, or stored on any premises. The vehicle must be inspected, have current license plate, and operate. Otherwise, the vehicle must be in a closed garage. International Property Maintenance Code Section 302.8
Keep your yard looking good! The owner of any premises, as to vacant premises or premises occupied by the owner, and the occupant thereof, in case of premises occupied by other than the owner thereof, shall remove, trim or cut all grass, weeds or other vegetation growing or remaining upon such premises in violation of the provisions of § 82-1 of this chapter. Grass and weeds shall not exceed 8” in height.
Can I put a fence in my yard? Brentwood Borough Zoning Code, 210-46 E 5 states: “No fence wall or similar structure having a height over four feet shall be erected within Brentwood Borough. This provision shall not apply to any requirement imposed by other ordinances or regulations of Brentwood Borough for the enclosing of outside storage areas in commercial districts. Notwithstanding other provisions of this chapter, any fence as defined herein, which is necessary or desirable for protection of public borough buildings and structures or for protection of the public in the vicinity of public borough buildings and structures, may exceed a height of four feet if such greater height is duly approved by Borough Council.”
Before beginning any type of home improvement, please contact Building/Code Official, Ralph Costa, at 412.884.1500 X117 to see if there is anything that may be required prior to beginning a project. Permit applications can be downloaded from the borough website at www.brentwoodboro.com
Betty Christopher 412.298.4481
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Dixie Lee Schaffer 412.580.9745
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Barry Corcoran PA Preferred Mortgage 412.328.4426
5187 Library Road Bethel Park, PA 15102 412.854.7200 Join our real estate team at Prudential Preferred Realty. Call Micole Tucker at 412-854-7200
Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com
f anyone has children, regardless of their ages, they know to expect at any given time of any day the all too familiar question, “What’s for dinner?” It doesn’t matter if they’re eating breakfast, lunch or even dinner at the time--they’re always ready and excited about their next meal. And for most families, the parents or guardians can respond with an answer of spaghetti, mac and cheese, roast beef or whatever they’ve planned. However, in tough economic times like our country is experiencing, that question can be met
What's for Dinner?
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Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall
with utter silence. People from all races, religions, professions and neighborhoods are feeling the effects of stagnant business activity. Teachers, nurses, lawyers, engineers, food servers are all equal in the unemployment line and feel the same kind of panic of where the money will come from to feed their families. According to the November 2011 Bureau of Labor Statistics report, unemployment numbers hover between 8 percent and as high as 13 percent in 36 states. Combine that with employees who aren’t seeing salary increases, and that means their income is often insufficient to make ends meet. This all equals a huge draw upon food banks, the highest it’s been in decades. In Pennsylvania alone, 14.7% of all households are food insecure, which is defined by the U.S. Census Bureau as having “limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods or limited or uncertain ability to acquire acceptable foods.” Individuals might think they don’t deserve help or did something wrong to somehow deserve their plight. Neither can be further from the truth. There is no shame in being hit by hard times, and more and more are being affected. There is hope out there and often right around the bend. The Office of Social Concerns through St. Elizabeth of Hungary Roman Catholic Church in Whitehall, Pennsylvania is a place where that hope begins. Since April 1983, the Cloverleaf Area Ecumenical Assistance Program Food Pantry (CAEAP) has been living one of the greatest of all virtues - charity. The food pantry, founded by Claire Brositz (since retired) is located in Saint Pius X Hall and currently serves 320 households, with more than 400 children in those homes. Most of the food is purchased from the Greater Pittsburgh Area Food Bank in Duquesne. In addition to canned goods, they purchase meats, cheeses and dry staple items.
“What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.” Albert Pine, English Author from the 19th century
Giant Eagle, Panera Bread and Pastries a-La-Carte are among the businesses that donate baked goods.
They realize that while food is among their greatest gifts they can distribute, they also understand that if people need assistance with obtaining food, they The pantry opens for food distribution probably need assistance with other every Tuesday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. necessities as well. Besides the food pantry, and is available to anyone who meets the they provide the following services: income guidelines and lives within a two securing furniture as needed, disbursement square-mile radius of the Pleasant Hills of emergency funds for payment of utilities, Cloverleaf. On their website rent, medical and dental needs, glasses, and http://www.stelizparish.org is the Bible transportation or food certificates. Albert quote “Whatsoever you do to the least of my Pine, English Author from the 19th century, brethren, you do unto me.” Matthew 25:31said: “What we do for ourselves dies with us. 46. They practice what they preach. There What we do for others and the world remains are more than 40 dedicated volunteers who and is immortal.” St. Elizabeth’s Office of offer their time each week to provide a Social Concerns also provides referrals of positive experience for the clients. In fact, babysitters and household help, loans one of the original volunteers who was 90 in medical equipment, and distributes food March served until just recently. Three certificates to their food pantry recipients other volunteers received the Outstanding during the Thanksgiving, Christmas and Volunteer in Community Service Award Easter holidays. And finally, St. Elizabeth from the Retired & Senior Volunteer allows the Office of Catholic Charities in Program of Allegheny County. Chuck and the Diocese of Pittsburgh to use the Saint Sue Schultz and Ralph Saltzman, 60, 65 and Pius X Hall as a site for counseling services 81 respectively, are described as selfless, with the assistance of United Way funds. dedicated (all three have given thousands of A professional therapist is available on hours to volunteering over the years), and Tuesdays with afternoon and evening hours with a deep sense of wanting to give back. to help people renew their strength, patience and faith to get them through the St. Elizabeth Parish provides continuous hard times they are facing. support to the food pantry and has a monthly collection of non-perishable food For more information regarding the items and monetary donations on the services provided by the St. Elizabeth of third weekend of every month. They aren’t Hungary Parish, or if you or someone you alone in this charitable endeavor. In know needs assistance please contact the addition, several other area churches offer Director of Cloverleaf Area Ecumenical assistance: Beth Israel Center, Good Assistance Program, Suzanne Bilski at Shepherd Lutheran Church, Holy Spirit 412.207.1655. If you have items to donate, Catholic Church, Jefferson United they need non perishable food items (in Methodist Church, Jefferson United non glass containers) such as canned fruits, Presbyterian Church, Nativity Catholic meats and vegetables, peanut butters, Church, Pleasant Hills Presbyterian Church cereals, pastas, soups, etc. They can also use and Saint Thomas a’Becket Church. As paper products, soaps, personal hygiene Mother Teresa once said,” If you can’t feed a products, and detergents. You will be hundred people, then just feed one.” The food helping a cause that helps so many. Part of pantry started with just one, then another, St. Elizabeth’s mission statement reads: and look what their efforts are doing today. “We are driven by a belief in the dignity of the Hundreds of people are being fed and human person; we reach out to serve all…” given hope. They certainly do. Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com
Katie Z Wows Them at By Jonathan Barnes Katie Zemaitis, 12, was sitting backstage waiting to perform on New Year’s Eve at the Benedum Center downtown, “beyond nervous,” not talking to a soul. Even so, she overcame her fear, went onstage and showed poise beyond her years, confidently singing “Anyway” by Martina McBride—the song that got her there in the first place. But how did she do it? “You just get up there and you’re fine,” Zemaitis said. The young singer opened ahead of “House of Soul” for two performances that evening. Zemaitis, a seventhgrader at Harrison Middle School in Baldwin-Whitehall School District, sent a video showing her singing “Anyway” to the First Night 2012 Singoff Competition two months before.
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First Night She won a competition that had narrowed to four finalists, after gaining the most votes from the public and judges. Strangely, she’s really the only one who can sing in her family, she said. But she’s been singing ever since her father, David Zemaitis, can remember. “It’s her passion,” he said. Because he’d heard his daughter sing around the house for a while, David Zemaitis said, he thought she had a shot at winning the Sing-off and wasn’t that surprised when she did. “She’s pretty good and I thought she had a decent chance,” he said. Katie has performed before and will again soon. She’s currently practicing in “Beauty and the Beast,” which will be performed at her school in March. When she was nine she was in “Annie Jr.” at Accent Music in Pleasant Hills, and she also performed in “The Nun Before Christmas,” staged at Crown Plaza Hotel in Bethel Park. She is serious about her art and has been so for years, having started with vocal training at nine. Katie currently takes singing lessons from voice coach Leah Dyer. Even though she has experience in singing in front of large audiences, the Benedum Center was different because of the venue and because it was her largest crowd, with thousands attending the second performance on New Year’s Eve. “It was really amazing. To perform there was a big honor,” Zemaitis said. “Knowing all those people came to see me.” And more will no doubt be coming to see her perform in the coming years. David Zemaitis said his daughter has had some great opportunities for exposure, and he believes she will sing professionally some day. “I think she’ll try. It’s a very difficult industry,” he said. Next up for Katie, she will likely enter the St. Barnabas Teen Idol Competition. Whether or not she does, she will continue to perform. “I’d definitely like to keep singing, and get better at it. There’s always room to improve,” she said. “I’d like to always be in performance and singing.”
Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com
BBW Chamber President Deb Maddock, on behalf of the chamber, presented a check for $5,000 to Economic Development South (EDS). Pictured from Economic Development South were Greg Jones, executive director, and John F. Slater, board chairman. EDS is a non-profit multi-municipal community development corporation representing the communities of Baldwin, Brentwood, and Whitehall and the city neighborhoods of Overbrook and Carrick. EDS is focused on taking a multi-municipal, corridor-based approach to economic development, wherein communities (both city neighborhoods and county boroughs) come together around a shared interest in the redevelopment and revitalization of our communities.
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Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall
Health and Wellness News You Can Use
Let’s Get Physical What can a daily dose of moderate physical activity do for you? Plenty! As you get older, regular exercise is a key to staying strong, energetic, and healthy. To learn more about the link between fitness and aging, turn to page 3.
© 2012 UPMC
What’s Inside page 2
Need Quick, Convenient Care? Head to UPMC Mercy’s South Side Walk-in Clinic
page 3
Fit at Any Age
page 4
Surviving Allergies: What You Can Do Putting Ergonomics to Work for You
page 5
Brightening Lives With Light
page 6
A Walk to Remember
page 7
A Lasting Legacy of Caring
Need Quick, Convenient Care?
Head to UPMC Mercy’s South SideWalk-in Clinic Open days, evenings, and weekends, it’s the solution of choice for busy patients As a single, working mother of two, Joanne Krapp feels fortunate to have the UPMC Mercy South Side Walk-in Primary Care Clinic available close by. She doesn’t have a car, but the clinic is just a 10-minute bus ride from her Carrick home. “It’s so convenient. You don’t need an appointment, and you’re in and out in no time,” says Joanne. “They treat you like you’re the first patient of the day, no matter what time you go.” Joanne first went to the clinic two years ago when she woke up with a burning rash all over her body. Diagnosed with multiple skin allergies — including sensitivity to various metals — she now takes precautions but periodically experiences allergic reactions. She’s been to the clinic for treatment about a half dozen times in two years.
A board-certified physician is on site at all times, along with nurses and other highly trained staff. Patients of all ages are accepted at the clinic, and walk-ins are welcome. Parking is free and plentiful.
A neighbor you can count on Kelly Sassaman, administrator of UPMC Mercy’s South Side Outpatient Center, says the clinic provides x-rays, sutures, blood work and screening, physical exams, and vaccinations, plus immediate care for such conditions as: • Colds and flu • Sore throats and earaches • Minor cuts and scrapes • Minor broken bones • Sprains and strains The clinic also serves as a primary care provider. Staff can refer patients to specialists, and they can provide a fast track to emergency services at UPMC Mercy, a Level 1 trauma center, she adds.
“I’m often treated by the same people when I go there. For someone like me who has a fear of hospitals, that’s important because it makes me feel very comfortable,” she says.
“We’re not an emergency room, but we handle many conditions,” explains Ms. Sassaman. “We’re meeting the needs of the community. Our neighbors don’t have to cross the river, deal with traffic or parking, or wait in an emergency room for treatment of minor injuries or illness. We can do that here.”
The Walk-in Clinic, located on the second floor of the UPMC Mercy South Side Outpatient Center at 2000 Mary St., is open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. weekdays and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays.
Joanne hopes she won’t have to return for treatment anytime soon. “But, if I do, I know I’ll be in good hands,” she says.
Quality care in a comfortable setting
Pain Management and More In addition to the Walk-in Primary Care Clinic, the UPMC Mercy South Side Outpatient Center offers a comprehensive range of outpatient services. The convenient, one-stop location also provides everyday care ranging from EKGs and laboratory work to same-day surgery, as well as pain management services. At the center’s Pain Clinic, specialists work with patients to diagnose the source of chronic pain, and then reduce it using interventional treatments. Specially trained surgeons perform procedures, including injections and radiofrequency ablation.
“We provide excellent care, and it’s so convenient for our patients. Most people are treated within a half hour,” says Jacqueline Belton, director of the Pain Clinic. The Pain Clinic, located on the ground floor of the outpatient center, is open weekdays from 1 to 5 p.m. To learn more about the UPMC Mercy South Side Outpatient Center and all the services available, visit UPMC.com and click on Hospitals and Facilities.
Fit atAnyAge Comedian George Burns — who lived to be 100 — often advised his audience to “Look to the future, because that’s where you’ll spend the rest of your life.” Vonda Wright, MD — a practicing orthopaedic surgeon at the UPMC Center for Sports Medicine and a nationally recognized author of several books on active aging and fitness — thinks that’s sound advice. “Nothing is more natural than aging,” she says. “Adults over 40 today are redefining what it means to age. They’re looking ahead — and doing what it takes to stay fit and vital. “With just 30 minutes of daily exercise, you can minimize your risk for 35 common illnesses — including high blood pressure, stroke, and diabetes,” says Dr. Wright, who also directs the center’s Performance and Research Initiative for Masters Athletes (PRIMA®), which focuses on maximizing the performance of both elite and recreational athletes over age 40.
Staying fit as you age “As we enter our 40s and 50s, we’re just starting to hit our stride, with the potential for many years of wonderful living ahead of us. A well-balanced exercise plan is a key to maintaining that quality of life as we grow older,” she maintains.
Many say that 50 is the new 30 as today’s mature adults enjoy more active, fitter, and healthier lives than any other generation.
“There’s no age or activity level to prevent any older adult from being active,” explains Dr. Wright. In fact, studies of 90-year-old men doing resistance training on a daily basis showed improvements in their strength and functioning.
Getting started
Starting — and sticking with — a fitness plan initially can be hard, says Dr. Wright. “The first step is to make exercise a part of your daily routine. Schedule it on your calendar, like an appointment,” she advises. “Don’t be a weekend warrior. Instead, try to maintain a moderate activity level throughout the week, and increase your exercise level gradually to reduce your chance of overuse or injury.” She tells her patients to FACE the future with a balanced, total body workout designed to achieve maximum benefits while avoiding injury:
F — Flexibility with daily stretching exercises A — Aerobic cardiovascular exercises every other day, using interval-style training Carry a load (or strength train) to build and maintain muscles in your arms, C — legs, and core (stomach, back, and abdomen) E — Equilibrium and balance through simple exercises like standing on one foot “Whenever possible, mix up activities like running, swimming, cycling, or rowing,” encourages Dr. Wright. “Cross training helps promote total fitness while reducing the chance for injury. Most of all, take that first step!” To learn more about UPMC’s PRIMA program for mature athletes, call 412-432-3651 or visit UPMC.com/SportsMedicine. You’ll find PRIMA listed under Performance in the Our Services section.
Should you see a doctor first? You’re 50 years old and a pack-a-day smoker. You also have high blood pressure, and you haven’t exercised since Ronald Reagan was president. Should you see your doctor before hitting the local gym? “Regular exercise is the best gift you can give yourself. But it’s important to use common sense when getting started,” says Lance Brunton, MD, an orthopaedic surgeon at UPMC Mercy who sees patients at the UPMC Center for Sports Medicine. If you’re in generally good health and starting off with light to moderate physical activity, an extensive medical workup probably isn’t necessary. “But if you’ve been diagnosed with any medical condition, have been sedentary for some time, or are at risk for potential heart problems, it’s essential to talk to your doctor,” advises Dr. Brunton. “Working together, you and your doctor can create the right exercise plan based on your age, physical condition, family history, and other key factors.” If you’re over the age of 40, visit UPMC.com/Today to take the American College of Sports Medicine’s Physical Activity Readiness Self-Exam.
Health Tips from UPMC Health Plan
Surviving Allergies: What You Can Do If you dread the approach of spring and the arrival of allergy season, here are a few ways to reduce your sniffling, sneezing, and itchy eyes
What to do If you take medication to control your symptoms, start treatment early — before your seasonal allergies flare up, says BJ Ferguson, MD, director of the Division of Sino-Nasal Disorders and Allergy at UPMC, and a professor of otolaryngology at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. In western Pennsylvania, tree pollen starts flying around by the end of February or in early March, when it warms up enough for trees to begin budding.
Medications to take Dr. Ferguson recommends starting with an over-thecounter (OTC) medication, preferably a non-sedating antihistamine. She cautions that some products can be sedating or even result in extreme drowsiness that can impair driving. Be sure to read the accompanying instructions or ask your pharmacist about side effects. OTC decongestants can relieve nasal congestion but should only be used on a short-term basis, Dr. Ferguson says. Decongestants can cause significant side effects, such as insomnia, agitation, heart palpitations, and a rise in blood pressure. A saline nasal wash also can help relieve congestion.
When to see a doctor “If you are getting no relief and it is impairing your quality of life, you should see a doctor about more effective alternatives and testing,” says Dr. Ferguson. • A doctor can prescribe medications that can provide effective relief from chronic congestion. • Allergy testing can determine precisely what you are or aren’t allergic to. A new sublingual immunotherapy administered under the tongue is just as effective as allergy shots, and with fewer side effects, says Dr. Ferguson. • Your doctor also can determine if your nasal blockage is caused by inflammation or nasal polyps, a deviated septum, enlarged adenoids, or an infection.
Putting Ergonomics to Work for You At home and on the job, ergonomics can help you avoid injury and discomfort — and even increase your productivity The goal of ergonomics is to make our places of work as safe, comfortable, and efficient as possible. But let’s not limit its uses to our day jobs! According to the physical therapists at UPMC Mercy, many of the aches and pains people experience can be attributed to ergonomic issues like poor posture, excessive repetitive movement, or improper lifting techniques. They advise applying basic ergonomic principles at work, home, or play to help avoid injury and perform at your best. • Use the right equipment. Make sure the tool fits the job and your body, whether you’re sitting at a desk, vacuuming, riding a bike, or swinging a golf club. • Work at the right height for you. A too-low computer chair or a too-high kitchen counter can wreak havoc on your neck, back, and shoulders. • Avoid contact stress. Wear gloves or use tools designed to reduce pressure on soft tissue to avoid blisters and other skin damage. • Keep items within easy reach. Extend your arms out on each side. Picture an imaginary arc in front of you from left to right. Place the tools or supplies you use most often within that area. • Avoid repetitive movements and working long periods in one position. Alternate tasks and change your body position regularly. Stretch every 20 to 30 minutes. Visit UPMC.com/Today where you can find more ergonomic tips to use at work and at home.
Brightening Lives with Light Light therapy is proving to be an effective treatment for bipolar depression and other mood disorders Michele Twyman of Penn Hills always dreaded the approach of winter and the holidays. As the days shortened, she grew increasingly tired, sleepy, and depressed. All she wanted to do was crawl into bed — and stay there. “I didn’t enjoy anything — from decorating to shopping. I never felt like celebrating,” says Ms. Twyman, who has a bipolar disorder and has battled depression for more than 30 years. But last Christmas was different. For the first time in years, she decorated, shopped, and made wreaths and centerpieces. “I enjoy the holidays again. I realize now how much I missed being happy about life’s little things,” she says.
New treatment shows bright promise
People with bipolar depression are especially sensitive to changes in outdoor ambient light and the seasons, she explains. The onset of fall and winter can trigger symptoms similar to seasonal affective disorder (SAD), including fatigue, sluggishness, daytime sleepiness, carb cravings, loss of interest, and inability to experience pleasure. Individuals with bipolar depression also may have suicidal thoughts.
How and why it works
“There are few effective treatments for bipolar depression. That’s why we’re exploring novel approaches such as light therapy.” — Dorothy Sit, MD
Ms. Twyman credits her new outlook to an artificial light box provided by Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic (WPIC) of UPMC. Every afternoon, she sits in bright light for about a half hour while reading or planning appointments and activities. It took just a few weeks to feel the effects. She now wakes up feeling more rested and relaxed. She’s also better able to care for her 95-year-old father. “There are few effective treatments for bipolar depression. That’s why we’re exploring novel approaches such as light therapy,” says Dorothy Sit, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh, and a researcher at WPIC who is leading an ongoing study in the use of light therapy for treatment of bipolar depression. “Most patients feel better within two weeks of starting it, and continue to improve for up to eight weeks.” According to Dr. Sit, treatment is inexpensive and effective. Patients with seasonal depression require 30 to 60 minutes of daily light therapy while patients with non-seasonal depression need 45 to 60 minutes.
Light therapy replaces lost sunlight exposure and resets the body’s internal clock, or circadian rhythms — important for everyone’s general health, mood, and thinking. That’s why light therapy also can help patients with jet lag, shift workers, and people with sleep disorders.
While light therapy is generally safe, patients with bipolar depression also must be on a mood stabilizer or they’ll be at risk for manic episodes, says Dr. Sit. Other possible side effects include headaches, eyestrain, irritation, agitation, and insomnia. These symptoms normally disappear following adjustments in the time and length of treatment.
Light therapy tips • Check with your doctor or mental health professional to see if light therapy is a good option for you. • Follow your doctor’s advice concerning any special precautions you need to take. • Use light therapy only with guidance from your doctor or mental health provider to minimize possible side effects and maximize benefits. Visit UPMC.com/Today for more information on bipolar depression and the light therapy study. To participate in the study, call 1-800-436-2461. For information on light boxes, visit the Center for Environmental Therapeutics website at cet.org.
AWalk to Remember UPMC Rehabilitation Institute helps make a seemingly impossible wedding dream come true Megan Dow was an athletic, carefree 27-year-old with so much to look forward to — from her upcoming wedding to a new house and barn. But a freak ATV accident on Memorial Day 2010 changed her life in an instant, leaving her paralyzed from the waist down. It took a week for Megan to realize her broken neck and back wouldn’t be a quick fix and another six months to acknowledge that her paralysis might have permanent effects. Despite the diagnosis, the Negley, Ohio, resident was determined to walk down the aisle on her wedding day 16 months later. “What means more to a girl than walking down the aisle at her wedding?” asks Megan, who became engaged just weeks before the accident.
Regaining the life she lost Initially, she couldn’t sit up without help and wore braces to support her back, neck, and legs. “I went from doing everything to not being able to brush my teeth; from being able to throw a bale of hay to not being able to pick up a gallon of milk,” Megan says. An avid outdoorswoman, Megan longed to return to her activities, including horseback riding, camping, volunteering as a 4H Club adviser, and working as an interior designer. “I absolutely loved the life I had before the accident. I had to work to bring these things back into my life,” she says.
At the UPMC Rehabilitation Institute’s spinal cord injury unit at UPMC Mercy, Megan’s team of specialists put her to work four hours a day, six days a week in an intensive rehabilitation program. Luckily, she had use of her quadriceps, which allowed her to walk with the help of braces and a walker. Slowly, she relearned everyday skills like dressing herself and walking. She also learned new skills, such as transferring to a shower chair from her wheelchair, and did exercises to build her strength. Megan vowed she’d walk without the walker by that Christmas (a goal she met by Thanksgiving) and down the aisle without a cane. A few weeks before her wedding, Megan donned her gown and practiced walking in the gym with her physical therapist.
Walking happily into the future On her wedding day — Oct. 1, 2011 — Megan did walk down the aisle. Among the guests were her UPMC doctor, physical therapist, and occupational therapist. “They’re a huge part of my life and the reason I’m where I am today. They had to be there!” exclaims Megan. “I’m so grateful to everyone at the Rehabilitation Institute. They gave me the tools I needed, and they encouraged and steered me in the right direction.”
Megan and Eric Dow walked down the aisle after exchanging marriage vows on Oct. 1, 2011.
Megan and her husband Eric honeymooned in Cancún, Mexico, where they snorkeled, swam, kayaked, and even explored some ancient ruins. Today, while she still uses a wheelchair and cane, Megan is thankful she can walk up to two hours with just leg braces. She’s also driving again, riding horses, camping, and doing other activities. “It was a miracle. I’m so grateful I can still do what I used to do — I just do them differently,” Megan says. To learn more about UPMC Rehabilitation Institute and its services, visit UPMC.com/RehabInstitute. You’ll also find a link to Megan’s story and those of other patients who’ve benefited from the institute’s specialized care.
A Lasting Legacy of Caring It was 165 years ago that a small band of Irish nuns pioneered the ministry of Catholic health care in Pittsburgh — a spirit of compassionate care that is alive today at UPMC Mercy Catholic health care has a long and rich tradition in the United States, providing care to medically underserved, diverse, and poor communities. In Pittsburgh, that tradition took shape in the work of seven Sisters of Mercy who first came from Ireland in 1843 to care for the poor and sick. In 1847, those remarkable women built the Mercy Hospital of Pittsburgh, the first Catholic hospital in Pittsburgh. Today, at UPMC Mercy — the last Catholic hospital in Pittsburgh — their legacy of giving reverent, compassionate care of the highest quality to all patients is flourishing. To Sisters of Mercy, their fourth vow — caring for the poor, sick, and uneducated — is as sacred as the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. “Scripture provides the model we follow,” explains Phyllis Grasser, vice president of mission effectiveness and spiritual care at UPMC Mercy. “The healing ministry of Christ included a commitment to the poor and vulnerable.”
Securing our mission and identity When the Sisters of Mercy began seeking a partner to help secure the hospital’s future, preserving its faith-based mission of care was of vital concern. In 2008, Mercy Hospital merged with UPMC under an agreement that assured that the hospital would retain its Catholic identity and ethics. That agreement was one of the first of its kind in the United States between a Catholic hospital and a secular health system, and has since become a model for others. Partnering with UPMC also put the struggling hospital on solid financial ground and enabled it to upgrade facilities and bring in new specialized programs and advanced technologies, says Ms. Grasser. UPMC Mercy will continue to provide the best and most advanced medical care to the region’s underserved and most vulnerable populations.
“The executive team is very supportive of the mission, and they’ve encouraged us to strengthen UPMC Mercy’s Catholic tradition,” adds Ms. Grasser.
The mission in action Mercy has always been respected for the important role it has played in the lives of people throughout western Pennsylvania. For nearly 170 years, people have trusted the sisters to care for them with respect, regardless of social status or ability to pay. That has not changed, says Ms. Grasser. Since merging with UPMC, the hospital’s charity care has doubled. While some sisters remain actively involved at UPMC Mercy, the staff is comprised mainly of lay people. Although the lay staff come from a variety of religious traditions, they have a deep understanding of and commitment to the hospital’s faith-based mission. With the support and encouragement of the sisters and the Diocese of Pittsburgh, Ms. Grasser is helping to build a generation of lay leaders to carry Mercy’s mission and values into the future. To do that, she and her staff regularly host lay leadership training programs, as well as seminars for all employees that focus on the hospital’s Catholic identity. “The qualities of trust, teamwork, forgiveness, and generosity are at the core of who we are and what we do as people and as care providers,” explains Ms. Grasser. “They bind us to each other and to our patients.” “The mission, vision, and values of Mercy have not changed. Providing quality medical care with respect and reverence for all people is our responsibility — and our legacy,” says Ms. Grasser.
UPMC Mercy 1400 Locust St. Pittsburgh, PA 15219
UPMC Today is published quarterly to provide you with health and wellness information and classes and events available at UPMC. This publication is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice or replace a physicianâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s medical assessment. Always consult first with your physician about anything related to your personal health.
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Community Open House April 19 5 to 7 p.m.
WONDERS OF WILDLIFE WITH LIVE ZOO ANIMALS Monday, April 2 / 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Family Fun Time! The Pittsburgh Zoomobile will visit BBPL with a gentle introduction to the wonderful world of wild animals. Register by calling the library at 412.885.2255, by Monday 3/26/12. PROPERTY TAX APPEAL WORKSHOP Thursday, April 19 @ 7 p.m. Steidl and Steinberg, which has been representing clients in financial matters for the past 31 years, will conduct a free seminar on the Allegheny County property tax assessment appeal process. This free seminar will feature a presentation on how assessed values were determined and the procedures for filing appeals. Attorneys from Steidl and Steinberg will be present to answer questions regarding this controversial issue and provide insight on how to address your property tax situation. Register by calling the library at 412.885.2255, by April 17.
LAUGHS FOR THE LIBRARY! COMEDY NIGHT FUNDRAISER Saturday, April 14 Cost: $20 per person Join us for an evening of fun as three comedians [www. slapsticksproductions.com] provide the laughs, we provide desserts, snacks, soft drinks and mixers. Visit our web site at www.baldwinborolibrary.org for additional information or call 412.885.2255. Tickets available at the library. BENEFITS THE CHILDREN’S AREA MOVE AND EXPANSION. AARP SAFE DRIVING CLASS Wednesday and Thursday, April 18 & 19 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. This class reviews the principles of safe driving and applies them to physical changes experienced with aging. You may be eligible for a discount on your car
discussion of the importance of values as reflected in this book. Residents can call the library at 412.885.2255 to register. Program sponsored by the Baldwin High School and the Baldwin Borough Public Library.
insurance. Call 412.885.2255 to register by April 10. Cost: $14 or $12 with AARP card, payable to the instructor. JOB & CAREER PLANNING FOR TEENS: PART I / RESUMANIA Thursday, March 15, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Join us for a session on resume formatting and get an individualized look at your resume by a librarian. Call 412.885.2255 to register by Wednesday 3/7/12.
BATTLE OF THE BOOKS! Get Ready and Register This annual program celebrates the joy of reading. Junior Division Teams (grades (4-5) and Senior Division Teams (grades 6-7) are invited to form a team, of five, to compete in a battle against other teams from the Baldwin/Whitehall area. For more information go to www.baldwinborolibrary.org to register, visit the library between March 1st - April 20th. The Battle will be held on May 1, 2012.
JOB & CAREER PLANNING FOR TEENS: PART II / INTERVIEWING BASICS Thursday, March 22 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Nervous about that upcoming exit interview? Want to score that perfect summer job? Join us for a session on becoming the perfect interviewee and participate in mock interviews. Call 412.885.2255 to register by Wednesday 3/14/12. TEEN NIGHT Wednesday, March 21, 6:30 p.m. An evening filled with good company, snacks, games, and prizes. Sound like fun? Call 412.885.2255 to register by Wednesday 3/14/12. INTERGENERATIONAL BOOK LUNCH AT BALDWIN HIGH SCHOOL HUNGER GAMES Wednesday, April 4, 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. The movie, Hunger Games, based on the book by Suzanne Collins, will be released March 23. Students, teachers and area residents are invited to join a timely
Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com
Superintendent’s Message For 36 years, I have had the privilege and honor to work in public education. During that time, public education has faced its challenges and attacks. However, I do not recall a time when the attacks have been as great as they are today. Those attacks include substantial cuts in state funding, efforts to direct resources away from students, and inaccurate claims that public education is failing. At its January 23, 2012, General Purpose Meeting, the Board of Directors approved the Stand Up for Public Education resolution. Stand Up for Public Education is an initiative of the Pennsylvania School Boards Association (PSBA) to share the good news of public education. How much do you know about the successes of public education in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania? To answer that question, PSBA has provided the following information: • Pennsylvania has made eight straight years of improvements in student achievement in math and reading. More than three-quarters of Pennsylvania students are now on grade level based on the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) scores in math and nearly three-quarters in reading. • Pennsylvania was ranked seventh among states for K-12 student achievement and ninth overall, according to a new national report released by Education Week magazine titled “Quality Counts 2011: Uncertain Forecast – Education Adjusts to a New Economic Reality.” • Pennsylvania was recognized by the non-partisan Center on Education Policy as the only state in the nation to make significant progress boosting achievement in all subjects and grade levels between 2002 and 2008. • The number of Pennsylvania public high school students taking and testing in an Advanced Placement course continues to increase each year. • According to the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s 2008-2009 School Safety Report, an overwhelming majority of Pennsylvania’s students attend safe schools, and schools overall are becoming safer. • 94% of all school districts, and 75% of all schools in Pennsylvania, achieved Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) for the 2010-11 school year. • 180 schools that failed to achieve AYP for the 2008-09 school year, as well as five school districts, advanced to Making Progress status for 2009-10. • Pennsylvania public schools are credited with a 90% graduation rate for 2009-10. • 75% of all students in the state scored at a proficient or advanced level in math on the PSSA test for that year, while 72% of all students performed at a proficient or advanced level in reading. These numbers are well ahead of the goals of 56% and 63% respectively for math and reading that were in place for the 2010 school year. • 72.6% of Pennsylvania graduates are college bound for 2009-10 (95,380 students). • 68.1% of Pennsylvania graduates were headed to two- or four-year colleges or universities for 2009-10. Public education has always been considered the backbone of our American democracy. If you are a product of public education, I would encourage you to join me and “Stand Up for Public Education” by sharing your own personal successes with others. Ronald W. Dufalla, Ph.D. Superintendent of Schools 42
Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall
The Pennsylvania School Boards Association (PSBA) recently honored Richard Briner of the Brentwood Borough School Board for his volunteer service to the local community. Mr. Briner has served as a school director for eight years. Since 1983, the PSBA has recognized the contributions of dedicated local school directors with long-term service through the Honor Roll of School Board Service. According to PSBA president Marianne L. Neel, school directors are continually spending more of their personal time on school-related activities with 54% of them devoting 16 hours or more a month to school board business. She further noted that on the average, these individuals put in about two-and-a-half working days per month of nonpaid, volunteer service as school directors. The Honor Roll is the association’s way of saying “thank you” to those individuals who exemplify leadership and dedication, giving unselfishly to their communities, students, and the public schools. Their efforts, along with those of their fellow board members, reflect their dedication to giving children the opportunity to gain knowledge through the best educational system possible.
Kindergarten registration for the 2012-2013 school year will be held March 26-28. Registration packets may be completed from 7 to 8 a.m., 9 to 11 a.m., and from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. during the registration period. Children must be five years old on or before September 30, 2012, to enroll in kindergarten. According to school district policy, placement of kindergarten students will be made using the attendance zones established by the school district as a guideline. Parents must register kindergarten students at the school they will attend. The school administrators will make final assignments. Parents must bring the child’s birth certificate, immunization records and any other pertinent health information to registration. Parents must also provide proofs of residency, which may include a valid lease or mortgage agreement and a current utility bill with the parent’s name and address imprinted upon it.
The child need not be present. Parents should be prepared to complete all forms at the time of registration. Parents may download kindergarten registration forms from the school district’s website to complete in advance. Registration materials may be accessed at www.brentwoodpgh.k12.pa.us. You may download and complete the forms at any time but we will not accept them until March 26. Parents must still bring the required forms, along with original birth certificate, immunization records, and proofs of residency, to the school office in person during the registration period. Once registration packets are submitted, new kindergarten registrants will be scheduled for a readiness screening between April 30 and May 3. We will hold kindergarten orientation sessions for parents and students in each elementary school on Tuesday, April 24, at 1 p.m. At that time, you may visit the kindergarten classrooms. Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com
Through a grant provided by the Grable Foundation, 748 students from 42 school districts participated in the creation of a 20foot mural that is permanently installed in the lobby of the Allegheny Intermediate Unit located at the Waterfront in Homestead. Over a three-week period during the fall, artists Laura Jean McLaughlin and Bob Ziller worked with the students to graphically depict what public education meant to them while at the same time emphasizing the importance of art education and the imagination of children. Brentwood students involved in the creation of the mural included Abby Balkovec, Morgan Dryburgh, Josephine Hernandez, Derrick Hogue, Scarlett Hotalen, Liz Kazmierczak, Sydney Luther, Katie Murano, Brianna Paul, Christian Reinhardt, and Shelby Sorochman.
Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall
Each year the Brentwood Borough School District receives federal funds to operate programs in the schools. The grants are awarded through funding formulas established by the Pennsylvania Department of Education using federal guidelines under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. The largest federal allocation the district receives is for Title I services. Title I provides funding to local school districts to operate programs for educationally disadvantaged students. Though the amount of funds set aside for a local educational agency is derived from the number of economically disadvantaged families living in a district, any student who meets eligibility requirements may participate in Title I funded programs. In Brentwood, Title I funds are used to operate an early intervention reading program for eligible kindergarten, first, second, and third grade students. In addition, the school district contracts with the Allegheny Intermediate Unit to provide an equitable share of Title I services to eligible nonpublic school students. In 2011-2012, the Brentwood Borough School District received a Title I, Part A allocation of $201,288 to operate these programs.
Title II, Part A provides allocated funds to allow schools to reduce class size in the elementary schools. This year the Brentwood Borough School District received an entitlement of $38,675 to reduce class sizes at Elroy School. Questions regarding federal programs may be directed to Mr. Robert P. Monaghan, federal programs coordinator (monaghanr@brentwoodpgh.k12.pa.us).
uring the week of November 28, 2011, students at Elroy Elementary School showed their support for the Brentwood Food Bank. Each day of the week two grades brought in their donations. Friday was a day for all to bring in donations to encourage students to get their grade level ahead. In first place was kindergarten with 200 cans of food and boxed goods. A close second was won by fourth grade with 199 cans of food and boxed goods. Third place went to fifth grade with 166 items donated, and in fourth place was third grade with 169 items. First and second grades gave it a good try with 139 and 156 items donated respectfully. The winning grade level received a popcorn treat from the Elroy PTA.
In all, the students of Elroy donated 1,029 cans of food and boxed goods to the Brentwood Food Bank. It was great for students to come together and support families in Brentwood during the holiday season.
First grade in room 202 at Elroy Elementary School sent a special thank you to the 8th Force Support Squadron, United States Air Force, in the form of handmade holiday cards. This squadron was special to the class, because SSgt. Christopher Haines, a member of this squadron, is the father of one of the students, Alana Haines. SSgt. Haines was in Kunan, South Korea, serving his country. Students worked for a week on their cards, using pictures and verses that were cut from cards given by their teacher, Amy Smith. A thank-you message was written in each card, along with drawings of the students. As a thank-you for their thoughtfulness, SSgt. Haines sent the class some items from South Korea. He sent enough Won, Korean money, in the form of bills and coins, for each student and Korean peanuts, candy and cookies. Two special gifts also sent were a piece of wire fence from the Korean Demilitarized Zone in a frame and four of SSgt. Haines’ squadron coins. These coins mean a lot to men and women in the Air Force and are a tradition to receive when you become a member of a squadron. The class enjoyed writing to Alana’s father and receiving his South Korean mementos.
Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com
“Without will power, we would not be motivated, and being motivated takes us to new places.” This was a response from an 8th grade student at Brentwood Borough School District when given the statement: “Your ‘I will’ is stronger than your IQ.” The writing prompt was an introductory activity to a short story titled Flowers for Algernon, by Daniel Keyes, which was read as a part of the Language Arts curriculum in 8th grade. The story is about an intellectually impaired 37-year-old man named Charlie Gordon who is chosen to participate in an experiment that will boost his IQ of 68 to over 200. The students read and grappled with issues such as: individual vs. society, peer relationships, kindness, intellectual ability, and scientific intervention. At the conclusion of the story, the 8th grade students participated in an interdisciplinary activity day. During the short story, the main character, Charlie, has to undergo testing in order to be eligible to participate in the experiment. Part of his testing included racing a mouse, Algernon, in a maze. Charlie was given a paper copy of the maze, while Algernon was actually in the maze. For the beginning part of the interdisciplinary day, the 8th grade students had to work in teams of three or four to create a maze that a marble would go through. The students used scientific and mathematical concepts, as well as artistic skills, to construct a maze. The top three groups that had the marble stay in the maze the longest, and the top three groups for artistic creativity relating to the story, were rewarded in the second part of the day. After eating lunch at the Civic Center in the Brentwood Borough Park, the students were sent on a scavenger hunt race. This activity, designed by 8th grade teachers last year and revised a bit this year, was inspired by the television shows “The Amazing Race” and “A Minute to Win It.” The six winning groups from the morning activities were permitted to begin earlier than the rest of the remaining 17 groups. Each group had to work as a team to complete tasks in different locations outside of Brentwood Middle/High School, and throughout Brentwood Park. The tasks were designed with the short story in mind. Students were able to relate to Charlie Gordon throughout the activities. Some activities included: “Finding Algernon” where each group had to find their “Algernon” which was hidden throughout the area, “Dueling Doctors” where the students had to work as a team to get 46
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across the practice field on walking beams, and “Birthday Memory Board” where students’ memories were tested after viewing birthday gifts for 45 seconds. Each group had to complete nine stations as they were racing against the other groups and the clock. The winning group members received gift cards to Caribou Coffee or GameStop. The day was successful in that students related to the main
character of the story, examined how all subjects can tie together, worked on building peer relationships, and completed tasks as a team—not individually. According to a sample of student responses from the introductory activity (“It doesn’t matter how smart you are, because you don’t have to be smart to make the right decisions,” and “This taught me to always believe that I can do something”), the proof was in the ending.
The students, teachers and staff of Brentwood Middle School (BMS) really “practice what they preach!” Through their weekly advisory/character education program, they have been able to make a difference in their community while learning important character traits such as pride, respect, cooperation, thankfulness and generosity. In addition to weekly lessons, classroom activities, and bimonthly door decorating contests, BMS students, teachers and staff complete a variety of service projects to “put into action” what they are learning. In October, students worked together to make “ghostie” lollipops with messages for the patients of Children’s Hospital. More than 300 ghostie lollipops were delivered to the hospital for the children to enjoy around Halloween time! Some advisory classes, inspired by the Thanksgiving holiday, held their own non-perishable food drives in November and donated the food to local food pantries. As one of their December service projects, students used their creativity and artistic abilities to make holiday cards for the residents of a local nursing home. Also in December, BMS sponsored its annual holiday toy drive, which once again proved to be a huge success! For two weeks, spare change was collected in classrooms and during lunches – more than $350 was raised! Through the students’ generosity, they were able to brighten the holidays for eight area children by purchasing Christmas gifts for them. On Friday, December 2, 10 students, along with middle school staff members Diana Kleinhampl, Grace Fonzi and Lynne Golvash, spent part of their day shopping and wrapping gifts such as games, toys, clothing and books. Brentwood Middle School looks forward to completing more service projects during the second semester and continuing to make a difference, little by little, in the community!
Holiday Toy Drive
Holiday Toy Drive
(Above and below) Halloween Ghostie Pops for Children’s Hospital
Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com
This year at Brentwood High School, a new class was introduced to the technology education curriculum. The objective of this class was to teach problem solving and critical thinking skills to students while instilling the importance of charitable giving. These objectives were achieved by framing the content of the class around the engineering and manufacturing process, while focusing on a product that would be donated to charity. Students designed and manufactured a Tic-Tac-Toe board game that they donated to the Marines’ Toys for Tots program. The course began by having each student individually brainstorm ideas for toys that they could manufacture using the available equipment in the manufacturing lab. The toys needed to be aesthetically pleasing and functional, as well as cost effective and able to be completed in a manner that maximized quality and quantity. Each student’s preliminary concept was developed, defined and presented to the class, followed by a class vote to determine the top three designs. Students were then broken into groups to develop each of the three chosen design ideas into prototypes. One group developed a prototype of a toy helicopter, another group made a toy truck and another developed a wooden Tic-Tac-Toe board. Difficulties in making the prototype were identified by the students and they had to quickly resolve any potential issues in the manufacturing process. Students had to consider how each step could be completed at a high production level while maintaining the needed level of accuracy and
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quality. Finally each group presented their findings and prototypes to the class, where the Tic-Tac-Toe board was eventually chosen for production. The students decided that the Tic-Tac-Toe board would give the greatest manufacturing success while providing a toy that would be desired by the greatest number of children. With the product decided, students began to break into individual groups to perform the different tasks necessary to manufacture the toys. An estimate was made on the number of toys that could be produced and how much money it would cost for the production runs. Plans were developed to raise the funds necessary to pay for supplies. In addition to the raising of money for the production of the toys, the students created working drawings, flow charts, fixtures, CNC tool path codes, product logos and developed packaging ideas. Each student had individual responsibilities that needed to be completed so that these toys could effectively be manufactured. Incomplete work by one student could prevent another student from completing their portion of the project. Students quickly learned that they were each a key part of the process. With pre-planning complete, pieces of the project began to be manufactured. Efforts were made to ensure that only accurate and high-quality pieces were used in the finished product. As more and more pieces were made, attention was turned to preparing the toys for final finish and assembly work. Each piece was sanded and sprayed with a lacquer finish. Individual pieces were assembled
and prepared for packaging. In total the students manufactured 150 toys for donation. After all of the toys were finished and packaged, the class delivered the toys to the Toys for Tots distribution center in the Strip District. The students volunteered to assist in the distribution of all of the toys for this region, including the toys made in this class. Each student had the opportunity to see how their hard work had impacted some of the recipients of the toys. Jackie Pickens, a senior, said, “The parents seemed to really appreciate what we were doing, and the kids there had huge smiles on their faces.” By the close of the semester, it was apparent that the new class implemented at Brentwood High School was a great success. In years to come the teachers, Brian Joyce and Beau Sedlar, hope to expand the class to have more participants and produce more toys. Hopefully, the class will provide the opportunity to help many more children in the future. “Everyone in the class thought that it was a great experience.” Senior Corey Egger said, “It was a really nice experience to be in this class. We got to use our own designs and ideas in order to make other families happy at Christmas time.” Both Joyce and Sedlar echo Corey’s sentiments because the spread of joy is the overall premise to this class idea, while providing high school students the opportunity to utilize engineering and manufacturing skills developed within the technology education program at Brentwood High School.
Several Brentwood High School students were recognized for their performance at Steel Center Area Vocational-Technical School with the Extra Effort Award. Instructors at Steel Center chose Extra Effort Award recipients each grading quarter based on their demonstration of outstanding attitude, work ethic, attendance, and dependability. These are qualities the instructors believe are the most highly valued by employers in their workers. Awardees for the first quarter include Daniel Faix in electronics, Zachary McGuire in machine shop, and Matthew Weiss in carpentry. Second quarter awardees include Dell Bosco in computer programming, Margaret Mutschler in health assistance, Natalie Sparico in cosmetology, and Matthew Weiss in carpentry.
Learning a Life Lesson in Helping the Animals The second grade classes at Elroy Elementary School decided to help the Animal Friends Shelter in Pittsburgh. They felt that helping out an animal shelter was a great way to assist animals in need. The students decided to “give up” their classroom gifts to each other and replace them with a gift for the animal shelter. The goal was to learn that it is better to give than to receive. Led by their teachers, Karri Forsyth, Melissa Sauro, and Lynne Zietak, the second grade families happily donated blankets, bones, cat treats, dog food, cat food, rabbit food, and a lot of peanut butter to help the animals. The smiles on the students’ faces were priceless and the pride in their hearts was evident as the donated items piled up. The lesson was learned that it is more fun to give than receive.
he tight deadlines, stress over designing colorful and dynamic layouts and the worry over names being spelled correctly was all worth it for the Anthem staff after finding out that the Brentwood yearbook was named Best High School Yearbook for a school with a population under 500 by the National Scholastic Press Association (NSPA). The Minaret, the high school newspaper, and Anthem, the high school ye arbook, were both judged among hundreds of publications. The newspaper won a first place award this year after entering the contest. Last year, The Minaret was awarded second place. The Anthem also received a first place award as well as being named best yearbook from a population of 500 or less. The NSPA is a nonprofit membership organization that provides resources, critiques and scholarships to high schools and other higher learning publications across the country. “I am ecstatic. I’ve had a wonderful group of students working on both publications for the last two years. It’s nice to have my students and our hard work recognized. It’s also so rewarding to know our publication was considered ‘the best’ among so many other contestants,” said advisor Jennifer Hughes. NSPA judges are journalists or other professionals with media-related jobs who have experience in areas they are tasked to judge. The judges review the entries and decide the winners independently of NSPA. “I enjoyed working on both publications very much,” said Liam Dryburgh, a junior at Brentwood and a staff member for the last two years. “Getting rewarded for our hard work is awesome.” The Anthem was among 561 publications that were critiqued by the NSPA for the 2010-11 school year. “When I realized how many entries we were up against, I was even more impressed with our accomplishment,” said Hughes. Editor Kelsey Mahoney, who has been on the staff for the last two years, says she is working diligently on both publications and is planning on submitting the 2011-12 yearbook and an issue of The Minaret to NSPA at the end of this school year. Mahoney says she is hoping to receive similar accolades again next year.
Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com
nger in children and teens takes many forms. It may be expressed as mild irritation to rage. How anger is expressed is different for different people, even adults. Adults want to help children and teens appropriately express themselves and deal with their angry feelings. Some teens may repress their anger and withdraw, while others may be more defiant, become belligerent, and destroy property. Angry outbursts from younger children are often difficult for parents to handle. Parents often feel that it is their job to make their kids act the way they feel they should behave. Many parents fall into the trap of engaging in shouting matches with kids while others have no idea how to react when an angry outburst occurs. It is important to remember that anger is not a primary emotion. We do not wake up angry, but rather we are angry due to another underlying emotion. The expression of anger is really the tip of the iceberg; it is important to realize that there is a much deeper hidden cause for angry outbursts. This article provides some tips on dealing with an angry child or teenager. Try not to yell or challenge your child when he or she is angry. Parents often react to an angry outburst by challenging their children and yelling back. The best thing to do is remain calm when your child is angry. Nothing good can come from both the parent and child getting upset. When parents remains calm and wait until their child calms down, the problem can be dealt with more reasonably and the adults remain in control. If you become angry it shows your child that you are out of control. A “time-out” is time away from a situation or interaction that allows children AND adults time to calm down and then come back to discuss the situation. A time-out is not a punishment and can be very helpful in these situations. Do not try to reason with your child when he or she is in the middle of an angry outburst or tantrum. Children and teens do not have the ability to stop and reason like adults can. Children are more apt to listen to you once they are calm. You will then be able to help them problem solve. Parents must pay attention to their own physical reactions. By staying calm, you are not challenging your child by yelling back and free from engaging in a power struggle. Never give into your child’s demands when they throw a tantrum. This is the quickest way to reinforce that tantrums are the best way to get what they want. Discuss with your child during a quiet time about where they can go when they are angry and rules to ensure safety for everyone involved. Children need to know that they have a safe place to let off steam. As long as they are not breaking any rules, they should be permitted to have time to be angry. Let them know that you are there for them but you are going to give them time and space to work through their anger. Encourage them to follow up with you to process their feelings after they calm down. 50
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By Frank Krawiec, MSW, LCSW, Wesley Spectrum School Based Services Mental Health Therapist/Intervention Specialist Do not get into power struggles. This is easy for me to say, but difficult for parents to do. You tell your child or adolescent to clean his room and he outright refuses. Then you threaten, “You better clean it, or you’re not going out this weekend.” They reply, “You can’t make me clean it and I’m going out this weekend anyway.” Then you say something, he says something, you both begin to shout, and low and behold, a power struggle has developed. When possible, keep a cool head and avoid battles and power struggles. At times, it may be better to have the children experience the consequences of their behavior than to win the battle and get them to do what you want. When parents try to win each battle, they may end up fighting with their child throughout adolescence and will probably end up losing the war. Many parents offer choices such as, “Are you going to clean your room on Saturday or Sunday?” Have the child choose and involve them in choosing the consequence if they don’t follow through. Do not get physical with your child. Parents who get physical with their children are teaching them to solve problems with aggression. Studies have shown that children who have been disciplined through physical punishments will often end up as adolescents who get into physical battles with their parents. Encourage appropriate communication. The most effective way to deal with anger and rebellious behavior is to have children and teenagers appropriately communicate their feelings and for parents to listen. Parents can encourage children and teens to express and explain negative feelings, sources of their anger, and their opinions of what angers them, what parents do that they do not like, and what they disapprove of. If children and teens can express themselves in a normal tone of voice and are not rude or
disrespectful, then problems can often be addressed. Teenagers who can complain, disapprove, and disagree without engaging in an argument are a rare breed. They must be taught that becoming sarcastic, accusatory, shouting and swearing are not effective ways to communicate their emotions. Praise and reward your child when they do positive things as often as you can. Only giving them attention for negative behavior may ensure more tantrums in the future, since it is the main way of getting attention from you.
Listen. If a teenager is complaining about excessive restrictions, consequences or other things that they do not like, listen. Try to understand her feelings. If the complaints are realistic, see if something can be worked out and resolved, or if a compromise can be made. It is important to be truly present and listen. Do not problem solve or redirect. That will come later. Avoid negative attention. A mistake that parents often make is to pay more attention to what their child is doing wrong—their failures, mistakes, misbehaviors—than to what they are doing right—their successes, achievements, good behaviors. Emphasize your child’s successes, accomplishments, achievements and good behaviors. A little bit of praise can go a long way. Try not to react to passive-aggressive behavior. By the time children become teenagers, they have learned ways to “play” their parents. The phrase “passive-aggressive” is used to describe behavior or a personality trait that involves acting indirectly aggressive rather than directly aggressive. Passive-aggressive people regularly exhibit resistance to requests or demands from family and other individuals often by procrastinating, expressing sullenness or acting stubborn. Some of the opposition, stubbornness, resistance and other passive-aggressive maneuvers are designed to get a reaction from parents. Don’t feed into it. If you ask your child to do something and he is doing it, although complaining and talking under his breath the whole time, ignore the complaints since he is doing what you asked. Although this is hard to do, it will definitely avoid a battle. Avoid Random Discipline. Parents often discipline after the fact, a concept known as random disciplining. They set up a rule but wait for their child to break it before they decide on a consequence. When children do not know what consequence, if any, they will receive for a behavior, they will test the waters. For example, parents often tell children that they are “grounded” for bad grades. Two things are unclear about this. What is considered a bad grade? “Ds” and “Fs” are obvious, but some families consider “Cs” and even “Bs” to be unacceptable when they know their child can do better. Secondly, what does being “grounded” mean? No electronics? One hour daily at the dining room table until the grade is brought up? Having to miss a practice or afterschool activity? It is helpful for parents to spell out the rules and consequences at the same time. Consequences are often more difficult for parents to enforce than for children to follow, so choose wisely. Once a consequence is assigned it is best that it is seen through in its entirety in order to avoid power struggles. Hang in there. The first time enforcing consequences is often the most difficult. Children need to know what it is they did wrong. They also need to know what exactly they need to do to make things right again. I really like the consequence of taking away electronics, ALL electronics: cell phone, video games, television, iPod… anything that plugs in or
needs to be charged. Let your child know that she is “unplugged” for the length of the consequences. (True story: I have worked with a family who would “ground” their child from the X-box. The child would in turn play with his other game systems and hand-held games, but not the X-box. Where is the punishment in that?) Provide appropriate role-modeling. Children learn a great deal from modeling their parents’ behavior. Serving as an appropriate role model is a good way to teach children how to deal with and express anger. Parents must look at themselves to be sure they are not models of the behavior they are trying to eliminate in the child. Parents who handle anger by yelling, throwing things, or hitting are inadvertently teaching children to handle conflict and anger with physical force and aggressive behavior. Even parents who don’t actually engage in physical punishments but make threats or use intimidation are indirectly teaching their children aggressive and inappropriate methods of problem solving. If there is a significant amount of arguing in the home, or if parents show disrespect toward one another, it is likely that the child will adopt similar behavior patterns. Older siblings are often role models for their younger brothers and sisters. Children see and often emulate how their older siblings interact with parents, other siblings or themselves. Setting limits and holding everybody accountable for negative behaviors is a good place to start. If you scream at your child, at some point he is going to scream back. I had worked with a mother who told me, “Every time I hit my daughter, she hits me back. What should I do?” My answer was very simple: “Stop hitting her.” There are other effective ways to provide consequences. Set limits and follow through. Before going out somewhere, talk to your children calmly beforehand and explain in detail how you expect them to act and the consequences if they don’t behave appropriately. Some parents even offer a reward for positive behaviors. I have seen and applaud parents who have left their shopping carts and a store because their child was not listening. Sure, this gives added stress to the parents, but it teaches the child that the parents are going to follow through on what they say. Parents are encouraged to try to give advanced notice whenever possible. Let children know when their routine is going to change. Give a reminder when something is going to end by telling them something like, “We are leaving the park in 10 minutes.” Or, “All video games must be turned off at 8:00 p.m.” Although there may be some resistance at first, children will learn that you are in charge. This is a problem that has challenged parents for centuries. The best advice that I can give parents is to be consistent, firm but fair, and be a good role model. Do not feel like you are a bad parent if you don’t have a solution to every situation that arises with your child. There are many good parenting books at your local bookstore or online. Ask questions, seek out advice, keep trying, and do not be afraid to admit that you are human and can make mistakes.
Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com
In 2009 when Brentwood High School hosted a foreign exchange student from Chile, little did Robert Domer know that he was making a friend for life. During the 2009-10 school year, both he and Paulina Tobar participated on the varsity swim team, enduring many long practices and bus rides. Once Paulina returned home to Santiago, she and Robert stayed in touch through Skype and Facebook. In December of 2011, Robert had the fortune of being able to visit her. While in Santiago, he learned more about the Chilean culture and was able to improve his Spanish skills while visiting his friend and this South American capital city. Robert, currently a junior, stayed there for 13 days and had an unforgettable experience. With Paulina’s family, he visited the seaport town of Viña del Mar, the president’s house, the capital building, and many other tourist hot spots. He really enjoyed going camping in the mountains and swimming in the ocean. Since Chile is in the Southern Hemisphere, it’s summer there now! Robert was surprised that Santiago is such a large city and is very comparable to American capital cities. He will never forget how generous and hospitable the Chileans were. While in Santiago, Robert feasted upon Chilean delicacies like empanadas, corn casseroles, meat and rice. Robert also traveled internationally to Sweden with the Boy Scouts of America for the World Scout Jamboree in 2010.
Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall
l o o h c S ” p i T e W “ m a r g o r P y t e f a S d e t u t i t s In The Brentwood Borough School District has joined the WeTip National School Safety hotline program as a new member. WeTip empowers students and their families to keep their schools and communities safe by providing totally anonymous, neutral third-party reporting of illegal activity. WeTip’s school safety program is a joint involvement of law enforcement, students, their families, and school staff members committed to providing a safe living and learning environment for students and their families nationwide. By using the WeTip anonymous hotline system at 1.800.78.CRIME, incidents of arson, vandalism, graffiti, property destruction, bullying, and school/violent crimes can be reported 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Reports are handled by 60 trained operators who immediately relay information to school officials and local law enforcement officers with the goal of safety being the main focus.
Brentwood Park - Better Than Ever
he Brentwood Park Initiative was formed approximately three years ago to work with the Brentwood Borough Council with the combined goal of improving the park through a more efficient use of the space and the addition of more recreational areas. A Master Site Plan has been drawn up to make the transition easier without losing the functionality of certain areas of the park, while still keeping the end goals in mind. This plan was made possible through a grant from the Pennsylvania Dept. of Community and Economic Development in which Sen. Fontana was instrumental in acquiring. According to Dr. Frank Cappetta, a director of BPI, there are six phases of construction for the improvements with the first phase beginning in the spring of 2012. Phase one will entail relocating the baseball fields to where the current tennis courts and basketball courts are now located, with the courts being moved closer to the library. There will be four brand new baseball fields along with the addition of two T-Ball fields for the use of Brentwood residents.
money as well as holding a “Cash Bash” in April or May. All future fundraising events are listed on the BPI website as well as an opportunity to donate online. Volunteers are always needed in several different areas, including persons with marketing and fundraising skills. One of the best ways to learn more about volunteering to help with the park is to visit the organization’s website at www.BrentwoodParkInitiative.com or to attend a meeting in the Community Room of the Brentwood Public Library, the 2nd Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. For questions regarding the renovation, residents may call Dr. Frank Cappetta at 412.901.7293 for more information.
Some other elements in the renovation will be a rink for deck hockey, walking trails and a flag plaza with a scenic overlook. Some pavilions may also be added for picnics and social gatherings. The current track is an odd size at 1/5 mile. The new track will be the standard 400 meters and have a rubber surface which has less impact for walking and running. There will also be an all-season sports field where football or soccer games can be held which will have synthetic turf. According to Cappetta, another problem with the current park is that the parking is not accessible for handicapped individuals. More parking spaces will be added so that all residents can attend and enjoy the games as well as participate. The total cost for all six phases of the renovations will cost millions of dollars and will also depend upon which improvements are selected. “The [time frame] for completing all six phases will depend on how quickly the money is raised,” says Cappetta, who adds that there will be more fundraising efforts in the coming months. In October 2010, BPI received a matching grant from the Dept. of Conservation and Natural Resources for $438,000. Also, in Sept. 2011 they were awarded a $200,000 grant from CITF, (Community Infrastructure Tourism Fund), a grant largely provided by the gaming industry. The BPI is currently working on a brochure detailing park improvements and will start a door to door campaign to raise more Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com
aldwin Whitehall School District announced today that its renovation of Baldwin High School has earned national recognition by American School & University.
The $65 million renovation was given national acclaim this year with an Outstanding Design award announced in the winter 2011 edition of AS&U’s Architectural Profile, an annual program recognizing outstanding design projects in schools and universities throughout the United States. “The national recognition we’ve received from leading experts in architecture and sustainability further support our belief that we’ve built one of the best schools in Western Pennsylvania,” said John Schmotzer, President of the Baldwin-Whitehall School District Board of Directors. The 2011 Architectural Portfolio honorees were selected by a jury including three expert panelists including John R. Dale, Principal with Harley Ellis Devereaux architecture firm in Los Angeles; Paul C. Hutton, Principal with Hutton Architecture Studio in Denver; and Christopher O’Brien, Director of Sustainability, Office of Sustainability at American University in Washington, DC. The jury cited the renovation’s network of corridors and its enclosed courtyards lighted by large skylights which function as places for assembly while providing natural light for interior classrooms. The publication also recognized Baldwin High School’s incorporation of specialized labs, instruction rooms, gymnasium, natatorium, and stateof-the-art technology including a world-class auditorium. “Our goal with the renovation of Baldwin High School was to provide the residents of the district with a facility worthy of what the teachers do here every day,” said George L. Pry, School Board Member and project advisory member. “We believe we’ve achieved a high school that advances the learning environment in every possible way, but has been kind to the taxpayer.” The complete renovation project was completed in 2009 at $2.8 million under its approved budget. The renovation included demolition of most of the existing building established in 1939 and created opportunities for new classrooms, 54
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science labs, special program areas, athletic facilities, a new library and much more. HHSDR Architects and Engineers managed the project. “The facilities available in BaldwinWhitehall School District make it possible for a talented, highly skilled and devoted team of educators to prepare the students in our care for successful futures,” said Dr. Randy Lutz, Assistant Superintendent. “As a graduate, district resident and parent in our district, I couldn’t be more proud of our facilities and our investment in the finest possible education for the children of our community.” Since 1928, American School & University has been shaping decisions in the education facilities and business market with a national audience of more than 175,000 K-12 school district administrative professionals, architects, engineers and consultants. The publication’s Editor-inChief Joe Agron is a regular speaker and contributor to government guides, and AS&U’s award-winning editorial and proprietary research are regularly referenced in the national media.
Reach over 55,375 potential customers in Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall
Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com
The Universe Poem Brianna Pail Mrs. Cramer Grade 9
A Lie Kaitlynn Allen Mrs. Tata Grade 7
Lies Over Time
Burning with the light of a
I’m dying inside
Lindsey Powell Mrs.Tata Grade 7
thousand Suns,
But act so alive
The stars invite me into their world,
It’s something I do
I imagine a galaxy that begins
Just to survive
Looking up at the Heavens above,
to twirl, Into a cloud of constellations far away,
When I wanna cry
That begin to dance around and play.
I fake a laugh
Comets continue to light up the sky
And I faked that smile
My imagination is soaring high.
In the photograph
I slowly begin to drift back to Earth,
It’s all a lie
Getting out of that starry surf,
What I’ve always done
Until the next time I decide to gaze,
It’s always gray
Then the Universe will begin
Never any sun
to amaze.
Things change, And so do people, lies keep growing, Deeper and deeper, Can’t you see it, All I know Is you’re the reason You tell me things I hold close, I take it like another dose, This is unreal, All that I feel, I told you once,
I’m slowly dying Way deep down Never a smile Forever a frown
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I told you twice, It’s all just a fight, I can’t win, So now I’m leaving.
On A Raft Amy Medway Mr. McDonald Grade 10 So many thoughts, too little time Herded along like sheep or kine Too often we grieve, not often we laugh Riding life’s currents on rickety rafts. A word of advice Use oars or a canoe To escape the twisting rapids And ‘round the sea so blue. Floating with the rest may Seem like peaceful bliss. But is life really living Without the rapids’ twist? So if the boat tips over And one begins to sink Get back up and realize It’s not how one should think. Train the mind to work with time Don’t follow, lowing sheep and kine! And less should we grieve, and more we should laugh On life’s tsunami and rickety raft
Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com
////////////////////////// Roller Hockey Scores in Baldwin By Pamela Palongue
he Pleasant Hills Roller Hockey League was established in 1995 and has over 300 members. One thing that makes the league so unique is that it is open to all ages and is coed. Despite the fact that it bears the name of Pleasant Hills, about one-third of the members are from the Baldwin area according to the secretary of the league, Vickie Stock. In fact, PHRHL has members from all over the South Hills. Stock initially became involved with the league when her children were still in school and played on a regular basis. “They’ve been out of school for years now and I’m still involved with it because it’s just so much fun,” says Stock. “We have people of all different levels of skill playing,” she adds. There is a “Learn to Play” program for children age 8 and under, competitive divisions for children age 9 to 18 and an adult league for individuals over the age of 19. The equipment used for roller hockey is fairly similar to that of ice hockey, with a few important differences. The most obvious difference involves the skates, which are inline rather than ice skates. Also, a ball is used instead of a hockey puck. One other difference in the equipment is the wearing of special lightweight pants that contain no padding. “There is no checking in roller hockey,” says Stock, making the padding somewhat unnecessary. However, the padding might come in handy when players take a spill on the asphalt outdoor court where the games are played. The PHRHL also has its own rule book. PHRHL is a summer league with the season beginning in May and ending with intramural playoffs in August. Registration for the league began in March. Players can still register online at the league's website
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www.eteamz.com/phrhl. In order to participate, players will need a helmet with a cage, a mouth guard, gloves, elbow protectors and knee pads, a hockey stick and inline skates. Fees are relatively inexpensive and discounts are offered for large families and siblings. Stock suggests coming to the borough building to register in person if new to the sport. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There are always people on hand to answer questions for [newcomers] and give helpful information.â&#x20AC;? If you or your child will be looking for an exciting sport to play during the summer months, roller hockey might be just the venue you have been looking for to provide exercise and fun social interaction. Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com
The Brentwood Business Owners Association, Brentwood Baldwin Whitehall Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development South helped raise money for the Route 51 revitalization project and other projects thanks to a Polar Plunge organized by John Slater of the John F. Slater Funeral Home. Participants donated $25 or more each, raising over $1,400 for the cause, for the privilege of diving into the ice cold Monongahela River on New Year’s Day.
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n Sunday, February 26, the bands of Baldwin High School had the opportunity to participate in a side-by-side performance with the River City Brass. During the first half of the concert the Highlander Marching Band entered the auditorium to an energetic cadence from their drumline, leading into their performance of Mainstreet America, a medley featuring “You’re a Grand Old Flag” and songs honoring each of our nation's armed forces. During the second half, the Baldwin Symphonic, Concert and Stage Bands had the opportunity to take the stage with the River City Brass. Under the baton of RCB director Dr. James Gourlay, the band performed Samual Hazo's Ascend, and then closed the concert with a performance of our National March, Sousa's Stars and Stripes Forever.
Baldwin High School Band Jams with River City Brass
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hen people hear, “going to the chiropractor” their thoughts normally go immediately to treatment for lower back pain. It is true that low back pain is one of the most common problems that people seek chiropractic care for, but what many people don’t know is that lower back pain is only one of many problems chiropractors are trained to treat. At Hayes Chiropractic Drs. Sean Hayes, Michael Martini, and Matthew Houston treat what they refer to as “neuro-musculoskeletal pain.” These are conditions that involve the muscles, nerves, and joints in the body. This could be the neck, the back, shoulders, elbows, knees, ankles, and any other joint in the body. Chiropractic is all about anatomy and physiology or simply put structure and function. If you are experiencing pain, spasm, stiffness, decreased ran ge of motion, headaches, numbness, tingling, or any combination of these symptoms then you most likely have a problem that can benefit from Chiropractic treatment. If you practice good habits on a regular basis you will be able to minimize the pain but even good habits can’t completely eliminate the need for a chiropractic treatment. Just like going to the dentist for a routine cleaning, or to your m edical doctor for a yearly physical, chiropractic care can be used as maintenance to keep the body healthy and working properly.
If you have a headache, you’re not alone. Nine out of ten Americans suffer from headaches. Some are occasional, some frequent, some are dull and throbbing, and some cause debilitating pain and nausea. What do you do when you suffer from a pounding headache? Do you grit your teeth and carry on? Lie down? Pop a pill and hope the pain goes away? There is a better alternative. Research shows that spinal manipulation – the primary form of care
provided by doctors of chiropractic – may be an effective treatment option for tension headaches and Dr. Sean headaches that originate in the Hayes & neck. Doctors at Hayes Dr. Michael Chiropractic may do one or Martini more of the follo wing if you suffer from a primary headache: (1) Perform chiropractic adjustments to improve spinal function and alleviate the stress on your system. (2) Provide nutritional advice, recommending a change in diet and perhaps the addition of B complex vitamins. (3) Offer advice on posture, ergonomics (work postures), exercises and relaxation techniques. This advice should help to relieve the recurring joint irritation and tension in the muscles of the neck and upper back.
Sciatica describes persistent pain felt along the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back, down through the buttock, and into the lower leg. The sciatic nerve is the longest and widest nerve in the body. It controls the muscles of the lower leg and provides sensation to the thighs, legs, an d the soles of the feet. Although sciatica is a relatively common form of low-back and leg pain, the true meaning of the term is often misunderstood. Sciatica is actually a set of symptoms—not a diagnosis for what is irritating the nerve root and causing the pain. For most people, sciatica responds very well to conservative care, including chiropractic. Keeping in mind that sciatica is a symptom and not a stand-alone medical condition, treatment plans will often vary depending on the underlying cause of the problem. Chiropractic offers a non-invasive (non-surgical), drug-free treatment option. The goal of chiropractic care is to restore spinal movement, thereby improving function while decreasing pain and inflammation. Depending on the cause of the sciatica, a chiropractic treatment plan may cover se veral different treatment methods, including but not limited to spinal adjustments, ice/heat therapy, ultrasound, TENS, and rehabilitative exercises.
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Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) should be diagnosed and treated early. A standard physical examination of the hands, arms, shoulders, and neck can help determine if your symptoms are related to daily activities or to an underlying disorder. CTS is the most expensive of all work-related injuries. Over his or her lifetime, a carpal tunnel patient loses about $30,000 in medical bills and time absent from work. CTS typically occurs in adults, with women three times more likely to develop it than men. The dominant hand is usually affected first, and the pain is typically severe. CTS is especially common in assembly-lin e workers in manufacturing, sewing, cleaning, meatpacking, and similar industries. Burning, tingling, itching, and/or numbness in the palm of the hand and thumb, index, and middle fingers are most common. Some people with CTS say that their fingers feel useless and swollen, even though little or no swelling is apparent. Since many people sleep with flexed wrists, the symptoms often first appear while sleeping. As symptoms worsen, they may feel tingling during the day. In addition, weakened grip strength may make it difficult to form a fist or grasp small objects. Some people develop wasting of the muscles at the base of the thumb. Some are unable to distinguish hot from cold by touch. Chiropractic joint manipulation and mobilization of the wrist and hand, stretching and strengthening exercises, soft-tissue mobilization techniques, and even yoga can be helpful. If you or anyone you care about is affected by any of these symptoms, please call us today.
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s p o t l i g h t
ou might not see the Southwestern Group’s property from the bustling traffic of Lewis Run Road, but Kathy Dienert can assure you that it’s there, offering privacy, security and tranquility for the residents of the group’s three senior living facilities. “It’s a wooded, 40-acre campus,” she said. “And it’s a continuum of care, where our residents can age in place and transition from our independent living to assisted care facility in their own time. We also offer short-term rehabilitation for those who need it as well.” What makes the Southwestern Group unique among other independent and assisted care facilities is that they not only offer three levels of care at an affordable price, but their nursing center has on-site clinical capabilities that are more advanced than their competitors. “Living here is worry-free. We want our residents to live their lives with quality and dignity, and part of that is providing physician services right on campus including outpatient surgery,” Dienert said. “The Southwestern Group is a family-owned and operated facility, founded by Dr. Philip Ripepi in 1972, and it’s important to everyone here that residents are treated like part of that family.” At the Southwestern Group’s Arrowood Independent Living center, residents can choose floor plans ranging from studio apartments to generous bedroom suites in the 122-unit complex. Residents have full use of common areas and amenities, housekeeping and linen services, transportation services and plenty of free parking. Kitchenettes with microwaves, refrigerators and private baths are standard at Arrowood. Free lunches are available for anyone who tours the Arrowood Independent Living center. At Southwestern Assisted Care, residents receive specialized, independent assistance daily and a care support plan based on individual needs. Resident aides are onsite 24 hours a day, ensuring that each resident’s medication management and nutritional needs are met. Assistance is provided for the tasks of everyday living. At Southwestern Nursing Center, residents are provided 24-hour skilled nursing service, individual physical, occupational and speech therapies, daily schedules of recreational activities, dietician-designed menus and restorative programs designed to maintain every resident’s highest potential. “Each of our facilities offer senior living with a personal touch,” Dienert said. “Our residents receive superior care from our specialists and customized services that suit them. We believe in making one simple promise to our residents and that’s to guarantee they receive exceptional care and compassion.” All three facilities on the Southwestern Group’s campus benefit from the delicious cooking of the Courtyard Café, which not only provides meals for the assisted care and nursing facilities residents, but is a drop-in restaurant for independent living residents as well. The Courtyard Café is also open to the public Monday through Friday with daily specials. The Courtyard Café is located in the campus health center building. The Health Center is a medical office building, home to an outpatient surgery center and has been part of the Southwestern Group’s campus for more than 20 years. Currently it has a limited amount professional office space for lease. Contact Dienert for details at 412.605.7756. “The secret to our success is that we help residents become the best that they can be by putting them with a team of professionals who care for and about them,” Dienert said. The Southwestern Group is located at 500 Lewis Run Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15122, minutes from Century III Mall in Pleasant Hills. For more information, including tours and private consultations, call 412.469.6955 or email: inquiry@southwesternhealthcare.com. Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com
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s p o t l i g h t
By Heather Holtschlag
More than half of the energy used in the average American home goes toward heating and cooling, and if your house is not properly insulated, much of that expense can go to waste. Insulation, particularly when installed in an area such as the attic, requires less work from the air conditioning and furnace systems, translating into less expense and fewer repairs. There are a number of things to note to properly install attic insulation, the first of which is called R-value. R-value measures the effectiveness of types of insulation; the higher an insulation’s R-value, the more effective it is. The recommended R-value for walls and floors in a mild climate is R-11; for ceilings and attics, it is R-19. In moderate climates, R-values should be a minimum of R-19 for walls and floors and R-30 for ceilings and attics. And, in cold climates, R-values for walls and floors should be R-19, and R-38 to R-49 for ceilings and attics. If you use your attic as living space, it is a good idea to install insulation in the walls and ceiling. If it is not used, you should still insulate, and the empty space will provide ample room for installation. If your attic is being insulated for the first time, it should include a vapor barrier, which is any material that does not absorb moisture and through which vapor will not pass. After it snows, it is recommended that you check the roof to see where the snow has fallen. If you notice specific areas on the roof where the snow has melted, this may signal an area that needs to be insulated or where the insulation is damaged. When installing insulation in the attic, the best method is to install it from the eaves toward the center of the room so as to leave more headroom when you need to cut or fit the insulation properly. If, upon installing the insulation, you discover that you need an extra layer, you can simply lay blankets on top of the insulation already there. To reduce fire hazard, cover the panels with wallboard or use fiberglass panels if you must install panels between the rafters in a ceiling that slopes. Also,if you use cellulose insulation, which is the most common type of loose-fill insulation, be sure that it has been treated with a fire retardant.
Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com
Ron Dufalla 57 Deborah, wife; Stephen, son; Theresa, daughter; Jacquelyn, daughter-in-law; Tyler, grandson. Profession: Superintendent of Brentwood Borough School District Education: Edinboro State College, Bachelor’s in education; Duquesne University, Master’s degree in education; University of Pittsburgh, Doctorate in Educational Administration. Hobbies: Avid walker, yard work, gardening and landscaping.
Name: Age: Family:
PROFILE Professional/Community Associations: The Forum for Western Pennsylvania School Superintendents, University of Pittsburgh; Western PA Interscholastic Athletic League (WPIAL) Board of Control; Allegheny County Schools Health Insurance Consortium trustee; BrentwoodBaldwin-Whitehall Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors; Brentwood Business Owners Association; Brentwood High School Hall of Fame trustee; Brentwood High Athletic Boosters; Brentwood Band Parents Association; Elroy Elementary PTA; Moore Elementary PTA; Brentwood Middle School Parents and Teachers for Student Success; South Hills Area School Districts Association; President of Area V Superintendents; Allegheny Intermediate Unit Superintendent's Advisory Council, also current chair of Finance Committee; American Association of School Administrators; Pennsylvania Association of School Administrators; Pennsylvania Association of Elementary and Secondary School Principals; National Association of Secondary School Principals; Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development; Pennsylvania Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development; Phi Delta Kappa International; University of Pittsburgh and Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Alumni Associations.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported in 2010 that the average number of jobs that a person has between the ages of 18 and 44 is 11. What is it about you personally, or the culture of the Brentwood School District that makes you different? As I noted, it was difficult to find a teaching position in the late 1970s. The Brentwood Borough School District took a chance on me by providing me with the opportunity to do what I had the passion to do. For that I have always been grateful and that is one of the reasons I have never actively pursued positions in other districts. But more importantly, the school district is a great district with a community that has always supported its schools and it has always supported me. Why would anyone want to leave a situation such as that?
You’ve been with the district for more than 35 years, which is quite an accomplishment in any field, let alone education. How did you end up at Brentwood? When I graduated from Edinboro in 1976, finding a job as a social studies teacher was just as difficult then as it is now. Fortunately, I was able to find a position in the Fox Chapel Area School District. Unfortunately, it was only a one year position filling in for a teacher on leave. As it turned out, the principal at Brentwood High School had worked at Fox Chapel prior to coming to Brentwood. At the end of my year at Fox Chapel, he had an opening at Brentwood and called Fox Chapel for any recommendations. They gave him my name. I was called, interviewed and was offered a teaching position. The rest is history.
What changes have you implemented or challenges have you overcome at the district that you are particularly proud of? The world of public education continually changes with the various mandates placed upon it. The changes initiated in the district have occurred in order to comply and stay current with those mandates. The greatest challenge that the district faces as a small school district is maintaining a quality program with limited financial resources. The tax base in the district is flat and funding from the state is being reduced. Through the efforts of everyone working together in the district, we have been able to maximize our financial resources to the greatest extent possible in order to continue to maintain and operate a quality educational program.
At that time, did you see the district as a place where you could imagine yourself at 35 years hence? I may have seen myself as a teacher in the district 35 years hence, but not as an administrator, let alone the superintendent. When I entered the teaching profession, I had no aspirations to move into administration. However, that is where events led me and I have never regretted the move.
Having three decades of experience at one district would give you a wealth of insight that others in your position may not have, such as how the district weathers economic ups and downs and student growth bubbles. With a lot of concern regarding the current state budget as it applies to local school districts, have you seen changes like this in the past, and how to you think Brentwood will fare? The district has always been faced with a flat tax base and limited space for growth. The current state budget complicates that situation. As long as everyone works together maximizing the resources available to us so that we operate in the most efficient and effective manner possible, I believe we can weather the current storm facing traditional public education.
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Is longevity common at the district among your peers? Over the past 15 years, there has been transition in staff as individuals retire and are replaced. During my tenure with the district, those who have retired have spent most if not all of their careers here. I see the same desire among many of the younger staff. After spending several years here, one of my principals who came in from another district said to me that he understands why I have spent all but one of my 36 years in this district.
What are the challenges that today’s graduates will be facing, and how has the district changed to meet or prepare students for them? Until the economy bounces back to where it was prior to its current decline, the greatest challenge facing graduates is finding employment that will sustain them at a comfortable lifestyle. The district has worked and continues to work to provide students with 21st century skills that will make them college or career ready upon graduation, skills such as the ability to think critically, to problem solve, to communicate, to collaborate, to be flexible and adaptable, and to be innovative and creative. When you were appointed acting superintendent in 2006, you were quoted as saying that you preferred a small district because, “you get the opportunity to know the students and the community.” Many students graduate without ever seeing the superintendent’s face. What can a superintendent do to directly impact a student’s academic career? I conduct interviews with each senior graduating from Brentwood High School and I ask them about the education they have received in the district and their plans for the future. I use that information when constructing the district's yearly Continuous Improvement Plan in order to build upon the district's strengths while correcting its weaknesses. I also facilitate a Superintendent's Council that meets monthly to discuss programs and concerns that students may have about them. I try to be as visible to students as possible, whether it means visiting classrooms, conducting building walkthroughs, or attending student activities and programs. Through the visibility, I hope that students will consider me approachable and be willing to tell me what is on their minds for how our schools can get better at what they do. Prior to becoming assistant principal at Brentwood High School, you were the former president of the Brentwood Education Association. How has that experience shaped or changed your views of the management/union relationship as superintendent? My various experiences as a member/leader of the Brentwood Education Association have provided me with a more well-rounded perspective when looking at issues, a perspective that is more a "win-win" than a "win-lose" for either labor or management.
In May of 2011, you were signed on for another fiveyear contract. Is retirement in the cards for you at the end of this term, or will you serve as long as the board will have you? The contract that was signed in May 2011 will take me to 40 years of service in public education. I am very fortunate in that my board is an excellent one that focuses on what is always best for the students and diligently works to arrive at consensus no matter what the issues. This is an ideal working environment for a superintendent. Despite that, after 40 years, I think it would be advisable to move over and let a new district leader take the helm.
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ax season is as predictable as the tides, but to make filing your personal and small business returns as painless as possible, it’s the preparation before the preparation that makes all the difference. At BookSmarts, we cater to individuals and small business owners at this critical time of year with five convenient locations that are open year round, not just during the weeks leading up to April 15. We de al in accuracy and we stand behind our product. If there’s ever any penalty or interest because of our error, those are ours to pay. Having said that, if you are prepared upfront, and meet with our friendly staff, not only will errors be avoided, but the annual drudgery of having to pay the IRS will also be quicker, easier and even informative for you. Here’s how you can make the most of your tax preparat ion before even setting foot inside our doors:
1. Know who you’re picking to prepare your return. Our BookSmarts staff is comprised of enrolled, registered preparers, many of whom have CPA backgrounds. Our business culture promotes and encourages continuing education of our employees so that they are knowledgeable and current on the ever-changing tax codes. 2. Know your bookkeeping. Because we place a pr emium on qualified staff and client service, Intuit counts us as Certified QuickBooks Advisors. We are a full service bookkeeping company and can pay your bills, keep up with your payroll, bill your customers, reconcile your bank statements and give you timely monthly financial statements. If all you need is some advice, or assistance at the end of the year, we do that too.
investing, insurance, estate and other financial planning needs. Ameriprise serves more than two million individual, business and institutional clients through a network of more than 10,000 branded financial advisors serving clients nationwide. This vast network of experienced professionals enables us to recommend a local advisor that will work face-to-face with you and your tax professional to address your specific financial needs and goals. This Industry Insight was written by Larry Jackley, President of BookSmarts Tax & Accounting Services. For more information on BookSmarts Tax & Accounting Services, call us at 412.881.0892, or go to our website, www.booksmartstax.com to find a location close to you and for more informative information concerning our services.
3. Know your tax preparation fees. We do not take a percentage of your anticipated refund or promise refunds that are larger than life. Our fees are always less for clients who are prepared when they come to visit us. We will be happy to provide you a paper or electronic tax preparation checklist so that your fees will be as small as possible; and we even offer new client discounts. 4. Know your rights. Sometimes, it’s impossible to have all the documentation you need for your return by the April deadline. While you’re still liable to send the IRS what you anticipate owing by that deadline, you can file an extension on your return to get some extra time on your documentation obligation. Extensions are six-months, and rarely get turned down. The IRS does not require you to state a reason for filing an extension, but Pennsylvania does. That reason may be as simple as “I need more time to gather my materials.” 5. Know how to fix a mistake. For example, you may have found documentation of some other deduction that you forgot to include in your prior years’ return. Well, there’s good news for you. You have three years to file an amended return, which could result in the IRS sending you some more money back. Filing an amended return sounds like a scary process to most people, however it is a very simple and straightforward procedure. You’ve already filed your return. The amendment just corrects or adds to that return. 6. Lastly, know where to get more help if you need it. At BookSmarts, we not only help individuals and small business owners plan for their taxes, we have also partnered with Ameriprise Financial to meet all your Brentwood Baldwin-Whitehall | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com
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