Hampton’s newest resident
Marybeth Jeffries m.jeffries@icmags.com REGIONAL EDITORS
Pamela Palongue [North] p.palongue@incommunitymagazines.com Mark Berton [South and West] mark@incommunitymagazines.com Monica L. Haynes [East] m.haynes@incommunitymagazines.com S C H O O L & M U N I C I PA L C O N T E N T C O O R D I N AT O R
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Welcome to the Spring issue of IN Hampton Magazine! I hope everyone is enjoying the lengthening days as we forge onto summer. And while Spring usually brings more rain to the region than we normally get throughout the rest of the year, I’m glad we’ve had a few days of nice weather to get outside and remember what the snow covered up. We’ve grown once again over the winter, and have shifted some staff around to accommodate that growth. I want to point this out to you because you, the readers, give us most of the great story ideas that you see featured in these pages, and I want you to have the right point of contact so that your story can be heard. The Editor for the North Region is Pamela Palongue (p.palongue@ incommunitymagazines.com). Please forward your good news to Pamela, and she’ll make sure it finds a place in the magazine. If you’re not sure whether you have a good story, give Pamela a call at 724.942.0940 and ask! While our editors have re-aligned into better-organized zones, we still want everything in those zones to be 100 percent local to you. We also appreciate your feedback (good and bad) to let us know where we missed the mark and where we hit it out of the park. Lastly, it’s not too soon to start thinking about the rest of the year! I know we just got through the holidays, and are thawing out, but since we’re quarterly, we’re already looking ahead to fall. So if you have events planned and would like to promote them, call or email Pamela. If you have an event coming up earlier, let us know so we can send our photographers and document the occasion! Here’s hoping that the start to your year has been a good one! Wayne Dollard Publisher
Derek Bayer Tom Poljak
Tamara Myers
Brian Daley Gina D’Alicandro Tina Dollard Karen Fadzen Julie Graf Jason Huffman Lori Jeffries Connie McDaniel Brian McKee Gabriel Negri Aimee Nicolia
Robert Ojeda Ralph Palaski Annette Petrone Vincent Sabatini Jennifer Schaefer Michael Silvert Karen Turkovich RJ Vighetti Nikki Capezio-Watson Sophia Williard
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Attn: Editorial 603 E. McMurray Rd. Ph: 724.942.0940 McMurray, PA 15317 Fax: 724.942.0968 www. incommunitymagazines.com Summer content deadline: 4/27/12 Please recycle this magazine when you are through enjoying it.
I am ready to welcome spring, aren’t you? It’s nice to wake up in the morning and at least think about starting the grill for dinner with the sun still up. We have a most wonderful edition loaded with stories about the Hampton Community! This quarter, I am so impressed with the kids from Hampton School District. I hope you have the chance to read and enjoy the poetry, see the features on how students are making their peers aware of the effects of underage drinking as well as the athletic endeavors of some very talented kids. I am not surprised, but the drive and dedication of these kids, always amazes me. I am sure when you have visited the community center, you noticed the Veteran’s Memorial. What a wonderful tribute to Hampton’s Veterans. Resident, Hal English is spearheading the fundraising efforts to keep the memorial project going. Residents can take part in many ways, but buying a customized brick paver is one of the ways to honor a loved one who previously served in the military and help the project along financially. You can contact Mr. English at 412.486.1923 or visit the Hampton Rotary Website at www.hamptonrotary.com. I hope you enjoy this edition of IN Hampton Magazine. Don’t forget to let us know if you hear of anything we should be writing about. You can always call me at the magazine at 724.942.0940 or email our North Zone Coordinator, Pamela Palongue at p.palongue@ incommunitymagazines.com Marybeth Jeffries Managing Editor Hampton | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 1
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IN Hampton is a non-partisan community publication dedicated to representing, encouraging and promoting the Hampton area and its comprising municipalities by focusing on the talents and gifts of the people who live and work here. Our goal is to provide readers with the most informative and professional regional publication in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
IN Hampton | SPRING 2012 |
Hampton Veterans Court ............. | 14 The Women of ABOARD’s Autism Connections of PA ......................... | 32 Depreciation Lands Museum Colonial Tea ..................................... | 34 Hunger ON THE COVER
State Farm Insurance Agent Keven Slogick and his wife, Julieanne. Slogick talks about his new business, new home and new baby. See story on page 31.
Food Pantries Seeing Increase in Clients .. | 40 INDUSTRY INSIGHTS
Bill Few Associates ....................... | 38 Dr. Depaoli ...................................... | 43 The Vein Institute of Pittsburgh .................................. | 44 5
Hampton Students Building Robots and Careers .............. | 6 Hampton Students Compose Beautiful Poetry ................. | 8 Students Fight Underage Drinking ....................................... | 11 UPMC Today | Health and Wellness News ....................................... | 21 Father Joe Freedy Speaks about Religious Service ........... | 29 Kevin Slogick Taking on the World – or at least Hampton ................................................. | 31
Summer School Offers Summer Fun .................................. | 45 FEATURES
Coby Hudac Making Molehills out of Mountains ............................................................ | 5
Doll Tea Stirs up Sweet Memories ....................................... | 18 Hampton | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 3
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c a d u H y b Co Making
MOLEHILLS Mountains out of
By Pamela Palongue At the tender age of two, Coby Hudac donned his first pair of skis under the watchful guidance of his parents. Now he is racing downhill at speeds of up to 60 miles per hour! “My favorite type of ski racing is the Super G event, because of its high speeds,” says the 13-year-old Hampton resident. “I like to take a high-risk, high-reward attitude while skiing and find the craziest runs possible.” His wish for extreme slopes was fulfilled when he and his father, Pete Hudac, and his three brothers headed to Jackson Hole, Wyo., to brave what has been called “America’s Scariest Ski Slope” by Forbes magazine. The icy slope named Corbet’s Couloir is a 30-foot drop at a 90-degree angle and is not for the faint of heart. To add to the challenge, a local experienced skier rated the condition of the slopes on Coby Hudac the day of the trip a “9,” with “10” being the worst conditions possible. “If I would have been with Coby, I wouldn’t have let him ski it!” says Hudac’s mom, Peg. “No one else in the group would [ski it], including the local that had skied it before.” Hudac, however, braved
the slippery precipice and even has the photos to prove it. Hudac started racing competitively at the age of eight with the Western Pennsylvania Race Club (WPRC) ski team based at Seven Springs. He now races in the J3 division for 13- and 14-yearolds in races that are sanctioned by the United States Sports Academy (USSA). This organization sanctions the races in which top skiers such as Lindsay Vonn, Ted Ligety and other U.S. World
Cup and Olympic skiers compete. The State Championships for the J3 age group were recently held at Seven Springs Mountain Ski Resort. Hudac competed against 44 male racers from across Pennsylvania in the event which was by invitation only. Although he did not make the state team this year, he has won several medals in various ski races over the years and is highly motivated for next year’s state championship in 2013. If he is able to make the team next year, he will be able to compete in the Junior Olympics. At the state competition, he was also invited to compete at the Francis Piche Invitational, a prestigious event held in New Hampshire. In addition to skiing, Hudac also finds time for lacrosse, soccer, mountain biking, guitar lessons and volunteer work. He has volunteered with TRY, an organization that helps special needs youth, the Red Door, which reaches out to minister to homeless individuals, and several other local organizations. Many of his volunteer opportunities are offered through Aquinas Academy where Hudac attends school and is an honor student. Hudac aspires to a career in engineering someday and also hopes to one day make the Olympic ski team. “The Olympics would be great, but I’d settle for the Pennsylvania state team right now,” says Hudac. He certainly has a great start toward a gold medal!
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Hampton High School Robotics Team receive awards from Global Robotics competition held in California. 2011.
High School Students Building
and Careers If you’ve ever visited a patient at UPMC Presbyterian Hospital, you may have noticed a little machine that measures about 3 feet high motoring up and down the hallways by itself, dispensing medications to the awaiting nurses. These robots distribute pharmaceuticals quickly and can supply 700 doses per hour with fewer errors than their human counterparts. These types of robots can be very complex and the cost of producing them would be prohibitive for any high school budget. But there is a way that students can experience the thrill of designing and building a real, functioning robot that is motorized and 6 724.942.0940 to advertise
acts autonomously. The Hampton High School robotics program was started in 2001 by Don Allaman who led the program until 2004. Vince Kuzniewski is now the school’s technology education teacher and has seen the program grow to a team of 15 active members. The students receive a new game design kit each year which is made up of Legos, sensors, motors, microprocessors and other parts which they assemble into a functioning system. Every year they compete in a regional “Botball” competition held in Fairfax,Va., with other area robotics teams. If they do well, they also compete at the Global Conference on Educational Robotics. Last year the global competition was held in California and the team placed first in the double elimination tournament and fourth in overall competition. This year’s game is called “Reef Renewal” and the students will have just seven weeks to build their robot. “Last year the students spent about 600 hours [collectively] working on the robot,” says Kuzniewski. The global conference will be held in Honolulu, Hawaii, this summer. The team is currently looking for sponsors and funding to transport them to the competition. Just the kits for building the game cost $2,300. Although there is considerable expense involved in sponsoring a robotics program, the rewards are overwhelming. “These kids are the future Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerbergs,” says Kuzniewski, who adds that NASA is
a major sponsor of robotics programs. His high school team has already had technological companies inquire about team members and projects with great interest. One of the seniors in the program is currently applying to Harvard University for admittance. Statistics also show that 100% of students who participate in robotics plan to attend college, 72% feel that their teamwork skills have improved and 89% are considering a career in science and technology. “There’s something for every level of interest,” says robotics team senior Evan Wilson. Wilson, who is also an Eagle Scout, devotes a huge amount of his time to robotics; however he notes that some students are involved more as a hobby. There are various components of the competition so that those who are not interested in the hands-on process of building can participate in aspects such as documentation. Wilson plans to major in computer science or mechanical engineering in college. Another senior team member, Oliver Ebeling-Koning, says that he is planning on majoring in mechanical or electrical engineering. “Prior to Botball, I never really had much interest in technology,” he adds. Two freshman members of the team, Nicholas Wilkins and Andrew Zewe, are learning from their senior peers and are also developing an interest in a technological career as a result of robotics. Wilkins enjoys the idea of creating something mechanical that can think and act autonomously. In an effort to raise funds for the competition that will be held in Hawaii, the team is holding a Robo Camp for students from kindergarten to the eighth grade. The camp this year will likely be held in late April or early May and will be announced on both the school
website and the Hampton Township website. For more information on the robotics competition, please visit the website www.botball.org. For more information on the upcoming Robo Camp, visit the school website at http://www.ht-sd.org.
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Dreams by Kate Mills
Having a wonderful dream A heart full of dreams Wanting something Dreaming
by Hayley Hewlett
A thought for the future A big part of life Only thinking Dreaming Along all of your life Never goes away Always wanting Dreaming They say you do not need it to live But that is very wrong A hope Dreaming
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The four seasons come and go One of them even has some snow Winter is the coldest and darkest Summer is the warmest and lightest Flowers bloom in the mysterious spring But they go away in fall The seasons are most beautiful all in all If you close your eyes and take a deep breath There is always one of them step after step You see the vibrant all the while And when you think about it Secretly, it makes you smile These seasons are always part of life And they always are truly a definite delight
Hampton is Great
by Clare Flanagan Where is the summit of your mountain? Is it within reach? What is the depth of your ocean? Would you rather stay on the beach?
by Maggie Doan Happiness is in every single thing Amazing places everywhere you go Many great schools: HHS, HMS, Central, Wyland Poff Pretty sceneries everywhere Trustworthy people One of a kind New people and places to meet and see
Does it snow on your mountain? Does the snow blot out the sun? Is there an abyss in your ocean? Are you left in the dark? Never lose sight of the light There is no mountain high enough There is no ocean deep enough To keep you from your dreams
I love to live here Smart people everywhere
No obstacle can stand in your way Because there is a light at the end of the tunnel, At the summit, And at the bottom the ocean. You just have to see it.
Gold and blue are our colors Rainbow of personalities Everyday there is something new A roller coaster with no downs Truly, Hampton is GREAT!
Ode to the Comb by Gina Alm
With bared teeth He attacks my head Scratching my scalp He tames the wild forest I sustain Yet rarely gets hurt He hides In every couch cushion
In every house in the world That fanged plastic warrior Hundreds of weapons Yet no ammo He is brave beyond brave As he enters That raging war That lies On top of my head
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Cooking H up some Memories
“Sports do not build character. They reveal it.” – Heywood Broun, New
York journalist from the ‘30s.
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By Judith Schardt ampton High School was selected as one of America’s Best High Schools for 2011 by Newsweek magazine. It was ranked number 335 out of the top 500, with over 10,000 schools being considered for the honor, and it is a U.S. Department of Education National Blue Ribbon School. The Pittsburgh Business Times ranked the high school third in its annual Guide to Western Pennsylvania Schools. The school motto after all is “A Tradition of Excellence.” In that same vein of excellence, the Hampton High School lacrosse teams held their second annual All-Lacrosse Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser in March in the high school cafeteria. It included a bake sale, Chinese auction and 50/50 raffle, all at a cost of $7.00 per person, with proceeds benefiting the lacrosse teams and booster groups. The event coordinator, Lee Thorpe-Holleran, was excited about this year’s menu: “Mr. Paul Spadafora of Spadafora’s Restaurant prepared our delicious sauce this year, along with six lacrosse parents assisting him. Our menu was penne pasta, meatballs, salad, homemade garlic toast and a variety of beverages. The dinner began as a fellowship activity last year. Our goal was for the entire Hampton lacrosse community to spend an evening getting to know each other. Raising some money for the teams was a bonus.” The annual dinner was open to everyone. Once the information became available, the teams shared it with family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. The lacrosse players were responsible for the day’s activities. Each coach got a roster showing the jobs needing to be filled. The team members prepared the salads, drinks, and bread and also set the tables, served the meals, bussed the tables, sold the 50/50 tickets, and played host to the guests. The teams were also responsible for all cleanup. The love for lacrosse, the fastest growing sport in the USA, starts at a young age in Hampton Township. Boys can start playing in third grade; the girls start around the fifth grade. The athletes often continue through their senior year of high school and into college. Lacrosse is a full-contact sport played using a stick with a net on the end, called a “crosse.” The object of the game is to toss a rubber ball into the goal. Lacrosse can be played outdoors on grass or artificial turf, and indoors on turf or covered ice rinks. Lacrosse is among the oldest sports in the world, dating back to the 1600s. It was invented by Eastern Woodland Native Americans and by some Plains Indian tribes in North America. Modern players claim lacrosse is the fastest game on two feet! Play is quite intense and fluent, with considerably more goals scored than in soccer or hockey, with typical games including up to 20. The Hampton high school teams are in Division II. The boys team has done quite well, playing in the championship games each of the last three years and winning two of them. Next year, they will move to Division I and are very excited about the move. Coach Greg Edleman works diligently preparing the players for the challenge. The girls have much talent and passion for their sport as well. Kudos should go to these teammates for their accomplished athletic skills on the field, as well as their hosting skills in the school cafeteria.
Hampton Students Fight with Video
Underage Drinking Vince Kuzniewski, Hampton High School technology education teacher, gave his video students a choice: either create a project or enter a competition. Apparently his students enjoy a challenge. They opted to enter the Toyota Teen Driver Video Challenge and the result was two poignant videos that speak to the heart and are extremely professional. The first team, comprised of Matt Hanna, Gina Alm and Mike Larkin, took a poem about drunk driving that was considered public domain and developed it into a visual story. Hanna provided the background music with his acoustic guitar, playing a song he composed himself. Surprisingly, he has only been playing the guitar for about a year! Hanna also filmed, directed and edited the short film. Alm and Larkin acted, edited and helped to create the film from storyboard to production. Another surprise is that the camera used for filming was an inexpensive, consumer-grade video camera. “I try to teach the students that it’s not about the camera. It’s nice to have expensive equipment, but the important thing is the way you shoot it and of course the story idea itself,” says Kuzniewski. The film features teens who made the right choice of deciding not to drink before driving, but still suffer the consequences of those who did not. The second team who produced a video approached the subject very differently. They were led by Paige Paszkorz who conceptualized the idea, wrote, filmed, directed and edited the video. Christine McGrath, Kelly Garrett, Marielle Cafaro and Allison Clifford
were actors in the video which portrays teenage girls who decide to have a party, drinking alcohol to the point of unconsciousness. There is a fine line between the dream world and the real world in the film, which drives home the point of impulsive choices leading to dire consequences. Both teams are waiting to hear if they will advance to the finals of the competition which will be announced in March. After a panel of judges narrows the videos sent in from across the nation to a select few, the public will be able to go online and vote for the video they like
the best. First prize for the competition is $20,000. Both Hanna and Paszkorz may be seen on the big screen in the future as Hanna has considered a career directing and producing, and Paskorz is hoping to work as a director or possibly a motion graphics director. “These kids are the future actors, directors and producers,” adds Kuzniewski. To view the videos online, go to http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=ixLmezhxdTs and http://www. youtube.com/watch?v=W4rQoJroQ6A.
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St. Ursula Parish Guests Find Their
f o G o t ld” o P “
at Annual Dinner and Auction
Approximately 245 guests, mostly dressed in St. Patrick’s Day green, felt the luck of the Irish at the 19th Annual St. Ursula Parish Pot O’ Gold Dinner and Auction held at La Roche College. Dinner, libations, live and silent auctions and raffles were offered, along with a leprechaun-costumed emcee, which added some mythical fun to the celebration. Benefiting St. Ursula School, 112 families donated 124 gift baskets to be auctioned. Parents were also able to bid on their children’s unique art pieces, and a family vacation package to Washington, D.C., was the grand raffle prize for one lucky winner. Founded in 1911 and located on Kirk Avenue in Allison Park, the school serves Pre-K through eighth grade students in Deer Lakes, Fox Chapel, Hampton, Mars, North Allegheny, North Hills, Pine-Richland and Shaler Township, according to its website. Its mission is “to promote and to sustain education of unparalleled quality, and integrate faith into every aspect of life and culture, producing graduates who continually strive for human and Christian perfection.” To learn more, please visit St. Ursula’s website at www.stursulaschool.org.
9 8
Ellen Davis Dr. Mike Jankowski and Cam Hick Rosanne Susan Michael, Susan McKee, Ginny Kwiatkowski and Margaret Albright Sr. M. Joanita Szafranski, Colleen Ruefle and Gary Regan, Event Organizers Matt McLoughlin, Monica Ramser, Fedor, Principal of St. Ursula School and Staff Eric Hansen, St. Ursula Eighth Grade Volunteer Erica Davis, Volunteers Lynn Pelcz and Patty Cross, St. Ursula Fourth Grade Teacher Lynn Pelcz Michele Jane Bittner, Krista Texter, Mary Pat Joseph Joel and Dave Burnstein Norman and Sarah Regan, Hampton High School Students and Volunteers
7. 10.
8. 9. 11.
5 Hampton | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 13
Ham pton V eterans Court
By Jonathan Barnes ome duties seem to never end, just as it is with the job of protecting the United States’ freedom. It’s been four years since Hampton Veterans Memorial was moved from Mount Royal Boulevard to the larger, much more visible new Veterans Memorial Court in Hampton Community Park, but the monument’s task of recognizing those who served in the armed forces still has a way to go. The well-lighted, beautifully landscaped Hampton Veterans Memorial Court is recognizable to residents because of its placement near the community center in the park, but many might not know that the Rotary Club of Hampton Township and Hampton Community Association still need the help of residents to complete the memorial. In addition to seeking cash donations, the group needs people to send in information on the Vietnam War-era and Korean War-era veterans who live or once lived in the township. The vets needn’t have served in a war zone during the conflicts and could have served stateside. The connection of the Rotary Club of
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Hampton Township to the memorial is longstanding. The club helped in the relocation and rededication of the Hampton Veterans Memorial, which cost $150,000 and recognizes veterans who served during all wars up to and including World War II. Unlike the lack of accessibility in its past location, the memorial now is accessible to all visitors and it also is comprehensive, including those who served from all of the branches of the service. A lot of hands worked together to get this far in the years-long project. In addition to being led by Hampton Rotary, the memorial relocation project was coordinated by the Hampton Community Association, a nonprofit organization that is set up to receive tax deductible contributions for community improvement efforts. These days, the local Rotarians are putting together the last pieces of the current phase of the memorial project. This phase will be complete with the installation of two plaques that will be inscribed with the names of veterans of the Vietnam War era and the Korean War era.
This phase will cost about $10,000. So far, about 100 Korean-era and 125 Vietnam-era veterans’ names have been collected for the memorial, said Hal English, treasurer of Hampton Community Association and a member and past president of Hampton Rotary. The criteria for having a veteran’s name included on either of these plaques are simply that the veteran once lived in Hampton and that the veteran served during one of those conflicts, not necessarily in a combat zone. Future phases of the memorial will recognize those who served in the armed forces during Operation Iraqi Shield, Operation Desert Storm, Operation Desert Shield, and also Operation Iraqi Freedom. Those who would like to contribute to the memorial can do so by making a pledge and sending a check along with a completed pledge form (which is available online on Hampton Rotary’s website) to Hampton Community Association. Or, you can buy a customized brick paver for the memorial, and have the name of a loved one
d e v r e S o h W e s o h Honoring T who served in the military (whether or not he/she is or was a resident of the township) inscribed in the brick which will then be set in the paving around the memorial. One needn’t be a resident of or worker in Hampton Township to buy a commemorative brick. “The bricks are meant to be a way to honor a loved one, and that person doesn’t even have to be a member of the township,” English said. English himself could someday see his name on the memorial, thanks to his many years of service in the Marines. He is currently a lieutenant colonel and active service member of the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves. Though he is just 49, he will retire in June after serving 31 years in the Marines. Hampton Rotary is a service organization involved in a variety of projects, one of which is
could help to accomplish a lot of sprucing. English is hopeful and thinking that about 500 people from the township of 18,000 might come out to lend their “elbow grease” to the work of the cleanup. The cleanup project fits with the goals of Rotary, which was started to promote ethics in business dealings. Rotary’s members ask themselves four questions to adhere to a more ethical perspective: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned? Hampton Rotary, which currently has 36 members, is always looking forward to meeting prospective new members who must live in or work in the township. The club is open to such men and women who can learn more about Hampton Rotary by attending one of its meetings any time. The group meets at noon each Thursday at Wildwood Golf Club, 2195 Sample Road. For more information on Hampton Rotary or to learn more about the Hampton Veterans Memorial, call Hal English at 412.486.1923 or visit Hampton Rotary’s website at http://www.hamptonrotary.com/.
coming up soon. The club’s members will lead a communitywide cleanup effort in advance of and in recognition of Earth Day. On Friday, April 20, and on Saturday, April 21 (the two days before Earth Day), Hampton Rotarians will lead volunteers in their group’s April Cleanup, which will involve sprucing up roadways throughout the township. Friday’s work session will be from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday’s cleanup will be from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Volunteers who help with the effort will be provided with gloves, safety vests and trash bags. “It’s a wonderful opportunity for friends, neighbors, athletic teams and others to work together to give back to their community, and to keep Hampton Township a healthy place to live,” English said. The volunteer turnout for the work days
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Spaghetti Dinner
RAISES MONEY FOR YOUTH MISSION TRIPS By Leigh Lyons f pasta is your meal of choice, then the Hampton Presbyterian Church’s Annual Spaghetti Dinner is a must-attend event that should be on your calendar. On March 25, from 4:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m., the church will host a spaghetti dinner to raise money for its summer youth mission trips. Spaghetti, meatballs, bread, a garden salad, and a sense that you will be helping out a good, worthy cause are all included. Each year, Hampton Presbyterian Church does a variety of fundraisers including bake sales, hoagie sales, and of course, spaghetti dinners, in order to raise funds for junior and senior high mission trips which will allow youth to help communities in need. The different mission trips will scatter throughout the country as well as internationally. “This summer, our Junior and Senior High Mission Teams will be participating in The Pittsburgh Project’s Summer Service Camp,” said Associate Pastor Brian Wallace. The Pittsburgh Project’s Summer Service Camp sends out over 300 students from across the United States to help vulnerable homeowners right here in Pittsburgh. The youth of Hampton Presbyterian Church have participated in this summer program for the past five years and are all very excited to get their sixth year underway. The Senior High Mission Team is going to be in Gatlinburg, Tenn., this summer to partner with TEAMeffort. TEAMeffort is a nonprofit Christian organization that sponsors youth mission programs aimed at helping those in need in their local communities. “Summer mission trips are wonderful experiences for our teenagers, as they challenge them to take time out of their typical summer to reach out to other people and get to know them,” said Pastor Wallace. “They are challenged to live for others rather than for themselves. Each year, numerous students come back from mission trips saying that their lives were forever changed by what they had experienced while on these trips.” Helping others often seems to affect those doing the helping just as much, if not more. Whether you’re one of the students helping with The Pittsburgh Project’s
Summer Service Camp or in Tennessee, or just a hungry patron attending Hampton Presbyterian’s Annual Spaghetti Dinner, helping others while helping yourself seems to be a common theme. “The Spaghetti Dinner along with all of our fundraising efforts are a wonderful opportunity for people to be a part of sending us out and enabling us to do the work that we do. Plus, the spaghetti is fabulous,” exclaimed Pastor Wallace. He added that for all of the fundraising efforts, whether bake sales or spaghetti dinners, the goal is not to deny any student who wishes to be a part of the summer mission trips.
esides the mission trips, the youth of Hampton Presbyterian Church also help sponsor other fundraisers that benefit additional quality organizations. Rock of Ages, a contemporary worship event in January, raises money for Anchorpoint Counseling Ministry. Also, the church sponsors a Time and Talents Sale, where students donate their talents (such as babysitting or yard work) and members of the congregation and community purchase their services. The proceeds from that fundraiser go to support World Vision’s hunger relief efforts. With all the good that these young people of the church are doing, between their selfless acts on mission trips and their sponsoring of other worthy organizations, a little help is due their way as well. If you have any free time on March 25 from 4:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m., think about stopping by Hampton Presbyterian Church for a self-described “fabulous” spaghetti dinner and you’ll be guaranteed to be leaving with more than a full stomach.
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Doll Tea Emma and Beth Polen, Young Ladies’ Doll Tea Doll Organizers
By Kathy Rudolph egend has it that afternoon tea was introduced to England by Anna, the Seventh Duchess of Bedford. She was tired and hungry in the afternoon and wanted tea and cakes. She loved this ritual so much that she invited her friends to join her and the tea party was born. This custom was upheld recently by girls aged five years and up at the Young Ladies’ Doll Tea hosted by the Depreciation Lands Museum. Girls dressed in colonial costume or their current Sunday best, along with their favorite doll, were transported to a western Pennsylvania 18th century tea with decadent cookies, cakes and tea served by volunteers in authentic costume. Other activities included a short, interactive speech by Beth Polen, the Young Ladies’ Doll Tea volunteer organizer, about what life was like for colonial girls. Creating historical crafts to take home was another way to disguise an important history lesson in an imaginative, fun and hands-on way. “It is a great opportunity for the girls to see how girls their age in the 1700s dressed, played and grew up,” said Polen, who organized the event with her daughter, Emma. The Depreciation Lands Museum was established in 1973 and is a special place for families and history buffs to visit. According to its website, the museum “seeks to preserve and interpret the early years of European settlement in the Depreciation Lands.” The Depreciation Lands were the lands Pennsylvania set aside to pay American Revolution soldiers in 1783 since the dollar depreciated during the war. It includes land in parts of Butler, Beaver and Armstrong counties. There are many ways to get involved at the museum. “We are an all-volunteer staff and welcome anyone who is interested in joining our activities,” said Polen. “We need people to don their 18th century garb and live the life of Talley Cavey and also to help in the maintenance and upkeep of the museum campus. Spring is a good time to gather up the school or scout groups and schedule a program at the museum. We offer a Living in History program that gives young people a chance to live the life of a pioneer child, doing chores and tasting food that they cook on the fireplace hearth. Visit our website at depreciationlandsmuseum.org for a look at all the DLM has to offer.”
Robbie Seibert, Depreciation Lands Museum Director
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Stirs up Sweet Memories for Area’s Young Ladies
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Health and Wellness News You Can Use
Let’s Get Physical
What can a daily dose of moderate physical activity do for you? Plenty! As you get older, regular exercise is a key to staying strong, energetic, and healthy. To learn more about the link between fitness and aging, turn to page 3.
© 2012 UPMC
What’s Inside page 2
Pioneering New Cancer Treatments
page 3
Fit at Any Age
page 4
Surviving Allergies: What You Can Do Putting Ergonomics to Work for You
page 5
Brightening Lives With Light
page 6
A Walk to Remember
page 7
What’s Happening at UPMC Passavant
PioneeringNew CancerTreatments
UPMC Passavant is at the forefront of minimally invasive treatments for lung and esophageal cancers Four days after undergoing lung cancer surgery at UPMC Passavant, Carolyn Berfield felt slightly out of breath, but with good reason. She had just completed a mile-long walk in her daughter’s hilly neighborhood.
Thoracoscopic surgeries are done in UPMC Passavant’s state-of-the-art hybrid operating room (OR), which includes a CT scanner and a surgical robot system. “There’s not a more modern OR available,” says Dr. Abbas. “These resources allow us to perform complex and advanced surgeries faster and more efficiently, using minimally invasive techniques. For most patients, that usually means faster recovery and less pain.”
The 58-year-old avid exerciser from Potter County, Pa., had two-thirds of the right lower lobe of her right lung removed during a minimally invasive procedure known as a thoracoscopy (or “keyhole” surgery). “I was astonished at how little pain I had and how quickly I recovered,” she says. “It’s almost like it didn’t happen. There’s really not even an incision — just a few pinholes on my right side.”
New discoveries for better care
Using the latest technology “In recent years, there have been tremendous advancements in managing cancers of the lung and esophagus — and UPMC Passavant is among those at the forefront in these treatments,” says her surgeon, Ghulam Abbas, MD, chief of the Department of Surgery and director of Image-Guided Thoracic Surgery at UPMC Passavant. “Fewer than 7 percent of all hospitals worldwide perform thoracoscopies, where we use a video-guided camera to locate and remove the tumor, preserving as much of the lung as possible.” Bertha Jackman of Kane, Pa., also underwent a thoracoscopy in 2010 after doctors discovered a tumor during a routine MRI for a heart condition. “I was fortunate,” she says. Because Dr. Abbas was able to get all the cancer, Bertha didn’t need chemotherapy. “My husband and I are back to dancing every weekend,” laughs the 71-year-old.
Cancer Care at UPMC Passavant As part of one of the largest cancer care networks in the country, UPMC Cancer Center at UPMC Passavant offers comprehensive and seamless care for cancer patients, from early identification to pioneering surgical care, as well as the latest in chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Its specializations include: • Breast cancer • Colorectal cancer • Esophageal cancer • Liver cancer • Lung cancer • Thoracic cancer • Women’s cancers (gynecologic) To learn more about UPMC Passavant’s cancer services, visit UPMCPassavant.com.
Nearly a quarter of all patients with early-stage lung and esophageal cancer have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and complications that make traditional surgery impossible. “These individuals often do best with microwave and radiofrequency ablation therapies,” he explains. “Here, we’ve pioneered ablation therapies, which use a probe to burn and destroy cancer cells.” UPMC Passavant also uses ablation therapy for a precancerous condition arising from Barrett’s Esophagus, a disorder caused by acid reflux that puts patients at a 40 times greater risk of developing esophageal cancer. “There previously was no meaningful treatment available, but with radiofrequency ablation, we’re seeing remarkable success rates,” says Dr. Abbas. “Patients with early esophageal cancer can also be treated by endoscopic surgery using ultrasound so that no cutting is needed.”
Fit atAnyAge Comedian George Burns — who lived to be 100 — often advised his audience to “Look to the future, because that’s where you’ll spend the rest of your life.” Vonda Wright, MD — a practicing orthopaedic surgeon at the UPMC Center for Sports Medicine and a nationally recognized author of several books on active aging and fitness — thinks that’s sound advice. “Nothing is more natural than aging,” she says. “Adults over 40 today are redefining what it means to age. They’re looking ahead — and doing what it takes to stay fit and vital. “With just 30 minutes of daily exercise, you can minimize your risk for 35 common illnesses — including high blood pressure, stroke, and diabetes,” says Dr. Wright, who also directs the center’s Performance and Research Initiative for Masters Athletes (PRIMA®), which focuses on maximizing the performance of both elite and recreational athletes over age 40.
Staying fit as you age “As we enter our 40s and 50s, we’re just starting to hit our stride, with the potential for many years of wonderful living ahead of us. A well-balanced exercise plan is a key to maintaining that quality of life as we grow older,” she maintains.
Many say that 50 is the new 30 as today’s mature adults enjoy more active, fitter, and healthier lives than any other generation.
“There’s no age or activity level to prevent any older adult from being active,” explains Dr. Wright. In fact, studies of 90-year-old men doing resistance training on a daily basis showed improvements in their strength and functioning.
Getting started
Starting — and sticking with — a fitness plan initially can be hard, says Dr. Wright. “The first step is to make exercise a part of your daily routine. Schedule it on your calendar, like an appointment,” she advises. “Don’t be a weekend warrior. Instead, try to maintain a moderate activity level throughout the week, and increase your exercise level gradually to reduce your chance of overuse or injury.” She tells her patients to FACE the future with a balanced, total body workout designed to achieve maximum benefits while avoiding injury:
F — Flexibility with daily stretching exercises A — Aerobic cardiovascular exercises every other day, using interval-style training Carry a load (or strength train) to build and maintain muscles in your arms, C — legs, and core (stomach, back, and abdomen) E — Equilibrium and balance through simple exercises like standing on one foot “Whenever possible, mix up activities like running, swimming, cycling, or rowing,” encourages Dr. Wright. “Cross training helps promote total fitness while reducing the chance for injury. Most of all, take that first step!” To learn more about UPMC’s PRIMA program for mature athletes, call 412-432-3651 or visit UPMC.com/SportsMedicine. You’ll find PRIMA listed under Performance in the Our Services section.
Should you see a doctor first? You’re 50 years old and a pack-a-day smoker. You also have high blood pressure, and you haven’t exercised since Ronald Reagan was president. Should you see your doctor before hitting the local gym? “Regular exercise is the best gift you can give yourself. But it’s important to use common sense when getting started,” says Brian F. Jewell, chairman of the orthopaedics department at UPMC Passavant. If you’re in generally good health and starting off with light to moderate physical activity, an extensive medical workup probably isn’t necessary. “But if you’ve been diagnosed with any medical condition, have been sedentary for some time, or are at risk for potential heart problems, it’s essential to talk to your doctor,” advises Dr. Jewell. “Working together, you and your doctor can create the right exercise plan based on your age, physical condition, family history, and other key factors.” If you’re over the age of 40, visit UPMC.com/Today to take the American College of Sports Medicine’s Physical Activity Readiness Self-Exam.
Health Tips from UPMC Health Plan
Surviving Allergies:
What You Can Do If you dread the approach of spring and the arrival of allergy season, here are a few ways to reduce your sniffling, sneezing, and itchy eyes
What to do If you take medication to control your symptoms, start treatment early — before your seasonal allergies flare up, says BJ Ferguson, MD, director of the Division of Sino-Nasal Disorders and Allergy at UPMC, and a professor of otolaryngology at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. In western Pennsylvania, tree pollen starts flying around by the end of February or in early March, when it warms up enough for trees to begin budding.
Medications to take Dr. Ferguson recommends starting with an over-thecounter (OTC) medication, preferably a non-sedating antihistamine. She cautions that some products can be sedating or even result in extreme drowsiness that can impair driving. Be sure to read the accompanying instructions or ask your pharmacist about side effects. OTC decongestants can relieve nasal congestion but should only be used on a short-term basis, Dr. Ferguson says. Decongestants can cause significant side effects, such as insomnia, agitation, heart palpitations, and a rise in blood pressure. A saline nasal wash also can help relieve congestion.
When to see a doctor “If you are getting no relief and it is impairing your quality of life, you should see a doctor about more effective alternatives and testing,” says Dr. Ferguson. • A doctor can prescribe medications that can provide effective relief from chronic congestion. • Allergy testing can determine precisely what you are or aren’t allergic to. A new sublingual immunotherapy administered under the tongue is just as effective as allergy shots, and with fewer side effects, says Dr. Ferguson. • Your doctor also can determine if your nasal blockage is caused by inflammation or nasal polyps, a deviated septum, enlarged adenoids, or an infection.
Putting Ergonomics to Work for You
At home and on the job, ergonomics can help you avoid injury and discomfort — and even increase your productivity The goal of ergonomics is to make our places of work as safe, comfortable, and efficient as possible. But let’s not limit its uses to our day jobs! “Many of the aches and pains people experience can be attributed to ergonomic issues like poor posture, excessive repetitive movement, or improper lifting techniques,” says Cynthia Tomazich, Center for Rehab Services facility director for therapy at UPMC Passavant. “Whether you’re at work, home, or play, applying basic ergonomic principles can help you avoid injury and perform at your best,” adds Ms. Tomazich. Here are a few tips to get you started: • Use the right equipment. Make sure the tool fits the job and your body, whether you’re sitting at a desk, vacuuming, riding a bike, or swinging a golf club. • Work at the right height for you. A too-low computer chair or a too-high kitchen counter can wreak havoc on your neck, back, and shoulders. • Avoid contact stress. Wear gloves or use tools designed to reduce pressure on soft tissue to avoid blisters and other skin damage. • Keep items within easy reach. Extend your arms out on each side. Picture an imaginary arc in front of you from left to right. Place the tools or supplies you use most often within that area. • Avoid repetitive movements and working long periods in one position. Alternate tasks and change your body position regularly. Stretch every 20 to 30 minutes. Visit UPMC.com/Today where you can find more ergonomic tips to use at work and at home.
Brightening Lives with Light
Light therapy is proving to be an effective treatment for bipolar depression and other mood disorders Michele Twyman of Penn Hills always dreaded the approach of winter and the holidays. As the days shortened, she grew increasingly tired, sleepy, and depressed. All she wanted to do was crawl into bed — and stay there. “I didn’t enjoy anything — from decorating to shopping. I never felt like celebrating,” says Ms. Twyman, who has a bipolar disorder and has battled depression for more than 30 years. But last Christmas was different. For the first time in years, she decorated, shopped, and made wreaths and centerpieces. “I enjoy the holidays again. I realize now how much I missed being happy about life’s little things,” she says.
New treatment shows bright promise
People with bipolar depression are especially sensitive to changes in outdoor ambient light and the seasons, she explains. The onset of fall and winter can trigger symptoms similar to seasonal affective disorder (SAD), including fatigue, sluggishness, daytime sleepiness, carb cravings, loss of interest, and inability to experience pleasure. Individuals with bipolar depression also may have suicidal thoughts.
How and why it works
“There are few effective treatments for bipolar depression. That’s why we’re exploring novel approaches such as light therapy.” — Dorothy Sit, MD
Ms. Twyman credits her new outlook to an artificial light box provided by Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic (WPIC) of UPMC. Every afternoon, she sits in bright light for about a half hour while reading or planning appointments and activities. It took just a few weeks to feel the effects. She now wakes up feeling more rested and relaxed. She’s also better able to care for her 95-year-old father. “There are few effective treatments for bipolar depression. That’s why we’re exploring novel approaches such as light therapy,” says Dorothy Sit, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh, and a researcher at WPIC who is leading an ongoing study in the use of light therapy for treatment of bipolar depression. “Most patients feel better within two weeks of starting it, and continue to improve for up to eight weeks.” According to Dr. Sit, treatment is inexpensive and effective. Patients with seasonal depression require 30 to 60 minutes of daily light therapy while patients with non-seasonal depression need 45 to 60 minutes.
Light therapy replaces lost sunlight exposure and resets the body’s internal clock, or circadian rhythms — important for everyone’s general health, mood, and thinking. That’s why light therapy also can help patients with jet lag, shift workers, and people with sleep disorders.
While light therapy is generally safe, patients with bipolar depression also must be on a mood stabilizer or they’ll be at risk for manic episodes, says Dr. Sit. Other possible side effects include headaches, eyestrain, irritation, agitation, and insomnia. These symptoms normally disappear following adjustments in the time and length of treatment.
Light therapy tips • Check with your doctor or mental health professional to see if light therapy is a good option for you. • Follow your doctor’s advice concerning any special precautions you need to take. • Use light therapy only with guidance from your doctor or mental health provider to minimize possible side effects and maximize benefits. Visit UPMC.com/Today for more information on bipolar depression and the light therapy study. To participate in the study, call 1-800-436-2461. For information on light boxes, visit the Center for Environmental Therapeutics website at cet.org.
AWalk to Remember UPMC Rehabilitation Institute helps make a seemingly impossible wedding dream come true
Megan Dow was an athletic, carefree 27-year-old with so much to look forward to — from her upcoming wedding to a new house and barn. But a freak ATV accident on Memorial Day 2010 changed her life in an instant, leaving her paralyzed from the waist down. It took a week for Megan to realize her broken neck and back wouldn’t be a quick fix and another six months to acknowledge that her paralysis might have permanent effects. Despite the diagnosis, the Negley, Ohio, resident was determined to walk down the aisle on her wedding day 16 months later. “What means more to a girl than walking down the aisle at her wedding?” asks Megan, who became engaged just weeks before the accident.
Regaining the life she lost Initially, she couldn’t sit up without help and wore braces to support her back, neck, and legs. “I went from doing everything to not being able to brush my teeth; from being able to throw a bale of hay to not being able to pick up a gallon of milk,” Megan says. An avid outdoorswoman, Megan longed to return to her activities, including horseback riding, camping, volunteering as a 4H Club adviser, and working as an interior designer. “I absolutely loved the life I had before the accident. I had to work to bring these things back into my life,” she says.
At the UPMC Rehabilitation Institute’s spinal cord injury unit at UPMC Mercy, Megan’s team of specialists put her to work four hours a day, six days a week in an intensive rehabilitation program. Luckily, she had use of her quadriceps, which allowed her to walk with the help of braces and a walker. Slowly, she relearned everyday skills like dressing herself and walking. She also learned new skills, such as transferring to a shower chair from her wheelchair, and did exercises to build her strength. Megan vowed she’d walk without the walker by that Christmas (a goal she met by Thanksgiving) and down the aisle without a cane. A few weeks before her wedding, Megan donned her gown and practiced walking in the gym with her physical therapist.
Walking happily into the future On her wedding day — Oct. 1, 2011 — Megan did walk down the aisle. Among the guests were her UPMC doctor, physical therapist, and occupational therapist. “They’re a huge part of my life and the reason I’m where I am today. They had to be there!” exclaims Megan. “I’m so grateful to everyone at the Rehabilitation Institute. They gave me the tools I needed, and they encouraged and steered me in the right direction.”
Megan and Eric Dow walked down the aisle after exchanging marriage vows on Oct. 1, 2011.
Megan and her husband Eric honeymooned in Cancún, Mexico, where they snorkeled, swam, kayaked, and even explored some ancient ruins. Today, while she still uses a wheelchair and cane, Megan is thankful she can walk up to two hours with just leg braces. She’s also driving again, riding horses, camping, and doing other activities. “It was a miracle. I’m so grateful I can still do what I used to do — I just do them differently,” Megan says. To learn more about UPMC Rehabilitation Institute and its services, visit UPMC.com/RehabInstitute. You’ll also find a link to Megan’s story and those of other patients who’ve benefited from the institute’s specialized care.
Welcoming New Physicians
To schedule an appointment, or for more information about any of our physicians, visit UPMC.com/FindADoctor or call 1-800-533-UPMC (8762). Jose F. Bernardo, MD Nephrology
Fahim A. Malik, MD Nephrology
Ankur Puri, MD Pulmonary/Critical Care
Alexander Marcus Spiess, MD Plastic Surgery
Emily Robinson Dryden, MD Gynecology
Sarah M. Miller, DO Medical Oncology
Manjusha Rajamohanty, MD Nephrology
Wesley David Tuel, MD Radiology
Karen Kulick Luther, DPM Podiatric Surgery
James Paul Ohr, DO Medical Oncology
What’s Happening at UPMC Passavant
These free events are offered by UPMC Passavant and the Passavant Hospital Foundation Concerto Gala Community Concert Friday, April 13 7 p.m. Passavant Hospital Foundation Legacy Theatre, Cumberland Woods Village The UPMC Passavant Hospital Foundation’s Legacy Music Series and the Center for Young Musicians present a memorable performance including works by Seitz, Vivaldi, and J.S. Bach. For more information, please call 412-367-6640.
* Contemporary Approach to Women’s Health ... Magee at Passavant Tuesday, April 17 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. CCAC-North Campus, Perry Highway, McCandless Township Speaker: Robert P. Edwards, MD Most women are so busy juggling careers, home, and family that they often neglect their own health. This program provides the latest information about treatments for women’s health issues and ways to help you stay healthy as you age. Dr. Edwards also will discuss women’s services at Magee at Passavant. Please call 412-369-3701 to register.
Weight Management & Safe Weight Loss for Seniors Wednesday, April 18 12:30 p.m. Senior Center, Cranberry Township Municipal Building Speaker: Registered Dietitian Learn what factors can allow you to lose weight, maintain a weight loss, and improve your health. Please call 412-367-6640 to register.
Autism Through the Lifespan Friday, April 20 8:30 a.m. Passavant Hospital Foundation Legacy Theatre, Cumberland Woods Village This day-long session will be of special interest to families, educators, and providers dealing with autism. CEUs will be available. Registration is required. For more information, visit PassavantHospitalFoundation.org.
Heart Health for Seniors Wednesday, May 2 11 a.m. Zelienople Senior Center Speakers: UPMC Heart and Vascular Team Heart disease is America’s leading killer, but few people really understand how the heart and vascular system work. Learn how to maintain a heart healthy lifestyle at any age. Please call 412-367-6640 to register.
* Balancing Lifestyles for Stress Release Tuesday, May 15 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Senior Center, Cranberry Township Municipal Building Speakers: Rupa Mokkappatti, MD; Linda Nicolaus, PharmD; Marilu Bayer, BSN, RN This seminar will explore what stress is and how it impacts your life and your health, providing tips to reduce stress and to stay healthy in a hectic world. Dietary supplements and exercise also will be discussed. Please call 412-369-3701 to register.
Speech and Language Therapy After a Stroke Wednesday, May 16 12:30 p.m. Senior Center, Cranberry Township Municipal Building Speaker: Linda Edwards, CCC-SLP, Speech Language Pathology Speech and language therapy can help people who have communication problems or swallowing problems after a stroke. Get the facts and ask questions on how this therapy can help, what it involves, and where you can find additional support. Please call 412-367-6640 to register.
Bridge to Hope 7th Annual Vigil of Hope Wednesday, June 6 7 p.m. Passavant Hospital Foundation Legacy Theatre, Cumberland Woods Village Join members of your community in calling attention to drug and alcohol addiction. The vigil offers support for those who have suffered the loss of a loved one to drugs or alcohol and for those who have a loved one currently struggling with drug and/or alcohol abuse. Please call 412-367-6640 for more information.
Support Groups Bridge to Hope Family Support Group Wednesdays, 7 p.m. Passavant Hospital Foundation Conference Center, Cumberland Woods Village The Bridge to Hope support group provides education and support to families touched by addiction. Anonymity respected. No registration necessary. Please call 412-367-6640 for more information.
Mark Your Calendar
Passavant Hospital Foundation 25th Annual Golf Outing Monday, June 11 10 a.m., Registration Noon, Shotgun Start Treesdale Golf & Country Club For more information, contact Pam Taylor 412-635-5788 or taylorps@ph.upmc.edu. There is a registration fee for this event.
* UPMC Passavant is a hospital accredited by The Joint Commission and an approved provider for continuing education requirements for professional nurses. A Certificate of Attendance for 2.0 hours is awarded for this presentation.
UPMC Passavant 9100 Babcock Blvd. Pittsburgh, PA 15237
UPMC Today is published quarterly to provide you with health and wellness information and classes and events available at UPMC. This publication is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice or replace a physician’s medical assessment. Always consult first with your physician about anything related to your personal health.
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Father Joe Freedy speaks to youths about religious service Father Joe Freedy, Director of Vocations for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh visits Aquinas Academy to encourage vocations. Father Freedy and the young men had lunch while discussing the possibilities of life in religious service to the community.
Native Americans Researching Raptors William Voelker, a member of the Comanche Nation, visited Hampton High School January 20 as part of his work with cataloging genetic characteristics of raptors. Raptors are predatory birds, known for their sharp vision and powerful beaks and talons used to attack their prey. They include eagles, hawks, owls, falcons and vultures. An important part of Native American culture is the use of feathers of both the eagle and red-tailed hawk in religious ceremonies. The feathers as well as other parts of the bird are considered sacred. They are also used in the regalia or dress worn by Native Americans for ceremonies and sacred dances. Albino raptors are particularly special and are considered medicine birds, “touched by God.” The use of raptor feathers is regulated by the Eagle Feather Law, a federal wildlife law protecting raptors and other migratory birds. It allows for exceptions to federal regulations to permit the practice of using feathers in spiritual customs of Native
American peoples. Individuals who are in possession of eagle feathers without proof of their Native American ancestry and the proper paperwork can be fined up to $25,000. As part of his research, Voelker has a specific focus on the study of albino characteristics and their DNA is being cataloged. Voelker and his colleague, who is also a member of the Comanche Nation, spoke to students about the historical cultural traditions of Native Americans and the use of modern technology in assisting with this unique genetic research. Voelker has founded a program called Sia, which is the Comanche word for feather. This initiative has been researching raptors for approximately 40 years and works in partnership with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to help provide eagle feathers for tribal needs. Sia has created a repository for non-eagle feathers and body parts which are for cultural use. Each feather that Sia provides is micro chipped and documented for
For more information on the Comanche Nation, please visit the website at www.comanchenation.com. For additional information on Sia, you may visit the website at http://comancheeagle.org/home.html.
proof of origin purposes. A female albino red-tailed hawk owned by Hampton High School Principal Jeff Finch is currently on loan to the genetics research project in Oklahoma. “Wakiya,” as Finch calls her, is being encouraged to breed with an albino male so that the specific characteristics of albinism in raptors may be studied. “My hope is that our biology students will be able to use this experience as a learning opportunity for genetic and DNA research,” says Finch. “What is really unusual about this organization is that [the researchers] are using such advanced science to support and protect their cultural traditions as Native Americans. It [has been] a very interesting connection for our kids.” The Comanche Nation is based in Lawton, Okla., and has an enrollment of approximately 15,000. They work to preserve the cultural traditions and language of their nation. The Comanches were a plains tribe in the 19th century and noted for their advanced skill with horses. Their historic territory encompassed areas of New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona, Kansas, Texas and Oklahoma. Hampton | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 29
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Taking on the world – or at least Hampton By Pamela Palongue evin Slogick is a busy man these days. He has opened a new business, is searching for a new home and is welcoming a baby in March. Slogick is originally from Washington County, but chose Hampton as the place for his State Farm Insurance Agency and is currently considering homes in the area. “I love the North Hills,” says Slogick, who likes Hampton because of the great school district and friendly residents. “One of my clients who moved here from Maine after living all over the U.S., does not want to leave. After only 18 months in the township she has fallen in love with the area. I think that says a lot about a place.” Slogick’s Hampton-based State Farm agency opened its doors in October 2011 with a fully licensed team to help him. “They keep me sane,” says Slogick who admits that in addition to the serious business they often handle, they have a lot of fun. “I love coming to work every day,” adds Slogick. The opening of his agency is the fulfillment of a lifelong dream for Slogick, who started out working as a risk consultant for a large company. “I still consider myself a risk consultant, but now I get to work for people, rather than companies,” he said. Being able to help people on an individual basis is definitely an appealing aspect of his profession for Slogick. Whenever a claim is filed for any reason, whether it’s a car accident at 2 a.m. or storm damage ripping through a family home, Slogick is notified immediately. “When I get a notification, the first thing I’m concerned about is if everyone is okay. They get a call from me first thing in the morning to check on them and to help walk them through the [claims] process,” he said. Although his job is about protecting assets, his reassuring voice on the phone in the event of an emergency is a great relief to his clients. “We have some of the most bizarre things happen! The State Farm ad where the guy has his car up the telephone pole is really true. Things like that happen all the time. It’s my job to make sure that people are protected in those unpredictable life events,” adds Slogick. Part of his job also is increasing wealth and assets, in addition to protecting them. Surprisingly, State Farm is also a bank with all the same products as a regular bank, such as checking accounts, savings accounts and mutual funds. “The difference is that we [State Farm] are focused on the every-day investor. Most investment companies are concerned with major investors with hundreds of thousands of dollars or more. Quite frankly, that’s not my niche. At State Farm, you can start an account with as little as $250.” Slogick especially likes being able to help the small
investor plan for the future and watch his retirement nest egg grow. “That’s the best feeling in the world.” Slogick’s wife, Julieanne, gave birth to their first child in early March. “I want to be the kind of dad that’s there for my child and be a part of his life.” And we’re betting, just like a good neighbor, Slogick will be there.
Hampton | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 31
The Women of
ABOARD’S Autism Connection of PA
By Kathy Rudolph According to the Centers for Disease Control, one in 110 children in the United States has an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). ASDs are a group of developmental disabilities caused by a problem with the brain. Individuals with ASD may have communication, behavioral and social problems in varying degrees. Although there is no cure for ASD, it can be identified in infants as young as 6 to18 months and early intervention is key in improving the child’s quality of life. Signs include fixating on objects or not reacting when spoken to. Avoiding eye contact, repetitive movements such as hand flapping or rocking, and playing with one toy – lining it up or watching it spin repeatedly – are some possible ASD traits. All of the above is good information but how do parents know for sure that their child may have an ASD? ABOARD’s (Advisory Board for Autism and Related Disorders) Autism Connection of PA, a local, nonprofit organization, is there to help. Since 1995 the organization has grown and now sponsors 62 support groups in 46 Pennsylvania counties, staffs a toll-free hotline, and runs seminars and conferences to educate families and professionals, according to its website. Advocacy, workshops, conferences and educational assistance information are also some of the services provided. A volunteer board of directors (all of whom have autistic children) and a professional advisory council composed of physicians, therapists and educators with expertise in autism are included in the organization. “Call us! We’ve been there, seen it, and done it,” said Lu Randall, executive
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Turning Their Experiences With Autism Into Something Positive That Helps Families in Need director of ABOARD’s Autism Connection of PA. “Don’t just rely on reading about autism online. It’s too hard to sift through hundreds of thousands of websites to find reliable information about a very personal issue that is happening in your family. Make a connection with us that lasts a lifetime. Just like you choose a doctor you can relate to who knows your story, we start you off by learning about you and sharing up-to-date and local information to help you specifically.
Often people call us with a question, and then contact us over the years as their person with autism changes day care, school, job, living or medical settings. We keep track of whatever you want to share with us so you don’t have to re-explain yourself. Callers often say ‘HOW DID YOU KNOW HE WAS DOING THAT?’ about a behavior we ask about or about a
Rebecca Williams-Thomas, Lu Randall, Marie Mambuca, Jennifer Fulton
“It is important that people know that all the money raised stays here and goes right back to the families that we support.”
— Rebecca Williams-Thomas,
Resource and Communications Director common conflict that occurs within a family. People are amazed that we anticipate their next comment. It’s because we have years of living with differences and years of listening to families that we know the patterns and we know how to help folks avoid common pitfalls. We just know.” Staffed by four dedicated women, most touched by autism as parents, Autism Connection knows what the challenges are for families. “As moms, we remember the day that our children were diagnosed,” said Marie Mambuca, family support coordinator. “You are sad and it can be very hard and isolating. We are here to boost families up and help them avoid the mistakes that we have seen before and prevent pain for them in the future.” Other services include planning recreational events that the whole family can enjoy such as visits with an autism friendly Santa at Monroeville and Ross Park malls, Autism Outdoors, Bowling Day at Princess Lanes and BYS Yoga classes for families and teens. “We get a huge response from
families wanting to do these things,” said Rebecca Williams-Thomas, resource and communications director. “As a parent you are nervous about how your child is going to act, sometimes spending a lot of money trying out something new and then having to leave five minutes later. These events are great because they are free and there are families like yours in a safe environment and you don’t have to worry. Many siblings are affected and it’s nice that the whole family can participate.” Other services include educating the community. “Most of our day is spent on the phone fulfilling our primary mission to support the families; we try to answer every phone call,” said Jennifer Fulton, operations and planning director. “On top of that, my job is to educate the community on various topics on autism from workshops and conferences to the All Abilities Fair where families can get information on extended school year and therapeutic summer camps.” There are many ways to help support ABOARD’s Autism Connection of PA, which relies on the generosity of the community so that its staff can keep the focus on the families that they support. Some of the past and ongoing fundraising programs include Boy Scout projects, “Company Dress Down Day,” Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community team, “Lunch and Learn” corporate events and even senior graduation projects. The organization also accepts donations of goods such as bottled water, juice boxes and auction gift basket items for family events and its annual gala. “It is important that people know that all the money raised stays here and goes right back to the families that we support,” said Ms. Williams-Thomas.
ABOARD’s Autism Connection of PA can also offer advice to organizations or companies that want to host a fundraiser. “We can help people get ready if a fundraiser is something that they want to do but are nervous,” said Ms. Randall. “We can answer their questions, bring in volunteers and help them be comfortable so that they can do it on their own in the future.” One would think that being the director of such an important nonprofit organization would burn out the best of us, but it’s had the opposite effect on Ms. Randall. “I have learned so much about life and autism directly from people on the spectrum since 1994,” she said. “I feel great about my position at ABOARD’s Autism Connection of PA because it allows me to impact greater numbers of people in a positive way than I can possibly hope to achieve working one to one. Creating new opportunities for social outings, teaching about autism at corporate ‘Lunch and Learn’ programs and to scout leaders, teachers, or families, and working with media to increase public awareness of autism issues are some of my favorite ways to work.”
To learn more about how you can get involved, visit autism-support.org.
Hampton | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 33
Colonial Tea
By Kathy Rudolph Approximately 50 guests enjoyed teas, scones, candied and dried fruit and other treats from colonial times at the Depreciation Lands Museum Colonial High Tea. Volunteer members dressed in authentic 18th century costumes, including a farmer, militia member, widow and others, entertaining and educating the guests about their dress and life in colonial times. As the teen volunteers in servant costumes thoughtfully served the guests, one couldn’t help but feel appreciation for the volunteers that help to keep history alive for our youth. “The museum is a fun place where people can come and enjoy history; you feel as if you’ve tumbled back 200 years into pioneer living,” said Susan Claus, president of the Depreciation Lands Museum Association. Established in 1973, the museum is steps away from William Flynn Highway on South Pioneer Road and is a special place for
34 724.942.0940 to advertise
families and history buffs to visit. According to its website, the museum “seeks to preserve and interpret the early years of European settlement in the Depreciation Lands.” The Depreciation Lands were the lands Pennsylvania set aside to pay American Revolution soldiers in 1783 since the dollar depreciated during the war. It includes land in parts of Butler, Beaver and Armstrong counties. Some features of the museum include a working blacksmith shop, mercantile and an annex building that the group is in the process of renovating into a tavern with a working kitchen. There is also the Pine Creek Covenanter Church, built in 1837, and the Armstrong log house, built in 1803. A replica school from 1885 and a wagon house that includes a Conestoga wagon are just some of the buildings to explore on the site. Volunteers are welcome to join. From costumed interpreters, artists that create authentic 18th century art, event planners, building and ground maintenance volunteers, there are opportunities for everyone in the family. “All you need to bring is the enthusiasm and we will provide you with all of the training,” said Susan Parsons, Depreciation Museum volunteer coordinator. Upcoming events include an Open Hearth Cooking Class on April 14 and Cabin Days on the second Saturday of every month for kids age 8 through 15 and their parents. To register for an event or view upcoming events, please visit the Depreciation Lands Museum’s website at www.depreciationlandsmuseum.org.
Hampton | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 35
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Polar Bears and Penguins Pre-school children enjoyed a fun day of arts and crafts combined with story time at Hampton Community Library recently. The 3 to 5 year-old children had a wonderful time creating and playing together. For more information on upcoming events at the library please visit the website at www.hamptoncommunitylibrary.com.
1. Simon Roth (playing in the ice caps made by Jody with polar bears and penguin toys) 2. Teacher Jody Jankowsky 3. Ari, Simon, Ella with Mom Sharon Roth 4. Tessa and mom Kelli DiCesare 5. Livi Rose Hartle, Tessa Dicesare, Ella Roth 6. Tessa DiCesare 7. Gianna with Mom Jill Fanuele 8. Ari, Simon, Ella with Mom Sharon Roth, Jody Jankowsky, Livi Rose Hartle, Brady Fanuele, Eli Schwarzbach 9. Allison with Mom DeAnn Kasper 10. Jody made a bag of “polar bear blubber� to show the kids how the polar bears stay warm.
Hampton | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 37
Keep Your Appointment
with your Financial Advisor
e all know the importance of a physical checkup with our doctor to assess our health, but a financial checkup with a professional financial advisor is just as important. Too often, many people postpone considering their financial health until retirement or until a major event impacts their life. Now is the time to set and keep an appointment with your financial advisor in order to tell if you are on track to financial wellness. When you meet annually with your financial advisor, you are likely to review your goals and any anticipated changes that may require adjustments to your budget and investment strategy. Consider major changes that could alter your income and lifestyle such as job changes, a new baby, college tuition, a new house or relocation, even an inheritance. Allocating just a few hours annually with your financial advisor will help you prepare in advance for new financial obligations and will make the transitions much smoother.
Now is the time to set and keep an appointment with your financial advisor in order to tell if you are on track to financial wellness. Face it—people are living longer but are not necessarily able to work longer. A long-term plan will help you to avoid financial pitfalls during your life and will set your course toward financial independence. Consider the following questions before a financial checkup? ✓ Do you have specific financial goals? ✓ Is your debt under control?
✓ When was the last time you reviewed the performance of your investments? ✓Are you investing with an appropriate risk level? ✓Are your investments generating a satisfactory rate of return? ✓ Have you started saving for retirement? Financial planning is a process. What you focus on often gets better with time. When you visit your financial planner on an ongoing basis, you are likely to review your cash-flow, pre and post retirement, which may drive asset allocation decisions. In addition, you will assess your tolerance to risk of loss, and gain a new perspective toward preventing emotional decisions. A professional financial planner will also discuss insurance, tax and estate planning concerns. Very few of us have the expertise to put together a comprehensive and balanced financial plan that will build our wealth and achieves financial freedom. There is a better way to navigate! Speak face-to-face with your advisor at least annually. The professional and expert advice you receive now will help ensure your financial wellness and will alleviate future concerns. Wow! Wouldn’t it be nice to not think about retirement but for a few hours a year? So start today—make and keep and appointment with your financial advisor. This Industry Insight was written by Ward L. Garner, CFP®. Bill Few Associates, Inc. 107 Mt. Nebo Pointe, Suite 200 Pittsburgh, PA 15237 412.630.6000 www.billfew.com
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Hampton | Fall 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 9
“In the Mood”
for Boosting the Band
by Pamela Palongue
ars Area Band Boosters, Inc. is sponsoring a benefit featuring the world-famous Glenn Miller Orchestra. The concert will take place on April 2 at the Mars High School Auditorium. The Glenn Miller Orchestra, which was originally formed in 1935, will be performing big band standards such as “In the Mood,” “String of Pearls,” “Chattanooga Choo-Choo,” and “Moonlight Serenade.” The band is one of the most popular musical acts in the world, playing over 300 engagements each year. The Mars High School Jazz Band will open for the orchestra at 7 p.m. with a short, 30-minute concert.
Proceeds from the concert will help to support the Mars High School Marching Band and will make the band’s continued participation in the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Marching Band Association competitions possible. The marching band placed first in the PIMBA Championship Show in 2010 and took second in the 2011 season in the AAA Division. PIMBA sponsors several competitions each season in which bands from the southwestern Pennsylvania region compete by producing shows with complex field maneuvers and entertaining elements. According to Carl Mikalauskas, chairman of the Mars Area Band Boosters, the cost of participating in these annual competitions can be several thousand dollars. Mikalauskas notes, “Extra instructors are brought in to help and also music must be purchased for each of the students.” Mikalauskas is the proud father of two former Mars band members who played the saxophone and clarinet and drums. Although his daughters have since graduated, he continues to actively serve the boosters because he believes in the value of music education. The extra effort of supporting the band is well worth the endeavor, according to U.S. Department of Education statistics. In a 1999 study conducted by Princeton University, students taking courses in music performance scored on average 53 points higher on the SAT in verbal skills and an average of 39 points higher in math skills. The playing of an instrument regularly engages multiple skills and abilities, including physical activity and aerobic exercise. Participating in the band also provides an important social experience for students and gives them a sense of being a part of a team. The Mars Area Band Boosters helps to provide financial support to the band program through fundraising activities throughout the year. It sponsors the Three Rivers Winter Ensemble Home Show in February and also a 5K race in May. Additionally the boosters group is instrumental in helping parents to stay involved in their children’s participation in the band. Ticket information for the Glenn Miller concert, as well as information on the home show and 5K race, can be found on the band’s website at marsband.com. If you would like to make a taxdeductible donation to the band boosters, checks may be mailed to Mars Area Band Boosters, Inc., PO Box 1061, Mars, PA 16046.
What a tragedy it would be if we lived in a world where music was not taught to children. ” – H. Norman Schwarzkopf, General, U.S. Army, retired Hampton | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 39
By Pamela Palongue To many, hunger is someone Eden Christian else’s problem; a difficulty that Academy ninthwill happen to someone else’s graders packed, family. But according to a 2004 sorted and study by Washington University organized food at of St. Louis, at least 42% of Loaves and Fishes Americans will deal with food food pantry in insecurity at some time during Hampton. their lives. It is interesting to note that this study was done four years prior to the beginning of the recession. It is hard to overestimate the importance of food to quality of life and overall health. Medical experts now tell us that the major factors in determining disease are DNA, exercise and nutrition. A person may be able to stay alive by eating cereal everyday, but how healthy is a consistent diet of nothing but cereal? Unfortunately, the poor are many times forced to buy what is cheap without regard for nutritional value. Indeed, many people are lucky to have enough money to buy food at all. As people age, nutrition becomes even more important to sustaining life. For individuals with health problems such as diabetes or heart problems, good food is essential. To growing children, proper nutrition is vitally important for optimal learning in school and normal physical development. Unfortunately, many people in our area do not have enough food to eat, much less the financial resources to buy healthy, nutritious food. One common misconception is that people who are hungry are unemployed. Although this is sometimes the case, many individuals who work at full-time jobs do not have enough to eat. With employee benefits such as health care decreasing, many workers are faced with the choice of paying for their health care insurance and prescriptions -or food. Workers have also accepted cut backs in the number of hours worked or decreases in hourly wages in order to retain their jobs. This shortage in pay has to be made up in other areas and one way that individuals stretch their paycheck is by skipping meals to the detriment of their health. There are two food pantries that serve the
Hampton Township area. The North Hills Community Outreach operates the Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry and the Network of Hope Food Pantry. The pantries provides supplemental food which is mostly made up of nonperishable items for residents who qualify, based on income and the number of individuals in the household. Food pantries in our area have generally seen an increase in the number of clients who frequent their pantries and the number of first-time clients who have never had need of assistance before. In some situations, economic hardship can be the result of unforeseeable circumstances. “Susan” and “Bob” held good jobs and were raising their two children, living in an attractive cottage home. Although they were young and healthy, Susan suddenly fell ill and had to be hospitalized for several weeks. Insurance took care of the hospital bills, however the loss of Susan’s income left the family without enough money to pay for groceries. A long rehab process had to be completed before Susan would be able to return to work. For the first two weeks after her discharge, Bob had to stay home with Susan to care for her since she was unable to walk, cook a meal or bathe. This further depleted the family income. During this difficult time, Bob and Susan were able to receive enough groceries from the local food pantry to help sustain their family. The provisions from the food pantry were a great relief for Bob, who knew that at least his family would have enough to eat. As Susan recovered, they were slowly able to catch up their bills and get their finances back on track. Luckily, their dependence on the food pantry was fairly short-lived. Many situations can cause a person or family to be in a position of need for food. Unexpected job loss and health problems like the families previously mentioned are just a couple of reasons that individuals may experience a food shortage. Many persons work in
It is hard to overestimate the importance of food to quality of life and overall health. Medical experts now tell us that the major factors in determining disease are DNA, exercise and nutrition. 40 724.942.0940 to advertise
Network of Hope Food Pantry: www.networkofhope.org North Hills Community Outreach (Loaves and Fishes): www.nhco.org/helping.htm. *IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF FOOD ASSISTANCE, PLEASE VISIT THE FOLLOWING WEBPAGES:
www.nhco.org/food.htm or http://www.networkofhope.org/index. php/what-we-do/programs/food-bank/. low-paying jobs with limited education and are unable to make ends meet even in stable times. Divorce often leaves mothers with small children in difficult financial situations, unable to provide for their families, especially if child support is non-existent. The death of a spouse or other wage-earner in the household can deal a sharp economic blow to any family. Individuals who live with very little disposable income may find themselves with food insecurity if expensive car repairs are needed in order to maintain transportation to work. The causes of food insecurity are as numerous as the people dealing with the problem of hunger.
If a family is fortunate enough to have enough to eat, there are important things that anyone can do to help those who are hungry. One of the most obvious ways is to donate money to your local food pantry. This enables the food bank to buy the nutritious foods that are needed, rather than having to cope with limited amounts of random food items. Although many businesses and corporations support the food banks, they could not survive without help from the general population at large. The support of individuals in the community is crucial. For some families, a donation of $25 or $50 may pose a hardship on their budget. But even with limited incomes, there are things that almost anyone can do to help. Some grocery stores offer shoppers the opportunity to make a contribution to the local food pantry at the check-out line. If every family who is able makes a donation of $1 each week when they shop for groceries, think of the money that could be generated to help feed the hungry! By donating a smaller amount more frequently, it is less painful than writing a check for $20 or more. A small donation of one dollar will most likely not be missed in the family budget, but will help make a big impact when combined with the dollars from other area households. Although monetary donations allow the food pantry the ability to buy food supplies to fill their particular needs, food donations are also helpful. Many times we buy things at the store with good intentions,
Continued on page 42
Emily Lagnese collected 35 bags of groceries at her ninth birthday party.
Hampton | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 41
Eden Christian Academy students sorted, packed and organized food at North Hills Community Outreach’s Loaves and Fishes food pantry in Hampton.
Continued from page 41 but those items at the back of the cupboard are just not being eaten. Chances are if you take a quick inventory of your pantry, there are a few items that could be donated to your local food bank. In particular need are high fiber cereals, rice, pasta, canned beans such as kidney, black and navy which are an important source of protein. Peanut butter, canned tuna and salmon also supply much needed protein. Canned vegetables and fruits are always welcomed as well as fruit and vegetable juices, although they should be 100% juice, so be sure to check the ingredients label before donating. Chili, stews and soups are also valuable items because they offer a quick and easy way to get several daily nutrients in one, convenient source. Although many foods remain nutritious and palatable after they expire, some do not. Therefore donated food items should not be expired.
Another practically painless way to donate food is to take advantage of store specials. When your local grocery runs a special where two items may be purchased and the third one is free or a ‘two for the price of one’ special, consider donating that extra can of carrots to the food pantry. If this is done weekly, the items will add up quickly and the surplus will help feed hungry families. Last of all, but in no way least, if individuals cannot afford even small sacrifices
2012 Distinguished Alumni
AWARD 42 724.942.0940 to advertise
of money or groceries, time is another valuable commodity. Most food banks are operated entirely by volunteers. There are many different jobs to do which allow a person to be matched with a task that fits their own unique personality. Groceries must be organized and stocked on the shelves and later packed into boxes for food pantry clients. Individuals are also needed to work directly with clients to determine eligibility and the distribution of food. Still other persons are needed for fund raising activities, food drive events and marketing duties.
One of the best things about helping your local food pantry is that you are helping your neighbors. Often times the hungry go unnoticed because hunger cannot be seen or felt by those around it. The person who is hungry could even be your neighbor, a co-worker or the waitress at your local coffee shop. If 42% of U.S. citizens will be visiting a food bank at some time in their lives, the hungry person may even be you or your family. Helping the food pantry to help others will build a stronger, healthier community for us all.
Hampton High School Student Council Accepting Nominations for 2012 Distinguished Alumni Award The Hampton High School Student Council is accepting nominations for the 2012 Distinguished Alumni Award. Nominees must be a Hampton High School alumnus who has served as an inspiration in their community, the workforce or the private sector. The winner will attend the Hampton High School graduation ceremony and present a 3 to 5 minute speech to the
graduating class. Nomination forms are available on the Hampton Township School District website. Copies of the forms also are available in the Hampton High School office. Forms must be completed and returned no later than April 12, 2012. For questions, please contact Kevin Green at green@ht-sd.org or by calling 412.486.6000.
FEBRUARY IS National Children’s Dental Health Month
, baby teeth fall out, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t important and don’t need to be cleaned and checked regularly by a dentist. Children will have a total of 20 baby (primary) teeth in which they may keep until they are between the ages of 10-12, on average. Knowing this, parents need to be made aware of the importance of the primary teeth. Primary teeth are smaller and whiter than permanent teeth. They allow the child to function and chew, but they most importantly act as space maintainers for the adult (permanent) teeth that are to follow. Therefore, when a small child has perfectly straight teeth with no spacing between them, there is a concern of crowding in the future. Children should be seen regularly every six months for cleaning and exams. It is recommended that every child have their first professional dental exam no later than three years old. Starting children at a young age will help to introduce them to the routine of the exam, as well as, the instruments being used. At this early age, it is our goal to eliminate or minimize dental fears. Developing good habits at an early age and scheduling regular dental visits helps children get a good start on a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums. Good dental hygiene habits at home can also make the visit to the dentist much more pleasurable. Teeth brushing should begin at the time the very first tooth erupts. Due to this being such a young age, parents take on the major role initially. As your child ages, adult assistance and supervision is strongly suggested until the child can prove they are able to remove the plaque efficiently. We also recommend brushing for two minutes at least twice a day. The more often the plaque is removed from the teeth, the less the chance for decay to form. Flossing is also very important for children, or the parents, to do before or after brushing, once a day. This is how the plaque is removed from in between the teeth to keep from forming cavities in these hard to reach locations.
Here are a few fun dental words to unscramble to hel your children learn the importance of dental hea p lth. YNEHGIE ____________ ______ BRUSH ISLME ____________ ________ CAVIT Y CAVYIT ____________ ________ DENTIST OLSFS _______________ ______ GUMS SGMU _______________ ______ HYGIENE NDSTTEI ____________ _______ MOLAR SURHB ____________ ________ PA STE ESPAT _______________ ______ PL AQUE EULQPA ____________ _______ FLOSS ALOMR ____________ ________ SMILE
Hampton | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 43
You don’t have to live with painful varicose and spider veins. Should I Have My Veins Evaluated?
Q & A WITH A VEIN SPECIALIST: While finishing charts at the end of my day, I took a few moments to listen to my staff answer questions for a patient on the phone. The questions asked were very important as were the answers that were given. Here are some examples:
What is Phlebology?
Phlebology is the branch of medicine that deals with veins and the disease of veins. Two organizations dedicated to the advancement of this field are The American College of Phlebology and the American Venous Forum.
Why should I see a board- certified phlebologist to evaluate my varicose veins
When it comes to any aspect of your health care, it is important to be proactive in the choice and research of who will become medically responsible for your evaluation and treatment. Though venous disease is not always a visible ailment, it can be a serious health problem leading to more serious issues, so choosing a specialist, or board certified phlebologist for your venous care is a wise decision. Board certification in phlebology identifies a physician who has taken the extra step of becoming specialized in the treatment of venous disease. Not only is the physician often a member of organizations such as the American College of Phlebology (ACP) and the American Venous Forum (AVF) but they have met additional requirements set by the certifying board. After meeting these requirements, he or she must then pass a certifying exam allowing the physician to identify him or herself as board-certified.
Is membership the same as board certification?
This question is particularly important as it defines the specialty of a phlebologist. While a physician may be a member of many different organizations, these organizations only require an interest in the field for joining. Thus membership is unlike board certification where qualification is determined through training and testing. Here’s how the ACP defines its board certification: “The establishment of a Board Certification Exam brings recognition to both the field of phlebology and those providers in the field who have the knowledge, skills and experience to provide quality care to phlebology patients.”
I had a free screening at a health fair and was told that I don't have venous disease, but I still have aching, pain and discoloration at the ankles. What should I do?
While free screenings can be informative, remember that this is just a brief glance into a patient's venous system. A complete venous exam and venous mapping by a boardcertified phlebologist is best to determine if a patient has venous disease. Since a proper venous ultrasound is such an integral part of this evaluation, the American College of Phlebology has set requirements for it that include the following: • A venous ultrasound should be ordered by a physician. • A lower extremity ultrasound should study the entire leg, from ankle to groin. Failure to identify and treat all sources of reflux may result in outright treatment failure. • Evaluation of the venous system should be performed with the patient in the upright position. Sitting or lying down are inappropriate for the detection of reflux or the measurement of vein diameters. • A ve nous ultrasound should be performed by a trained physician or a registered vascular ultrasound technician (RVT) and then interpreted by a physician.
If I have had an evaluation elsewhere, can I still be evaluated in your office?
Of course. A free evaluation is commonly ‘ free’ because patients are often not meeting with a physician, a physician assistant or a nurse practitioner, so this visit cannot be billed to insurance. However, most insurances allow for a second opinion. If you have any questions about the second opinion being covered, contact member services on the back of your insurance card.
This Industry Insight was written by Theresa Schneider.
724-934-VEIN (8346) 44 724.942.0940 to advertise
Terrance R. Krysinski, MD General Surgeon Board Certified Phlebologist Vein Institute of Pittsburgh 724.934.VEIN (8346)
Summerummer School Fun S
more children take advantage of this program to discover newfound talents, enhance important skills, and meet new friends!” Lux said. “Children in the Hampton school district and all surrounding districts and schools are welcome to attend.” This summer, the HTSD Summer Program will consist of three different sessions. Each session is one week long and meets from 9 a.m. to noon, Monday through Friday. The cost for most classes is between $60 and $85. For more information about the program, visit the Hampton Township School District’s website at http://www.ht-sd.org and click on the “Community” link.
By Heather Holtschlag A program in Hampton Township keeps kids in grades kindergarten through 12 interested and even looking forward to school – even during the summer months. The Hampton Township School District (HTSD) Summer Program takes place at Hampton Middle School and is open to students who live anywhere in the area. This summer will be the third year for the program. “Attendance in the program has grown each year, and last year we topped 100 students who participated,” said Laurie Heinricher, summer program director, and curriculum director at Hampton Township School District. “We anticipate many more participants again this year.” The goal of the program, which originated when the school superintendent requested that students be brought back to school for enrichment opportunities, is to offer highly engaging summer activities for the students. “The activities that support the program do not exist in the regular curriculum, but they encourage the students to discover a passion and pursue it further,” Heinricher noted. Students are offered a number of classes from which they can choose to participate, such as summer theater, dancing, cooking, programming, and “School of Rock” for students in grades five to 10 who have some experience with guitar, drums, bass, keyboard/piano or singing and want to write, rehearse and perform in a rock band setting. In addition, certain classes offered through the summer program offer remediation to students who may have struggled with a class at school, such as math or writing. “This year, we are planning to offer a new video production class, for students in grades four to nine, that will allow them to learn the techniques of using a video camera and camera accessories to create an original movie using Windows Movie Maker or iMovie,” said Marlynn Lux, program director and assistant principal at Hampton Township Middle School. “The students also will learn about camera angles, visual concepts, planning and storyboarding associated with video productions. The students will put to use their new understanding of digital technology to create a DVD of a movie genre of their choice.” Another class that is in the works for the summer is called “Move over paper; here comes
iPad,” and is designed for any student interested in exploring and learning about the iPad, from its many applications to how it can be used for math and reading assistance. At the end of the class, the students will learn how to make a digital story using iPad applications. Other new course offerings planned for this summer include “Awesome Appetizers,” “Summer Spanish Fun,” “Dance Discovery,” “Graphic Arts and Design,” “Overcoming the Obstacles of Algebra,” “Career Exploration,” “Healthy Me! Nutrition & Fitness,” “Art Explorations,” “Painting,” and “Graphing Calculator Confidence.” “One of the classes that we offer that has a lot of potential is about teaching students to write a children’s book,” Lux said. “This class encourages students who enjoy writing and have vivid imaginations to put their thoughts to use between the pages of a children’s book. It teaches them how to put their everyday occurrences into a story that everyone will want to read.” According to Heinricher, future plans for the program include continuing to offer highly engaging and interesting programs to local students. “As long as we are able to find interesting opportunities, we want students to continue participating,” she said. “As for the students, this program is about learning new things without having the homework, tests and quizzes that most often accompany the concepts they learn in the classroom.” Though the program is still relatively new, it has already evolved from the first year by expanding the course offerings, which now include technology, music, foreign language and art classes, according to Lux. “Ultimately, we would love to see
1 1. International Cuisine Camp 2. Stop Motion Animation Camp 3. Summer Theater – last summer’s production was Cinderella 4. Babysitting Certification – this was CPR day!
Hampton | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 45
Participate in a cancer research study What if we could personally participate in research that might help determine factors that cause or prevent cancer? What if our involvement, and that research, ultimately leads to the elimination of cancer as a major health problem for this and future generations? What if we could make it so just one family never has to hear the words “you have cancer”?
Residents of the community have an unprecedented opportunity to participate in cancer research this year. Enrollment for the American Cancer Society’s third Cancer Prevention Study will be taking place at the Relay for Life of Mt. Lebanon on Saturday, June 9th, from 1:00 p.m. to 5 p.m., at the Mt. Lebanon High School Stadium. The site is one of only two in Western Pennsylvania to sign up for the study. Individuals between the ages of 30 and 65 who have never been diagnosed with cancer and are willing to make a long-term commitment to the study are encouraged to sign up. Those who choose to enroll will complete a brief initial questionnaire and provide a waist measurement and a small blood sample. Participants will periodically be sent a follow-up questionnaire for the next 20 to 30 years. If you aren’t eligible to participate, you can still make a difference by telling everyone you know about Cancer Prevention Study-3.
For more information, visit: www.cancer.org/cps3; email: cps3@cancer.org; or call toll-free 1.888.604.5888.
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Find each of the words listed below hidden in the puzzle.
Stuck on You!
What you need:
• A Balloon • Strong Lungs • A Woollen or Nylon Sweater
1. Blow up the balloon and tie the end so that the air does not escape. 2. Take the balloon and rub it vigorously against your jumper/sweater or your head of hairs about ten times. 3. Now hold the balloon against your jumper/sweater or hairs for a minute. 4. Let go of the balloon. What happens? Does it stick? When a balloon and a sweater or hairs are rubbed together; each will gain a different type of electrical charge. The balloon becomes a negative charge and the sweater or hairs becomes a positive charge. Opposite charges attract each other.
Healthy Snack Recipe for Kids
Chocolate Sweetheart Parfait Note: Parfaits can be made up to 2 days in advance.
Prep time: 5 minutes
What you need:
½ teaspoon cocoa powder 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 teaspoons honey 1½ cups low-fat or fat free Greek yogurt 2 cups fresh or frozen raspberries ¼ cup shaved dark chocolate or chocolate chips
Equipment and supplies:
Measuring cups and spoons Medium mixing bowl Whisk or fork Tall glasses, preferably clear
What to do:
1. In medium bowl, whisk together cocoa powder and vanilla. 2. Add honey and yogurt and stir until they're well combined with cocoa mixture. It will turn light brown. 3. Spoon 2 tablespoons of yogurt mixture into the bottom of four clear glasses. 4. Top with some raspberries and repeat until all of the yogurt and raspberries are used up. 5. Sprinkle each parfait with chocolate shavings. 6. Serve or refrigerate until ready to serve.
How much does this recipe make? 4 parfaits
Hampton | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 47
By Heather Holtschlag
More than half of the energy used in the average American home goes toward heating and cooling, and if your house is not properly insulated, much of that expense can go to waste. Insulation, particularly when installed in an area such as the attic, requires less work from the air conditioning and furnace systems, translating into less expense and fewer repairs. There are a number of things to note to properly install attic insulation, the first of which is called R-value. R-value measures the effectiveness of types of insulation; the higher an insulation’s R-value, the more effective it is. The recommended R-value for walls and floors in a mild climate is R-11; for ceilings and attics, it is R-19. In moderate climates, R-values should be a minimum of R-19 for walls and floors and R-30 for ceilings and attics. And, in cold climates, R-values for walls and floors should be R-19, and R-38 to R-49 for ceilings and attics. If you use your attic as living space, it is a good idea to install insulation in the walls and ceiling. If it is not used, you should still insulate, and the empty space will provide ample room for installation. If your attic is being insulated for the first time, it should include a vapor barrier, which is any material that does not absorb moisture and through which vapor will not pass. After it snows, it is recommended that you check the roof to see where the snow has fallen. If you notice specific areas on the roof where the snow has melted, this may signal an area that needs to be insulated or where the insulation is damaged. When installing insulation in the attic, the best method is to install it from the eaves toward the center of the room so as to leave more headroom when you need to cut or fit the insulation properly. If, upon installing the insulation, you discover that you need an extra layer, you can simply lay blankets on top of the insulation already there. To reduce fire hazard, cover the panels with wallboard or use fiberglass panels if you must install panels between the rafters in a ceiling that slopes. Also,if you use cellulose insulation, which is the most common type of loose-fill insulation, be sure that it has been treated with a fire retardant.
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