Historic Home a Revolutionary Treasure St. Ursula School Celebrates 100 Years!
Steelers Hit the High School Basketball Court COMMUNITY-DRIVEN
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Contents Hampton | SUMMER 2011 |
H ealth and W ellness N ews Y ou Can Use
Wh a t’ s I n si de page 2
Publisher’s Message F E A T U R E S
2 0 11 U P M C
2 6
On the Road to Recovery
Summer Camps
Special Value Coupons
Hampton High School Stages “West Side Story”
Peoples Natural Gas
Caretakers Preserve and Protect Revolutionary War Era Home | 8
Steelers Hit the High School Basketball Court
St. Ursula School Celebrates 100 Years
UPMC Today
3 6 |
3 9
| Community- Driven |
1 2
1 4
H ealth and W ellness News Y ou Can U se | 1 7
Hampton Celebrates 150 Years
The Linda DiBucci Team
4 0
W hy I nternet V isualiz ation is Necessary W hen Listing Y our H ome | 2 5 |
Bill Few Associates
Getting P ositive Ab out Y our Savings | 2 8 |
Mazzei and Associates
The Truth Ab out Bankruptcy | 3 3
T he G ood N ews Ab out H eart D isease F ive W ays to L ower Y our B lood Pressure
page 4
Y oun g Athletes an d S udden C ardiac D eath W hat P arents N eed to K now
Ex ercise: T oo Much of a G ood T hin g C an B e H armf ul
4 |
Mag ee at Passavan t
page 3
The John Walters House on Mt. Royal Boulevard, a Revolutionary War era home, is now cared for by the Travis family.
page 5
T he D own side of F alls
page 6
C hoosin g the Rig ht D octor f or Y ou
page 7
W elcomin g N ew Physician s W hat’ s H ap p en in g at U PMC Passavan t
SUMMER 2011 Welcome to the SUMMER issue of Hampton magazine. As I write this, I’m thinking back to the time I spent with my family during Easter, and wish that that togetherness could be something shared yearlong. I suppose it’s the holidays that make family time seem more special, which would mean that the other days of the week are taken for granted. I think that’s true for most of us. You can’t treat every sit -down meal like it’s Easter brunch, not when there are sports practices to drive to, homework assignments and piano lessons. Sometimes the best q uality time we can have as a family is passing the happy meal to the back of the caravan so the kids can eat before they get dropped off yet again. But keep in mind that before we know it, these summer days will be winding down into fall and we’ll have missed t he season that’s best for spending time with our families— outside of holidays. My wish for everyone is to hold on to what’s dear, and make the most of your summer!
IN Hampton is a non-partisan community publication dedicated to representing, encouraging and promoting the Hampton area and its comprising municipalities by focusing on the talents and gifts of the people who live and work here. Our goal is to provide readers with the most informative and professional regional publication in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. PUBLISHER
Wayne D ollard M A N AG I N G E D I TO R
Marybeth J effries marybeth@ incommunitymagaz R E G I O N A L E D I TO R
D ana Black McGrath d.mcgrath@ incommunitymagaz O F F I C E M A N AG E R
Leo V ighetti leo@ incommunitymagaz STA F F P H OTO G R A P H E R
Wayne Dollard P ub l ish er
J ack Megaw j .megaw@ incommunitymagaz WRITERS
Pamela Palongue GRAPHIC DESIGN
Hello and welcome to the summer issue of Hampton magazine. I joined the team at IN Community Magazines in April as North Regional Editor and I am so excited to turn the page on a new chapter in my career with such a dynamic and fast-growing company. As editor of this and seven other local magazines, I will be getting back to the work I did early on in my journalism career – delivering community-focused news. Over the past 22 years I have worked in Pittsburgh regional media for a number of newspapers and magazines, and also worked on the other side of the fence in public relations and corporate communications. I am so grateful for the contacts and colleagues I have met along the way, many of whom have become dear friends. Though I appreciate this rich experience, I have to admit my favorite job is being mom to my four-year-old triplet girls, Molly, Bridget and Shannon. As I work through my first production cycle, I am looking forward to learning more about what makes each of the communities we cover uniq ue. If you have ideas for news and feature stories or something else you would like to see on our pages, please do not hesitate to contact me. I always welcome the opportunity to meet new friends. Happy summer,
Cassie Brk ich Sharon Cobb Susie D oak
J an McE v oy J oe Milne Tamara Tylenda
Garyyonp hotograp A DV E RT I S I N G S A L E S
D erek Bayer Brian D aley Gina D ’ Alicandro Tina D ollard R ose E stes J ohn Gartley J ason H uffman Lori J effries R ita Lengv arsk y Connie McD aniel Brian McK ee
D av id Mitchell Tamara Myers Gabriel Negri R obert O j eda Annette Petrone V incent Sabatini Michael Silv ert R J V ighetti Nik k i Cap ez ioWatson
This magazine is carrier route mailed to all district households and businesses. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Copyright 2011. COR R ESPONDENCE All inq uiries, comments and press releases should be directed to: IN Community Magazines Attn: Editorial 603 East McMurray Road McMurray, PA 15317 Ph: 724.942.0940 Fax : 724.942.0968
Fall content deadline: 7/10
Dana Black Mc– rath R eg ional Ed it or
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Hampton High School Stages “West Side Story” O
The nominations for the Gene Kelly Awards for Excellence in High School Musical Theater have been announced, and Hampton High School’s recent production of “West Side Story” received seven of the nominations. This is the highest amount of nominations that Hampton has received in the Kelly Awards to date. The production was nominated in the following categories: Best Ensemble, Best Orchestra, Best Choreography, Best Direction, Best Actress (Cassie Lombardo for her role as Maria), Best Supporting Actor (Michael Trimm for his role as Bernardo), and Best Musical. Because Hampton has been nominated in the Best Musical category, they had the privilege of performing live at the Gene Kelly Awards ceremony at the Benedum on Saturday, May 28. Over 40 Hampton students participated in this event.
ne of the most revered works of American musical theater came to the Hampton High School stage in April. “West Side Story,” with its heart-wrenching plot, unforgettable score and thrilling dance sequences is an enduring favorite stage production. Adapted from the Shakespearean Romeo and Juliet, it is the story of two rival gangs, the Jets and the Sharks, and the star-crossed lovers Tony (a Jet) and Maria (sister of the leader of the Sharks), set to the lyrics of Stephen Sondheim and the music of Leonard Bernstein. Hampton’s producer, Andrew Halter, says “West Side Story” is a work that he had wanted to stage for a number of years. “This year, I thought the boys were up for the challenge,” he explains, “especially with the dancing.” The original production was choreographed by Jerome Robbins and, as anyone who has seen the classic performed on stage can attest, the choreography is quite intensive. “This show presented quite a challenge for the students in all aspects, from the acting to the dancing, to the singing, to the orchestra,” Halter says. “I’m really pleased with how the students met that challenge.” In all, about 100 students were involved in the production, including actors, dancers, stage crew and orchestra. “West Side Story” performances were held April 15-16 and April 2930 at the Hampton High School auditorium.
"Tony" is played by Matt DeMichiei and "Maria" is played by Cassie Lombardo.
Hampton | Summer 2011 | 5
y o u r e n e r g y p a rt n e r
Hampton | Summer 2011 | 7
o-Ann Travis doesn’t think of herself as the owner of her historic home, but instead views herself as its caretaker. Known as the Wyland Farmhouse or the John Walters House, the home on Mt. Royal Boulevard dates back to the time of the Revolutionary War. John Walters, a Revolutionary War soldier who built the house, was one of the area’s early pioneers, explains Sue Addis Stanny, of the Depreciation Lands Museum. “Somehow Walters knew – eorge Washington well, and sometime between the Revolutionary War and the start of his presidency, Washington stopped at the Walters cabin,” she says. In later years the property was acq uired by the Wyland family Unamesake of Wyland RoadVand became known as Wyland Farms. The family built other houses on the property for their children and Wyland School also was built on the property. Historic photos from the 1920s show orchards and greenhouses on the farm. Travis, the current owner, acq uired the property in 1999. She had been living in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., and accepted a promotion at work that req uired her to move to the Pittsburgh area. “In Florida, an ‘ older’ home was [ about] 10 years old,” she laughs. While house hunting here, she and her husband were charmed by the region’s history and architecture and decided to look for an older home. “As soon as I saw this house, I fell in love with it,” Travis says. Her husband had already returned to Florida, and she phoned to tell him, “I think I have to buy this.” Sight unseen, he was on board.
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But, after making an offer on the property, they soon found out they had been outbid. Travis was about to give up, believing that it was not meant to be, when colleagues encouraged her to increase her bid. Later, after becoming friends with the previous owners, she came to find out that part of what put their bid on top was their intention to respect the legacy of the centuries-old home. A 225-year-old low stone wall built originally to contain the animals on the property still stands. Outside, the house is covered in cedar shake siding and inside there are log walls of 12-inch-thick hand-hewn beams. Built as a one-room cabin, the house remained that way for many years. Travis explains that originally the front door was placed to the right of the house so that later, when an addition was built, that same doorway would become the center of the house. “The rooms are huge inside and the bedrooms are huge. There are fireplaces in every room that have been uncovered and many are working,” Travis says. Since the family moved in, Travis says people often stop by with photos and stories to share about the property – some who lived there, visited there, or had friends and relatives who lived there. A significant part of the home’s long and storied history is that it served as a stop on the Underground Railroad, something of which Travis is particularly proud. “They would hang q uilts on the side of the house in a certain pattern that was coded to indicate that the house was a safe house,” she explains.
There is a small cellar in the house where six to eight slaves lived. For their safety, they were not allowed to come out during the day. That bit of history alone could q ualify the house as a historic landmark, but Travis has not pursued that designation because it would restrict the owners from making changes to the property without first going through a lengthy approval process. After moving in, Travis started decorating her new home and scouring antiq ues stores for pieces to work into her interior. “The house just kind of spoke to me. It didn’t need much, just decorating.” That experience inspired the former senior vice president of human resources to set out on an entirely different career path. In 2003 she started her own antiq ues business, Farm Fresh Antiq ues and Interior Design, where she specializes in antiq ues and vintage interiors. Her shop is located within the Wexford – eneral Store Antiq ues Center, and she also operates two other locations near a cottage the family owns in New York state, just outside Erie. She helps those with vintage or historic homes respect the period of their home while incorporating current comforts as well to prevent the home from becoming a museum. Similarly, she helps those with newer homes incorporate antiq ues and vintage pieces to bring character and warmth to the space. “Life is too short to dance in tight shoes,” Travis says of her career change. Living in the home has been a transformative experience for her. “It’s just a joy,” Travis says. “We feel like we are just the caretakers of the house, that it will live on long after us.”
Hampton | Summer 2011 | 9
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ecycling became a community-wide event on May 21 when Hampton Township School District hosted its fourth annual Recycle Rama at Hampton High School. Hundreds of drivers circled the high school parking lot to find the appropriate stations for the items they were planning to recycle. Held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., the event offered community residents the opportunity to recycle just about every imaginable item that could be recycled, from electronics to cell phones, batteries, construction materials, appliances, scrap metal, paper, clothing, books and more. Participating in the event for the first time this year was – lobal Links, a medical relief and development organization dedicated to
promoting environmental stewardship and improving health in developing countries, which was collecting still-useful medical eq uipment and supplies to be distributed to those in need around the globe. The organization’s efforts keep items out of landfills while helping to improve the health of those in developing nations. Another new feature this year was the mobile shredding site. For a $3 fee per box or bag, residents could have up to five boxes or bags of materials shredded. Those who brought bags of plastic grocery store bags could exchange them for reusable grocery totes. Towels and blankets collected at the event were donated to local animal shelters. Construction Junction, a non-profit retailer that promotes conservation through the reuse of building materials, was on hand to collect items
that were in usable condition and suitable for a home project. There even was an area to recycle Hampton “spirit wear,” which also included athletic uniforms, and sports and dance eq uipment. Event volunteers also distributed lists of where and how residents can recycle various items in and around the township at any time. For instance, at Central Elementary School on Middle Road, there is a box in the front lobby for recycling printer cartridges and cell phones. Abitibi dumpsters, which are used for the collection of newspapers, catalogs, magazines, mail and other office papers, are located in several places within the district including Central and Wyland elementary schools, as well as the middle school and high school.
Hampton | Summer 2011 | 11
T h e
S t e e le r s
t a k e
o n
H a m
Pittsburgh Steelers tossed aside the pigskin for a night when they hit the basketball court at Hampton High School. They faced off against a team of Hampton teachers in a game for Hampton High School's senior class. The Steelers' basketball team included Ben Roethlisberger and Brett Keisel (who was sporting a considerably more conservative beard than he had at the Super Bowl.)
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p t o n
H ig h
Robotics Team Places Fourth at BotBall 2011
Hamptonian Staff Win Four Awards
The 2011 – reater D.C. Regional Botball Tournament took place April 9 in Fairfax, Va. A total of 38 teams from the District of Columbia, Virginia, Maryland and surrounding states brought robots to the competition. The Hampton High School Robotics Club placed fourth overall in the competition. The Overall winners for Botball were determined by Double Elimination rank, Seeding Round scores and Online and Onsite Documentation. The team also placed fourth in the seeding round. In the Seeding Rounds, teams run their robots unopposed and attempt to score the most points possible. Seeding Round scores determine initial placement in the Double Elimination bracket and account for about one-third of each team’s overall score. The team also received the Judge’s Choice Certificate for Outstanding Overall Design for their robots. The students did an outstanding job and will be working on their engineering design and programming skills to take their ‘ bots to the international tournament in July. The team consists of Evan Wilson, Adam Farabaugh, Jeff Acq uaviva, – eorge Uehling, Matt Doutt, Oliver Ebeling-Koning and their advisor, Mr. Vincent Kuzniewski. To learn more about Botball and this tournament please visit:
The Hampton High School newspaper staff submitted seven entries to the Point Park University High School Journalism competition. Awards were announced at the Spring Media Day, held by the University on Friday, April 1. Four H am p t onian staff members were present at the conference, along with newspaper advisor Scott Stickney. The H am p t onian staff brought home four first place awards. Senior Mary Spencer’s review of the high school’s production of “Little Women” took top honors in the review/column ategory. Junior Sarah Voelker’s – ambling with – rades cartoon won for best editorial cartoon. Junior Meg Omecene, who is in the newspaper class as well as an editorial/design independent study with Mr. Stickney, earned first place for her design of the December 2010 issue’s front page honoring the boys soccer team’s PIAA championship. The H am p t onian also garnered the top spot from Point Park as the best overall high school newspaper. Mary, Sarah and Meg each were presented with a check for $50 and a certificate for their accomplishment.
Girls Track Team Wins Class AAA Title The Hampton – irls Track Team won their first Class AAA, Section 4 track title by defeating Mars 81 - 51. This is the first time in Hampton’s history a girls team took home the title. Congratulations girls!
Varsity Tennis Takes Silver at WPIAL Team Championships The varsity tennis team lost to Sewickley Academy 1 - 4 in the WPIAL Team Tennis Championships on Thursday, May 12 and took home the silver medal.
HIG H SCHOOL R EUNION? Are you planning a Hampton High School Reunion? Let us know! We'll post your contact information so that your classmates can get in touch! Hampton | Summer 2011 | 13
St. Ursula School
“ F am il ies w h o w ant a C at h ol ic ed uc at ion are w il l ing t o p ay f or som et h ing ex t ra, t h ey w ant m ore t h an j ust a g ood ed uc at ion. S t ud ent s h ere d o v ery w el l . W e h av e st rong ac ad em ic s and t est sc ores.” – Principal M. Joanita Fedor, SCN
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t. Ursula School has been celebrating its centennial with multiple events held throughout this school year and extending into next school year. In an era when many Catholic and other private schools are wrestling with closures and mergers, struggling to keep their doors open, St. Ursula has actually expanded its program to include a Ready K program that was introduced two years ago. “Families who want a Catholic education are willing to pay for something extra,” says Principal Sr. M. Joanita Fedor, SCN. “They want more than just a good education. Students here do very well. We have strong academics and test scores.” The school reports that students consistently score above the national norms on standardized tests, based on the TerraNova testing administered to students in second through eighth grade, and publishes those results on the school’s website. Students who attend St. Ursula School, which is located on Kirk Avenue in Hampton Township, come from many surrounding area school districts including Hampton, North Hills, Deer Lakes, North Allegheny, Pine-Richland, Fox Chapel and others. Serving children in kindergarten through eighth grade, the school has an enrollment of 166. The Ready K program, which meets five days per week for a full day, is designed for students who are eligible for kindergarten but would benefit from an additional year of exposure to readiness skills, or those who are ready for kindergarten but do not meet the eligibility req uirements to enter. Before and after care also is available for students. St. Ursula Parish, which established St. Ursula School in 1911, celebrated its centennial two years ago. Now the school is celebrating its own landmark anniversary.
The school was started by two lay teachers, according to Sr. Joanita. In 1952, Sisters of Notre Dame from Maryland came to run the school. Those sisters were succeeded by a group of Vincentian Sisters, who later merged with the Sisters of Charity. Although the establishment of the school dates back a century, the current building was constructed in 1954 and another wing was added in 1956. Sr. Joanita has been at the school for 25 years and has seen an entire generation of students pass through its corridors. “That’s the nice part about it,” she says, “seeing the kids grow up and [ come] back.” One of those who came back is Mrs. Tricia Bridgeman, a kindergarten teacher who also is a St. Ursula graduate. One of the more challenging times Sr. Joanita recalls was just two years ago when a broken pipe led to the flooding of the school just before Christmas vacation, forcing the students and teachers to meet in six trailers for the remainder of the school year while the flood damage was repaired. “We lived through it, though,” she says. “And the kids all stayed with us.” The school’s centennial celebration started in January during Catholic Schools Week. That event involved school students receiving eyeglasses in the shape of “100” to wear during the celebration.
Anniversary festivities continued during St. Ursula’s annual parish festival, which traditionally is held during Memorial Day week from Monday through Saturday. This year, on the Saturday before the festival, May 29, the school and parish hosted its first 5K Run/Walk at Pie Traynor Field in North Park. During the festival itself, different activities were planned to celebrate the school’s anniversary and showcase the achievements and talents of its students. School students performed each night during the festival, including the fourth grade musical “Alice in Wonderland,” and a performance by the school band, among others. Other celebratory events extend into the fall. An alumni dinner is being planned with a date yet to be announced, but most likely will be held sometime in September or October. On October 23, the Sunday closest to the feast of the school’s namesake, St. Ursula UOct. 21V, Bishop of Pittsburgh David A. Z ubik will celebrate Mass. A reception will be held following the Mass to conclude the school’s anniversary celebration. For more information about St. Ursula School, visit the website at or call 412.486.5511.
Hampton | Summer 2011 | 15
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Would you like to list your Hampton Township church in this directory? Please contact Marybethv with your church name, website address and phone number.
Allison P ark Church 412.48l .l 220 B akerstown Alliance Church l 24.443.l 040 Calvary B aptist Church 412.48l .2130 Memorial P ark Church 412.364.9492 Nativity Lutheran Church 412.48l .10l 1 P arkwood United P resbyterian Church 412.486.9220 St Alexander Nevsky O rthodox Cathedral 412.366.464l St Catherine of Sweden Church 412.486.6001 St Richard Church l 24.444.19l 1
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St Ursula Churchr Religious E d 412.486.33l 4
H ealth and W ellness N ews Y ou Can Use
Wha t’ s I n si de page 2
Mag ee at Passavan t
page 3
T he G ood N ews Ab out H eart D isease F ive W ays to L ower Y our B lood Pressure
page 4
Y oun g Athletes an d S udden C ardiac D eath W hat P arents N eed to K now
Ex ercise: T oo Much of a G ood T hin g C an B e H armf ul
2 0 1 UP
page 5
T he D own side of F alls
page 6
C hoosin g the Rig ht D octor f or Y ou
page 7
W elcomin g N ew Physician s W hat’ s H ap p en in g at U PMC Passavan t
M agee at P assavant Bringing Magee- Womens S pecialty S ervices closer to home for N orth Hills residents Carolyn Coffin’s mother died of ovarian cancer, so when she found herself feeling suspiciously bloated and uncomfortable, she immediately scheduled an appointment with her doctor. “ I j ust knew something wasn’t right,” says Carolyn. She underwent a CT scan and ultrasound at UPMC Passavant and was diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer. Carolyn was operated on by R obert P. v dwards, Mu , director of the O varian Cancer Center of v xcellence and executive vice chairman of the u epartment of O bstetrics, x ynecology, and R eproductive Surgery at Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC. I n the past, her operation would have taken place at Magee, which is ranked sixth in the nation for gynecologic care by U.S. News & World Report. B ut u r. v dwards is leading a new partnership between Passavant and Magee that now delivers that same high level of specialty gynecologic services to North Hills residents and beyond. u r. v dwards credits the program’s success to the visionary efforts of administrators at both hospitals and to the goodwill extended by its physicians and staff. “ So much has happened at Passavant in recent years to make the timing ideal for a program like this,” says u r. v dwards. “ The foundation of this effort actually began in 2 pp7 , but the hospital’s new pavilion and cancer center now provide the state-of-the-art facilities and staffing support to make this a first-class resource for women’s care.” “ wor generations, Magee has been synonymous with trusted and innovative care for women,” says J ames W. B oyle, Mu , chief medical officer at UPMC Passavant. “ This new partnership means improved access to the most advanced and innovative specialty care for our patients, who are drawn to Passavant not only from communities in the North Hills but the entire I nterstate 7 ’ corridor north of Pittsburgh. I t’s another manifestation of our evolution as a maj or specialty care center. We couldn’t be prouder of the world-class physicians and surgeons participating in this program.” “ I feel so fortunate to have had u r. v dwards do my surgery,” adds Carolyn. “ His incredible expertise — coupled with the care and follow-up support of the entire Passavant oncology staff — made this a life-changing experience for me.”
Mag ee- W omen s S p ecialty S ervices at U PMC Passavan t M agee’ s program at P assavant owers the most advanced care for women, including:
G yn ecolog ic C an cer N ow patients at U P M C P assavant can b enefi t from the latest research, diagnosis, and treatment of cancers of the uterus, ovaries, cervix, vulva, and fallopian tub es. The M agee-Womens Gynecologic Cancer P rogram of U P M C Cancer Centers, part of the Women’ s Cancer P rogram at M agee, is at the leading edge of the ewort to help women maintain gynecologic health and, when necessary, to provide early cancer detection and individualiz ed intervention.
U rog yn ecolog y A sub specialty within ob stetrics and gynecology, urogynecology treats women of all ages experiencing b ladder or pelvic fl oor disorders. The pelvic fl oor is a comb ination of muscles, ligaments, and connective tissues that support the pelvic organs — the b ladder, vagina, uterus, and rectum. It can b e weakened b y a comb ination of factors, such as childb irth, heavy lifting, the ewects of menopause and aging, and chronic medical and neurologic conditions.
Min imally I n vasive G yn ecolog ic S urg ery Surgeons use the latest minimally invasive surgery techniq ues to treat many of the gynecologic prob lems that women experience. At U P M C P assavant, these techniq ues include rob otic-assisted surgery. After surgery, patients can usually return to work sooner, typically experience less pain after surgery, have less scar tissue formation, and have smaller skin incisions.
T o learn more ab out the M agee at P assavant program, visit w w w .U P M C P and click on S ervices and S pecialties, or call 4 1 2 - 3 6 7 - 4 7 0 0 . T o schedule an appointment w ith a U P M C - a liated physician, visit w w w .U P M C .com/ F indAD octor, or call 1 - 8 0 0 - 5 3 3 - U P M C ( 8 7 6 2 ) .
com/T oday
T he G ood N ew s Ab out H eart D isease T ake charge of your heart through health screenings and heart-healthy lifestyle changes “ Screening absolutely saves lives. We can help people change the outcome once we know their risk factor levels,” u r. v dmundowicz says.
H eart disease is the nation’s leading cause of death for both men and women. v very 2 5 seconds, someone experiences a coronary events every minute, it claims a life.
u octors also can use tools such as v K x s, ultrasound, and CT scans to look for signs of atherosclerosis in the heart, neck, legs, and arms — especially if you have a family history of cardiovascular disease. At the UPMC Heart and V ascular I nstitute, you can take advantage of the region’s only low radiation electron beam CT scan, which looks specifically for calcium in the coronary arteries as a marker of the cholesterol accumulation that can cause sudden heart attacks.
The good news? Y ou can take steps to reduce your risk of heart disease through routine screenings and lifestyle changes — even if you’ve already had a heart attack or stroke. “ Heart disease is a disease we can do something about. I n most instances, it is preventable,” says u aniel v dmundowicz , Mu , associate professor of medicine at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, and director of preventive cardiology at the UPMC Heart and V ascular I nstitute.
The more risk factors you have, the greater your chance of developing heart disease. While you can’t control genetics, you can take steps to control many other risk factors by following a healthy diet, exercising, not smoking, and maintaining a healthy body weight. Some changes — like q uitting smoking — can have an immediate impact.
u r. v dmundowicz , who also is director of cardiovascular medicine at UPMC Passavant, recommends regular health screenings as a way of knowing your numbers and whether to take action. wor example, high blood pressure and high cholesterol can damage your heart and blood vessels, but you wouldn’t know you have these conditions without testing for them.
Risk f actors that can’t b e chan g ed • Family history of heart disease, carotid artery disease, or peripheral artery disease • Age ( 6 5 and older) • Gender ( men have a greater risk of heart attack)
Risk f actors that can b e chan g ed • • • • •
Smoking High b lood pressure High cholesterol levels O b esity P hysical inactivity
“ The bottom line isr I f you know your numbers and know your risk, you can do something about it,” u r. v dmundowicz says.
F ive W ays to L ower Y our B lood Pressure High b lood pressure puts you at risk for heart attack, stroke, and other serious diseases. Follow these recommendations from Dr. Edmundowicz to take charge of this “ silent killer” : • I n crease p hysical activity. Aim for at least 3 0 minutes each day ( most days) of b risk walking, b ike riding, or other aerob ic activity that you enj oy. • Mon itor your sodium. L imit your sodium intake to less than two grams ( 2 , 0 0 0 mg) a day. B eware of “ hidden” sodium in processed foods, including canned soup, lunch meats, froz en dinners, and crackers. • Eat healthy. Follow a lower-fat diet that’ s rich in fruits, vegetab les, and low-fat dairy foods. • C on trol your stress. Take 1 5 minutes each day to decompress and focus on yourself. L isten to music, read, pray, or meditate. • D on ’ t smok e! N icotine has a direct ewect on your b lood vessels as well as your lungs. It causes your heart to b eat faster, and raises your b lood pressure. • T ak e your medicin e. If medicine is needed to control your b lood pressure, make sure you take it as prescrib ed b y your doctor.
K n ow your n umb ers
B ecome heart smart
Aim for these vital numb ers to k eep your tick er in good w ork ing condition:
Take time to educate yourself ab out heart disease and the treatments availab le. The U P M C Heart and V ascular web site is a one-stop source of information ab out cardiac conditions, as well as U P M C’ s full spectrum of cardiovascular services from routine screenings to advanced cardiac care. B e sure to check it out at www.U PMC .com/ H eartan dV ascular.
Monit or
T arg et L evels
less than 2 0
Blood P ressure
b elow 1 2 0 / 8 0
, b ody mass index 1 8 .5–
mg/ dL
2 4 .9
Ask your doctor If you have q uestions or concerns ab out your heart health, call your physician to schedule an appointment.
3 -UP
Health Tips from U P M C Health P lan
Y uo n g A t hle t e s a n d uS d d e n Ca r d ia c D e a t h
W hat Paren ts N eed to K n ow Is your child among the three to five million young people in the United States who play organized sports each year? If so, you know that a pre-participation physical examination can help identify young athletes who may be at risk for an injury or illness that could req uire additional medical evaluation. R ecently, identifying young athletes who may be at risk of sudden cardiac death has become a hot topic among sports medicine professionals, focusing the attention of parents on the need for better cardiovascular screening of young athletes. “Sudden cardiac death jSCDk in young athletes is extremely rare,” says V ivekanand Allada, MD, clinical director of pediatric cardiology at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC and professor of pediatrics. “In fact, it’s a one in a million risk.” According to Dr. Allada, sudden death in young athletes is most often due to heart problems, such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy jan abnormal thickening of the heartk. Other causes include congenital coronary anomalies, arrhythmia jwhich can be caused by a blow to the chestk, and Marfan syndrome, a connective tissue disorder that can weaken the aorta and lead to a tear or rupture. “Unfortunately, there’s no perfect test to find a needle in a haystack,” says Dr. Allada. However, parents can take steps to uncover risk factors that may req uire more testing or a consultation with a pediatric cardiologist. The AHA recommends that young athletes undergo a screening medical history to check specifically forr • • •
Chest pain, palpitations, or fainting during exercise jred flags that req uire immediate attentionk A history of a heart murmur or hypertension Family history of coronary disease, sudden death, or Marfan syndrome
Children with any of these risk factors or an abnormal physical exam should see a pediatric cardiologist, who is specially trained to look for cardiac problems in children and teens, Dr. Allada says. Further testing might include an EK G, echocardiogram, and stress test. He offers these tips to parentsr • Don’t let your child play through chest pain. Pain can be a warning sign. • Teach your child to avoid energy drinks that have high levels of caffeine. Such drinks can make the heart race and cause cardiac arrhythmias. They are particularly dangerous for athletes with undiagnosed cardiac problems.
T o learn more ab out caring for your child’ s heart, visit w w w, then click on C hild H ealth A- Z . T o schedule an appointment w ith a C hildren’ s- a liated physician, call 4 1 2 - 6 9 2 - P E D S ( 7 3 3 7 ) .
com/T oday
E x ercise:
T oo M uch of a G ood T hing C an B e H armful Regular exercise is an important part of maintaining a healthy life. M any of us, however, still struggle to fi t even a moderate amount of exercise into our schedules. B ut there are plenty of people who are getting too much exercise. If some exercise is good, they think more will b e b etter. N ot true. In fact, excessive exercise can lead to a host of physical issues, including inj uries, the loss of lean muscle mass, a weakened immune system, sleep prob lems, irritab ility, and depression. A study in the American J ournal of Cardiology suggests that too much vigorous exercise also can increase the risk of heart prob lems.
Are you ex ercisin g too much? Experts say that if your workouts suddenly seem more div cult than usual and you aren’ t making progress, you may b e overexercising. O ther troub le signs include: • Insomnia • Aches or pain in muscles and/ or j oints • Fatigue • Feeling unmotivated and lacking energy • Increased susceptib ility to colds, sore throats, and other illnesses If you’ re experiencing any of these signs, see your doctor to fi nd out if something else is causing the prob lem.
J ust startin g an ex ercise p rog ram? Congratulations on taking an important step to improve your health. Here are a few tips to help your b ody adj ust to a new routine: • Create a reasonab le exercise program b ased on attainab le goals. • Exercise in moderation. • B egin slowly and b uild up gradually to avoid inj uries. • Cut b ack the volume and intensity of your workouts at the fi rst sign of inj ury. • L isten to your b ody. When it needs a rest, give it a rest. Sources: American College of Sports M edicine, American Heart Association
U P M C Spotlight
The Downside of Falls P rev enting tripping, falling can be key to maintaining independence Falls may be funny on comedy shows, but they can be traumatic for older adults. Simply tripping on a rug or slipping on a wet floor can change an older person’s life in an instant — posing serious threats to his or her health and independence. According to the Centers for Disease Control, one in three people over 65 experience at least one fall each year, and more than two-thirds of them are likely to fall again within six months. Falls also are the leading cause of accidental death in seniors. And, as many as 30 percent of those who fall end up with debilitating hip, pelvic, or spine fractures that make it harder to get around and adversely affect self-confidence. Even those who don’t suffer serious injury can become fearful. “The most obvious concern when an older adult falls or trips is injury,” says Stephanie Studenski, MD, MPH, director of the Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center at the University of Pittsburgh and associate director of research at the Aging Institute of UPMC Senior Services and the University of Pittsburgh. “But the fear of falling can cause people to restrict their activity and sacrifice their independence. In some cases, it can lead to social isolation,” she says. Everyone is at risk for falls, but that risk increases with the changes that come with aging, plus other medical conditions such as arthritis, cataracts and glaucoma, and balance problems. “Fortunately, there’s a lot people can do to prevent most risk factors,” says Dr. Studenski. “Taking care of your overall health, staying active, socializing with friends, and taking a few common-sense precautions can help you avoid falls and broken bones.” To learn more about the Falls Clinic, located at UPMC Senior Care-Benedum Geriatric Center in Oakland, call 412-692-4200.
T hree things
you can do to p reven t f alls
Ex ercise! Exercises such as tai chi or other relaxation exercises that improve balanc e and coordination can help lower your chances of falling and make you feel stronger. S ee your doctor regula rly. Annual physical and eye examinations can uncover underlying medical prob lems that can lead to falls. See your doctor if you feel unstab le or diz z y, p ossibly d ue to medications. Tell your doctor if you fall; a medical evaluation can help. Mak e your home saf er. Seventy-fi ve percent of all falls occur at home. To help make your home fall-proof: • I mprove lighting. As you get older, you need b righter lights to see well. Us e night lights in your b edroom, hall, and bat hroom. • R emove small throw rugs. Tack down all carpets and area rugs so they are fi rmly fastened to the fl oor. • R emove things you can trip over. Clear bo oks, clothes, and shoes from stairs and places you walk. K eep cords and wires near walls. • Us e handrails. Install grab bar s near toilets, and bot h inside and outside your tub and shower. Always use the handrail when using the stairs. • St ore items w ithin easy reach. Don’t store things too high or too low. A void using stepladders or step stools. Mos t of all, think b efore you reach. • W ear shoes w ith non- sk id, non- friction soles. Avoid going b arefoot or wearing only socks or loose-fi tting slippers.
L eading the W ork in F alls P revention Dr. St ephanie Studenski received the 2 0 1 0 N ational Award for Falls P revention Research and will be honor ed as the grand champion at the third annual Celeb rating Senior Champions benefi t dinner and auction Thursday, N ov. 3 , 2 0 1. F or more information ab out the event, sponsored b y UP MC Seni or Services, t he Aging Institute, and the Division of Geriatric Med icine of the Uni versity of P ittsbur gh, call P eggy V anHorn, b enevolent care advocate, at 4 12 -6 2 2 -9 2 39 .
Choosing the Right Doctor for Y ou T aking the time to fin d “Dr . Rig ht” is one of the most important inv estments you can make. We’ve all heard about the importance of the doctor/ patient relationship, often described as the cornerstone of q uality medical care. “ I n fact, the stronger that relationship, the better your chances of receiving the right care at the right time in the right way,” says Tami Minnier, vice president of UPMC’s u onald J . Wolff, J r. Center for Q uality I mprovement and I nnovation. “ At UPMC, our goal is to help you develop a long-term partnership in which your doctor is your number one health care champion.” According to a 2 p1 p survey by the R obert Wood J ohnson woundation, most of us are very satisfied with our physicians. I t usually takes something maj or — like moving to a new area, changing medical insurance, or being diagnosed with a serious condition — to prompt us to look for a new doctor. “ I f you’re in the process of changing doctors, there are some exciting new options to consider,” says Ms. Minnier. “ wor example, UPMC’s Health Plan is working with a growing number of primary care physicians to implement patient-centered medical homes in their practices.” I n this medical model, your family doctor becomes the hub for all your care by linking you to a collaborative team of medical professionals — from physician assistants to specialists.
Medical homes are designed to ensure that you receive appropriate and comprehensive care over your entire lifetime, including preventive health care, treatment for acute or chronic illness, and assistance with end-of-life care. Studies show that medical homes are resulting in improved care, access, and communication between patients and their “ medical team” — as well as improved q uality, safety, and cost of care.
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When searching for “ u r. R ight,” here are five helpful tips to locate the best matchr
D etermin e what’ s imp ortan t to you “ winding the ‘ right’ doctor often involves personal preferences apart from a physician’s skills or q ualifications,” says Ms. Minnier. “ wor example, are you more comfortable with a doctor of your gender? I s a primary care physician right for you, or do you have a medical condition that req uires treatment by a specialist? And if easy access is a concern, do you need a doctor located close to your home or workplace? ”
G et the op in ion of p eop le you trust “ B egin your search by asking your circle of family, friends, and co-workers about the positive experiences they’ve had,” she advises. “ I f you’re moving, or seeking a specialist, your current doctor also can be an excellent referral source.”
D o some homework “ There are a number of credible online resources, including UPMC’s windA u octor ( windAu octork, with information on more than 5 ,ppp physicians, that allow you to confirm a physician’s medical credentials, board certifications, and specialties,” says Ms. Minnier. Y ou also can check with the state medical board at I n general, avoid “ doctor ranking” sites, which are unregulated and difficult to verify for accuracy.
At UPMC, a variety of tools are used to assess physician q uality, including patient satisfaction surveys. “ We literally review thousands of surveys monthly, which provide us with invaluable insights and feedback,” says Ms. Minnier.
V erif y your doctor’ s in suran ce p lan s an d hosp ital a liation s “ Most practices accept a variety of insurance plans, but be sure yours is among them,” advises Ms. Minnier. “ And should you ever req uire hospitaliz ation or special tests, it’s important that your doctor be affiliated with a hospital you know and trust.”
C all f or an ap p oin tmen t “ B ring a written set of q uestions covering your concerns and expectations. When your visit is over, evaluate the experience,” suggests Ms. Minnier. “ Was it easy to get an appointment? Were you treated with respect by both the doctor and the staff? I f your answers are positive, you’re on the right path to a doctor/ patient relationship characteriz ed by q uality care, compassion, and open communication.” F or more information, or to schedule an appointment w ith a U P M C - a liated physician, visit w w w .U P M C .com/ F indAD octor, or call 1 - 8 0 0 - 5 3 3 - U P M C ( 8 7 6 2 ) .
Welcoming N ew Physician s To schedule an appointment, or for more information about any of our physicians, visit or call 1-800-533-UPMC (8762). S urb hi M. Ag arwal, MD F am ily Pr actic e
N itin M. Ka mat, MD N ephr ol ogy
Mary E. Peterson , MD G ynec ol og i c S ur ger y
Edward A. V erdream, MD Inf ect i ous D i s ea s e
Gr etchen M. Ahrend t, MD G enr al S ur ger y
J ason J . L amb , MD Thor acic S ur ger y
Edward E. S aar, D O O r t ho pa edi cs
Rob ert L . V olosk y, MD Inf ect i ous D i s ea s e
Rob ert M. Dens N ephr ology
C hristop her J . Passero, MD N ephr ol ogy
J amun a S ivak an than , MD Ph ys i c al Medi ci ne & R eha bi l i t at i on
An drew R. W atson , MD G enr al S ru ger y
haw, MD
L aurenc e E. F riedman, MD N ephr ology
K evin Perez , MD Inf ect i ous D si eas e
D avid L . W ein b aum, MD Inf ect i ous D i s ae s e
W hat’ s H ap p en in g at U P M C P assavant These free events are owered b y the P assavant Hospital Foundation B ridg e to H op e: V ig il of H op e Wednesday, June 8, 7 p .m . P assav ant Ho spital F oundation L egacy T heatre This sixth annual “ V igil of Hope” br ings people together to call attention to the extent and nature of the drug and alcohol epidemic. It owers support for those who have suwered the loss of a loved one to drugs or alcohol and for those who have a loved one currently struggling with drug and/ or alcohol abus e. P lease call 4 12 -36 7 -66 4 0 for more information. S p in e As W e Ag e . . . Prevent ion an d T reatmen t Wednesday, June 15, 12 :30 p .m . S enior C enter, C ranberry T ownship Municipal B uilding Speaker: Mat t El-K adi, MD L earn about care for your spine, p lus prevention and new treatment options. P lease call 4 12 -36 7 -66 4 0 t o register. Y outh S ummer Ca mp : C hildhood W elln ess . . . Mak in g Movemen t F un Tuesdays and Thursdays; Ju ne 2 1- July 7 , 9 a.m . t o noon P ine Ric hland Y outh C enter Children will learn how to make positive changes in their health for a lifetime of wellness. P lease call 7 2 4 -4 4 3-3 796 for more information.
C hild Ca r S eat S af ety C heck Thursday, J une 3 0 , 1 0 a.m . McC andless-F ranklin P ark Am bulance A uthority, W ex ford Have a certifi ed child passenger safety technician check your child car seat installation in your vehicle at no costy Appointments requi red. P lease call 4 12 -881-9 2 2 1.
H ow’ s Y our H earin g ? Thursday, August 1 8 , 1 2 :3 0 p.m . S enior C enter, C ranberry T ownship Municipal B uilding Speaker: M ariann M cElwain, M D L earn when to have a hearing test and what to expect. Free hearing screenings will b e availab le at this seminar. P lease call 4 1 2 -3 6 7 -66 4 0 to register.
Passavan t H osp ital F oun dation Patriotic T rib ute Thursday, J une 3 0 , 7 :30 p.m . P assav ant Ho spital F oundation L egacy T heatre As a special event in the L egacy Mus ic Series, t he P ine Creek Band will provide a patriotic tribut e to our country’ s history as we prepare to celebr ate the Fourth of J uly. P lease call 4 12 -36 7 -66 4 0 t o register.
D iab etes S ymp osium Thursday, Sept. 2 9 , 8 :4 5 a.m . P assav ant Ho spital F oundation C onference C enter & L egacy T heatre, C umberland W oods V illage Free screenings, vendor displays, informational tab les, and presentations throughout the day. P lease call 4 1 2 -3 6 7 -66 4 0 for more information.
Advan ces in C on servative an d S urg ical K n ee T reatmen ts Wednesday, July 2 0 , 12 :30 p.m . S enior C enter, C ranberry T ownship Municipal B uilding Speaker: K elly Agnew, M D Advancements in surgical and conservative knee treatments, j oint flui d therapy, ar throscopic knee surgery, and minimally invasive knee replacement will be d iscussed. P lease call 4 12 -36 7 -66 4 0 t o register.
2 t4 h Annua l Passavant H osp ital F ound ation C harity Golf O uting M onday, J une 2 0 , 8 a.m . T reesdale Go lf & C ountry C lub J oin other local golfers for a day of sport and networking to help raise funds to support the P assavant Hospital Foundation. M ark your calendar today, and b e sure to note this year’ s new location. P lease call 4 1 2 -3 6 7 -66 4 0 to register.
L eg acy Music S eries U P MC P assav ant, McC andless C ampus The P assavant Hospital Foundation is seeking talented musicians who want to help lift people’ s spirits and volunteer their time to give the gift of music. Inq uiries are now b eing accepted for summer and fall 2 0 1 1 dates. P lease call 4 1 2 -3 6 7 -66 4 0 for more information.
F or m or e inf or m ati on abo tu lc as s es at UPMC Pas s av ant and aliat c all UPMC Ph ys ican R ef er r al at 1-800-533-UPMC (8762).
ed outpatien
c ent
er s ,
U PMC Passavan t 910 Babc ock Blv d. P ittsbur gh, P A 15 2 3 7
UPMC Today is publi shed quar terly to provide you with health and wellness information and classes and events availab le at U P M C. This pub lication is for informational purposes only and should not b e taken as medical advice or replace a physician’ s medical assessment. Alw ays consult fi rst with your physician about anything related to your personal health.
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The expertise that women trust is now in the North Hills. When it comes to expert care, women have always trusted Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC. And now that expertise is available here at UPMC Passavant. Magee’s program at Passavant offers the most advanced care, including gynecologic oncology and urogynecology, as well as minimally invasive gynecologic surgery – which can mean a shorter recovery period and less pain. Not to mention less time away from your family. So it’s never been more convenient for you to get world-class specialty services. The kind of services that have helped women for generations. With the addition of Magee’s specialty services, UPMC Passavant continues its commitment to providing the most advanced, most respected, and most effective care in the North Hills. To learn more about Magee’s specialty services offered at UPMC Passavant or to schedule an appointment, call 1-800-533-UPMC (8762) or visit
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MAKE SURE YOU PICK THE RI– HT A– ENT… MAKE SURE YOUR A– ENT USES A PROFESSIONAL PHOTO– RAPHER. It’s no secret today 80R to 90R of home buyers search on the internet before physically searching for their dream home. – etting into the head of the “internet” buyer becomes critical for your success. What draws them to any single property? What will draw them to your property instead of another property?
Control the Visualization Process Buyers already have price, location and specifications set. Beyond price you can’t really change much. Or can you? You can’t move your home, and the number of rooms is fixed. The very next thing that draws any buyer to your property is all visual. We can control the visualization process and that process has a great impact.
What makes the difference? An answer to this q uestion is rooted in one simple attribute, it’s all visualization! The best image makes you “click” on the property. Additional images build your interest. Virtual tours bring you inside the home and you “stick” for the duration of the tour. Appropriate background music evokes an emotional connection. The brochure and on-line tour refresh your memory after the visit. On-line images and tours are easily shared with friends and family, soliciting impressions and approval. Compare the images, virtual tours and brochures different agents use. Professional real estate photographers make the difference.
Compare the images, virtual tours and brochures different agents use. Professional real estate photographers make the difference.
Compare property presentations After visiting a real estate web site and entering your search data for properties, you’re immediately confronted with a list of properties that meet your initial criteria. Ask yourself these q uestions: What property do you look at first? What button do you push first? After viewing them “online” what property sticks in your mind? What property sets the benchmark for the rest? What property do you ask your agent to show? After viewing many properties how do you refresh your memory for comparison? Hampton | Summer 2011 | 25
R ob ert Friedlander, MD, left, and Michael Horowitz, MD, discuss treatment options with a patient who has an unruptured aneurysm.
On the
ROAD By Mark Berton
Ashly Hunt
U PMC neurosurgery patient making strides after sut ering a near fatal b rain hemorrhage.
26 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
When you think of someone who has suwered a stroke, common images arise: paralysis on one side of the b ody and div culty with speech and coordination. While stroke can occur at any age, most people associate strokes with older people. So if you’ re an athletic 2 4 -year-old with no history of b rain inj ury, on the b each at O cean City, M aryland during the Fourth of J uly holiday with stroke-like symptoms, denial is a natural response. And for Ashly Hunt, she denied her symptoms until the moment she was loaded into a helicopter. “ I rememb er thinking I wanted water. I am a huge runner. I ran b efore this and thought I was dehydrated, ” she said. “ It literally took the life-fl ight to b elieve that I wasn’ t dehydrated. When it’ s happening to you you’ re not thinking the worst. ” Within a matter of hours, what she thought was a simple headache evolved and rob b ed her of her sight and ab ility to speak. She also had troub le moving her arms and hands. Emergency responders decided to life-fl ight her to the nearest hospital in B altimore, where she was diagnosed with a b rain stem hemorrhage. B lood from the hemorrhage was pooling in an area that connects her b rain to her spinal cord, causing her to lose movement on her right side, and creating a maj or dilemma for the neurosurgeons b ecause they b elieved the site was too risky to treat with surgery. Soon after the diagnosis, Ashly entered a rehab ilitation program in her hometown of J ohnstown, P a. , to help her regain movement of the extremities that were awected b y the hemorrhage. However, after several weeks in rehab ilitation and slight improvements in her vision and speech, Ashly’ s overall condition b egan to worsen. Ashly still maintained her hearing, b ut what she heard going on around her, she didn’ t like. U ntil she met Rob ert Friedlander, M D, at U P M C.
“I’m pretty close to 100 percent now. My hand and foot are the last things I’m waiting for to come back. I’m writing again. It’s like a 3-year-old, but I am. I’m going to be 100 percent.” Ashly Hunt
From left to right, Brian Jankowitz, MD, Paul Gardner, MD, Daniel Wecht, MD, and L. Dade Lunsford, MD, discuss a complex neurovascular case.
Dr. Friedlander was called after Ashly’ s family doctor consulted with a neurosurgeon at The J ohns Hopkins U niversity, who recommended that Dr. Friedlander manage this complex situation. Within four hours of the initial consultation, Ashly was in an amb ulance headed for P ittsb urgh where, she said, she met the doctor who made all the diwerence. “ I couldn’ t speak and had a hard time seeing, b ut my b rain was processing everything. All of the other doctors were talking ab ove me and not looking at me, not doing anything with me even though I understood them all, ” she said. “ U ntil I went to Dr. Friedlander and he worked with me through my condition to give him the answers he needed. He never came ow as pompous. He’ s the most caring person I’ ve dealt with to this day. ” Ashly’ s hemorrhage was caused b y an underlying condition called a cavernous malformation, which is an ab normal, b erry-like patch of b lood vessels located inside her b rain stem. B ecause the b rain stem is deeply situated within the b ase of the b rain and controls important functions such as movement, sensation, b reathing, and instructing the heart to b eat, surgery to remove the malformation was extremely risky. However, if left untreated, the malformed vessels could again b leed and result in additional critical neurologic damage or even death. Dr. Friedlander and the neurosurgeons at U P M C faced the challenging task of removing the malformation without causing further complications. U sing advanced b rain imaging technology known as High Defi nition Fib er Tracking, pioneered at the U niversity of P ittsb urgh, Dr. Friedlander was ab le to view the detailed wiring of Ashly’ s b rain fi b ers to determine the b est way to execute the surgery with as little damage to her b rain as possib le. In order to ob tain appropriate access to the b rain stem, Dr. Friedlander turned to Dr. B arry Hirsch, a skull b ase EN T surgeon at U P M C. U sing a special microscope and image guidance device, Dr. Friedlander approached the b rain stem and was ab le to completely remove the cavernous malformation.
After surgery, Ashly’ s vision and speech b egan to improve. She also could move her right hand, which had b een paralyz ed. She improved daily, making strides with her b alance, speech, movements, and other functions, and credits her improvement to her strict discipline in following her doctors’ recommendations and her physical therapy program. “ If I could say one thing to inspire anyone going through this it’ s that you can’ t j ust sit there. It b ecomes your j ob , ” she said. “ I’ ve seen a lot of people who have had strokes. Y ou can’ t j ust sit down and think you’ ll get b etter. Y ou have to follow the therapy and give your b ody time. ” While she’ s b een living with her parents in J ohnstown during her recovery, Ashly is looking forward to getting b ack to her life in B altimore. “ I’ m pretty close to 1 0 0 percent now. M y hand and foot are the last things I’ m waiting for to come b ack, ” she said. “ I’ m writing again. It’ s like a 3 -year-old, b ut I am. I’ m going to b e 1 0 0 percent. ” Her road to recovery has b een long. Approaching the anniversary of her ordeal, she and her family are thankful to Dr. Friedlander and everyone on the U P M C staw who helped her through this challenging time. She maintains a b log at ashlystatus. com, where family and friends post updates on her condition. “ I’ ll never forget, Dr. Friedlander said to me, ‘ We’ re a team. I’ ll do my part as long as you do yours, ’ ” she said. “ That’ s b ig in my mind. That made an impact. ” For more information, please call the U P M C Department of N eurological Surgery at 1 -8 6 6 -9 7 9 -1 3 3 6 or visit U P M C. com/ nv. This patient’ s treatment and results may not b e representative of all similar cases.
Hampton | Summer 2011 | 27
– etting P About Your S t is spring 2010, a year or so beyond the worst credit crisis and stock market collapse in a generation, and you’re having a tough time feeling good about your bank savings. Let’s face it, it is just not possible to get excited about a certificate of deposit that earns a whopping 1.5R. Think about all the time and effort it takes to shop for that extra q uarter percentage point. Is it possible to feel g ood about your money when bank savings rates are this low? At current rates, your money will double every 48 years. How many 48 year periods do you have remaining in your lifetime? If you are like most of us, you don’t have more money then you need. Chances are you are working hard and you need your hard earned money to work twice as hard, not half as much. Action must be taken now to prepare for the inevitable: retirement and the golden years. The first step toward securing a positive
osit iv e av ing s attitude is to educate yourself beyond the basic investment catchall phrase “buy low and sell high.” There are easy ways to become informed about investments and financial planning. Consider taking a basic course at a community college or reading one of the “Dummy Series” books on financial planning and investment management. These are great places to start. Once educated, you may find that you still aren’t comfortable about doing your own investment analysis and financial planning given today’s climate. So, your next step toward feeling good about your money would be to find the ideal investment professional to assist in developing a personal plan that fits your financial goals. A good criterion to measure a person’s expertise is whether they
“The first step toward securing a positive attitude is to educate yourself beyond the basic investment catchall phrase “buy low and sell high.” There are easy ways to become informed about investments and financial planning.” have earned the Certified Financial Planning professional designation UCFP® V. Poll everyone you know and ask who they work with and why. Then meet with several advisors to find the best fit for you. Assigning the task of financial planning and ongoing money management to someone who you believe to be competent, reliable, and trustworthy can help raise the rate of return on your savings. Make sure there is a comfort level between you and the advisor. Is it someone you will look forward to collaborating with on a long-term regular basis? You want to put yourself in a place where you don’t constantly think or worry about your financial future. This allows you to live the good life and do the things you truly enjoy and to finally feel good about your money and its place in today’s financial cl imate. The time to feel good about your savings is now and that feel-good feeling begins with a solid financial plan. Regardless of your stage of life, still working or retired, you can benefit from discussing your financial future with a Bill Few Associates professional. Use the days now to plan for the days to come, because they will come q uicker than you think. This Industry Insight was written by Ward L. Garner, CFP®. Bill Few Associates, Inc. 107 Mt. Nebo Pointe, Suite 200 Pittsburgh, PA 15237 412.630.6000
28 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
724.942.0940 IN Hampton is published q uarterly and is carrier route mailed to all Hampton households and businesses.
Hampton | Summer 2011 | 29
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Tell us where you traveled this summer! Send photos!
Hampton | Summer 2011 | 31
Dave & Amy Butler
Takes Us Back to the
Connie Smith, Aileen Schilling
Doris Broeker, Laurie Heinricher
Alex & Debbie Howson
Jane Miller, Amy DeGregorio
Patti Rose Hartle
32 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
By Jason J. Mazzei, Esquire
As a bankruptcy attorney, I hear many misconceptions about bankruptcy. Here are a few examples: • • • • • • • • •
Bankruptcy will ruin my credit. Not True! I will lose my home, car and personal belongings if I file. Not True! Most of my debts are not dischargeable. Not True! Bankruptcy is immoral. Not True! I must have no money in order to file. Not True! My taxes cannot be discharged in bankruptcy. Not True! I can lose my job if I file for bankruptcy. Not True! Bankruptcy can not help with student loans. Not True! Bankruptcy is only for businesses. Not True!
the amount you owe on your credit cards, medical bills, personal loans, and payday loans. We can also force student loan companies to accept lower payments or even no payments for as long as your case lasts. Businesses commonly seek bankruptcy protection when they are in financial trouble. Why shouldn’t you? Uncle Sam offers businesses and banks a financial bailout when they are in financial difficulty. Where is your financial bailout? Bankruptcy is not for everybody, and we do offer alternatives to bankruptcy filing. For a FREE confidential consultation, please contact us toll free at 1-800-BANKRUPT to schedule an appointment for an office near you. Our main office is in Pittsburgh, but we have offices located throughout Pennsylvania, and we have an office that is close and convenient to you. With our experience in bankruptcy and our low costs, why go anywhere else?
Although there may be some limited exceptions to some of the Call us TODAY! 1-800-BANKRUPT or visit us online above myths, for the most part, they are all false when it comes down to the law. If you look up the word bankruptcy in the dictionary, you usually get words like “failure” and “defeat”; however, bankruptcy is simply a person or business declaring they are unable to pay creditors. When playing the game Monopoly, when someone goes “bankrupt,” it means that their debts are wiped out, and they start a new game with a “fresh start.” Like the board game, bankruptcy offers a person or a business the ability to start over with a clean slate by wiping out the debt they are saddled with. Bankruptcy is a legal process conducted under Federal Law, which means it’s the highest form of law in the American legal system. With predatory loans and unfair lending practices on the rise, it is difficult to navigate through the small print and know your rights. Every day there are news stories showing the financial difficulty businesses, states, local governments and businesses are experiencing. It should be no surprise that many families and businesses in your neighborhood are having financial difficulties as well. All around us we see signs of the troubled economy, including rising costs of fuel and increased costs of living. Credit card companies have been tightening their credit limits, and increasing the minimum payments. Home foreclosures are on the rise, with no end in sight. One setback, such as a loss of a job, health trouble, divorce, a new child and a family’s financial troubles worsens. Mazzei & Associates is (800) 226-5787 or (412) 765-3606 Pennsylvania’s #1 debt relief agency who helps people and businesses get though these financially difficult times by filing for relief using CAN the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. Mazzei & Associates focuses on personal and small business Foreclosures Medical Bills representation. By limiting our practice to bankruptcy law cases, we are more familiar with bankruptcy law than lawyers who do not limit their Repossessions Tax Levies practice. Concentrating the practice also increases a lawyer's efficiency Creditor Harassment in handling a case, as it is likely that a similar case or matter was Utility Shut-Offs handled before. Our team of experienced lawyers and debt relief Wage Garnishments Collection Calls professionals work together to help people keep their most valuable assets and using the bankruptcy laws for them–not for their creditors. Credit Card Bills Lawsuits We will STOP the foreclosure or tax sale on your home We will STOP the repossession of your vehicle. We will STOP utility shut-offs. We will STOP harassing credit card companies, and reduce or eliminate
Hampton | Summer 2011 | 33
34 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
riends and families gathered at the high school cafeteria on Friday, April 8, for the Third Annual Poff Spaghetti Dinner, which supports the Poff Parents’ Association but ultimately benefits the students and teachers at the school. The night wasn’t all about the delicious pasta, though. Kids and kids-at-heart enjoyed performances by the Master of Illusion Billy Hey, tattoos, balloon art, and a visit with FunFest Phil. Baked goods were offered and Bean Catering set up a coffee/espresso and Italian soda bar. There was a basket auction loaded with terrific wares, including autographed items from the Steelers, Pirates and Penguins.
Hampton | Summer 2011 | 35
First off, do your homework. Is your child looking for an outdoorsy experience or one that provides an educational experiencewThere are specialty camps for virtually every interest out there. Some provide residency during the experiences others are pickdup and dropdoff. P arents also should be aware of what kind of safety provisions will be on location in case of medical emergency, what meals are provided (if any), and whether the camp has a list of suggested items parents should make sure their children bring with them. Mostly all camps that house kids onsite have some such packing list to ensure that their campers have the best experience possible when there. V isit the camp site, when possible, to make sure you’re comfortable with its setting and location. P arents also should consider whether or not their child is going to be attending alone or with siblings or friends. If your child is an only child and introverted, going to summer camp with a friend may be a less stressful arrangement than sending her on her own. Some children have no trouble making new friends, and camp is an ideal place to make longdlasting friendships with other kids from different regions. Regardless of whether or not your child is an extrovert or the shy one at the end of the table, all kids can get homesick. Make sure you’re confident that your child is prepared for a twodweek stay away from home before you sign them up. The American Camp Association, an organiz ation that works to enhance the camp experience for children and adults, accredits camps that meet up to 300 health and safety standards, listing more than
36 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
2,400 camps in their nationwide database, and offers a clearinghouse of information for parents regarding camp benefits, trends, and locations. Their website is O ther camps include services by smaller organiza tions such as E xtended Day (, where kids can sign up for a cornucopia of activities, field trips, and more. The agenda includes everything from trips to Wildwood Highlands, to children First Aid classes, to presentations on Native American culture. If it’s a specialty camp you’re looking for, Seven Springs will be offering again its J unior Golf and O vernight Adventure camps. J unior Golf Camp introduces your kids to the finer points of the great game of golf and keeps them close to home. Golf professionals will spend five days with your young players teaching them a game that will be played for a lifetime. Y oung golfers of any ability will benefit from learning the fundamentals of the game including full swing, chipping, and putting, while introducing them to the rules, course management, and proper golf etiquette. O vernight Adventure Camp is a weekd long O utdoor Adventure. The activities will vary by age group, but may include rock climbing, teambuilding challenges, hiking, Rock Wall, E urobungy, paintball, camping,
rafting, fishing, mountain biking, Alpine Slide, and Alpine Tower. Seven Springs’ camps can be reached by calling 1.800.452.2223, ext. 7396. Camp Spirit of the Game ( is a camp based around building character through Ultimate Frisbee. The camp takes place at LaRoche College’s campus and CMU’s Tartan Stadium. Kids not only benefit from the challenges of the game but by the honesty and integrity that working together fosters. Andy Norman, founder of Camp Spirit of the Game, said character is developed through the game itself. “Ultimate develops character in part because it is a challenging game that kids find utterly captivating. They love the game and are motivated to excel at it,” Norman said. “In the process, they learn a lot about, for example, teamwork and dedication. What makes the game unique, though, is the ‘spirit of the game’ ethic that pervades it. The rules of Ultimate require players to referee themselves, making all calls on the honor system. Remarkably, this shared expectation of honesty, fairness, and mutual respect engenders these attributes. For over 40 years, at even the most competitive levels, players have resolved their conflicts amicably and conducted themselves with exceptional integrity. At Camp Spirit we show kids how to apply this ‘spirit of the game’ ethic in sports and games, and encourage them to apply it in other walks of life.” For a full listing of all summer camps and programs in the region, go to and search for “Summer Camp.” The website is a collaborative effort between Allegheny County Department of Health and Human Services and the United Way of Allegheny County. Hampton | Summer 2011 | 37
Hampton Rotary Presents the 4th Annual
UltraMarathon Tom Neff
he Hampton Township Rotary Club hosted the 4th Annual Lt. J.C. Stone 50K in North Park on Saturday, March 19. Seventy runners between the ages of 21 and 68 participated in the race. Along the course, runners passed Lt. J.C. Stone Field, which is used for local sporting events and named for Lt. Joseph Charles Stone. J.C. served our great country in the Vietnam War. He gave his life when the village where he was engaged was overrun by Vietcong. His legacy is one of bravery and this race is dedicated to him and the brave soldiers who fight for our country. The Hampton Rotary raised nearly $3,500 from this event, which will be used for various charitable and educational services, helping those in need. For more information on The Hampton Township Rotary, visit their website at
38 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
Mike Bowman
Top Male Finisher Andrew Bartle, Lou D'Angelo
Connie Gardner, Top Female Finisher The Kirk Family Steve Cupcheck, Roger Eichner
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A Story Would you or someone you know like to be featured IN Hampton Magazine for our newest feature - Resident Profiles? Please suggest a resident for the community to get to know! Email our Managing Editor at
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Hampton | Summer 2011 | 39
As part of the ongoing celebration of Hampton’s 150th anniversary, the township has a full slate of activities planned over the Independence Day weekend. The Department of Community Services has published the following schedule of activities, all of which will be happening in and around the Hampton Community Center: SUNDAY, JULY 3
Free Swim: All Ages, Outdoor Pool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4 p.m. Free Children’s Games, ages 12 & under, Community Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8 p.m. Free Foul Shooting Contest, Community Center Gym . . . . 6-8 p.m. DCS Inflatable Attractions, free, all ages . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 p.m.-dusk Family Hay Ride, free, all ages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 p.m.-dusk Community Organization Food & Activity Booths, all ages Community Center parking lot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 p.m.-Fireworks Free Oldies Concert – The MaGuires, Community Center parking lot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:30-9:30pm Low Level Special Effect Fireworks, soccer fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . End of concert
YEARS 1861 - 2011
MONDAY, JULY 4 Hampton Rotary Club, 5K Run/walk, Alcoa Pavilion . . . . . . . . . . . . registration, 7:30 a.m.; race, 9 a.m. Community Organization Food & Activity Booths . . . . 1 p.m.-dusk D.C.S. Petting Zoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 p.m. D.C.S. Foul Shooting Contest, free, all ages, Community Center Gym . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 p.m. D.C.S. Children's Games, free, Community Center. . . . . . . 1-5 p.m. D.C.S. Family Hay Ride, free, all ages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 p.m. DCS Inflatable Attractions, free, all ages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9 p.m. 18th Century Artillery Live Fire Demonstration, Community Center South Lawn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 p.m. Swingtet 8 The Little Big Band, Community Center North Lawn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4 p.m. Stat Medical Helicopter, Soccer Fields. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 p.m. Fighter Jet Flyover & Marine Corp. Honor Guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:30 p.m., sharp Rock Concert, free, all ages, soccer field . . . . . . . . . 7:30-9:30 p.m. A Fantastic Fireworks Display by Pyrotecnico. . . . End of concert (featuring a spectacular, intense rapid-fire format)
For more information about the event, contact the D.C.S. office at 412.487.7870 or 724.443.7585. 40 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
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