Honoring Three Remarkable Lives INSIDE! Harborcreek Township Newsletter Harbor Creek School District Newsletter
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IN Harborcreek is a non-partisan community publication dedicated to representing, encouraging and promoting the Harborcreek area and its comprising municipalities by focusing on the talents and gifts of the people who live and work here. Our goal is to provide readers with the most informative and professional regional publication in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
IN Harborcreek | SPRING 2012 |
Chiropractic Solutions Wellness Meal Planning ............................. ON THE COVER
Harborcreek’s fallen soldiers: Army Sergeant Donald S. Oaks, Army Corporal Jarrid L. King and Senior Airman Bryan Bell. Photo by Mark Fainstein.
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Brevillier Village Village Volunteers: Keeping up the Good Work ........................
Edward Jones Give Your Portfolio a “Spring Cleaning” .......
Erie General Electric Federal Credit Union Let’s Give Young Adults Some Credit! ........
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RE/MAX Real Estate Group Home Values – Is it Time to Trade up or Jump In? .......................................... 6
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Harborcreek Township Newsletter ..................................
Harbor Creek School District Newsletter ......................
Fishing Harborcreek ..............................................................
Protecting the Past and Enhancing the Future ...................................
Age is Just a Number ...........................................................
Harbor Creek Student Poems ............................................
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29 30
Harborcreek Historical Society
Resident Profile: Charles Farrell .................................................................................
IN Kids ....................................................................................... Home Improvement Reduce Costs with Attic Insulation ................................................... Curb Appeal....................................................................................
Stan’s Garden Center You’ll See it at Stan’s .................................
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Circulatory Centers EVLA Minimally Invasive Procedure Brings Immediate Vein Relief ......................
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Wayne Dollard
Welcome to the Spring issue of Harborcreek Magazine! Hopefully, you are all enjoying the lengthening days as we forge on to summer. While spring usually brings more rain to the region than we normally get throughout the rest of the year, I’m glad we’ve had a few days of nice weather to get outside and remember what the snow covered up. We’ve grown once again over the winter, and have shifted some staff around to accommodate that growth. I want to point this out because you, the readers, give us many of the great story ideas that you see featured in these pages, and I want you to have the right point of contact so that your story can be heard. Our managing editor, Marybeth Jeffries, is always looking for good news from the community! Please forward your ideas to Marybeth at m.jeffries@icmags.com, and she’ll make sure they find a place in the magazine. If you’re not sure whether you have a good story, give Marybeth a call at 724.942.0940 and ask! You should know also that we really appreciate your feedback (good and bad) to let us know where we missed the mark and where we hit it out of the park. Lastly, it’s not too soon to start thinking about the rest of the year! I know we just got through the holidays, and are thawing out, but since we’re quarterly, we’re already looking ahead to fall and beyond. So if you have events planned and would like to promote them, call or email Marybeth. If you have an event coming up earlier, let us know so we can send our photographers and document the occasion! Here’s hoping that the start to your year has been a good one!
Wayne Dollard Publisher I am ready to welcome spring, aren’t you? It’s nice to wake up in the morning and at least think about starting the grill for dinner with the sun still up. We have a jampacked spring edition of Harborcreek Magazine for you to enjoy! Our front cover this quarter is dedicated to the young men from the community who gave their lives in defense of our freedom here in the United States. In the lobby of the Harborcreek Municipal Building is a memorial in honor of these brave individuals. It is an awesome display that honors Army Sergeant Donald Oaks, Army Corporal Jarrid King and Senior Airman Bryan Bell. I hope you will take a moment to stop in to see it. We have an annual tradition at Community Magazines of publishing the work of some of the school district’s best writers. I hope you have the chance to read and enjoy the poetry starting on page 26. I am so impressed with the kids from the school district; I am not surprised, but the wonderful talent of these kids always amazes me. I hope you enjoy this edition of Harborcreek Magazine. Don’t forget to let us know if you hear of anything we should be writing about. You can always call me at the magazine at 724.942.0940 or email our north zone coordinator, Pamela Palongue, at p.palongue@incommunitymagazines.com.
Marybeth Jeffries Managing Editor
Marybeth Jeffries m.jeffries@icmags.com REGIONAL EDITORS
Mark Berton [South and West] mark@incommunitymagazines.com Monica L. Haynes [East] m.haynes@incommunitymagazines.com N O R T H Z O N E C O O R D I N AT O R
Pamela Palongue p.palongue@incommunitymagazines.com S C H O O L & M U N I C I PA L C O N T E N T C O O R D I N AT O R
Megan Faloni m.faloni@incommunitymagazines.com OFFICE MANAGER
Leo Vighetti leo@incommunitymagazines.com A D P L A C E M E N T C O O R D I N AT O R
Debbie Mountain d.mountain@incommunitymagazines.com GRAPHIC DESIGN
Cassie Brkich Anna Buzzelli Sharon Cobb Susie Doak WRITERS
Heather Holtschlage Leigh Lyons Dana Black McGrath Joann Naser Aimee Nicolia PHOTOGRAPHERS
Mark Fainstein Ginni Hartle Brad Lauer
Jan McEvoy Joe Milne Tamara Tylenda
Pamela Palongue Kathleen Rudolph Gina Salinger Judith Schardt
Len Pancoast Kathleen Rudolph Gary Yon
Derek Bayer Tom Poljak
Brian Daley Gina D’Alicandro Tina Dollard Karen Fadzen Julie Graff Jason Huffman Lori Jeffries Connie McDaniel Brian McKee Gabriel Negri Aimee Nicolia
Tamara Myers
Robert Ojeda Ralph Palaski Annette Petrone Vincent Sabatini Jennifer Schaefer Michael Silvert Karen Turkovich RJ Vighetti Nikki Capezio-Watson Sophia Williard
Jenny Poff
This magazine is carrier route mailed to all district households and businesses. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Copyright 2012. CORRESPONDENCE
Direct all inquiries, comments and press releases to: IN COMMUNITY MAGAZINES
Attn: Editorial 603 E. McMurray Rd. Ph: 724.942.0940 McMurray, PA 15317 Fax: 724.942.0968 www.incommunitymagazines.com Summer content deadline: 5/22 Please recycle this magazine when you are through enjoying it.
Harborcreek Township Municipal Pages
Letter from
the Supervisors
Greetings, and a welcome spring season to all readers from the supervisors and staff of Harborcreek Township. In cooperation with the Harbor Creek School District we are pleased to present the second edition of IN Harborcreek magazine. Community feedback following the inaugural edition was overwhelmingly positive, prompting this edition and we believe many more to come in the future. Compared to past seasons this winter snow season was relatively pleasant and uneventful. Your township has saved approximately $20,000 in reduced salt and anti-skid costs compared to a typical snow season. These savings translate into more of your tax dollars being spent on much needed storm water upgrades and road repairs throughout the township. Storm water management work is typically done in any season but winter. This winter has been much different than normal, allowing your roads and parks crew members to accomplish many jobs usually reserved for good weather. We are currently gathering prices and bids for the summer road paving seasons. Minor road repairs will be completed all over the township throughout the construction season. Major jobs such as milling and repaving roads are done based on several factors including surface conditions, traffic volume and costs. We anticipate the repaving of Walten Creek Drive, Dominion Drive, Boyer Road, portions of Walbridge Road and Clark Road and several other roads depending on how paving costs come in this season. We hope you enjoy this second edition of IN Harborcreek magazine – in this issue you will find many updates on what is going on in Harborcreek including information on the 2012 HC Community Days, Runner’s Clinic, and other important dates and happenings. Sincerely,
Harborcreek Township Board of Supervisors Tim May, Joe Peck and Dean Pepicello
HC Community Days Event Grows, Changes Location This year’s Harborcreek Community Days event promises to grow in size, and with a bang!!! For the first time in six years, Community Days will begin on Friday evening, June 29, and continue all day Saturday. The one thing that isn’t changing is that this is still a FREE community event for all to enjoy. To start, Community Days will now be held at Harborcreek Community Park at the corner of Firman and Clark roads. Hours will be Friday from 5-11 p.m. and Saturday from noon-5 p.m. While full details are still in the works, some information regarding each day is now available, including the major announcement of a Friday night concert featuring the M80’s from 8-10:30 p.m. In addition, magician Bruce Kikola will be performing his stage show and strolling through the crowd and the ever-popular Emerald the Clown Chef will be mingling with all who attend. An opening act is still in the works and will be announced as soon as confirmed as well as food and beverage vendors. Friday night will reach a crescendo with a fireworks
display following the M80’s concert to salute all Harborcreek residents. Saturday’s events return with Main Stage performances, face painting, pony rides, the trackless trolley, several bouncies from Brad’s Bounce Alot, and the tubs of fun. Also returning will be kettle corn and great tasting food available for purchase. In addition, several local organizations will be available with information on their activities/services. Once again, a complete list of performances will be available upon confirmation and will be posted on the township’s website and Facebook page. The Saturday portion of Community Days will get started at 8 a.m. with the running of the Harborcreek Youth Services/Fahey-Ferko Memorial Race. All proceeds from this event benefit HYS programs. Additional information on the race including a race application can be found at www.hys-erie.org.
Harborcreek Township Runner’s Clinic Whether you’re a veteran runner or a novice of the sport, you’re sure to become a better one by attending the FREE Runner’s Clinic offered to all Harborcreek residents by Harborcreek Township and the HC Parks and Recreation Board. This 7-week clinic, which begins Thurs., May 24 at 6:30pm, is taught by Harborcreek native Sandie Sweet, a former All-American runner at Edinboro University. She will help beginning runners to overcome their fears about hitting the road and will help all runners to establish goals, improve their speed and increase their endurance. Sandie, who is also a registered dietician, will speak about the proper diet for active individuals. Each class will begin with a short presentation on stretching, proper equipment, training schedules and many other issues facing runners.
Sandie, wife and mother of two, is a long-time runner whose experience will be beneficial to class participants of all levels of fitness. Tim May, superintendent of parks states, “The township and the parks and recreation board are all very excited to make this clinic available to our residents.” Another major focus of the clinic is to prepare runners for the Harborcreek Youth Services/Fahey-Ferko 5 and 10K run scheduled for Saturday, June 30 at the HC Township building, which benefits the organization. Participants should gather near the Firman Road concession stand and picnic pavilion, using the Firman Road parking lot. Harborcreek | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 5
Harborcreek Township Municipal Pages
Everyone Can Garden with a
Community Garden rosemary or thyme to season a dish for remarkable flavor. Fresh lavender can be hung and dried to scent a room with a nice, clean smell and is also a natural spider and insect repellant. Some thoughtful residents are even growing vegetables to donate to local food pantries, helping their neighbors in need. With the economic hard times of recent years, food
Gardening was once limited to those who own homes or have access to land. But with the Harborcreek Community Garden Program, even individuals who live in urban areas can experience the fun of planting a seedling and watching it grow to maturity. The idea sprouted in the spring of 2010 when the township established the program. It has been well-received and now there are more people than ever interested in starting their own garden. Some residents grow their own flowers to enjoy in their homes, which can also be used to brighten the day of others. Some residents grow vegetables to supplement their weekly groceries with fresh produce, while others enjoy growing herbs. There is nothing quite like fresh oregano,
township’s municipal building and sign up for the plot. All participants must agree to follow the rules of the Community Garden. The plots will be assigned on a first come, first served
“I grow plants for many reasons: to please my eye or to please my soul, to challenge the elements or to challenge my patience, for novelty or for nostalgia, but mostly for the joy in seeing them grow.” – David Hobson basis. Residents may register beginning April 1, with the garden season running from June 1 through October 31.
pantries are serving more families than ever and can use a helpful hand. The gardening area is located in the Village of Harborcreek on Orchard Street between Prendergrast and Dodge Streets. Each plot is approximately 15 square feet. The application process for residents is simple. Just stop by the
A garden is a great way to teach kids about nature and a wonderful opportunity to get outside and enjoy the warm weather. Harborcreek Township officials hope that residents will take the time to plant a garden this year, enjoying the fruits of their labor and possibly helping local charities with donations of fresh produce. Let’s grow something together!
Happenings APRIL
AUGUST Time to sign up for your Community Garden lot – call 899.3171
Whitford Park Concert Series – 7 p.m. Doggone Good Band
10 – 13
Waste Management Leaf Pickup
24 – 27
Waste Management Leaf Pickup
Whitford Park Concert Series – 7 p.m. Loose Change Band
Whitford Park Concert Series – 7 p.m. Kurt Novakowski, Elvis Impersonator
28 – May 6
Great PA Cleanup Take Back Initiative @ Municipal Building Township Shred Event @ Municipal Building HC / Waste Management Cleanup
MAY 1–6 24 & 31
Additional details regarding all of these Harborcreek Happenings will be available closer to the events.
HC / Waste Management Cleanup continues Runner’s Clinic – Community Park – Firman Road Picnic Pavilion
JUNE 7, 14, 21, 28
Runner’s Clinic
Whitford Park Concert Series – 7 p.m. Generic Grass
Whitford Park Concert Series – 7 p.m. Country Blue
29 & 30 30
Harborcreek Community Days Fahey-Ferko / Community Days 5 & 10k Run
Runner’s Clinic
Whitford Park Concert Series – 7 p.m. The Glenwood Hillbillies
Whitford Park Concert Series – 7 p.m. A Touch of Classics
Whitford Park Concert Series – 7 p.m. Darryl Bush (folk music) Harborcreek | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 7
Harborcreek Township Municipal Pages
Honoring Three By Aimee Nicolia
hen walking into the lobby of the Harborcreek Township Municipal Building, visitors will now be greeted by a new memorial, which pays tribute to the township’s three fallen sons who were killed in the line of duty. The memorial consisting of framed photographs with plaques of these local heroes was quietly unveiled on Tuesday, March 6th. What may strike you most when you see the portraits of the three military servicemen is their youth. Yet it is humbling to consider the bravery, commitment and honor that are exemplified in their lives. Army Sergeant Donald S. Oaks, the son of Donald Oaks, Sr. and Laurie Oaks, was just shy of his 21st birthday when he was killed by friendly fire in Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom on April 3, 2003, less than two weeks after the initial invasion. He was the first native Pennsylvanian killed in the conflict in Iraq. Twenty-year old Army Corporal Jarrid L. King, the son of Beth and Donald King, Jr., was killed while serving in Afghanistan as part of Operation Enduring Freedom on January 12, 2011. Only one year later, 23 year old Senior Airman Bryan Bell was killed in Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom on January 5, 2012. He left behind a wife, Alaina Hart Bell and his parents, mother Donna Aldrich and husband Dave, and father Richard Bell and wife Kim. “We put up this memorial as a way to honor them for the ultimate sacrifice they made for their country,” says Township Supervisor Dean Pepicello. “And by having it here at the township building, we felt that the entire community would be able to honor them forever.” In addition, the Bayfront Parkway Bridge that crosses over Wintergreen Gorge was dedicated to SGT Donald Oaks in his honor. Tribute was also paid to CPL Jarrid King when the township
dedicated the King Pavilion at Whitford Park last June of 2011. The township recently announced plans to dedicate the playground at Whitford Park in honor of Airman Bryan Bell. “He always loved kids,” said his father Rick Bell also of Harborcreek. “Bryan hoped to someday have children of his own.” “It’s very unusual for a community this size to have lost three such individuals in this way,” says Joe Peck, Township Supervisor. “It affects our whole community. There is no one here that didn’t know one of these three families.” A tremendous show of support and respect was shown by the community this past January when the body of Airman Bryan Bell, the most recently deceased of the three, was brought home to Harborcreek. “The outpouring of love was overwhelming, but not surprising,” said Township Supervisor Tim May. “As a community we want to show our commitment and pride for all of our men and women of the military who don’t hesitate to put themselves in harm’s way.”
Donald Oaks
In a particularly touching show of support, Don and Beth King, the parents of CPL Jarrid King who died exactly one year prior to Bell’s body arriving at the Tom Ridge Airport, played a special role as part of the Patriot Guard Riders on that day.
The Patriot Guard is a motorcycle club made up primarily of military veterans who take part in the escort and funeral procession with the intent of protecting the integrity of the event and to show respect for the family of a deceased member of the armed forces. Don and Beth King felt that this was the best way for them to show their support to the Bell family. “I know that Jarrid would have wanted us to do that,” says Don King. “He would have had it no other way.” The funeral for Bryan Bell was held at Harbor Creek High School to accommodate the large number of people who came to show their respects. Following the funeral a procession led past Bell’s father’s home and the Fairfield Hose Company, where Bell had been a volunteer firefighter. The procession continued throughout the surrounding area, while all along the route, men, women and children saluted and waved American flags. As Co-Principal and Athletic Director of Harbor Creek High School, Andrew Krahe knew all three of the young men. Krahe believes that the death of 3 former Harbor Creek students has brought what is happening a world away close to home for the school’s students and faculty. “It brings it right up to our front doorstep,” says Krahe. “They were all so full of character and honor and to know that they were in our hallways gives us all a sense of reality to the conflict.”
Remarkable Lives Shortly after Oaks died, Laurie Oaks set up a $1000 Scholarship in his name that goes to a graduating Senior from Harbor Creek High School each year. The fundraiser for the scholarship is a Poker Run called the Donald Oaks Memorial Run and Roast. It takes place every year on the second Saturday in July and is sponsored by the American Legion Riders in Fairview. “This is my one motorcycle ride of the year,” says Laurie Oaks who rides on the back of a friend’s bike for the memorial ride. Last year another such fundraiser was set up in the name of Jarrid King; this time by the Wesleyville American Legion Riders Chapter 571. The event is a Dice Run that benefits the Wounded Warriors Foundation, an organization that helps troops who are severely injured in war zones. This year the event will take place on July 29th with official sponsorship by the Wounded Warriors. It will include a Chinese auction and raffles. More information about the event can be obtained by contacting the American Legion. Photo by Mark Fainstein
Krahe remembers Donald Oaks as a responsible student who worked as an Office Monitor while at Harbor Creek High School. “Because Don was the first serviceman from Pennsylvania to have been killed in Iraq, the funeral was held at the Warner Theater, and representatives and dignitaries from around the state came in to attend it,” said Krahe. “We as a school were very proud to be a part of it.” Donald Oaks is also remembered as a good kid who was never in any trouble. “He was humorous and loved a good joke,” recalls his mother, Laurie Oaks. “He had a lot of friends and was very well liked.” Oaks was an avid Pittsburgh Steelers fan who sometimes traveled to their games. “Even when he was stationed away he would call home to find out the scores of the Steelers games,” said Laurie Oaks.
King’s father, Don King, believes that his son would have been very pleased to know that contributions were being made in his name towards the Wounded Warrior Project, because it was a cause that had been of great importance to him. While stationed in Afghanistan King attended a concert by country singing star Toby Keith, who has done a great deal to support US military fighting abroad and has shown continued support for the Wounded Warriors. King enjoyed heavy metal music and played a little guitar himself. He also played Little League baseball and wrestled in his freshman year at HCHS, but he especially enjoyed watching and supporting his two younger brothers in their sports. “He was a very independent, free-spirited kid,” recalls Don King. “He really loved history and being outdoors.” Andrew Krahe, Co-Principal/Athletic Director at HCHS knew Bryan Bell as an athlete who lettered in football and was a member of the baseball and track teams. But even more so, Krahe knew him as someone with a shared interest in volunteer firefighting, which Bell had begun doing at the age of 14 along with his father. Rick Bell describes his son as a gentle giant whose big bear hugs would completely envelope you. “I looked up to him physically, but also because of his outlook on life,” says Rick Bell. “He was powerful, but at the same time he was a marshmallow on the inside. He was funny and he liked to laugh, but he always laughed hardest when the jokes were on him.”
Jarrid King
Bryan Bell with wife Alaina
Bell always had an interest in the military, growing up in a family with many relatives who were and still are in the Armed Services, including two cousins who are currently deployed in Afghanistan. His father describes how as a compassionate person who wanted to do something for the cause Bell became an EOD (Explosive Ordinance Disposal Technician), whose responsibility it was to defuse live rounds. Bell and his sister Candice Bell, also
“As a community we want to show our commitment and pride for all of our men and women of the military who don’t hesitate to put themselves in harm’s way.” – Tim May, Township Supervisor in the USAF, were both selected prior to their respective arrivals on base as Element Leaders in Basic Training, something of which their father is extremely proud. “He wasn’t just my son,” says Rick Bell. “He was my hero, my confidant, and my best friend.” Harborcreek Township’s Supervisors feel that it is an honor to pay tribute to these young men with the new memorial. “It is so important for us to recognize Harborcreek’s children who have served in the military,” says Township Supervisor Joe Peck. “And it is the very least we can do to honor these heroes for their commitment to family, community and country.”
Harborcreek | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 9
Harborcreek Township Municipal Pages
A Work in Progress The mild winter has allowed work to progress quickly on the two major construction projects in the township: the Eastway Plaza and Harborcreek Senior Apartments on the site of the former Harborcreek Mall. The Eastway Plaza will feature a brand-new Giant Eagle, scheduled to open late this spring or early summer. The remaining plaza is being renovated and is expected to host numerous new tenants in the near future. Apartments are already being rented at the Harborcreek Senior Apartments even as Clover Construction Management is just in
Photos by Mark Fainstein
the beginning phase of the building process. The 120-unit building is expected to be completed late this year. Township supervisors credit changes in zoning philosophy and a recently passed tax abatement ordinance as well as a commitment
to redevelopment of blighted areas for the current commercial building boom. “Working together on a growth plan that encourages development in our business core, but also protects our neighborhoods, open space and farming heritage is vital to maintaining this wonderful community for the long term. It’s that vision of smart growth that has allowed us to go 22 consecutive years without raising real estate taxes in Harborcreek Township,” said supervisors Joe Peck, Dean Pepicello, and Tim May.
Harborcreek | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 11
Harbor Creek School District Mission Statement Harbor Creek School District will maximize the academic and civic potential of all students through a safe learning environment that promotes respect and acceptance and is supported by a highly qualified staff with involved parents and community.
Harbor Creek Website www.hcsd.iu5.org Magazine feedback http://hcmagazine.hcsd.iu5.org District Report Card http://paayp.emetric.net Like us on Facebook
District News Letter From the Superintendent Maintaining and updating our buildings and facilities is a major task and requires planning to be sure the best decisions are made for our students while being fiscally responsible. The district is currently investigating what should be done with our two oldest buildings, Clark and Klein elementary schools, which are in need of significant update and repair. One of the possibilities being studied is the consolidation of Clark and Klein with the construction of a new elementary school on a different site. There are two sites being considered: the first is the area adjacent to the existing Rolling Ridge Elementary School on district land and the second is a 20-acre area just west of the township building. During the summer of 2008 the district took on the development of a 10-year facilities management plan. This involved the evaluation of all of our facilities, ending with a long-range timeline to address specific needs. Due to the age of Clark and Klein, a more detailed engineering study to evaluate electrical, plumbing and HVAC was completed for these buildings. The needs that were identified as part of this study were somewhat extensive and prompted the board at that time to question the best way to proceed to address those needs. In February of 2009 an Ad Hoc Committee of the Board was established to study the problem. This led to the development of a steering committee made up of many stakeholder groups that met throughout the summer of 2009. At the conclusion of their work the steering committee and Ad Hoc Committee of the Board came forward with a strong recommendation. It was to consolidate Clark and Klein and build one elementary school on a new site. This recommendation was based on building needs, financial considerations and educational specifications studied by this group. However, failing economic conditions at that time caused the board to put the project on hold.
During the summer of 2011 the Ad Hoc Committee of the Board reconvened and again endorsed the previous recommendation of consolidation and the building of a new elementary school. The elevating cost of renovating the existing older buildings and the possibility of consolidating services and personnel that are duplicated within multiple buildings to relieve budget constraints precipitated this recommendation. The board has begun to investigate the feasibility of such a project. There has been no decision or board vote to finalize or move forward with any plan for these buildings at this time. The district is in the very early stages of investigating the feasibility of a building project. On March 15, 2012, the expenditure of any funds for this investigation was suspended due to the governor’s recommendation for a moratorium on any state reimbursement for construction projects. As soon as specific options are defined, a public meeting will be scheduled to discuss each plan and its impact on the community. Everyone is encouraged to log on to the district website (www.hcsd.iu5. org) and visit the link “Building Project.” It offers much information regarding the proposed best practices academic program and all the facts and concerns about finances surrounding the building project. In addition there is a link regarding progress to date and a question and answer tab that permits community members to submit questions and review the questions and responses that have already been logged. Thank you for all the community support offered to our students and schools. Working together we can continue to make this one of the strongest school systems in northwest Pennsylvania.
–Rick Lansberry
District Budget The Harbor Creek School District receives its revenue from federal, state and local sources to fund its $27 million budget. Recently, federal and state revenues have decreased significantly and are projected to remain level for the foreseeable future. In response to this funding climate, expenditure cuts were made totaling more than $1.4 million in the course of developing the 2011/12 district budget. As everyone can identify with, the price of virtually everything is going up. The district’s expenditures unfortunately are not exempt from this. They are also largely influenced by state and federal mandates that the district has, at best, limited control over. 12
In January, the board was looking at a preliminary 2012/13 budget that was $388,000 out of balance. The board decided at that time that taxes will increase no more than $55 per $100,000 of assessed value in the 2012/13 budget. The board and administration will be working together to reduce expenditures and minimize any tax increase while trying to maintain opportunities for students as well as preserve the district’s longterm fiscal stability. The current timeline has the board adopting the proposed 2012/13 General Fund budget at the April 19, 2012, board meeting and adopting the final 2012/13 General Fund budget at the June 14, 2012, board meeting.
Harbor Creek Junior High Thank You to Student Council A special “thank you” to the Junior High Student Council for donating money to help the school purchase new computers for the lab. As technology is always changing, it can be difficult to stay current. The new computers allow students additional resources and programs along with faster access to information. Along with new computers, new 19-inch monitors and a teacher workstation with projector were also purchased. Keeping up with technology is critical for student engagement in and outside of the classroom.
Pennies for Patients The Junior High students are preparing for two upcoming fundraisers. The first is “Pennies for Patients.” A “penny war” between the Junior High Advisories will benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Last year the Junior High collected a little over $700.00!
Relay for Life The second benefit is the Relay for Life team. A small group of teachers and students have been selling papers on Sunday mornings to raise money and awareness for cancer research and survivors. Students will also be participating in the second annual “Building for a Cure” campaign to raise additional monies for Relay for Life.
Box Tops for Education Don’t forget…the Junior High collects BOX TOPS for Education. This year all seventh and eighth grade advisories participated and the Junior High has collected over 10,000 box tops! The Junior High Student Council sponsored the event by having a pizza party for the winning advisory. Mr. Cavalline’s advisory won with over 4,000 box tops. It’s easy to find Box Tops…in fact, you may have some in your home right now. Look for the Box Tops logo (pictured to the left) on over 250 participating products, including all Betty Crocker® baking mixes. With each Box Tops coupon worth 10¢ for your school, it can add up fast! We appreciate everyone cutting, saving and collecting to help fund projects and initiatives at the Junior High School. Keep collecting!!!
Harborcreek | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 13
Klein Kares Kindergarten Registration It’s that time of year again – time for kindergarten registration in the Harbor Creek School District. To be eligible for kindergarten this coming school year, a child needs to be 5 years old by May 31, 2012. If you have a child who is eligible to attend kindergarten in any of Harbor Creek School District’s three elementary schools this fall, and have not done so already, please call Klein School at 897-2100, ext. 4100. At that time, we will schedule your child for registration, which will take place on May 3 and May 9, 2012. On this day, you and your child will participate in a series of activities that will be held at Klein Elementary. These activities will give us the opportunity to get to know you and your child as you venture into this exciting milestone of your child’s life. Parents will need to bring
the following to kindergarten registration:
• • • •
Original birth certificate Proof of residency Proof of immunization Physical and dental forms will be passed out at registration and must be returned before the start of school. Private forms from the doctor’s and dentist’s offices will be accepted at this time.
Earth Day Kickoff to be good role models for the rest of the school by doing simple things: turning off lights when not in use, reusing paper, and not wasting supplies. The sixth graders are even in charge of the recycling bins throughout the entire building. This year, our class is planning an Earth Day celebration that will include the entire student body. We will be giving each student a tree to plant at his/her home. This tree will provide shade (helping with global warming), a home for many animals, and will also add beauty to the community.
As many of you may know, Klein School’s sixth grade students are members of Earth Action. Each year, for many years, the sixth graders have participated in Earth-related activities implementing a culminating project at the end of the year. Projects have included such topics as energy conservation, global warming prevention, and recycling (paper and plastics). Klein’s sixth graders have even made bat houses, bird feeders, planted many trees, made riparian buffers for local fishermen, and have cleaned up our community over the years. Throughout this year, the sixth grade Earth Action team has participated in different trainings to learn how important it is to protect our planet. We have tried
The Earth Action team is also partnering with a friend of our community who will be making and installing Purple Martin houses on our school property. Purple Martins suffered a severe population crash in the 20th century widely linked to the release and spread of European Starlings in North America. Starlings and House Sparrows compete with martins for nest cavities. Where Purple Martins once gathered by the thousands, by the 1980s they had all but disappeared. Bird lovers are concerned that the Purple Martin would likely vanish from eastern North America were it not for people providing them with a good home. Our school is excited to be a place for this interesting bird to call home. Please drive by and say hello to our new feathered friends.
Rachel’s Challenge Kickoff Rachel’s Challenge kicked off at Klein Elementary School on February 3, after the districtwide challenge was accepted on November 15, 2011. A committee of teachers, parents, and students was established under the direction of Ms. Brenda Evans. The members of the committee include: Mrs. Kathy Nicalo, Mrs. Lynne Gotham, Mrs. Mary Beth Peterseim, Wisdom Dowds, Lucas Folmer, Ryleigh Gonda, Shannon Gotham, Mitchell May, Erin Peterseim, and Victoria Yonko. The first project taken on by the committee was to recognize our hard-working cafeteria, maintenance, and bus driving employees. A banner was created to hang in the front lobby to celebrate these “behind the scene” employees for their dedication to our students and staff to keep them healthy and safe while in school. Every Klein student created a card for one of these employees and the committee created gift bags full of goodies to be given to ALL cafeteria, maintenance, and bus driving employees. Thanks to Mrs. Jan Weber for creating our Rachel’s Challenge bulletin board. Mrs. Peterseim took pictures of the cafeteria, maintenance, and bus driving employees who were recognized and hung them on the board. This project has helped the Klein Elementary students realize how much these employees show each and every one of them compassion and kindness every day. This committee is dedicated to sharing Rachel’s message of kindness and compassion to ALL Klein Elementary students.
Million Minutes of Reading Have you ever wondered what makes up a million? Just ask the students at Klein School, and they can tell you. Since September, Klein teachers, students and parents have been keeping track of how many minutes they have been reading at school and at home with the hope that by end of the school year, they will have read for one million minutes or more. As of February 1, Klein students have read for over 600,000 minutes, and they are on track to meet their ultimate goal of reading for one million minutes this May. Each classroom teacher keeps track of the minutes their students read each month, and then Miss Blackhurst, grade five teacher, informs the school how many minutes everyone has read by updating the Million Minutes Thermometer. What will Klein students, teachers, and parents do when they reach the goal of reading for one million minutes? Celebrate, of course! This spring, Klein students will be presented with a list of incentives, and they will get to vote on which incentive they would like to earn. Everyone at Klein is so excited to join together as a school, and celebrate how much they have practiced reading this year!
Thank You PTO Once again this year, the PTO at Klein has been accomplishing great things for our school. It has sponsored several educational assemblies for Klein this year, including a magic show and an animal show. It also continues to provide funding that allows students in all grades to attend a youth theater production at the Erie Playhouse. In addition, our PTO has purchased games and toys for our playground, as well as some replacement parts for our playground equipment. Additionally, members have recycled the high school stage curtains by having them hemmed to fit our stage. We are also looking forward to our Fun Fair, which the PTO is organizing in April; this is definitely one of the highlights of the year. Klein PTO: thanks for all you do! Harborcreek | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 15
Harbor Creek High School Golden Apple Award The students at the high school have been busy: It begins with Tyler Nowosielski nominating Ms. Hilinski, his biology teacher, for the Golden Apple Award in January.
Our Music Department In January the chorus had five talented students participate in the PMEA District 2 Chorus Festival held at Warren Area High School. They included Kara Drapcho, Emily Galeza, Dakota Holmes, Brandon Miller, and Mary Pristello. Congratulations to Kara, Emily, and Brandon who advanced to the Regional Level in March. Students from the Harbor Creek High School Band have been representing our school well at the yearly Pennsylvania Music Educators Association (PMEA) festivals and competitions. In the middle of January, six senior high students attended the District Concert Band Festival in Union City. Those students were: Marcus Needham (bassoon), Danielle Lechner (alto clarinet), Jamie Zdunski (F. horn), Carol Lechner (F. horn), Lauren Bennett (tuba), and Julia Trimble (percussion). Two students, Jamie and Julia, were selected to advance to the Region-level Band at West Shamokin H.S. in February. Also in February, two students, Corey Zalewski (trombone) and Jamie Zdunski (bass), represented Harbor Creek at the District Jazz Festival held at Otto-Eldred High School. In April, the entire Marching Huskie Band performed for Disney visitors in a parade at Disney’s EPCOT Park. The trip was a culmination of two years of work and fundraising by the students and parents.
Speech and Debate Team The 2011-2012 speech and debate team consisted of over 24 students who competed throughout the year, and Harbor Creek did very well. In debate, the teams consisted of Ben Nowak, Trenton Osborne, Josh Schau, Chris Deuel, and Alex Miller, and all debate members ranked very high as individual debaters. The duo teams of Hannah Bemis and Maria King, Nikki Malinowski and Haley Konetsky, Carol Lechner and Emily Demmick all placed 2nd giving amazing, comedic performances. The duo teams of Megan Gotham and Anna Pristello and Kaitlyn King and Erica Tokarczyk made a splash as well by earning 3rd place. In individual
speech categories, Aaron Blakney, Dakota Holmes, and Kristina King all earned a 3rd place by beating out several tough competitors. The number of participants in each event ranges from 25-30 students. The regional competition was held Saturday, March 3, at Gannon University, and the top three competitors will move on to the Grand National Competition being held in Baltimore, Md., May 25 and 26. A calendar and a list of activities can be viewed on our website – www.hcsd.iu5.org.
Harbor Creek Day of Caring The National Honor Society organized a Day of Caring with a “Coins for Kanzius” fundraiser. Clark Elementary, Klein Elementary, Rolling Ridge Elementary, and the Jr./Sr. High School each chose a day during December or January and collected coins in support of the Kanzius Foundation’s search for a cure for cancer. Pictured are National Honor Society students and advisor Lynn Budziszewski presenting the Kanzius Research Foundation with a check for $1,794.00. We are so proud of each of our schools for showing such wonderful support of a great cause.
Miss Ever So Lovely Contest The 2nd Annual Miss Ever So Lovely pageant was held February 10 and met with great success for all those who participated and attended. Over 200 guests in attendance celebrated the inner and outer beauty of 31 very exceptional young ladies as each shared their talents, smiles, and joy. This year’s competition proved very difficult for judges Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Mazza, Mrs. Lynn Budzieski and Mr. David Stoczynski to determine the actual winner. Too close to call, all 31 contestants were named “Miss Ever So Lovely” and all present agreed with the unanimous decision. If you were unable to attend, a DVD of the special evening is available for a donation of $10. For more information contact Mrs. Julie Gillespie at jgillespie@hcsd.iu5.org. The idea for the event came from Harbor Creek Senior High student Kaitlynn King, and her mom Renee Krineski was mistress of ceremonies with much enthusiasm. Several volunteers enabled the night to be successful, and the Harbor Creek speech and debate team thanks all involved. Proceeds will go toward the cost to host this year’s event, with plans for continuing next year, and also help enable the speech and debate team to attend the Grand National Tournament hosted this year in Baltimore, Md., the weekend of May 25-27.
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Teen and Driving Safety at Harbor Creek High School On December 27, 2011, new laws took effect in Pennsylvania changing the requirements for teen drivers; these include limiting the number of passengers in the vehicle and new passenger restraint laws. They also extend the number of hours required for behind-the-wheel skills building, giving more education to the new teen driver.
at the Senior High School parking lot. These four hours spent together can be credited toward the teen’s graduated driver’s license. Final details are still being worked out between UPMC Hamot, Harbor Creek School District and the Erie County Teen Driving Task Force and will be made available through the school district and township when completed.
On March 8, 2012, another new law took effect in Pennsylvania in order to target distracted driving. The law prohibits drivers from using an interactive wireless communication device that can send, read, or write text-based communication while their vehicle is in motion, except for GPS systems or a device that is physically or electronically integrated into the vehicle. This new law will be considered a primary driving offense and upon conviction there will be a $50 fine.
Volunteering for this program awarded Harbor Creek School District the use of the latest in driving simulator technology. This machine was purchased by UPMC Hamot Shock Trauma and will be scheduled at various school districts around the county. On March 5, students who had signed up in grades 10- 12 were allotted time to use the simulator and experience different programs, including distracted driving and driving under the influence. This simulator uses real-life distractions and applies them to the students and their level of driving experience.
One of the goals of the Erie County Teen Driving Task Force is to come up with ways to place programs into the schools around Erie County. In doing so, I came back to Harbor Creek School District, met with the administration and presented The Car Control Clinic. Harbor Creek quickly agreed to be its first home in Erie County. This clinic will partner the teen driver with his or her parent to form a team. This team will attend a class on Thursday, May 3, from 7-8:30 p.m. at the Harbor Creek High School. That team will then return on either Saturday, May 5, or Sunday, May 6, to take part in a four-hour closed driving course portion of the program to take place
It is my hope that through future safety programs and education, both public and private, we as a community can keep our teens safe and alive.
Shawn J. Schwartz Erie County Sheriff’s Office School Resource Officer Harbor Creek School District
Clark’s Corner 4th and 6th Grade Christmas Exchange Both the 4th and 6th grade students decided that rather than have a student gift exchange during the holidays, they would donate to a worthy cause. Fourth grade students collected hundreds of gifts for their animal friends at the Humane Society. Many of our 4th graders met at the Humane Society after school and presented their gifts. Students participated in both a presentation by staff and a visit with many of the animals. Sixth grade students decided to collect money and purchase Christmas gifts for a needy family. Our 6th graders collected funds and then spent a few hours shopping to buy both essentials and fun things for some local children. Both grades did a wonderful job and showed just how caring Clark’s students are.
Bingo for Books
Donuts for Dads
What a fantastic evening! On March 8, Clark Elementary hosted a Bingo for Books night in our gym. Bingo for Books is a yearly event at Clark to celebrate “Read Across America Week.” Students and families enjoy the evening playing bingo to win books and other prizes. Tons of fun is had by all and no one leaves empty handed.
Thank you Dads and special family members!! Our Donuts for Dads event was a great success with over 200 students and special guests enjoying a morning of tasty donuts and conversation. After the students returned to class, many of the dads chose to stay to learn more about Clark’s iPads and how they are used to enhance instruction.
What’s Rolling at the Ridge? Hats Off to Reading Rolling Ridge celebrated another successful year of reading with a fun-filled evening of events and treats. Over 200 students met at Rolling Ridge to enjoy activities and treats throughout the school. We were excited to welcome Tom Atkins (WJET TV) and Kara Coleman (WICU TV) as guest readers. “Hats Off” to our students and families for achieving high goals in reading. Jessica and Emily help prepare for the Family Reading Night that was held on March 1.
Evening of the Arts Our next big event will take place during our Evening of the Arts scheduled for May 16. Evening of the Arts gives our students the opportunity to share their artistic and musical talents. There’s a lot of talent within each of our students. Not only have they been busy creating projects throughout the year, but they are planning a chorus and bell performance as well.
We especially thank Mrs. Kweder (music and bell instructor) and Mrs. Henry (art teacher) for their dedication in preparing for this event. You are welcome to join us for an Evening of the Arts at 7:00 p.m. on May 16.
F.O.R. Club Members F.O.R. (Friend of Rachel) Club members are committed to developing programs that show kindness and compassion every day. The F.O.R. Club is a group of students that developed as a part of Rachel’s Challenge. Rachel’s Challenge is a character building program that F.O.R. Club members Nick challenges our students to spread kindness and compassion each and and Gabe welcoming a new every day. Several F.O.R. Club members took time to prepare welcome student to Rolling Ridge. packages for new students at Rolling Ridge.
Project You Too! Project You (K-3) and Project You Too (4-6) is an afterschool activity club at Rolling Ridge geared toward character building and spreading kindness and compassion throughout our community. This year Project You Too organized a Hoop-a-thon in conjunction with Hoops of Hope to raise money for the Erie Art House. The students participated in a basketball shootout in an effort to raise money for less advantaged elementary aged students. The concept for Hoops of Hope was originated by Austin Gutwein from Mesa, Ariz. Inspired by Austin, Rolling Ridge students continue to incorporate kindness and compassion into their daily activities.
Thanks for sharing an interest in our school and activities. Mrs. Zajac, Rolling Ridge Principal Harborcreek | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 19
Fishing Harborcreek By Pamela Palongue
“Three-fourths of the Earth’s surface is water and one-fourth is land; it is quite clear that the good Lord intended us to spend triple the amount of time fishing as taking care of the lawn.” – Chuck Clark
ishing is quite clearly not just about catching fish. It’s about engaging in an activity that is as enjoyable in solitude as it is with the whole family. It can be fun or frustrating, disappointing or exhilarating. But however the day turns out, it’s always much better than if you had just stayed home. The Harborcreek area has been blessed with a variety of fishing options available. There is even a company based here that makes lures, jigs and casting spoons called Someday Isle Tackle. It started out by crafting ice fishing jigs, but quickly discovered that most of the products work extremely well under a bobber. The company now supplies many of the local sporting goods stores
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and bait shops and also sells its wares online. For kids, there are great places to learn about the fine art of angling. The Wesleyville Conservation Club stocks Seven Mile Creek and also Upper Six Mile Creek at Howard Whitford Park with legal-size trout. It’s a great opportunity to get kids outdoors away from the computer, even if just for a few hours. For older kids and adults, Shades Beach Park is a great place to fish for both those fortunate enough to own a boat and the purist who prefers to fish right off the dock. “Harborcreek Township has done a beautiful job with Shades Beach Park,” says Kirk Rudzinski of East End Angler located on E. Lake Road.
“They’ve just done a fantastic job with the whole area out there.” The park has a little something for everyone with trails, woodlands, picnic areas, a beach and a marina. People can fish right off the sidewalk that extends about 10 feet out over the water of Lake Erie. “In late spring, channel catfish come in to spawn in that area and last year a guy caught a 22-lb. catfish there,” says Rudzinski. He recommends using a spin cast rod and reel with minnows and worms for bait. “When the white fuzzy things [catkins] start to fly from the Lombardy Poplar trees, that’s when the catfish are spawning,” he adds.
Photos by Len Pancoast
Rudzinski also advises that in late summer, fishing inside the marina is good for bass fishing, although it can get a bit crowded. Another great area for bass is right outside the mouth of the marina. He recommends using casting lures, minnows and worms. Although the marina has had problems in the past with leaves clogging the area, Harborcreek Township has diligently dredged the area to keep access to the area problem free. Thanks to a successful settlement with the engineering firm who constructed the area, the problems will now be permanently resolved.
Wherever you fish and whatever you fish for, it’s bound to help you relax and enjoy life a little more. As Rudzinski says, “It takes your mind away from things for a while.” And couldn’t we all use a little more of that? For more information on Someday Isle Tackle, please visit the website at www.sitackle.com. For more information on East End Angler, please visit the website at www.eastendangler.com or drop by the location at 4702 East Lake Road.
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Harborcreek Historical Society –
Protecting the Past and Enhancing the Future By Pamela Palongue
stablished in 1994, the Harborcreek Historical Society maintains an office and archives staffed by volunteers which contains the story of Harborcreek, but also the individual stories of those families who have made their home here for generations. These records are invaluable for those doing genealogical research and tracing their family roots. But in addition to the important work of preserving the past, the historical society is actively involved in projects that will benefit the entire community right now. The society has joined forces with Erie Yesterday, a consortium of Erie County historical societies, along with the Erie County Health Department and VisitErie to bring the cultural elements of art and local heritage together with healthy living in a program called Let’s Move Outside! Erie County Recreational Passport. “It’s a unique way to get people outside,” says Melinda Meyer, president of Erie Yesterday. “At the heart of this project is physical activity, which we’ve combined with history, art and the outdoors.” The LMO! Passport features a network of 10 local walking and biking trails that will be mapped out and include fun things to see
and do in each of the communities. It will also contain interesting local history about each area and trail markers that are actually works of art. Artist Tom Ferraro envisioned an easily recognizable platform for all 10 of the trail markers, but with individualized designs for each trail that would be unique to the community. The Harborcreek trail marker, which will be located along the trail looping Harborcreek Community Park, was crafted by Ferraro who consulted fifth graders at Clark Elementary School for inspiration. The school kids were given tracing paper and instructed to conceptualize an idea that would highlight Harborcreek while keeping the design elements of color, line and shape in mind. “To say that the results exceeded my expectations is an understatement,” says Ferraro. “...Common themes immediately began to emerge in the student’s work. Furthermore, every student was deeply engaged in their work...and stayed on task, [producing] remarkable images.” Ferraro will visit nine more groups in each of the trail communities to gain a consensus of ideas for the other area trail markers. “[Clark Elementary] has set the bar for this entire project throughout the county. Congratulations to teacher Jan Weber and the entire fifth grade of Clark School,” adds Ferraro. The trail maps, which will be a part of the project also, will have interesting facts about the history of Harborcreek which dates back to 1803. The history will no doubt highlight several prominent families who have inspired the names of present-day roads, creeks and mills. According to organizers of the LMO! Passport project, this will be a fun way to weave together art, heritage and physical activity, leading to good health. The 2009 Erie County Adult Profile revealed that 65% of all Erie County adults are overweight or even obese. In addition to the obvious benefit of helping residents of all ages to get fit, participants will have access to coupons redeemable at trail community businesses. Participants will log on to the program website to access coupons, track their progress and enter a grand prize drawing for several great prizes.
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Cam Stadtmueller of the Harborcreek Historical Society says, “We are excited to be a part of this project for walkers and hikers, which will showcase the natural terrain of our township from the shores of Lake Erie to the rolling hills of the PSU Behrend Campus.” The Harborcreek trail is a woodlands path featuring scenic views of a vineyard, local wildlife and meandering streams. The LMO! Passport project will run from June 1 to October 20, 2012. If you are interested in participating in the program, please visit the website at www.letsmoveoutside.org. The Harborcreek Historical Society has many ongoing programs throughout the year and will host a public presentation, “Antique Quilts and the Women Who Made Them” on May 15 at 7 p.m. at its Knowledge Park location of 5451 Merwin Lane, Erie, PA 16510. For more information on the historical society or upcoming events, please visit the website at www.harborcreekhistory.org or call at 814.899-4447. Office hours are Wednesdays 1-3 p.m. and Saturdays 10 a.m. to noon.
Photos by Mark Fainstein Harborcreek | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 23
ou might not think that a passion for motorcycle racing would lead to a lifetime goal of health and fitness. But that’s exactly what happened for Harborcreek resident Rick Rodland. Early on, when Rodland was a young employee at General Electric, his favorite thing to do outside of work was to compete in motocross racing. Looking for ways to improve his times, he read an article that described how strength and agility were crucial to the sport and how getting fit could make you a faster racer, so he was willing to give it a try. “I immediately went out to run in my jeans and my discount store sneakers,” he remembers with a laugh. “I only made it about three-eighths of a mile that day. But I kept at it – running and walking until I got to my goal.”
AGE is Just a
NUMBER By Aimee Nicolia
Getting more fit did help with his motocross race times. But it also gave him a new challenge and he was surprised by how much he truly liked running. Soon Rodland joined a runners group formed by a group of G.E. employees. Within just a few years Rodland had built up his endurance enough to begin competing in 10K races. Around that same time, Rodland saw an advertisement for a year-round fitness competition, which turned out to be the very first Quad Games, a four-part athletic challenge that was launched by Craig Latimer in 1982. Rodland liked the idea that this would involve training for other types of races throughout the year – swimming in the spring, cycling in the summer, running in the fall, and cross-country skiing in the winter. “It was a real godsend, because instead of just training for a running race that’s a year away, I would have to train every few months for a new event,” he says. “It got me biking to and from work every day and swimming a couple of days a week at the YMCA.”
Quad Swim 2011: Rick and nieces Maggie and Emily along with grandson Alex 24 724.942.0940 to advertise
muscles around the joint, and it really made a difference.” All around fitness has certainly been a priority for Rodland, who is now 60 and has been retired from General Electric since 2009.
“Exercising and keeping in shape lends itself to everything else in life. It helps with your energy level, it protects you from injuries, and it just gives you a better attitude about everything.” Initially Rodland was no stranger to the running, biking and swimming events of the Quad Games, but the 5-mile cross-country ski course was somewhat daunting since it was something he had never done before. Borrowing an old pair of skis from his brother, he was able to finish with a respectable time and no injuries, for which he credits his athletic skills from running.
would have to stop running. To him, this wasn’t an option. So after talking to several other members of his running club, he found that strength training could help him toward his goal of running comfortably again. “I began doing leg lifts with a 35-pound weight throughout the day,” says Rodland. “I also spent more time cycling to strengthen those
– Rick Rodland “Exercising and keeping in shape lends itself to everything else in life,” he says. “It helps with your energy level, it protects you from injuries, and it just gives you a better attitude about everything.”
Now celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Quad Games, Rodland is one of the few participants who have competed in every event for the entire 30-year duration of the games. No small accomplishment when you consider that adds up to 120 individual events! In addition, Rodland competes regularly in 5K and 10K races and triathlons throughout the region, frequently joined by his son Ken. Running still remains Rodland’s favorite form of exercise, but he believes in the benefits of cross-training by participating in the many different activities. “The way you run helps with your speed and endurance so that you can go farther and faster,” he explains, “whereas cycling is less pounding on your joints, but still gives you that cardio workout. And swimming is the easiest on your body with the least chance of injury. All of the activities get you out doing something and they all improve your overall mood.” As an athlete competing in so many different events, it is important to Rodland to avoid injuries that might set him on the sidelines. So in addition to all of his aerobic activities, he also spends a lot of time with strength training. Rodland did in fact have a knee injury at one time and was told by a doctor that he
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Harbor Creek Student
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the job market],” explains Farrell. Despite the difficult times for employers in the past few years, Farrell has been able to maintain his office staff without any layoffs, adding that, “2011 was a very good year for us and Harborcreek has always been one of our leading offices.” Farrell and his son oversee nine different locations.
CHARLES L L E R R A F By Pamela Palongue
Putting Harborcreek to Work
ork is almost as fundamental to human existence as food. Without work, there would likely be no food. And there is great dignity in being able to provide for yourself and your family. For over 50 years, Charles Farrell has helped the residents of our area find work.
“There is joy in work. There is no happiness except in the realization that we have accomplished something.” –Henry Ford The New Jersey native attended Muhlenberg College in Allentown, Pa., before coming to the Erie area in 1961. “I saw there was a great opportunity in job placement,” explains Farrell, who has always liked the area. He established Infinity Resources, Inc. with a handful of clients and has been matching people with jobs ever since. In the mid-1990s, Farrell opened the Harborcreek branch of his company where Chris Hoover is manager. “Chris
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has been here since day one and she does a fabulous job!” The office mainly handles industrial staffing for companies that work in plastics production, food processing and warehousing. “There are a lot of opportunities in Harborcreek and we like to be close to our clients,” explains Farrell. Over the years he and his placement team have referred hundreds of people for jobs. He has been serving as CEO since 1994 when his son, Martin Farrell, assumed the role of president of the company. Although Infinity Resources has seen its ups and downs with the fluctuating economy, the future appears bright. “We have good times and bad times too, just like employers [in
For those who are currently entering the workforce or hoping to maintain their jobs, Farrell recommends good eye contact and always being punctual. Good grooming and being appropriately dressed is also a factor. Farrell says that it is especially important to maintain a list of references and their contact numbers and to follow instructions carefully when filling out applications. Farrell’s kindly demeanor and concern for others has influenced his after-work activities as well. He has served as a District Governor for the Erie Sertoma Club, a past president and board member of the Sales and Marketing Club and a past president and board member of Stairways Behavioral Health. His company also goes the extra mile in helping clients by offering van service for employees to their jobs. When asked why he chose to work in the job placement field, Farrell answers, “I enjoy the opportunity to interface with other individuals.”
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Wellness Meal Planning
Open any newspaper or magazine and you can see that the rising rate of obesity has become a concern. There are more cases of diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol and cancer than there has been in the last 20 years. So, what’s the explanation? The Western diet. A wellness lifestyle begins with what we are consuming. Building Blocks Parents are beginning to recognize that if their child is consuming chemically or genetically altered foods, their bodies are using this to manufacture their muscles, tissues and bones. In many cases there are no vitamins or minerals in what their children are eating. So the body processes what they’ve consumed and sends most of it away as waste. Healthy Eating Fresh foods that require refrigeration are the healthiest options for the family because our bodies require living foods to nourish us. Packaged are full of preservatives and other unhealthy chemicals which allow a long shelflife. Living, natural, whole foods should be the bulk of your diet. Unfortunately, the majority of people find most of their food items in boxes or packages. Why a menu? The first step to healthier eating is to prepare a menu for the week. This will help with grocery shopping and avoiding waste. When meals aren’t planned in advance, families will typically resort to a quick trip through the drive-thru or other fast food alternatives. Unfortunately, this lifestyle has led to this alarming statistic: the average family eats fast food four times a week.
A Menu Chart A great way to organize and prepare your menu each week is with a mix-and-match menu chart. Take a poster board and draw seven columns and label each day of the week. Use recipe cards for the menu items. Color code your cards; i.e. entrées or proteins are blue, vegetables are green (2 per meal), fruits are yellow, starches are red (“warning” they should be limited), etc. Velcro-dots make mounting the recipe cards to the board easy. Once you have two weeks’ worth of recipe cards, place an entrée card and a vegetable or fruit card on each day of the week. Remember to limit the number of starches being served. This is also a wonderful opportunity for children to get involved in the meal planning. Menu Planning Software If the menu chart does not work for your family then consider investing in meal planning software. Mastercook is the most popular menu planning software that integrates recipes with menu planning and grocery list preparation. Most other software and online recipe services offer the ability to import or export recipes in Mastercook format. Cook’n Recipe and EzyEating, available on Amazon. com, are other menu planning options to consider.
Wellness Recipes When preparing your recipe cards remember that you want entrées that are high in protein and low in carbohydrates, and vegetable dishes that can be either a side or entrée depending upon your family. There is no single perfect recipe source that will have every answer or suggestion. You will need to use your best judgment about what is going to be healthy for your family. The following websites offer great choices:
www.wholefoodsmarket.com/recipes/ www.livingwithout.com/topics/meals www.rachaelraymag.com/recipes
Meal planning can be a challenging part of a wellness lifestyle. Remember that it will take time to turn bad nutritional habits around.
Our office is available as a resource for healthy menu items and good nutritional advice. If you would
like to know how you are doing with your meal choices, keep a diary of what your family is eating for two weeks, we can review and provide recommendations.
This Industry Insight was written by Dr. Troy Zacherl and Lorraine Zacherl. Dr. Troy Zacherl has been practicing back in his hometown of Erie for over 12 years, with extensive work with athletes; the baby boomer generation; pregnant women and children too. He is a LIFE Chiropractic graduate; holds a F.I.C.P.A. in Pregnancy & Pediatrics. He supports a “wellness” philosophy and loves to spends his free time playing sports (e.g. tennis and swimming) with his children and wife. Lorraine Zacherl, MS; CLC has been teaching nutrition for over 15 years. She has been facilitating and advocating groups of mothers and mothers-to-be with breastfeeding and making healthy choices as they raise their families in busy times. Lorraine frequently gives talks on whole food nutrition and organizing many family oriented activities through Chiropractic Solutions/Healthy Erie.com.
Preparing for the Week Pick a day or two a week to do your shopping and meal preparation. Prior preparation and freezing for later cooking can be beneficial when on a tight schedule. Lunch items should be equally healthy and purchased in moderation to avoid waste. Harborcreek | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 33
Village Volunteers:
Keeping up the Good Work By Vickie Mottern, Volunteer & Outreach Coordinator
n 1984, the first meeting of the Brevillier Village Auxiliary (BVA) was held. Nearly three decades later, the volunteer program runs strong at our housing and health care community.
With close to 200 individuals sharing their time and talents with us, over 13,000 hours were logged in 2011 alone. Whether young or old, student or retiree, volunteers come to us in all forms. Family members often want to help; residents enjoy lending a hand here and there. Even some staff members find time to give back. Volunteers serve an extremely important role at the Village. Volunteers aid the staff in carrying out our Mission to help residents maintain their independence for as long as possible by supporting regular activities and providing socialization.
Residents of Conrad House at Brevillier Village volunteer their services by preparing strawberries for the Brevillier Village Auxiliary Annual Strawberry Festival.
Volunteering has become more than just helping a resident play BINGO or serving a meal. Every department benefits from our volunteer program. Volunteers deliver mail, create bulletin boards, take residents for walks in their wheelchairs, plant gardens, and stock the shelves in our Village Store. They sing, decorate, rake leaves, and even fold laundry! Students, ages 10 and up, needing service hours or who simply like to help are a big component of the program. The residents enjoy learning from the students just as much as the youth do in return. There is truly something for everyone when it comes to volunteering. What is more rewarding than giving back to your community? Becoming a volunteer can teach you something new, create a new hobby, help you meet new people in your community, and even relieve a little stress. April is very special for our volunteers as we observe National Volunteer Recognition Week the 15th-21st of the month. Our dedicated volunteers are honored with a special brunch and awards ceremony at the Lawrence Park Golf Course. The BVA has been said to be the heart of Village. Who wouldn’t want to be a part of such a wonderful organization? To learn more about becoming a volunteer at Brevillier Village, please contact the Volunteer and Outreach Coordinator at 899-8600.
Current Volunteer Needs: • Village Store Cashiers are needed on Tuesday mornings
from 9:00-11:00 a.m. and Thursday afternoons from 1:00-3:00 p.m.
• BINGO volunteers are needed at Ball Pavilion on Mondays from 1:00-3:00 p.m. • Bowling helpers are needed at Ball Pavilion on Tuesday mornings from 10:00 a.m.-Noon. • Food & Fellowship Program servers are needed on Wednesdays from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
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Give Your Portfolio a
“Spring Cleaning”
pringtime is almost here. If you’re like many people, the arrival of spring means it’s time to spruce up your home. But why stop there? This year, consider applying some of those same springcleaning techniques to your investment portfolio. Here are some ideas you may want to put to work: 4 Get rid of clutter. You probably don’t have to look too far around your home to find things that are broken or simply no longer useful to you. If you poke around your portfolio, you might make similar discoveries: an investment that has chronically underperformed, duplicates another investment or met your needs in the past but is less relevant to your current situation and goals. Once you identify these types of investments, you may decide to sell them and use the proceeds to take advantage of opportunities that may prove more valuable to you. 4 Consolidate. Over the years, you may have accumulated multiple versions of common household items — brooms, mops, hammers — which pop up mysteriously in various parts of your home. You might find it more efficient, and even less expensive, if you consolidated all these things in one centralized location. As an investor, you also might find that consolidation can offer you some benefits. Do you have one Individual Retirement Account (IRA) with one financial services provider and a second IRA with another? Do you have a couple of old 401(k) accounts with former employers? And have you scattered investments here, there and everywhere? By consolidating all these accounts in one place, you can cut down on paperwork, reduce fees and, most importantly, unite your investment dollars so that it’s easier for you to see what you have and then follow a single, coherent investment strategy.
4 Get professional help. You may find that you can’t do all your spring cleaning by yourself. For example, if your carpets and rugs are heavily soiled, you may need to call in a professional cleaner. Or if your tree branches have grown out of control, you might need to bring in a tree trimmer. Similarly, when you decide to “tidy up” your portfolio, you’ll need some assistance from a financial professional — someone who can study your current mix of investments and recommend changes, as needed, to help ensure your holdings are suitable for your risk tolerance, time horizon and short- and longterm goals. Spring cleaning can reinvigorate your home and your overall outlook. By tidying up your investment portfolio, you can help gain some of that same optimism — for your future. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.
4 Prepare for turbulent weather. As you know, springtime can bring heavy rains, hail, strong winds and other threats to your home. As part of your overall spring cleaning, you may want to check the condition of your roof, clear branches away from your house, clean your gutters and downspouts, and take other steps to protect your property from the ravages of Mother Nature. Just as you need to safeguard your home, you’ll want to protect the lifestyles of those who live in that home — namely, your family. You can help accomplish this by reviewing your life and disability insurance to make sure it’s still sufficient for your needs. Adam D. Nelson is a Financial Advisor with Edward Jones Investments, where he serves the needs of individual investors from his Harborcreek Township office. He graduated from The Pennsylvania State University with a Bachelor of Science in Finance and is a native of Erie County. For any questions or comments please feel free to contact Adam at: 4622 Buffalo Road, Erie, PA 16510, 814.897.9892 or adam.nelson@edwardjones.com.
Harborcreek | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 35
Let’s give YOUNG ADULTS some CREDIT! Contributed by Trent Mason, Chief Marketing Officer Erie General Electric FCU, tmason@egefcu.org
Approximately 1.78 million PA residents are between 15 and 24 years old and another 780,000 are between the ages of 25 and 29. Call them what you will, Generation Next, Generation Y (more simply: Gen Y), or even Millennials…The fact is that not appropriately addressing the needs of today’s young adults could really be a mistake. The young crowd could really surprise you when you get to know them! Today’s young adults: Are tech-savvy. Many of today’s young adults can’t remember a time before email, MP3 music and text messaging. For some, there has never even been a time in their life without Google!
Are productive. I recently heard the CEO of national media outlet catering to young people estimate that today’s multitasking youths are able to accomplish approximately 44 hours’ worth of tasks in a 24-hour day! Demand speed, sophistication, ease of use, and fun. How many businesses are truly meeting young adults headlong in these areas? It makes you wonder how many financial institutions could say that things like speed, technology or fun are at the forefront of their interactions with young adults! Have an entrepreneurial spirit. Many have already embraced the fact that they might change careers more than a couple times. Still many others are looking for ways to be their own boss. One recent survey showed that over half of all young adults 16-20 said they wanted to start their own business. Give back. Today’s young adults not only innovate, but they volunteer and make a difference in their community. It’s probably no wonder that General Electric Credit Union has met many of our youthful employees and members while we have been performing community service. Are underserved when it comes to financial education and responsible money management. Politics and gloomy economic forecasts notwithstanding, young adults still stand to receive the largest transfer of wealth in the history of the world! We should all be constantly asking ourselves what we are doing to educate and help young adults as they responsibly build credit. Are interested in obtaining credit. The fact is, young adults don’t just want credit, they need it and they will go out and do what it takes to find it. Unfortunately, this could mean they wind up paying too much or getting in over their heads and jeopardizing their financial future. Are (thankfully) interested in responsibly managing credit. It’s not enough to explain to a young adult how to obtain credit, but we need to also explain why. There is a huge difference between having “no credit” and “bad credit,” yet, both of these can adversely affect a person’s life. What is being able to qualify for a reasonable loan on a reliable car in order to get to your job really worth? It takes the right kind of credit history and knowledge to make responsible credit happen. Listen to their parents. Rejoice in the fact while they may not have heard you ask them to take out the trash or mow the lawn, studies show that today’s generation actually does listen to their parents concerning financial matters! For more information on what the General Electric Credit Union is doing to help young people build and maintain a positive credit history please visit ErieInSight.com. If you are an education professional, please visit StudentProgram.com and request materials today from the credit union’s student program. General Electric Credit Union is also highly motivated by community service and would love to have the young and the young at heart join us! For more info on our community outreach, visit InProveErie.com. Want to be even more social with us? Great! For more cool things we are up to, check us out at facebook.com/egefcu and facebook.com/bubbaluvsthat.
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Home Values – Is it Time to Trade up or Jump In?
he new year has opened the gates, be it slightly, of more positive economic forecasts for single family home sales as we still have challenges nationally to recover from the recession. One of the foremost experts on the real estate market recently released his predictions for the housing market that hints at a possible strong rebound for Pennsylvania and Delaware markets. Predictions are interest rates will remain at or near historic lows and home prices will stabilize and start to rise by the end of the year; there’s no question, the housing recovery will be slow and steady, but for many cities the turn-around is already happening. That turn-around can be seen in Erie as steady increases in home sales and housing prices have been noted in most area markets. Recently, Erie was added to the list of improving markets in terms of employment, housing inventory, demand and values and that list includes the top 50 markets from a nationwide evaluation. Seth Tuttle Sr. notes, “Informed and savvy consumers and investors recognize there’s a great opportunity in this market and they’ll lead the way to recovery.” For example, the February 2012 RE/MAX National Housing Reports showed that home sales were up slightly from last year in Pittsburgh (0.2%), Philadelphia (7.45%) and Wilmington/Dover (33.22%). While relatively small metropolitan areas continue to dominate the list of improving housing markets, it’s important to note that several major metros in diverse parts of the country have now joined the field as well – including ERIE COUNTY such metros as Dallas, Denver, February Sale Comparison* Honolulu, Indianapolis, Nashville and Year Number Volume** Philadelphia, a sign that there is an 2003 307 $23.8 overall improvement as well. “This is great news for buyers sitting on 2004 335 $29.2 the sidelines waiting to make a move 2005 323 $35.6 because most people lag behind the 2006 366 $31.2 national trends in terms of making a 2007 334 $27.8 decision to jump in. This presents an opportunity for those buyers and sellers 2008 340 $28.9 who want to make the most of the 2009 179 $13.9 coming bullish market that probably is 2010 213 $22.4 already underway,” chimes in Seth Jr. 2011 168 $15.4 “The mild weather brought 2012 263 $26.9 increased activities with many Realtors *All Transfers of Real Estate/Erie County proclaiming a lack of inventory and the public records market changing to a ‘sellers’ market’ **Volume in Millions (see this year’s data below). If you are
thinking of trading up now may be the time. If you use the equity in your current home to buy a home that offers more features that has a price also lower in the current market typically you will save thousands of dollars over the long haul,” says Seth Tuttle Sr. Seth Tuttle Jr. chimes in, “If you’ve been waiting for the market to bottom you may want to consider making a move now while rates are at an all-time low and while the good values are still out there compared with values from recent years.” Here’s what else experts have predicted: • The cost of renting properties will rise due to demand of people who may have developed credit rating challenges. • Vacancies in the Erie real estate market have fallen because there is a larger than normal segment of the population that can’t qualify at this time for tighter lender restrictions. • There will not be much growth in new construction and that makes it a great time to build that new home you have been dreaming about. New regulations will never allow prices to be less! While only time will tell if these predictions will come true during the year 2012, here’s a snapshot view of the current real estate market activity in the area (data from 3/8/12): • Currently there are 60 residential homes for sale in the Harborcreek real estate market. • Prices range from $53,900 to $999,900. • Harborcreek CLOSED SALES this year totaled 14 ranging from $79,000 to $260,000. • Harborcreek PENDING SALES are at 17 and range in listed price from $68,900 to $388,000. This data indicates less than a 3.7 month’s supply of homes in the market place and this indicates a strong sellers market! This Industry Insight was written by Seth Tuttle Sr. and Seth Tuttle Jr. Seth Tuttle Sr. and Seth Tuttle Jr. have a combined total of 42 years of real estate experience in the Erie Market.
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You’ll See it
If you can envision it (your backyard summer paradise), you can create it with Stan’s Garden Center.
As the weather takes a turn toward summer — as the breeze gets warmer and the sun stays longer — our thoughts turn toward the anticipation of picnics, vacations.... and those leisure moments on the front porch or back deck. Can’t you just see it? The yard is in full bloom, the wind chime is singing and the vegetables and fruit trees are beginning to produce. Yes, it’s just around the corner. And luckily for you, so is a nearby Stan’s Garden Center location. It takes just one stop to fully create your summer paradise. You won’t need to go anywhere else.
Four Acres, Hundreds of Varieties At their four-acre, Buffalo Road greenhouse range the annuals are the freshest and healthiest you’ll find. Their enormous size allows them to offer the widest selection of varieties, sizes, and colors so you can find exactly what you’re looking for. In addition, they have more than 50 types of flowering vines, more than 30 kinds of ornamental grass, more than 200 kinds of Roses, and a wide selection of Aquatic plants for the pond or bog garden.
Beginning this year, in 2012, Stan’s is opening 4 spring outlets in the regional area.
Finishing Touches In the last 58 years Stan’s Garden Center has continually evolved. Today they not only offer greenery, they also have various extras. Garden decor (such as wind chimes, stepping stones, birdbaths, and garden furniture to name a few) will provide the finishing touches on your backyard paradise. Can you see it now? The sun shining, the birds chirping, your yard transformed by the innumerable offerings at Stan’s Garden Center? Don’t daydream too long. They’re open 7 days a week. * This article was provided by Gray Matter Media, Inc.
This is not to mention their huge selection vegetable plants — from Arugula to Zucchini, and most everything in between, even heirloom tomatoes. (And for those crops like peas, beans, and root crops that don’t transplant well, the Retail Store offers seeds for direct sowing). They also have a wide variety of culinary herbs, which can be purchased individually or in baskets that have herbs formulated for specific dishes (i.e. beef, pork, fish, etc.). And it doesn’t end there. Stan’s Garden Center also has more than 50 types of fruit and nut trees, 80 types of flowering and shade trees, 100 types of deciduous and evergreen shrubs, and more than 200 types of perennials, suitable for a variety of garden situations including: alpine, woodland, meadow, and mixed border plantings.
Deep Rooted in the Erie Community Today Stan’s Garden Center is an 8-acre nursery and greenhouse kingdom, but it didn’t start out that way. Stan’s began back in 1954 by Stan and Anna Marie Skarzenski as ‘Stan’s Mum’ — that was all they supplied. In 1961, the business grew to become Stan’s Floral & Garden Shop, supplying all the spring flowers and vegetables to local gardeners. But on February 15, 1981, the business changed forever with the passing of Stan Skarzenski. In March of 1981, Jim Skarzenski (Stan and Anna Marie’s middle child) left his job at GE to become the full time garden center proprietor. Meanwhile Stan’s was outgrowing its location on Saltsman and Cumberland Roads in Harborcreek. In 1987, the garden center moved to its current location on Buffalo Road and has been expanding at regular intervals to fill the 31-acre lot ever since. In 2003, Stan’s expanded again, opening a West Erie location on West Lake Road, making it easier to service the entire Erie community. Harborcreek | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 39
EVLA Minimally Invasive Procedure
Brings Immediate Vein Relief
o you suffer from tired, achy legs with bulging varicose veins, or maybe you just have clusters of unsightly, small purple veins that bother you and you wonder what can be done about them? Rest assured you are not alone in these concerns. Approximately 30% of American adults have signs and symptoms of varicose veins. Varicose veins are essentially superficial veins that have lost the ability ability to effectively transport blood back to the heart. Varicose veins can range from large, ugly, ropy veins to smaller clusters of superficial (close to to the surface) purple veins. Many patients will experience pain, achiness, heaviness and swelling. If left untreated these varicose veins can lead to inflammation of the vein (phlebitis), skin discoloration of the lower legs, skin breakdown and ulcers can ultimately occur. Years ago patients ignored this problem or were told the condition was “cosmetic.” Many times, if they did seek treatment, the results were often disappointing, or they were left with disfiguring scars. Over the past several years, greater understanding of varicose veins has allowed for more effective treatments. The use of painless, noninvasive ultrasound to diagnose the problem and pinpoint the cause is the standard of care. Treatment for even the largest and most problematic veins can now take less than an hour, require little or no anesthesia, and allow patients to return to their normal activities immediately. All this done in the safety and comfort of an office setting. Many times patients are anxious to receive treatment because they have previously heard an unpleasant story or known someone who had been subjected to previous treatment in years past that was much more invasive than what is available today. The majority of people are familiar with stories of past varicose vein treatments. Unfortunately, many are unfamiliar with the significant advances in treatment for varicose veins that allow for more effective and less invasive treatment. This minimally invasive, office-based care is standard of care for the physicians at the Circulatory Centers. All new patients are initially evaluated at a no cost, no obligation consultation. A state-of-the-art ultrasound evaluation is performed in our ICAVL accredited vascular lab to diagnose any venous problems. The Circulatory Center staff members will then meet with the patient and offer a customized treatment plan based on each patient’s specific needs. At the Circulatory Centers treatment protocols often involve effective therapies such as
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sclerotherapy or Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVLA). The physicians at the Circulatory Centers continually review the evolving literature and treatment standards so a contemporary and effective treatment plan can be individualized for every patient. Sclerotherapy, performed in one of our local offices by an experienced provider, is often used to treat smaller veins. During this visit a small amount of medication is injected into the target vein which causes it to collapse. The body then reabsorbs this vein over the course of several weeks. A support stocking is worn for a brief period to help compress the veins and allow for them to collapse naturally. Sclerotherapy is performed in a 30-minute office visit and involves no “down time.” EVLA is also performed in the office by a physician. This procedure is often used to treat larger veins. A flexible laser fiber is inserted into the problem vein using ultrasound guidance. This procedure is done with local anesthesia and takes about 40 minutes. The laser produces intense energy which causes the vein to close down. Patients return to their normal daily activities immediately. A support stocking is worn for several days after EVLA and patients are encouraged to walk to promote blood flow through the remaining healthy veins. All this is done in the comfort and safety of our office through a 1/8-inch incision and little or no scarring! With the generally accepted knowledge of venous insufficiency and varicose veins, 95% of our procedures are covered by insurance. At the Circulatory Center each patient is assigned a Patient Account Representative who will help them navigate the often confusing sea of insurance regulations and billing. So what do you have to lose? Only those ugly painful varicose veins.
This Industry Insight was written by Dr. Paul Shields. Dr. Paul Shields completed his undergraduate studies at Gannon University in Erie, PA. He then went on to earn his Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) degree from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine in 1999. Dr. Shields subsequently completed a three year Family Medicine residency and is board certified by the American Osteopathic Board of Family Physicians (AOBFP). Dr. Shields practices medicine full time in the Erie area as a physician with Erie Family Medical Group.
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