Resolve to Keep Your Resolutions Winterizing Your Car
Contents Mercer County | WINTER 2010 |
W I N T E R 2 0 1 0 -1 1
Health and Wellness News You Can Use
13 Here’s to a Happy, Healthy Winter If winter isn’t your favorite season, look inside for some great ways to keep your health and spirits intact.
What’s Inside page 2
4 12 Publisher’s Message
Top Care Is Just a Heartbeat Away
page 3
The Difference a Number Can Make Safe Snow Shoveling Tips
page 4
Be Happy and Healthy This Winter Are You Sad? Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder
page 5
New Hope for Pancreatic Cancer Patients
page 6
After Hours Clinic Opens in Hermitage
page 7
When Kids Need Care, We’re Ready What’s Happening at UPMC Horizon
© 2010 UPMC
The Best Gifts for This Holiday Season: Health and Wellness | 3
Mt. Union School Reunion | 4
Cardio Exercises | 10
Mercer’s Merchant Victorian Christmas Open Houses | 12
Resolve to Keep Your Resolutions This Year | 24
Don’t Let Winter Slow You Down | 26
Shenango Township Takes Ownership of Korean War Veteran’s Monument | 28
Real Estate | 30
Older Adults in Mercer County | 6
In Kids | 21
Shenango Valley Chamber of Commerce and Penn Northwest Announce Growth Alliance | 25
Mercer County Municipal Info | 33
Mercer County Libraries | 33
The Mercer County Courthouse all wrapped up for the Holiday Season.
Please recycle this magazine when you are through enjoying it. Mercer County | Winter 2010 | 1
Welcome to our winter issue! At this time of year, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for taking that journey with us that was 2010. This year was one full of blessings for Community Magazines, as we’ve grown to serve 32 communities throughout Western Pennsylvania. While it’s been a challenge for us, it was one that we met head-on, and with great success. For that, I would like to thank my staff. I’d also like to thank two other groups who make this magazine what it is—you, our readers, and our advertisers. Firstly, it’s our readers who help shape this magazine into what you see in your hands right now. Those of you who took the time to call, e-mail or write in with your ideas and events are the ones who set our table of contents. We pride ourselves on the fact that we listen to you and your ideas because, in the end, this is your community and you know it best. So I continue to encourage you to send in your ideas to our editor at Secondly, to our advertisers, I thank you for your continued support of Community Magazines. I’ve heard from so many of you that advertising with us is working for you, and I’m proud that our magazines are a great vehicle for you. But what is also important is that by advertising with us, you’re also supporting your community. You’re giving those who read these magazines the content that they enjoy and look forward to each issue. Because of you, our readers can be entertained and informed. So, readers, in this last issue before 2011, I urge you to take a second or third glance at the advertisers who support your community magazine before you make your holiday gift lists. If you like this magazine, let them know, and make a point to stop in their businesses. They’re not just trying to sell you something, they’re also your neighbors and community sponsors. I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season and the best that 2011 has to offer! Wayne Dollard Publisher As the holiday season approaches, I hope you’ll step away from the list making and cookie baking for just a few minutes to enjoy the information we have compiled for this edition of Mercer County. As always, our goal is to offer a bit of insight into the community. Some of our most interesting features focus on residents and their passion in all things “community.” As you are going through your busy days (and holiday parties) please don’t forget to let us know about any person or organization who you feel would be interesting for us to feature. We get some of our best story ideas and are so inspired by our readers! The amount of good will and charitable activity that seems to flow from the Mercer County community is amazing and awesome. From all of us at Community Magazines, we hope your holiday will be filled with a good dose of peace and a little bit of joy, and that you’re surrounded by the love and companionship of those who mean the most to you.
Marybeth Jeffries Managing Editor Every piece of the universe, even the tiniest little snow crystal, matters somehow. I have a place in the pattern, and so do you —TA Baron 2 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
Mercer County
WINTER 2010 IN Mercer County is a non-partisan community publication dedicated to representing, encouraging and promoting the Mercer County area and its comprising municipalities by focusing on the talents and gifts of the people who live and work here. Our goal is to provide readers with the most informative and professional regional publication in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. PUBLISHER
Wayne Dollard AS S I STA N T TO T H E P U B L I S H E R
Mark Berton M A N AG I N G E D I TO R
Marybeth Jeffries O F F I C E M A N AG E R
Leo Vighetti E D I TO R I A L AS S I STA N T
Jamie Ward WRITERS
Jonathan Barnes Kelli McElhinny Pamela Palongue GRAPHIC DESIGN
Michael Andrulonis Cassie Brkich Anna Buzzelli Susie Doak Pati Ingold
Bill Ivins Jan McEvoy Joe Milne Tamara Tylenda Tracey Wasilco
Rebecca Bailey One Way Street Productions A DV E RT I S I N G S A L E S
Nicholas Buzzell David Mitchell Brian Daley Tamara Myers Gina D’Alicandro Gabriel Negri Tina Dollard Robert Ojeda Rose Estes Annette Petrone Beatriz Harrison Tara Reis Jason Huffman Vincent Sabatini Jessie Jones Michael Silvert Connie McDaniel RJ Vighetti Brian McKee This magazine is carrier route mailed to all district households and businesses. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Copyright 2010.
CORRESPONDENCE All inquiries, comments and press releases should be directed to: IN Community Magazines Attn: Editorial 603 East McMurray Road McMurray, PA 15317 Ph: 724.942.0940 Fax: 724.942.0968 Spring Issue Deadline: Jan 31, 2011
The Best Gifts for This Holiday Season: Health
By Integrated Fitness, Written by Jim Crowell, with Josh Bobrowsky
his holiday season there will be many gifts, both big and small. Kids will yearn for toys or games while adults will wish for jewelry and electronics. However, few wish lists will include “weight loss” or “a healthier lifestyle.” Often thoughts of fitness are pushed back until New Year’s and then soon forgotten. How about this holiday season you give and ask for the gift that actually keeps on giving: health and wellness. You may ask, “How in the world can I tangibly give or receive health and wellness this year?” It isn’t about a big package or a pretty wrap job, it’s about real changes to your life. They will certainly be worth it! Here are 10 tips to give you and your family the best chance to get into amazing shape: 1 Support Each Other and Provide a Positive Environment: Have you tried to lose weight without anybody’s support before? It’s extremely difficult. In today’s world of excess and dangerous processed food and beverages, it can be almost impossible to eat and workout properly without a support system. Speak to your spouse or your parents and get them on board so that they can help you remain positive throughout your health journey. If you are trying to help your children get healthier, be a great example for them to see everyday. 2 Set Real and Tangible Goals: How many times have you set a goal that had no discernable plan or ending? You need to set both short- and long-term goals, but they need to be goals that you can know with exact certainty that you have accomplished. Rather than saying “I’m going to get in shape this year,” you should change your cue and say “By June I’m going to lose 20 pounds and 10% body fat.” Tangible goals will help you stay on track and motivate you during those difficult time periods. 3 Understand that Being Healthy is a Lifestyle, Not a Wish: If you want to make real changes, you need to take it seriously. It takes a combination of physical activity, nutrition, proper sleep, and stress management. Luckily those things don’t have to consume your life for you to be healthy, but you need to make positive changes in multiple areas of your life in order to see positive changes in your body and mind. 4 Focus on the Types of Food that You Eat, Rather than Calories: While cutting calories
can result in a short-term weight loss, eating healthy foods can result in sustained weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. Instead of eating a meal of holiday candy and then starving yourself, have one piece of candy and then supplement with some fresh fruit or nuts. The more nutrient rich foods that you can incorporate into your diet, the more you will shed unwanted pounds and keep your body from developing a debilitating disease. 5 Be Aware of How Your Body Feels: Too many people go through life unaware of how they actually feel. To understand wellness is to understand how your body and mind feel. Do you feel energetic? Do you feel happy? Do you feel motivated? If you do not know the answers to those questions, then you need to take a little time to yourself and understand what is feeling great and what isn’t. When you begin to learn how you feel, you will learn when you need to make changes in your diet and workout routines in order feel even better. 6 Mix up Your Workouts: How many times have you thought “I’m so bored with my workouts?” You need to make sure that you are staying excited about your journey toward a healthier lifestyle. One of the most effective ways to keep motivated during your workouts is to try new things. Instead of jumping on the elliptical machine everyday for four months, why not try rowing one day, biking the next, and hiking the next? Changing your exercises not only keeps your body guessing, which is great for getting more fit, but it also keeps your mind excited, which helps you get to the gym on those tough days. 7 Challenge Yourself and Your Results Will Emerge More Quickly: Your body responds positively when you introduce new things to your repertoire. That idea holds true with intensity as well. If you workout hard, you can build strength faster. That strength helps to speed up your metabolism, which helps cut body fat. As you lose body fat you will feel
more energetic during the day as well as in your workouts. This process is how you get the physical results that you want, while adding additional mental toughness that will help you during work, school or your daily routine. 8 Smile. It Makes It That Much More Worth It. It is a simple equation: When you enjoy what you are doing, you will want to do it more. There is no set equation to get in shape or be healthier, so hunt for a strategy that makes you happy. Maybe you like being outdoors and eating organic, healthful foods. If so, go for it. Maybe you like lifting heavy weights and eating a great deal of protein. If so, go for it. You don’t need to run 10 miles a day or eat one exact way to earn your health. When you find a strategy that you like, go ahead and implement it, then enjoy the ride. 9 Know That It Is All a Decision: Your health boils down to one thing: YOU. Are you willing to work for it? There is a reason why fad diets don’t stick around very long. They don’t work. Either your weight loss isn’t sustainable or dangerous side effects develop. You need to eat a bit better and take care of your body a bit better to get healthy. Once you have made the decision, and made it for real, you will gain the energy and the will power to achieve your goals. 10 Remember Why You Want to Be Healthy: There are difficult times during any journey, and this journey to better your health is no different. When you feel like you may lose your way, or when you don’t have the motivation you usually have, take a second and remember what you are working toward. When you get healthy and learn how amazingly your mind and your body can feel, you will want that feeling all of the time. It is worth it. Your motivation loss is only a temporary phenomenon. So wait it out and come out even better on the other side. The holidays are about family and happiness. There is no better time to begin to make these positive changes to your mind and your body. You should begin to feel more energetic, sleep better, look better, and work better. Whether you give the gift to somebody else or give it to yourself, remind yourself that it’s worth it, and so are you. Cheers!
Mercer County | Winter 2010 | 3
eginning in the early 19th century, Mercer County created over 300 one-room schools. Caldwell School, the last to close, became a Mercer County Historical Museum, Mt. Union School building in the late 1960s, forlorn and forsaken, preserving that educational devoid of bell tower, windows environment for posterity. But boarded, roof ready to collapse. a more dynamic, personal sense of the one-room school experience comes from the words of former students, such as these shared at a Mt. Union School reunion on October 8, 2010.
“I g on ot p in my ad An scho first dled na ol, d , ” a on “for csaid y my olo de rin sk. g ”
mory. e m r e i a happe me my firsten.” d a h Edna amsey gav ut John Ald “Lee Rn a play abo kiss - i Despite lots of absences in December and January, first-grader Marie Tait showed improvement in all subjects.
Mt. Union School in 1913: proud, old, and already patched.
n o i n U . t M
Richard carrie coal for the po d in buckets of tbellied stove . Esther loved arithmetic. Harold preferred recess - sled riding, ice skating, playing ball. Sarah loved to swing on vines near the school. Harry harassed the girls by hanging their coats out in snow-frosted trees. 4 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
Esther Clinefelter Zimmerman, 99½ years old, was the oldest person to attend this year’s reunion.
Mercer County
The redecorated interior retains the wainscotting, features new spiral staircase to loft under raised roof.
“My teacher must have liked me,” said one alumnus, “because she kept me in first grade two years.” Mt. Union school building as it is today, undergoing restoration as a private residence. Dark brick shows original size; new owner raised the right roof and extended walls upward.
Eighth g enjoyed rader Doris first gra teaching the though hde, even gave he er kid sister r trouble .
Sarah McCracken Foster, Harry Palmer, Richard Spencer, Melissa Woods McCoy, Marie Woods Forsythe, Chuck Woods, and Charlie Robinson back at ye ole schoolhouse, October 8, 2010.
l o o h Sc eunion R Zentis e o J s by Photo
Former Mt. Union students gathered on October 8, 2010, to reminisce and to talk about present times. Seated (left to right): Anna Pesek Ryser, Phyllis Blake Court, Marie Woods Forsythe, Melissa Woods McCoy, Esther Clinefelter Zimmerman. Standing: Doris McCracken Tarsilia, Dr. Karl Blake, Edna McCracken Kreutz, Richard Truran, Sarah McCracken Foster, Charlie Robinson, Harry Palmer, Chuck Woods, Richard Spencer.
Twins M complet elissa and Ma in seven ed eight gra rie des years. If you multiplied these experiences by half a million or so, you might have a glimmer of that bygone era. Mercer County | Winter 2010 | 5
Good Tidings for the Greatest Generation
Older Adults in Mercer County A
Tax Planning for The New Year by Jamie Ward
mericans filing federal returns can expect year-end tax planning to be a bit more complicated this time around because we don’t know what the tax rates will be for 2011 just yet. The current rates, known as the “Bush tax cuts” from 2001, are due to expire on Dec. 31 of this year. So when the new rates get passed, taxpayers won’t have a whole lot of time to plan. Jeff Marzina, executive vice president at Bill Few Associates says that the best plan of action here is to be prepared. “For this year,” says Marzina, “I think its very important that people be paying attention to what happens in the political spectrum in terms of tax rates for the new year and to make sure you have your advisers lined up so when rates are set, you don’t wait.” Each year, an individual is allowed to give a financial gift of up to $13,000 to any or as many individuals as they want to without being subject to a gift tax. If you give beyond this, you must fill out a gift tax return, which goes against the unified credit amount that they are allowed to give at their death. Right now, this is not determined. So you could give gifts of up to $13,000 to 15 grandchildren and not pay a tax on it. According to the IRS, You can’t deduct the value of gifts on your income tax return unless 6 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
they are left to a charitable organization. Federal estate taxes may have been repealed for 2010, but they are set to return on January 1, 2011, and will tax up to 55% on estates valued at more than $1 million. In 2009 the rate only imposed a 45% tax on estates in excess of $3.5 million, and all assets got a “step-up” in basis when someone died. This meant that no tax would have to be paid on appreciated assets like stock and real estate. But under new laws all assets inherited may be subject to the capital gains tax. If the current administration’s proposal to allow rates to expire and return to 2009’s rate, the “step-up” in basis will return. Another proposal is to have most of the current brackets stay but raise tax rates of the highest bracket, and taxes on dividends and capital gains jump from 15% to 20%. The Republican proposal is to extend current tax rates for a period of 2 years and cap dividends and capital gains at 15%. Marzina says that the question many people are asking is, if you have assets that have significant capital gains built in, should you accelerate taxes and sell those assets in 2010 to ensure 15% tax rate, instead of waiting for 2011 and having the rate jump to 20%? The problem here is that taxpayers won’t have a lot of time to make these decisions.
Mercer County
According to Marzina, if the new tax laws are in place by Dec 1, there will only be a 30-day window to make any decisions this year. So the
best thing to do is make those decisions as quickly as possible. “Death and taxes are certain, and we certainly want to live longer and pay less in taxes. Taking advantage of presumably lower capital gains rates in 2010 as well as shifting IRA funds to a Roth by the end of this year will undoubtedly benefit some,” says Phil Henry of Henry Wealth Management. “As always, a client should ensure he/she is getting sound financial, tax- and estate-planning advice, and that the advisors work in concert.”
How to Prevent Injury this Winter
by Jamie Ward
ith the winter months approaching, it’s time to put away the golf clubs and short sleeve shirts and break out the
jackets. It’s also time to start thinking about safety. According to the National Institute of Health, more than 1
in 3 Americans over the age of 65 slips and falls each year. It’s the number one cause of injury related deaths.
SeniorAgencies Greenville Area (Mercer) Greenville Senior Community Center 339 East Jamestown Road Greenville, PA 16125 Phone: 724.588.3155 e-mail: Grove City Area (Mercer) Grove City Senior Community Center 301 South Broad Street Grove City, PA 16127 Phone: 724.458.6844 e-mail:
So with snow and ice just around the corner (and if moving to Florida is out of the question), it’s a good idea to review some tips on keeping yourself safe this winter: • Buy shoes with a non-skid sole or with good traction to get a better grip with the ground. Leather- and plastic-soled shoes have the worst traction in winter weather. • Check for icy railings and avoid icy and uncleared sidewalks and walkways. • Take your time to map out the best route to get wherever you are going, and don’t hesitate to ask for assistance when you feel you may need it.
Sandy Lake Area (Mercer) McQuiston Center by the Park P.O. Box 273 29 Railroad Street Sandy Lake, PA 16145 Phone: 724.376.3608 e-mail: Shenango Valley Senior Community Center (Mercer) 220 North Buhl Farm Drive Hermitage, PA 16148 Phone: 724.981.7950 e-mail:
• If you have to walk over an icy surface, bending your knees and taking slower steps can reduce the risk of falling. And as always, safety begins at home. Make sure the areas around your home are salted and cleared. The Center for
Jeannette Senior Center (Norwin) c/o Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Gaskill & Third Streets Jeannette, PA 15644 Phone: 724.527.3200
Disease Control and Prevention suggests using rock salt or another chemical de-icing compound. If needed, ask a family member or neighbor to help you. Mercer County | Winter 2010 | 7
Older Adults in Mercer County
8 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
Mercer County
This is Andrew Hosack, from Mercer. He is in the Marines and is currently on a training base in Twentynine Palms, California Do you know someone who is serving in the armed forces from the Mercer County area? We would like to honor their commitment by featuring them in this magazine. Please forward your name, the soldier’s name and where they are serving, along with a photo to marybeth@ Help us recognize these fine men and women!
Mercer County | Winter 2010 | 9
n cardi exercisesKeeping the Most Important Muscle Fit
hen it comes to exercise, it’s hard to break through the hype and advertising ploys for the newest and best cardio machine or workout. However, the best cardio workout depends on engaging the heart through a multitude of levels and workloads, said Dan Griffin. Griffin, who is certified by the American College of Sports Medicine, said people are becoming more educated when it comes to their cardio workout. “People understand you do not have to do long, slow distance exercises, to be in the fat-burning zone. The studies are showing now that low-intensity heart maintenance levels are just as efficient for calorie burn. Middle heart rates – the
10 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
Mercer County
kind of exercises where you can talk to your neighbor, but can’t recite the Gettysburg Address – those work well also,” Griffin said. “The higher heart levels have a whole different physiological response and work on different parts of your body. Some who do a little bit of exercise in all three ranges lose weight quicker, and it doesn’t take more time. You take those 30-40 minutes you usually dedicate to your workout and break it up.” Griffin said there are new workout machines that take advantage of that data to help athletes meet those various heart ranges. “There always are machines that are the ‘hot machines.’ In the ‘80s and ‘90s, it was the stepper, and now it’s treadmills, ellipticals, and multi-angular training. With a treadmill, you’re in one plane, moving forward. With multi-angular and multi-plane machines you’re moving forward, and you’re also going left, right, forward and back,” Griffin said. “Another hot machine right now is the ArcTrainer, which is a cross between a stepper and an elliptical. With step training, few people can last long enough to make that work right, so the ArcTrainer is a favorite among tennis players and other athletes who come in.” In addition to specialized cardio machines, Griffin said circuit training still gives people a great workout. “Circuit training is still alive and well. We have trainers who take people through workouts that are as demanding as can be,” he said. “Unless you need bulk and heavy lifting, there’s a lot to be said for this functional training where you’re pushing sandbags and working out without stopping between sets. I’ve done it, and have gotten my heart rate from 130 up to 170, and it stays within that range within the whole half hour. The key though, is to do it in a circuit fashion. That way, you don’t have to stop between exercising.” Griffin said that because circuit training focuses on different muscle groups, the workouts typically are faster to get through. “Muscularly, you don’t need the rest because you’re working a different muscle group each time,” he said. “Cardio-wise, you may have to wait 30 seconds or so between sets, but you can definitely be fit by doing that.”
“...the best cardio workout depends on engaging the heart through a multitude of levels and workloads...”
Mercer County | Winter 2010 | 11
Mercer’s Merchant Victorian Christmas Open Houses
The beautiful and unique shops in Mercer’s Historic Courthouse Square District shared in some holiday spirit during Mercer’s Merchant Victorian Christmas Open Houses. The event was held December 3 and 4. Stores invited visitors to shop and enjoy specials and refreshments throughout the town. Customers who stopped into Courthouse Square Dry Goods Co. warmed up with coffee and treats provided by owners Cindy Hewitt and Ruthie Dummett. Those who shopped during the weekend took advantage of special deals and had a chance to register for prizes at Mercer’s Mercantile.
Mercer Mercantile and Soda Shoppe’s Donna Smith
Ruthie Dummett and Cindy Hewitt, owners of Courthouse Square Dry Goods Co.
12 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
Mercer County
W I N T E R 2 0 1 0 -1 1
Health and Wellness News You Can Use
Here’s to a Happy, Healthy Winter If winter isn’t your favorite season, look inside for some great ways to keep your health and spirits intact.
What’s Inside page 2
Top Care Is Just a Heartbeat Away
page 3
The Difference a Number Can Make Safe Snow Shoveling Tips
page 4
Be Happy and Healthy This Winter Are You Sad? Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder
page 5
New Hope for Pancreatic Cancer Patients
page 6
After Hours Clinic Opens in Hermitage
page 7
When Kids Need Care, We’re Ready What’s Happening at UPMC Horizon
© 2010 UPMC
Top Care Is Just a Heartbeat Away UPMC Horizon teams up with UPMC Passavant to offer outstanding heart care for Mercer County When you have a serious cardiac condition, it’s reassuring to have easy access to quality advanced care. That’s the goal of the innovative partnership now in place between UPMC Horizon and UPMC Passavant’s Cardiovascular Institute (CVI). Last summer, Cheryl Hovis*, 66, began feeling short of breath while climbing the steps in her southwest Venango County home. Her primary care doctor urged her to see the cardiologist who had been monitoring her for a heart murmur. When an echocardiogram showed she needed surgery, the cardiologist referred her to a cardiac surgeon at UPMC Passavant. After meeting with the surgeon at UPMC Horizon’s Shenango Valley campus in Farrell, Mrs. Hovis underwent successful aortic valve replacement surgery at UPMC Passavant. Ten days later, she had a follow-up appointment with the surgeon back at UPMC Horizon. “Nobody wants to have open heart surgery. But when you do — and you live in a rural area like me — it’s comforting to know that you have access to the very best doctors, facilities, and technology close to home,” says Mrs. Hovis. Giovanni Speziali, MD, a cardiac surgeon at UPMC Passavant, says the partnership with UPMC Horizon provides the region with “big city” cardiac services that most small communities can’t afford. “We go there to see patients because we’re committed to the community. It’s part of our health system,” says Dr. Speziali. “Patients benefit by having highly specialized care close to home.” * Mrs. Hovis’ treatment and results may not be representative of similar cases.
Cardiovascular Institute at UPMC Horizon Main Office (adjacent to UPMC Horizon-Shenango Valley campus) 2000 Memorial Drive Farrell, PA 16125 Phone: 724-981-6810
CVI Satellite Office Currently, cardiologists see patients at the UPMC Cardiovascular Institute at UPMC Horizon’s Shenango Valley campus and at the CVI satellite office in Greenville. Diagnostic testing (including stress tests, EKGs, echocardiograms, Holter monitoring, blood tests, MRIs, and CT scans), treatment, and cardiac rehabilitation are offered at both UPMC Horizon’s Shenango Valley and Greenville campuses. Certain procedures, such as diagnostic cardiac catheterizations and pacemaker insertions, can be performed on site at the Shenango Valley campus.
Specialists nearby give you peace of mind More complex treatments — such as open heart surgery — are referred to cardiac specialists from UPMC Passavant who travel to Farrell to see patients. If necessary, patients are taken by ambulance or helicopter to UPMC Passavant for treatment. Cardiologist Tulio Estrada-Quintero, MD, who began practicing in Mercer County 15 years ago, says the region has a high incidence of cardiovascular disease. That’s why it’s so important for residents to see doctors and specialists in their own community. “We’re a small hospital, but we can do almost everything right here. For patients needing more complicated procedures, they have access to the most advanced technology and cardiovascular specialists at UPMC Passavant,” says Dr. Estrada-Quintero.
428 S. Main St. Greenville, PA 16125 Phone: 724-588-9830
Cardiologists* Khaled Bachour, MD Diana Cantellops, MD Tulio Estrada-Quintero, MD *Three more doctors from New Castle will begin rotations in January.
UPMC Passavant Cardiothoracic Surgeons Our highly-specialized physicians see patients at UPMC Horizon-Shenango Valley campus on a rotating basis every other Thursday for initial consult and postsurgery follow-up.
Did You Know? Cardiac specialists from UPMC Passavant see up to 300 cardiac patients each year at UPMC Horizon. UPMC Passavant’s team of 60-plus specialists has performed more than 21,000 catheterization procedures and nearly 4,000 open heart surgeries.
The Difference See a Number Can Make how your numbers stack up for See how your numbers stack up for peace of mind — or a wake-up call peace of mind — or a wake-up call! Many numbers are part of your daily life, from your cell phone to your ATM code. But do you know the numbers that are critical to your physical health? Here are the three top numbers you should remember and monitor regularly:
120/80: Optimum blood pressure There’s a reason high blood pressure (hypertension) is known as the “silent killer.” You can have it for years and never know it. As it damages the walls of your arteries, it also can wreak havoc on your heart, kidneys, and brain. High blood pressure can lead to a heart attack, kidney failure, or stroke. When you have high blood pressure, the pressure of blood within the arteries — which carry blood from the heart throughout the body — is persistently elevated. Optimal blood pressure in an adult is under 120/80. The range for prehypertension is 120 to 139/80 to 89. High blood pressure is any reading of 140/90 or higher.
99: Blood sugar level It’s a good idea to have your blood sugar checked. High blood sugar — diabetes — can lead to a host of other medical problems if left unchecked, including vision and circulatory problems. Your optimal blood sugar level should be 99 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) of blood or less. A count of 100 to 125 mg/dL is a pre-diabetes wake-up call; a level of 126 mg/dL or higher indicates diabetes.
200: Optimum cholesterol Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance made by the liver — and not all forms of it are bad. Sometimes, our bodies create too much cholesterol, which then circulates through the blood stream. To check your cholesterol levels, your doctor will ask you to fast before having blood work drawn. Your test results will show the amount of cholesterol in your blood.
It’s the bad, arteryclogging cholesterol (LDL) that puts you at risk, so shoot for an LDL of under 130 mg/dL. Conversely, the higher your good cholesterol (HDL) the better, because it helps remove harmful LDL from your arteries. An HDL of 50 mg/dL or higher is ideal. You should aim for a total cholesterol number (HDL + LDL) under 200 mg/dL. A count of 200 to 239 is considered borderline, while levels of 240 and above double your risk of coronary heart disease. Your doctor can help you learn and manage these numbers. To schedule an appointment with one of our primary care physicians, call 1-800-533-UPMC (8762). For more information about important lifesaving numbers like body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, grip strength, and thyroid level, visit Sources: American Heart Association, American Diabetes Association
Safe Snow Shoveling Tips The Farmers’ Almanac may be predicting a kinder, gentler winter, but you’ll likely have to contend with shoveling out from at least one snowfall before spring. If you take precautions when digging out from the next snowstorm, chances are good that you will get through the winter safely. “Most people don’t know the proper way to shovel snow,” says Jamie Cedila, a physical therapist at UPMC’s Center for Rehab Services located at UPMC Horizon’s Shenango Valley campus. “Improper shoveling can lead to back injuries such as strains, and muscle pulls.” Remember these tips when you head out to tackle the white stuff this winter.
Warm up and stretch. Cold, tight muscles are more prone to injury, so warm up first. While shoveling, stand up and walk around occasionally and stretch your back. Use proper technique. Bend your knees slightly, flex forward about 10 degrees, and lift with your legs instead of your back. For leverage, position your hands about 12 inches apart on the handle. Whenever possible, push the snow instead of lifting it. Watch your form. Avoid throwing the snow over your shoulder or to the side. That twisting and bending motion, especially when weighted with snow, puts stress on the back and shoulders. Use the right equipment. The shaft of your shovel should be long enough to keep your back straight while lifting. Buy a shovel with a smaller blade to avoid lifting heavier amounts of snow. Don’t rush it. Resist the urge to get the whole job done at once. Start slowly, and take frequent breaks. Listen to your body. Stop shoveling if you feel pain. If you experience chest pains, shortness of breath, or other signs of a heart attack, seek emergency care immediately.
Health Tips from UPMC Health Plan
Be Happy and Healthy This Winter Is your favorite winter activity staying indoors under a warm blanket in front of the television with a bag of snacks in hand? You’re not alone. Getting through the cold weather with your health and spirits intact is difficult but not impossible. Follow these suggestions for a happier, healthier winter.
Fight the flu Cold and flu season is fast approaching. Here are some ways to avoid the sniffles. • Washing your hands for 15 seconds using soap and warm water is your best defense against germs. If soap and water aren’t available, use an alcohol-based antibacterial product. • Getting a flu shot can reduce your risk of infection by 90 percent. If you don’t like needles, a nasal spray vaccine is available. • Eating plenty of fresh fruits and veggies, getting plenty of sleep, and reducing stress will help boost your immune system.
Winterize your skin As the weather turns colder, the dry air causes itchy, dry skin. To keep skin more comfortable during the winter months: • Switch to oil-based moisturizers with a minimum SPF of 30 for your face and body, and use them frequently. • Protect your hands from the elements with a heavy-duty hand cream, and always wear gloves outdoors. • Lips need extra protection, too. A moisturizing lip balm with vitamin E will help prevent chapping. • Use a humidifier to add moisture to the air in your home.
Banish the winter blahs with exercise Don’t pack your exercise gear away with your summer clothes. Staying active during the winter months can lift your mood, help your immune system, and keep you from gaining weight. Be sure to talk with your doctor before beginning an exercise program. • Walk indoors at a local mall. Need extra motivation? Join a walking group. • Check out an exercise video at your local library or borrow one from a friend. • With proper planning, walking outdoors in winter can be fun and exhilarating. Walk during daylight hours, dress appropriately, and wear skid-resistant shoes.
Are You Sad? Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
If the darker, shorter days of winter really get you down, you may be suffering from seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of depression that begins in the fall and gets better in the spring. “Seasonal affective disorder is directly related to a decrease in sunlight during the winter months,” says Edward S. Friedman, MD, a psychiatrist at the Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic of UPMC. The lack of sunlight disrupts the body’s internal clock, which can lead to feelings of depression. In addition to seasonal onset, SAD sufferers experience what Dr. Friedman describes as a kind of hibernation. “They stay indoors, conserve energy, eat more, and sleep more,” he explains. Those behaviors can distinguish SAD from other types of depression. And individuals who already suffer from clinical depression may feel worse in the fall. If you are diagnosed with SAD and your symptoms are severe enough to affect your daily life, your doctor may recommend antidepressant medications, light therapy, or psychotherapy. While it’s normal for anyone to have a down day occasionally, don’t brush off those feelings. “Anyone with symptoms of depression that last more than two weeks should see their doctor,” advises Dr. Friedman.
Did You Know? • People with SAD are more likely to have a blood relative with the condition. • More women than men are diagnosed with SAD. • Exercise can help boost your mood, and relieve stress and anxiety.
Innovation at UPMC
New Hope for Pancreatic Cancer Patients Robotic technology revolutionizing Whipple surgery When Coy Smith* found out he had pancreatic cancer and needed a Whipple procedure, he started getting his affairs in order. He even considered going without surgery. “It occurred to me that I might not come back home,” says Mr. Smith. Although he left most of the worrying up to his wife, a licensed practical nurse, he knew enough to realize the surgery would not be a simple task. Whipple surgery — one of the most complex surgeries performed — involves the removal of the head of the pancreas, gallbladder, bile duct, part of the stomach, and small intestine. But the 58-year-old Altoona-area resident was lucky. He was one of the first patients at UPMC Cancer Centers to undergo a non-invasive version of the Whipple procedure using state-of-the-art robotic technology. He was operated on in October 2009 by the surgical team of A. James Moser, MD, and Herbert J. Zeh, MD — co-directors of the Pancreatic Specialty Care Center and two of just a handful of surgeons worldwide who perform the Whipple procedure using robotic surgical technology. Mr. Smith woke up in recovery and immediately began joking with the nurses. After a week’s stay in the hospital, Mr. Smith began six months of chemotherapy. One year later, he is cancer-free. “I’m healthy and very fortunate,” Mr. Smith says. * Mr. Smith’s treatment and results may not be representative of similar cases.
“This is pioneering technology — the first major innovation in pancreas surgery in more than 100 years — and UPMC is considered among the world’s leaders,” says Dr. Moser.
Potential Benefits of the Robotic Whipple Procedure • smaller incisions • minimal scarring • reduced blood loss and need for transfusion • less pain • shorter hospital stays • faster recovery time and start of treatment
Precise robotic technology Surgeons use the da Vinci® Si Surgical System, a robotic surgical device that allows them to operate through a series of small incisions (including one to accommodate a miniature camera) with greater dexterity and range of motion, plus a magnified threedimensional view of organs on a large, high-definition screen. Instead of the “chopsticks” used in laparoscopy, robotic surgery equipment allows for more natural movements, including wrist function, explains Dr. Zeh. “It has a 360-degree range of motion, which has much more freedom of movement than your own hand,” says Dr. Zeh. “You can get into places where your hand can’t go.” The robotic technology enhances the surgeon’s ability to see detail and manipulate anatomical parts with great precision. Like conventional laparoscopic surgery, robotic surgery is minimally invasive.
Patients benefit The two surgeons have published papers on the robotic Whipple procedure and have spoken at conferences around the world. They are now compiling data on patient outcomes.
While it is not yet clear whether this approach produces better surgical outcomes, both surgeons say it is clear that patients may benefit in many ways, including less pain, reduced recovery time, minimal scarring, and reduced need for blood transfusions. That means patients can begin chemotherapy sooner. “We are pleased to be able to offer this new technology,” Dr. Zeh says. “The data shows that as a whole, patients who undergo the robotic-assisted Whipple procedure do as well as patients who have the traditional open surgery.” Perhaps the biggest benefit is reducing fear in patients. According to Dr. Moser, as many as one half of all pancreatic cancer patients choose not to have surgery to remove their tumor because they are afraid of a large incision and the long recovery time associated with traditional surgery. “We hope that by minimizing the trauma of surgery we can get more people to select this treatment and continue on with chemotherapy,” Dr. Moser says. “Not everyone with pancreatic cancer is doomed. This procedure is giving patients hope.” For more information about the robotic Whipple procedure or any of UPMC's pancreatic cancer treatments, call 1-888-623-PANC (7262).
After Hours Clinic Opens in Hermitage High Quality Primary Care When Your Doctor’s Office is Closed Can’t take time off from work to see a doctor for a backache? Have a toddler wake from a nap with a sore throat? Sprain your ankle while getting ready for a night out on the town?
If your personal care physician is a member of the UPMC network, a record of your treatment at the UPMC After Hours Primary Care Clinic will be sent to him or her.
When injuries or illnesses happen in the evening, you don’t have to wait until the next day to be treated. At UPMC’s new after hours clinic in Hermitage, you can get prompt medical care when your doctor’s office is closed.
Patients of all ages are accepted at the clinic, walk-ins are welcome, and free parking is available. Most health insurance plans are accepted, and regular physician office co-pays apply at the time of service.
The UPMC After Hours Primary Care Clinic, located at the Womancare Center of UPMC Horizon, 875 N. Hermitage Road in Hermitage, provides quality medical care Monday through Friday from 5 to 9 p.m. The clinic accepts patients who have basic injuries and illnesses that are not serious enough for the hospital emergency department but would benefit from immediate medical attention. Staffed by UPMC Horizon family medicine practitioners, our primary care clinic can treat a range of conditions, including: • • • • • • • • •
flu colds sore throats ear aches sinus pain poison ivy back pain sprains cuts, bumps, and bruises
So when you’re feeling miserable, don’t wait — UPMC Horizon is here to help. UPMC’s After Hours Primary Care Clinic in Hermitage Womancare Center of UPMC Horizon (use front entrance facing Route 18) 875 N. Hermitage Road Hermitage, PA Phone: 724-347-4658 Monday through Friday: 5-9 p.m.
Benefits of the After Hours Primary Care Clinic in Hermitage include: • access to treatment when your primary care physician is not available • quality care for non-life threatening illnesses and injuries for all ages • convenient locations • free parking • no appointments needed The After Hours Primary Care Clinic also offers on-site x-ray services, EKGs, blood tests, urine and throat cultures, and urinalysis.
For more information about after hours care at UPMC, go to
When Kids Need Care, We’re Ready Earlier this year, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC opened a specialty pediatric suite at UPMC Horizon in Hermitage, offering access to experts from Children’s Hospital to residents of Lawrence, Mercer, Mahoning, and Trumbull counties. The Children’s Hospital Specialty Care Center Hermitage is located at the Womancare Center of UPMC Horizon. Specialists from Children’s Hospital provide outpatient services, including diagnostic evaluations and follow-up care, in pediatric cardiology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, general and thoracic surgery, and neurology. Also available at UPMC Horizon are programs offered by Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC and UPMC Passavant. The specialty programs share space with the Children’s Hospital Specialty Care Center Hermitage in the Womancare Center. “At UPMC Horizon, we are committed to making access to more specialized care as convenient as possible to our community. This relationship with Children’s Hospital reflects that commitment and makes it that much easier for patients in Mercer and surrounding counties to gain access locally to the services of renowned pediatric experts in a variety of medical subspecialties,” says Don Owrey, UPMC Horizon president. The Children’s Hospital Specialty Care Center Hermitage physicians include Francis McCaffrey, MD, cardiology; Aviva Katz, MD, and Kelly Miller, MD, general and thoracic surgery; Luigi Garibaldi, MD, endocrinology; Ram Chandra, MD, gastroenterology; and Bilal Sitwat, MD, neurology.
“Our goal is to improve access to pediatric care for families in eastern Ohio and western Pennsylvania by bringing our physicians, who are among the leaders in their fields, close to home for families in the Shenango Valley,” said Christopher A. Gessner, president, Children’s Hospital. “We want them to have access to the best care possible in the most convenient location possible.” To schedule an appointment with a physician at Children’s Hospital Specialty Care Center Hermitage, call 724-347-4596 or toll free at 1-877-545-9361.
What’s Happening at UPMC Horizon Classes
Support Groups
Lamaze Prenatal Class Lamaze Weekend Prenatal Class Lamaze Refresher Prenatal Class Breastfeeding Class Sibling Class Family and Friends Pediatric CPR Seniors for Safe Driving Silver & Fit Senior Exercise
Bereavement Support Group Cancer Support Group (Greenville and Farrell) Empty Arms Support Group Lupus Support Group Mercer County Breast Cancer Support Group Mercer County Diabetes Support Group (Greenville and Farrell)
Multiple Sclerosis Support Group Ostomy Support Group Parents of Murdered Children Support Group Pulmonary Hypertension Support Group Weight Loss Surgery Support Group (Greenville and Hermitage) Yellow Ribbon Support Group
For a complete list of events, including dates and times, visit the Classes and Events section at
UPMC Horizon
UPMC Horizon
Shenango Valley 2200 Memorial Drive Farrell, PA 16121
Greenville 110 N. Main St. Greenville, PA 16125
UPMC Today is published quarterly to provide you with health and wellness information and classes and events available at UPMC. This publication is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice or replace a physician’s medical assessment. Always consult first with your physician about anything related to your personal health.
Follow UPMC on Facebook.
( to( Take( Care( of( You Time Holidays life Don’t ( are ( for ( celebrating( all( of(the (things that ( make ( ( special. ( ( let( keep them. ( a major ( illness, ( injury,( or( even( a (sore throat ( ( you ( from ( enjoying ( ( UPMC Horizon physicians’ offices are open and conveniently located near ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( you. Our physicians are accepting new patients, and in most cases even ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( offer same-day appointments.
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Just call 1-800-533-UPMC (8762) or visit, " we’ll " get you an appointment " " " one "of our doctors. It doesn’t matter( and with why ( you ( need ( ( us; it matters( that( we’re ( here ( if( you do.( ( ( ( (
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Giving Back
for the
he holiday season is the perfect time to spread cheer and give back to those who are in need. There are plenty of places around you to do this. Here are some fun ideas: & Volunteer at a soup kitchen & Donate toys you don’t want & Donate canned goods to the community food bank & Donate clothes you’ve outgrown & Visit a nursing home
on the go...
find these things hiding in this picture.
Mercer County | Winter 2010 | 21
Adopt a Pet Red
Sometimes things don’t end up the way you think they will. Take a look at me. I’m an AKC Red Beagle who was originally going to be a great hunting dog. But guess what: I hate guns! So that never panned out and I ended up here.
However, being at Animal Friends is great. I’ve discovered what I really love in life: toys! I love to play with toys and with you, and I’m always up for more. I’m very gentle and can even do well with children, as long as I’m supervised. I like going for rides in the car and I love to cuddle, too!
I like some dogs, so if you have one, my friends the Adoption Counselors would be happy to set up a meeting to see if we get along.
And good news for you humans: my adoption fee is sponsored! So you’ve got nothing to lose – come on down to Animal Friends and say hello to me, Red! To learn more about these adoptable pets, call Animal Friends at 412.847.7002 or visit us at 562 Camp Horne Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15237. Animal Friends is a non-profit companion animal resource center serving the needs of pets and people since 1943. For more information, visit
Winter Weather Safety Tips
@ Have a snack before going outside. It will give you energy and keep your body warmer. @ Make sure to wear sunscreen on your face. The snow can reflect up to 85% of the sun's ultraviolet rays. @ Dress in layers of clothes. Waterproof pants and jackets will keep you dry and warm! @ Never go sled riding alone. Always have a parent supervise. @ When you’re playing outside, go inside every once in a while to warm up. @ If you start to shiver or feel numb, go inside right away and tell an adult. 22 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
Mercer County
Sophie is a beautiful domestic shorthaired cat who asks for so little. She found herself at Animal Friends when her previous owner was no longer able to care for her.
This gray and white beauty would prefer to go to a quiet household where she can be the only cat. While quite affectionate with the people she has learned to trust, she is shy around strangers and needs time to get used to new surroundings. If you’re looking for a loving, quiet pet then Sophie could be your perfect match! Why not stop by Animal Friends and talk to an Adoptions Counselor?
It ’s the Holidays! Find each of these words in this puzzle.
Holiday Jokes What do you sing at a snowman’s birthday party? Freeze a jolly good fellow!
kool kids cook
What goes ho-ho whoosh, ho-ho whoosh? Santa caught in a revolving door!
What do snowmen eat for breakfast? Frosted flakes! What goes “oh, oh, oh”? Santa walking backwards!
How does a snowman lose weight? He waits for the weather to get warmer!
When does Christmas come before Thanksgiving? In the dictionary! What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire? Frostbite! Why is it always cold at Christmas? Because it’s in Decemberrrr! What do you call an old snowman? Water! What did one snowman say to the other snowman? Can you smell carrot?
String Cheese “Slaw”
Prep time: 15 Minutes Servings: 6 Crayon-sized string cheese cylinders can be sliced into “buttons” or stripped into “threads,” then added to salads of all stripes. Here, the cheese strips are the main ingredient in a fun, carrot-flecked slaw. 6 Organic Valley Stringles String Cheese 1 1⁄2 cups carrot, cut into matchsticks or shredded 3 tablespoons cilantro, chopped (or parsley) 4 teaspoons fresh lemon juice 2 teaspoons olive oil black pepper, freshly ground Pull threads of cheese off each string cheese stick (not too thin). Toss with carrots, cilantro or parsley, lemon juice and olive oil. Add pepper to taste. For more information and coupons, visit
Pine Cone Christmas Tree Ornament You'll need: Dry Pine Cones Green Glitter Glue Sequins
Paint the pine cone with glue. Before the glue dries, sprinkle with green glitter. Top with a paper star. When it dries you can glue on sequins or tinsel.
kids craft
What do monkeys sing at Christmas? Jungle bells, jungle bells!
or a mouth-pleasing, brain-boosting after school snack, try serving up some of this fun String Cheese “Slaw” with a tall glass of Omega-3 milk. It may just turn chips into a snack of the past.
Mercer County | Winter 2010 | 23
Resolve to Keep Your
Resolutions This Year
efore the last notes of “Auld Lang Syne” fade and the last mouth horn goes silent, chances are you’ll be suckered into making another New Year’s Resolution that will also fade as fast.
hether it’s to get fit, stop a habit, travel more, or reduce stress, experts say that while it takes time to develop a habit or behavior, the expectation of changing that developed habit over night are basically unrealistic. Studies have shown that little over 10 percent of those engaging in New Year’s resolutions actually follow through with their goals. Success in achieving those goals stems from taking baby steps, or realistic approaches to achievement. Burnout is a major factor in people not following through with their workout routines. “Everyone should start a workout program in moderation.” “Control your motivation and enthusiasm so you don’t burnout after only a few weeks of exercise, and incorporate minor modifications into your workout every four weeks. Overhaul you’re entire workout program every two to three months.” Figuring out where cardio exercise belongs in their routine also is a factor that can help them to avoid burnout. 24 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
“Studies have shown that little over 10 percent of those engaging in New Year’s resolutions actually follow through with their goals.”
“Most people think that starting out with cardio is good because it helps to warm up muscles before weight training. Other people feel starting out with cardio may cause too much fatigue, which could lower your workout intensity and make lifting with proper form more difficult.” Truthfully, there is no right or wrong answer. Different people will need to rotate their routine differently. The best advice is to pay attention to your fitness goals. If you are focused a bit more on endurance try to do your cardio first when you’ll have the most energy. On the other hand, if your goal is to pack on muscle mass work the weights first before cardio.”
Mercer County
Pursuing a healthier lifestyle is always a good idea, and while many people make it their New Year’s resolution to get back in shape, experts agree that any health program should be focused on progressive, attainable and realistic goals. However, it’s also a great idea not to overindulge during the holidays in the first place. Gaining 10 pounds after partying for a month, grazing cookies at the office and having extra desserts at grandma’s, is a lot easier than doing 30 minutes at the gym everyday for two weeks to negate those calories. While it’s a cliché, moderation is still the key to a balanced lifestyle, and you’ll be doing yourself a favor bypassing that cookie tray or second glass of wine in the first place.
The Shenango Valley Chamber of Commerce and Penn Northwest Development Corporation announced the formation of the Mercer County Growth Alliance, effective January 1, 2011. The Mercer County Growth Alliance is a strategic alliance between the two groups with the goal of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of Mercer County’s economic development efforts. Mercer County Growth Alliance will be governed by a board of directors composed of representatives of the two affiliate organizations and led by professional staff to serve both organizations. The participants are conducting a due diligence process to identify a dynamic CEO who will lead this new growth alliance. “One strong voice and shared vision will help reduce the confusion and duplication of resources that so many different players in the economic development area create. The Commissioners support this initiative,” said Mercer County Commissioner Ken Ammann. Also participating in Mercer County Growth Alliance, as part of the Penn Northwest are five agencies that are housed at the Penn-Northwest Professional Center in Mercer. These include the Mercer County Industrial Development Authority, Gannon Small Business Development Center, the Northwest Commission, the Shenango Valley Industrial Development Corporation, and the Northwest Industrial Resource Center. “This is the first step in a county-wide economic development alliance. We encourage other economic development agencies to join us. Our goal is to market Mercer County via a single portal,” said Angela Palumbo, president of the Shenango Valley Chamber of Commerce. A member poll of the Shenango Valley Chamber determined that most felt the Chamber should be more involved in economic development. “It just didn’t make sense for us to embark on economic development alone,” said Palumbo. “With one voice and one vision, the MCGA will allow the Shenango Valley Chamber of Commerce, PennNorthwest, and other participating agencies to be more effective.” RUSSELL WIBLE, D.M.D. Currently 28 economic development groups are active in Mercer Practice Limited to Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery County. This is the first step for an opportunity to speak with one voice - Board Certified and have a shared vision. MCGA will further reduce duplication by providing a single location and professional staff, to assist prospective and current employers obtain the information and services they need. “The MCGA will offer a one-stop resource to help streamline the economic development process for interested prospects,” said Larry Reichard, executive director of Penn-Northwest. PNDC was established in 1985 to address the loss of manufacturing jobs in the region. Since then the non-profit corporation has participated in over 400 projects, resulting in the creation of over 8,000 new jobs and the retention of over 13,000 jobs. Development activity during the 25 years resulted in nearly $1 billion in public/private investment in the county.
Removal of teeth in preparation of dentures Dental implants IV sedation
Reach 120,293 Potential Customers in Mercer County
Call 724.942.0940
General anesthesia
Accepts most insurance and credit cards CARE CREDIT payment plan 689 North Hermitage Road ~ Suite 3 ~ Hermitage, PA 16148 724.981.4222 Mercer County | Winter 2010 | 25
Winter Slow You Down –
Winterizing Your Car Can Keep You Rolling Despite the Conditions A lot of people think that getting ready for winter simply means an annual furnace check, turning off and draining outside faucets, and some shrink wrap over their windows. However, if you don’t winterize your vehicle, you may be stuck in that comfy living room waiting for a ride to come pick you up.
interizing your vehicle isn’t nearly as hard as it may sound. In fact, thanks to the moderate climate of western Pennsylvania, and the expediency of our regional public works professionals, there’s little if anything for us to do to prep our cars for winter weather. But there are some things that are just good sense. • Consider changing to thinner oil for the winter. The regular oil you use in the summer can get thicker in the cold of winter, leading to longer start-up times until your engine is properly lubricated. If you aren’t the type who changes your oil on your own, ask your local mechanic about changing viscosity for the winter months. • Check the basics! If you don’t do anything else, make sure you cover the basics. Make sure your windshield wiper fluid is full with a fluid that won’t freeze in low temperatures, and carry an extra gallon in the trunk. When the Pittsburgh slush flies, it’s easy to go through a full container of wiper fluid. Make sure your tires are inflated properly and that you have enough tread on them. A rule of thumb for minimal thread is to stick a penny in your treads with Lincoln’s head down. If the rubber doesn’t meet his hairline, your tread’s too low. Some people switch to snow tires for the winter, which is never a bad idea. Make sure your spare is inflated properly and that you have a roadside assistance kit. Emergency blankets can easily fit in glove boxes, as do flashlights, ice scrapers and extra gloves. • If you don’t have jumper cables, get some! Most car batteries lose charge due to cold temperature. Carrying jumpers not only increases the chances that you’ll find a good Samaritan to jump a charge off of, you can also be the good Samaritan who helps others who may be in distress. Winter driving poses a multitude of challenges, but if you cover these basics, you’ll eliminate a good bit of them. You can’t, however, eliminate bad driving, so be alert and keep an eye out for others on the road this time of year.
26 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
Mercer County
–W – – – – – –PennDOTReminds ––– ith snow already forecast for some areas of Pennsylvania, PennDOT reminds drivers to slow down and give snow plows a wide berth to do their jobs. “Winter weather is returning, and drivers need to remember that they have to adjust. You simply cannot drive as fast, and you have to be prepared to deal with changing conditions and perhaps delays in your travel plans,” said Secretary Allen D. Biehler, P.E. About 5,400 PennDOT employees will work hard to keep Pennsylvania roads passable during winter weather. PennDOT reminds motorists that roadways such as interstates and expressways will be its primary focus and at times, and the department may redirect equipment to these routes during significant winter events. During these heavier storms, motorists may encounter deeper accumulations on lesstraveled routes, and they should adjust their driving for those conditions. PennDOT has budgeted more than $216 million for winter operations this year, about the same amount it spent last winter during a season that saw several recordbreaking snowstorms. As part of its normal truck replacement, PennDOT expects over the course of the winter to take delivery on 171 new trucks to replace older ones in its fleet of more than 2,100. This year’s replacement trucks now have bright red chevron patterns on the tailgates. In addition, the traditional rotating lights have been replaced by bright, flashing Light Emitting Diode (LED) lighting. Also, to make sure that the chevron pattern is fully visible, PennDOT has moved the salt “pre-wetting” tank between the truck’s cab and body. The pre-wetting tank stores brine that is sprayed onto salt before it’s distributed on the road. Pre-wetting helps salt work faster and at lower temperatures. Also, because the tank is now larger, an operator can spend more time treating roads between refills. “Fleet readiness is a critical part of ensuring public safety. Replacing our wornout trucks allows us to invest in the newest technologies to better serve Pennsylvania motorists,” Biehler said. “It also allows us to spend more time clearing roads and less time fixing our trucks when they are needed most.” Last winter, PennDOT used about 994,000 tons of salt on state roads. So far this year, about 641,000 tons of salt are
available, and the department will continue to take salt deliveries throughout the winter. PennDOT has agreements with more than 700 municipalities for them to clear state roads within their jurisdictions. The department also rents approximately 400 trucks and operators to assist with snow removal as needed. Motorists are reminded that during winter weather events, the department’s primary goal is to keep roads passable, not completely free of ice and snow. PennDOT will continue to treat roadways throughout the storm until after precipitation stops and roads are clear. Drivers must slow down and lengthen their following distance when traveling on snowy or icy roads. Last winter, there were 370 crashes resulting in three fatalities and 215 injuries on snowy, slushy or ice-covered roadways where aggressive driving behaviors – such as speeding or making careless lane changes – led to the crash. When preparing for snowy travel, motorists can check road conditions on more than 2,900 miles of state roads by calling 511 or visiting 511PA, which is free and available 24 hours a day, provides traffic delay warnings, weather forecasts, average traffic speeds on urban interstates and access to more than 500 traffic cameras. The 511 site also provides easy-to-use, color-coded winter road conditions for all interstates and other routes covered in the 511 reporting network. New this winter, PennDOT has added a 511 Twitter feed so users can subscribe to any or all of the 511 regions or choose to receive 511 alerts statewide. Drivers are responsible for making sure their vehicles are ready for safe winter travel. Motorists are encouraged to have a mechanic they trust check their vehicle’s belts, hoses, battery and brakes. Drivers should also check that the heater and defroster work properly and that the wipers don’t streak. Motorists should also check their tires for proper inflation and sufficient tread depth. A quick way to check tread depth is to insert a penny in the tread groove with Lincoln’s head upside down. If you can see the entire head, your tires are worn and will not be able to pull your vehicle through winter.
Motorists to Adjust Habits, Prepare for Winter Driving
Visit to Check Road Conditions before Leaving Home In addition, drivers who live in an area prone to heavy snow may want to consider using dedicated snow tires or carrying a set of tire chains. At a minimum, all-season tires should be at least mud- and snow-rated. The last step to equip your vehicle for winter is to pack an emergency kit that includes items such as non-perishable food, water, first-aid supplies, warm clothes, a blanket and small snow shovel. Motorists should tailor their kit to any specific need they or their family may have. Items such as baby supplies, extra medication, pet supplies, a spare cell phone or even children’s games could be included.
Mercer County | Winter 2010 | 27
W Shenango To w n s h i p Ta k e s Ownership of K o r e a n Wa r Ve t e r a n ’s Monument
28 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
Mercer County
hile they’re not disappearing as fast as our WWII veterans, it’s only a matter of time before Korean War Veterans are all called home. So, to ensure that their monument survives in perpetuity, Mercer County Korean War Veterans have formally turned over ownership of the Mercer County Korean War Memorial to Shenango Township. The transfer took place on Nov. 1 at the monument, at the intersection of Route 318 and State Line Road. The transfer took place with the Mercer County Korean War Veterans, Shenango Township supervisors, Wheatland American Legion and representatives from local Boy Scout troops and Oak Tree Country Club. The Mercer County Korean War Veterans have maintained the monument since its construction and dedication. They also have repaired and insured the monument through the years. The Mercer County Korean War Memorial was dedicated on July 25, 1999, and is located in Shenango Township, Mercer County, Pennsylvania, on a triangular parcel of land owned by the Oak Tree Country Club at the intersection of State Route 318 and State Line Road. The Mercer County Korean War Memorial was built with donations from area
businesses, non-profit organizations, fraternal and veterans organizations, as well as donations from many private individuals and a state grant secured by former State Representative Michael Gritza. Known as “The Forgotten War,” the Korean War resulted in nearly 34,000 American lives lost in a conflict that was officially designated a police action because of its failure to garner a declaration of war by Congress. It came five years after WWII and seven years before Vietnam, and, as a result, never gained the notoriety of the two wars it was sandwiched between. It also was largely misunderstood by the general public. The members of the Mercer County Korean War Veterans is an aging veterans organization which desires to formally transfer the ownership of the Mercer County Korean War Memorial, as well as all care and maintenance responsibilities, to Shenango Township, so that this beautiful memorial can be appreciated by future generations of residents of Shenango Township and Mercer County. Lynnett Beck, Shenango Township secretary, said the cost to the township to insure the monument is nominal. “The supervisors did agree to take over insurance costs, and that’s about $34 a year,” Beck said. “The American Legion will maintain the flags and replace them as needed.” Beck said the Mercer County Korean War Memorial is the only memorial that Shenango Township owns and maintains. The Mercer County Korean War Memorial is a lasting tribute and testament to the pride, patriotism, and sacrifice of the men and women of Mercer County and those from across our nation who served, fought, and died in the Korean War—an often forgotten war wage half way around the world.
Courthouse Christmas Concert
The Sharpsville High School choir performed at the annual Courthouse Christmas Concert on December 3. The group, comprised of concert choir, men’s ensemble and women’s chamber, sang holiday favorites like “Go! Tell It On The Mountain,” “Sleigh Ride,” and “O Holy Night.”
Mercer County | Winter 2010 | 29
Housing Headlines Don’t Apply to Mercer County
REAL ESTATE IN Mercer County
f you’ve been reading about the housing bubble and burst in the past year, you may be terrified to buy or sell a home. But Realtors can assure you: what happened in Vegas, stayed in Vegas. “Buyers are listening to the national media instead of paying attention to our local market,” said Thomas Ceponis, Senior Vice President and North Regional Manager for Howard Hanna Real Estate Services. “Our market never took the wild swings in value that some other parts of the country did, like Florida, Nevada, and Arizona, to name a few.” Ceponis said the reason why Pittsburgh escaped the collapse is because the market has retained its consumer confidence, unlike the national market. “In this region, there are no peaks and valleys; the market has held its own as it relates to values,” he said. “In many cases there was even good market appreciation over the past year.” In Mercer County, sales are up 5% over last year. “Here, we’re averaging a selling profit,” said Ceponis. “We’re selling houses, but they have to be priced right and ready to go.”
The consensus among agents locally is that, rather than worrying about the national market, they should be worrying about their frontdoor appeal, because that’s really what’s going to make or break their home sale. You have only one time to make a first impression. When a home buyer is coming in from out of town, they may only have a day or two to look at houses. It’s the front door—the curb appeal—that sells a home. The home needs to be warm and inviting. Things like cigarette odors can put off a potential buyer. It may be the greatest house, but if buyers don’t get past the front door, it’s going to sit for a long time. The biggest obstacle today in the western Pennsylvania market, according to Ceponis, is the lack of inventory. “People are afraid to list their home because their neighbor’s house didn’t sell,” he said. “At the end of the day, if the house is priced right and presents well, it will sell. “With the spring selling season approaching, take the time to pay attention to the small details,” said Ceponis. “If you’re ready by midJanuary or February, you will have a step up.”
f you’re sitting around wondering what you’re going to do after the playoffs – assuming the Steelers continue their success with the return of Big Ben – you may want to consider getting a move on listing your home. January is the perfect time to get your house ready for sale, said Lori Crandell, realtor and associate Broker with Coldwell Banker. “January is definitely a good time to list a house. It’s the beginning of the spring market,” she said. “Especially after football season is over, people get bored and start looking at buying. I always tell people, if you’re going to list in the spring, shoot for January or early February because you’ll get a leg up on the spring market before it gets saturated.” While you may not see a lot of foot traffic right away, Crandell said you can rest assured that your house will start getting online attention. The foot traffic you get will be from serious buyers, not people just browsing. “The latest statistics that I saw said that 88 percent of buyers start out looking for a home online,” Crandell said. “So it’s really important that sellers go online themselves and look at the differences between brokers. is a very good source and the most popular website for consumers.”
Another aspect of winter selling is the weather itself. Crandell said that some people worry about how their home will show if there’s a foot of snow on the ground, but if your house is attractive and inviting in the winter, you know it’s going to look good when it’s 85 degrees and sunny. “During the winter is when it’s probably going to look its worst. Sellers, if they have pictures from the spring and summer, should make those photos available to the agent,” Crandell said. “If someone’s yard looks good in the winter, it’s going to look good in the spring, but if we have the snow that we had last year, it might hold someone back who can’t make out if the yard is sloped or flat. That’s why sellers should bring out pictures of the yard in other seasons.” Other things that the winter provides advantages for include an opportunity for buyers to see how the furnace operates, whether the home heats evenly, and whether or not it has any drafty areas you’ll need to address. “There are some things you can’t tell in the winter, like air conditioning,” Crandell said. “You can’t tell if the air conditioning is working [when it’s] under 55 degrees, but that’s where a home warranty comes in handy. At least you’re covered by a home warranty and can get that rectified before it gets too hot.”
It’s the beginning of the spring market. While you may not see a lot of foot traffic right away, you can rest assured that your house will start getting online attention.
30 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
Mercer County
Social - Lite Dedicated to the Fine Art of Living Within the Community by Marybeth Jeffries
The Perfect Hostess Gift When attending a party, I always try to remember to take a hostess gift. Hostess gifts are really just a small gesture - something to thank your host for being so welcoming. But, what to bring? It depends on how well you know your hostess and how formal the party. Here are a few guidelines and suggestions: Casual Parties - Gifts of food and beverage are always welcome. In a pinch, your host can set out your cookies or drinks if supplies run low. Just check with your hostess to make sure they are serving alcohol before you decide on the Cabernet or Riesling. Formal Parties - For parties that are more formal in nature, a gift of chocolates or bottle of champagne are wonderful and thoughtful gestures. Flowers are a great option if you have them arranged in a vase before you arrive or delivered the day before the party. Your hostess will be so grateful not to have to stop and tend to your gift while trying to welcome her guests! Something More Personal? Scented candles, lotions or a CD filled with your host’s favorite type of music make great gifts. A homemade jar of jam or muffins wrapped in a cellophane bag and tied with ribbon will be something your hostess will truly appreciate. For someone who loves the kitchen, soap and lotion caddies for the kitchen sink or beautiful kitchen towels are memorable gifts that won’t go unnoticed. Last fall, I received a basket of tomatoes from my friend’s Fox Chapel Garden and was so thrilled! Always remember to place a small note with your gift. The next day, your host won’t be scratching her head wondering who was so thoughtful to remember her with that lovely gift!
Do you have an upcoming event? Please contact or call
2011 DOG LICENSES – PRICE INCREASES Mercer County Treasurer Virginia Richardson has announced that the PA Department of Agriculture has increased the cost of the 2011 dog licenses by 45 cents. Sales of 2011 licenses are scheduled to begin on Monday (Dec. 6) at 16 different locations across the county or on line at The regular rates will be $8.45 for males or females; $6.45 for neutered males or spayed females. The rates for senior citizens/owners on disability are: $6.45 for males or females; $4.45 for neutered males or spayed females. Seniors must be 65 years of age at the time of purchase in order to be eligible for the discount. Lifetime licenses are also available. The dog must be permanently identified with a microchip or tattoo. The regular rates are $51.45 for males or females; $31.45 for neutered males or spayed females. The rates for senior citizens/owners on disability are: $31.45 for males or females; $21.45 for neutered males or spayed females. Mrs. Richardson, with the assistance of the Department of Agriculture, has mailed out a Dog License Application flyer to residents of Mercer County. This application can be completed and mailed to the Mercer County Treasurer at 104 Courthouse, Mercer, PA 16137. If your pet gets lost, a license is the easiest way to identify the owner and return the dog home safely. Pennsylvania dog owners are reminded to apply for the required 2011 dog licenses before the January 1 deadline. Commonwealth law requires all dogs aged three months or older to be licensed. Failure to license a dog could result in a maximum fine of $300 for each unlicensed dog. The minimum fine is $50 plus court costs. Fees collected through the sale of dog licenses are used by the Department of Agriculture’s Bureau of Dog Law Enforcement to protect the safety, health and welfare of dogs.
Following are locations to buy licenses: Bill’s Field and Stream 242B Birchwood Dr Transfer, PA 16154
Shenango Valley Animal Shelter 2599 Broadway Ave Hermitage, PA 16148
Country Crossing Gift & Collectibles 1809 Perry Hwy. Volant, PA 16156
South Pymatuning Township 3483 Tamarack Drive Sharpsville, PA 16150
Greenville Agway 44 Morgan St. Greenville, PA 16125
Twig’s Reloading Den 8388 Sharon – Mercer Rd Mercer, PA 16137
Grove City Agway 111 Breckenridge Street Grove City, PA 16127
Wagler’s Camp Perry 2554 Perry Highway Clarks Mills, PA 16114
Hillcrest Flynn Pet Funeral Home & Crematory 2619 East State St Hermitage, PA 16148
Wilmington Township Box 181 Auction Road New Wilmington, PA 16142
Hermitage Agway 4065 East State Street Hermitage, PA 16148
West Salem Township 610 Vernon Road Greenville, PA 16125
Hurlbert’s Hardware 184 Main Street Greenville, PA 16125 Sandy Lake Mills 26 Mill Street Sandy Lake, PA 16145 Sereday’s True Value – West Middlesex 63 Garfield Street West Middlesex, PA 16159 Mercer County | Winter 2010 | 31
ost childhood Christmas memories are of joyful occasions with precious family-bonding moments: mom and dad singing Christmas carols; children with happy, angelic faces gazing up at them in tranquil adoration. My own memories are also quite happy. But after comparing notes, I have slowly come to realize that my entire family is quite possibly out of their spruce tree. So, for an inside look at how a dysfunctional family spends its Christmas, please read on… Immediately after Thanksgiving, a disturbing lunar phase would always begin at our house. My otherwise fairly normal, career-oriented mother would begin to clean our house in anticipation of my grandparents’ arrival for Christmas. Not the normal tidying up one might do for a family visit. No, this was more like a murder had been committed at our house and my mother’s cleaning was the frantic attempts of the killer to remove every shred of DNA evidence. My mother would methodically begin to disinfect every object in our house, including the dogs. Not even my toys, which were thoroughly soaked in bleach, were spared, resulting in my Malibu Barbie turning into a white-haired old lady in need of a sunbed. I have never been sure why my mother was so intimidated by her motherin-law, but she apparently lived in fear that the frail, gray-haired woman would somehow drag a stepladder into the kitchen and, risking hip fracture, stand on the top rung to inspect for dust above the cabinets. My father’s style of celebrating the holidays was the polar opposite of a Brady Bunch Christmas. Less than enthused about stimulating the economy through gift-giving, he wasn’t terribly fond of the Christmas tree either. So in their new house, he ingeniously designed a special closet where a fully decorated Christmas tree on rollers could be wheeled out Dec. 1 and neatly rolled back into the closet on Dec. 26. Surely, he must be at least partially responsible for my quirky and oftentimes odd behavior. December 18 my grandparents would arrive. My grandfather would wheel into the driveway, screeching tires, and jump out of their Buick proudly announcing, “Made it in 6 hours and 15 minutes,” the goal being to shave minutes off of last year’s time. My grandmother, still white-lipped from the G-forces, would peel herself off the car seat and wobble in, complaining that my grandfather had driven 85 mph all the way. 32 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
Mercer County
On Christmas Day, my mother, who does not cook but is highly skilled at thawing and microwaving, morphed into Betty Crocker, giving, r Thanks ould e ft a ly e attempting such t Immedia g lunar phase w herwise in complex dishes b r u t . My ot a dis ur house ted mother o t a as green-beanin g n e always b mal, career-orie house in casserole and r r o u n o ly n a fair congealed salad. gin to cle randparents’ e b ld u o g w y . Unfortunately tion of m anticipa al for Christmas iv with the pressure r ar of the day, she would usually charcoalize the green-bean casserole. (I’m not sure if charcoalize is a word, but I really like it.) One holiday, my thoughtful grandfather shocked the entire village by crossing gender lines and washing dishes. Unfortunately, while dishwashing, his dentures flew into the garbage disposal as if sucked out of his mouth by an unseen evil force. He quickly turned off the disposal and pulled out a set of mangled dentures. Silently, he turned the switch back on and threw the dentures back into the garbage disposal. I miss him. Maybe we are all a little dysfunctional in one way or another. With the holidays, it’s easy for anyone to get a little neurotic. So, in between cursing the bakery for selling the last Boston crème pie and that mad dash for the last parking space at the mall, just keep saying under your breath, “Peace. And on earth, good will toward mankind.”
Mercer County Municipal Information
Mercer County Offices & Services Area Agency on Aging ....724.662.6222 Building and Grounds .......724.662.3800 Children and Youth ............724.662.2703 Clerk of Courts ...................724.662.7548 Commission for Women ...724.662.3800 Commissioners Kenneth Ammann ...........724.662.7532 Brian Beader ...................724.662.7531 John Lechner ..................724.662.7533 Conservation District ........724.662.2242 Controller ............................724.662.7507 Cooperative Extension ......724.662.3141 Coroner ................................724.662.3800 Cost and Collections .........724.662.7510 Court Administrator ...........724.662.7527 Department of Public Safety .......................724.662.6100 District Attorney .................724.662.7587 District Justice Antos .......724.346.3591 District Justice Arthur ......724.588.3210 District Justice Hinch .......724.662.5230 District Justice McEwen ..724.458.4931 District Justice Songer .....724.346.6541 Domestic Relations ...........724.662.2404 Election ................................724.662.7505 Engineers ............................724.662.4977 Fiscal ....................................724.662.7540 Historical Society ..............724.662.3490
Mercer County Libraries
IPP Administration .................724.662.7518 ARD ...................................724.662.7530 Community Service ........724.662.7523 House Arrest ...................724.662.7521 Pretrial / TASC .................724.662.7522 Jail ........................................724.662.2700 Jury Commissioners ..........724.662.7503 Juvenile Probation ............724.662.7501 Law Library .........................724.662.3800 MHMR .................................724.662.6715 Microfilm .............................724.662.3800 MIS .......................................724.662.3800 Personnel ............................724.662.7514 Prothonotary .......................724.662.7561 Public Defender .................724.662.7628 Purchasing ..........................724.662.7502 Recorder .............................724.662.7573 Sheriff ..................................724.662.6135 Soil Conservation ...............724.662.2242 Solicitor ...............................724.662.3800 Tax Assessment .................724.662.7551 Tax Claim .............................724.662.7550 Treasurer .............................724.662.7508 Veterans Affairs .................724.662.7511 Victim Witness ...................724.662.7589 Voter Registration ..............724.662.7542
Greenville Area Public Library 330 Main St., Greenville, PA 16125-2619 Sheila Kretser, Library Director 724.588.5490, FAX: 724.836.0160 Grove City Community Library 125 West Main St., Grove City, PA 16127-1569 Jessica Hermiller, Library Director 724.458.7320 Mercer Area Library 110 E. Venango St., Mercer, PA 16137-1283 Connie Jewell, Library Director 724.662.4233 Sandy Lake Community Library P.O. Box 344, Sandy Lake, PA 16145-0145 Mrs. Edward Troy, Board President 724.376.3766 Community Library of Shenango Valley 11 North Sharpsville Ave., Sharon, PA 16146-2194 Amy Geisinger, Library Director 724.981.4360 Special Needs Library P.O. Box 364, Mercer, PA 16137 Located in Mercer Public Library 724.662.4147 Stey Nevant Library 1000 Roemer Blvd., Farrell, PA 16121 Margaret Orchard, Library Director 724.983.2714
COLLEGE LIBRARIES Grove City College Henry Buhl Library 100 Campus Dr., Grove City, PA 16127-2198 Diane Grundy, Head Librarian 724.458.2050 Penn State Shenango Lartz Memorial Library 177 Vine Ave., Sharon, PA 16146 Matthew P. Ciszek, Head Librarian 724.983.2876
Mercer County Main Courthouse: 724.662.3800 Alternate Number: 724.962.5711
Thiel College Langenheim Memorial Library Greenville, PA 16125 Douglas Cerroni, Library Director 724.588.7700
LAW LIBRARIES Commissioners Kenneth Ammann 724.662.7532 Brian Beader 724.662.7531 John Lechner 724.662.7533
Mercer County Law Library 305 Courthouse, Mercer, PA 16137 724.662.3800 Ext. 302 Northwestern Legal Services 1031 Roemer Blvd., Farrell, PA 16121 724.346.6112
MEDICAL LIBRARIES Greenville Regional Hospital Medical Library 110 North Main St., Greenville, PA 16125 724.588.2100 Ext. 2671 Sharon Regional Health System Medical Staff Library 740 E. State St., Sharon PA 16146 724.983.3911
603 East McMurray Road McMurray I PA I 15317 724.942.0940