SPECIAL: Monroeville goes Back to School
FALL 2012
We Catch Up with the PLUS!
Monroeville Area Chamber of Commerce Celebrates 60th Anniversary Restland Cemetery is Anything but Restful
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roeville goes
ol Back to Scho
IN Monroeville is a non-partisan community publication dedicated to representing, encouraging and promoting the Monroeville area and its comprising municipalities by focusing on the talents and gifts of the people who live and work here. Our goal is to provide readers with the most informative and professional regional publication in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
We Catch
Up with
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IN Monroeville | FALL 2012 |
Circulatory Centers Fallacies of Varicose Veins and Chronic Venous Insufficiency ..................... | 6
Nova Care Hands-On Rehabilitation ON THE COVER
........................... | 33
The crowd at the 10th Annual Monroeville Jazz Festival is treated to the sounds of national acts Airmen of Note, and Lily Abreu, as well as many local favorites.
UPMC TODAY Health and Wellness News You Can Use | Fall 2012
New Story New Story is a School for Kids Like Me ..... | 35
Get Ready for Fall Soon the leaves will change color and fall to the ground — a welcome mat for cooler days, chilly nights, football games, hayrides, warm sweaters, and everything else that makes fall special.
What’s Inside 2
From Hands to Hips, Shoulders to Knees, UPMC East Does it All
Give Your Back a Break
A Partnership of Hope and Transformation
Magee’s Newest Baby Is Two Stories Tall — and Ready for Guests
Building a Better Emergency Department
Using Your Blood for Natural Healing
Car Buffs Abound in the Region .....................................
Monroeville Area Chamber of Commerce Celebrates 60 Years .............................................................
RAMP Needs Community Participation ........................
Local Singer Plays Pittsburgh, New York .....................
Restland Cemetery is Anything but Restful ................
UPMC Today l Health and Wellness News You Can Use ....
Local Author Teaches Children Life Lessons ...............
Monroeville Arts Council Courthouse Exhibit ............
Monroeville Jazz Festival ..................................................
Back to School ......................................................................
safetydriven learn more on page 10
Welcome to the fall issue of Monroeville magazine. As I write this, we are having one of the hottest summers on record, and it doesn’t look like the record-breaking temperatures will end just because the leaves will be changing colors soon. So while this is the fall issue, I want to reiterate some summer tips from the health department to help you stay safe in the heat. The last two points are probably the most critical because they deal with children and the elderly. Stay cool indoors, preferably in an air-conditioned environment. Fans don’t help much when temperatures are in the 90s. A cool bath or shower is a more effective way to cool off, if you don’t have air conditioning. Better yet, visit someplace that does, such as a senior center, theater, mall or neighbor’s house. Drink plenty of fluids, at least eight cups a day, but avoid alcoholic or caffeinated drinks which actually cause you to lose more fluids. Avoid hot foods and heavy meals, which add heat to your body. Wear lightweight, light-colored and loose-fitting clothing. A widebrimmed hat provides shade and helps keep the head cool. Sunscreen can prevent sunburn, which can affect your body’s ability to cool itself and also cause a loss of body fluids. Avoid strenuous physical activity, particularly during the hotter part of the day. Never leave a child, or a pet, in a vehicle alone on a hot day. A child may become disoriented in just five minutes, unconscious in 10 and brain-damaged in 20. Use the buddy system and check on the elderly and the infirm who do not have air conditioning and are less able to take care of themselves. For senior citizens, local governments also establish cooling centers to help people to beat the heat. Contact your local municipality for the one nearest you before the temperatures top 90 again. As always, enjoy your fall, IN Monroeville! Wayne Dollard, Publisher
Wayne Dollard RE GION AL E DIT ORS
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WE WANT TO KNOW: How did you meet your spouse? Some of the best stories we hear are how two people happened to get together. Some met in bars, some in supermarkets, while others met in more unique circumstances. Send us your story of how you met your spouse. We’ll run the best ones in the next issue. Also include a photo of you and your spouse, how many years you’ve been married and when your anniversary is. Send your story to p.palongue@incommunitymagazines.com or mail them to IN Community Magazines, 603 East McMurray Road, McMurray, PA 15317. You can also fax us at 724.942.0968.
Sophia Alfaras Brian Daley David Despot Andrea Graham Julie Graff Jason Huffman Connie McDaniel Brian McKee
Gabriel Negri Aimee Nicolia Annette Petrone Vincent Sabatini Michael Silvert Karen Turkovich RJ Vighetti Nikki Capezio-Watson
This magazine is carrier route mailed to all district households and businesses. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Copyright 2012. CORRESPONDENCE Direct all inquiries, comments and press releases to: IN Community Magazines Attn: Editorial 603 East McMurray Road McMurray, PA 15317 Ph: 724.942.0940 Fax: 724.942.0968 www.incommunitymagazines.com Winter content deadline: October 12
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Western Pennsylvania is home to many of these events, thanks to the many gearheads who live in the region. Here is a sampling of some of the many popular car cruises in the Pittsburgh area: Mineral Beach (in Finleyville) – This popular event happens every Friday night starting the first Friday in May, and often includes motorcycles as well as cars. This larger cruise usually includes several hundred cars. Wendy’s (in Peters Township, along Rt. 19) – This cruise is every Monday night beginning April 16th, and is a smaller cruise that usually has about 50 to 100 cars. McDonald’s (Meadowlands - Racetrack Road) – This event is held every other Saturday, beginning May 5. It is a medium-sized cruise is sponsored by The Washington Cruisers Car Club (www.washingtoncruisers.com).
For some, the smell of car wax, the heat of the summertime sunshine and the strains of Fifties music take them back to their younger days. In their minds, they go back to a time when having good weather and a great car for the afternoon, and the free time to enjoy it, were all that you needed for some fun. Nostalgia lovers, dust off the Turtle Wax car polish and break out the buffer. Thankfully, it’s again the time of year when you can lower the convertible roof on the car and go cruising, allowing the wind to blow through your hair, smelling the summer flowers and watching the gawkers staring at you as you roll past them in your classic car. After all, what’s the sense of having an antique car or a classic muscle car if you can’t show it off and allow others to enjoy it? Sharing the love of design, beauty and mechanics of a classic car or muscle car is part of the joy of collecting such vehicles. It also can be a quick cure for any lingering winter blues. The weather has warmed up—prematurely, in the eyes of some weather observers—but not too early for the many car buffs in Western Pennsylvania who have been waiting for the Car Cruise season to begin. Car cruises are an American tradition in which owners of classic and high-performance cars meet together in parking lots and other wide-open spaces, to show off their vehicles and to enjoy an afternoon or evening of fun with other car lovers. Often these events include music or entertainment and food, and sometimes, they even have races. All local car cruises are weather-dependent. Check the web sites for each cruise regularly to determine if a cruise will be held when foul weather could be imminent. While each car cruise is unique in its location and the makeup of vehicles, owners, and attractions, every car buff comes to the hobby by his or her own path. It could have started with a secret childhood yearning for a hot rod, or by catching a glimpse of something extraordinary in a shop window, seen totally by happenstance. Like a lover retelling the story of his romance, each classic car owner has a tale to tell about how he and his car were united.
Wexford Star Lite Car Cruise (Wexford) – Wexford Star Lite Car Cruise is held every Friday night from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., starting May 25, through Labor Day. This is one of the largest weekly cruises in the region, and usually has more than 1,000 cars attending each week. The Wexford Star Lite Car Cruise is free and is hosted and presented by North Way Christian Community (www.starlitecarcruise.com). Ultimate Car Cruise (Galleria at Pittsburgh Mills) – Every Wednesday from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., May 16 through October. This cruise and many others can be found listed at the website www.carcruises.com. Flashlight Drags (Waynesburg) – Features a car show, a car cruise, a vendor’s midway, music, food and more. The idea behind this event sprang from the need for local hot rodders to have a place to legally and safely race each other. The essence of the event is providing a safe environment in which to enjoy the excitement of street racing, with an equal measure of nostalgia—which is where the antique and classic cars displayed at the event make their greatest impact. www.flashlightdrags.com. Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix International Car Show (Schenley Park, Pittsburgh) – Held every July and touted by international media including National Geographic magazine, the Vintage Grand Prix once hosted competitive races between racers in vintage cars around the park’s winding roads, but for years the entire event has been for show, and as always, still benefits charity. More than 2,000 cars, many of them very high-end, will be displayed at the event, in which all makes of car are welcome. Held annually since 1983, the Vintage Grand Prix has raised more than $2.75 million to benefit autistic and developmentally disabled people.
Monroeville | Fall 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 1
Jerry Burns shares an antique pickup and open-cockpit 1930s “It just said ‘Roy and Emma Hicks’ right in the glass there,” he said. “I was always intrigued by that and I wanted antique midget racer with his high school sweetheart and to follow up somehow.” wife of 56 years, also named Gerry. Burns began a complete, frame-off restoration of the ’51 When speeding about in his midget racer proved pickup—a process that took about two to be too dangerous for his wife’s years—and once again recruited his son to liking, Jerry put life in the fast do some online detective work to track lane in his rear view mirror and down the farm truck’s previous owners. began searching for an antique The Ford had original Colorado plates pickup that could harbor the old Ford F-1 Pickup which narrowed the search down for the racer in its bed for local car Burnses. They struck gold on their first try shows and cruises. 1951 when they called the 75-year-old Hicks Computer-illiterate Burns and made arrangements to meet when made his son responsible for the the restoration was complete. online truck search which ended In 2000, Burns drove out to Colorado in 1998 when they stumbled to visit the previous owner in his newly restored antique across a 1951 Ford F-1 pickup truck for sale in Cranberry. pickup truck. Hicks was blown away by the condition and Burns drove out from his Monroeville home and bought restoration of his old truck which was stripped to the last the old truck with 50,000 miles on the odometer for nut and bolt and entirely rebuilt with new parts. $2,850 the same day. Burns replaced the truck’s 100-horsepower flat-head On the return drive to Monroeville, the former racer noticed a couple’s name etched into the truck’s speedometer. engine, installed new transmission and suspension systems
and repainted the Ford’s exterior with a deep, Mercedes-blue finish and black fenders. The sides of the Ford F-1 were given a 'number47' decal to match the midget racer. He also completely replaced the truck’s bed in the two-year restoration that he estimates set the Burns family back about $18,000. “My wife said, ‘If you spend another dollar on that truck bed, you’ll be sleeping in it,’” he joked. Burns, 73, and Hicks ostensibly formed a friendship, bonding over their common truck. Both families still share Christmas cards and set up annual meetings to catch up with one another. It wasn’t long after Burns returned from his Colorado trip that he registered the antique truck and racer as a unit at a car show outside Columbus, Ohio. Participants in the show were immediately impressed with the vintage racer’s condition and vintage exterior and the truck’s original five-star extra cab which includes key entries in both doors, chromed door handles, an eight-tube radio and a full-sized heater—rare luxuries for truck models in the early 1950s. The unit’s amenities were enough to earn the Monroeville man a 'best in show' award and the first of many first-place trophies that he’s earned throughout the mid-west over the past decade. Jerry Burns was raised in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania and currently lives in Monroeville. He and his wife Gerry have three adult children.
Monroeville | Fall 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 3
Monroeville Area Chamber of Commerce
Celebrates 60th Anniversary Driving along the bustling Route 22 corridor in Monroeville, it is hard to imagine a time when the busy highway wasn’t lined with businesses of every imaginable type – from retailers to restaurants, hotels to health centers, specialty services to spas. But, 60 years ago, when the founders of what would become the Monroeville Area Chamber of Commerce first banded together, there were only a few businesses in a tiny borough. Those founding members had the foresight to see the potential of the Route 22 corridor, explains Debbie Iszauk, who is currently the director of member services for the chamber. “They saw it truly as a gateway to where the community could go and grow.” The chamber now is celebrating its landmark diamond year – an achievement 60 years in the making. “In many ways, the growth of the chamber mirrors the growth of Monroeville, from the time it was a small borough,” says Iszauk. In 1952, Monroeville was a small little borough without a lot of enterprise, she explains. The now expansive Route 22 was a simple single-lane road with just a few businesses peppered along it. Around that time, a group of the borough’s early entrepreneurs, the Monroeville Board of Trade, incorporated to become the Monroeville Businessmen’s Association, which eventually would evolve into today’s Monroeville Area Chamber of Commerce. One of the first issues the newly-formed organization addressed was to place signage at the Ohio Turnpike line to point travelers toward Monroeville. At the time, Irwin and Wilkinsburg were two of the major landmarks along the route. “The association thought it was really important to have that sign,” says Iszauk. At that time, the cost, $150 per year, was quite expensive. “It was really a big deal. That was huge money then. To accomplish that, and to raise that kind of money, was really a jumping-off point of coming together as a business community,” she adds. Some of the early milestones the organization worked to accomplish included the establishment of the Monroeville Post Office. Members headed to Washington, D.C., in 1954 and were successful in convincing officials to approve a post office branch in the borough. But, they still had work to do when they returned home – they
- by Dana Black McGrath had to find a suitable building at a reasonable long-term rate as well as work with local officials to establish the necessary road and traffic improvements to support the branch. That was a task that early members took very seriously, for the new post office and throughout the borough. “They knew that for the community to be successful, it had to have good roads, infrastructure, and signage,” says Iszauk. Their work paid off, as today’s most recognizable commercial landmarks – like Miracle Mile and Monroeville Mall – were developed. “Those are the things that really helped to define Monroeville,” says Iszauk. As a result, the area grew to become the second most densely commerced region between downtown Pittsburgh and Harrisburg. Over the years, the organization’s name has gone through many transformations, becoming known as the Monroeville Chamber of Commerce in 1957, the Monroeville Area Chamber of Commerce from 1966 to 1982, and the Greater Monroeville Area Chamber
of Commerce from 1983 to 1988. Its current incarnation, the Monroeville Area Chamber of Commerce, was established in 1989. That name more accurately reflects the membership of the organization, which stands at about 750 members, explains Iszauk. “We are not just a zip code chamber,” she says. “Certainly there are Monroeville businesses, but also members from Penn Hills, Plum, Murrysville, Greensburg, Irwin, North Versailles, North Huntingdon, and even downtown and the airport area.” For all members, the chamber provides the opportunity and acts as a conduit for businesses to make contact with one another. Providing exceptional service to those members is a top priority for the chamber, according to Frank Horrigan, chamber president. “Our first goal, as always, is to increase our size and attract more members,” he says, “but it is just as important to make sure that those members who are in the fold stay happy.” At a time when many such organizations are struggling, the Monroeville Area Chamber of Commerce is growing, and is the largest non-county chamber in the area. But the organization’s leadership is not planning to rest on its laurels. Horrigan says a board retreat is being planned to discuss and determine a direction for the future. “One of the questions we all wrestle with is to put ourselves in the shoes of prospective members who may ask why they should join,” he says. That answer may be different depending on a prospective member’s type and size of business. Chamber members range in size from a sole proprietorship to large corporations, and appealing to companies both small and large presents a challenge. “They may have a very different but related set of needs that they want to have addressed,” says Horrigan. “We have to be able to identify those needs.” Part of that mission is to work in a nonpartisan manner to meet with and present concerns to elected officials, and build a community that is involved and engaged. “We work to bring the business community and residents together to celebrate that Monroeville is a great place to do business, and to live, shop and dine,” says Iszauk.
The Monroeville Area Chamber of Commerce will celebrate its 60th Diamond Anniversary at its annual Monroeville ROCS dinner on November 8 at the Doubletree. The event is open to everyone, Chamber members and the community alike. Please contact the Chamber at 412.856.9622 or info@monroevillechamber.com for more information. For more information about the Monroeville Area Chamber of Commerce, visit the website at www.monroevillechamber.com. 4
Thursday September 13, 2012 4:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Monroeville Convention Center 209 Mall Boulevard
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of Varicose Veins and Chronic Venous Insufficiency 1. Spider veins are the same as varicose veins. Spider veins and varicose veins are caused by dysfunctional valves within the vein. Spider veins appear as a nest of veins just below the surface of the skin. They typically do not bulge above the surface. Varicose veins, however, are a sign of more significant venous disease and should be diagnosed and treated by a physician. 2. Prolonged standing does not play a role in varicose vein development. Regularly spending a large part of a workday on your feet, puts you at higher risk for developing varicose veins. In an attempt to reduce the strain standing causes, individuals with careers that require prolonged standing should make a point to walk regularly and perform isolated calf exercises by contracting and relaxing the calf muscles to assist the veins in “pumping” blood through the leg veins. 3. Varicose veins are a cosmetic issue and do not need treatment. Varicose veins were previously thought of as a cosmetic condition. However, contemporary understanding of the actual disease process indicates varicose veins can ultimately progress to a more serious condition called chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). If left untreated, CVI is a progressively deteriorating disease that can result in increasingly serious signs and symptoms. Leg pain, swelling, restlessness, skin damage and ulcers are all potential symptoms of untreated venous insufficiency. As a treatable condition, varicose veins should be evaluated by a physician and various minimally-invasive treatments can be explored before the varicose veins progress. 4. Excessive weight does not contribute to varicose veins and CVI. Being overweight is directly associated with the formation of varicose veins. Added pressure on the legs and ankles causes the veins to bulge and the resulting valve stress can lead to failure and CVI. Maintaining a healthy weight through healthy eating and regular exercise is recommended. By exercising and strengthening the calf muscles, improved venous flow by calf muscle augmentation is achieved.
5. Men do not develop varicose veins and CVI. Men and women are both at risk to develop varicose veins and CVI. More than 40% of men develop venous disease before the age of 60. Unfortunately, the majority of men do not seek treatment until the condition worsens. While this is still able to be treated, early recognition and timely treatment are the best way to treat varicose veins and CVI. 6. Compression stockings and elevating your feet are cures for varicose veins. Compression stockings provide external compression on the leg and this helps to reduce aching and swelling. This is a way to manage symptoms but does not affect the long term management of the disease in any positive way. People with varicose veins, who choose to manage their symptoms with only compression stockings, will need to continue to wear stockings for as long as they live. Similarly, elevating the feet above the level of the heart when lying down will relieve some pressure and swelling, but is also temporary. As soon as the patient resumes an upright posture, the benefit of elevation is lost. 7. Genetics and age do not play a role in the development of varicose veins and CVI. Women older than 50 are most likely to develop venous disease. However, men and women of all ages can develop varicose veins and experience venous insufficiency. If you have a family member with varicose veins or CVI, you are more likely to develop varicose veins in your lifetime. Therefore, genetics and age play a significant role in the development of varicose veins. 8. Varicose veins do not develop after trauma. Trauma to the legs has been shown to lead to the development of signs and symptoms of CVI and varicose veins. Injuries where significant swelling or bruising is produced are at times associated with varicose vein development. 9. Pregnancy does not cause varicose veins. Pregnancy increases blood volume, hormones cause the veins to be more pliable and external compression to the pelvic veins during pregnancy causes increased pressure inside the leg veins. These factors may contribute to the creation of varicose veins in the legs.
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Monroeville | Fall 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 7
Local Singer Plays Pittsburgh, New York By Jonathan Barnes
Kara Mikula has the best of both worlds for an actress – she is based in New York, but she is also able to perform in her hometown of Pittsburgh and many other places. Mikula, 28, who currently lives in Monroeville, appeared in the Pittsburgh CLO Cabaret musical, Ruthless at the Pittsburgh CLO Cabaret Dinner Theater, a 200-seat venue in downtown Pittsburgh. Because of her deep roots in Pittsburgh, Mikula has an edge on other performers who are unable to leave New York perform in other cities. That exibility helps her to stay busy acting. “Fortunately, Pittsburgh has so much theater. I did move to New York and that is where I am based. But I’m considered a local hire, because I have so much family here. They don’t have to put me up,â€? Mikula says. “Though I'm based in New York, I’m so lucky to have this contact... It’s kind of like you go where the work is. I've worked in Kansas City and New Jersey.â€? Ruthless is a farce about a third grade girl, Tina Denmark, who wants to be the lead in Pippi in Tahiti - a play about Pippi Longstocking. Instead, the girl is cast as the dog in the play. Mikula portrayed the grandmother, Lita Encore, a rough-cut theater critic. Her character really emerged in the play at the end of the ďŹ rst act, which gave the mezzo-soprano a chance to have her brassy voice heard in the highly stylized musical. The musical started in January and ran through May 6. It was not the ďŹ rst time that Mikula had performed locally. Last summer she was in the CLO's production of The Sound of Music, at the Benedum Theater downtown. Two years ago, she was in the CLO’s production of Oliver, which was also at the Benedum. These performances were milestones, since the young performer was long familiar with the local theater. “I used to go see all the CLO shows at the Benedum,â€? Mikula says. As a child, her interest in the arts was immediately apparent. She began to play violin and piano at the age of three and began dancing soon after. Her ďŹ rst big gig was performing in Annie in seventh grade. She took voice lessons from vocal teacher Sandra Greciano and still takes an occasional lesson from her vocal coach, who also taught her in college. Mikula attended Point Park University, studying musical theater and graduating with honors in 2005. As it is with some artists, crooning was in her blood. “I love to sing – I always have. I was always afraid of acting really, until I went to college,â€? Mikula added. These days, in addition to holding down a job in New York, she teaches voice to some students. Mikula’s vocal coach couldn't be more proud. 8
“She shows a lot of confidence, but she's always very willing to try and that’s very obvious. Her voice is always what sells her,” Greciano says. When Mikula began to train with Greciano, her star quality was not obvious. “It wasn’t just there. She was always willing to do the work,” she says. “She's a wonderful spirit. You cannot knock her down, you just can’t.” Mikula credited Greciano with being one of the of the greatest influences of her life. “I owe her everything,” she proclaims of her voice teacher. Greciano said Mikula has the talent and other skills needed to make it much higher in her field. “She has the most important ingredient; resilience. She is always out there, she never gives up. She knows what she can do, it’s just a matter of persevering.” Despite the fact that the CLO Cabaret Dinner Theater seats hundreds and the Benedum Center seats nearly 3,000, the way in which the performers work does not change. “The quality of performance never changes. In a 200-seat space, you can see the people, you can see their faces. It's very exciting. In the Benedum, it’s just a big black void.” While her father and mother and two sisters now live in Charlotte, North Carolina, Mikula still has lots of extended family members in the Pittsburgh area, staying with a cousin these days. In her free time, she still plays piano and violin, which she finds relaxing. Having the chance to stay busy and make money in her her chosen profession is thrilling. “I’m having a blast... It’s hard, because it’s inconsistent. But I'm happy to be performing,” notes Mikula.
Don’t Forget to Register
Monroeville Public Library
for the Monroeville Public Library
The Monroeville Public Library and Platinum Sponsor UPMC East are pleased to announce the inaugural Book Blast 5K Walk/Run on Sunday, September 16th at 9 a.m. at the Monroeville Community Park. As a reminder, t-shirts are only guaranteed if you register by Friday, August 31st. For more information about the race and a registration form, please visit the library or go to: www.monroevillelibrary.org/bookblast5k.php.
Monroeville | Fall 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 9
SAFETY IS OUR NUMBER ONE PRIORITY Peoples Natural Gas has launched an extensive program to modernize our infrastructure. More than $100 million has been invested to replace pipelines throughout our 16 county service territory ory y.. This means replacing over 40 miles of old cast-iron pipes and hiring additional pipeline workers and local contractors to do it. Last yearr,, we brought back 200 family-sustaining jobs to the region. This pipeline replacement program is the first major construction initiative of Peoples Natural Gas and it has been made for your safety and the need to modernize our infrastructure for the future. Safety is the number one priority of Peoples Natural Gas. Every day we strive to keep our customers, our employees and our communities safe. Peoples Natural Gas would like to remind you to help us keep your community safe. Know what’s what’s below. below. Call 811 before before you dig. State law requires you to call 811 at least three days before you dig.
A lot lot of of people people talk talk about about keeping keeping our our communities communities safe, safe, we’re we’re actually actually doing doing iit. t.
Peoples Natural Gas has launched an extensive program to modernize our infrastructure. More than $100 million has been invested to replace pipelines throughout our 16 county service territory. This means replacing over 40 miles of old cast-iron pipes and hiring additional pipeline workers and local contractors to do it. Last year, we brought 200 jobs back to our region. These are not temporary jobs, but family sustaining jobs – the type of jobs that generations build on. Through the end of 2012, you will see Peoples Natural Gas employees hard at work on this project to improve the infrastructure of our communities. We will replace all the cast iron pipe in our entire system and continue to modernize our infrastructure in the years ahead. This is an extensive project and we appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to complete it. Peoples Natural Gas is once again a Western Pennsylvania managed company. All our management lives in the region. Our sole priority is serving our local communities. Our new company has refocused its total efforts right here. This pipeline replacement program is the first major construction initiative of Peoples Natural Gas and it has been made for your safety, and the need to modernize our infrastructure for the future.
Moving to St. Barnabas is as easy as 1-2-3. Now through July 31, 2012, St. Barnabas will make your move easy and affordable with our limited-time, move-in package.
1. Up to $2,000 off the cost of your move 2. A professional moving organizer 3. A professional market analysis of your home Offer good for The Village at St. Barnabas and The Washington Place. Must take possession by July 31, 2012. Call 724-444-5573 today or visit www.stbarnabascommunities.com 5850 Meridian Road Gibsonia, PA 15044
Safety is the number one priority of Peoples Natural Gas. Every day, we strive to keep our customers, our employees and our communities safe. Here are 3 Sensible Words about Natural Gas to help keep you and your family safe. Natural gas leaks are rare. But they can happen. Your senses will alert you if a leak occurs. SIGHT - Escaping gas affects the nutrients in soil, so discolored soil or dead vegetation near a pipeline may indicate a leak. Dirt or water blowing up from the group may indicate a natural gas leak. SOUND - Natural gas leaks may make a hissing or a high-pitched whistling noise. Noises will vary based on the line pressure. SMELL - A strong odor of natural gas can indicate unburned fuel in the air. Because the gas is odorless, a sulfur based odorant is added to give it a rotten-egg smell that warns of its presence. Be alert for this odorant or any petroleum smell.
Peoples Natural Gas emergency personnel are on duty to assist you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you smell a natural gas odor, suspect a leak, or there is a fire, leave the area immediately and call the Peoples Natural Gas emergency service line at 1-800-400-4271.
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Monroeville | Fall 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 11
By Pamela Palongue
Restland-Lincoln Memorial Park, originally known as Restland Cemetery is the picture of serenity with century-old shade trees, a peaceful lake and gently rolling, green hills dotted with headstones. At night however, and in the wee hours of the morning, the 25-acre resting place is apparently anything but restful‌ There is reportedly a young woman that walks the cemetery at night known only asď€Žď€‚ď€‹ď€Œď€‡ď€…ď€ ď€? or ď€Žď€ƒď€„ď€‰ď€ˆď€‡ď€Šď€†ď€€ď€‚ď€‹ď€Œď€‡ď€…ď€ ď€? because of her penchant for roaming the expansive grounds in the evening hours. Not all of the restless spirits are nocturnal it would seem, as there are a young girl and a soldier who make occasional appearances. The little girl appears to be from another era, such as the late 1800s to early 1900s, and peers at visitors from behind a tree. The soldier is a Vietnam Veteran apparently recognized by local residents who knew him in life. He sticks close to his grave and stands at the ready with a gun, according to observers. Unfortunately, not much more is known about the inhabitants or the story of their untimely passing, but they seem to have a willingness to connect with passersby. Although there are reportedly tombstones dating back to the Revolutionary War era, the sta of Restland are not aware of any graves that are quite this old, with most of the graves originating in the 1940s or later. The cemetery has been visited by Steel Town Paranormal who collaborated on an investigation with another local paranormal group. Although they were able to capture some interesting voices on their recordings, they were not able to produce photographic evidence of the full-body apparitions for which Restland is so famous. However, one of the investigators did observe a grayishcolored mist floating above the headstones. It appeared condensed into a shapeless mass, rather than the usual appearance of mist or fog, which is more transparent and less defined. According to the investigator, there were no atmospheric conditions that could account for the mist, such as early morning fog, abrupt temperature changes or condensation. Restland-Lincoln Memorial Park is a beautiful place to visit. But don’t be surprised if your visit includes a few curious onlookers from the past, hoping to connect with the present.
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Monroeville | Fall 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 13
UPMC TODAY Health and Wellness News You Can Use | Fall 2012
Get Ready for Fall Soon the leaves will change color and fall to the ground — a welcome mat for cooler days, chilly nights, football games, hayrides, warm sweaters, and everything else that makes fall special.
What’s Inside 2
From Hands to Hips, Shoulders to Knees, UPMC East Does it All
Give Your Back a Break Using Your Blood for Natural Healing
A Partnership of Hope and Transformation
Magee’s Newest Baby Is Two Stories Tall — and Ready for Guests
Building a Better Emergency Department
From Hands to Hips, Shoulders to Knees, UPMC East Does it All Comprehensive orthopaedic and joint replacement surgery now offered close to home.
patients. In addition to general inpatient orthopaedic procedures, the hospital offers a total joint replacement program that includes primary knee and hip replacements, complex knee replacements, and shoulder and elbow replacements. Other procedures include surgeries involving the spine, feet, elbows, hands, and wrists. Hand specialist Robert Kaufmann, MD, an orthopaedic surgeon at UPMC East and director of UPMC Monroeville Surgery Center, describes the new hospital as “an asset to the community.” “The benefits are enormous,” says Dr. Kaufmann. “We’re providing patients from the eastern suburbs access to UPMC’s high-quality care without having to drive through the Squirrel Hill tunnel,” he adds.
Expert care for complex cases
David Ehman (left) at a postoperative checkup with Dr. Brian Klatt.
Eager to walk again without pain, David Ehman jumped at the opportunity to have knee replacement surgery at UPMC East, which is much closer to his home. To his surprise, he was first in line — officially the new hospital’s first surgical patient. “It’s outstanding. Everything is beautiful. Having top-notch care this side of Pittsburgh is excellent,” says David, a corrections officer. “Best of all, UPMC East is an easy drive from my home. I’ll definitely be coming back to have my other knee replaced.” His surgeon, Brian Klatt, MD, chief of orthopaedics at UPMC East, says the new hospital offers residents in Pittsburgh’s eastern suburbs the same orthopaedic specialists and surgeons who practice at UPMC’s renowned Oakland facilities. “That’s what’s so exciting to our patients. They don’t have to travel into the city. We’re bringing the finest surgeons right here to their community,” says Dr. Klatt.
Dr. Kaufmann says area residents will still have outpatient procedures performed across the street at the surgery center, but complex upper extremity surgeries will be done at the new hospital. “There are no limitations. The surgical expertise available at UPMC East can handle any complex case — and handle it well,” he says. Michael Rogal, MD, an orthopaedic surgeon and sports medicine specialist, says UPMC East offers the benefits and personalized care of a community hospital with the surgical expertise of a specialized hospital. “Convenience plays an important part in the healing process. Instead of asking patients to go to Oakland for specialized treatment, we’re bringing that training and expertise to patients here in the eastern suburbs,” Dr. Rogal says.
A team approach At UPMC East, a comprehensive team approach assures that patients receive the best possible care from orthopaedic surgeons, sports medicine specialists, physiatrists, nurses, and physical therapists. Rehabilitation and physical therapy begin almost immediately after surgery.
A growing need As people live longer and strive to stay active and healthy, the demand for joint replacement surgery is growing, Dr. Klatt says. Advanced joint reconstruction techniques, minimally invasive surgery, and computer-assisted surgery available at UPMC East help to restore function and shorten hospital stays for
“Our goal is to provide patients with the highest level of individualized care, using the latest technology to restore their quality of life as quickly, comfortably, and conveniently as possible,” says Dr. Klatt. To schedule an appointment with one of our orthopaedic surgeons, call 1-800-533-UPMC (8762).
Health Tips from UPMC Health Plan
Give Your Back a Break
“And studies show that smokers have more back problems than non-smokers, which is another good reason to quit,” she adds. To help keep your back healthy and strong, Dr. Moon also recommends the following: Sit up straight. Use good posture when sitting or standing. That improves muscle tone and makes breathing easier.
Tips that can help you avoid back pain.
Work out. Back and abdominal exercises strengthen the core muscles that support your back, while low-impact aerobics strengthens bones and improves blood flow to muscles.
Amazingly complex, remarkably strong, and incredibly flexible, your back is one of the most important parts of your body. Without it, you couldn’t stand up straight, walk on the beach, chase after the kids, or dance the night away.
Lose it. Being overweight puts added strain on your back muscles. Carrying weight around your midsection isn’t good for your heart either.
Like most people, you probably take your back for granted — until it starts to hurt. “Eight out of 10 Americans will have back pain at some point in their lives,” says M. Melissa Moon, DO, a physician in the UPMC Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. So what’s causing all those achy backs? “Everyday habits like hunching over your computer, toting a heavy purse or backpack, or picking up a toddler are often to blame for the pain,” says Dr. Moon.
Using Your Blood for Natural Healing Even after having surgery for a sports-related groin injury, recovery was slow for Megan Cortazzo, MD, a physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist with UPMC. A fellow physician suggested platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy — and her results were so positive that she now offers the service to patients at UPMC.
Think before lifting. Remember to keep your back straight and bend at the knees or hips when lifting something. Ask for help with a heavy load. Pay attention. If you feel back pain during any activity, stop and rest. Your body may be trying to keep you from getting hurt. Call the doctor. Most back pain can be relieved with self-care. However, Dr. Moon recommends that you see a doctor if: đ You have pain after a fall or injury. đ You have weakness, pain, or numbness in one or both legs. đ The pain is severe and doesn’t improve with medication and rest. đ The pain is accompanied by trouble urinating, fever, or unintentional weight loss. Learn more about building a healthy back at UPMC.com/Today. Source: National Institutes of Health
It also can be an effective alternative to surgery for patients with a wide range of conditions, she says, including: • Chronic tennis elbow (tendinosis) • Mild to moderate rotator cuff tears • Chronic ankle sprains • Mild arthritis of the knee For best results, Dr. Cortazzo recommends combining PRP therapy with physical therapy.
What is PRP therapy? PRP therapy is a type of regenerative injection therapy (RIT) that promotes the healing of injured or deteriorated tissue. “Platelets are rich in growth factors that stimulate healing,” explains Dr. Cortazzo. “We draw a small quantity of the patient’s blood and spin it in a special centrifuge machine. The process extracts platelets, which we then inject at the point of injury or inflammation,” says Dr. Cortazzo.
Is PRP therapy covered by insurance? Because it is still in its infancy, medical insurance does not cover PRP therapy. “Although it’s a self-pay procedure, many patients feel it’s worthwhile because it can eliminate lost work time and the cost of a deductible for surgery,” explains Dr. Cortazzo. “Most of all, they want the relief from pain it offers.”
Who should use PRP therapy? “PRP therapy’s use by professional athletes has generated tremendous interest in the procedure,” says Dr. Cortazzo.
For more information about PRP, call UPMC Rehabilitation Institute at 412-692-4400, or go to UPMC.com/prp.
A Partnership of Hope and Transformation Every year, the lives of 74,000 cancer patients and their families are transformed by the care, specialized services, and research of UPMC CancerCenter, Partner with University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute.
Applying good science, investing in smart technology, and putting patients first. That’s the philosophy driving the cuttingedge research and lifesaving care offered through UPMC CancerCenter, Partner with University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute (UPCI).
A network like no other UPMC CancerCenter is one of the nation’s largest integrated community networks of cancer physicians and health care specialists. Its more than 30 locations throughout western Pennsylvania and Ohio — including UPMC East — bring outstanding cancer care close to home for many patients. “One of the main strengths of the UPMC CancerCenter network is its ability to obtain virtually identical results wherever patients are treated,” says Peter Ellis, MD, director of the medical oncology network. “Our Clinical Pathways are evidence-based care standards that provide uniformity across the network.”
Three powerful pillars supported by 1,700 experts “Through our quarter-century-long partnership, UPCI and UPMC CancerCenter have identified three pillars that enable us to achieve our common goals: clinical care, specialized care, and research,” says Stanley Marks, MD, chairman of UPMC CancerCenter.
UPMC is consistently ranked by U.S. News & World Report as having one of the best cancer programs in the nation.
“We’re committed to being a leader in the fight against cancer today and tomorrow, with the patient always at the center of all we do,” says Nancy Davidson, MD, director of UPMC CancerCenter. “From the groundbreaking research that takes place in our laboratories to our delivery of the latest cancer therapies in locations throughout the region, we’re at the frontline of cancer prevention, detection, diagnosis, and treatment,” she says. “We also play a key role in inspiring and educating the next generation of bright young scientists and cancer specialists.”
“It’s not always easy to see the ‘behind the scenes’ story of who we are and what we do. With these three pillars, we marshal the resources of nearly 250 medical, radiation, and surgical oncology physicians; more than 1,160 nurses, technicians, and staff; and 350 research and clinical faculty,” he explains. “Few organizations in the country can match the level of scientific and medical expertise, state-of-the-art technology, and physical locations found here.”
Pillar I: Clinical Care From the moment of diagnosis, UPMC CancerCenter’s network of nearly 100 medical oncologists links patients to a full range of treatments and services that include: đ Conventional chemotherapy đƫStem cell transplants đƫBiological therapy
đƫTargeted therapies đƫHormone therapy đƫPerfusion therapy
Pillar III: Research UPCI physicians and scientists are recognized leaders in molecular and medical oncology research. Their primary goal is to discover new ways to prevent, treat, and cure all types of cancer, particularly those with the lowest survival rates. Working hand-in-hand with UPMC CancerCenter, UPCI’s investigators strive to translate their research into actual treatment. More than 300 clinical trials now underway at UPCI give patients access to cutting-edge therapies long before they are broadly available. The National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) 12th most-funded cancer research institution, UPCI received more than $174 million in support in 2011. UPCI is also western Pennsylvania’s only NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center. Mark Sosinski, MD, a nationally recognized lung cancer specialist who joined the UPMC CancerCenter and UPCI team in 2011, says “This was a good fit for me and my research, but the strong leadership really stood out.”
The UPMC CancerCenter radiation oncology network includes 16 community-based radiation oncology centers and 10 dual radiation and medical oncology centers. Many of these sites offer innovative, advanced technology that allows for more precise tumor imaging and radiation treatment. The surgical oncology network specializes in the surgical treatment of a wide variety of cancers, including many rare and difficult tumors. Its multidisciplinary team of physicians has attracted national attention for work in areas such as minimally invasive surgery, including robotic surgery; specialized procedures, such as the pancreatic Whipple; and regional perfusion therapy, which directs high concentrations of chemotherapy to the tumor site.
Pillar II: Specialized Care For patients with challenging or late-stage cancers, UPMC’s Hillman Cancer Center is a beacon of hope and innovation. It is home to internationally regarded surgical, medical, and radiation oncology specialists who perform treatments and procedures unavailable elsewhere in the region. Hillman also has the area’s most advanced imaging technologies to detect cancer and monitor treatment. Nationally ranked Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC features dedicated and comprehensive women’s cancer care, including breast, ovarian, uterine, and cervical cancers. For patients with hard-to-treat cancers, UPCI and UPMC CancerCenter offer disease-specific multidisciplinary clinics called Specialty Care Centers (SCC) designed to provide quick access to leading specialists. Many SCC reviews are done over the Internet, eliminating the need for long-distance travel. Care for children, adolescents, and young adults with cancer is provided at the highly-ranked Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC.
To learn more about UPMC CancerCenter, Partner with University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, visit UPMCCancerCenter.com.
Hillman Cancer Center Celebrates 10-Year Anniversary When the Hillman Cancer Center opened its doors in 2002, it was hailed as an architectural gem — its spectacular, glass-block walled atrium serving as a symbolic link between research and patient care. Today, Hillman Cancer Center is the treatment and research flagship of the growing UPMC CancerCenter network. A 350,000-square-foot comprehensive cancer center, Hillman is home to UPMC CancerCenter’s pre-eminent clinical care for patients and UPCI’s internationally recognized academic and research programs. Here, patients and their families have access to specialized cancer diagnosis, prevention, care, and treatment, including multidisciplinary outpatient stem cell transplant services.
Architectural rendering of the patient waiting area of the Mario Lemieux Center for Blood Cancers, currently under construction at Hillman Cancer Center.
Opening in January 2013, the new Mario Lemieux Center for Blood Cancers will offer comprehensive diagnostic services, individually designed treatment plans, and long-term follow-up services to patients with leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, multiple myeloma, and other blood malignancies. For more information, visit UPMCCancerCenter.com.
Magee’s Newest Baby Is Two Stories Tall — and Ready for Guests New state-of-the-art intensive care and cancer care units blend the latest in medical technology with the best in patient comfort.
It’s no coincidence that the words hospital and hospitality share the same Latin root, hospes, which means to treat guests with kindness and care. That spirit of welcome is immediately evident in the thoughtful design of two newly opened patient care units at MageeWomens Hospital of UPMC — one of Magee’s major expansion projects during a century of providing medical service.
“Their ideas and suggestions helped us create a quiet, calming, and safe environment for patients and caregivers. Each patient room is filled with natural light and decorated in soothing earth tones, blending comfort with technology. That kind of setting is very important to healing.”
Emphasizing patient and family-centered care Because studies confirm that the presence of loved ones promotes recovery, each patient room in the new unit features a comfortable sleeper sofa to encourage overnight stays. Family members also can order in-room meals for a modest fee, and all patient rooms have free Internet access and cable television. “Every room has separate zoned areas for families and caregivers, minimizing disruption and reducing infection,” explains David Muigai, MD, medical director of Magee’s ICU. “Visitors comment on how quiet it is here, thanks to acoustical features to minimize sound. And the ICU rooms are designed to accommodate changes in a patient’s condition, eliminating the need to transfer patients as they continue to recover.”
The patient rooms are warm and spacious, with a comfortable sleep sofa to encourage overnight stays by a family member or close friend.
“We wanted Magee’s latest major construction to focus on our patients with the greatest medical needs: those requiring intensive care and women undergoing cancer treatment,” says Leslie C. Davis, hospital president. “We’re still among the leading deliverers of babies in the nation, but we also care for men and children, from infants to centenarians. The additional beds also allow us to expand our core obstetrical (OB) services to the units that relocated. Adding space for our OB patients was a primary reason for this expansion.” Two floors were added to a three-story section of the hospital to create the new 14-bed Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and 28-bed Cancer Care Unit, more than doubling the number of critical care beds. Completed in record time, the new units increased the hospital’s overall bed capacity by 13 percent. “Before starting the project, we sought the advice of former patients, as well as our doctors, nurses, and staff,” says Joseph Kelley, MD, director of both the Division of Gynecologic Oncology and the Gynecologic Cancer Program at Magee.
Each floor also has a family lounge and a meditation room. They offer privacy when needed, and company when desired. Both floors also incorporate the latest technology and best practices in green building solutions to minimize environmental impact. “We couldn’t be prouder of our newest addition,” says Dr. Kelley. “It reflects the kind of signature care and compassion Magee has delivered for more than 100 years.” Several of Magee’s programs, including cancer care, are again ranked among the best in the nation by U.S. News and World Report (2012-13). Learn more about Magee’s services for women and men at UPMC.com/Magee. The meditation room on each floor provides patients and families with a private space that is peaceful and soothing.
Building a Better Emergency Department That was the ultimate goal behind months of planning and days of pilot testing at UPMC East.
Nearly everyone has a story about a trip to the emergency department — from frustrating delays before being seen by a doctor to endless waits for test results. Those kinds of stories actually helped challenge and inspire the men and women involved in developing UPMC East’s new Emergency Department (ED). They were determined to build a better ED from the initial design through opening day. “When most of us start a new job, we have to adapt to existing policies and ways of thinking,” explains Al Dawson Jr., PHRN, unit director of the ED at UPMC East. “Here, our team of emergency physicians, nurses, technicians, and staff continually ask: ‘How can we do this better?’ By thinking out of the box, we’re able to deliver a quality experience for our patients and their families.”
Shorter visits, better care If irritating waits top your list of things to avoid in the ED, you’ll appreciate UPMC East’s focus on trimming the time spent waiting for treatment. “For starters, we have a family lounge, not a waiting room,” says Timothy VanFleet, MD, chief of Emergency Services. “When you have a medical emergency, you’re immediately taken into a private room for evaluation and treatment. We don’t want our patients to wait for care.” Point-of-care testing also cuts down wait time at UPMC East’s ED. “Blood is drawn bedside and the tests are run in our own lab,” says Dr. VanFleet. “Results are usually in your doctor’s hands within 15 minutes — eliminating an hour or so of waiting.
That makes our patients happier, and it also improves our ability to provide quicker diagnoses and care. Depending on your injury or medical condition, that kind of fast turnaround can be lifesaving.” And other testing services have been carefully placed with patient convenience and safety in mind. “Both our radiology and computer tomography areas are just steps away from the ED, eliminating the need to move emergency patients from floor to floor for testing,” says Dr. VanFleet.
Inside and out, working in unison Safely delivering an injured or seriously ill patient to a hospital’s ED is like staging a carefully choreographed performance — everyone has a critical part to play and must do it perfectly. To ensure that happens at UPMC East, the ED staff worked for months before opening with area emergency medicine technicians and STAT MedEvac helicopter teams to train together, share knowledge, and prepare for the unexpected. “Preparing for the unexpected really did help us in the first few weeks after we opened on July 2,” says Mr. Dawson. “The number of people coming to the ED has really exceeded our expectations. Those early preparations helped us provide exceptional care and great turnaround times for our patients. We’ve had a very successful opening.” To view videos on UPMC East’s new Emergency Department, visit UPMCEast.com.
UPMC East 2775 Mosside Blvd. Monroeville, PA 15146
UPMC Today is published quarterly to provide you with health and wellness information and classes and events available at UPMC. This publication is for information purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice or replace a physician’s medical assessment. Always consult first with your physician about anything related to your personal health.
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A hospital located around the corner that’s
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-By Heather Kilgore
Monroeville | Fall 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 23
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This issue is also available online www.incommunitymagazines.com k to le goes Bac Monroevil SPECIAL:
We Catch Chamber lle Area Monroevierce Celebrates of Comm ersary niv 60th An ry is Cemeta nd l tla Res but Restfu Anything
Up with
Deadline for nominations: October 5th
Monroeville Arts Council’s U.S. Courthouse Art Exhibit
One of the benefits of belonging to an organization like the Monroeville Arts Council (MAC) is it provides an opportunity to meet interesting people like Margaret (Peg) Joly Caine. Peg has been a very active member of MAC since joining the organization whose goal is to “Promote Arts in the Community.” Presently, she is its recording secretary and assists with all events. Peg has also been MAC’s vice president and chaired its annual Art Show, the largest art show in the eastern suburbs, for 12 years. This avid watercolor artist’s paintings reflect her interest in traveling throughout the United States and abroad. A professional artist, Peg is inspired by the interesting people she meets and the unique landscapes she discovers. She enjoys entering art shows and has won many awards during her career. “Painting quiets my heart by refreshing my mind,” she says. “This allows me to get in touch with my feelings and life itself. I really enjoy recalling the scenes and people I’ve met and then sharing them with others through my paintings.” The Monroeville resident also says the instructive demonstrations and socializing with other artists are some of the benefits of belonging to art societies. She is a member of the Pittsburgh Society of Artists,
the Pittsburgh Watercolor Society, the Penn Art Association, and the East Suburban Art League in addition to the Monroeville Arts Council. Her paintings have been exhibited several times at the Monroeville Public Library’s gallery space. Peg, 81, keeps fit in body and mind with daily workouts at The Club Sport & Health and by attending art classes at CCAC Boyce Campus. “I strive to impart my emotional encounters, whether they are about objects, landscapes, people or flowers, to my paintings with the hope others will also be able to enjoy meaningful experiences,” she said. From September through November, Peg will exhibit her award-winning watercolor paintings in the lobby area of the United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania in Pittsburgh. She has been invited to show the paintings that are related to her travels and scenes of western Pennsylvania. They include paintings of the Old Stone Church in Monroeville, Fallingwater, Ohiopyle, McConnells Mills, and PPG Place. The U.S. Post Office and Courthouse, located at 700 Grant Street in downtown Pittsburgh, is open to the public from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. Peg can be reached at 412.372.1782 or by email at pegcaine@verizon.net.
TThe he Palace Palace Theatre Theatre Coming Coming Attractions Attractions Elko Concerts Concerts pr presents esents S Steve teve V Vai ai Kenny Vance & The Planotones he V Voic oice) w/guest Beverly Beverly M McClellan cClellan (fr (from om TThe Voice) way Br rass! ass! Sep Sep 8 Sat Sat 7:30PM 7:30PM River River City City Brass’ Brass’ Broad Broadway Brass! am T illis & LLorrie orrie M organ Sep Sep 13 Thu Thu 8PM 8PM Latshaw Latshaw Productions: Productions: P Pam Tillis Morgan ““Grits Grits a nd Gla mour Tour T our” w/guest G ary P ratt and Glamour Tour” Gary Pratt now Whit cal al S ep 21/22/23 F/S/S 7:30/7:30/2P M SStage tage R ight: SSnow Sep 7:30/7:30/2PM Right: Whitee The Music Musical esents R adical R eels S ep 26 W ed 7:30P M V enture O utdoors pr Sep Wed 7:30PM Venture Outdoors presents Radical Reels enny V ance & T he Planot ones S ep 27 T hu 8P M La tshaw: K Sep Thu 8PM Latshaw: Kenny Vance The Planotones pening N at 8P ymphony Or chestra’s O ight S ep 29 S M W estmoreland SSymphony Sep Sat 8PM Westmoreland Orchestra’s Opening Night esent A mbition Oc ed TBD O AG M anagement & WC Octt 3 W Wed OAG Management WCTT pr present Ambition esents Blondie Oc ri 8P M Elko C oncerts pr Octt 5 F Fri 8PM Concerts presents Blondie ctober-fiesta! Oc at 7:30P M R iver C ity Br ass’ O Octt 6 S Sat 7:30PM River City Brass’ October-fiesta! ert Hump erdinck Oc on 8P M La tshaw P roductions: Engelb Octt 8 M Mon 8PM Latshaw Productions: Engelbert Humperdinck ultural TTrust rust pr esents C raig F erguson Oc ed 8P M W estmoreland C Octt 10 W Wed 8PM Westmoreland Cultural presents Craig Ferguson agner’s R at P ack k w/ Johnny A ngel & Halos Oc hu 8P M La tshaw: B oW Octt 11 T Thu 8PM Latshaw: Bo Wagner’s Rat Pack w/Johnny Angel esents T anya T ucker Oc at 8P M Elko C oncerts pr Octt 13 S Sat 8PM Concerts presents Tanya Tucker he M anhattan T ransfer Oc ed 8P M La tshaw P roductions: T Octt 17 W Wed 8PM Latshaw Productions: The Manhattan Transfer Craig araoke on St he P alace age a Oc hu 7P M WC esents K Octt 18 T Thu 7PM WCTT pr presents Karaoke Stage att T The Palace Ferguson esents Sinbad Oc ri 8P M Elko C oncerts pr Octt 19 F Fri 8PM Concerts presents others Big Sist ers/Laurel R egion: T he C larks Oc at 7P M Big Br Octt 20 S Sat 7PM Brothers Sisters/Laurel Region: The Clarks Hill University University present present Oct 21 Sun 3PM 3PM WCT and Seton Seton Hill Oct WCT From The Top Top o with host Christopher Christopher O’Riley O’Riley From Oct 25 Thu Thu 8PM 8PM Latshaw Productions Productions presents presents Rick Rick Springfield Oct Latshaw The presents David David Phelps Oct 26 Fri Fri 2&7PM 2&7PM Latshaw Latshaw Productions Productions presents Oct Clarks Keb’ Mo’ Mo’ Nov 1 Thu Thu 8PM 8PM Concerts presents presents Keb’ Nov Elko Concerts Theatre and musicians from from Nov 2 Fri Fri 7:30PM 7:30PM Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre Nov From Symphony Orchestra Orchestra present present Serenade Serenade Westmoreland Symphony Westmoreland The Top Americcan Heroes Heroes Nov 3 Sat Sat 7:30PM 7:30PM River River City City Brass’ Brass’ American Nov Robert Irvine Irvine Live Live Nov 9 Fri Fri 8PM 8PM Concerts presents presents Robert Nov Elko Concerts Laurel Region Region present present Nov 10 Sat Sat 7:30PM 7:30PM Big Brothers Brothers Big Sisters Sisters of the Laurel Nov Table Ten Ten Rusted Root Root w/guest Table Rusted Sep Sep 6
Thu Thu 8PM 8PM
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Peg Caine holding “Reflections,” the title of her painting of PPG Place, Pittsburgh. 5”x7” notecards of the “Reflections” painting are available for sale.
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Old Stone Church
Route 22, Murrysville www.shopmorninglory.com 724.733.8998 BRIGHTON CHAMILIA KAMELEON MARIANA VERA BRADLEY Monroeville | Fall 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 29
Monroeville | Fall 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 31
Monroeville Arts Council's 2012 Summer Concert Series in conjuction with UPMC East featured four bands at CCAC Boyce Campus auditorium. On Sunday, July 15, Harold Betters and his band had the audience captivated by the lovely melodies of “The Rose,” “Do Anything You Wanna,” and Mustang Sally.” Ever the energetic showman, even at 84, Betters encouraged the audience to keep time with the music by clapping their hands and swaying their shoulders to the lively song “Rambunctious.” Acting as his own master of ceremonies, he still amazes audiences with his energy level and cheerful demeanor, plus, of course, the sweet melodies he makes with his trombone. With a career spanning more than 60 years, the talented musician’s ads still ask, “Ever Been ‘Turned On’ by a Trombone?” and his appearance at MAC’s 29th Summer Concert Series is just one of many programs listed on his website (www.haroldbetters.com) this year. Also in July, Betters was featured at the Foxburg Library’s “Concert on the Green,” at the Homewood Carnegie Library, and at Christian W. Klay Winery in Chalk Hill, Pa. In August, he entertained at Brownsville’s Community Festival, the Laurel Highlands Third Annual Garlic Festival in Hollsopple, at the Lion Square Concert in Connellsville, and the Storey Square Concert for a dance in Uniontown. Betters will appear September 30 at the Christian Klay Winery, and The Villages in Florida on October 28. For more information, contact Helen Arndt, his administrative assistant, at 724.837.8157 or email her at arndt3943@comcast.net.
tions that do not require medications or diagnostic testing to treat their conditions. Physical therapists with a Direct Access license must have more than two years of experience and receive ongoing specialized training to determine the need for further consultation by a physician. During the initial evaluation, the therapist will determine if you are appropriate for treatment under Direct Access. Our experienced therapists are highly trained and routinely attend continuing education courses. The NovaCare staff members are;
the intensity is tailored to each patient’s tolerance and ability level. The goal is to decrease pain and help you feel better! In fact, many of the treatments such as heat, ice, electric stimulation, and ultrasound are designed solely to decrease pain and inflammation.
Kelley Watson, Valerie Moore and John Eichmiller “My Doctor told me that I need physical therapy.” For somebody that has never needed rehabilitation, this brings up many questions: What is physical therapy? Will it hurt? What will therapy do for me? Where should I go? The staff of the Monroeville office of NovaCare Rehabilitation would like to answer these questions for you! Physical therapy focuses on decreasing pain, restoring movement, and maximizing function by utilizing exercise, physical modalities, manual therapy, and patient education. We can help you return to the normal activities of your life, whether that is retuning to work, learning to walk again, reaching that top shelf, or getting back to your golf game. For most people, therapy does not hurt. Our therapists will challenge you with exercises and that will help you to regain your strength, movement, and function but
On your first visit, your therapist will do a thorough evaluation of your condition, identifying movement restrictions, weakness, and functional limitations. He or she will then take this information and design a treatment plan tailored to your goals. The therapist will also give you exercises to perform at home to reinforce what we do in therapy and to promote a speedy recovery. At NovaCare, follow-up visits will have you working one-on-one with the same therapist that evaluated you. They will advance your therapy program so that you will receive maximum benefit from our “hands-on” approach. This may take the form of the therapist helping you with stretching or more specialized techniques such as joint mobilization, myofascial release, or massage. Where should you go for physical or occupational therapy? NovaCare Rehabilitation! Our convenient location in the Monroeville Medical Arts Building allows easy access from Mosside Boulevard (Route 48) and provides free parking. We have extended hours to accommodate patients that need morning or evening appointments. We accept most insurance plans and will assist you in obtaining all required authorizations. We also offer Direct Access to patients with minor musculoskeletal conditions. Direct Access allows you to come to us directly without a referral from your doctor. This is appropriate for patients with condi-
John P. Eichmiller, PT, COMT, CSCS. John graduated in 1990 from the University of Pittsburgh with a BS degree in Physical Therapy. He is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and received his certification in Orthopedic Manual Therapy in 2010. Although John treats all orthopedic and neurologic patient problems, he specializes in treating TMJ (jaw) problems, headaches and neck dysfunction. Kelley Watson, OTR/L, CHT. Kelley graduated in 2005 from Duquesne University with a Master’s Degree in Science/ Occupational Therapy. She went on to receive a Certificate of Advanced Practice in Hand and Upper Quarter Rehabilitation from Drexel University in 2008, and has recently passed the examination to become a Certified Hand Therapist. Her area of expertise is hand rehabilitation and custom splinting. Valerie Moore, MPT. Valerie graduated in 1997 from Duquesne University with a Masters Degree in Physical Therapy. Valerie specializes in treating sports injuries and orthopedic problems, especially post-surgical knee and shoulder conditions. We hope that we were able to answer some common questions about physical therapy. Give us a call or stop by if you have any further questions about rehabilitation or want to schedule an appointment!
NovaCare Rehabilitation Monroeville Medical Arts Building 2550 Mosside Boulevard, Suite 308 Monroeville, PA 15146 412-374-7255 Hours: M, W: 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM T, F: 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM Monroeville | Fall 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 33
New Story is a place where each child has the opportunity to create new stories and learn the skills they need to succeed. We offer a unique family-like learning environment and a host of therapeutic services to help children achieve success while dealing with the most serious and complex educational and behavioral challenges. New Story operates ten private licensed academic schools at locations throughout Pennsylvania – Monroeville, Indiana, Dubois, Harrisburg, York, Wyomissing, Kenhorst, Wyoming, Berwick and Throop. New Story also offers a host of community-based therapeutic services, including: Blended Case-Management, Behavioral Health Rehabilitation Services, School-Based Behavioral Health, Strength-Based Treatment, Therapeutic Camp programs, Family-Based services and Social Skills Intervention Groups. In 1997, Paul Volosov, Ph.D., founder and president of New Story, envisioned an organization of highly-skilled educators and therapists working with children and their families to provide personalized education with the supports to help them overcome challenges and achieve success. Throughout his career as a psychologist and entrepreneur, Volosov identified gaps in the system – the need for educational, behavioral and emotional services for children and families who are faced with the most serious and complex issues – those who cannot be supported effectively by other providers. The reality of Volosov’s vision is seen today at each New Story school. Students who are facing the most serious and complex emotional and behavioral challenges will find that New Story offers academics along with the supports needed to address and overcome personal challenges. Our students come to us with a wide range of diagnoses: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Down Syndrome, Schizophrenia, etc. But at New Story, it’s not about the student’s diagnosis – we are about providing an environment and services that encourage growth, learning and goal achievement. Our vision is for all children to grow and develop as individuals in preparation for meaningful adult lives.
New Story schools offer hope to families that have traveled down long and difficult roads. These parents want what any parent wants for their child – a fulfilling, meaningful, good life. At New Story, our goal is for our students to acquire the skills and motivation needed to be able to return to their home school districts. We are committed to working individually with each child until their educational and behavioral goals are met. The skills taught at New Story are life-long skills. Our team of educators and therapists is dedicated to understanding your child’s needs and creating customized programs to overcome obstacles. We teach our students on a varying degree of levels in areas related to personal hygiene, self-sufficiency, appropriate behaviors to vocational skills. New Story students learn how they can fit into their community as a productive member to their fullest potential. The best story that a child can write is one that includes returning to their home school – giving them the opportunity to build upon their achievements and add to their “New Story.”
1-877-622-7245 Monroeville, Indiana and eight other locations in Pennsylvania Monroeville | Fall 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 35
The Fall is not just a time of changing leaves and cooler temperatures, it’s a time when the dormant diesel engines of the school buses fire up, SAT applications and college inquiry letters are sent, and students return to college campuses across the nation. In the United States, education is a $900 billion a year business, and that investment, either by the federal and state government, parents and students themselves via student loans, is a testament as to how important learning is to making a name for yourself in the world. Fortunately, for individuals and the economy as a whole, everyone is different and educational opportunities abound for people no matter what their interests or aptitudes.
• College: College remains one of the most traditional avenues for graduated high school
students to pursue. Colleges can be public or private and offer two-year or four-year degrees. While post-secondary education is not a requirement for securing work, those who obtain a college degree can expect estimated lifetime earnings of $2.1 million, according to the US Census that to $2.5 million, a professional degree averages $4.4 million, Bureau. A master’s degree boosts and a doctoral degree $3.4 million. High school graduates are estimated to earn just $1.2 million over the course of their lifetime, according to the same report.
• Trade Schools and Vocational Careers: While vocational training can start in high school, thanks to regional vocational/technical centers that serve school districts, post-high school programs can take graduates from apprentices to masters of their field. What’s more, vocational programs aren’t like they used to be in the latter half of the 20th Century. Today’s vocational schools still cover trades such as carpentry, plumbing and stonemasonry, but they also excel in specialty fields such as computer networking, HVAC, and robotics.
• Online Learning: Online learning is a relatively new form of degree program using the power of the Internet to bring students and schools together. Also known as E-learning or distance education, online programs have brought some big names into the fold as Harvard and MIT recently joined forces, offering a variety of free, online courses. Online education typically costs less than bricks and mortar schools. • Financing Education: No matter where you end up after high school,
chances are you’re going to need to take out a few loans to make your goals attainable. Student loans come in a variety of forms ranging from federal to private. Scholarships often are attainable for eligible students, and are nice to have, but realistic students shouldn’t expect to garner enough scholarship money to cover their entire academic career. Programs such as the Federal Stafford Loan can offset up to $23,000 of tuition, which can be in creased to $46,000 if parents do not qualify for the Parent PLUS program. The downside to student loans is that you will be graduating with substantial debt to pay down. The upside, however, is that student loan interest rates are generally low, tax deductible and the loans themselves can be deferred until you are in a position to make payments on them, such as the time necessary for you to find a job. • Benefits of Tutoring Services: One of the keys to acquiring scholarships is good grades. While that’s totally on the student to achieve, there are many services available that can help that student put in the extra effort to make the grade. From SAT preparation centers to study centers that cover a broader range of curricula, these investments are well worth the cost if the result is several thousand dollars coming off your tuition bill because you got a 4.0 versus a 3.8 GPA.
STREAMAcademy.org is an exciting new, tuition-free, charter school that answers the regional call for a program that focuses on Science, Technology, Research, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. The first of its kind, STREAM prides itself in educational excellence accomplished through online and On-Location learning experiences for students in grades K-12. Our On-Location facility is located at Penn Center East in Wilkins Twp.
1-855-4STREAM (787326) www.streamacademy.org Monroeville | Fall 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 37
Our Back to School • Private Schools: Private schools can be an alternative for some students. They tend to have a lower number of students, so if a student needs more attention or one-on-one help from teachers, private schools might be a good option. According to the National Association of Independent Schools, the average cost of private school tuition tends to be around $17,441. • Benefits of Preschools: When it comes to early cognitive development, researchers have found that that children who attend preschool tend to show higher intelligence quotients than those who do not, according to Early Childhood Research and Practice (ECRP). Although sending your child to preschool can help them academically, it also improves their early social skills. Preschool is the time when children become aware of sharing and learning how to interact with one another. classroom gives the young students a friendly, safe environment that The allows them to grow and prepare for the later education in kindergarten and Grade School. Children who attend preschool are usually between 3-5 years old.
• Special Needs Education: Technology has opened many educational doors to children with disabilities. Alternative solutions from the world of technology are accommodating physical, sensory, communication or cognitive impairments in many ways. Assistive technology is technology used by individuals with disabilities in order to perform functions that might otherwise be difficult or impossi ble. It can include mobility devices (walkers and wheelchairs), as well as both low and high tech solutions that assist people with disabilities in accessing computers or general education materials. For example, children with limited hand function may use a pencil grip for handwriting or an adapted keyboard to use a computer. Children with a speech/language impairment may use a high tech solution such as a speech generating device to communicate. An Assistive Technology Team consists of specialists with backgrounds in occupational therapy, physical therapy, education and speech-language pathology. They strive to provide best practice to support the success of special education students in the areas of assistive technology (AT) and augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). Services may include training and support for AT and AAC systems and strategies, as well as for the adaptation and modification of curriculum. The AT team works in partnership with the educational team which includes families. No matter what your path in life may be, being prepared academically for that path is the key to future success.
Robert Morris University 800-762-0097 www.rmu.edu
Robert Morris University in Moon Township is home to approximately 5,000 undergraduate and graduate students and offers 60 undergraduate and 20 graduate degree programs. Through professional experiences, service learning, global experiences, undergraduate research, campus leadership, and cultural experiences – which are documented on RMU’s unique Student Engagement Transcript – RMU changes students’ lives so that they can change the lives of others. Ninety-five percent of RMU students have a job or are enrolled in graduate school six months after graduation.
STREAM Academy is an exciting new school that combines the best elements of traditional brick and mortar schools and online schools. The first of its kind in the region, STREAM Academy allows students to collaborate with their teachers and fellow students both online and in-person. Tuition is free. At our new suite of classrooms at Penn Center East, students have the chance to work with experts in STEM (science. 475 East technology, engineering and math) fields Waterfront Dr. to develop the skills they will need to succeed Homestead, in the 21st workplace. To enroll, PA 15120 go to streamacademy.org or call 1-855-4-STREAM (787326).
715 Bilberry Road, Monroeville, PA 15146 (412) 373-5235
New Story offers a unique family-like learning environment and a host of therapeutic services to help children achieve success while dealing with the most serious and complex educational and behavioral challenges. New Story’s ten schools are private licensed schools serving children from kindergarten to 21 years. New Story services and programs are provided in public/private schools, the community or the home. For more information visit www.NewStory.com or call 1-877-622-7245.
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