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ceilings and attics, it is R-19. In moderate climates, R-values should be a minimum of R-19 for walls and floors and R-30 for ceilings and attics. And, in cold climates, R-values for walls and floors should be R-19, and R-38 to R-49 for ceilings and attics. If you use your attic as living space, it is a good idea to install in the walls ceiling. If it is not used, INinsulation Monroeville is aand non-partisan community publication dedicated to you should still insulate, and the empty space will provide representing, encouraging and promoting the Monroeville area and its ample room for installation. If your attic is being insulated for comprising municipalities bybarrier, focusing the talents and gifts of the people who the first time, it should include a vapor whichon is any material nothere. absorbOur moisture which live that anddoes work goal and is tothrough provide readers with the most informative and vapor will not pass. professional regional publication in the Commonwealth After it snows, it is recommended that you check the roof to see where of Pennsylvania. the snow has fallen. If you notice specific areas on the roof where the snow has melted, this may signal an area that needs to be insulated or where the insulation is damaged. When installing insulation in the attic, the best method is to install it from the eaves toward the center of the room so as to leave more headroom when you need to cut or fit the insulation properly. If, upon installing the insulation, you discover that you need an extra layer, you can simply lay blankets on top of the insulation already there. To reduce fire hazard, cover the panels with wallboard or use fiberglass panels if you must install panels between the rafters in a ceiling that slopes. Also,if you use cellulose insulation, which is the most common type of loose-fill insulation, be sure that it has been treated with a fire retardant.
IN Monroeville | SPRING 2012 |
Small Updates Pay Off Big .......... |
Eco Tourism ...................................... | 18 Spring Kids Page ............................ | 23 Reduce Costs with Attic Insulation ..................... | 30 DINING OUT ON THE COVER | Cross Roads Presbyterian Church operates a weekly food pantry for Monroeville residents. With the
Patron ................................................ | 15
support of a devoted group of volunteers, the pantry serves about 14 families per week. • Photos by Gary Yon
The Circulatory Centers EVLA Minimally Invasive Procedure Brings Immediate Vein Relief .............. | 16
Parks Provide a Place for Fun for Everyone ................... |
Gateway School District ...................................................... |
Pitcairn Woman’s Club Serves the Community ............ |
The Face of Hunger in Monroeville .................................... | 10 Gators Finish 9-3, Advance to AAAA Semifinals ......... | 14 Ladies Tea ................................................................................. | 17 Doctor, Volunteers Provide Free Clinic ........................... | 20 Monroeville Public Library .................................................. | 22 Local Author Pens Sequel to Book ................................... | 24 Monroeville Area Chamber of Commerce ...................... | 26 Historical Society Relies on Volunteers .......................... | 28 Arts Council Provides Cure for Winter Blahs! ................ | 31
Wayne Dollard
elcome to the Spring issue of Monroeville Magazine! Hopefully, we are all enjoying the lengthening days as we forge on to summer. While spring usually brings more rain to the region than we normally get throughout the rest of the year, I’m glad we’ve had a few days of nice weather to get outside and remember what the snow covered up. We’ve grown once again over the winter, and have shifted some staff around to accommodate that growth. I want to point this out to you because you, the readers, give us many of the great story ideas that you see featured in these pages, and I want you to have the right point of contact so that your story can be heard. The editor for the East Region is Monica Haynes (m.haynes@incommunitymagazines.com). Please forward your good news to Monica, and she’ll make sure it finds a place in the magazine. If you’re not sure whether you have a good story, give Mark a call at 412.254.8704 and ask! While our editors have realigned into better-organized zones, we still want everything in those zones to be 100 percent local to you. We also appreciate your feedback (good and bad) to let us know where we missed Wayne Dollard the mark and where we hit it out of the park. Publisher Lastly, it’s not too soon to start thinking about the rest of the year! I know we just got through the holidays, and are thawing out, but since we’re quarterly, we’re already looking ahead to summer and beyond. So if you have events planned and would like to promote them, call or email Monica. If you have an event coming up earlier, let us know so we can send our photographers and document the occasion! Here’s hoping that the start to your year has been a good one!
Marybeth Jeffries m.jeffries@icmags.com REGIONAL EDITORS
Mark Berton [South and West] mark@incommunitymagazines.com Monica L. Haynes [East] m.haynes@incommunitymagazines.com N O R T H Z O N E C O O R D I N AT O R
Pamela Palongue p.palongue@incommunitymagazines.com S C H O O L & M U N I C I PA L C O N T E N T C O O R D I N AT O R
Megan Faloni m.faloni@incommunitymagazines.com OFFICE MANAGER
Leo Vighetti leo@incommunitymagazines.com A D P L A C E M E N T C O O R D I N AT O R
Debbie Mountain d.mountain@incommunitymagazines.com GRAPHIC DESIGN
Cassie Brkich Anna Buzzelli Sharon Cobb Susie Doak
Jan McEvoy Joe Milne Tamara Tylenda
Heather Holtschlage Kathleen Rudolph Leigh Lyons Gina Salinger Dana Black McGrath Judith Schardt Joann Naser PHOTOGRAPHERS
elcome Spring! While June may not be busting out all over yet, hope springs eternal for warmer weather, blooming flowers, and more occasions to walk in the sunshine. Speaking of walking in the sunshine, Monroeville has a great number of public parks where you can do just that. We preview some of the municipality’s stellar places to walk, run, play, swing, grill and have a great time this spring and summer. In this edition of Monroeville, we also have a feature on Sheep Inc. Health Care Center, a free clinic operated by Dr. Robert Beasley and a group of dedicated volunteers out of the Monroeville Assembly of God Church. For Dr. Beasley, it’s not just an exercise of his profession, it’s a calling. While we are on the subject of helping others, we’ll let you know about the marvelous volunteers at Cross Roads Presbyterian Church’s food pantry. The pantry is headed up by James Manner. You will not meet a finer group of folks working tirelessly every week to help their neighbors in need. Monroeville also caught up with author Christine Pisera Naman, who penned the book, Faces of Hope: Babies Born on 9/11. Ten years Monica L. Haynes Eastern Regional Editor later, she wrote the follow-up, Faces of Hope 10 Years Later: Babies Born on 9/11. She’s written several other books, too, and is an inspiration to burgeoning authors. In addition to that, we’ve got Gateway School District news and the latest doings of the Monroeville Arts Council and Monroeville Historical Society. And we have a feature on the Pitcairn Woman’s Club, which has been doing wonderful things in the area since 1935. Remember, this is your magazine. It’s about what’s happening in your community. So let us know what you want to read about, what’s going on, what’s important to you. For now, it’s time to think spring, and time to enjoy this edition of Monroeville Magazine!
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Ginni Hartle Brad Lauer
Kathleen Rudolph Gary Yon
Derek Bayer Tom Poljak
Tamara Myers
Brian Daley Gina D’Alicandro Tina Dollard Karen Fadzen Julie Graf Jason Huffman Lori Jeffries Connie McDaniel Brian McKee Gabriel Negri Aimee Nicolia
Robert Ojeda Ralph Palaski Annette Petrone Vincent Sabatini Jennifer Schaefer Michael Silvert Karen Turkovich RJ Vighetti Nikki Capezio-Watson Sophia Williard
This magazine is carrier route mailed to all district households and businesses. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Copyright 2012. CORRESPONDENCE
Direct all inquiries, comments and press releases to: IN COMMUNITY MAGAZINES
Attn: Editorial 603 E. McMurray Rd. Ph: 724.942.0940 McMurray, PA 15317 Fax: 724.942.0968 www.incommunitymagazines.com Summer content deadline: 5/4 Please recycle this magazine when you are through enjoying it.
Provide a Place for Fun for Everyone
I think our biggest compliment is that people come back year after year. I think that says a lot about our park system.
n the late 1950s and early 1960s, as Monroeville began to grow as a community, one of the missions of what was then a borough was to develop parks in locations centralized to each neighborhood. The goal was to provide every child in Monroeville with a place to play outdoors. Over the years, Monroeville continued to grow—eventually becoming a municipality and developing one of the most impressive suburban park systems in the region. Monroeville now has 22 parks totaling 722 acres, said Joanne Morris, co-director of the recreation and parks department. Monroeville’s newest park, Community Park West, opened about five years ago on Tilbrook Road, just down the road from Community Park East. Community Park West has four large pavilions, ball fields, soccer fields, a basketball court, a gazebo, botanical gardens and an amphitheater. But why did Monroeville develop another community park? “Just the idea that a piece of property was available, and that it would enhance Monroeville as a whole,” explained Paul Estok, co-director of the recreation and parks department. “It kind of made for a more centralized Monroeville park rather than a neighborhood park, and brings the community together as a whole,” Morris added. One of the events that helps bring the community together at Community Park West is a free concert series each Sunday at the amphitheater. Every other Sunday, the concert is followed by a free family movie. Of the 22 parks that the municipality owns, there are seven with facilities that can be rented throughout the year. All have pavilions, bathrooms with running water, and built-in grills. “All our parks seat between 75 and 200 people,” said Estok. Reservations for the park pavilions are allowed a year in advance, and are from noon to dusk. The rental fee for non-residents is slightly higher than for residents. Even though it’s still winter now, reservations for 2012 are 50 percent full already. Anyone is able to utilize the parks at any time as long as they’re not reserved. Before anyone arrives at a reserved pavilion, the park crew sterilizes the bathrooms, picks up trash, and blows away any leaves or debris. “Basically, when [the group] shows up, it’s ready to go. All they’re responsible for is making sure they leave it the way they found it,” Estok said. Very popular during wedding season is the gazebo, which can be reserved for a wedding, a wedding photo shoot or both. Reservation times last two hours for a wedding and one hour for a photo shoot. “At any given time we can have more than one ceremony going on [per day],” Estok said. The gazebo is surrounded by a botanical garden that is maintained by a separate volunteer group, with Monroeville providing the materials. “We do get compliments,” Estok said. “I think our biggest compliment is that people come back year after year. I think that says a lot about our park system.”
Monroeville | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 3
Provide a Place for Fun for Everyone
Monroeville Community Park West
68.9 acres located at 405 Olten Road
125 acres located at 2399 Tilbrook Road
• 1 pavilion • seating up to 48 • 16 parking spaces • 2 grills • permanent restrooms • drinking fountain • electricity Evergreen
10.1 acres located at 619 Chinaberry Road
• 1 pavilion • seating up to 75 • 32 parking spaces • 1 grill • permanent restrooms • drinking fountain • electricity • slides • swings • 1 baseball field • bleachers • 2 basketball courts • 2 tennis courts • 1 soccer field
Each pavilion has: • charcoal grills • restrooms • tot lot • volleyball courts • pavilion ball field • electricity • playground equipment • horseshoe pits • tennis courts Overlook Park 12.2 acres located at 522 Thomas Street
Hawkeye 3.7 acres located at 711 Hawkeye Drive
• 1 pavilion • seating up to 75 • 40 parking spaces • 1 grill • permanent restrooms • drinking fountain • electricity • slides • swings • tot lot • 2 baseball fields • bleachers • 1 basketball court • 1 tennis court • paved paths • hiking trails
• 1 pavilion • seating up to 48 • 16 parking spaces • 2 grills • permanent restrooms • drinking fountains • electricity • slides • swings • 1 baseball field • bleachers • 1 basketball court • 2 tennis courts • dek hockey rink Pioneer
35.6 acres located at 245 Young Drive
Monroeville Community Park East (Monroeville Park) 66 acres located at 2336 Tilbrook Road
• 1 pavilion • seating up to 100 • 100+ parking spaces • 1 grill • permanent restrooms • drinking fountain • electricity • slides • swings • 1 baseball fields • bleachers • 2 basketball courts • 2 tennis courts • 1 soccer field
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• 4 pavilions • 2 seating 250 • 2 seating 125 • each has 100 parking spaces • slides • swings • 1 baseball field • bleachers • 2 basketball courts • 2 tennis courts • 1 soccer field
• 1 pavilion • seating up to 100 • 50 parking spaces • 2 grills • permanent restrooms • drinking fountain • electricity • slides • swings • 1 baseball field • 1 basketball court • 1 tennis court • 1 dek hockey rink
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MORE INFO? Anyone interested in more information or in reserving one of these parks should contact the Monroeville Recreation and Parks Department at 412.856.1006.
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Monroeville | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 5
G a t e w a Y donations, the Senior Class Council contributed $100 worth of gifts from its class budget. Nearly all of the 100 gift tges on the tree were taken and returned with gifts that brightened the spirits of countless young patients on Christmas morning. The gifts were delivered to the hospital by Al Arelt, District driver, on the morning of December 22nd. Juniors, Hannah Jartin and Carrie Cahill, wrote a paper, as part of their Community Service Graduation Project, on donating presents to patients and the positive effect it has on their recovery.
Gateway placed third out of 43 registered schools in the recent Chain Reaction Contraption competition hosted by Westinghouse and the Carnegie Science Center. The task for each team was to play a musical instrument in 20 steps or more. Judges evaluate the projects based on functionality, complexity, and creativity in achieving the task. Gateway’s team, comprised of Alex Hall, Ben Weiner, Ryan Lubic, Luke Mandella, Josh Wu, and J.R. Nola, built a Pittsburgh Pirate themed Rube Goldberg machine consisting of 28 mechanical steps. The team’s machine successfully played two instruments as the machine went through its amazing and precise steps to completion, with the final step involving the strumming of a mandolin signifying a Pirates win! In the weeks following the competition, the team displayed the machine for all Gateway students and staff.
Agent Shaheen is seen speaking with 10th and 9th grade students at Gateway High School on the dangers of Cyber Bullying.
Richard Shaheen, Sr. Supervisor Special Agent of the PA Attorney General’s Office, spoke with students across the Gateway School District about the dangers of Cyber Bullying. “Words hurt” was his message to the students who learned about the long standing implications of sending what Shaheen termed, “Nasty grams,” to others via texting, web sites, chat rooms, emails, etc. He cautioned students not to engage in private online chats with anyone, and if someone sends you an inappropriate text, students should tell a trusted adult immediately. He also advised not to ever give personal information on the web or share passwords with others.
GATEWAY STUDENT NAMED WORDMASTER CHAMPION Photo: (left to right) are: Jennifer Beley, Vice President; Jessica Coulter, President; Hannah Jartin and Carrie Cahill, Juniors.
During the recent holiday season, members of the Gateway High School Senior Class Council organized a “Presents for Patients” charity drive, in which gifts were donated to children who spent the holidays as patients at the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh. Students encouraged faculty and staff, as well as class council members and their families, to take a name tag from a tree they decorated and buy a gift for a child of the gender and age specified on the tag. In addition to these
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Elaine McDaniel, a 10th grade student at Gateway High School, earned first place at the SAT Wordmaster Competition at Hempfield High School on December 2. SAT Wordmaster is a competition that tests students knowledge of SAT vocabulary. This annual competition is sponsored by Allegheny County’s Eastern Suburbs Special Programs Association for Gifted and Talented Students.
Gateway School District is committed to inviting parents/guardians to be active participants in the learning process because research has repeatedly demonstrated the benefits for children when families and school staff partner. The district also is committed to sharing its resources with families in support of the role parents/guardians play in the development of its students. Towards this end, Gateway School District has partnered with Milestone Centers, Inc. to provide monthly workshops during the 2011-2012 school year.The purpose of these workshops is not only to provide parents/guardians with access to trained family specialists but also to host an open forum where families can discuss their challenges and collaborate with others who are facing similar challenges. The district is inviting parents to attend the remaining meetings: March 12, 2012 – Fair and Appropriate Discipline Strategies April 9, 2012 – How to Handle Jealousy Among Siblings May 14, 2012 – As a parent, how do I manage it all? Meetings are held at Gateway Middle School’s Auditorium from 6-8 p.m. Babysitting services are available for all meeting dates except April 9, 2012. Babysitting is provided by the Gateway High School students under the supervision of Mrs. Tracy Ricciardi, Family and Consumer Science Teacher.
Moss Side Middle School held its culminating activity at Gateway High School’s Dance Studio to showcase the progress students had made in the Gateway to the Arts rhythm and percussion program. Through a grant from the Pennsylvania Council To The Arts for MSMS music students, Artist-in- Residence, Mr. Jeff Berman joined students at MSMS to share his musical expertise. Pictured from front to back are Berman, a percussionist, worked Brian Reid, Olivia Miller, Raelyn with MSMS students for the third year in Gallman, and Amanda Sawyers a row teaching them how to play various African drums and other hand instruments. Berman was able to work with every sixth grade student at MSMS for at least 4 sessions each. Students learned rhythm, performance, timing, and musical interpretation all while learning about other cultures. Berman used his engaging personality to draw students into the learning process and to help the shyest student expose the performer in him or her. The students learned to play three different types of African hand drums. MSMS music teacher, Alexis Spina, joined Berman to help teach her students to reach for the stars when it comes to trying something new. Berman spent a total of 20 days with the students. During the final concert, 23 students performed three songs using various instruments and drums. The final concert students were chosen to work with Berman for all 20 days of his residency. The show was presented to parents and families along with Gateway administrators, principals, and school board. The students received a standing ovation for their efforts.
Monroeville | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 7
Pitcairn Woman’s Club
Serves the Community and Those
hen the Pitcairn Woman’s Club was founded in 1935, their intended purpose was “to furnish education and recreational opportunities for young women in Pitcairn.” Ever since then, the energetic group has been dedicated to supporting and improving the community through its many service projects and programs. “We lend a hand in the community in any way we can,” explains club member Patti Kemerer. To celebrate 75 years of service to the community, the club published a commemorative anniversary cookbook last year. The book, “Cooking with the Club Ladies,” is a collection of 300 recipes that is being offered for $15. Initially, when the club was formed, it was known as the “Young Women’s Club.” According to the club’s recorded history, the objective was “to carry out, by means of its program and work, its object to encourage the promotion of all civic, educational, philanthropic, moral and social measures.” By 1939, the club name was changed to “Pitcairn Woman’s Club” so that women of all ages could enjoy membership in the organization. Today, the club boasts 29 members, according to Kemerer. “We are an active club that is very involved in the community,” she says. For example, when the elementary school closed in Pitcairn, the club designed a ceramic ornament that is still being sold for $10. Currently, the club supports an array of community organizations and events, including Pitcairn Baseball/Softball, Camp B, Camp G, Chic Marston Memorial Fund, the Pitcairn Easter Egg Hunt, Pitcairn Meals on Wheels, Pitcairn Food Pantry, Girl Scout Troop 356, Pitcairn Fire Co. #2, the Halloween Parade, Mohawk Football, Pitcairn Community Day, Pitcairn Old Fashion Christmas, Pitcairn Summer Recreation programs, American Cancer Society Daffodil Days, and others where there may be a need. During the club’s early years, members worked to raise money through rummage sales, card parties, luncheons, bakes sales, raffles, a Christmas bazaar and a thrift shop. Those funds were used to support cause such as a community playground, a maternal health center, the School for the Blind, the YMCA, the Veterans Hospital in Aspinwall, the March of Dimes, and projects including the permanent Tablet for World War II veterans. As time passed, the club also supported the establishment of a hospital in Monroeville – and sponsored a Well Baby Clinic from 1949 through the mid-1980s. The clinic provided routine well-checks for infants and pre-school aged children under the supervision a physician. Through the efforts of club volunteers, services were provided to more than 30,000 children during that time. More recently, in 2006, the club sponsored Pitcairn’s “Banners Over Broadway” campaign. It may not have been Times Square, but the project certainly was a visible one. It enabled the club to purchase two sets of banners – one set with the image of train and one set featuring a snowflake – that are used to decorate the streets of town throughout the holiday season. Each year, the club selects a different theme to guide their efforts. This year, that theme is, “Volunteers Help a Community Grow” and the club’s projects support the community of Pitcairn as well as veterans. The club supports veterans by donating to an annual boat ride and the group also hosts two bingos at the Veterans Center on Highland Drive in Pittsburgh.
By Dana Black McGrath
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To provide funding for their projects and efforts, the Pitcairn Woman’s Club conducts two fundraisers each year: a pancake breakfast in the fall (the date already has been set for next fall’s breakfast, Oct. 28, 2012) and, in March, the club hosts another fundraiser, a “Saturday Night at the Auction.” This year’s auction event is set for Saturday, March 24. “The auction is our major fundraiser,” explains Kemerer. At the auction, new items up for grabs include gift certificates, spa baskets, Steelers and Pirates items, and more. A buffet dinner including beer and wine also is served at the event. Tickets to the auction and dinner cost just $10. “It’s a fun evening,” promises Kemerer. Membership in the club is not limited to Pitcairn residents: it is open to any woman in the area who is at least age 18 or older. Meetings are held monthly, on the second Monday of each month, from September through June in the Park Building on Broadway in Pitcairn. Each month, members are busy working on various projects. During the February meeting, club members worked to make treats for the Pitcairn Meals on Wheels program. In March, members plan to work on baskets for the upcoming auction. When the club meets again in April, the theme will be “Food for Thought.” Kemerer explains that the program will feature a speaker or some type of food-related activity. During the month of May, Pitcairn Woman’s Club partners with the Project1_Layout 1/25/12 Page 4 Pitcairn1Lions Club11:12 for an AM annual scholarship banquet. During the banquet, two scholarships are awarded to Pitcairn residents who are graduating from
Small Updates Pay Off
By Heather Holtschlag
Each year, the club selects a different theme to guide their efforts. This year, that theme is, ‘Volunteers Help a Community Grow.’
Gateway High School. Each award recipient receives a scholarship for $750. Also at the banquet, the club recognizes its selected representative who will attend the Hugh O’Brien Youth Leadership Conference during the summer. The club pays the entrance fee for a Gateway High School sophomore to attend the conference each year. The club year concludes in June and will wrap up with a Volunteer Tea. But, don’t think that membership is all work and no play. In addition to their service to the community, members enjoy shopping trips, visits to casinos, holiday parties and themed meetings. One special celebration was the club’s anniversary banquet held in September at Banquets Unlimited in Wilmerding. Those interested in membership may call 412.856.9055. Membership dues are just $25 per year.
BIG for Home Values
If you are thinking of selling your home or just making some updates to your current living space, you don’t necessarily need to think big expense and lots of work. Small fixes can increase your home’s value for a big payoff. For starters, maintain a regular cleaning schedule. This serves a dual purpose of not just keeping your house tidy and neat, especially for visitors, but will help keep your maintenance issues in check since you will notice relatively early on if something is in need of a fix, thus avoiding costly repairs. Keep your house looking fresh by adding some new paint. When selecting a color, remember that neutrals appeal to a wide variety of people, and if you are selling your home, a neutral color is easy to paint over should the new owners choose a different color. Consider consulting a professional real estate agent or a home inspector. Each can walk through your home and pay close attention to its detail and alert you to areas that require improvement or repair. If repairs are necessary, make them in a timely manner to prevent the problem from getting worse. Buyers tend to favor bathrooms and kitchens, so it could be especially beneficial to keep these rooms clean and updated. Consult a real estate agent if you need ideas for updating. If these rooms are small, consider what could be rearranged to make them look bigger. Also, keep the appliances clean and in working order, even if you are not planning to include them in the sale of the house.
Spend some time in the yard. Remember that curb appeal is a person’s first impression of your overall house, so maintain a yard free of debris and coordinate the colors of your gardens to match the house. Installing modern light switches and power outlets can help your lighting system look newer than it is. Also consider installing dimmer switches, which are a favorite among potential buyers. Show off the bright sides of your house by increasing the wattage in your light bulbs. Finally, keep your house free of clutter by cleaning up after yourself and making sure your children do the same. In addition, keep your carpets clean by vacuuming regularly and administering deep cleaning treatments.
Monroeville | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 9
The Face of
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o many, hunger is someone else’s problem; a difficulty that will happen to someone else’s family. But according to a 2004 study by Washington University of St. Louis, at least 42% of Americans will deal with food insecurity at some time during their lives. It is interesting to note that this study was done four years prior to the beginning of the recession. It is hard to overestimate the importance of food to quality of life and overall health. Medical experts now tell us that the major factors in determining disease are DNA, exercise and nutrition. A person may be able to stay alive by eating cereal every day, but how healthy is a consistent diet of nothing but cereal? Unfortunately, the poor are many times forced to buy what is cheap without regard for nutritional value. Indeed, many people are lucky to have enough money to buy food at all. As people age, nutrition becomes even more important to sustaining life. For individuals with health problems such as diabetes or heart problems, good food is essential. To growing children, proper nutrition is vitally important for optimal learning in school and normal physical development. Unfortunately, many people in our area do not have enough food to eat, much less the financial resources to buy healthy, nutritious food. One common misconception is that people who are hungry are unemployed. Although this is sometimes the case, many individu-
als who work at full-time jobs do not have enough to eat. With employee benefits such as health care decreasing, many workers are faced with the choice of paying for their health care insurance and prescriptions – or food. Workers have also accepted cutbacks in the number of hours worked or decreases in hourly wages in order to retain their jobs. This shortage in pay has to be made up in other areas and one way that individuals stretch their paychecks is by skipping meals, to the detriment of their health. According to the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank, since August of 2008, area food banks have been serving an average of 2,500 new households every month! This dramatic increase correlates directly to the economic hard times of the past few years. Diane Schirm has been volunteering at the food pantry at Cross Roads Presbyterian Church in Monroeville for 15 years. Still, it is never easy for her to hear the hardships of those who need to come there. And it is just as difficult to recall those stories without getting emotional. “I had a lady call me who said she never thought she’d have to call a food bank. She had a postgraduate degree, had two children, lost her job and had no food,” Schirm said, her voice cracking with emotion as she walked away to continue filling grocery bags with food. The food pantry at Cross Roads Presbyterian is the largest of the three remaining food pantries in Monroeville. The others are at Assembly of God and Garden City. We really try to be an outreach to the community and to help where we can,” said Cross Roads Presbyterian’s pastor Rob Marrow. “It would be nice if it wouldn’t be necessary,” he said of the food pantry. James Manner has been the director of Cross Roads food pantry for 11 years. He is a member of North American Martyr Church in Monroeville. His wife, Barbara, a retired Duquesne University professor, is a member of Cross Roads Presbyterian. Manner said that over the last two years he has seen a sharp increase in the number of people the food pantry is serving. Over the past couple of years, it has gone from serving 110 clients to 173 clients, the highest number of clients to date. “It’s very difficult for many,” said Manner, a retired chemist for PPG Industries. “We’ve had a number of people come in and actually shed tears [because] they had to do this…There are a number of people who lost their jobs; they’re trying to make ends meet.” The Cross Roads food pantry averaged
about 14 families a week last year, which breaks down to about 40 people per week or 1,927 people for the year. Since 2005, the percentage of individuals being served by the food pantry has increased 63.3 percent. To qualify for the food pantry, potential clients must meet eligibility requirements. According to the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, a family of four can earn no more than $528 a week or $2,289 a month. They must show proof of income, whether it is from a job, Social Security, welfare or SSI. Every Thursday volunteers for the food pantry at Cross Roads visit the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank to obtain food, the amount of which is based on the size of the pantry. Then every Friday between 9 a.m. and noon, the food pantry at Cross Roads gives its clients at least a week’s worth of groceries, including meat and canned goods. “The meat we give out is kind of based on what we can get out of the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank,” Manner said. The food pantry purchases at least 50 percent of its food from the food bank. It also gives clients other items such as laundry detergent, toothpaste, toilet paper, soap, etc. The pantry receives donations from a number of sources including members of Cross Roads Presbyterian and other churches as well as local organizations; among them, the Monroeville Rotary Club, Gateway Middle School, Monroeville Mall Merchants Association, the Monroeville Foundation, the United Way, Boy Scout Troops 121 & 184, the Monroeville Arts Council, PPG Industries Foundation and federal programs. In addition to monetary donations, the food pantry also receives food donations. Recently, it received thousands of boxed sets from Hickory Farms containing sausage, cheeses and condiments so the boxes have been included in the items passed out to food pantry clients. “The financial has not been a problem for us,” Manner said. “It’s mainly the number of clients that we’ve gotten. It really pushes us hard on Friday. Fortunately, we’ve got a lot of volunteers.” Among the volunteers packing grocery bags for clients on a recent Friday were Audrey Lees, Barb Kucan, Ginni Repas, Diane Praskovich, Bob Breen and Bill Gross. Working in the food pantry office taking calls and handling clients are Linda Kelly, the desk person; Shirley Mulpin, volunteer coordinator; and Peg Sinback, office volunteer. “These people are the ones who are very important – being able to listen, to take care of people getting signed up and continued on next page
Monroeville | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 11
Food pantry director James Manner with Cross Roads Pastor Rob Marrow
continued from previous page
signing in,” Manner said. If a family is fortunate enough to have plenty to eat, there are important things that anyone can do to help those who are hungry. One of the most obvious ways is to donate money to your local food pantry. This enables the food bank to buy the nutritious foods that are needed, rather than having to cope with limited amounts of random food items. Although many businesses and corporations support the food banks, they could not survive without help from the general population at large. The support of individuals in the community is crucial. For some families, a donation of $25 or $50 may pose a hardship on their budget. But even with limited income, there are things that almost anyone can do to help. Most grocery stores offer shoppers the opportunity to make a contribution to the local food pantry at the checkout line. If every family who is able makes a donation of $1 each week when they shop for groceries, think of the money that could be generated to help feed the hungry! By donating a smaller amount more frequently, it is less painful than writing a check for $20 or more. A small donation of one dollar will most likely not be missed in the family budget, but will help make a big impact when combined with the dollars from other area households. Although monetary donations allow the food
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pantry the ability to buy food supplies to fill particular needs, food donations are also helpful. Many times we buy things at the store with good intentions, but those items at the back of the cupboard are just not being eaten. Chances are if you take a quick inventory of your pantry, there are a few items that could be donated to your local food bank. In particular need are high fiber cereals, rice, pasta, and canned beans such as kidney, black and navy which are an important source of protein. Peanut butter, canned tuna and salmon also supply much needed protein. Canned vegetables and fruits are always welcomed as well as fruit and vegetable juices, although they should be 100% juice so be sure to check the ingredients label before donating. Chili, stews and soups are also valuable items because they offer a quick and easy way to get several daily nutrients in one convenient source. Glass containers cannot be accepted at local food banks because of possible breakage. Although many foods remain nutritious and palatable after they expire, some do not. Therefore donated food items should not be expired. Another practically painless way to donate food is to take advantage of store specials. When your local grocery runs a special where two items may be purchased and the third one is free or there’s a “two for the price of one” special, consider donating that extra can of carrots to
the food pantry. If this is done weekly, the items will add up quickly and the surplus will help feed hungry families. Last of all, but in no way least, if individuals cannot afford even small sacrifices of money or groceries, time is another valuable commodity. Most food banks are operated entirely by volunteers. There are many different jobs to do which allow a person to be matched with a task that fits his/her own unique personality. Groceries must be organized and stocked on the shelves and later packed into boxes for food pantry clients. Individuals are also needed to work directly with clients to determine eligibility and the distribution of food. Still other people are needed for fundraising activities, food drive events and marketing duties. One of the best things about helping your local food pantry is that you are helping your neighbors. Oftentimes the hungry go unnoticed because hunger cannot be seen or felt by those around it. The person who is hungry could be your neighbor, a co-worker or the waitress at your local coffee shop. If 42% of U.S. citizens will have food insecurity at some time in their lives, the hungry person may even be you or your family. Helping the food pantry to help others will build a stronger, healthier community for us all.
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Photos by Gary Yon Monroeville | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 13
Gators Finish 9-3, Advance to AAAA Semifinals FALL SHORT OF HEINZ FIELD
he 2011 version of the Gateway Gators wanted to erase the memories of a disappointing 2010. That team finished 6-5 and lost in the quarterfinals to rival Central Catholic. This team faced some early adversity, but responded in a big way. An explosive offense was complemented by a stifling defense, and they battled their way deep into the postseason. The home opener would be no easy task, as AAA power Bishop McDevitt came to town. Gateway passed the test easily, 28-7. They traveled to Penn Hills the following week and moved to 2-0 with a hard-fought 19-13 victory. After blitz blitzing Latrobe 45-7 in the conference opener, they traveled to 3-0 Penn-Trafford. A defensive slugfest went to the Warriors, 16-14. The Gators bounced back in resounding fashion. The opponent was Norwin and Gateway scored early and often. The final was 85-0. That’s right, 85-0. They continued the barrage against Hempfield, 36-0, and their record stood at 5-1 (3-1 Foothills). A non-conference showdown with top-ranked Central Catholic was on the schedule for week 7. The Gators found themselves on the wrong end of a 13-0 score after the first quarter. They were able to mount a scoring drive in the second quarter to draw within 13-7. However, Central’s defense pitched a shutout the rest of the way, and held on for the 13-7 win. The Gators quickly got back on track with a 40-0 blowout
of Connellsville. They traveled to rival McKeesport in week 9. The stakes were big – a home game in round one of the playoffs. Another barrage of scoring and defense led to a 38-0 pasting, the defense’s fourth shutout of the season. A 7-2 (5-1) record earned them the 5 seed in the postseason. They hosted Shaler in round one. They delighted the home fans with a 52-13 shutdown of the Titans. It was on to the quarterfinals, where they would face 10-0 Penn-Trafford. The Gators jumped out to a 21-3 lead en route to a 34-9 smoking of the Foothills conference champs. They were paced by Andre Martin’s 111 rushing yards and Darin Franklin’s 86-yard punt return. Undefeated North Allegheny loomed in the semifinals. The Tigers jumped out to a 14-0 halftime lead, and with quarterback Thomas Woodson out with a shoulder injury, the Gators season looked over. However, Woodson returned for the second half. A halfback option pass to wideout Mileak Ford from 41 yards away cut the lead to 14-7. After a Tiger punt, the Gators drove to the 3, where Martin punched it in to tie the game. The Tigers fumbled the ensuing kickoff, and Gateway recovered at the 10. They could only manage a field goal, but had the lead 17-14 early in the fourth quarter. The Tigers mounted a 13-play, 63 yard drive that was capped by a 1-yard plunge on a 4th and goal. The Gators, down 21-17, had time for one last drive. A 51-yard hook-and-lateral completion moved the ball to the Tiger 19 with 26 seconds left. However, two plays later, Brian Jones’ pass was picked off, and the Tigers emerged with a 21-17 win. The Gators certainly showed major improvements from 2010. They finished second in the Foothills conference, and advanced to within one play of Heinz Field. They outscored their opponents 415-99 on the season, led by four shutouts from the defense. They look to take the next step in 2012, and if 2011 is any indication, they will be threats to do so.
By Stephen Jeffries
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– D I N I N G
O U T –
$.95 Tacos $2.95 Margaritas
here are three basic ingredients in any successful restaurant – great food, great service, great atmosphere. It is a recipe that has been perfected at Patron Mexican Grill in Monroeville. Located at 245 Mall Blvd. in the former Chili’s, Patron’s menu states “Food is our passion. Service is our obsession.” It shows on both counts. Add to that a truly unique décor of brightly coloredtables and booths crafted in Mexico, and one can’t help but have a great dining experience here. The Monroeville location is the second of three such restaurants owned by Martin Bolaños. The first is located in Wexford and the third, in Fox Chapel, opened about five months ago. Bolaños’ mantra is “The customer is always right.” It is one that is shared by his general manager, Raul Carillo, and passed down to the restaurant managers and serving staff. “Once they come the first time, we make sure they come back,” Bolaños said. Our hostess, Amber, was bright and energetic and greeted us with a smile. Our server, Travis, could have taught a course in how to provide great service. He was personable, knowledgable and just really seemed to care that we had a great experience at the restaurant. Patron has an extensive menu that includes plenty of offerings for lovers of Mexican fare and those who may not be overly enamored of it. There are fajitas, quesadillas, tacos, chimichangas, burritos, enchiladas, all made fresh
with chicken, beef, or shrimp or in some cases a combination of all three. There are vegetarian versions of some Mexican favorites such as fajitas vegetarian, vegetarian chimichangas, and spinach quesadillas. There are also seafood dishes including fish and shrimp tacos, and chipotle shrimp. “We specialize in picky eaters,” said Bolaños. “We got a little bit of everything,” added Carillo. The menu is developed by the chef, who is from Mexico and Bolaños, incorporating dishes from various Mexican regions. It also includes suggestions from customers, and feedback from them on new menu items. There is also a variety of libations including margaritas, domestic and imported beers and wines. Travis brought the requisite salsa and chips, plus some cheese sauce, which is really addictive. We started out our ordering with the shrimp nachos, crispy chips topped with peppers, onions, cheese and succulent, perfectly seasoned grilled shrimp. It is more than enough for two people to share as an appetizer or can even serve as a quick meal. Calling on Travis’ expertise, we asked for suggestions for entrees. We decided on La Bahia Special, which is one of Patron’s very popular seafood specialties. It is comprised of a fish fillet and shrimp, perfectly grilled, served with rice, steamed vegetables, lime and special sauce. It also includes their famous cheese sauce, but we asked that not be included. It was perfection, the fish
was moist and flaky, the shrimp very tasty covered in the special sauce that was not too spicy. We also ordered Patron Fajitas, a dish where you don’t have to pick one meat because it comes with shrimp, steak and chicken on a sizzling skillet. The meat is tender, the shrimp is succulent and ready to wrap in the warm tortillas that accompany them. For dessert, we had a delicious, not-too-sweet, flan. Other dessert offerings include fried ice cream, which comes in a cinnamon sugared tortilla shell and topped with hot fudge. It was the perfect ending to a perfect dining experience at Patron. Patron is open Monday through Thursday, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Friday, 11 a.m. to 10:30 p.m.; Saturday noon to 10:30 p.m.; Sunday, noon to 9 p.m. For more information, call Patron at 412.373.2555 or visit the website at www.patronmexgrills.com.
EVLA Minimally Invasive Procedure
Brings Immediate Vein Relief
o you suffer from tired, achy legs with bulging varicose veins., Or maybe you just have clusters of unsightly, small purple veins that bother you and you wonder what can be done about them? Rest assured you are not alone in these concerns. Approximately 30% of American adults has signs and symptoms of varicose veins. Varicose veins are essentially superficial veins that have lost the ability to effectively transport blood back to the heart. Varicose veins can range from large, ugly, ropy veins to smaller clusters of superficial (close to the surface) purple veins. Many patients will experience pain, achiness, heaviness and swelling. If left untreated these varicose veins can lead to inflammation of the vein (phlebitis), skin discoloration of the lower legs, skin breakdown and ulcers can ultimately occur. Years ago patients ignored this problem or were told the condition was “cosmetic”. Many times, if they did seek treatment, the results were often disappointing, or they were left with disfiguring scars. Over the past several years, greater understanding of varicose veins has allowed for more effective treatments. The use of painless, noninvasive ultrasound to diagnose the problem and pinpoint the cause is the standard of care. Treatment for even the largest and most problematic veins can now
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take less than an hour, require little or no anesthesia, and allow patients to return to their normal activities immediately. All this done in the safety and comfort of an office setting. Many times patients are anxious to receive treatment because they have previously heard an unpleasant story or known someone who had been subjected to previous treatment in years past that was much more invasive than what is available today. The majority of people are familiar with stories of past varicose vein treatments. Unfortunately, many are unfamiliar with the significant advances in treatment for varicose veins that allows for more effective and less invasive treatment. This minimally invasive, office-based care, is standard of care for the physicians at the Circulatory Centers. All new patients are initially evaluated at a no cost, no obligation consultation. A state of the art ultrasound evaluation is performed in our ICAVL accredited vascular lab to diagnose any venous problems. The Circulatory Center staff members will then meet with the patient and offer a customized treatment plan based on each patient’s specific needs. At the Circulatory Centers treatment protocols often involve effective therapies such as; sclerotherapy or Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVLA). The physicians at the Circulatory Centers continually review the evolving literature and treatment standards so a contemporary and effective treatment plan can be individualized for every patient. Sclerotherapy, performed in one of our local offices, by an experienced provider, is often used to treat smaller veins. During this visit a small amount of medication is injected into the target vein which causes it to collapse. The body then reabsorbs this vein over the course of several weeks. A support stocking is worn for a brief period to help compress the veins and allow for them to collapse naturally. Sclerotherapy is performed in a thirty minute office visit and involves no ‘down time.’ EVLA is also performed in the office by a physician. This procedure is often used to treat larger veins. A flexible laser fiber is inserted into the problem vein using ultrasound guidance. This procedure is done with local anesthesia and takes about forty minutes. The laser produces intense energy which causes the vein to close down. Patients return to their normal daily activities immediately. A support stocking is worn for several days after EVLA and patients are encouraged to walk to promote blood flow thru the remaining healthy veins. All this is done in the comfort and safety of our office through a 1/8 inch incision and little or no scaring! With the generally accepted knowledge of venous insufficiency and varicose veins, 95% of our procedures are covered by insurance. At the Circulatory Center each patient is assigned a Patient Account Representative who will help them navigate the often confusing sea of insurance regulations and billing. So what do you have to lose? Only those ugly painful varicose veins. This Industry Insight was written by Louis Certo, M.D., F.A.C.S. Medical Director of Circulatory Centers A graduate of St. Vincent College in Latrobe, Dr. Certo earned his medical degree from the University of Rome in Italy. After completing a five-year residency in General Surgery. Dr. Certo is Board Certified and Recertified in General Surgery. For the past ten years he has devoted most of his practice to venous surgery and has been associated with Circulatory Centers since 1997. Dr.Certo is a current member of the American College of Phlebology.
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Danielle Ochendowski flanked by her mother, Megan Ochendowski, left and grandmother Marie Fowler, right Lucille Peckman
len Junker mother-in-law He Faye Junker and
Outside may have been cold and overcast, but inside Cross Roads Presbyterian Church in Monroeville there were plenty of sunny smiles as the church’s fellowship committee held a Ladies’ Tea in its fellowship hall on Saturday, January 14. The menu included a variety of dainty sandwiches, cakes, breads, fruit salads, compotes and of course, scones and tea. Some ladies, both young and young-at-heart, wore hats and even gloves for the occasion, which was about fun and fellowship.
Barbara Manner pours tea for Madelyn Rhea
Hannah Adams
Laverne Lokay
Rymer Sisters, Mia Rymer and Demi
Penny Zeisloft and daughter Ella Zeisloft
Monroeville | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 17
eco tourism
Travelling Green Is Easier Than You Think
e all love our vacations when we can get them. But while travelling may mean leaving town for a dream destination, it also means baggage and one the pitfalls that come with it – waste. From “travel-sized” tubes of toothpaste and shampoo bottles to disposable razors and eating utensils, travelers often plan to return home with less than they take in order to make room for souvenirs or to simply lighten their loads., With a little planning, however, one can achieve the same goal while putting less of a burden on the environment. For starters, many discount stores sell empty plastic flip-top containers that are perfect for shampoos and conditioners. Instead of purchasing travel size versions of your favorite products, just get a few of these containers and fill them from products already in your bathroom. Rather than packing disposable razors, consider purchasing an electric razor for travel. Even after years of use, a quality electric razor that’s been properly maintained will still deliver a close shave. If you’re travelling to a major city or tourist destination, public transportation will almost certainly be available. Just like at home, traveling by bus is the most environmentally friendly way of getting around if rmation on fo in re o you can’t walk the distance. Most m r Fo r traditional o , sm ri u to port authorities in destination o ec nning, call cities have routes to all major vacation pla Travel today tourist attractions already in Three Rivers 41, or visit at 724.260.53 avel.com. place. If you need a car, many verstr www.threeri major rental companies have added flex fuel and electric hybrids to their fleets.
Upon arriving plan a grocery stop. Buying from a grocery store for snacks and drinks is cheaper than eating every meal out. If you’re on the go, packing a few sandwiches can also save you time, avoiding long lines at lunch and dinner time. Your hotel room most likely will have a refrigerator; why not use it? The grocery store also will save you from the enormous mark-up on food items in hotel lobbies, restaurants and room service. Dining out can also be a vacation highlight – no need to eat every meal in the room! If you really want to be an eco-tourist, find local restaurants that reflect the culture of your destination. Local cuisine is part of the experience, so treat yourself, and avoid chainrestaurants until you’re back at home. Eating locally also has ecological advantages; smaller restaurants tend to take advantage of locally grown produce, meats and cheeses. By patronizing these mom-and-pop eateries, you’re not only helping to sustain “mom and pop,” you’re helping the local farmers as well. If you’ve chosen an exotic locale, chances are that there are ecotours available. These unique and exhilarating sojourns are planned around responsible tour routes to preserve the local ecology. They typically hire local employees and guides, and will engage local officials to plan operations to minimize negative impacts on the ecology and social structure. Another advantage to ecotours is that they oftentimes allow unprecedented access to the
::: Three Rivers Travel 724.260.5341 ::: www.threeriverstravel.com ::: 18 724.942.0940 to advertise |
eco destinations to consider in
local wildlife, so be sure have your camera ready. The last thing to know about ecotours is that they are educational. Many tours not only point out fauna and wildlife, but will inform you as to what you can do to keep your favorite destination pristine for generations to come. In the end, your vacation is your dream. Whether you’re more comfortable in a hotel room or in a tent in Madagascar, you always have options to minimize your impact during your stay. And by being a conscientious traveler, you also leave the locals with a better opinion of you and the United States as a whole. When it comes to tourism, you’re not just a visitor, you’re an ambassador.
MAKE 2012 your year to visit an eco-friendly destination with your family. Here are four places where GREEN is good:
Oregon. This northwestern haven for all things green is possibly the most eco-conscious state in the nation. With more than 300 miles of stunning coastline preserved as public land, families can visit pristine beaches, bike in two-wheelfriendly cities like Portland and Eugene, and raft on wild and scenic rivers. You can also explore high deserts, farm and wine country and the Columbia River Gorge, all within one grand holiday.
3 Utah. Robert Redford is the eco-
minded force behind this mountain resort that provides a high-altitude lesson in good fun and environmental stewardship. Join guides for a snowshoe trek under the night sky in search of owls. By day, enjoy skiing, hiking, horseback riding, art projects and music. The resort operates on wind power, recycles its own glass and offers organic linens, amenities and vegetables. Carpoolers receive $5 off lift tickets for their energy-saving efforts.
Visit this exotic island to see 2theBorneo. world’s largest flower and to discover 4 St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. sparsely populated beaches, caves, lush jungles and an expansive list of endemic plant species. Trek through the virgin jungle to Mount Kinabalu and explore the Kinabatangang River region. Be on the lookout for wild boars, orangutans, macaques, elephants, kingfishers and proboscis monkeys. Stay in awardwinning eco-lodges featuring solar power, the harvest of rainwater and wildlife rehabilitation efforts.
Follow the underwater trail and enjoy one of the few fully protected marine areas in the world. Run by the National Park Service, the 176-acre island and surrounding coral reef ecosystem form Buck Island Reef National Monument, a nature lover’s paradise. Intensely colored fish and coral thrive in a turquoise sea, providing a visual treat for both novice and experienced snorkelers and divers. The preserve can be reached via halfand full-day charters.
::: Three Rivers Travel 724.260.5341 ::: www.threeriverstravel.com ::: Monroeville | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 19
Doctor, Volunteers Provide
FREE CLINIC by Monica Haynes; Photos by Gary Yon
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s a physician, a husband and a father of two, one might think that Dr. Robert Beasley would spend his off hours actually being off. However, every Thursday Dr. Beasley, a family practice and osteopathic physician with Premiere Medical Associates, spends his would-be off hours operating a free medical clinic called Sheep Inc. Health Care Center. The clinic, an outreach min ministry at the Monroeville Assembly of God Church where Dr. Beasley is a member, provides basic primary care for uninsured and underinsured and underserved adults and children. Dr. Beasley and a team of 50 medical volunteers make themselves available every Thursday from 6 to 9 p.m. at the clinic located at the church, 4561 Old William Penn Highway. The clinic also offers $4 generic medications that can be provided on the spot. “I’ve always had it in my heart to do something like this,” Dr. Beasley said. “It’s part of the ministry of our church. It’s a way of being able to help people.” The clinic falls in line with the church’s homeless and orphan ministries, he added. The clinic has been operating for commore than a year. To make the com munity aware that the clinic existed, fliers were posted in
places that serve the community (like Goodwill), and of course, fellow church members helped spread the word as well. “We’ve been getting a lot of people,” Dr. Beasley said. “Initially, we started out with 10-15 people every Thursday and sometimes a little bit more.” The number of people utilizing the clinic has grown to the point that the clinic is now trying to find a bigger location in the Monroeville area. “It’s kind of like a mobile clinic, almost,” said Dr. Beasley. He explained that tables and chairs and some other equipment have to be brought to the church on the day the clinic operates, although they do have some storage space there. Although the clinic is located in Monroeville, those seeking services have come from as far away as Johnstown. “It’s amazing…some of the people, where they come from,” Dr. Beasley said. “Sometimes people are visiting family and figure they might as well stop by the clinic. There are people who are between jobs, looking for work but can’t afford insurance. A lot of people slip through the cracks in our system. It’s unfortunate, but those are the people we’re trying to help.” While the clinic does not handle emergencies, it can provide primary care for things like bad colds or blood pressure checks or getting physical forms filled out. “The clinic is really just doctors who care,” said Dr. Beasley.
It’s not just doctors, however; there are also volunteer nurses, including Dr. Beasley’s wife, Robin, who serves as volunteer director. “My wife sets up the clinic schedule and we rotate all the volunteers. She’s a nurse by trade, so it’s something that we can do together and we have a heart to do that together. That’s a real blessing there,” Dr. Beasley said. The couple have two daughters: Lettie, who is in college, and Nellie, a high school student. The clinic is looking to recruit more physicians and nurse practitioners. Another one of Dr. Beasley’s goals for the clinic is to add other services, such as dentistry. Currently, the clinic is in the process of obtaining its own 501(c)(3) nonprofit status. Right now it is operating with donations from the church and from Premiere Medical Associates. Dr. Beasley said those who come to the clinic are very grateful that it’s there. “God’s command is that we help people,” he said. “At the end of the day, people will look at that. This is all really about Him.” Dr. Beasley envisions that one day his clinic will be able to operate with the backing of a number of churches, similar to a clinic in Columbus, Ohio, which has 60-70 churches supporting it. “When 60 churches come together, can you imagine what they can do?” he said. “Everybody would be able to benefit and ultimately the most important thing is people hear the good news about Christ.”
Monroeville | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 21
Morning session: 10:15 - 11 a.m.; Afternoon session: 1:15 - 2:00 p.m.; Registration begins April 13
Tuesday, March 20; 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. in the Gallery Space
Spring Storytime
This series of stories and crafts for children ages 3 – 5 are held Wednesdays, April 25 through May 16. Parents do not stay during the story portion, but return to help with crafts during the last 10 minutes.
Family Craft Nights
Our very popular Family Craft Nights are held in the Program Room on the lower level of the Library. Family Craft Nights are fun for the entire family! Space is limited, so register early!
Easter Family Craft Night Monday, March 19 - 7 - 8:30 p.m. Registration begins March 9
Earth Day Family Craft Night Monday, April 16 - 7 - 8:30 p.m. Registration begins April 2
Tot Time
10:00 – 10:30 a.m. in the Gallery Space Second and fourth Tuesday of each month
These story times for one to three-year-olds with an adult are held the second and fourth Tuesday of each month in the Gallery Space. Registration begins one week before each program.
Teen Writing Workshop
Mondays 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the Program Room
Whether you’ve already written a novel or have never tried writing for fun, this workshop is for you! The Teen Writing Workshop is a program open to any and all teen writers, regardless of writing interest or previous experience. We’ve got writing tips, helpful hints, and even a chance for you to have your writing read and reviewed by the rest of the group. We discuss a new topic every week, and you don’t need to have come to previous meetings to drop in on a new session.
Mother-Daughter Book Club
Mother-Daughter Book Club is for parents and for students in grades 5 – 8. Daughters and mothers (or grandmothers, aunts, or special friends) will read one book each month, then come to the library to discuss the book.
Local Author Fred Bortz: Meltdown! The Nuclear Disaster in Japan and Our Energy Future
After earning his Ph.D. at Carnegie Mellon University in 1971, physicist Fred Bortz set off on an interesting and varied 25-year career in teaching and research, including three years in nuclear reactor core design. Fred decided to write full-time after his third book, Catastrophe! Great Engineering Failure— and Success, was designated a “Selector’s Choice” on the 1996 list of Outstanding Science Trade Books for Children. Several of his books have since earned significant recognition, including the 2002 American Institute of Physics Science Writing Award. In Catastrophe’s chapter about nuclear meltdowns, Fred described but deliberately left open questions about the future of nuclear power that his readers would face as adults. Meltdown! The Nuclear Disaster in Japan and Our Energy Future (a Junior Library Guild selection) picks up where that chapter left off. Does the rise of wind and solar power mean we can avoid nuclear power? Or does global warming mean we need it more than ever? These are vital questions for citizens of the future. With Meltdown!, they can begin to explore the answers.
First Annual Book Blast 5K Run and Walk
Monroeville Public Library is excited to announce the First Annual Book Blast 5K Run and Walk, held to benefit the Library. The event kicks off at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, May 12, 2012 at Monroeville Community Park. Refreshments, an awards ceremony, and guest speakers will follow the race. If you would like to participate in the race, please visit our website for a registration form.
MPL E-News
Monroeville Public Library patrons are invited to join MPL Adult Program E-News, an electronic mail group designed to keep you informed about adult programs at MPL. Members receive emails with information about upcoming local history programs, travel slide shows, local author talks, science programs, health lectures and more. To join MPL Adult Program E-News: please send a blank email message to mpladultprogramssubscribe@yahoogroups.com. Within a few minutes you will receive an email with instructions for joining the group. If you have any questions about how to join the MPL Adult Program E-News group, contact Mark Hudson, Adult Services Librarian, at 412-372-0500 ext. 13.
Free eBooks
Did you get a new Kindle or Nook for the holidays? Then you should know you can check out free eBooks from Monroeville Public Library! The libraries of Allegheny County have partnered with OverDrive Digital Media to provide eBooks, eAudiobooks, videos, and more -- ready for download to your Kindle, Nook, iPad, iPhone, and dozens of other digital media devices. For details, call one of our helpful librarians at 412-372-0500 ext. 4. Or simply visit our website at www.monroevillelibrary.org and click on the OverDrive link.
Monroeville Public Library
4000 Gateway Campus Blvd. • 412.372.0500 • Christy Fusco, Director www.MonroevilleLibrary.org Children’s Room: ext. 3, Teen Librarian: ext. 6, Adult Reference: ext. 4, Circulation Desk: ext. 5
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Monday – Thursday: 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Friday – Saturday: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.; Sunday: 2:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Monroeville | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 23
Local Author
Pens Sequel to Book Spotlighting
9/11 Babies By Dana Black McGrath
n 9/11, when the nation was experiencing unimaginable heartbreak, Christine Pisera Naman was giving birth to her son, Trevor. “It was a day filled with a mixture of emotion,” explains the Monroeville resident. “I was elated about my baby boy, but at the same time I was grieving and devastated by what was transpiring in the country.” She began searching for a way to reconcile her conflicting emotions. To help with that process, she started journaling about her thoughts and feelings. The exercise, she thought, would help her one day to ex explain the events of that fateful day to her son. Her journal
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entries would eventually become the text for her book, “Faces of Hope: Babies Born on 9/11.” The book featured children from across the country who were born amid the turbulence of the tragic events of the day of the 9/11 attacks. Soon after she began journaling about her reflections on the events of 9/11, both sorrowful and joyful, she realized she wasn’t alone in her emotional conflict. There were many parents who welcomed children into the world that day. So she decided to reach out to other “9/11 moms.” That effort would lead to connections that stretched across the country. “It was a day when everyone remembers where they were and who they were with,” she says. “And, it was a time when the country was really coming together.” Naman eventually connected with one 9/11 mom from each of the 50 states and asked them to donate a photo of their child for her project. baIn the book, there is a photo of each of the ba bies, along with a written wish for each of those children. Entries from her journal served as text for the book. The recent 10-year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks inspired Naman to compile an update to her work. Her latest book, “Faces of Hope 10 Years Later: Babies Born on 9/11,” a sequel
to the original “Faces of Hope,” was published in August. “For many of us, 9/11 feels like it just happened, but really 10 years have passed,” says Naman. “In no other way can you see that than in the growth of a child.” That expanse of time is made more tangible as the babies included in the first “Faces of Hope” are featured as older children. Once again, Naman reached out to the network of 9/11 mothers asking them for updated photos of their children to include in the sequel. This time, she also asked for the children to write about how they would make the world a better place, and also to submit a colorful picture to go along with their message. Sadly, the life of one of the babies featured in the original “Faces of Hope,” was heartbreakingly cut short by another national tragedy. Young Christina Taylor Green, to whom the new book is dedicated, represented Maryland in the original publication. She was shot and killed during the Jan. 8, 2011 shooting rampage that left six people killed and 19 shot outside a Tucson, Arizona, supermarket, including U.S. Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Naman reached out to Christina’s family to tell them about her intent to write a sequel to “Faces of Hope.”
“They are just amazing people,” Naman says of Christina’s family. “They said they would want her to have what the other children had and provided a picture of her at nine years old.” During his speech at the memorial service for the Arizona shooting victims, President Barack Obama spoke of young Christina, and his words were included in the book as Christina’s “quote.” Both books are available through Amazon.com. They are among five titles penned by Naman. Her other works include: “Christmas Lights: A Novel,” a work of fiction set during the holiday season; “The Believers,” a Christian fiction novel; and “Caterpillar Kisses, Lessons My Kindergarten
Class Taught Me About Life,” a collection of short stories inspired by Naman’s experience as a kindergarten teacher in the Catholic school system. Naman is a graduate of Gateway High School and went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in early childhood education from Indiana University of Pennsylvania and a master’s degree in health education from The Pennsylvania State University. She worked as a kindergarten teacher for 10 years and now is a fulltime mother and wife who writes as a hobby. “I write pretty much every day, without the pressure of it being a job.”
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Not a Chamber M ember? You should be
! A recent survey sh owed that consumer s are 63% more likely to purchase go ods or services from a co mp an y that belongs to its local Chamber of Commerce. We Mea n Bu sin es s. Call the chamber today at 412.856.0622 or vist us at www.m onroevillechamber.co m.
Brenda Sebring Esq. and Jack Finnegan Esq. congratulate Monica Robinson of First National Bank as the 2011 Monroeville Area Chamber of Commerce Member of the Year. Attorneys Sebring and Finnegan were each honored with the Wes Blaha Member of the Year award in past years.
VisitMonroeville ent of the eastern suburbs, As a business owner, manager or resid or’s destination? do you consider Monroeville as a visit ille has been Since 1987, the goal of VisitMonroev e show and to promote this area to the travel, trad to host a great tion convention industry as a prime loca r, the Interim Bou na Don . conference, meeting or expo traveled has ille roev Mon Executive Director of Visit fornia Cali as, Veg Las ., D.C ton frequently to Washing ting, religious, promoters and event planners of spor and Florida to meet and talk with show offers an shows. According to Bour, “Monroeville corporate, music and consumer trade Monroeville ed odel 100,000 square foot newly rem ideal location to host an event - with the pike and Turn the and h from the downtown Pittsburg Convention Center, easy accessibility staff the with ely clos s work retail shopping. Our staff a robust mix of hotels, restaurants and , cost lowa as n regio the ote to market and prom of the Monroeville Convention Center high-quality location.” ts to ting planning services and bringing even In addition to providing traditional mee es ness busi committed to working with our local our community, VisitMonroeville is also , show ry ices to visitors while they are here. “Eve to help promote their products and serv l loca our for ting event presents an opportunity conference, business meeting and spor s and eat at restaurants, shop in our retail store ors business and economy to benefit. Visit or sage mas a for ing look automotive services, be want to be entertained. They might need next the over hard ing work ”, says Bour. “We are haircut or need quick medical attention them nesses on how VisitMonroeville can help busi ating educ n few months to really begi nering with us.” market and build their business by part began and expertise to VisitMonroeville. She ce rien expe of host a Donna brings in B.A. and event management. She has a her career in fundraising, sponsorship in ee degr ter’s versity of Pittsburgh and Mas Business Administration from the Uni March to 8 200 of ust Mellon University. From Aug Public Management from Carnegie she time that ing Dur . utive Director of the CVB 2010 Bour served as the Interim Exec She on. regi the ket mar and agency to promote oversaw a complete rebranding of the stage of lead VisitMonroeville into their next help to year returned in August of this growth and development. roeville MACC, serving on the Celebrate Mon Donna has been actively involved with mittee. com n , and on the Staff Appreciation Luncheo committee since its beginning in 2005 not is she n s and Business After Hours whe She regularly attends monthly luncheon ng with to the B2B Expo in March and networki ard traveling. This year she is looking forw and ille roev Mon Visit to get them involved with MACC members and their businesses ille. ming events in Monroev share important information and upco roeville.com ille, visit their website at www.visitmon For more information about VisitMonroev book.com/visitmonroeville. or join their Facebook page at www.face
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Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald addressed members of the Monroeville Area Chamber of Commerce at a special breakfast meeting at Forbes Regional Hospital. Pictured with Mr. Fitzgerald are Debbie Iszauk, Director of Member Services at Monroeville Area Chamber, Barry Layton, from Penn Center East/LG Realty and 2012 Chamber Board Chair, and Walt Henry from THE pt Group Physical Therapy and past Chamber Board Chair.
To learn more about our summer science camps, visit us online or call 412.237.1637 today!
Premier Medical Associates Family Practice on Northern Pike celebrated the opening of its new office with a ribbon cutting ceremony that the Monroeville Area Chamber of Commerce coordinated. Members of the chamber were present to offer support and congratulations to a new Monroeville Area Chamber member. Walt Henry from THE pt Group and Chamber Board Director presents a certificate to Premier Medical Associates’ COO Joanne Wall and CEO Mark DeRubeis. Joining them are from left to right: Drs. Dorothy Wihelm, Rajiv Jana, Gregory Little, Mayor Greg Erosenko, Councilwoman Diane Allison and Dr. LaDonna Fuge.
Members of the Monroeville Area Chamber joined together to help Bret Pechersky, owner of Berer Financial Management, celebrate the opening of his new office at 4040 Monroeville Blvd.
Monroeville | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 27
Monroeville Historical Society
Relies on
By Marilyn K. Wempa
hen you see snowflakes falling and feel a cold wind blowing, it might be hard to imagine the warm sunshine of May and June. But have faith, these days will come, according to the Monroeville Historical Society’s board members who have decided it’s not too soon to plan for its warm weather events. They are excited about their annual Gateway School Fifth Graders’ tour in April, Antiques Appraisal on Sunday, May 20, and Children’s Activity Day in June. These activities take place at its historical houses built in the early 1800’s, the McGinley House and McCully Log House, where Sunday open house tours are scheduled from 1 to 4 PM in April, May, and June. Ideas are also being considered for activities for the Historical Society’s two open house dates at the Old Stone Church during and after Monroeville’s Memorial Day and Independence Day parades, and for the Community Tree Lighting and Program in November. The 118-year-old church may be rented for weddings, programs, and meetings. It’s no secret these events require the efforts and enthusiasm of MHS members and volunteers who want to involve children and adults in activities to show what life was like in Monroeville not very long ago. Craftsmen are also important for the upkeep of the buildings. Volunteers are essential so MHS can offer the Children’s Old-Fashioned Activity Day that provides wholesome fun and adventures with its historical scavenger hunt, experiencing making ice cream in a churn, and games based on the activities of yesteryear like fishing, hopscotch and jacks. The Heritage Day Fes-
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tival in October gives visitors an opportunity to see bread baking in an outdoor oven, churn cream into butter, and operate a pump organ. Event chair Mary Lou Span said students and Scout troops interested in helping at events and working on improvement projects are welcome. (Call her at 412-245-1527.) The time volunteers contribute can be rewarding. For example, MHS president Lynn Chandler said, “Becoming involved in the Antiques Appraisal provides the opportunity to see nearly two hundred precious possessions residents have lovingly wrapped and transported for an expert to assess possible monetary value.” The dates and times of events are available in local newspapers, street signs, the Monroeville Hisotrical Society website, and the Society’s monthly newsletter sent to its members. Contact Ms. Chandler at 724-327-6164 or by e-mail at lchan@windstream.net, or log onto the society’s website (monroevillehistorical.org) where a membership application can be downloaded and mailed to Lynn Chandler, 606 Illini Drive, Monroeville, PA 15146. Annual dues are: $10 for a family, $7 for an individual, and $2 for a student. Members and volunteers are welcome to attend MHS board meetings at Monroeville Public Library on the third Tuesday at 7 PM. Logging onto the website affords a wealth of information, including photos and information about the historical sites and fascinating aspects of Monroeville’s history. Archivist Louis Chandler maintains the site. Books on Monroeville are also available. Don’t let the cold weather get you down. Instead “Think Spring” and take time to become a Historical Society volunteer or member!
More from the
Monroeville Historical Society
Pretend fishing in an antique watering trough is a popular activity at the Historical Society’s annual Children’s Fun Day in June.
Visitors at the Society’s historical houses enjoy talking with reenactors Lora Hearn and Henry Bowden to learn about the lives of settlers and Indians. Their demonstrations are a special feature of the Children’s Fun Days and Heritage Day Festivals.
Volunteer Paul Brosda made cotton candy for visitors to the Historical Society’s Celebrate Monroeville booth in September. Monroeville | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 29
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By Heather Holtschlag
More than half of the energy used in the average American home goes toward heating and cooling, and if your house is not properly insulated, much of that expense can go to waste. Insulation, particularly when installed in an area such as the attic, requires less work from the air conditioning and furnace systems, translating into less expense and fewer repairs. There are a number of things to note to properly install attic insulation, the first of which is called R-value. R-value measures the effectiveness of types of insulation; the higher an insulation’s R-value, the more effective it is. The recommended R-value for walls and floors in a mild climate is R-11; for ceilings and attics, it is R-19. In moderate climates, R-values should be a minimum of R-19 for walls and floors and R-30 for ceilings and attics. And, in cold climates, R-values for walls and floors should be R-19, and R-38 to R-49 for ceilings and attics. If you use your attic as living space, it is a good idea to install insulation in the walls and ceiling. If it is not used, you should still insulate, and the empty space will provide ample room for installation. If your attic is being insulated for the first time, it should include a vapor barrier, which is any material that does not absorb moisture and through which vapor will not pass. After it snows, it is recommended that you check the roof to see where the snow has fallen. If you notice specific areas on the roof where the snow has melted, this may signal an area that needs to be insulated or where the insulation is damaged. When installing insulation in the attic, the best method is to install it from the eaves toward the center of the room so as to leave more headroom when you need to cut or fit the insulation properly. If, upon installing the insulation, you discover that you need an extra layer, you can simply lay blankets on top of the insulation already there. To reduce fire hazard, cover the panels with wallboard or use fiberglass panels if you must install panels between the rafters in a ceiling that slopes. Also,if you use cellulose insulation, which is the most common type of loose-fill insulation, be sure that it has been treated with a fire retardant.
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CIL ARTS COUN re for Provides Cu Winter Blahs!
Arts Council board member and artist Kim Sauers enjoyed using her talents to decorate visitors’ faces at the Arts Council’s Celebrate Monroeville booth.
re you bored because you’re doing the same routine month after month? Would you like to meet interesting and positive people that would motivate you? The solution is to join the Monroeville Arts Council. You’ll find meaningful activities to do every month with artists, musicians, and people who are making a difference in the quality of cultural life in Monroeville. Here is an opportunity to become involved in planning the next annual Art Show by contributing ideas for the reception and entertainment. You greet your neighbors when they enter CCAC Boyce Campus’s air-conditioned auditorium for one of the four free concerts planned in July. You might enjoy encouraging young artists by working at the Children’s Day of Art. Others might like to send thank you notes to contributors who make these activities possible or enter articles on MAC’s Website. It isn’t necessary for MAC volunteers to have artistic talent. What is important is a desire to promote quality events in the community. While planning and fundraising goes on throughout the year, MAC’s events are scheduled for only two months. Board meetings are held at the Monroeville Public Library on the second Wednesday from 7 to 9 p.m. Yearly dues are $20 - individual, $25 - family, $15 - senior individual (55+), $20 - senior family membership, $50 – sponsor, and $100 and up – company/ organization. Checks and envelopes should be made out to “Monroeville Arts Council,” in care of Membership Chair Kim Sauers, at P.O. Box 942, Monroeville, PA 15146. For inquires, call MAC’s phone number - 412-373-0277, or log onto the Website at monroevilleartscouncil.org or use its e-mail address monroevileeartscouncil@gmail.com . Think of the difference you’ll make in your life and others’ lives by joining MAC! Kids’ & Teens’ Korner Art Show winners enjoyed receiving congratulations from Show Chair Isabelle Ross and the contest judge, Kim Sauers, at the Art Show Awards Ceremony in July at CCAC Boyce Campus. The show was held at Monroeville Mall.
By Marilyn K. Wempa
Monroeville | Spring 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 31
Business Directory
Colon and rectal cancer: Prevention is Key Colon and rectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States. One out of every eighteen men and women will develop this type of cancer in their lifetime.
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The good news is, this type of cancer can be detected early. It takes between 5 and 10 years for some polyps to develop into colon cancer, so early detection can mean the difference between life and death. With an early diagnosis, the five year survival rate is close to 90%. Without early detection, once a cancer has metastasized, the 5 year survival rate is only 10% .
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Although testing is available, many people don’t take advantage of the opportunity to be tested. In fact, only 54% of Americans over 50 have had a colonoscopy. Why? There are a number of reasons why people do not get a colonoscopy, including: • Some people are concerned about complications, although the true risk is less than 1%, • The test involves drinking a solution that does not taste great and is used to cleanse the bowels before the test, • Having the test done involves losing a day of work for most people, • Having the test requires anesthesia, • Some people are concerned about costs, however, this test is usually covered by all insurance carriers, including Medicare and Medicaid. • With the anesthesia comes the need for someone to drive you to and from the test, • Most people also have associated a colonoscopy with a loss of privacy and personal modesty. Given all that, why undergo such a test? Quite simply, this test offers early detection that can save your life. It can help prevent the need for a colostomy to catch your waste material, pain associated with the disease and the need to undergo invasive surgery or radiation and chemotherapy.
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So what should you do? Talk to your family physician about your risks of developing colon and rectal cancer and get a colonoscopy scheduled. Talk to your gastroenterologist about the benefits and risks for the procedure as they apply to you. But most importantly, put this life saving test on your list for 2012. Get it done. Dr. Irving Gottfried, MD, MPH, FACP, FACG,AGAF, is a gastroenterologist with Premier Medical Associates, the largest independent multi-physician practice in the Greater Pittsburgh area.
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