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From the Publisher At this time of year, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for taking the journey with us that was 2012. And while we’ve endured extremes of nature via the summer heat waves and Hurricane Sandy, as well as the onslaught of a presidential election that ate up any time available between our favorite shows, we still have much to be thankful for. IN Community Magazines continues to grow, and for that we thank you, our readers and our advertisers. Our readers help shape these magazines. Those of you who took the time to call, e-mail or write in with your ideas and events are the ones who set our table of contents. We pride ourselves on the fact that we listen to you and your ideas because, in the end, this is your community and you know it best. So I continue to encourage you to send in your ideas to our editor at I wish to thank our advertisers for your continued support of IN Community Magazines. By advertising with us, you are supporting your community by underwriting the cost of the editorial content that those who read these magazines enjoy and look forward to each issue. Because of you, our readers can be entertained and informed. In this last issue before 2013, I urge our readers to support the advertisers who support your community magazine before you make your holiday gift lists. If you like this magazine, let them know and make a point to stop in their businesses. They’re not just trying to sell you something, they’re also your neighbors and community sponsors. I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season and the best that 2013 has to offer! Enjoy your fall with the ones you love, Wayne Dollard, Publisher
we want to know:
What is the best
gift you’ve
ever received? Springcontent contentdeadline: deadline:1/11/13 00/0/13 Spring
It’s time to start thinking about the holiday season. While it’s always better to give than receive, we want to know what the best gift you’ve ever received was, and we don’t necessarily mean material things. Let us know! Email your story to or mail them to IN Community Magazines, 603 East McMurray Road, McMurray, PA 15317. Please indicate which of our magazines you receive so we know where to place your story. Photos are encouraged and should be 1MB or greater. Actual photos are accepted as well, but cannot be returned.
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IN Carlynton-Montour is a non-partisan community publication dedicated to representing, encouraging and promoting the Carlynton-Montour area and its comprising municipalities by focusing on the talents and gifts of the people who live and work here. Our goal is to provide readers with the most informative and professional regional publication in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
IN Carlynton-Montour | WINTER 2012 |
Industry Insights
Northwest Savings Bank ............. | 5 Julian Gray Associates What is a Special Needs Trust? ................. | 17
Ingram Family Dentistry .............. | 40 on the cover | Who better to ask what they would like to see on the cover for the holidays than the people who look forward to them the most – our kids. Here are student art works celebrating the season. Happy holidays and a safe and joyous New Year!
State Farm Insurance ................... | 44 Robinson Chiropractic ................. | 48 Business Spotlight
Holy Family Institute ..................... | 15 Supercuts ......................................... | 20 Greater Pittsburgh Travel ............. | 31 6
community interests
How Did You Meet Your Spouse? ................................................. | 4
Cover Holiday Cards by: Arabella Hunt, 6th grade, Crafton Elementary Emily Mikoloski, 6th grade, Crafton Elementary Hannah Stack, 7th grade, Carlynton Jr-Sr Hi Jaimee Cabili, 5th grade, Carnegie Elementary
Kira Gossard, 6th grade, Crafton Elementary Maria Smereka, 6th grade, Carnegie Elementary Max Notaro 6th grade, Crafton Elementary Samuel Bigham, 5th grade, Carnegie Elementary
Carlynton School District ............................................................... | 6 St. Philip School .................................................................................. | 16 UPMC Today | Health and Wellness News ...................................... | 21 Robinson Township Hosts Tenth Autumn Festival A Fall Day of Fun for Families ...................................................................... | 42 Features
The Pittsburgh Irish Reelers..................................................... | 18 Alby Oxenreiter Hosts Golf Classic ....................................... | 29 Health and Wellness ................................................................... | 32 We Want to Cover You! Do you have an event coming up that you’d like to publicize? Do you have an event that you want us to cover? Let us know! Go to and fill out the form. Events will be announced in the upcoming issue. If our deadlines don’t match yours, we may decide to send our photographers to cover the event for an upcoming issue. We’re looking for fundraisers, charity drives, social functions, class reunions, church festivals, awards presentations and more! If you’re not sure you have an event worth featuring, give us a call at 724.942.0940 and we’ll help you out! Carlynton-Montour | Winter 2012 | 3
How did you meet your spouse?
’m sure we all remember the hit TV show “Happy Days” and the little dairy store it was set in. It turned out to be a hang-out for all the teenagers who lived in the neighborhood, complete with a jukebox box and booths. It was a neat thing then for the kids to congregate there for a coke after school and just sit around and chat. I often wondered what became of these little places. This is the only one I ever heard of at the time and I don’t know anyone who knows of any other ones. I, for one, thought it was a really neat place because that is where I first laid eyes on the guy I would eventually marry. I have a sister who is a few years younger than I am and back then we did everything together. Went to school together, went shopping together and even hung out together. As I remember it, girls would see a guy, they’d like him (they called it a ‘crush’), and of course, all her close friends would know about it. They would proceed to see if there was any reciprocation on the guy’s part. Everyone played cupid. Well, that’s how I felt when I first saw Nick. He was a few years older than me and already out of school. He would come down to Alma’s once in a while, that was the name of the little store there, to see his buddies, but for the most part, the kids were a little younger than him. I didn’t know it at the time but apparently he had a little crush on me too, as he asked his friends who I was after he saw me there a few times. Then, right out of the blue, he came over to my booth one night and sat down on the end. There were already four of us sitting there and he had to squeeze in on the end. He told everyone that he and I had a date on Friday night, right Janet? I went along with it by answering. “Yes, we do.” He said, “We are going to get married.” What was this all about? I couldn’t wait for Friday night to come
but at the same time, I was a little anxious about it. Was he kidding, should I believe him? No doubt I would be there but would he show up? Everyone knew Nick a lot better than I did and I didn’t know the others that well either. My sister and I had just begun to loaf with a few of the girls we went to school with that lived in this neighborhood. They were all there waiting, along with me and my sister, that Friday night. Was he serious? Would he come? Well, in he walked and did he look sharp! Talk about being nervous. When he saw me he said, “Are you ready?” He didn’t own his own car then. He borrowed one from a friend so we could take a ride. Just like that, away we went. We hardly knew each other and did not talk much. I think we were both a little shy being together for the first time, alone. While we were riding around, we heard a police siren and we couldn’t believe it was after us! Apparently, we were going a little too fast for the road we were on. What an embarrassing thing to happen. What are the chances of that ever happening? We had to stop and follow the policeman to the barracks up the road. Put a little damper on the situation, but we were okay with it. We stopped to get something to eat and then went back to Alma’s. I had to meet my sister there so we could home together. That began the romance that led to the proposal less than a year later. To my mom’s chagrin, we eloped and spent a three day honeymoon in Niagara Falls. That was in September and the weather was beautiful. Nick owned his own car now as he had eventually gotten a job while we dated that year. Here we are now, fifty-two years later, still happily married and still in love, praise God! He told me later that when he first saw me, he said to himself, “That is the girl I am going to marry.”
* Diner
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Janet, married to Nick
INdustry Insight
2012 acts F
Date: October 12, 2012
6:00 PM – Parade down Washington Avenue in Carnegie opened ceremonies. Parade theme was “Super Heroes” and included decorative floats, firetrucks and members of the homecoming court riding in convertibles and tossing candy into the crowd. The parade was led by the Cougar marching band. The Brentwood marching band joined in the parade festivities. 7:00 PM – Homecoming football game at Honus Wagner Field; the Cougars vs. the Brentwood Spartans. Homecoming court: seniors Paige Faulk, Rachel Hedges, Lejla Isak, Maria Kalymon, Julia McNamara and Damian Karpa, Nick Lang, Phillip Meighan, Aidan Meyer, Ryan Williams. Junior class representatives: Jacqueline Roussos and Kevin Schuster Sophomore class representives: Paige Lherbier and Logan Schuler October 11 – King announced and crowned during a pep rally at the end of the school day: Damian Karpa Queen announced and crowned at halftime of the football game: Paige Faulk October 13 – Semi-formal Homecoming Dance held at Cefalo’s in Carnegie with dinner and dancing.
Kelsey Ponick and Aaron Crown
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Homecoming King and Queen: Damian Karpa and Paige Faulk
For more pictures from this event, go to our Facebook page: Want us to cover your event? Let us know @ICMagazines
Carlynton-Montour | Winter 2012 | 7
For more pictures from this event, go to our Facebook page: Want us to cover your event? Let us know @ICMagazines
Save the Date November 24: Cougar Marching Band to perform in the “My Macy’s Holiday Parade” November 30 – December 2: “All in the Timing” – a collection of six one-act plays that capture the comical accounts of encounters with “perfect timing.” Performances November 30
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and December 1: 7:00 p.m.; December 2: 2:00 p.m. Tickets $5, Carlynton High School Auditorium
Crafton elementary schools winter choral and band concerts. 7:00 p.m., Carlynton High School Auditorium
December 8: Breakfast with Santa – A warm hearty breakfast, bake sale, basket raffles, photos with Santa and more! The jolly bearded man will arrive with or without snow. 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Carlynton High School Cafeteria. Tickets are $4.00 for children and $6.00 for adults.
December18: High school winter band concert. 7:00 p.m., Carlynton High School Auditorium
December 11: High school winter choral concert. 7:00 p.m. Carlynton High School Auditorium December 13: Carnegie and
February 28: Tied to the Arts April 11-14: Spring Musical: “9 to 5”
District says hello to new Several new educators were welcomed to the district this fall. These bright young faces are bringing innovative ideas blended with creativity, technological savvy and energy to classrooms. Please join us in welcoming them! Jennifer Harger – Language Arts; Harger has joined the district as a long-term substitute for the 2012-2013 school year. In the past, she worked in the North Hills and Hampton school districts. Harger also has seven years’ experience working with children with Autism Spectrum disorders. She is a graduate of Indiana University of Pennsylvania and Carlow University and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Child Development and a Master’s degree in Special Education. Harger is married with two children; Colin, 11-years-old, and Kiera, eight. She enjoys spending time with family and attending her children’s sporting events. The family home is shared with a dog named Molly and Binky, the cat. Zachary Rice – Learning Support, grades K-2, Carnegie Elementary; Rice received his undergraduate degree from Penn State and is currently working towards a graduate degree from Waynesburg University. He is certified in Special Education and mid-level Language Arts. Rice taught in the Highlands school district before coming to Carlynton. He is single and enjoys playing the piano, running and spending time with family, friends and Jack, his dog. Rice is happy to be at Carlynton and says, “My students are amazing! They keep me smiling all the time.” Jaylynn Sapasara – Crafton Elementary, Kindergarten; a resident of Crafton, Sapsara is not quite a newcomer to the district. She has held long-term substitute position for the past two years and holds a long-term position this year as well. A graduate of Penn State University, she earned a Bachelor’s degree in elementary education and is currently working towards a Masters. Sapsara said, “As a graduate of the district, I am thrilled to teach in the schools where I learned and excelled. I enjoy working and learning from many of the same teachers who taught me as a child,” Running and participating in local 5 and 10K races and making plans for a June 2013 wedding is keeping Sapsara quite busy when not teaching.
Linsey Smith – Title 1 Reading, grades 7-8; a graduate of California University of Pennsylvania, Smith is certified at the elementary level, mid-level English and holds a reading specialist degree for grades K-12. Prior to coming to Carlynton, she held a long-term substitute position in the South Fayette and Elizabeth Forward school districts and was an RtI teacher at South Allegheny. “Everyone has made me feel right at home,” Smith says about her position in the high school. This petite mother of a one-yearold daughter, Mya, enjoys Zumba and was once a cheerleading coach for five years. Relaxing with her husband and little girl and watching the Pittsburgh Penguins is among a long list of favorite things to do. Kristen Werder – English 11; this intelligent young lady with a quiet yet confident nature holds a Bachelors from Clarion University and a Master’s degree in English from Georgetown University. Before coming to Carlynton, she worked in a school district in Belmont, North Carolina, and spent a year as an educator for Oakland Catholic. When not teaching or reading, she enjoys spending time with Chica, her Westie mix, practicing her photography skills and watching sports. Four employees of the district retired at the end of the last school year. Betsy Kohl, high school social studies teacher, Janet Loos, high school librarian, Janet Supko, Crafton RtI teacher, and Dale “Woody” Woodhall, district maintenance man, were honored by the school board last May as dedicated educators. These four individuals celebrated a combined 107 years of service to the district. Forever young retirees Janet Supko and Betsy Kohl were two of the four employees recognized by the school board at the close of last school year.
Carlynton-Montour | Winter 2012 | 9
district-wide Olweus anti-bullying campaign was kicked off in late September in a high-spirited Olympic fashion. #SPREADTHEGOOD was the theme for this year’s bullying prevention crusade. All students, grades K-12, took part in the kick-off. Elementary pupils were transported to the high school in the morning to join high school students and teachers in a parade of banners. Youngsters, teens and educators strolled together around the track carrying banners with anti-bullying messages held high in the air. Every homeroom created a banner to decry bullying behavior. Following the parade, team-building games were held in small groups on the high school practices fields, the softball field and the grassy area near the school. Younger students were paired with those in grades 7-12 in relay games, parachute contests and kick ball. Older students manned face painting tables or applied temporary tattoos. Before transporting the younger pupils back to the elementary schools for lunch, everyone was taught a segment of a choreographed dance to a pop hit tune. The dance was featured later that evening at Honus Wagner Field in a flash mob performance before the football game. Teachers and staff with bright yellow-gold SPREADTHEGOOD t-shirts began the dance, followed by cheerleaders, band members and high school students. The elementary students joined in for the chorus. Staff members largely responsible for coordinating the Olweus kick-off were Annemarie Bunch and Lisa Rowley from the high school; Mary-Anne Clark and Julie Lewis from Carnegie; and Jessica Bigler and Anna Kostrick from Crafton Elementary. It should also be noted that while students were enjoying the Olweus activities on the field, district school bus drivers where receiving bullying
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Students in grades kindergarten through 12 paraded around the high school track to kick off the Olweus anti-bullying campaign for the new school year.
prevention training in the high school library. Dr. Hillary Mangis, school psychologist and a certified Olweus trainer, led the informative session. The Olweus campaign was introduced to students in the district last year. Lessons in compassion, tolerance, sharing and other positive behavior qualities are shared to condemn bullying behavior. Both teachers and students acknowledge the program has “#SPREADTHEGOOD� in all three district buildings. More importantly, significant improvement has been observed in the social climate of the classroom and student satisfaction with school life.
Carlynton-Montour | Winter 2012 | 11
Lana Meyer
Drama Queens
Marin Exler
Lana Meyer and Marin Exler Win City Theatre’s Young Playwrights Contest
By Tracy Fedkoe ut of several hundred entries received this year, two of Carlynton’s students won the 2012 City Theatre Young Playwrights Contest, an honor certainly worth the literal label of “drama queen.” Marin Exler’s play “The Journey through Gulompae Forest” was selected in the Junior High (grades 7 and 8) Division and Lana Meyer won for the second year in a row in the High School Division with her play entitled “Roost.” Three one-act plays are selected in each category and the reward for winning includes having your play professionally produced and performed on stage at the City Theatre during the Annual Young Playwrights Festival, which was held October 2-10 this year. “It’s quite an honor to have your play professionally produced,” said Kristin Link, Director of Education and Accessibility for the City Theatre Company. Winners were notified in June and each playwright had the opportunity to work one-on-one with a professional dramaturg who helped guide them through the revision process to make the play performance-ready. After the actors were selected in September, the playwrights also attended rehearsals to help interpret the play
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and make final changes. “The students were really a big part of the evolution of the plays,” said Link. Lana Meyer is a senior from Rosslyn Farms and her play “Roost” is the story of a young female chicken farmer in the 1930s whose farm is in financial trouble and tries to save it by getting a wealthy former lover to marry her. The drama in the play is created with the complex and passionate relationship between the characters. Meyer also won last year with her play entitled “A Cradle of Beliefs” and learned to savor the experience. “This year was much less intimidating. Aside from being familiar with the process and staff, this time around I was also a better playwright,” she said. Meyer also has performed in high school plays for the last several years including the roles of Dorothy Brock in “42nd Street,” the Drowsy Chaperone in “The Drowsy Chaperone,” and Mrs. Peacock in “Clue.” As a senior, Meyer plans to attend college and continue her passion for writing. “I hope I can use what I’ve learned from the theater—from directors, writers, and performers in whatever I decide to do,” she said. Marin Exler of Crafton was encouraged by her 8th grade English teacher Ms. Longo to write a play and was inspired because Lana had won the previous year. The idea for “The Journey through Gulompae Forest” actually came about when she was helping her mother entertain children at a day camp the previous summer and she decided to write a play for them to perform. Using the items found in her younger sister’s dress up bag as her inspiration, Exler created the story of a little girl who takes a journey into a magical forest and meets enchanted animals and the forest elders from whom she learns it is her destiny to save the forest. She was an actor in this year’s school play “All in the Timing” and now has gained the experience to see a theater production from both sides. “Writing a play is a lot of hard work with meeting deadlines and rewriting. It’s really amazing to see it performed and think that all that hard work by everyone paid off,” said Exler. Exler is a freshman this year and wants to enter the contest again. Although it’s early, she also says she wants to do something with creative writing or theater arts when she graduates.
he Young Playwrights Festival includes workshops for students and weekday matinee performances as well as public shows on the weekend. City Theatre also offers the teacher institute and in-school workshops to teach writing and basic theater skills according to academic standards. The program provides an excellent opportunity for students to learn and develop their skills and many of the previous winners have cited it as the reason they have chosen careers in drama. “Director Matt Morrow did a fantastic job with the show and I was really able to sit back and enjoy as words on paper sprang to life in people’s bodies and mouths. It is truly the most spectacular gift a writer can receive,” concluded Meyer.
o combine the two elementary schools or maintain neighborhood schools and renovate has been a debate within the communities for several years. The argument for neighborhood schools was supported by stronger parental involvement, smaller class sizes, a sense of safety and security, and the connections that can be built between members of the school and community. In September, the Carlynton Board of Education made the decision to move forward with a plan to renovate the schools. The commitment will focus on upgrades and improvements to the elementary buildings in a fiscally responsible manner. To date, the board has formed an ad hoc committee which has interviewed nine architectural/construction management firms. At the board meeting of October 18, the board recommended and approved Jon Thomas of Thomas and Williamson as the construction manager to lead the district building renovations. As construction manager, Thomas and his firm will be responsible for overseeing and guiding the board through the renovation process, i.e., working with architects and engineers to develop an affordable plan and writing Requests for Proposals for specific projects. If all goes as planned, work on the schools could begin as early as the summer of 2013. More information will be shared with the public as renovation plans become available. This magazine will serve as an outlet to provide news and updates will be posted on the district website. Members of the community are welcome to attend board meetings to learn more. Special public meetings to discuss the renovations will be posted on the website and advertised in local newspapers. “Shifting Gears” has been adopted as the theme for the renovation project and will be represented by a graphic with three gears to illustrate the three schools of the district located within three communities. The renovation project will require a commitment from all stakeholders. With a unified front the district as a whole can provide a better learning environment for students as it continues its efforts to make Carlynton an exemplary school district.
Carlynton-Montour | Winter 2012 | 13
Carnegie Church Society to Benefit from
Cookie Walk St. Matrona’ s Ladies Society of Sts. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church will once again be hosting their annual Cookie Walk on Saturday, December 8, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the church hall located on Mansfield Boulevard in Carnegie. Chartiers Valley High School senior Danielle Walewski will be chairing this event as part of her graduation requirements. The Senior Exhibition Program at CVHS was created to help students prepare for their future, while developing and honing their own personal skills and strengths. This event will be a valuable learning experience for Walewski and will allow her to express her creativity and passion for something she loves to do. The ladies of St. Matrona’ s are busy baking and plan to have thousands of cookies for customers to choose from. Cookies featured will include
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For more information, call Danielle Walewski at 412-432-6919.
nut rolls, nut crescents, Ukrainian Truffles, several flavors of Kolache, and more! Most cookies are sold by the pound and the proceeds will benefit the many works of the St. Matrona’s Ladies Society such as, community outreach, renovations, and providing care packages for soldiers. The event allows members of the parish, young and old, to get involved and enjoy some fun time together while they bake. Join the ladies December 8 and “Go Around the World in Cookies!”
Business Spotlight
International Students Bring
s l a r Cultu s e i t i n u t r o p p O to Pittsburgh Area Families
ing rolled out of bed on the morning of August 28 and shook the sleep from her eyes. It was the first day of school, and she was excited to begin her junior year of classes at Vincentian Academy. She had breakfast and caught the bus to school, where she enjoyed a full day of classes and saw her friends again. Afterwards, she participated in an after-school study program and then returned home to eat dinner, chattering excitedly to her family about her day and how eager she is to participate in the junior varsity girls tennis team again this fall. Sounds like typical start to a new school year, right? Only Ling isn’t your average high school student. She is one of sixty enthusiastic students from China who arrived on the campuses of five local private high schools this past August as part of the Holy Family International College Preparatory Program (HFI-CPP). HFI-CPP is an English-immersion program that gives international students the opportunity to attend Pittsburgh-area private high schools, as well as a formal boarding program in which the students live together and have the opportunity to preserve cultural customs and habits. In its second year of operation, the HFICPP has now expanded its program to include “Home Stay” as an option for returning students like Ling. Says Program Director Debbie Gooden, “At Holy Family, we believe that family is truly the cornerstone of our culture. For a student to understand American culture, he or
s she must experience what it is like to live with and become a valued and productive member of a family in the United States.” The Home Stay program enables students who have already spent one academic year at HFI-CPP to move from the main boarding campus to an American family’s home. So after her first day at school, Ling was welcomed home by Cindy and Joe, her home stay parents, and Ally, her home stay sister and fellow classmate at Vincentian. Having met at school the previous year, Ally and Ling quickly became friends, and when the Home Stay option became available, Cindy and Joe knew
immediately that they wanted to participate and invite Ling to live with them. Home Stay Families are needed in a variety of Pittsburgh area communities to serve students at each of HFI-CPP’s five partnering schools. Families in the Carlynton-Montour area may be eligible to host an international student in their home beginning this January, while the student attends Bishop Canevin High School. Home Stay Families receive a weekly stipend to offset additional living expenses, and they receive ample support with training and proactive monthly check-ins from an HFI-CPP studentfamily liaison. More importantly, Home Stay Families have the chance to share in the joy and excitement experienced by students like Ling, or Jenny, who participates in her school’s music program, or Leo, an artist who designed the cover of Bishop Canevin’s Leonid newspaper this past spring, or Jason, a member of North Catholic’s basketball team. These students would love the chance to become part of an American family and learn about their cultural customs and habits firsthand. They are eager to share their own culture too! Home Stay Families need to provide a safe and caring environment, including a private bedroom, a quiet place to study, and daily meals for their visiting student. Home Stay Families must also support the student’s academic and extra-curricular needs, such as participation in athletics or other school activities, and make transportation arrangements if not available through the school district. Families who are interested in taking part in this or other opportunities to learn about another culture should contact Lynn Guerra at 412-766-4030 x304 or Guerra.lynn@hfi-pgh. org. For more information, visit the website at
Carlynton-Montour | Winter 2012 | 15
IN Community Magazines is seeking nominations for its Community Awards for Service Excellence (C.A.S.E) We know that what makes communities great are the special people who volunteer their time, talent and effort to help others. ICM would like to honor those special people, but we need your help. IN Community Magazines’ C.A.S.E. Dinner will recognize volunteers from each of ICM’s 36 magazines. Awardees will be selected in the following categories:
Youth Volunteer of the Year (21 years and younger); Small non-profit of the Year (staff of 10 or less); Large non-profit of the Year (staff of 11 or more). Awardees and those who nominated them will be honored at the awards dinner in Spring 2013. During the dinner an awardee from the Volunteer of the Year and Youth Volunteer of the Year categories will be selected to receive a donation for his or her chosen charity.
Name of nominee_____________________________________________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone:_____________________________________________ Email:____________________________________________ Category (circle one): Volunteer of the Year, Youth Volunteer of the Year (21 years and younger); Small non-profit (staff of 10 or less); Large non-profit (staff of 11 or more) Which IN Community Magazine is this nomination for?____________________________________________________________ Name of person submitting nomination_______________________________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________ Why are you nominating this person or non-profit organization? (Please, submit a type written statement of no more than 600 words) Send nomination form and statement to: Monica Haynes, IN Community Magazines, 603 E. McMurray Road, McMurray, PA 15317 If you have any questions, please, contact Monica Haynes at 412-254-8704 Deadline for nominations is1/30/2013. 16 724.942.0940 to advertise
INdustry Insight
What is a and why should we consider one? Bill and Susan are a happily married couple in their late 50s. They have three children,
Alice, Jan and Sam. The two daughters are married and live in states other than Pennsylvania. Sam, the youngest of the three adult children has been disabled since youth and has been receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) which is not to be confused with Social Security Disability Income (SSDI). SSI is operated by the Social Security Administration. By being an SSI recipient and observing some very strict income and resource rules, Sam has his medical needs met through the Medical Assistance program. His needs are such that certain services would not be otherwise available to Sam and/or would be prohibitively expensive for his parents to provide to him if he weren’t receiving Medical Assistance. In addition, Sam has no resources of his own. Bill and Susan have begun to realize that they, in the future, may no longer be able to care for Sam and, equally important to them, they don’t want to jeopardize the services paid for by the Medical Assistance program which Sam presently receives and he may need to a higher degree, as he ages. They also are aware that they are not going to be around forever and want to make plans, equally, for all three of their children in their respective wills. They also realize that it is not realistic for them to think that either one of their daughters would be able or willing to take Sam into their own homes if Bill and Susan were to die before Sam. Additionally, they have had issues with both of their daughters over the perceived favoritism toward Sam which the daughters have expressed on more than one occasion. What Bill and Susan, after going through the estate planning process with their lawyers decided to do was create, now, for Sam, a “Special Needs Trust”. While there are different types of Special Needs Trusts (which we will discuss in a future column), Bill and Susan’s Special Needs Trust for Sam is called a “Third Party Special Needs Trust”; third party because it would be funded with monies not those of the beneficiary of the trust (Sam). Why is this important? This Special Needs Trust will supplement, not supplant the Medical Assistance and SSI benefits received by Sam while preserving and maintaining the funds from which special items and services can be made available to Sam. This trust will also avoid the disruption and anxiety which can be caused by the discontinuance of benefits and helps promote stability for Sam. In addition, the trust will allow Sam to be eligible for any additional benefits that may be available from time to time in the future. If the benefits Sam presently receives are inadequate to meet his needs, the trust assets can fill those gaps and enrich his quality of life without jeopardizing the needed benefits he is now receiving. Additionally, to the extent that trust assets remain after Sam’s death, they may go to other beneficiaries. With the decision made to create the trust, the next critical decision Bill & This INdustry Insight was written by Julian E. Gray and Frank A. Petrich, Certified Elder Law Attorneys and VA Accredited Attorneys with over 50 years of combined elder law experience. Julian Gray Associates is the only law firm in the United States with six Certified Elder Law Attorneys. Julian Gray is the Western Pennsylvania representative of the Special Needs Alliance, a national, not for profit organization of attorneys dedicated to the practice of disability and public benefits law.
Susan must make is the Trustee(s) of their respective trusts. In a Special Needs Trust, a Trustee can be given substantial discretion over the funds entrusted to them. But, the Trustee is required to administer the trust for the beneficiary’s (Sam’s) benefit to supplement, not supplant any benefits Sam receives from SSI and Medical Assistance. The Trustee must help ensure that the trust assets are not considered available to Sam and do not count as his property in determining Sam’s eligibility for Medical Assistance or SSI. Therefore, it may be well to consider both a corporate Trustee (one with experience in dealing with the complex issues of a Special Needs Trust) and a family member (Alice, Jan or someone else) who can take into consideration more personal issues relating to Sam but without having to deal with the day to day trust administration activities. Having made a Trustee decision, and completing their other estate planning documents, Bill and Susan can now feel more comfortable that they have helped ensure Sam’s future well-being along with helping the familial relationships among all three of their children.
The Only Law Firm in the U.S. with Six Certified Elder Law Attorneys.
South Hills Office
Moon Township Office
Carlynton-Montour | Winter 2012 | 17
photos by primetimeshots, inc.
When Irish feet are dancing… Sure, they steal your heart away Elvira Hoff
e’ve all heard about those Irish eyes. But in Crafton, home base of the Pittsburgh Irish Reelers, it’s those Irish feet that set hearts drumming – literally. If you haven’t yet been lucky enough to catch an Irish dance performance, it requires that the upper body remain as rigid as possible, with arms and hands held straight at the sides, thus forcing focus on the feet, which engage in an exhilarating succession of very fast hops, kicks, flourishes, and captivating footwork, often referred to as “foot percussion” due to the sounds the hard shoes make when they hit the floor. And in our neck of the woods, it certainly reels in the smiles. According to U.S. Census data, more Pittsburghers claim Irish heritage than any other ethnicity. An estimated 150,000+ line the streets annually for the St. Patrick’s Day Parade, the second largest in the nation. Another 25,000 assemble for the Pittsburgh Irish
Festival held the weekend after Labor Day. The Pittsburgh Irish Reelers have been staple performers at both these flagship events for decades. But their most appreciative audiences may very well be the elderly and handicapped living at care homes throughout the area where the Reelers are committed to performing regularly. “I like to think of our dancing as a form of service to others,” says Adrienne Wrabley Zink, who grew up as an Irish Reeler and is now one of its principal instructors. Adrienne’s mom, Margaret (Peg) Wrabley, of Crafton was there from the start. She and a group of her friends helped conceive the idea of the Reelers some 35 years ago at The Blarney Stone Restaurant in Etna. “We were there on St. Patrick’s Day with two sisters, Maggie and Sally Folan, who were Irish dancers” recalls Peg. “We got to talking and there were enough
of us families interested in Maggie and Sally teaching a group of our kids, for the purpose of passing on the old Irish traditions and customs to the next generation.” Back then, Peg was a young mother with a growing family. Her oldest daughter, Alicia Wrabley Stull, at age 6, was one of the original Reelers – which began as a
small group of about a dozen dancers. Now Peg is a young grandmother of a growing family – some 15 grandchildren and counting – and has lost track of how many of her clan, including three of Alicia’s children, are currently in the Reelers. Today, the group numbers around 80 students, hailing from all
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ethnicities, and from as far away as Murrysville and Sarver, Pa. rish dance became “the thing to do” after “Riverdance” exploded onto stages around the world in the mid-1990s. (It is still touring internationally to this day.) Follow-up Irish dance spectacles like “Lord of the Dance” and “Feet of Flames” quickly ensued, spurring even greater interest in the art form. “I remember having mixed feelings about it when I was younger because not many people even knew what Irish dance was,” recalls Alicia. “But then after “Riverdance,” people seemed amazed and would say, “You do that?” Their first couple years, the Reelers practiced at The Blarney Stone, but when the restaurant started getting more bookings for weddings and other events in the early 1980s, Sally and Maggie asked parents to check around for a new practice hub. That’s when Peg asked Monsignor Robert Garland,
then pastor of St. Philip in Crafton, if there was any possibility of using the parish school for practices. The Monsignor gladly welcomed the group, who still practice at the school to this day. “I’m really going to miss it when I graduate,” says Ciara Crossey of Crafton, who started with the Reelers when she was in first grade at St. Philip and who is now a senior at Bishop Canevin High School. “It’s sad to say, but a lot of people associate being Irish with the St. Patrick’s Day Parade and drinking, which is why I love Irish dancing. It gives me such a positive way to celebrate my heritage.”
f the four primary groups in the city who teach Irish dance, the Reelers are unique in that they don’t attend competitions, which are widely common throughout the world. Indeed, there is even a global legislative body for Irish
Dance instruction called An Coimisiún le Rincí Gaelacha, (the Irish Dancing Commission). Costumes and “bling” factor can get rather elaborate at competitions, ranging from curly wigs and tiaras for the girls, to sequined waistcoats and bejeweled shoe buckles for the boys. But the Reelers, though sticklers about the form, keep things a tad simpler. Their trademark black-and-teal costumes are modest yet elegant, and purposefully not green. “Everyone thinks of green when they think of Irish so we didn’t want to go with green. We chose teal because it is so vibrant, just like the dancing,” says Peg. The costumes also feature a Trinity Knot, which of course symbolizes the Father, Son and Holy Ghost; but as Peg likes to point out when she regularly emcees for Reeler performances, “we also like to say it symbolizes the coming together of the three
rivers as well.” That’s a fitting statement when you consider that a ceili, a type of Irish dance akin to the American square dance, is a word that originally meant “a gathering” and was used to describe those occasions centuries ago, when gathering with family and friends for a session of impromptu dancing was a popular pastime in rural Ireland. “When I got older, I had the opportunity to visit Ireland with Sally Folan,” recalls Alicia. “I’ll never forget watching people in Irish pubs pushing aside tables and chairs and just bursting into dance on a whim. It was so joyous.”
or more information on the Pittsburgh Irish Reelers, you can friend them on Facebook. They also punctuate the end of their season each spring with a recital at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart High School in Coraopolis, featuring
such endearing highlights as a sibling dance, since there are so many families with more than one child dancing in the group. “We have some Irish in our family but I also signed my girls up for the Reelers as an alternative to a traditional dance school,” says Jen McDevitt of Robinson, who has a sixth grader and now a Kindergartner in the group, and who is enamored by the entire package of what it means to be a Pittsburgh Irish Reeler. These lucky young people learn a very beautiful art form, by instructors who are dedicated to preserving their heritage, alongside fellow students whose families have been involved for generations, and all while bringing that centuries-old spirit of Irish joy out to people in the community who simply can’t get to the big parades or festivals. The rewards are truly bountiful.
Carlynton-Montour | Winter 2012 | 19
Collier Township stylists Lori and Jessica, Sarah and Kevin, Libby and Melissa are ready to help you with your new look today.
utting hair isn’t just a business for Supercuts stylists, it’s a way to give back to the customers they love and the community they call home. Guests know that they can always count on superb service and a welcome smile when they visit the Collier Township Supercuts. Our expertly trained stylists offer a multitude of services including haircuts, waxing, blow-outs, color and more. As the owner of the Supercuts franchise in Southwestern Pennsylvania, Laurel Slaughter-Odelein has not only added over 350 jobs to the region through her stores, but she and her employees have also been supporting local schools, sports teams, civil services and charities in those communities for more than 20 years. “We support the communities we serve,” Slaughter-Odelein said. “Giving back is important to us because the communities have given us so much.” Supercuts also invests in its employees
“We take what they’ve learned at school, provide additional and ongoing education, and look to retain these employees for many years,” Slaughter-Odelein said. This strategy is apparently working because Supercuts was just rated one of the top places to work in 2012 by a Pittsburgh PostGazette survey. “It’s an honor to be recognized as a great place to work,” Slaughter-Odelein said. “Our employees are happy and that attitude is passed onto our guests. We not only offer a superior salon experience at an affordable price, but our locations are full of people who love and take pride in what they do and the community they serve.” If you haven’t already experienced the full services Supercuts offers, please visit us soon. Supercuts has 30 Pittsburgh area locations; the nearest one to South Fayette residents is in Collier, located at 1597 Washington Pike, and is open 7 days a week, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday; 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays; and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sundays. For more information on all Supercuts locations and services visit, or to call ahead for faster service, call 412.278.2790.
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through extensive training programs and prides itself on hiring aspiring stylists graduating from local trade schools. “Pittsburgh is filled with talented people and we are thrilled to be able to hire vibrant employees, many of whom have recently graduated and are entering the work force for the first time,” Slaughter-Odelein said. Supercuts hires only licensed stylists and mandates extensive education with two weeks of in-store training before stylists are sent to Supercuts’ own Hair Stylist Academy. Stylists attend an advanced training course conducted by the Supercuts Certified Trainer/Artistic Director. New stylists must pass the five-day, 40-hour course before they are able to actively work on the floor of the salon. After mastering this level stylists will continue to undergo regular training to enable them to keep up with the latest styles and trends.
Health and Wellness News You Can Use | Winter 2012-13
Stay Well This Winter Some people seem to sail through winter without a sniffle or a grumble. These simple steps may help you do the same: Spend some time in the fresh air, de-stress your holiday planning, wash your hands often, get plenty of sleep, and get a flu shot.
What’s Inside 2
What You Can Do to Beat the Flu
3 4
Absent From Pain Butt Out: New Reasons to Quit Smoking Brittle Bones
5 6 7
Shedding More Than Pounds Growing Up With Heart Disease Don’t Let Winter Slow You Down
© 2012 UPMC
What You Can Do to Beat the Flu Just because you’re healthy now doesn’t mean you won’t get the flu. Take precautions to protect yourself and others.
Each year, millions of Americans get the flu. Some recover easily. Others — especially older people, young children, and those with serious health problems — are more vulnerable. “The flu is a highly contagious respiratory illness that can cause serious complications,” says Mohamed Yassin, MD, chief of infectious diseases at UPMC Mercy. “More importantly, the flu can be deadly.”
Good behavior can help limit its spread. For example, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, then trash that tissue. No tissue? Use your inner elbow instead of your hands. A flu virus can live up to several hours on hard surfaces, such as desks, doorknobs, tables, and keyboards. “Good hand hygiene is key to controlling the spread of the flu, so wash your hands often,” says Juliet Ferrelli, infection control coordinator at UPMC Mercy. Using soap and water, rub your hands together for at least 20 seconds, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. And remember to keep your hands away from your face. “People touch their faces more than 3,000 times a day, giving flu germs plenty of chances to get into the body, ” says Ms. Ferrelli.
Mind your manners Being around others when you’re sick with the flu is just bad manners. A recent survey of 1,000 flu sufferers by the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases showed that nearly twothirds admitted to going about their daily activities — going to work, taking a business trip, having dinner with family or friends, even visiting an ailing parent or grandparent — while they were sick. Here’s how you can help zap the flu bug this season:
Get a shot, not the flu “Getting a flu shot is an effective, easy, and inexpensive way to protect yourself and others,” says Kathy McElheny, employee health coordinator at UPMC Mercy. “The flu vaccine is safe, and it can’t cause the flu,” adds Dr. Yassin. “In fact, it’s one of the biggest lifesavers in terms of infectious diseases.”
What to do if you get sick If you’re in good health otherwise, get plenty of rest, drink lots of fluids, and avoid using alcohol and tobacco. If your symptoms are unusually severe or you have trouble breathing, call your doctor immediately.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that everyone over 6 months of age get a flu shot. People at higher risk of complications because of age or poor health, health care workers, and anyone who lives with or cares for older adults or young children should definitely be vaccinated.
If you’re over age 65, have chronic medical conditions, are pregnant, or have a sick child under the age of 2, see your doctor as soon as flu symptoms appear.
Since it can take up to two weeks for the vaccine to be effective, health professionals recommend getting the vaccine now.
It may be difficult to predict exactly when flu season will arrive or how severe it will be, but finding a place to get a flu shot is easy.
Keep your germs to yourself
In addition to your doctor’s office, flu shots are available at the UPMC Mercy South Side Walk-in Primary Care Clinic without an appointment. Hours are 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. For more information, call 412-488-5705.
“Because the flu is so contagious, it can spread quickly when people are in close quarters — in the classroom, office, gym, an airplane, or the grocery store,” says Ms. McElheny.
“There’s too much harm that can come from the flu,” says Dr. Yassin. “We all have to be responsible for controlling its spread.” So when you’re sick, just stay at home. Your family, friends, and co-workers will thank you.
Time to roll up your sleeve
Absent From Pain Most of us think of anesthesiology as the medical specialty that “puts you to sleep,” but it’s really all about pain relief.
internal medicine, pharmacology, and surgery. Many also pursue subspecialty training in such areas as pain medicine, and pediatric, cardiothoracic, or obstetric anesthesia. In today’s complex surgical suites, anesthesiologists lead an entire team of skilled professionals, which can include a certified registered nurse anesthetist, resident physician, student nurse anesthetist, and anesthetist assistant. “It’s a true team effort, with each member playing a distinct role in delivering patient care,” says Dr. Williams. Anesthesia’s role in health care extends far beyond the operating room. Anesthesiologists offer pain management in a variety of settings, enhancing the daily lives of patients with chronic diseases or complex medical conditions.
Getting to know you For minor operations, you’ll typically meet your anesthesiologist at the hospital, shortly before surgery. For major surgeries, you will be asked to participate in a pre-surgery consultation. “With patients who live at a distance, we’re now using telemedicine to conduct pre-op visits,” says Dr. Williams. “It allows us to get to know you, address your questions and concerns, review options, and determine if any additional tests or consultations are needed.”
What to tell your anesthesiologist
Anesthesia makes possible some of modern medicine’s greatest miracles. Can you imagine undergoing surgery without it? The father of Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes is generally credited with bringing the term into popular use in 1846, though references to anesthesia can be traced back to 1741. The term is based on a Greek word meaning “lack of sensation.” “Anesthesiology uses medicine to eliminate your ability to feel pain or other sensations,” explains John Williams, MD, the Peter and Eva Safar Professor and chair of the University of Pittsburgh’s Department of Anesthesiology. “Your anesthesiologist partners with your surgeon to manage your vital functions before, during, and after surgery. Everything from breathing, heart rate and rhythm, blood pressure, body temperature, blood clotting, and fluid loss is consistently monitored.”
A team of professionals Anesthesiologists are physicians who complete four years of residency after finishing medical school. Their extensive preparation includes training in cardiology, critical care medicine,
Prior to surgery, you’ll be asked to provide information about yourself. “Be candid and comprehensive. What you share will be held in strict confidence,” advises Dr. Williams. Be sure to include the following: • Previous reactions you or other family members have had to anesthesia • Any food, medicine, or latex allergies you have • Prescription, over-the-counter, or herbal medications you take • Your use of alcohol or recreational drugs
Did You Know? There are four basic categories of anesthesia: Local: Numbs a small, specific part of your body Regional: Numbs a larger area of your body, usually below the waist Twilight: Sedates and provides pain relief General: Renders you unconscious
Health Tips from UPMC Health Plan
Butt Out Despite dire health warnings, one out of five Americans still smokes. If you’re one of them, here are some new reasons to crush that butt. Before you light up your next cigarette, consider this: With every puff, you’re inhaling more than 7,000 chemicals. Hundreds of them are poisonous, and about 70 can cause cancer. And no organ or tissue in the body is immune to this toxic cloud. Most people know that cancer, heart disease, and lung disease are major health threats caused by smoking. But are you aware that smoking increases your risk of getting diabetes by 44 percent? That’s just one of the not-so-obvious reasons to put that butt out. Here are five more. 1. See the difference. If you smoke, your risk of age-related macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness, doubles. Smokers also have double the risk of developing cataracts.
Brittle Bones Osteoporosis is quickly becoming a national health care concern.
It’s estimated that 10 million Americans now have osteoporosis and 34 million are at risk. Whether you’re young or old, male or female, chances are good that you — or someone you love — will be affected by the disease. “In osteoporosis, your bones become thin and brittle, putting you at increased risk of a bone fracture,” says Susan Greenspan, MD, UPMC’s director of osteoporosis prevention and treatment. “In advanced stages, simple acts like lifting a baby or sneezing can lead to a fracture.” Here are four facts everyone should know about osteoporosis: 1. Osteoporosis can appear at any age. But after the age of 50, one out of every two women — and one out of every four men — may experience a fracture due to the disease. These breaks occur most often in the hip, wrist, and spine. 2. Osteoporosis is silent. It’s often diagnosed only after a fracture. Menopause, family and medical history, physical build, and your lifestyle and diet can increase your odds of the disease.
2. Heal better. Smoking weakens the body’s ability to heal from surgery, disease, broken bones, and even minor back strains. 3. Now hear this. Smokers are more likely to develop hearing loss. Exposure to secondhand smoke also puts former smokers and nonsmokers at risk. 4. Stand tall. Smoking weakens bones and raises the risk of osteoporosis and hip fractures in men and women. 5. Keep your head. If your mind is cloudy, smoking may be the culprit. It’s been linked to memory problems and poor reasoning skills in middle-aged smokers.
You’re not just hurting yourself The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that secondhand smoke kills about 50,000 people every year and sickens many more. Children who live with a smoker are especially susceptible to lung and breathing problems, and they run an increased risk of hearing loss as adolescents. If you’re among the eight out of 10 smokers who want to quit, talk to your primary care doctor. To locate a doctor in your area, visit or call toll-free 1-800-533-UPMC (8762).
Sources: American Academy of Ophthalmology, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Journal of the American Medical Association.
3. You can take proactive steps at any age to promote bone health. These include: eating foods rich in calcium, such as milk, cottage cheese, and calcium-enriched juices; exercising (weight-bearing exercise like walking); stopping smoking; and limiting alcohol use. If needed, consider taking a calcium supplement and vitamin D daily. 4. The good news is early detection is easy. If you’re 65 years of age or older, Dr. Greenspan recommends talking to your doctor about your risks. A simple bone mineral density test can assess your bone health. To learn more about osteoporosis, talk to your primary care provider, or visit the National Osteoporosis Foundation’s website at
Shedding More Than Pounds Bariatric surgery helps free patients from a range of life-threatening health problems.
It’s well known that bariatric surgery can produce impressive weight loss. But there’s increasing evidence that it offers other health benefits, too. For example, a recent Swedish study showed weight-loss surgery can prevent diabetes among individuals who struggle with obesity. That news came as no surprise to Anita Courcoulas, MD, professor of surgery and chief of the Section of Minimally Invasive Bariatric and General Surgery at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. “It’s another study demonstrating the lasting impact of bariatric surgery on health improvement,” says Dr. Courcoulas. “The changes are real and durable.”
Is bariatric surgery right for you? Current national guidelines recommend bariatric surgery for patients who are 80 to 100 pounds overweight and with a body mass index (BMI) greater than 40, or a BMI of 35 or more for those with one or more significant obesity-related health conditions. Those guidelines may change, though. For example, at UPMC — one of the most highly funded centers of bariatric research in the country — Dr. Courcoulas is heading a study examining the impact of bariatric surgery on diabetic patients with lower BMIs (30–35). She predicts more and more patients will seek out bariatric surgery for health reasons — not just weight reasons. “We’re just beginning to understand its full potential,” she says.
Bariatric Surgery Centers at UPMC Each of UPMC’s four bariatric surgery centers has been named a Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence by the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. Our multidisciplinary approach to weight loss through both surgery and lifestyle changes is available at: UPMC Hamot: Offers gastric bypass surgery, laparoscopic adjustable gastric band surgery, and gastric sleeve. For more information or to schedule an appointment with Amjad Ali, MD, or Rodolfo Arreola, MD, call 814-877-6997. UPMC Horizon: Offers gastric bypass surgery, laparoscopic adjustable gastric band surgery, gastric sleeve, and revisional surgery. For more information or to schedule an appointment with Christopher Myers, MD, call 724-588-6660.
A life-altering surgery According to the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, an estimated 72 million Americans are considered obese and nearly 200,000 undergo bariatric surgery annually. UPMC is a leader nationally in bariatric surgery and in the number of bariatric procedures performed annually. Dr. Courcoulas says bariatric surgery (including gastric bypass, gastric band, and gastric sleeve) can help reverse a variety of serious obesity-related health conditions, such as: • Diabetes • Heart disease
• High blood pressure • High cholesterol
• Sleep apnea
UPMC St. Margaret: Pittsburgh Bariatrics offers gastric bypass, laparoscopic adjustable gastric band surgery, gastric sleeve, and revisional surgery. For more information or to schedule an appointment with Joseph Colella, MD, or LeeAnn Peluso, MD, call 412-784-5900. Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC: Offers gastric bypass surgery, laparoscopic adjustable gastric band surgery, gastric sleeve, revisional surgery, and clinical trials. For more information or to schedule an appointment with Anita Courcoulas, MD, director, Minimally Invasive Bariatric Surgery; George Eid, MD; Giselle Hamad, MD; Carol McCloskey, MD; or Ramesh Ramanathan, MD, call 412-641-3632. Each center offers free monthly information sessions. To learn more about bariatric surgery, or to find out if you’re a candidate, visit
Growing Up With Heart Disease Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC is responding to the special challenges facing adults born with congenital heart disease.
The ACHD Center — a joint program of Children’s Hospital and UPMC Presbyterian — provides specialized transition support and care for patients with congenital heart disease. “Despite surgery, patients can experience complications as adults, including arrhythmias, stroke, heart failure, and sudden cardiac death. Our care and follow-up enables these young people — now in their prime — to lead long, productive lives,” Dr. Cook says.
A healthy outlook Before her diagnosis, Alexis thought she was in great shape; she had lost 100 pounds, was running daily, and had completed a two-mile race. But her conditioning actually helped disguise her declining health. After undergoing surgery at Children’s last April to restore blood flow, she now realizes how much better she feels. This summer, she ran the race again.
Alexis Laney was only 14 months old when she underwent open heart surgery in Cleveland to repair a faulty valve. She had annual checkups until age 17, when her pediatric cardiologist referred her to an adult cardiologist. She scheduled sporadic checkups, but stopped going after giving birth to a son in 2005. “I felt fine,” says Alexis. Now 27, the young wife and mother finally gave in to her family’s urging last year and saw a cardiologist near her home in Youngstown, Ohio. Although her EKG and echocardiogram were normal, he urged Alexis to see a specialist at the Adult Congenital Heart Disease (ACHD) Center at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, saying, “I don’t know what to look for, but they will.” Tests conducted by Stephen Cook, MD, director of the ACHD Center, found scar tissue blocking blood flow to her aorta — a serious condition putting her at risk of sudden death. “I was shocked. I could have collapsed and died,” Alexis says.
Lifelong expert care Alexis is part of a growing population of adults born with heart defects who had lifesaving heart surgery as newborns and children. Thanks to advances in medicine and improved surgical techniques, “the number of adults with congenital heart diseases has outgrown the number of pediatric congenital heart disease patients,” says Dr. Cook.
“Last year, I was better conditioned, but I couldn’t breathe after the race. This year, I felt fantastic,” Alexis says. “I’m glad I went to Children’s. I’m more confident about exercising now. I know my heart can take it.”
ACHD Center Fast Facts A single childhood surgery is seldom a permanent cure for patients born with a heart defect. The Adult Congenital Heart Disease Center provides lifelong care and follow-up for patients with congenital heart disease who are: • Ages 18 and up with conditions ranging from simple to severe • Women of childbearing age needing pregnancy counseling or contraception • Adolescents (13 to 17) who receive guidance, support, and care during their transition to adulthood For more information, contact the Adult Congenital Heart Disease Center at 412-692-5540 or email
Don’t Let Winter Slow You Down Staying active during winter can be easier — and more beneficial — than you think.
When the days get shorter and temperatures plunge, many people go into “hibernation mode” — staying inside, curling up in front of the TV, and cutting back on exercise. But packing away those summer sneakers can cause you to pack on the pounds and lose stamina, strength, and flexibility. “No matter what your age, the best thing you can do to maintain your health is to keep moving during those long winter months,” says Mitchell Rothenberg, MD, an orthopaedic surgeon at UPMC Mercy. “You’ll feel better and be in better shape for spring and summer sports and outdoor activities.” “Weekend warriors who winter on the couch then head to the golf course, tennis court, or playing field in the spring are at risk of injury, including sprained ankles, shin splints, tennis elbow, and foot pain,” adds Lisa Blackrick, MD, also an orthopaedic surgeon at UPMC Mercy. People who hibernate can quickly lose muscle tone, balance, and strength, which can increase their chance of falling and breaking a bone, she adds.
Shake it Use household tasks such as vacuuming or dusting as opportunities to move vigorously. Put on music and put some muscle into mopping your floors. By picking up the pace and maintaining intensity, you can clean your house and get a workout.
Dress right If you do exercise outdoors, be sure to take steps to keep your workout safe and enjoyable. Dress in layers; keep your head; hands, and feet warm; stay hydrated; wear reflective gear; and be cautious on ice or slippery surfaces.
“You have to use it, or lose it. Staying active throughout winter helps you stay in shape and avoid injury and weight gain,” says Dr. Rothenberg. Drs. Rothenberg and Blackrick agree that fitting in at least 30 minutes of physical activity most days can provide health benefits. If you have trouble finding time in your busy schedule, try breaking your exercise time into three 10-minute segments throughout the day. Here are a few more of their tips for keeping up with winter workouts:
Turn it on Fitness videos and programs on TV and online can help you improve strength and flexibility. Or try doing crunches, arm curls, or leg lifts while watching your favorite show.
Get moving
Play it safe
Although moderate physical activity is safe for most people, talk to your doctor before starting any exercise program.
Walking is the easiest and least expensive way to stay active. If you can’t fit in a brisk walk outdoors or in the mall, try adding these extra steps throughout your day:
Drs. Rothenberg and Blackrick see patients at UPMC West Mifflin, located at 1907 Lebanon Church Road (near Century Square Mall).
• Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator • Park a healthy walk away from your office building or grocery store • Use part of your lunch hour to walk through your building or up and down the stairs • Get out of your car instead of using the drive-thru at the bank, pharmacy, or coffee shop
Dr. Rothenberg earned his medical degree from the University of Maryland in Baltimore. He completed an internship in general surgery and residency in orthopaedic surgery at the University of Maryland Hospital and a fellowship in sports medicine at the University of Wisconsin. Dr. Blackrick earned her medical degree from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. She completed her orthopaedic surgery residency at UPMC and a fellowship in traumatology at MetroHealth Medical Center in Cleveland. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Rothenberg or Dr. Blackrick, call 412-687-3900.
UPMC Mercy
1400 Locust St. Pittsburgh, PA 15219
UPMC Today is published quarterly to provide you with health and wellness information and classes and events available at UPMC. This publication is for information purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice or replace a physician’s medical assessment. Always consult first with your physician about anything related to your personal health.
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take time to take care of you Holidays are for celebrating all of the things that make life special. Don’t let a major illness, injury, or even a sore throat keep you from enjoying them. UPMC Mercy physicians’ offices are open and conveniently located near you. Our physicians are accepting new patients, and in most cases even offer same-day appointments. Just call 1-800-533-UPMC (8762) or visit Care and we’ll get you an appointment with one of our doctors. It doesn’t matter why you need us; it matters that we’re here if you do.
Affiliated with the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, UPMC is ranked among the nation’s best hospitals by U.S. News & World Report.
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9/28/12 12:58 PM
Alby Oxenreiter Hosts Golf Classic Kathy Rudolph day of golf on the pristine course of Chartiers Country Club on a perfect, summer day with friends should inspire most of us “to take pause about how lucky we are and what our purpose is.” This is how Alby Oxenreiter, WPXI-TV Sports Director and Sports Anchor, feels and is one of the reasons that he hosted the 6th Annual Alby Oxenreiter Golf Classic. The tournament benefited the Multiple Sclerosis Service Society (MSSS) Division of Karen and Alby United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) Community Oxenreiter Living and Support Services (CLASS). Mr. Oxenreiter’s goal is to raise money so that people living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) can receive “counseling, equipment and a maintenance exercise and support program for those affected by MS.” Approximately 125 golfers enjoyed a day of golf, gourmet meals and libations and a silent auction. Mr. Oxenreiter also sits on the UCP/ Class Advisory Board. A native Pittsburgher that attended Mt. Lebanon High School and Villanova University, he is glad that the funds that are raised from the Classic help local people with MS. His wife, Karen and their three children also attended the event. “The MSSS Division of UCP/CLASS is such a great organization,” said Mr. Oxenreiter. “MS is a terrible disease that affects people in the prime of their lives and is sometimes a forgotten charity. There are so many great charities out there, but it is wonderful to be able to champion this cause. The tournament is something that does so much good and knowing that all of the money that is raised stays in Pittsburgh and helps local people with MS gives me great satisfaction. I love to see so many people come together the day of the tournament for a great cause and that is also so satisfying. My grandmother had MS and it is a charity that is close to my heart. To be able to do something for the MSSS Division of UCP/CLASS is what drives me.” According to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, “approximately 400,000 Americans have MS, and every week about 200 people are diagnosed. MS is a chronic, unpredictable disease of the central nervous system (the brain, optic nerves, and spinal cord). It can cause blurred vision, loss of balance, poor coordination, slurred speech, tremors, numbness, extreme fatigue, problems with memory and concentration, paralysis, and blindness and more. Since 1952, MSSS Division of UCP/CLASS has empowered thousands of people living with MS. Their mission is to “provide assistance to those diagnosed with MS through a variety of services and to help the general public to better understand MS and the problems of those living with MS and their families.” Susan Navish is the Director of the MMS Division of UCP/CLASS and has been the director for ten years. “When you do what you can to help people with MS, it makes all the hard things in your life a bit easier,” said Ms. Navish. “It is wonderful that photos by Kathy Rudolph
people came out to golf today to support people that are living with MS.” The MSSS Division of UCP/CLASS offers people with MS an at home program. “We offer what is a unique and wonderful program in the country,” said Ms. Navish. “It is a wellness exercise program for clients in their homes. It is hard for people with MS to leave their homes to go to the gym and they can’t use exercise equipment like you and I can. This is a one on one program, after they have been to therapy, and we try to move them to the next level. When someone has plateaued with therapy, we help them to maintain that strength, endurance and mobility. Our staff goes into the home and provides stretching, range of motion exercises and supervision so that people maintain their level of function safely and comfortably. Our staff also offers a huge amount of emotional support to them and their families during transition periods where their condition may change and get worse.” The non-profit organization receives no State or Federal funding and exists on Bill Goyette, Golf and Banquet Director and fundraising events Regina Goyette, Pat and Mark Bibro, whose such as the Alby grandfather founded the MSSS Oxenreiter Golf Classic, United Way and its Contributor Choice Option, Foundation grants and donations from the public. “Another challenge for the exercise program is because it is not a therapy program and is a maintenance program there is no insurance reimbursement,” continued Ms. Navish. “It has never been harder to raise the funds necessary. Although we receive no State funding, all of the cuts that the State has made affect our other divisions of UCP/CLASS and so we are going to have to make adjustments and changes for the whole organization. Cutting services for a person that needs help getting out of bed, to get dressed and to eat is devastating.” The Classic’s proceeds from 2012 is about 12% of the MS Service Society budget. Courtney Walker, Director of Development at UCP/CLASS, and was one of the event organizers. “Sometimes people known in the community lend their name to a charity and that is the end of their involvement,” said Ms. Walker. “That is not the way Mr. Oxenreiter is. He is extremely involved; calling people and asking them to attend, soliciting donations, getting sport memorabilia autographed. He has been working on this for this months and it is a lot of work.” “Part of being in television is that people know who you are,” said Mr. Oxenreiter. “If you can put that to good use that is what it is all about. You can take your name and use your influence and put it to a good cause and be able to get sponsors and golfers. You can’t take anything in life until you do things for others.” To learn more about how you can help, please visit the UCP/CLASS website at Carlynton-Montour | Winter 2012 | 29
My Hip Hurts When Arthroscopic Surgery May Be an Option for Patients With Hip Pain
Characterizing Hip Pain Hip pain is a common complaint for people of all ages and fitness levels. It may develop as a result of an injury or fall, because of wear and tear, or because of developing arthritis. People often mistake hip pain for pain in the pelvic region. Pain in the pelvic region can be the result of a number of different diagnoses, each with its own defining symptoms. According to Vonda Wright, MD, a UPMC orthopaedic surgeon, “The pelvis has a number of different structures in it, and hip pain can be mistaken for a number of different diagnoses. The best way to differentiate the pain is to identify its location. Hip pain, for example, actually presents as groin pain.” Hip pain can be arthritic or non arthritic. Arthritic pain is dull and characterized by stiffness. Non arthritic pain that is the result of an injury, fall, or tear of cartilage is a sharp, intermittent pain in the groin area. For any type of pain that persists for longer than a week, a primary care physician or orthopaedic surgeon should be consulted.
Conservative Methods of Treatment The good news is that many types of hip pain can be treated by nonsurgical approaches, such as activity modification and physical therapy. UPMC orthopaedic surgeon Dharmesh Vyas, MD, notes, “I almost always prescribe a trial of non-operative management (physical therapy, NSAIDs, etc.) to my patients before considering surgical intervention. Having said that, some hip injuries do not respond to conservative treatment and a surgical option must be considered.” Until recently, open hip surgery was the next step in a patient’s treatment plan. The surgeon would make a large incision and dislocate the hip in order to repair any
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injuries. Today, however, a minimally-invasive procedure called hip arthroscopy may be an option for some patients with hip pain. This procedure is similar to arthroscopies of the knee and shoulder, in which the surgeon makes two or three small incisions and inserts tiny cameras and surgical instruments to correct the problem.
Hip Arthroscopy Hip arthroscopy is often used to repair a tear in the ring of cartilage that surrounds the socket of the hip joint (known as a labral tear) and as a treatment for pain resulting from an inexact fit between the head and socket of the hip joint (known as a femoral acetabular impingement, or FAI). Hip arthroscopy is also used to repair cartilage loss in the hip or to remove loose particles in the hip. According to Dr. Vyas, “The ideal patient for this procedure is someone who is active and has the appropriate hip pathology. As long as the patient has an injury in an otherwise non-arthritic hip, he or she may be a candidate for treatment through hip arthroscopy.” Dr. Wright adds, “It’s about hip preservation at all ages and spectrums of activity. Hip arthroscopy, is a relatively new technology that allows us to access the hip in a way that we never have before, and therefore treat many hip related conditions.”
Questions for Your Doctor Before making any decision, it’s important to be fully informed. Make sure your doctor answers all of your questions, including these: • What is the diagnosis? • What does the procedure involve? • What are the risks and complications? • What are the benefits of having this surgery, compared to another procedure? • How long is the recovery period? • What is the chance of needing revision surgery? • What are the published outcomes?
When hip arthroscopy is used, the recovery time is often reduced due to the minimally invasive nature of the procedure, according to Dr. Vyas. “Arthroscopic surgery allows patients to experience more rapid returns to their lifestyle, including sporting activity.”
For more information, or to schedule an appointment, visit or call 412-432-3600.
Business Spotlight
Greater Pittsburgh Travel Agency Has a New “World Headquarters”
eing the last remaining unit in an office complex isn’t the ideal location for a growing business, so after 16 years at their former location, Greater Pittsburgh Travel Agency sought out greener pastures and business is booming as usual. Tom Diecks, founder and owner of Greater Pittsburgh Travel, admits that moving is always bittersweet, but their new location at the PFQ Building at 250 Clever Road, 3rd Floor, Mckees Rocks 15136 in Robinson Township, gives clients ample parking, convenient access to I-79, as well as the same great travel services they’ve always had. “The main difference is we went from a street-level office to a third floor office,” he said. “But we do a lot of phone and internet work, so location isn’t a factor there, and our clients have been happy with the change and don’t see any inconveniences.” Come see for yourself.
Greater Pittsburgh Travel Agency has been in business for more than 26 years and each of their six qualified agents have no less than 23 years of experience under their belts. The agency prides itself in its diverse range of offerings from corporate travel management and leisure vacations, to group travel services and destination weddings. They have great experience with all-inclusive resorts, cruises, Caribbean and international travel. The agency also does sports group travel services with outbound and inbound travel management.
hese are types of things that you can’t get with an online service,” Diecks said. “People always think that because they’re seeing commercials for online travel sites, that the bricks and mortar agencies are suffering, but that’s the furthest thing from the truth. We’re actually seeing more business because of
the complexities of booking travel, accuracy of your bookings including the best available rates, and advocacy on your behalf in the event you encounter situations with your airline or hotel, or if the weather doesn’t cooperate. This has prompted us to expand the size of our office and staff.”
reater Pittsburgh Travel Agency’s expertise in navigating the pitfalls of travelling will ensure that your trip – and the hard-earned money you’ve invested in it – will not go to waste for some unforeseen circumstance. “You can’t get that personalized service from a dot com,” Diecks said. “We’re here. We’re a phone call away and have extensive travel management experience. There are no hidden or built in fees with us. Plus, we’re living, breathing members of the community – people who give back to the community and have a stake in wanting to preserve its vibrancy.” For more information on Greater Pittsburgh Travel Agency and all of their services available to you, call 412.331.2244, or go to They are located at the PFQ Building 250 Clever Road, 3rd Floor, McKees Rocks, PA 15136. You can also find them on Facebook or follow them on Twitter.
Carlynton-Montour | Winter 2012 | 31
By Matt Fascetti
Many people think of health and wellness as just diet and exercise. While those are two key components, there are many more factors that affect an individual’s overall vitality. Other areas of focus include dental and vision; specialties such as podiatry and audiology; preventative measures such as chiropractic visits and acupuncture/ massage. Even feel-good procedures such as hair replacement and cosmetic surgery can boost a person’s demeanor and self-confidence. With all of these areas of wellness to consider, it can be a daunting task to pay for the treatments and procedures that enhance the quality of our lives. So how do we decide what to spend our health-care dollars on? Which procedures are the most effective and beneficial? The following is a review of what to consider when choosing a healthier lifestyle.
• Fitness • Exercise is the one thing most doctors stress when the subject of health and wellness is broached. Certainly there are other factors such as genetics, eating, smoking, drinking and medication that can play a significant role, but exercise is at the core of health and wellness. So what is the best way to stay fit? There is no perfect answer as it is different for each individual’s needs and desires. There are many ways an individual can exercise on their own such as walking, running, biking, hiking, at-home workout DVDs or weight training, just to name a few. Many Americans join gyms to help them stay fit. There are advantages to having a gym membership which include a wide array of equipment, fellow members to help motivate you, professional trainers and a monthly monetary obligation that can help you stay committed to your fitness goals. Unfortunately, gym memberships are not covered by health insurance, so it is up to the individual to not only foot the bill but to select one that best suits our needs. Most gyms have monthly payments, but some also have yearly or bi-yearly options as well. Depending on the facility and the region you live in, the average gym membership can vary from $10 a month to $100 a month. While gyms, fitness programs and personal trainers can be an excellent way to achieve cardiovascular health, just remember they are not the only way. If money is tight there are plenty of free alternatives that may work just as well for you. 32 724.942.0940 to advertise
• Acupuncture and Massage • If you’ve ever been treated to a massage, you probably don’t need a list of of advantages to persuade you to have one on a regular basis. Massage is the manipulating of superficial and deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue using various techniques, to enhance function, aid in the healing process, and promote relaxation and well-being. Massage involves working and acting on the body with pressure – structured, unstructured, stationary, or moving – tension, motion, or vibration, done manually or with mechanical aids. Target tissues may include muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, skin, joints or other connective tissue, as well as lymphatic vessels, or organs of the gastrointestinal system. Massage can be applied with the hands, fingers, elbows, knees, forearms, and feet. There are over 80 different recognized massage modalities.The most cited reasons for introducing massage as therapy have been client demand and perceived clinical effectiveness. Massage is usually only covered by insurance in very special circumstances, so be prepared to pay out of pocket for these services. According to, acupuncture involves the insertion of extremely thin needles through your skin at strategic points on your body. A key component of Traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is most commonly used to treat pain. Traditional Chinese medicine explains acupuncture as a technique for balancing the flow of energy or life force known as qi or chi, ( pronounced CHEE), believed to flow through pathways (meridians) in your body. By inserting needles into specific points along these meridians, acupuncture practitioners believe that your energy flow will re-balance. In contrast, many Western practitioners view the acupuncture points as places to stimulate nerves, muscles and connective tissue. This stimulation appears to boost the activity of your body’s natural painkillers and increase blood flow. Reasons for having an acupuncture procedure include Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, Fibromyalgia, headaches, labor pain, low back pain, menstrual cramps, migraines, Osteoarthritis, dental pain and tennis elbow. As with massage, acupuncture is generally not covered by insurance.
• Chiropractic Care • According to, chiropractic care is a natural method of health care that focuses on correcting the causes of physical problems from subluxations or misalignments of the bones in the body, especially the spine. The field of Chiropractic is considered holistic, improving people’s lives by optimizing the functioning of the nervous system. Every cell in the body is controlled by the nervous system, including taste, touch, smell, hormones, digestion and cardiovascular. Chiropractic does not just treat symptoms or problems, but allows for a healthy nervous system, so the body functions better. A healthy nervous system has the ability to resist disease and ill health. Chiropractic restores the body’s nervous system, thereby increasing its resistance to illnesses. Chiropractors are able to determine and remove blocks to the nervous system by locating subluxations or misaligned vertebrae and adjusting them. There is one issue that will arise with chiropractic care…visits are sometimes not covered by insurance. Although suggested by many health care practitioners, including primary care physicians, some insurance companies still consider chiropractors luxury visits in some instances. One session with a chiropractor can cost anywhere from $35-$100 depending on the region you live in, with additional fees for more completed procedures. When it comes to chiropractic care, one must decide if the benefits outweigh the cost.
• Dental Work • Dental care is a vital aspect of health and wellness. Many people incorrectly believe that dental care is important for aesthetic reasons only, but this is far from the case. According to the American Academy of Periodontology, there is a link between poor oral health and conditions such as endocarditis, cardiovascular disease, although researchers are not sure of the role that oral health plays in causing heart problems. Recent studies have also shown that women with periodontal disease are at three to five times greater risk for delivering a preterm infant than those who are periodontally healthy. There may also be a link between oral health and diabetes, Alzheimer’s and certain immune disorders. Whether you have a cracked tooth, a cavity, braces, dental implants or are needing a simple whitening or cleaning, dental care is a priority for most people. Because the costs of dental care keep increasing, some are choosing to cut out dentist visits all together. This is not recommended. However, if carrying dental insurance is not an option, then an individual should still stick to routine check-ups. According to, the national average cost for a regular cleaning can range anywhere from $50-130 depending on the region in which you live. Skipping these checkups and cleanings can lead to more serious issues down the road that can cost thousands of dollars. In the meantime, as is the case with most health-related issues, prevention is the key. Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss after every meal and you drastically increase your odds of having great oral health.
Our Health & Wellness
“Are you frustrated with struggling to lose weight? Our professional medical specialists will craft a personalized, safe weight loss management program designed to help you find success. Now is the time to be who you wish to be, start your New Year Resolution early by calling Medical Dr. Irina E. Vinarski, MD Group Robinson today!” Medical Group Robinson 412.490.2500 Are you or a loved one struggling with substance abuse? Do you need help coping with issues like depression, excessive anger, anxiety or grief? Holy Family Institute offers individual and family mental health counseling and SHORES substance abuse counseling at a variety of locations throughout Allegheny Holy Family Institute County. Third party insurance is accepted or 412.766.4030 ext. 304 fees are based on a sliding scale. Call now and take the first step toward a more healthy and happy life today! Pittsburgh Dental Spa gives anyone who has ever been afraid of the dentist a peaceful, calm and stress-free experience. Pittsburgh Dental Spa offers: Affordable Dental Care, Cosmetic Dental Procedures, Dental Massage Chairs, Gag-Free Dental X-Rays, Complimentary Spa Services, Sedation Pittsburgh Dental Spa Dentistry Options, Dental Implants and a Timothy J. Runco D.M.D. Relaxation Room for Patients. Most dental plans accepted and payment options avail412.200.2614 able. Enjoy a dental spa experience without the spa price.
Dr. Leah Gallucci Choice Chiropractic 412.424.0019
Dr. Leah Gallucci earned her Bachelor’s degree at the University of Pittsburgh with a major in Neuroscience and minor in Chemistry. She attended Palmer Chiropractic College in Florida where she gained her extensive knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology, as well as Chiropractic adjusting techniques. Formally, she practiced at the Choice Chiropractic McKnight location, and is now accepting new patients at her recently bought Moon Township practice.
Carlynton-Montour | Winter 2012 | 33
Health & Wellness • Podiatry • Podiatry is the specialty devoted to the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the foot. According to the American Podiatric Medical Association, most people log an amazing 75,000 miles on their feet by the time they reach age 50. Regular foot care can ensure that your feet are up to the task. With proper detection and intervention, most foot and ankle problems can be lessened or prevented. Many people are unaware of the many issues that can affect feet. Arthritis, peripheral arterial disease (PAD), peripheral neuropathy, common injuries (sprains, strains and fractures), Haglund’s deformity (bony enlargement of the back of the heel bone), heel pain and tendinitis can all create mobility problems for individuals. There are various skin disorders including athlete’s foot, corns and calluses, psoriasis, skin cancer of the feet, as well as toe joint and nerve disorders such as bunions, hammer toes and neuromas to consider. Individuals may also suffer from ingrown toenails. Some basic but effective foot care tips include washing your feet daily, making sure to rinse off all soap and water especially between the toes and trimming nails straight across and not overly short to avoid cutting or digging at corners. Over the counter medications are not recommended for removing corns or calluses. A qualified podiatrist should be consulted for treatment and removal. Wear clean socks or stockings changed daily and
make sure that they are not too tight. Always wear properly fitting shoes. If you do suffer a foot ailment, there are various ways to treat them. Prescription, custom orthotics, which are specially-made devices, are designed to support and comfort your feet and may correct the problem. For more severe issues, surgery may be needed in cases when pain or deformity persists.
• Audiology • Audiology is the evaluation, diagnosis, treatment and management of hearing loss and balance disorders in adults and children. It is an important component to health and wellness, yet it tends to be ignored unless there is a noticeable problem. Individuals should get their hearing checked yearly to ensure that everything is as it should be. An audiologist, commonly called an ear doctor, prescribes and fits hearing aids, assists in cochlear implant programs, performs ear or hearing related surgical monitoring, designs hearing conservation programs and provides newborn screening programs to test hearing levels. Audiologists may also provide hearing rehabilitation such as auditory training, speech reading and listening skills improvement. What many people don’t realize is that almost all types of hearing loss are treatable by an audiologist. No one should ever feel there is no hope with hearing loss. Some hearing related problems include occupational; earwax blockage; hearing loss related to aging; acoustic neuroma, a noncancerous tumor on the hearing nerve; Meniere’s disease, a serious tumor on the nerve ending; ringing in the ears; and fluid on the ear. Most hearing-related procedures and tests will be covered by most insurance companies.
• Family Medicine • According to the American Academy of Family Medicine (AAFP), family practice is health care for the individual and family that integrates the biological, clinical and behavioral sciences. The scope of family medicine encompasses all ages, both sexes and every organ system of the body. Common services provided in family medicine include bone density screenings, EKGs, hospital care, immunizations and flu shots, lab services, minor surgery (warts, lesions, stitches), newborn health, gynecology and obstetrics, school and sports physicals and preventive visits. Family Medicine physicians work closely with patients to prevent disease and offer them a long and healthy life. Healthy lifestyle, exercise and weight control are often points that are stressed to all members of the family. For those with a personal history of chronic disease, specific measures are taken to ensure that they are being monitored and that their disease is being managed effectively. This is usually achieved with regular health maintenance exams and by keeping up with what is going on in their lives. The main focus and advantage of family medicine is the very personal and intimate care that is normally received. The attending physician almost becomes a member of the family. Another particular benefit of family medicine is that it concentrates on education as well. Everyone in the family should understand what good healthy living is and all the ins and outs of how to achieve health goals. This is done with open discussions with your physician.. 34 724.942.0940 to advertise
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• Vision Care • Many of us take our vision for granted. But we would certainly be completely lost without it, so it is essential we take good care of our eyes with regular exams and wearing glasses or contacts, if needed. According to the Vision Council of America, approximately 75% of adults need some sort of vision correction. Although drugstores sell nonprescription glasses for reading, which means anyone can buy them without seeing an eye doctor for an exam, there is no substitute for a professional vision exam by an eye doctor, with a customized prescription for glasses or corrective lenses. Approximately 30% of the American population is near-sighted and must use glasses for activities such as driving and schoolwork. About 60% of Americans are far-sighted meaning that they have trouble reading or sewing without glasses, but can focus well at a distance. The majority of young people who wear glasses are near-sighted. As people age, they are more likely to need vision correction for far-sightedness. About 25% of people who wear glasses to see distances will end up needing reading glasses or bifocals as they get older.
The recommendations for the frequency of vision exams varies somewhat, but generally individuals are advised to have an eye exam somewhere between one to four years, depending upon their age group.
Current issues of this magazine are also available online.
“Our office is equipped with the latest technology in dentistry, including same day porcelain crowns, digital x-rays and more! Our office offers most dental procedures out of one location. By offering these services at one location we limit the amount of procedures we refer out and ultimately save our patients time E.J. Hester, DMD Ingram Family Dentistry and money!” 412.922.9292
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RxMap is a medication adherence program offered by Hometown Pharmacy that helps people who take multiple prescriptions to stay compliant and ensures that the right dose is taken at the right time. The program includes a free consultation with the pharmacist, free delivery to the home and automatic refills. 2103 Noblestown Road Pittsburgh, PA 15205
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Carlynton-Montour | Winter 2012 | 35
Health & Wellness • Geriatrics • Geriatric medicine is quite unique because it usually deals with health issues related to age such as arthritis, heart disease, diabetes and more. Despite these challenges, geriatric wellness is better than it has ever been before. People are living longer and taking better care of themselves. Retirement goals for the senior citizen of today differ widely from the objectives of retirees in years past. Today’s senior has a desire to not only stay healthy and prevent disease, but is passionate about living an active lifestyle. Exercise has been shown to increase longevity and quality of life. According to, the five categories of fitness include aerobic fitness, muscular strength, muscular endurance, body composition and flexibility. For the geriatric exercise participant, balance also plays a huge role in the development of a wellness program. For example, working on strength and balance to prevent falls is important, but in reality a trip, slip or fall will eventually happen. Exercises that build bone density and joint integrity along with flexibility are important to prevent fractures and other injuries. The American College of Sports Medicine exercise guidelines for men and
36 724.942.0940 to advertise
women 65 and older includes cardiovascular exercise at a moderate pace for 30 minutes, five days a week to improve aerobic fitness. It is also recommended that older adults engage in strength training two days per week. The focus should be on large muscle group exercises that mimic activities of daily living, such as standing, reaching overhead and pulling. It is also suggested that flexibility exercises be added at least two days per week. One should also utilize balance exercises to create a well-rounded program that focuses on both performance and prevention. The bottom line is, today’s world offers better opportunities than ever before for seniors to live and be healthy for many years to come..
• Cosmetic Surgery • Cosmetic surgery is very popular in the United States these days. In fact, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Americans spent a staggering $10.7 billion on cosmetic surgery in 2010. According to, the most popular cosmetic procedures include liposuction, breast augmentation, BOTOX®, eyelid surgery, thermage, facelift, rhinoplasty, tummy tuck and buttocks implants. While cosmetic surgery is generally a safe procedure, when it does go bad, results can be disastrous. The key is to research your doctor
Our Health & Wellness
thoroughly, making sure he/she has extensive experience and many references from satisfied patients. Insurance does not usually cover cosmetic surgery, so it is a rather expensive, completely out of pocket expense. For example, a liposuction can cost around $10,000. The only kind of cosmetic surgery that is generally covered by insurance is for conditions that may interfere with someone’s overall health and wellness. Good health is not just a linear concept of adhering to a rigid routine for everyone. Each individual is different, and his/her personality, lifestyle and priorities must be taken into account..
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At Dr James Fernau, Aesthetic Plastic Surgery & Medical Spa, we offer you a comfortable and relaxed setting with state-of-the-art technology in cosmetic surgery and aesthetic skin care. It is our desire you leave our practice feeling more confident and knowledgeable about cosmetic surgery and the benefits it can provide to improve your quality of life! Call today to schedule a consultation! See why The Reader’s of the TRIB Total Media have voted us #1 Dentist in Robinson Township for the last 4 years. Our technology, continuing education and commiment to excellence are unsurpassed. Our friendly, caring staff from the the front desk to the doctor look forward to serving all your family’s dental needs.
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993 Brodhead Road #50, Moon Township 15108 (412) 424-0019 • Carlynton-Montour | Winter 2012 | 37
Health & Wellness • Hair Restoration • It is no secret we live in a society where looks are important to many people. So, naturally, hair replacement has become more and more popular. According to, hair loss is primarily caused by a combination of aging, a change in hormones, and a family history of baldness. As a rule, the earlier hair loss begins, the more severe the baldness will become. Hair loss can also be caused by burns or trauma, in which case hair replacement surgery is considered a reconstructive treatment, and may be covered by health insurance. Baldness is often blamed on poor circulation to the scalp, vitamin deficiencies, dandruff, and even excessive hat-wearing. All of these theories have been disproved. It’s also untrue that hair loss can be determined by looking at your maternal grandfather, or that 40-year-old men who haven’t lost their hair will never lose it. Hair replacement surgery can enhance your appearance and your self-confidence, but the results are not always what you envisioned. Before you decide to have surgery, think carefully about your expectations and discuss them with your surgeon. It’s important to understand that all hair replacement techniques use your existing hair. The goal of surgery is to find
the most efficient uses for existing hair. Hair replacement candidates must have healthy hair growth at the back and sides of the head to serve as donor areas. Donor areas are the places on the head from which grafts and flaps are taken. Other factors, such as hair color, texture and waviness or curliness may also affect the result. Transplant techniques, such as punch grafts, mini-grafts, micro-grafts, slit grafts and strip grafts are generally performed on patients who desire a more modest change in hair fullness. Flaps, tissue-expansion and scalp-reduction are procedures that are usually more appropriate for patients who desire a more dramatic change. Remember, there are limits to what can be accomplished. An individual with very little hair might not be advised to undergo hair replacement surgery.
• Pediatrics • Arguably, pediatric medicine is one of the most important areas of medical practice because it involves our children. This branch of medicine deals with the care of infants, children and adolescents. The ages treated usually range from birth to 18 years. According to, pediatrics differs from adult medicine in many aspects. The obvious body size differences are paralleled by maturational changes. The smaller body of an infant or neonate is substantially different physiologically from that of an adult. Congenital defects, genetic variance and developmental issues are areas of greater concern for pediatricians. Treating a child is not like treating a miniature adult. A major difference between pediatrics and adult medicine is that children are minors, and in most jurisdictions, cannot make decisions for themselves. The issues of guardianship, privacy, legal responsibility and informed consent must always be considered in every pediatric procedure. In a sense, pediatricians often have to treat the parents and sometimes the family, rather than just the child. Adolescents are in their own legal class, having rights to their own health care decisions in certain circumstances. Pediatrics is a fairly new practice, only becoming a specialty in the mid-19th century. Today it is one of the biggest medical specialties in the United States, mainly because individuals tend to care more for their children than they do themselves and are therefore more likely to seek regular and consistent medical care for their children..
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Karen B. Mellon Living Touch Healing 412.303.0563
Karen trained in the USUI System of Healing as a REIKI MASTER TEACHER in the 1980’s. Her focus was building a foundation of natural healers worldwide. In 2006 she was certified thru the Association of Comprehensive Energy Psychology, A.C.E.P. in TFT, Thought Field Therapy and E.F.T., Emotional Freedom Techniques.
Julian Gray Associates is a local law firm concentrating in Elder Law and Special Needs Planning for clients of all ages living with disabilities. From its offices in Upper St. Clair and Moon Township, the firm serves clients and their families throughout Pennsylvania. The firm places a high priority on its experience and integrity, having the distinction of being the only law firm in the United States with six Certified Elder Law Attorneys. The firm strives Julian Gray Assocites South Hills 412-833-4400 to provide comprehensive solutions to enhance the lives Moon Twp. 412-269-9000 of clients and provide peace of mind.
Current issues of are also available online Carlynton-Montour | Winter 2012 | 39
INdustry Insight
Mini Dental Implants are a
e v i t a n r e t l a e secur s to traditional denture
Mini Dental Implants are currently at the height of conversation. Mini Dental Implants
or MDIs are becoming more and more popular with denture wearers and senior patients alike. If you are a current denture wearer you are aware of the possible inadequacies pertaining to the fit and retention of false teeth. You may feel like your teeth can fall out at any moment leaving you insecure. MDIs make denture retention easy; they eliminate the need for sticky adhesives and also allow you to chew foods you never were able to with your traditional dentures. When a dentist fabricates a denture for a patient several factors are taken into consideration. The patients’ ridge height and width are carefully evaluated, because this is the area that the denture has to “stick” onto. Older patients or patients that have been wearing dentures for a long period of time experience resorption of ridge (it gets shorter and thinner). This creates difficulty with suction and retention on the upper arch and stability on the lower arch. Resorption of the ridge can lead to embarrassing social interactions as well as difficulty eating the foods that you enjoy and need for proper nutrition. Now with MDIs there is an affordable alternative to traditional dental implants. Traditional dental implants tend to be fairly invasive, medically and financially. This means that a great deal of time is spent preparing the patient’s “implant site” for a traditional implant insertion. The tissue where the implant is going to be placed is cut open, or “flapped”, in order to expose the bone ridge for optimal placement. Bone grafting is sometimes needed if sufficient bone is not present making the final cost of treatment go up. With the thin design of MDIs there is usually no need for bone grafting material, a surgical flap entry to expose the bone is not needed and the MDIs can be placed directly through the tissue. With eliminating a flap entry the healing process is shortened, the chair time for the patient goes down, and best of all so does the cost. In addition, when considering a MDI retained denture the patient’s current denture usually can be modified to be used. When cutting out the need for the fabrication of a new denture the patient is able to save even more money! When deciding to have dental implants placed there are many things to consider. How many teeth do you need to replace? How long the teeth have been gone? What are your long term objectives for your teeth? Just to name a few. In reality most people don’t know what their dental implant needs are. In order to make a decision about dental implants,
traditional dental implants or mini dental implants, your individual needs must be assessed. For more information on dental implants please visit, select the prosthodontics tab, and browse the informational videos regarding traditional dental implants and mini dental implants! Once you are ready to explore your dental implant options call 412-922-9292 to setup a comprehensive exam. At this time your individual needs will be assessed, your options will be presented, your custom treatment plan will be created, and a higher quality of life will begin! From now until February 28th 2013 take advantage of our Mini Dental Implant Placement Special of $899 per MDI!
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Robinson Township Hosts Tenth Autumn Festival:
A Fall Day
of Fun for Families and Residents
By Kathy Rudolph Robinson Township Parks and Recreation thought of everything when it came to making it easy for parents to give their kids a day of wonderful memories and residents a chance to slow down and visit at the Tenth Annual Autumn Festival at Burkett Sports and Recreation Complex. “It is so great to have this many kids and family members here, not just from Robinson, Kennedy and Ingram, but from other areas, that came out to have fun,” said Beth Crawford, Secretary of the Robinson Township Parks and Recreation Board and one of the festival organizers. “There is something for everyone to do, from food to entertainment. It is just a wonderful day.” Who needed an amusement park when kids could climb and slide on the countless, colorful inflatables, ride the mechanical bull ride or jump on the bungee trampoline? Game booths run by non-profit 42 724.942.0940 to advertise
organizations like Relay for Life Team Mahalo, the Montour High School Leadership Institute, Girl Scout Troop 54351 and many more, provided a great way to donate and win prizes at the same time. Face painting by Mollie the Painter, balloon art by Carla and tricks by magician, Robbie Wise, also kept everyone occupied and happy. Local Business and Community booths included the Robinson Township Public Library, the Robinson Township Historical Society, local volunteer fire stations and the Parkway West Rotary. All provided shopping options and information for residents. Two stages at opposite ends of the park had plenty of seating and room to clap, dance or take photos. Proud parents watched performances from the Holy Trinity and St. Malachy’s Cheerleaders, Tang Soo Do Karate, All Star Gymnastics and others. On the main stage, adults enjoyed Daniels and McClain, Montour Drum Line, and No Bad JuJu, which rocked well into the evening. There was no need to go home and make dinner with the huge selection of food choices including the delicious, homemade french-
fries prepared by Moon Run Fire and Rescue or candied apples from the Wilson family. Poignant moments included the Dedication of the Daniel P. Tallon Memorial Field as a tribute to Dan Tallon, the former Transportation Director of Montour School District and Commissioner of Robinson Township that passed away in February of 2012. Finally, a fireworks display wrapped up a fun day that celebrated what a great community Robinson Township is to live in. Mary Ann Johnson is a member of the Robinson Township Parks and Recreation Board and is one of the festival organizers. She moved to Robinson Township as a girl in 1965 and still loves living in the area along with her husband, kids and extended family. “Robinson is such a tight knit group and it is great to be able to bring the community together,” said Ms. Johnson. “Even though the area is growing, everyone seems to know each other and it is nice to be able to provide events throughout the year so that we can keep that ‘small community feel’ going.” To learn more about upcoming events in Robinson Township, visit the website at 1. Cathy Keally and Sharon Helfrich, Director of the Robinson Township Public Library 2. Beth Crawford, Secretary of the Robinson Township Parks and Recreation Board 3. Mary Ann Johnson, Member of the Robinson Township Parks and Recreation Board 4. Meghan Flick and Ryan Boynes of Team Mahalo Relay for Life 5. Moon Run Fire and Rescue 6. Robinson Township Historical Society booth 7. Ashley and Shelby For more pictures from this event, go to our Facebook page: Want us to cover your event? Let us know @ICMagazines
Carlynton-Montour | Winter 2012 | 43
t s o C t n e m e c a l p e R vs. Market Value
When you purchase a homeowners insurance policy, you’ll make a number of decisions about your coverage. One of the most important is whether to insure your home for its replacement cost or its market value. Understanding each option will help you make an informed choice that safeguards your home and your family’s financial future.
What Is Replacement Cost?
Replacement cost is the cost necessary to repair or replace your entire home. When you insure your home for its replacement value, your insurer will reimburse you for the cost of rebuilding or repairing your home, based on the size and structure of the home that was lost or damaged. The most accurate way to determine the replacement cost of your home is to hire a building contractor or other building professional to produce a detailed estimate. Only the cost of the property’s structure and its associated systems, fixtures, and finishes will be included in the estimate; land value is included in a home’s market value but should not be included in the amount of insurance you buy. Benefits
In the event of a loss, replacement cost coverage will help your family return to their home and usual quality of life with minimal financial interruption. For the best protection, experts recommend that you insure your home for at least 100 percent of its replacement cost. RISKS
Replacement value can change over time, so you should review your policy annually to make sure its coverage meets your needs. Inform your insurer if you have upgraded or improved your home, because these alterations may increase your home’s estimated replacement cost. Also, you’ll want to stay informed about changing market conditions in your area. Rising labor, materials, and transportation costs can directly affect your home’s replacement value. For maximum protection, consider a policy that includes an inflation clause that automatically adjusts coverage and premiums to account for changes in construction costs.
What Is Market Value?
Market value is the amount that a buyer would pay to purchase your home and its land in its current condition. Unlike your home’s replacement value, its market value is influenced by factors beyond the material and labor costs of repairs or reconstruction, such as proximity to good schools, local crime statistics, and the availability of similar homes. Also, the land itself will be included in the home’s market value, although it will not be covered by the homeowners policy. Benefits
In some cases, market value coverage may be the most practical option. Take the example of an ornate older home. In today’s market, the cost of rebuilding or restoring artisanal woodwork, masonry, and plastering to their original condition This INdustry INsight is written by Paul C. Lukitsch, who has been in the insurance and financial services industry for over 20 years. His State Farm Agency is located right off the Green Tree/Crafton exit of the Parkway West and serves the Pittsburgh community. For more information, contact Paul directly at 412-921-2008 or via his website at
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INdustry Insight
may be much higher than the home’s purchase price. Therefore, the replacement policy premiums for the home would be high. (Special policies are available for some historic homes, but these also come at a higher price.) For a cash-strapped homeowner, buying a policy based on market value offers the best chance to recoup at least partial expenses after a loss. RISKS
When you insure a typical home for its market value, you are at risk of having incomplete coverage. For example, imagine that a family buys a home for $175,000 and takes out a homeowner’s policy for the same amount. The replacement cost for the home, though, is $225,000. If a fire or other insured event destroys the house, the insurance settlement would be $50,000 less than the actual replacement cost of the home. The family would either have to make up the difference themselves or build a new, less expensive home. The information in this article was obtained from various sources. While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. The information is not intended to replace the advice of a qualified professional. Nor is it intended to effect coverage under any policy. State Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information. We assume no liability in connection with the information nor the suggestions made.
photos by Joe Appel
l l i H e n o b k c a B at
l l i r h T The Elvira Hoff
It’s the kind of day every kid dreams of in the dead of winter – waking up to a halffoot of snow on the ground and your Mom telling you to go back to sleep ‘cause school’s cancelled for the day. Except you can’t get back to sleep, ‘cause you can’t wait to gear up for a thrilling day of sled riding with your friends. And if you live in
Crafton or nearby, that almost certainly means you’re headed to the Backbone. Technically, the real name of Backbone Road is Crafton Boulevard – but not many locals are going to call it that. If you ask us, the Backbone starts when your bear right onto it after crossing the Thornburg Bridge on Route 60 and continuing straight at the stoplight into Crafton. It doesn’t become Crafton Boulevard until you get to the crest where it intersects with Grandview Avenue. Along the way, you’ll pass an old ball field on your left, which you just might miss because it rests at the base of the hill. But pull over and look down and you’ll see why it’s a fan favorite come sledding season. Moderately steep on the left, and a little more so on the right, Backbone Hill even comes with its own set of unspoken rules that everyone seems to naturally obey. Younger kids and large numbers to a sled tend to stay
left; older kids seeking faster, bumpier rides stay right; and the real daredevils head for the adjacent hill that slopes down from Belvidere Street and requires steering your sled around a slew of pine trees on the way down (not recommended!). The ball field at the bottom provides the perfect runaway truck (er, sled) ramp, leaving you with a nice long stretch of flatland for sliding to a safe stop, right around the infield somewhere. There’s always at least one group of boys who aim to sled down so fast that the momentum will slide them just past the first base line into the fence, but no luck yet. “We think Backbone Road got its nickname from what the terrain used to be before it was paved over,” recalls Heather Gamble Ravenstahl, who grew up on Elmwood Street in Crafton. It was actually a two-way road back then, which is hard to believe given the road is narrow and runs along a cliff in that section buttressed off by guardrails. The road was so bumpy; it was like literally driving up a spine. “My Mom would never have driven down that road in winter, so part of our adventure would always be getting to Backbone Hill in the first place, since it meant sledding down Backbone Road first.” Today, the road is one way up from Steuben
to Home Street, leaving more room to pull over for those longed-for sledding days. Suzy Kozy, whose husband Mike is a teacher at Carlynton High School and a born-and-bred Craftonian, fondly remembers one of her first times at the Hill. “Koz was also the basketball coach back then and always came home late, but there was a heavy snow that day so school let out early. He drove straight over to K-Mart and came back with sleds for all of us and we headed straight down. Everyone in Crafton was there and we stayed for three hours. It was just such a wonderful introduction to what life in the neighborhood was going to be like in winter.” Crafton is home to both Crafton Elementary, (Grades K-6), and St. Philip School (Grades
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Carlynton-Montour | Winter 2012 | 45
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K-8) which attracts students from Crafton as well as Pittsburgh, Thornburg, Ingram, Rosslyn Farms and Robinson. In winter, the Backbone is for this sidewalk town what Crafton Pool is for it in summer – a place that draws everybody together and gives them a larger sense of community than the one inside their respective schools or neighborhood borders. “That’s part of the fun. You might go down there with your school buddies or kids form the neighborhood, but then once you get there, you end up sledding with everybody,” says Vicki Carrasco. She remembers the Big Snow two years back when she ran into a family from Nepal who was living in the apartment buildings just past the ball field on Backbone. “They must have seen all the kids having a blast so they came out to see if they could join in,” recalls Vicki. “It must have been 20 degrees and one of the girls was wearing flip flops and gauze pants. One of the boys had on a pair of low-cut Converse tennis shoes and skinny jeans. And they were all really, really thin and couldn’t speak English.” In the spirit of all those who regularly sled at the backbone, Vicki gestured to the kids to join her own on the sleds, which they did, as ill-dressed for the occasion as they were. When she got home that day, Vicki quickly sent out an e-mail to other moms from the area asking if they had any extra gear to spare and in no time,
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Current issues of this magazine are also available online.
was able to deliver boots, gloves, coats, hats and scarves to the family. “Just tons of stuff,” she recalls. “That’s how people are around here.” It’s not just the hot chocolate parents bring in thermoses, along with ample Styrofoam cups for sharing, that gives you a warm feeling when you’re sledding at the backbone. Nor is it the fire someone inevitably starts in an empty garbage drum for warming up those frozen hands. It’s the whole feeling you get of being part of a larger family than your own, making memories you just might cherish for decades down the line. Linda Grapes, who with her husband David raised seven children in Crafton, perhaps put it best. “When you raise your kids here, you feel like your raising everybody else’s too and they’re helping you raise yours,” she says. “It’s just a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful place to raise kids.”
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Carlynton-Montour | Winter 2012 | 47
INdustry Insight
Effects of Chronic pain on your daily
re you a chronic pain sufferer?Some individuals suffer from pain that continues for week, months, and even years with no remarkable injury.This pain can manifest in many areas of the body and can be caused by arthritis, headaches, neck pain, low back pain, etc.In many cases there is little to no objective findings to explain the reason for the pain. Many individuals seek help from several physicians in an attempt to get answers and basically get “it’s all in your head” type of response. Normally, patients are put through a battery of tests with no remarkable findings. The effects chronic pain can have a negative impact on one’s ability to function socially and most commonly lead to depression.There are disturbances that arise with family and work obligations such as performing chores, tasks at work, and leisure activities.This puts a large burden on coworkers, spouses, and children and can ultimately lead to resentment, depression, anger, and stress.Difficulty in sleeping, concentration, and temper are also associated with these conditions.The accumulation of all of these effects leads to deeper depression which in turn leads to greater chronic pain. Some of the common signs and symptoms of chronic pain include: n Increased sensitivity to pain n Pain arising from stimuli that are normally not painful n Pain beyond 6 months of an injury n Increased pain to stimuli that are normally slightly painful Management therapies for chronic pain: n Gentle low force Chiropractic care n Massage Therapy n Stretching n Regular physical activity Chiropractic care can address and correct joint restriction, muscular adhesions, nerve pressure and inflammation that are all components in the chronic pain syndrome.Chiropractic is a safe, gentle, and noninvasive approach to managing chronic pain. Massage therapy can reduce chronic pain by relieving muscle tension and improving physical health, which is important to helping the body relax so the mind can relax. Massage helps with the body-mind connection, which can improve overall health and aid in stress management. Regular low impact physical activity and stretching are highly
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important in controlling chronic pain.This activity increases circulation to the soft tissue, enhances flexibility, and improves sleep patterns which all reduce the intensity and frequency of pain. If you are a chronic pain sufferer and are seeking a management strategy that is effective, contact us today. We can consult with you on a course of therapy that is appropriate for you.
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