IN Moon Township

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West Hills Food Pantry: None Go Hungry Moon Area School District Dedicates New High School

Contents Moon Township | SPRING 2011 |


Health and Wellness News You Can Use


5 Publisher’s Message COMMUNITY INTEREST



Healthy Family, Happy Family

What’s Inside page 2

A Clean Sweep Make fire safety a focus of your spring clean-up projects

page 3

From Gut-Wrenching Pain to Hope for the Future Stomachaches: When to Worry

page 4

Good Night, Sleep Tight! Are You Allergic to Your Bed?



Keeping yourself and your family healthy can seem like a full-time job.

With UPMC HealthTrak, you now have a convenient way to manage your health anytime and anywhere.

page 5

UPMC HealthTrak Lets You Manage Your Health Care Online

page 6

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Could It Happen to You?

page 7

Urology 101

UPMC Mercy Emergency Department Project Advances

© 2011 UPMC

2 21


UPMC Today


In Kids


Older Adults in Moon Township


Special Value Coupons


Moon Area School District Hosts Dedication of New High School


West Hills Food Pantry—Ensuring None Go Hungry in Your Community | 6




| Health and Wellness News You Can Use |

30 |





Wedding Reception to Remember | 8 Wedding Etiquette for the Socially Inept | 9 Venue Planning | 10 |

Coraopolis Memorial Library Celebrates St. Patrick’s Day with a Children’s Party | 11


Pittsburgh Area Airport Chamber of Commerce Presents Robert Burns | 12


A Hidden Gem–Mary Roberts Rinehart Nature Park


A Reception Welcoming Colonel Jeffrey T. Pennington


Real Estate


13 |



Both Buyers & Sellers Need to BEWARE of OVERpricing | 15 Reeducating of the Seller | 17 Real Estate as a Career | 18 |

Moon Garden Club Blossoms with Talent & Enthusiasm


Home Improvement




Fireplace Creates Warmth & The Perfect Decor | 35 Rethinking the Attic | 37 INDUSTRY INSIGHTS


Concussions By Dr. Marc Yester | 33

| | | | |



Softeners Among ‘Very Best’ Household Energy Savers | 34 Shop for a Good Cause and Support Allegheny County Needy Families | 38 Spider Veins By Dr. Christina Teimouri DPM | 42 Elite Runners & Walkers - Thank You for 12 Great Years and Still Going! | 43 Estate Planning By Sarvey G. Canella, CFP®, MBA | 47 Miracle Method





Welcome to the spring issue of Moon Township Magazine. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday filled with family, friends, and fun. Typically, I use this space to talk about your community or features in the magazine that spotlight the people in your community who are doing wonderful things. Well, this time I want to update you regarding our newest feature for 2011—our new website. Without venturing too far into the realm of shameless self-promotion, I want to emphasize that this website is something for you, our readers. How so? Well, you can have input and help shape the website just like your ideas help shape your magazine. Now you have a place to list all of the nonprofit community organizations that are active in the community. We are also developing pages where we list the local houses of worship. In addition, we now offer every magazine in a fully downloadable PDF format, rather than the outdated flipbook format we used to have. This will allow you to send the magazine, or links to it, to friends and family both near and far. We tied our website into Facebook as well, not to get the biggest list of “friends” we could get but to have a place to keep our readers abreast of all the news we get between issues. It also gives us a place to upload all the photos from community events that we don’t have room for in the magazine. As with all things, there’s always room for improvement, but we always have open ears. If you have comments about our new website or want to see your organization listed, e-mail with your link or feedback. There’s no charge for listing your church, synagogue, or scout troop’s link, so send your links in today! And if you happen to be on Facebook and like what you see in the magazine, don’t hesitate to click that “Like” button. It’s always nice to be liked! I hope you have a wonderful spring!

Wayne Dollard Publisher

SPRING 2011 IN Moon Township is a non-partisan community publication dedicated to representing, encouraging and promoting the Moon Township area and its comprising municipalities by focusing on the talents and gifts of the people who live and work here. Our goal is to provide readers with the most informative and professional regional publication in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. PUBLISHER

Wayne Dollard AS S I STA N T TO T H E P U B L I S H E R

Mark Berton M A N AG I N G E D I TO R

Marybeth Jeffries O F F I C E M A N AG E R

Leo Vighetti E D I TO R I A L AS S I STA N T

Jamie Ward WRITERS

Mark Berton Kelli McElhinny

Pamela Palongue


Cassie Brkich Anna Buzzelli Susie Doak Pati Ingold

Jan McEvoy Joe Milne Tamara Tylenda Tracey Wasilco


When I think about spring, I can’t help but think about light. The days get “lighter,” the sun stays with us a little longer each day. When we have a great idea, a light bulb goes off in our minds. At Moon Township Magazine we try to spot-light our communities. What are you doing to be a “light?” If you or an organization that you volunteer or work for is a light in the community, will you let me know? So many good deeds, are left unsung! If you have a family member who is in the Armed Forces, your church group or even Mom or Dad are providing a service to someone in need, we want to know! Please email me your ideas and photos to I would like to call your attention to the West Hills Food Pantry on page Six. Sandy Hershberger and her team are working so hard to help people from this community get fed! It is a good lesson for all of us to remember, that people in our communities are in as much need as those nationally and internationally. If you can donate a food item, money or provide your time to this worthy organization, please give Sandy a call at 412.262.4930. As we look forward to warmer and brighter spring days ahead, I hope you will enjoy this edition of Moon Township Magazine.


Nicholas Buzzell Brian Daley Gina D’Alicandro Tina Dollard Rose Estes Jason Huffman Jessie Jones Connie McDaniel Brian McKee

David Mitchell Tamara Myers Gabriel Negri Robert Ojeda Annette Petrone Vincent Sabatini Michael Silvert RJ Vighetti

This magazine is carrier route mailed to all district households and businesses. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Copyright 2011. CORRESPONDENCE All inquiries, comments and press releases should be directed to: IN Community Magazines Attn: Editorial 603 East McMurray Road McMurray, PA 15317 Ph: 724.942.0940 Fax: 724.942.0968

Summer content deadline: 5/13/11

Marybeth Jeffries Managing Editor "No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another." –Charles Dickens 2 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE

Moon Township

Please recycle this magazine when you are through enjoying it.

Moon Township | Spring 2011 | 3

Moon Area School District Hosts Dedication of New High School It was a day of celebration as Moon Area School District welcomed residents to the dedication of the new high school. Opening remarks were made by Superintendent, Dr. Donna K. Milanovich and the National Anthem was sung by student Kim Padovani. A ribbon cutting ceremony was held in the beautiful auditorium with guests spanning the stage to cut the ceremonial ribbon. A special presentation was made by Congressman Timothy Murphy’s District Director Bradley Harrison. He read a proclamation from their oďŹƒce in recognition of the Grand Opening of Moon Area High School. The District also recognized High School Principal Michael Hauser by naming the Natatorium the Michael A. Hauser Natatorium in his honor. Guests were able to tour the building and enjoy refreshments.

Moon Township | Spring 2011 | 5

West Hills Food Pantry Ensuring None Go Hungry in Your Community 6 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE

Moon Township


hen it comes to helping out in times of need, the local food pantry can be a Godsend. And, in Moon Township, the West Hills Food Pantry helps meet those needs every week. Sandy Hershberger, director of the pantry, said that after recently updating their records, it was found that West Hills Food Pantry serves 277 active families in the Moon, Crescent, Coraopolis, and Neville Island communities. That number – as well as the number of families served throughout Western Pennsylvania food banks – has increased with the sluggish economy in the past few years. Fortunately, Hershberger said that the West Hills Food Pantry has enough volunteers to serve its families efficiently, and actually has a waiting list of volunteers. “On any given Tuesday, we have 30 to 40 volunteers working in the pantry, which is divided into two sections—one for packing and filling orders, and the other for sign-in and filling out eligibility paperwork,” Hershberger said. “A lot of our families don’t come every week but rather once or twice a month.” The types of food provided and needed by the pantry include spaghetti sauce, pasta, noodles, canned soup, canned tuna fish, any canned meat products or meal in a can, pancake mix, peanut butter, and jellies. The pantry also tries to give patrons two meats every week, cereal, and household supplies such as toilet paper, paper products, and detergents. Regular donations to the West Hills Food Pantry come in from places like Giant Eagle, which donates to the main food pantry in Duquesne for regional distribution, and restaurants like Panera at the Pointe in Robinson, which donates leftover bread collected by volunteers every Sunday and Monday. Hershberger also said that, in April, local scouting troops will be collecting on behalf of the food bank during their annual food drive. Families qualify for the pantry through U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines for income. One person in a household can make up to $16,245 annually, or $1,354 monthly in gross income and still be eligible, Hershberger said; however, families in need are never turned away. “Our policy is give food first and ask questions second,” Hershberger said. “Once we give a family groceries once, we go over what they need to bring—a lease, tax statement or utility bill, or a current pay stub or Social Security letter proving their residency and income. They then have to sign a form verifying that their income is within these guidelines. If someone’s a little bit over, we can still qualify them.” For volunteers, there are no requirements other than time, the ability to pack groceries, and the enjoyment of working with people. “People don’t have to commit to every single week,” Hershberger said. “They can do as little or as much as they like. We actually have waiting list, but I don’t turn anybody away. It’s nice to have some backup names to call.” And, of course, donations – either monetary or food-based – are always welcome. Hershberger said that because all of the local churches are under the umbrella of the West Hills Ministerial Association, people can drop food off at their local church, and it will find its way to the pantry. The West Hills Food Pantry is located at Sharon Presbyterian Church, in the lower level of the white building facing University Boulevard. It’s open every Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and can be reached by calling ASSOCIATES 412.262.4930. New ts SMILE! An answering ien ! Patie e with the Zoom!® llccom e W machine Professional Whitening System answers in Our Door is Always Open! off-hours, but New Patient Offer: volunteers will be Settlers Ridge Village Square Mall 433 Market Square Settler's Ridge Center Drive 2404 Oxford Drive Third Floor, Corner Entrance Cleaning & Exam 1730Robinson sure to get back Twp., PA 15205 Bethel Park, PA 15102 Pittsburgh, PA 15222 (412) 787-5050 (412) 851-5060 (412) 434-6060 to anyone calling. $39.99 $ 39.99 Ask A sk u uss a about bout o orthodontics! r thodontics!

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Moon Township | Spring 2011 | 7

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Moon Township

Whether it's set in the great outdoors, a lavish ballroom, the couple's favorite restaurant, or at home, the wedding reception is a special time for newlyweds to celebrate with family and friends. The signature dessert – cake – is usually the centerpiece for this occasion, a continuing reflection of the wedding theme and colors. An assortment of cupcakes or a tower of layers allows today's cakes to take almost any form, from square to round, even pillow or heart-shaped. This stunning all-white creation from the wedding experts at Wilton is both simple yet elegant. Cake layers are covered in pure white fondant, while additional bands of fondant glistening with white sparkling sugar decorate the bottom of each tier. Dots of sugar pearl sprinkles, resembling perfect pearls, add a hint of texture, while a gem-studded monogram topper adds the finishing touch. This unique do-it-yourself wedding topper kit can easily be customized with one initial, two, or a trio. Self-adhesive crystal-like gems are used to trace the initials onto the clear disc. Gems can also be used to create a border or other complementary design. After the reception, it makes a perfect keepsake that the couple will treasure for years to come. Guests will want to raise a glass in honor of the newlyweds with the timeless custom of a champagne toast. Decorated flutes for the bride and groom create a long-lasting memory of this special tradition. Individual boxes are ideal for truffles or other candies to send home with guests. Tie these with ribbons reflecting the color theme of the wedding. Another fun memento is a mini champagne bottle favor that can be filled with small candies. Attach a label with a personalized message. Make it elegant or simple, and always make it meaningful and memorable. For more do-it-yourself wedding ideas, favors, and accessories, visit Bethel Park | Spring 2011 | 5

for the gue By Pamela Palon


s anyone who knows me personally will tell you, I am no expert on social occasions. However, based upon the theory that even a stopped clock is right twice a day, I have made enough social faux pas to speak authoritatively on what not to do at a wedding. Some helpful tips are listed below to help get you through the season of bliss.



Never wear white to a wedding. This includes eggshell, ecru, light cream, pearl lustre and Tahitian coconut. Never attempt to upstage the bride (unless of course you hate the bride, in which case you probably really shouldn’t be attending the wedding anyway, given the spirit of the whole love and happiness thing).


At Jewish weddings do not ask, “What is that big thing they’re standing under?”


At Catholic weddings try to refrain from asking, “Why is this taking so long?” The well-prepared wedding guest remembers to bring snacks for himself and his friends. (Avoid crunchy snacks that may disrupt the ceremony.)


NEVER bet on how long the marriage will last at the reception. All odds-making must be done outside the reception venue. (In the event of inclement weather, the lobby or bathroom is acceptable.)


Never complain about the food at the wedding reception with your mouth full of food from the wedding reception. It’s a credibility issue.


Throw only designated throwing materials at the bride and groom, such as rice and rose petals. Shoes, Jell-O, and steak knives are not acceptable. Ever. Even when they are within the appropriate wedding color scheme.


The wedding day is NOT the proper time to share the fact that you once dated the groom, the bride, or their parents. In fact, the proper time to share this information may not actually exist.


If you simply must dance at the reception, remember you are not trying out for “Dancing With The Stars.” If you throw your partner in the air, make sure you catch them. Missing is considered grounds for divorce in most states. Avoid high kicks, which may warrant medical attention.


Many people adhere to the time-honored adage, “It’s not a party till something gets broken.” However, avoid breaking things that are irreplaceable, expensive, and likely to lead to a law suit. Cell phones and glasses are okay.

Given the fact that marriage is a formidable undertaking and the courageous souls who dare to tread the rose-strewn path are likely to be distraught, hysterical, and panic-stricken, you owe it to the happy couple to be the best wedding guest possible. These helpful tips are the very foundation of the social graces. If you follow them carefully, you will glide effortlessly from wedding celebration to reception party in a virtual whirl of neurotic enthusiasm.

Moon Township | Spring 2011 | 9


Venue Planning forYourWedding

hen it comes time to plan for the biggest day of your life, you may not know where to start. Planning a wedding is a challenging, time consuming and expensive task, which is why those who can afford it oftentimes hire wedding planners. But for those of us who have to keep an eye on the budget, knowing what to look for in your wedding venue can save you time and money up front, and less hassle when it’s over. Obviously, you want to pick a venue suitable to the size of your anticipated invitation list, and you want to pick it early. Popular venues can be booked well over a year in advance, and if you’re getting married on a date that’s unique – like Dec. 12, 2012, or 12/12/12 – you’re going to want to start looking immediately. Robin Craig, Director of Sales for the

10 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE

Hilton Garden Inn Pittsburgh/Southpointe, said couples should plan out 12 to 18 months when booking a venue. “They need to sit down and find out their guest list and their budget. Once they determine the guest list, we can start quoting pricing,” Craig said. “Next year , 9/10/11 is a big date, and we’re already booked. Also, 10/11/12 would be a hot date. Our hot months are September and October and May and June. If you’re a teacher, June and July are busy months.” Once you have that location selected and it appeals to your personal sense of style and aesthetics, you should evaluate anything that may be taken for granted, such as ingress and egress and parking. Is the wedding/reception hall easy to find? Are there covered porticos for dropping off guests in case of inclement weather or for those who have trouble walking without assistance? Will guests be able to find the hall easily, or is it hidden deep

Moon Township

in a labyrinth of hallways? And are the restrooms close by? “All of our parking is complimentary,” Craig said. “If you want valet, we can provide it for a fee.” Once you have the building chosen, you should discuss logistics of the day with any facility manager responsible for the site. Important items to discuss include catering – can you hire your own caterer or is there a caterer specific to the venue you’ve chosen? Is there an additional charge for alcohol and can you furnish your own? Will linens be provided and who will be responsible for setting up and tearing down the tables and chairs? Is there a suggested room layout for weddings? Having a tried and true seating arrangement for the venue can save you headaches later on when you’re trying to figure out where to place the bridal table. Lastly, knowing how early you can arrive and how late you can stay will be crucial information for anyone from caterers to your bridal party. Craig said her venue offers full linens with chair covers, sashes, mirrors, candles and champagne toasts. It also offers complimentary bridal party refresher rooms. They can tray cookies at no charge and provide a gourmet coffee station. It also offers a complimentary overnight room for the bride and groom. Lastly, find out all of the financial details up front. Many venues have service charges that are above and beyond your bill. Get all of your charges in writing, up front before you sign for your venue. You don’t want to find out afterwards that there was a food and beverage minimum that you didn’t attain, or that it was ok for you to bring your own wine, but forgot to inquire about corking fees. Craig said service charge at her venue is 21 percent and sales tax is 6 percent. They also have food and drink minimums. However, discounts are offered for group room rentals for overnight guests and for off-peak days and months. Weddings in January-March and November, and those held on Fridays and Sundays, are considered off-peak. If you do your homework up front, there’s nothing stopping you from having the fairytale wedding you’ve always dreamed of. Keep in mind, like any successful marriage, wedding planning is hard work, but work that you’ll reap rewards from in the end.

Coraopolis Memorial Library Celebrates St. Patrick’s Day with a Children’s Party A St. Patrick’s Day Party for Children was celebrated at Coraopolis Memorial Library with fun Irish stories, crafts and refreshments. Kids, parents and grand parents celebrated with new library director, Susan McClellan. Founded in 1937, the library serves Coraopolis and Neville Island residents and is maintained by the Borough of Coraopolis. Ms. McClellan, who has previously worked in libraries in Ambridge and Shaler, has brought experience and enthusiasm to the library and is developing new programs for both children and adults. Some of the programs being offered are Crafter’s Club, Introduction to Online Genealogy, New Fiction Book Club and Knitting/Crocheting Club for ages 5 and up. Seasonal parties and “One World, Many Stories” summer book club are great opportunities for children to socialize and learn to love reading. If you are interested in the programs at Coraopolis Memorial Library, you can visit their website at, or call 412.264.3502.


LIBRARIES IN OUR AREA Coraopolis Memorial Moon Township Public Library Library 601 School Street Coraopolis, PA 15108 412.264.3502 Library Hours: Monday through Thursday 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Upcoming Library Events For Children! Easter Stories and Crafts For children ages 3 and up. Saturday, April 9 at 1:30 p.m. Registration required. Call the library to register or register at the checkout desk. Refreshments served.



1700 Beaver Grade Road, Suite 100 Moon Township, PA 15108-3109 412.269.0334 email: Library Hours: Monday through Thursday 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday ~ 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. July - Labor Day Saturday ~ 1 a.m. - 3 p.m. Sunday ~ Closed Upcoming Events! All About Chocolate On April 15th, the Friends of the Moon Township Public Library invite you to an evening "All About Chocolate," from 7-9 p.m. There will be chocolate desserts, chocolate candies, a chocolate fountain, chocolate snacks, tea, coffee and champagne. No one under 21 is permitted. Tickets are $15 pre-sale and $20 at the door. Tickets will be available at the library starting March 1.

Moon Township | Spring 2011 | 11

12 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE

Moon Township

A Hidden Gem—

Mary Roberts Rinehart Nature Park Between Osborne Elementary and Natasha Green’s property line lies about four acres of land that, up until about four years ago, grew nothing but loitering teens and discarded beer cans. Today, that same land is now a nature park, named after one of Sewickley’s most famous women—Mary Roberts Rinehart. And now it’s home to picnic tables, benches, a nature trail, and even an amphitheater. “About four years ago, I was overlooking this terrible gully of junk between my house and Osborne Elementary School, and I thought something has to be done here,” Green said. “I got the mayor of Glen Osborne to do something about it. We talked to Joe Marrone, who was head of all plant maintenance for the Quaker Valley School District. We arranged to buy those four acres for $1. We took it over and transformed it into a southwest Pennsylvania naturalized park. We named it for Mary Roberts Rinehart because she owned a lot of that property in her estate. She was an incredible woman—probably the most famous person who has ever come out of Sewickley. She wrote in the early 1900s, mostly mystery stories. She was a suffragette. She was the first female journalist during World War I. She was everything, and we named it after her.” At the same time, Green said the Osborne Trail and Park Association was formed as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in order to collect funds and maintain the park. “Bill Boswell, the mayor, is also an attorney, and he arranged everything. We’re trying to build a maintenance fund, and we’re trying to raise $150,000 overall, but we need about

$12,000 a year to maintain and plant,” Green said. “It’s minimal considering what we have here. It’s a wonderful trail and there are many great things to see. We had picnic benches made by a local artist and display case made by a local artist. We planted thousands of things down there and the schools are going to use it for educational purposes, labeling everything this spring. Best of all, it’s open to everybody for free.” Green said another local artisan designed and created the sign at the park’s entrance, adding that the fairy on the sign was inspired by a conversation Green and the artist had with a local resident and park patron. “One of the things he said is, ‘My girls want to go to this park everyday because they talk to the fairies.’ The artist thought that was great, and was able to work a fairy into the sign. It’s a wonderful story and a beautiful sign, and it shows how people have come together to make this park what it is,” Green said. Despite all of the progress that’s been made, and all the weight that the Rinehart name carries in the community, none of the acclaimed writer’s relatives have seen what has been created in her name. What’s more, it’s uncertain if any are even around. Green said that attempts were made to contact them through the Roberts Rinehart Publishing Company, but that company was acquired by Rowman &

Littlefield Publishing Group in 2001. Green said the company sent a check to the park in the amount of $50, but no one attended the dedication ceremony. “We haven’t seen any family members,” she said. “I suspect there are some still alive. Generations go on. Sewickley Historical Society has a ton of information about Mary Roberts Rinehart and the Sewickley Public Library has all her books. They all love her. It may be possible to track her relatives down somewhere, but I wouldn’t know where to start.” If you are interested in making a contribution to the Osborne Trail and Parks Association, send your check to: OTPA, P.O. Box 303, Sewickley, PA 15143. A letter will be sent acknowledging your donation. Also, volunteers are needed for trail maintenance and invasive plant removal. For all volunteer inquiries, please contact Maleet Gordon at the Glen Osborne Borough Office at 412.741.3775. For more information on the park, go to

Moon Township | Spring 2011 | 13

Col. Gordon Elwell & Beth Maurer

Jackie Erickson & Walter Olshanski

Jim Vitale, George Dukovich, & Terry Engel Mark Mustio, Pennsylvania 44th District State Representative, Col. Jeff Pennington, Senator John Pippy Allan Bross & George Dukovich


A reception welcoming Col. Jeffrey T. Pennington, who became Commander of the 911th Airlift Wing in October 2010, was celebrated at the Pittsburgh International Airport Reserve Station in Coraopolis, Pa.

Lt. Paul Espy, Lt. Charlie Baker & Col. Bryan Bly

Col. Pennington, formerly commanding the 452nd Operations Group, located at March ARB, California, is now responsible for the wing organization, which includes 1263 Air Force Reserve members and approximately 320 civilian employees. Besides the essential role of providing quality of life programs and services to deployed troops, the 911 Services Squadron also hosts the Wings Over Pittsburgh Air Show, which will celebrating its tenth year on September 11, 2011. Guests at the reception included former Commander of the 911th Airlift Wing, Col. Gordon Elwell, Pennsylvania Senator John Pippy, Pennsylvania State Representative Mark Mustio, Pittsburgh IAP Air Reserve Station staff, local business leaders, and friends. Mark Winklosky, Shawn M. Walleck & Col. Jeff Pennington

14 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE

Moon Township


BothBuyersandSellers Needto BEWARE of



“You have to make sure that your agent But there’s no similar failsafe with overAs with any major purchase, doing your does comparisons to similar homes in the pricing. A home that’s overpriced may get a homework should be something you do area, knows the market, and gets supporting nice offer, but ultimately, the final arbiter of before you sign on a major loan. Never evidence that the house is really worth what it’s truly worth is the appraiser, before has this been more true than in the what it’s being advertised at before you assigned independently by the bank or housing market, where overpricing can creput in an offer,” Fincham said. “If the house lender. That appraisal will dictate the future ate major headaches for buyers and sellers. doesn’t appraise for the agreed upon price, of the sale. For sellers, overpricing can mean that it is unlikely that you will receive any The resulting appraisal could tank the sale your home sits on the market longer, raising seller’s assist.” altogether, or force buyers to seek extra flags to potential buyers that something is money or alternative financing to amiss. For buyers, an overpriced compensate for the missed seller’s home can mean a loss in seller’s For buyers, an overpriced home can mean a loss assistance. Either way, it’s going to assistance, money that sellers in seller’s assistance, money that sellers mean a hassle for the buyer and sometimes bring to the table from sometimes bring to the table from their profits frustration for the seller. their profits to help defray closing However, if an agent does the costs for the buyer. Worse yet, if to help defray closing costs for the buyer. homework and knows their business, there is no appraisal contingency Fincham said the home should be listaddendum attached to the ed at a fair price, resulting in a agreement of sale, a buyer may be relatively smooth sale in reasonable forced to go through with a home length of time. purchase after being told that it is not worth “It is now imperative that agents and what they have agreed to pay. What’s more, overpricing is a one-way Sharon Fincham, a Realtor with street by way of mistakes. Homeowners who clients know the recent selling prices of comparable homes,” she said. “Buyers Prudential Preferred Realty, said that, list their homes for too little may receive and sellers agreeing on a price is not in addition to including an appraisal multiple offers, allowing the power of free necessarily enough anymore. The study contingency addendum to an offer, you market economic supply and demand of a neighborhood before an offer is made need to make sure that your agent is to take over, driving the price up until can save everyone involved a lot of grief doing the proper legwork before the it’s comparable to the other homes in and frustration.” offer is even made. the neighborhood.

Moon Township | Spring 2011 | 15

16 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE

Upper St. Clair





In today’s post-housing-bust world, selling your home isn’t the same process that it may have been when you moved in 10 years ago.

Maureen Cavanaugh, with Howard Hanna Real Estate, said that sellers need to re-educate themselves if they want to remain competitive in today’s market and make a profit on their homes. “Selling your home is very different today, and it’s been a progressive thing,” Cavanaugh said. “Ten years ago, you could list your home as is. Buyers were willing to come in and do updates. With the changes that occurred in the last three and four years, the expectation of buyers has dramatically risen. Many sellers who have lived in their homes for years with a lot of equity should consider doing as many updates as they are willing to do.” Those updates will reap more money when it comes to their final sale price, Cavanaugh said. No updates will result in a lesser price. “It really depends on the house. I’m dealing with someone right now that has a nice home of 32 years, and they’ve spent three months and have done everything. They’re spending upwards of $25,000, but it will take their sale price from the $380,000 range to $425,000 or $430,000. They will recoup what they put into it,” Cavanaugh said. “And the reason is that today’s buyers want to move in, put down the furniture, start paying the mortgage,

and get on with their lives. They don’t want to be bogged down with the projects and upgrades like taking down old wallpaper.” If you don’t have a budget for upgrades, Cavanaugh said that even minor cosmetic changes can improve your odds of getting more for your home when it comes time to sell. These types of upgrades include updating the hardware on cabinets to more contemporary styles. At the very least, Cavanaugh suggests getting rid of any junk, cleaning thoroughly, and doing some rudimentary staging. “Exposing hardwood floors is a no-brainer. You don’t have to paint the whole house beige. You can still have some color and have some interest,” she said. “But everything should be sparkling.” Cavanaugh said that now that the first-time homebuyer frenzies spurred by government tax rebates are over, the bulk of homebuyers are mid-level buyers looking in the $150,000 to $300,000 range with access to affordable mortgage money. “These are relocation buyers, and they want all the bells and whistles,” she said. “They want to buy more, and they want it done.”

Moon Township | Spring 2011 | 17



Many finding the flexibility and income potential excellent

Real Estate As A Career


s the dwindling job market numbers continue to make the news lately, the professionals in the real estate market seem to have one of the best kept secrets going. For those who need some flexibility but desire a job with excellent income potential, a career in real estate is an excellent choice. Whether a person has just finished college or wants to return to work now that the kids are attending school, joining a sales team at a real estate agency close to home can lead to income rewards and a flexible work schedule that many people desire.

In this day and age of electronic media, with all of the tools available to agents to help buyers and sellers in acquiring and disposing of properties, the fast pace of the real estate market is an exciting place to work. People who have just graduated from college have the upper hand in marketing to their peers through social network sites. The use of Face Book and Linked In is a tool that is being used to make contact with their peers, who are also first time home buyers. Those who have taken time off to raise their children and are looking for an alternative to a standard 9am-5pm job have found great success in a real estate career. The flexibility of

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the job is what makes it such an attractive option. What makes for a successful real estate professional? “Patience,” says Sandy Goldstein of Keller Williams. With the economy still in turmoil, real estate transactions don’t just happen. You need to be willing to educate clients on the real estate process, show them properties and then wait for the decision. Patience is key,” states Goldstein. People wanting to get into the real estate industry must be willing to invest in their brand. “You must brand yourself as a real estate professional, and that takes time.” Goldstein, who has been in real estate for over 20 years says you must be willing to work hard to establish yourself in the community. The career path to becoming a real estate agent is varied. People who have previously worked in service-oriented fields like nursing, teaching or in the airline industry make great real estate agents. Those who have spent years volunteering their time and are now looking for a paying job, and have honed their skill in dealing with different types of personalities generally make a good transition into the real estate work force. A position within a real estate agency can be rewarding both personally and financially. The flexibility that comes with setting your own schedule and the satisfaction of assisting in one of the largest transactions that most people will make, can make the difference between a just doing a job and a creating a successful career.

Moon Garden Club Blossoms with Talent and Enthusiasm If you can grow it, cultivate it, arrange it, or harvest it, the Moon Township Garden Club is the club for you. Founded in 1921, the club is for anyone in Moon Township or the surrounding communities who loves any aspect of horticulture, said Suzan Vandertie, the club’s current president. “We welcome anyone from anywhere. You don’t just have to be a Moon resident,” Vandertie said. “You have to agree to have a garden, but that can be qualified as anything from a pot of herbs you grow on your windowsill in your apartment, to massive plantings in your yard. We have members in that entire range.” The other requisite is that you have to agree to serve on one of the club’s varied committees and host one lunch during the year. “We meet March through December and provide free lunch to members,” Vandertie said. “The host committee is in charge of arranging the lunch for the meeting. The other committees are standing committees that do various projects ranging from digging in the dirt to floral arranging. There’s something for everyone.” Calling Robin Hill its home, the Moon Township Garden Club meets on the second Wednesday of the month for a 10:30 a.m. board meeting, followed by an 11:30 a.m. luncheon. Meetings typically include a guest speaker offering hands-on knowledge. Several times a year, the club will

venture out for “field trips” to see examples of extraordinary gardens or participate in horticulture related programs in the area. In addition to education, the group is involved in community service as well. When the Robin Hill Herb Garden Society disbanded, the Moon Township Garden Club stepped in to keep the garden thriving, securing grant funding from their state affiliate. They offer an annual scholarship of $1,500 to any Moon resident senior looking to go into a post-secondary program that is related in any way to horticulture, whether it be agriculture or urban planning. The group cultivates its image through MCA-TV with a regular show, “Spotlight on Gardening,” and writes columns for local media outlets. “Our first season on MCA-TV was done entirely in the studio. So when we talked about a range of subjects including composting, we set up a mini composting pile right in the studio,” Vandertie said. “In the past year, we’ve gone outside of the studio to address gardening topics in a more natural setting. We covered topics such as how to prepare your garden for winter. This year coming up, we hope to include even more variety for viewers.” The club also works with Moon Township Parks and Recreation Department, and is working to finalize plans on a Moon garden

contest and a flower show this summer, as well as a garden tour for 2012. At the end of every season, the club holds an annual “Holiday Greens” fundraiser, where members put together live green arrangements to sell to the public. Items include floral arrangements, wreaths and other holiday-styled decorations. “I’m amazed of the talent and skills that the people in our community have,” Vandertie said. “From our flower show to any of our other projects, our members always step up and create some unique and beautiful things.” The club is working on having an expanded flower show this year on August 10. The show, which will include prize-worthy fruits and vegetables as well as floral specimens, will be judged by nationally accredited judges. The club also plans to invite local horticulture-related businesses to create displays for the show. “National judges will evaluate the design and horticulture entries and pick the winners,” Vandertie said. “We get people who do such a beautiful job in all aspects of gardening, and this is a great way for that work to be recognized and get the word out to the public about the club.” Anyone interested in becoming a member of the Moon Township Garden Club can e-mail for details or contact membership chairperson Nancy Alstadt at

Moon Township | Spring 2011 | 19

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Health and Wellness News You Can Use

Healthy Family, Happy Family

What’s Inside page 2

A Clean Sweep Make fire safety a focus of your spring clean-up projects

page 3

From Gut-Wrenching Pain to Hope for the Future Stomachaches: When to Worry

Keeping yourself and your family healthy can seem like a full-time job.

page 4

Good Night, Sleep Tight! Are You Allergic to Your Bed?

With UPMC HealthTrak, you now have a convenient way to manage your health anytime and anywhere.

page 5

UPMC HealthTrak Lets You Manage Your Health Care Online

page 6

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Could It Happen to You?

page 7

Urology 101 UPMC Mercy Emergency Department Project Advances

© 2011 UPMC

A Clean Sweep Make fire safety a focus of your spring clean-up projects

Consider these potentially lifesaving tips from UPMC Mercy’s Trauma and Burn Center, which recently earned prestigious verification by the American Burn Association and the American College of Surgeons. Spring is a great time to clean up around the house — inside and out. It’s also a great time to do a fire safety check and simple spring cleaning to help make your home safer. “Most home fires and burn injuries can be prevented,” says Jenny A. Ziembicki, MD, medical director of the UPMC Mercy Trauma and Burn Center. “Too often, we see children scalded by bath water that’s too hot, people with painful inhalation burns caused by mixing cleaning products, or deaths in homes with no working smoke alarms.” About 300 people are admitted to UPMC Mercy each year for treatment of burn injuries. Nearly one out of three of those burn patients is under the age of 15. UPMC Mercy is designated as a Level I Regional Resource Trauma Center by the Pennsylvania Trauma Systems Foundation. “We were the first burn center in Pennsylvania and the 17th in the country when we opened in 1966,” Dr. Ziembicki says. “Today, we’re the only center in the region with Level I trauma and comprehensive burn capabilities under the same roof.”

Dr. Ziembicki advises families to reduce the risk of fires and burn injuries in their home by following these simple spring cleaning tips: • Check carbon monoxide and smoke detectors, replace the batteries, and vacuum away any dust or debris. • Set your water heater to 120 degrees. Consider using a bath thermometer, especially if you live with young children, the elderly, or diabetics. • Clean out your basement and garage. Properly dispose of any oily rags, and empty paint or aerosol cans. Recycle unnecessary papers and boxes. • Clean out lint build-up in your clothes dryer vents, exhaust ducts, and behind the dryer. Remember to clean the screen/filter after each use. • Read instructions carefully when using cleaning products. Mixing solvents can produce toxic fumes that can burn eyes and airways. • If you have children, look for any evidence they’ve been playing with matches.

• Don’t fire up that propane grill until you check for leaks and cracks, and signs of blockage from insects, spiders, and food grease. • For charcoal grills, use only charcoal lighter fluid, and never add any lighter fluid or other flammable liquids after igniting. • Place your grill away from railings, high traffic areas, windows, heating/air conditioning units, or places with high/dead vegetation. • Make sure all family members know how to respond to a smoke alarm alert. Choose a meeting place such as a tree, light pole, or mailbox that is a safe distance from your home in the event of a fire. • Make an escape plan. Draw a floor plan of each level of your home and discuss it with all members of your household. For more information, contact the Hydrotherapy Department at UPMC Mercy at 412-232-8794.

Did You Know? • Across the nation, someone dies in a fire every 175 minutes, and someone is injured in a fire every 31 minutes.

• Approximately 85 percent of all U.S. fire deaths occur in homes.


• A residential fire occurs every 84 seconds. • Every day, 435 children from infancy to age 19 are treated in emergency departments for burn-related injuries, and two children die as a result of being burned.

• Nearly two-thirds of reported home fire deaths occurred in homes with no smoke alarms or no working smoke alarms. Sources: National Fire Protection Association and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

From Gut-Wrenching Pain to Hope for the Future UPMC’s Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Center wields a powerful “triple threat” against IBD: Groundbreaking immunology, genetics research, and innovative clinical care. The primary goal of drug therapy is to reduce inflammation in the intestines. Medications include anti-inflammatory drugs; antibiotics to kill germs in the intestinal track; probiotics to restore good bacteria; corticosteroids to provide short-term relief during flare-ups; and immunosuppressants.

At age 23, John Oliver* is feeling better about the future. Free from the gutwrenching pain of Crohn’s disease since a second bowel surgery in 2008 — this time followed by a promising new treatment developed at UPMC using biologic-based drug therapy — he is now making plans to attend medical school next fall. “I think the medicine is working. It’s the best I’ve felt and the best I’ve looked,” says John, who earned his biomedical engineering degree from Carnegie Mellon University and a master’s degree in engineering management from Duke University. His gastroenterologist, Miguel Regueiro, MD, clinical head and codirector of the UPMC Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center, says the future has never looked brighter for IBD patients. “Ten years ago, a diagnosis of IBD was devastating. Now, we have new medicines, a greater understanding of the disease, and better research,” he says.

IBD: Who’s at risk? Nearly two million Americans live with IBD, which is not to be confused with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). IBD involves two chronic diseases that cause inflammation of the intestines: ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Symptoms include abdominal cramps and pain, diarrhea, weight loss, and bleeding.

Crohn’s disease can affect any part of the small and large intestines, while ulcerative colitis affects the large bowel alone. IBD cuts across all ages, genders, and ethnicities, but generally affects Caucasians ages 15 to 35. While the exact cause is not known, experts believe IBD involves a compromised or overactive immune system. Because IBD may run in families, doctors also believe genetics plays a role. While stress and certain foods do not cause IBD, both can make symptoms worse.

Treatment According to Dr. Regueiro, drugs cannot cure IBD, but they can be effective in reducing the inflammation and accompanying symptoms. While some patients have mild symptoms requiring little medication, others have more debilitating flare-ups, and some patients have severe problems requiring surgery and even transplants.

In addition, the IBD Center recently developed a Visceral Inflammation and Pain (VIP) Center to help patients deal with both the physical pain and emotional stress of coping with IBD.

Exciting breakthroughs The latest generation of drugs, called biologic therapies, are proving very effective in inducing remission so that patients can lead normal lives. At UPMC, doctors took this approach a step further — as in John’s case — by prescribing biologic drug therapy after performing surgery to remove the damaged section of the intestine. In use now at other hospitals, this treatment has reduced the recurrence of Crohn’s disease in patients by nearly two thirds. * John Oliver’s treatment and results may not be representative of similar cases.

Stomachaches: When to Worry Everyone gets a stomachache — or abdominal pain — from time to time. Most stomachaches are harmless conditions caused by overeating, gas, or indigestion. But they can point to more serious medical problems, says Ragunath Appasamy, MD, PhD, chief of gastroenterology at UPMC Mercy. “Most people know when a stomachache is simply a stomachache,” says Dr. Appasamy. “However, if the pain is different — something unusual for you — it’s time to call your doctor.” There are many potential causes of abdominal pain, explains Dr. Appasamy. “It’s important that patients contact their primary care physician if mild stomach pain lasts more than six hours or continues to worsen, or if the pain is accompanied by other symptoms.”

Get immediate medical help if: • You have abdominal pain that is very sharp, severe, and sudden. Pain located on the lower right side of the abdomen can mean appendicitis. • You also have pain in the chest, neck, or shoulder. Some heart attacks and pneumonias can cause abdominal pain. • You’re vomiting blood or having bloody diarrhea. • Your abdomen is stiff, hard, and tender to the touch. • You can’t move your bowels, especially if you’re also vomiting. The bottom line: Trust your gut! Contact your doctor if you’re concerned about lingering or unusual stomach pain.



Health Tips from UPMC Health Plan

Good Night, Sleep Tight! Are you among the millions of Americans suffering from lack of sleep? If so, droopy eyelids, wide yawns, and low energy are the least of your worries. Sleep disruption — not sleeping enough or sleeping poorly — can affect your memory, disease resistance, and leave you struggling to stay alert in school, on the job, and on the road. Studies show that people who get the appropriate amount of sleep on a regular basis also tend to live longer, healthier lives than those who sleep too few or even too many hours each night. So, what is a good night’s sleep? According to the National Institutes of Health, most adults need seven to eight hours of sleep a night. School-aged children and teens need at least nine hours of sleep each night. Tips to help you sleep • Stick to a sleep schedule. Get up about the same time each day, no matter how many hours of sleep you got the previous night. • Maintain healthy sleep habits. Go to bed only when you’re sleepy. Make sure your bedroom is quiet, dark, and relaxing — not too hot or too cold. Don’t text, e-mail, read, or watch TV in bed. • Make sure your mattress is comfortable. Remember, even a good quality mattress needs to be replaced within 10 years. • Exercise is great, but not too late. Avoid exercising within a few hours before bedtime. • Avoid caffeinated drinks after lunch. The stimulating effects of caffeine in coffee, colas, teas, and chocolate can take as long as eight hours to wear off. • Avoid large meals at night. A large meal can cause indigestion that interferes with sleep. • Avoid alcoholic drinks before bedtime. While a nightcap may help you relax, alcohol keeps you in the lighter stages of sleep and tends to wake you during the night. And, for adolescents and young adults: • Avoid stimulating activities around bedtime. This includes intense studying, text messaging, video games, and lengthy phone conversations. • Avoid pulling “all nighters” during exams. • Sleep in on weekends — but not more than two to three hours past your normal wake time. Sleeping longer may disrupt your body clock. Find a more complete list of the benefits of good sleep at

AreYouAllergic toYour Bed? The dust in your bedroom might be making you sick. Dust mites, and dander, and fibers — oh my! These are just some of the microscopic menaces in ordinary house dust that can cause health problems. Dust mites are a common cause of allergies and asthma. It’s not the dust mite itself that can make you sick; it’s the dust mite debris (the mite’s feces and decaying body). Dust collects in every room of the house because it is easily trapped in linens, upholstery, carpets, and draperies. But the bedroom is a favorite habitat for dust mites because it provides a warm, humid environment, and plenty of food (dead skin from humans and pets).

Five ways to help wipe out dust mites While you can’t completely eliminate dust mites, these simple steps may help reduce their numbers: 1. Cover your mattress and pillows in dust-proof or allergen-blocking covers, and encase box springs in vinyl or plastic covers. 2. Wash and dry bed sheets, pillowcases, blankets, curtains, and bedcovers weekly in hot water (140 degrees). If bedding can’t be washed, put the items in the dryer set at a high temperature for 20 minutes. 3. Vacuum carpeting and upholstery weekly. Using a HEPA-filter vacuum can help keep dust from floating back into the air. 4. Use a damp cloth or mop to remove dust from hard surfaces and exposed floors. This will prevent dust from becoming airborne and resettling. 5. Keep the indoor temperature at 70 degrees and humidity at no more than 50 percent. Dust mites aren’t the only puny pests that can invade your bedroom. Bed bugs have made a comeback in recent years. For tips on ways to avoid a bed bug infestation, visit Sources: National Institutes of Health, Environmental Protection Agency


UPMC Spotlight

UPMC HealthTrak Lets You Manage Your Health Care Online

Keeping track of health issues, test results, and medications is challenging for Sandy Hogue*, who is disabled and chronically ill. Because she must rely on cabs for transportation, seeing a primary care doctor can be an all-day affair. That’s why she was eager to sign up for UPMC HealthTrak, an Internet-based service that enables patients to receive and manage information about their health. Sandy uses it to monitor her glucose and high cholesterol levels, check test results, make appointments, renew prescriptions, and diagnose medical conditions — all from the comfort of her home in Westmoreland County. “It’s a good system. I get the medical treatment I need faster without spending a day traveling around,” says Sandy. “It keeps me in contact with my doctor and helps me monitor my medical conditions. And if I have anything contagious, like the flu, it prevents me from infecting other people.” More patients choosing HealthTrak Approximately 42,000 UPMC patients have signed on to HealthTrak, which gives them secure electronic access to their medical records, medications, and other information. HealthTrak recently was expanded to include eVisits — an online digital house call — with a primary care physician. * These patients’ treatments and results may not be representative of similar cases.

During an eVisit, patients select a symptom and complete an interactive questionnaire. A UPMC doctor then reviews the information and makes a diagnosis. If medication is needed, a prescription can be sent electronically to the patient’s pharmacy.

“HealthTrak is great for college students who are far from home, the elderly, and other people who have trouble getting to the doctor. It doesn’t take the place of going to the doctor for regular check-ups, but it’s very useful,” Robin says. “If only UPMC could figure a way for me to see my dentist online!”

Oakmont resident Mark Gleeson* uses HealthTrak primarily to keep track of his medical records. In October, when the computer-savvy 83-year-old came down with a cough and cold late in the day, he decided to “see” a doctor via eVisit. Within an hour of completing the questionnaire, a UPMC doctor responded with medical instructions and a prescription for his sinus infection and chest congestion. “It was so convenient, and it worked! Within three days, I felt good as new,” Mark says. Convenience and comfort As a graduate student, Robin Sales* relied on HealthTrak to connect with her hometown doctor while attending school in Nevada. Now a young professional living in New York City, she continues to use the online service for eVisits, to fill prescriptions, and access her medical records.

UPMC HealthTrak Benefits Manage your health from home with HealthTrak. Here’s what you can do online: • Send a message to your doctor • View medical records and test results

“It’s comforting. Having easy access to a doctor back home gives me the chance to find the right doctor for me locally, without rushing into it. It’s one less thing to worry about,” she says.

• Renew prescriptions

Robin, who first used eVisit to consult a doctor about an eye infection, says the online questionnaire asks the same questions the doctor would ask at an appointment. When she needs medicine, her doctor in Pittsburgh faxes the prescription to her New York drug store two minutes away.

• Ask billing questions

• Track current health issues such as glucose levels and blood pressure • Request appointments • “See” a doctor (digital house call) For more information or to sign up, visit



Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

Could it Happen to You? Most of us associate post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with returning military veterans who have experienced the tragedy of war. But you don’t have to be a soldier to undergo the intense feelings of helplessness, horror, and fear that characterize PTSD. Imagine being in a terrible car accident on your way to the mall. For days and weeks afterwards, you constantly relive the accident in your mind. You take a different route to shop and, worst of all, your body won’t let you relax. You can’t sleep — and when you finally do doze off, you’re awakened by nightmares. You can’t concentrate, your heart pounds, and you break out in cold sweats. “We know that anyone who has undergone some kind of trauma can be at risk for post-traumatic stress disorder,” explains Anne Germain, PhD, associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Based at Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic of UPMC, she currently leads several sleep research projects with returning veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan who have PTSD. PTSD can be triggered by a single event you’ve experienced or even witnessed — be it an accident, violent crime, or natural disaster — or by ongoing trauma, such as child abuse or domestic violence. When we experience a life-threatening event, it’s normal for our body to react with a powerful, stressful response; it’s what enables us to fight or flee. “But for some people, these symptoms persist and worsen,” says Dr. Germain. “The toll can be profound if symptoms are ignored. PTSD has a devastating impact on the lives of people who have it — and on those around them. It also has enormous financial and economic implications.”

Did You Know? UPMC's Sleep Medicine Center — accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine — is the only multidisciplinary sleep medicine facility in western Pennsylvania. The center performs approximately 2,000 sleep studies annually for adult patients with all types of sleep disorders. The staff at the UPMC Sleep Medicine Center include board-certified physicians, certified nurse practitioners, and registered sleep laboratory technologists. To schedule an appointment, call 412-692-2880.


PTSD is a relatively new specialization in psychology, and experts are still trying to determine why it affects some people and not others. Fortunately, for most people, the symptoms of PTSD begin to ease in about a month. “If they continue, it’s extremely important to seek professional help,” notes Dr. Germain. “The best place to begin is to talk with your family doctor and seek a referral to a qualified psychologist or psychiatrist.”

PTSD and sleep disorders Among the most troubling aspects of chronic PTSD for patients are the recurring nightmares and insomnia it can bring. There is growing evidence that such sleep disorders have a direct impact on both a person’s mental and physical health. Individuals with PTSD often say they have problems falling or staying asleep, and that the sleep they get isn’t refreshing and restorative. “Our sleep research studies with veterans show that they have many more sleep disorders than the general public, including sleep apnea and other breathing problems,” notes Dr. Germain. With PTSD, nightmares can become an ingrained behavior, affecting a person’s daytime functioning — from faltering concentration and poor memory, to emotional outbursts. “By stopping the nightmares and helping to make sleep more normal, restful, and restorative, patients can overcome other aspects of chronic PTSD in their lives a bit more easily. And sleep can be improved in a matter of weeks,” she says. Dr. Germain uses several methods to treat PTSD-related sleep disorders, including image reversal therapy. “We help patients replace a recurring nightmare with a more positive, affirming dream. They write it down and rehearse it several times a day to train the brain to have a new dream image.” Individuals interested in participating in Dr. Germain’s sleep research studies for military veterans are invited to call 412-246-6404 or visit

Urology 101 From prostate cancer to kidney stones, here’s a quick crash course about your urologic health. “Out of sight, out of mind.” That’s how most of us regard our urinary tract — until we’re jarred from a sound night’s sleep by the sudden urge to urinate, or pass a painful kidney stone. These are just two of the many conditions diagnosed and treated by urologists, physicians who specialize in the medical care of the male and female urinary tracts (comprised of the kidneys, bladder, urethra, and ureters), and the male reproductive system. Today’s television commercials may help build public awareness of urological problems like incontinence and impotence. But many people — particularly men — remain steadfastly embarrassed to talk about such issues with their family doctor.

And while urologic problems can happen at any age, they increase as we grow older. Among men over age 50, prostate cancer is a particular concern. “It’s the most commonly diagnosed cancer among men in the United States,” explains Dr. Benoit. He advises men ages 50 to 75 to undergo an annual prostate exam and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test. “If you have a family history of prostate cancer, or are of African-American heritage, you’re at higher risk and should begin annual screening between the ages of 35 and 40.”

“It’s important to be proactive and take a preventative approach when it comes to your urologic health,” advises Ronald Benoit, MD, director of general urology and clinical vice chair, Department of Urology at the University of Pittsburgh. “For example, research shows that erectile dysfunction can be a sign of an underlying medical problem, such as cardiovascular disease.”

Conditions Treated by Urologists

What can you do to stay healthy? “Simply put, live a healthy lifestyle. It’s easy to say, but hard to do,” acknowledges Dr. Benoit, who recently moved his practice to UPMC Mercy. “Eat a heart-healthy diet, avoid too much alcohol, don’t smoke, and exercise regularly — and your whole body benefits.”

• Erectile dysfunction

Your family physician will typically refer you to a urologist for treatment of the following conditions: • Cancers of testicles, prostate, penis, bladder, kidneys, or adrenal gland • Enlarged prostate • Male infertility • Painful bladder syndrome

• Prostatitis • Pelvic organ prolapse • Kidney stones • Urinary incontinence • Urinary tract infections • Urinary retention

UPMC Mercy Emergency Department Project Advances Work on a major $21.3 million expansion and renovation project at UPMC Mercy’s Emergency Department (ED) is humming along with finishing touches scheduled for completion by late fall. Thomas Gronow, executive director of UPMC Mercy’s Emergency, Trauma, and Burn Services, says the project — which began in February 2010 and has been conducted in phases to minimize disruption — is “on time and running smoothly.” “We are pleased to be able to continue providing exceptional care to our patients during this exciting time of transition,” Mr. Gronow says.

Other recent improvements include: • Fifteen newly renovated treatment bays (another 21 are planned). • Two dedicated, state-of-the-art trauma resuscitation bays will be added for the most acutely injured patients. • An innovative ‘Super Track’ design that offers speedy care for patients with minor injuries and illnesses needing less urgent care. • A new 128-slice CT scanner added last year offers the latest imaging technology with faster scanning capability. • An expanded patient and family reception area to provide comfort to families of patients during treatment. By the time the project is completed, 11 beds will be added to the ED.



UPMC Mercy 1400 Locust St. Pittsburgh, PA 15219

UPMC Today is published quarterly to provide you with health and wellness information and classes and events available at UPMC. This publication is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice or replace a physician’s medical assessment. Always consult first with your physician about anything related to your personal health.

Follow UPMC on Facebook.

The name you trust in women’s health is right here at Mercy. UPMC Mercy ob-gyn services are growing to provide comprehensive women’s services by bringing you the same experts who practice at Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC. In addition to community-based physicians and midwifery, these expanding services for women are consistent with Mercy’s rich tradition of care. UPMC’s complete range of specialty services for women covers obstetrics and gynecology, maternal-fetal medicine, midlife health, women’s cancer, and much more. From checkups and preventive care to testing, diagnosis, and advanced treatments, the superb doctors, nurses, and caregivers at Mercy and Magee are with you every step of the way on the path to good health. We work closely with your primary care physician to provide seamless care. And every service is backed by UPMC’s world-class care, providing peace of mind when you need it most. To learn more about UPMC Mercy ob-gyn services or to schedule an appointment, call 1-800-533-UPMC (8762), or visit

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G e r mGs erms

How to Keep them Away!

G e r mWhat s Are Allergies?

When our bodies need to fight off germs, they make antibodies to attack germs and keep us healthy. Just as our bodies make antibodies to fight germs, they may also make antibodies in response to other substances that get inside our bodies.This results in an allergy—an adverse reaction caused by hypersensitivity to a normally harmless substance such as pollen, dust, food, or a drug.Allergens—the substance that causes the allergic reaction—can cause one or several responses.

Key Fact:



When you sneeze germs can travel at 80 miles per hour across a room!

When should kids wash their hands?

Children should be reminded to wash their hands before, during and after food is prepared; before and after you eat; after using the bathroom; after handling animals or animal waste such as The “Happy Birthday” song changing a cage or catbox; whenever hands are dirty or when helps keep your hands clean? kids have been outside playing; and more frequently when anyone Not exactly.Yet we recommend that when in the classroom, care setting or home is sick. you wash your hands – with soap and warm water – that you wash for 15 to 20 seconds. That's about the same time it takes to sing the A single germ can grow to become more “Happy Birthday” song twice!

Key Fact:

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than 8 million germs in just one day.






Cough Germ Nose Sneeze Temperature Tissue Virus Wash



Groundhog T

he groundhog, or woodchuck, is one of 14 species of marmots. These rodents eat during the summer to fatten themselves up for hibernation during the winter. After the first frost, they retreat to their underground burrows and snooze until spring. During hibernation, the groundhog lives off its body fat, its heart rate plunges, and its body temperature is not much warmer than the temperature inside its burrow. Groundhog hibernation is where the popular American custom of Groundhog Day got its name. Groundhog Day is held on February 2 every year. By tradition, if the groundhog sees its shadow that day, there will be six more weeks of winter. In the spring, females welcome a litter of perhaps a half dozen newborns, which stay with their mother for several months. Groundhogs are the largest members of the squirrel family.

wild local a nimals Though they are usually seen on the ground, they can climb trees and are also good swimmers. These rodents hang out in areas where woodlands meet open spaces, like fields, roads, or streams. Here they eat grasses and plants as well as fruits and never tree bark.


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Groundhogs can mean trouble for many gardeners.They can wreak havoc on a garden while fattening themselves up during the summer and fall seasons.



find these things hiding in this picture. Moon Township | Spring 2011 | 31

Octopus by Betsy N. Mouse Paint by Nathaniel M.

Winter Birch Trees by Nikki K.


Op Art by Sierra S.

Landscape by Garrett I.

Strangers – What do I do?

What is a stranger?

A stranger is simply someone you don’t know. Strangers can say they know you or know your family, teacher or friends. Strangers may even know your name or the names of people in your family. If you or your parents do not know that person, the person is a stranger.

What should I do if a stranger tries to talk to me?

Run in the opposite direction as fast as you can, and tell a safe adult the first chance you get. Do not talk to a stranger, even to say, “I can’t talk to strangers.” You can also yell, “Call 911!” as loud as you can.The idea is to get away and get other people’s attention so they can see what’s happening.

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What if I am out with my family?

That is a hard question. Sometimes people who work in a business will talk to kids, for example. If you’re with a safe adult, you don’t need to run away. If you’re not with a safe adult and a stranger talks to you for no reason, running away is still the safest thing to do. It’s best to have an idea of what the safe places are where you’re at, or even have a special meeting place planned when you go out, so you know where to go. For example, in a store you might go to the customer service counter, the security desk or checkout counter. Look for the uniforms people who work in the business wear.

Who are safe adults?

Safe adults are grown-ups who you can tell if something happens to you—people who your parents or caregivers have told you are safe to talk with. Examples of safe adults: • Parents • Caregivers • Teachers • School Counselors • Principal • Policeman in uniform • Fireman in uniform



Pittsburgh Penguins captain Sidney Crosby is the latest in a long line of athletes to suffer a concussion. While a concussion may seem like one of those injuries that all athletes suffer at some point in their careers, Crosby’s lengthy recovery shows that unlike a pulled muscle or a chipped tooth, head injuries can present lingering problems. First, let’s start with the definition. A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury, which is why we take these injuries so seriously. While technically it is very complicated to define, it simply is a person who takes a blow to Symptoms of a concussion can include: the head and they become • Headache neurologically impaired. This • Nausea or vomiting can range from losing • Dizziness or balance problems consciousness to simply being • Double or blurry vision confused. Often you can tell after • Sensitivity to light a fall or a big hit in a game, when • Sensitivity to noise someone has a dazed look on his or her face. People usually recover • Feeling dazed or stunned quickly from either losing • Feeling mentally “foggy” consciousness or being confused • Trouble concentrating but other symptoms gradually • Trouble remembering develop over the next few minutes • Confused or forgetful about to hours. Common symptoms recent events include headaches, blurry vision, • Slow to answer questions nausea, difficulty paying attention, • Changes in mood—irritable, fatigue, problems sleeping and feeling sad, emotional, nervous sad or nervous. • Drowsiness We often • Sleeping more or less than usual think of • Trouble falling asleep concussions as being related to Source: American Association of Pediatrics. sports like football and hockey, but other major causes include car accidents, skateboarding and bicycle riding. This underscores the need to always wear a seatbelt when in a car and a well-fitting helmet when playing a contact sport. When talking about sports, once a player is suspected of having a concussion they should come out of the game and not return to play until formally evaluated by either a trainer or other medical provider. If a player continues to play with a concussion or goes back too soon they can suffer a more severe brain injury. That’s a big reason why Sidney Crosby has missed so many games; the team wants him to be symptom5676 Steubenville Pike Suite C&D free before he returns to the ice. With concussions, that takes time. McKees Rocks, Pennsylvania 15136 If a person is suspected of having a concussion, they should see Location Hours: a physician to be evaluated. Once a patient is diagnosed with a 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Monday through Wednesday concussion, a doctor will discuss the expected recovery, including (WELL VISITS BETWEEN when it will be safe to go back to practicing and playing in a game. In 1PM-2:40PM)* 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Thursday general, it’s recommended to rest and give the brain a chance to heal 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Friday after a concussion. During the first 24 hours that means avoiding both Phone: 412-494-9588 mental and physical activities, especially if they make symptoms, like Fax: 412-490-9046 headache, worse. Janet Breslin, M.D. Our practitioners at Pediatrics South are always available to discuss Scott L. Tyson, M.D. concussions and their management with you and your children. The Sharon Wolkin, M.D. Lisa M Zoffel, C.R.N.P. American Association of Pediatrics says for students athletes recovering Linda Range, M.D. from concussions “When in doubt, sit them out.” This Industry Insight was written by Dr. Marc Yester. For more information about nursing mothers or to schedule an appointment please call us at 412.494.9588 Moon Township | Spring 2011 | 33

Softeners among ‘very best’ household energy savers Devices offer green benefits to water heaters, appliances, showerheads LISLE, Illinois -- Water softeners can save significant amounts of money and energy in the home, a major new study by the independent Battelle Institute revealed. Softeners help preserve the efficiency of water heaters and major appliances and keep showers and faucets unclogged, the report found. The study was commissioned by the Water Quality Research Foundation (WQRF) in 2009. Battelle Memorial Institute is a renowned independent testing and research facility dedicated to applied science and technology development. Among some of the key findings of the study: Gas water heaters: Gas storage tank household water heaters operated on softened water maintained the original factory efficiency rating over a 15-year lifetime. On the other hand, hard water can lead to as much as a 48% loss of efficiency in water heaters. Each five grains per gallon of water hardness causes a 4% loss in efficiency and 4% increase in cost for gas storage tank water heaters when using 50 gallons of hot water per day. (On 30 gpg hard water, that’s 24% less efficient than with softened water.) Each five grains per gallon of hardness causes an 8% loss in efficiency and 8% increase in cost when using 100 gallons of hot water per day in a gas storage tank water heater. (On 30 gpg hard water, that’s 48% less efficient than with softened water.)

Electric water heaters: Up to 30 pounds of calcium carbonate rocklike scale can accumulate in these heaters over time, according to the study. The life of the heating element will be shortened due to scale buildup because of increased operating temperature of the heating element. Also each five gpg of water hardness causes 0.4 pounds of scale accumulation each year in electric storage tank household water heaters. Such scale adversely affects the water heater’s performance. Battelle says in the electric storage water heaters operating on unsoftened water “the life of the heating element can be expected to shorten due to scale buildup increasing the operating temperature of the element.” Tankless heaters: Indoor instantaneous gas water heaters (tankless heaters) operated on softened water maintained the original factory efficiency rating over a 15-year lifetime. The study found that tankless water heaters completely failed to function because of scale plugging in the downstream plumbing after only 1.6 years of equivalent hot water use on 26 gpg hard water. Softened water saves 34% of costs compared to operating on 20 gpg and saves 47% compared to operation on 30 gpg hard water. Showerheads and faucets: Showerheads on soft water maintained a brilliant luster and full flow. Faucets on softened water performed well throughout the study; nearly as well as the day they were installed. Showerheads on hard water lost 75% of the flow rate in less than 18 months. Faucets on hard water could not maintain the specified 1.25 gallons per minute flow rate because of scale collection of the strainers. The strainers on the faucets using unsoftened water were almost completely plugged after 19 equivalent days of testing. Appliances: In the study, dishwashers and washing machines were operated for 30 days and 240 completed wash cycles on soft and hard water sources. The units using soft water were almost completely free of any water scale buildup. As the report states, they appeared as if they could be cleaned up to look like new with just a quick wipe down. the appearance of the inside of units using hard water showed the need for deliming and cleaning due to the buildup of scale and deposits. WQA is a not-for-profit association that provides public information about water treatment issues and also trains and certifies professionals to better serve consumers. WQA has more than 2,500 members internationally.

This Industry Insight was brought to you by your local Culligan Dealer

Kim Adams-General Manager 211 Overlook Drive Sewickley, PA 15143-2459 412.324.1065

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What is it about a fireplace that is so comforting? That warm glow and the advantages of heat efficiency and home resale value, all make installing a fireplace the ideal home renovation project. Innovations today in cost-efficient, energy-saving models have put fireplaces at the top of the “to-do” list for home remodeling projects. In spite of the new energy efficiency, a fireplace still continues to provide ambience, warmth, and an upgrade in any décor. What’s Your Style? Fireplaces have come a long way from the typical wood-burning variety. They can be specifically designed to fit any room, and there are a large variety of fuels to produce heat or just glow. A wood-burning fireplace is the classic option. They provide a beautiful flame, crackling-wood sound, and heat. Newer to the market are gas fireplaces, which can be designed to imitate real burning wood, but their fuel source is natural gas or propane. Gas burns cleanly and is much more convenient than its wood-burning counterpart. Electric fireplaces have some of the same advantages as gas-burning fireplaces, but have the extra benefit of being able to flip a switch and have instant ambience. Which is the right investment for you? When deciding which option in fireplaces is right for your home, it is important to look at the space limitations in your home. Determine how much heat you need from the unit and whether you plan to do it yourself or hire a professional. Another thing to consider is that if you do not have a chimney in the house, installing one will add additional expense. Your choice of fuel for the fire should also be considered. Dealing with split wood—the stacking and handling, versus turning on a switch to give you the fire, is something to think about when choosing options. Adding a fireplace to any room in your home will add value to your home and provide a comfortable setting for you to relax. Moon Township | Spring 2011 | 35

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f you’re more than four feet tall and live in western Icomfortable Pennsylvania, chances are that your attic is not a space that you would consider livable. Your attic can be modified, however, by the do-it-yourselfer into more than adequate storage for a variety of your belongings, if you get creative.

The first thing you need to consider is the space itself. Is it finished at all? Many attics in the area are open spaces broken up by roof and flooring joists and wads of insulation. The first thing you want to do is inspect your attic for leaks and whether those joists are strong enough to support extra weight. You can add flooring by screwing down plywood or other subflooring. Avoid nailing materials down to prevent damaging the ceilings underneath you through the vibrations of hammer blows. Once you have your flooring down, you can decide whether or not you want to finish the ceiling joists. You can insulate and attach drywall or plywood to these joists, depending on how fancy you want to get with the finished look; or you may decide that having the recessed areas between the joists is beneficial to your storage needs. Keep in mind that a triangular space is limiting only if you have boxes or items that you need to store vertically. Items that are smaller and that can be arranged into nooks and crannies can be ideal for these odd-shaped spaces. Also keep in mind that, because of the nature of attic access in older homes, the route to your attic may be through a small trap door in a hall closet, so items you put in the attic might be limited to long-term or permanent storage, like old college textbooks, holiday decorations, luggage, or all those old National Geographics that you can’t throw away because the pictures are too pretty. If you do have easy access to your attic, either by way of a dedicated staircase or pulldown steps, more options may offer themselves to you. Even tight attics have

enough room for several two-drawer filing cabinets, allowing you to store many years’ worth of tax returns or product manuals. Easier access means even more versatility when it comes to your storage plan. Rather than long term, you can use the space for things that require infrequent use—bins for extra blankets and pillows for when guests are in town, large children’s toys or games that don’t get played with during the school week, and sporting equipment when it’s out of season. Storing items like these in the attic will keep them out of dank basement conditions, and, in the case of linens and sporting equipment, keep the smell of mildew away. Keep in mind that the attic, while dryer than the basement, still has its own set of issues. Temperatures often vary wildly in attics depending on how insulated they are, so items that can’t stand high heat or low temperatures – like candles, for instance – may not fare well in the attic environment. Each space is different, but each is unique, and how you use that space can be a fun project for the whole family.

Moon Township | Spring 2011 | 37



o your spring cleaning, get a bargain and support your neighbors in need. Patterns, beautiful upholstery, elegant fabric, yarns and notions at discount prices are only a few things in store at the upcoming 23rd Annual Salvation Army Fabric Fair. Sponsored by the organization’s Greater Pittsburgh Women’s Auxiliary, not only is this event a bargain, it’s also a major fundraiser benefiting local families who are hurting. Fabric Fair is slated for Saturday, April 2, from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the South Park Home Economics Building, located on Brownsville Road. “More and more people are struggling to make ends meet,” said Major Sandra Jackson, The Salvation Army’s Allegheny County Coordinator. “It is a perfect time to clean your closets, donate items and get a great deal while helping needy families.” Fabric Fair generates more than $25,000 annually and provides critical social support services in Allegheny County. Volunteers are needed to help sort and organize items in preparation of Fabric Fair. Donations of fabric and notions are still being accepted. For more information contact Leah Horcholic at 412.446.1534. Both a church and a social service organization, The Salvation Army began in London, England in 1865. Today, it provides critical services in 123 countries worldwide. The 28-county Western Pennsylvania Division serves thousands of needy families through a wide variety of support services. To learn more about The Salvation Army in western Pennsylvania, log onto The Salvation Army… doing the most good for the most people in the most need.

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Moon Township | Spring 2011 | 39

Good Tidings for the Greatest Generation

Older Adults in Moon Township


Keep Your Credit Card Secure

ow that the holidays are behind us, you’re hopefully putting that smoking credit card back into your wallet or purse for a while. But even though this may be a down time for you and your credit card, it’s no time to be lax about your credit card security. So what do you need to know about keeping your credit card safe? First, off, don’t give yourself a pin number that’s easy to guess. Issuing banks typically assign you a random pin number when you first get your card that you can change later. Keep this assigned number and avoid picking a pin for yourself like “1234” or your birth date. While it may be easy for you to remember, those choices are also very easy for predators to figure out. If you make a lot of online purchases or just want to dip your toes into the world of Internet shopping, get yourself a dedicated card with a low credit limit. You can open up a secured credit card at most financial institutions that require you to deposit a balance to borrow against, allowing you to open a card with a $500 limit. Your deposit will gain interest and you will be able to use your card for online purchases. What’s more, most scammers try to run a small purchase 40 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE

through before running a larger purchase on the card. You may not notice a $0.32 charge right away, but when your bank calls you asking if you tried to purchase a $779 laptop, you’ll be happy your limit was low enough to be declined. If your credit card number is compromised, you should call your bank immediately and report it. While police are able to enforce credit card fraud on a local level, with the Internet the person trying to run your numbers may be six states away, if they’re in the United States at all. In all cases, the sooner it’s reported, the better. Your bank will cancel the card number and reissue you another card. While you’re online, keep in mind that your bank will most likely never contact you via e-mail regarding your account. If you do get an e-mail from a bank that you use, double check the address. Chances are it will be slightly askew from any legitimate

Moon Township

address. Instead of “,” you may see, “” or “” Banks understand that scammers routinely try to get you to give up your personal information via e-mail. Therefore, most have secured e-mail available through their websites, where you can be sure you’re talking straight to legitimate bank representatives. Lastly, if you have several credit cards that you use often, take the time to flip them over and write down the 1-800 customer service numbers on the back and keep that list in a safe place. It’s also a good idea to keep a copy in your purse or wallet. This way, when you notice your card is missing and are frantic, you can at least go to your list and call to report the missing card. In the end, you should treat your credit card like you would treat your cash—never leave it lying around.

Digital Photography for Seniors


f the last time you took holiday photos required clumsily spooling film into your 35 mm camera, don’t be intimidated by what technology has done to photography in the past few years. In fact, once you have some basics down, you may find that your digital camera is easier to use than you thought. So let’s start at the beginning and go over your new toy from stem to stern. We can’t go into detail about every feature of every camera, but luckily most cameras share the same properties, so we can cover most scenarios. More than likely, your camera came with a lithium ion battery pack and charger. All you need to know about this is that this battery can last a long time. Thanks to self-timers built into your camera, if you forget to shut it off, it will shut off automatically for you, saving battery life and allowing you to take that unexpected shot when the time comes. That said, the battery won’t last forever, especially if you are shooting with the flash often or shooting video, if your camera has that feature. If you know you’re going to be somewhere with a lot of natural light, turn your flash off altogether and shoot longer. The second thing to familiarize yourself with is your memory card. Cameras come with a variety of memory cards to choose from. Regardless of the kind your camera takes, just remember that bigger is better. A 16 gigabyte memory card can hold hundreds of photos, and if you’re not in the habit of printing your photos right away or moving them to your computer, the extra space is a must. How many pictures you can store on your memory card depends on your resolution setting for your pictures. Your resolution is how big the picture is. If you’re shooting for a website, low resolutions are better because the file size is smaller. However, if you try to print the same low resolution photo as an 8x10, it will appear distorted or “pixilated” because the camera wasn’t set to capture all of the fine details of the image. With most point-and-shoot cameras on high resolution, you can print very large prints or zoom in to crop shots for better composition. The last thing to get to know is the USB cable. This is the cable that came with your camera and connects it to any USB port on your computer. Through this cable, you can transfer your images for future sorting, correction, or sharing. Believe it or not, once you have those things down, your digital camera has many of the same features of your old 35 mm. You can zoom in, set a timer so you have a chance to get into frame, and set a scenic mode where you can select how the camera operates in certain conditions, such as a portrait, sports shot, night shot, or landscape. Your manual will list the specific icons and their meanings. Don’t be afraid to leaf through it if you get stuck. Manuals have come a long way as well and are clearly written for users of all experience levels.

SeniorAgencies LifeSpan Resource Center and Home Delivered Meal Site 104 Seminary Ave. Oakdale, PA 15071 724.693.8540 Monday–Friday 9:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m. Coordinator: Paul Belak

Transportation For Older Adults There are several agencies that offer free or reduced rate transportation services to individuals who qualify. Medical Assistance Transportation Program (MATP) 1.888.547.6287 Provides non-emergency medical transportation to residents of Allegheny County who have a valid Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare Medical Assistance Card.

ACCESS 65 Plus and ACCESS ADA Program 412.562.5353 or TDD 1.800.654.5984 ACCESS is door-to-door, advance reservation, shared-ride transportation provided throughout Port Authority’s service area. It serves primarily senior citizens and persons with disabilities. There are no Free Bus Pass for Senior restrictions on the purpose Citizens or number of trips which The Port Authority allows may be taken by riders, Allegheny County residents, except that riders are 65 years of age and older, required to share their to ride free on local public vehicle with others transportation (buses, traveling in the same trolleys and rapid-transit direction and at the lines). Participants must same time. Older Persons Transportation Transportation for medical appointments, grocery shopping, senior center activities and other needs throughout Allegheny County is available to adults 60 years of age and older who live in Allegheny County. Call SeniorLine at 412.350.5460. obtain identification cards, which are available free of charge, from participating transportation providers. Call 412.442.2000 for the location nearest to you.

Are you a nonprofit Senior Center serving the needs of our community’s older adults? We would be happy to post your contact information. Contact Marybeth@incommunity with your center’s name and phone number.

Moon Township | Spring 2011 | 41

Spider Veins by Dr Christina Teimouri DPM

Spider veins are tiny red or purple dilated blood vessels that form when veins become enlarged and swollen with stagnant blood. Though smaller than most varicose veins, spider veins are often darker and more noticeable. This is because these veins are located just below the surface of the skin. More common in women, spider veins may be triggered by pregnancy or hormonal variations and sometimes result in itching, restless leg and minor aches and pains. Non-symptomatic spider veins may be found on the face and chest as well as the legs. Although surface veins are mainly a cosmetic problem, they can also be an indication of more serious vein disease deep below the surface.

What Is a Varicose Vein Vs. a Spider Vein? Though people use the terms varicose veins and spider veins interchangeably, this is incorrect. Varicose veins are the more serious of the two and lead to surgery more often. Both conditions can escalate from a mild to severe case. Varicose veins are large bulging and twisted veins that are dark purple or blue. People that suffer from spider veins have similar contributing factors. Genetics and the fact that at different times during a person's life, such as puberty and menopause, cause an increase in the production of hormones. This can result in a weakening of the vein walls. As you become older, the valves in the vein walls begin to fail, resulting in the veins stretching and breaking. Eventually, spider veins appear. Restless Leg Syndrome Associated With Spider Veins A variety of factors may cause restless leg syndrome and spider veins. However, in some cases, restless leg syndrome associated with spider veins may be attributed to dysfunction of the veins in the legs. Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) refers to a condition in which a person experiences unpleasant sensations in the legs when they are at rest. People with RLS may find it difficult to sit still, and they may have trouble sleeping due to the urge to move their legs. RLS is commonly associated with the presence of spider veins. Lose Spider Veins in a Flash with Intense Pulse Light Therapy As you age, developing spider veins, age spots, and broken capillaries is unfortunately part of the process. Just because they are natural, does not mean that you are stuck with these unattractive discolorations on your face, chest and legs forever. One of the fastest and safest ways to get rid of spider veins and similar discolorations is through the use of a revolutionary new technology – intense pulse light therapy. Large areas can be treated quickly and easily, with less damage. Intense pulse light therapy targets spider veins and discolorations deep below the surface of the skin while leaving the outer layer of the skin undamaged. An alternative to Pulsed Light is Sclerotherapyinjections of solutions into your spider veins. Our doctors perform the procedure in the office and administers the injection with a small needle and syringe. The solution scars the veins and causes them to collapse, hiding their appearance. Treatment Spider veins can be treated with injections, surgical removal and laser surgery. You should discuss these treatments with our vein specialist to determine the best choice for your personal situation after having a Doppler Ultrasound at our ACR (American College of Radiology) accredited site. This is performed by a Registered Vascular Technician. Want to learn more? Go to for more information and for directions to our offices, visit our Locations page. Call 724.987.3220. FREE Vein Screenings are available at ALL locations.

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Thank you for 12 Great Years and still going!

Elite Runners & Walkers – Pittsburgh’s Running & Walking Headquarters


n June of 1998 the idea for Elite Runners & Walkers was born during the Anchorage, Alaska Marathon. It was here, while running a marathon with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Teamin-Training group that our owner, Kevin, realized the Pittsburgh region needed a store dedicated to people who really cared about their feet and the sports of running and walking. So with the blessing of his wife, in January 1999 he opened our store in Chiodo’s Plaza in Robinson. Over 12 years the run has not always been easy, but thanks to all of you, we are still here and growing fast. Celebrating 12 years is huge for any small business and it is made even better due to the fact that you have helped make us one of the TOP 50 RUNNING STORES IN AMERICA for 4 of the last 5 years. Although we just missed the Top 50 in 2010, we plan on being back up there in 2011 with your help and with a stronger commitment to the community and superior service to all who visit our shop. Since there are an estimated 1000 running specialty stores in America, this is a huge deal.

At Elite Runners & Walkers, our professional staff can help determine the best shoe for you as well as help outfit you from head to toe with the proper apparel and accessories for year-round outdoor or indoor running and walking. Our fit process includes: a detailed shoe wear analysis; proper foot measurement; sock evaluation (yes they make a huge difference); running and walking form evaluation; and finally and most importantly, we listen to your feedback as you wear test each pair we have selected to meet your needs. Together we help you make the final decision based upon the fit, feel, and the best mechanical match for your needs. Many aches and pains are attributed to ill-fitting shoes. Back, leg, hip, and foot pains are the main symptoms as well as blisters, broken toenails and in extreme

cases foot deformities. At Elite Runners & Walkers, we will ensure that you have the right shoes for the activity you enjoy and make sure you do not encounter any of the aches and pains mentioned above. Finally, we want you to know that our staff is always striving to learn more about running and walking mechanics, injury prevention, developing training programs for various race distances, and of course keeping up on the latest technologies coming from our shoe vendors. If we can help you in any way outside the shop as well, be it basic or advanced training programs hosted from our shop, or a simple referral to a good specialist for an injury, we are here to help you each and every day. Once again, on behalf of our staff and our supportive families, THANK YOU for the last 12 years and to many more!

Moon Township | Spring 2011 | 43

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Contact your employer about donating used computers to e-Cycle! Visit under Community Programs.

Moon Township Public Library Special Event Expert Advice for Owners of Aging or Ailing Pets: The Final Paw of the Journey Saturday, May 7, 2011 2-3 p.m., Sky Room 1700 Beaver Grade Road, Suite 100 Free of charge Call 412.269.0334 to register Co-sponsored by Heal from Pet Loss Many of us consider our special animals as family members or best friends. When they age or their health declines, we want to do all we can to take care of them. And it’s important to take care of ourselves too by being educated about illness and loss. This panel presentation will feature a veterinarian who will discuss keeping senior pets healthy and caring for ailing pets. A pet loss counselor will share insights about the difficult decision of euthanasia that we sometimes face as well as how to cope following pet loss. A pet funeral services professional will share options for arrangements that can be helpful to think about in advance while not under the immediate emotional stress of pet loss. Attendees are invited to bring pet food, towels, cat litter or monetary contributions for the Humane Society of Western Pennsylvania. Held in conjunction with National Pet Week sponsored by the American Veterinary Medical Association. Moon Township | Spring 2011 | 45

b u s i n e s s

s p o t l i g h t

Miracle Method Refinishing Makes Dreams Come True! H

ave you ever wished for a miracle, such as someone waving a magic wand and transforming your old, tired, countertop into a work of art? Or, have you ever dreamed of a bathroom that has beautiful natural stone accent tile, and a tub that shines like it just came out of the showroom? If you ever have, just think two words: Miracle Method, because we are in the business of making your wishes come true! And, we make it all affordable. Miracle Method can refinish tile, bathtubs, countertops and even floors at a fraction of the cost of replacement! My name is John Savage, and I remember how excited my wife, Kris, and I were when we discovered that a Miracle Method franchise was available in our area. Miracle Method’s training and products have given us the ability to refinish counter tops, tile and bathtubseven floors in your home—and we can save you money. Imagine an outdated pink or blue bathroom, right out of the fifties, transformed into warm, earth stone finished tile in a matter of days. Dream about a tired, old laminate countertop, transformed into a fantastic Natural Stone Accent finish that will last and last. This is a

durable coating that will stand up to the toughest challenge, and provide years of maintenance free service. How about that old stained bathtub that you were scrubbing for years with terrible results? Just call Miracle Method and you can “forget about it!” Refinishing is a great alternative since there is no tear-out, no installation, and no plumbing costs. And, since you are not sending the tub to a landfill, you are helping save the environment. We like to call it the “green alternative.” We are local residents who really want to help people get the most for their hard earned dollars. My refinishing experience, coupled with excellent training from the experts at Miracle Method has given us the ability to make your dreams come true. When you call Miracle Method of NW Pittsburgh at: 724.843.4131, you will be greeted by Kris, my wife, who will listen and help you decide what needs to be done. She can answer all of your questions, and guide you through the process step-by-step. I can come to your home, show you over 60 different color samples and provide a friendly, free estimate. When I arrive you will realize that I really listen. I gather information about your budget and your goals. Samples are then presented, measurements are taken, and a concise estimate is written. We are members of the Better Business Bureau, and we have testimonials and references that attest to our excellent workmanship. When you decide to “go” with Miracle Method you can be assured of a quality finish that will last and last. Visit our website: www. There you will see counter tops, bathtubs, and tile walls and floors that have been transformed into works of art. This is a business I am extremely proud of, and I know you will feel the same when you see what we can do. Miracle Method can make a difference in your life! John and Kris Savage owners of Miracle Method and Steve Young, sales manager. We bought our Miracle Method franchise in 2007. Pittsburgh desperately needed this type of service and Miracle Method was the best. Over the past five years we have expanded to cover Beaver, Butler, Lawrence, Allegheny and parts of Washington Counties. Steve joined us in 2010 as sales manager and primarily focuses on commercial accounts. We also hired several spray technicians and an office assistant. We are very excited about the Natural Stone Accent colors. Everyone needs help fixing up their kitchen and bath, now they have a beautiful and economical way to do it.

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YOUR WEALTH COMPASS Definition - By definition, estate planning is a process designed to help you manage and preserve your assets while you are alive, and to conserve and control their distribution after your death according to your goals and objectives. But what estate planning means to you specifically depends on who you are. Your age, health, wealth, lifestyle, life stage, goals, and many other factors determine your particular estate planning needs. For example, you may have a small estate and may be concerned only that certain people receive particular things. A simple will is probably all you’ll need. Or, you may have a large estate, and minimizing any potential estate tax impact is your foremost goal. Here, you’ll need to use more sophisticated techniques in your estate plan, such as a trust. Depending on your status, whether you are young and single, unmarried couples, married couples, married with children, comfortable and looking forward to retirement, wealthy and worried, elderly or ill, you will need some form of estate plan. Six steps to Estate Planning Success - The first step is picking a winning team. Some of the team members may include; an accountant, an attorney, a trustee, a financial planning professional, and a tax advisor. Step two is fact finding and gathering information on the following; assets and liabilities, insurance plans, charitable plans, health-care proxies, trusts, beneficiaries, goals, power of attorneys and wills. Step three is an examination of the data; determine if current needs are being met and determine if future needs have been contemplated. Step four is recommendations; the team will make suggestions that will help you meet your goals. Step five is creating a plan; signing necessary documents, purchase necessary insurance, and make changes as needed. Step six is conducting annual reviews; keep your estate plan fresh by reviewing annually for any changes to your situation.

estates and every five years for small estates. Imagine this: since you implemented your estate plan five years ago, you got divorced, remarried, sold your house and bought a boat to live on, sold your business and invested the money that provides you with enough income so you no longer have to work, and reconciled with your estranged daughter. This scenario may look more like fantasy than reality, but imagine how these major changes over a five-year period may affect your estate. And, that’s without considering changes in tax laws, the stock market, the economic climate, or other external factors. After all, if the only constant is change, it isn’t unreasonable to speculate that your wishes have changed, the advantages you sought have eroded or vanished, or even that new opportunities now exist that could offer a better value for your estate. A periodic review can give you peace of mind. Estate planning is not just for the wealthy. Everyone should enjoy the peace of mind of having an estate plan that meets their individual goals and objectives. Just follow the six steps to developing a successful estate plan. Your family will be glad you did. Securities offered through Securities America, Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC and advisory services offered through Securities America Advisors, Inc., Sarvey G Canella, Representative. Canella Financial Group and the Securities America companies are separate entities. Securities America representatives do not provide legal or tax advice.

Five estate planning documents – There are five estate documents you may need, regardless of your age, health, or wealth; a durable power of attorney, advanced medical directives, a will, a letter of instruction, and a living trust. A durable power of attorney (DPOA) can help protect your property in the event you become physically unable or mentally incompetent to handle financial matters. If no one is ready to look after your financial affairs when you cannot, your property may be wasted, abused or lost. Advanced medical directives let others know what medical treatment you would want, or allows someone to make medical decisions for you, in the event you cannot express your wishes yourself. A will is often said to be the cornerstone of any estate plan. The main purpose of a will is to disburse property to heirs after your death. If you do not leave a will, disbursements will be made according to state law, which might not be what you would want. A letter of instruction (also called a testamentary letter or side letter) is an informal, non-legal document that generally accompanies your will and is used to express your personal thoughts and directions regarding what is in the will (or about other things, such as your burial wishes or where to locate other documents). The fifth document is a living trust. A living trust (also known as a revocable or inter vivos trust) is a separate legal entity you create to own property, such as your home or investments. Periodic Review - With your estate plan successfully implemented, one final but critical step remains; carrying out a periodic review. You will want to conduct a periodic review of your estate plan every year for large

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