FALL 2012
The A-track-tive Garden of David Bodnar
t. Lebanon Welcome to the fall issue of Mt. Lebanon magazine. As I write this, we are having one of the hottest summers on record, and it doesn’t look like the record-breaking temperatures will end just because the leaves will be changing colors soon. So while this is the fall issue, I want to reiterate some summer tips from the health department to help you stay safe in the heat. The last two points are probab ly the most critical because they deal with children and the elderly. • Stay cool indoors, preferably in an air-conditioned environment. Fans don’t help much when temperatures are in the 90s. A cool bath or shower is a more effective way to cool off, if you don’t have air conditioning. Better yet, visit someplace that does, such as a senior center, theater, mall or neighbor’s house. • Drink plenty of flui ds, at least eight cups a day, but avoid alcoholic or caffeinated drinks which actually cause you to lose more fluids. Avoid hot foods and heavy meals, which add heat to your body. • Wear lightweight, light-colored and loose-fitting clothing. A wide-brimmed hat provides shade and helps keep the head cool. Sunscreen can prevent sunburn, which can affect your body’s ability to cool itself and also cause a loss of body fluids. • Avoid strenuous physical activity, particularly during the hotter part of the day. • Never leave a child, or a pet, in a vehicle alone on a hot day. A child may become disoriented in just five minutes, unconscious in 10 and brain-damaged in 20. • Use the buddy system and check on the elderly and the infirm who do not have air conditioning and are less able to take care of themselve s. For senior citizens, local governments also establish cooling centers to help people to beat the heat. Contact your local municipality for the one nearest you before the temperatures top 90 again. As always, enjoy your fall, IN Mt. Lebanon!
Wayne Dollard, Publisher
WE WANT TO KNOW: How did you meet your spouse?
Some of the best stories we hear are how two people happened to get together. Some met in bars, some in supermarkets, while others met in more unique circumstances. Send us your story of how you met your spouse. We’ll run the best ones in the next issue. Also include a photo of you and your spouse, how many years you’ve been married and when your anniversary is. Send your story to mark@incommunitymagazines.com or mail them to IN Community Magazines, 603 East McMurray Road, McMurray, PA 15317. You can also fax us at 724.942.0968.
Winter content deadline: 10/22/12
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on t. Leban
IN Mt. Lebanon is a non-partisan community publication dedicated to representing, encouraging and promoting the Mt. Lebanon area and its comprising municipalities by focusing on the talents and gifts of the people who live and work here. Our goal is to provide readers with the most informative and professional regional publication in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
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IN Mt. Lebanon | FALL 2012 |
Northwest Savings Bank Lending a Hand ......................................... | 7 Vein Institute of Pittsburgh You Don’t Have to Live with Varicose and Spider Veins................................................ | 69
State Farm Insurance Funding Your Child’s College Education ........ | 78
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney ON THE COVER
Protecting Your Retirement Investments During a Job Transition ............................... | 80
David Bodnar’s amazing garden railroad.
Beleza Plastic Surgery From Blah to Beautiful ............................... | 81
UPMC TODAY Health and Wellness News You Can Use | Fall 2012
Julian Gray Associates Will You Have to Pay for Your Parents’ Nursing Home? ......................................... | 83
Get Ready for Fall Soon the leaves will change color and fall to the ground — a welcome mat for cooler days, chilly nights, football games, hayrides, warm sweaters, and everything else that makes fall special.
Case Handyman & Remodeling Whole House Remodel .............................. | 85
What’s Inside 2 3
Elevating Cancer Surgery for Women to a New Level Give Your Back a Break Using Your Blood for Natural Healing
A Partnership of Hope and Transformation
Magee’s Newest Baby Is Two Stories Tall — and Ready for Guests
Your Doctor and You: A Healthy Relationship
Chyten Tutors and Test Preparation ......................................... | 22
High School Band Thanks Community ............................
McFarland & Burns Orthodontics
Car Buffs Abound in the Region .......................................
Dr. Jay Feuer Family Dentistry ..... | 61
Back to School ......................................................................
Price Light Electric ........................... | 75
Monica Oxenreiter Demonstrates the Spirit of Community .............................................................
WDVE DJ Baumann Brings Musical Talent to Voices Carry ...........................................................................
Garden Party in the Courtyard ..........................................
Mt. Lebanon Library Hosts Pittsburgh Rose Society Event ..........................................................................
UPMC Today | Health and Wellness News You Can Use ...........
Mt. Lebanon Public Library ................................................
Community Service Awards Nomination Form ..........
Special Value Coupons .......................................................
| 53
Beinhauer Family Services ............. | 76
Gillece Services ................................. | 79 Supercuts ............................................ | 82
safetydriven learn more on page 11
By Kathy Rudolph
Name – Kathy Bergen Town – Mt. Lebanon Profession – Sales at Pier 1 Imports How long have you lived in Mt. Lebanon? Since 1983, but my husband, Mike, was raised here and his parents built their house here in 1957. What do you like about living in Mt. Lebanon? There is a feeling of home and family. As I told you, my husband was raised here and so the tradition of family stayed as both Mike and his brother, Rich, purchased houses here. We all worked within 15 minutes of our hou ses so convenience also played an important role. Good schools are another important factor. What are some of the issues that are important to you? My only son, Mick Bergen, an ice rink employee, died here on the ice rink grounds in 2005 in a utility cart accident and was only 19 ½ years old. This is his memorial and he would have loved the garden around it because he enjoyed landscaping. It bothers me w hen kids vandalize it or people throw garbage, water bottles and cigarettes around it. I wish parents would teach their children to respect monuments
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Mt. Lebanon
and other property. My husband sometimes comes here late in the evening to sit and find comfort. This is all because of the love that I have for my son. Also, it would be wonderful to have some help maintaining the garden. It is a big job and we’d really appreciate the help. What message would you like to share with the community of Mt. Lebanon? Kiss your children every day. To volunteer to help Mrs. Bergen maintain The Mick Bergen Memorial, please contact her at bergenkathy@aol.com.
Back by Popular Demand
By Tracy Fedkoe
Tyler Rose with his dog, Zuko, who was awarded “Friendliest.”
fter taking a short recess the last two years, the Mt. Lebanon Library brought back the Pet Show this summer on July 15. “It was one of our more popular summer events,” said Brandon Priddy, public services librarian and chair of the event. This year was the 28th time the event was held and it proved to still be a favorite. Over 200 Mt. Lebanon residents of all ages came out on a hot summer day to show of f their pets and see those of neighbors and friends.
Analie, Audrey, and Aidan Flynn with their dog, Lucy, who was all dressed up for the occasion.
Celebrity cat Sunny, short for Sunshine, was the inspiration for the book Catula, The Misadventures of Dracula’s Cat written by Melissa Haas. He is a rare Cornish Rex breed with curly hair her family rescued from Rochester, N.Y., about seven years ago. “We’re still in love with him,” says Janet Haas, Melissa’s grandmother. The book can be obtained from Amazon.com or the book’s website at www.catulathebook.com.
Carlos Wilhelm with his two leghorn chickens, Kung Pao and Cutlette. Although awarded the “Most Unusual” pets at the show, his father, Carl, says they are good pets because they don’t make noise, stay in a coop in the backyard, and eat corn, table food, grass, and salad. While the chickens are only two months old now, the family hopes they will lay up to 300 eggs per year. 8 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE |
Mt. Lebanon
There was no fee to participate or to attend the event. Pets were registered to ensure that proper vaccinations were in place and several walk-ins were welcomed openly. Different areas of the library and grounds were designated for the wide variety of pets that attended. The lawn in front of Southminster House was where dogs could meet, greet and run around a little. Cats, kittens, and their humans were gathered in the courtyard outside the children’s area, and the menagerie was located on the library’s lower level and contained small caged animals including chickens, rats, guinea pigs, turtles, hermit crabs, a gecko, and more.
Julie Aneja, 4, does tricks with her toy poodle, Angel, who was awarded “Best Dancer.”
The most popular category was dogs, with 32 different breeds ranging from tiny papillons and toy poodles to German shepher ds and golden retrievers. Nine cat entries included a celebrity, a hairless cat, and one with six toes. All registered pets earned an award presented by judges from each area who interviewed the children and adults about their pets. Creative awards such as “Best Dressed,” “Most Athletic,” or “Most Unusual” were handed to each proud entrant. It was a great day for people and pets. “We were very excited t o revive our annual Pet Show after a hiatus for the past couple of years, and we certainly hope to continue the tradition next year,” said Kathleen McGinley, librarian.
Josh Dougherty just got his two baby red-eared slider turtles the day of the Pet Show. He learned they will grow to be 5-6” large and will begin to eat lettuce and fruits in the next few months.
Four guinea pigs were brought to the Pet Show and made friends right away.
Peekaboo, the turtle, is one year old and was awarded “Most Athletic” because he pushes a little ball around his habitat, as if playing soccer. Bella and Ava Patak and their mom say he is an easy pet because he is clean, never smells, and eats watermelon and other fruits and vegetables.
Maya Jones’ pet kitten is a rescue named Neville, after Neville Longbottom of the Harry Potter series. He was a favorite among children at the Pet Show and was awarded “Prettiest Eyes” and “Sweetest.” Maya also had her pet guinea pig at the show; Baldersniff was named “Friskiest.”
Nora Holden with Darwin, a fancy rat, who was awarded “Smartest” at the show. “He’s fluffy and friendly and doesn’t bite,” she says.
Christina Krakowski feeds her guinea pig, Lily, a drink. In her pink tutu, Lily was appropriately named “Best Dressed” at the show. Mt. Lebanon | Fall 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 9
SAVE THE DATE Excitement builds for the 11th Annual Mt. Lebanon Art in the Park! Mt. Lebanon Sunrise Rotary Club and the Mt. Lebanon Police Association organize the event scheduled for Saturday, October 6 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday, October 7 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Due to the construction at Mt. Lebanon High School, this year the festival will be moved to the Academy Avenue Parking Lot in the Mt. Lebanon Business District. Because of this move, this year we are referring to the 2012 event as “ART IN THE PARKING LOT.” Plenty of parking is available in the North and South garages. Art in the Park attracts thousands of Western Pennsylvania families and individuals and its numbers grow each year as the event becomes more widely known and respected. For more information on the event and artists who will be at the event, find us at on: Facebook: www.facebook.com/ArtlnTheParkMtLebanonPa Linked In: www.linkedin.com/profile/view?trk=tyah&locale=en+US&id=188605186 and Twitter: www.twitter.com/artinthepark2 This year, ART IN THE PARKING LOT will run concurrently with Plein Air Mt. Lebanon. Plein Air brings professional artistic painters to Mt. Lebanon, who choose an outdoor location where they paint the scene creating art on the spot. They paint from October 2 through 4 after which the work is judged and sold. Watch their creations come to life. Art-related festivities are also planned. For more information, look up Plein Air Mt. Lebanon at www.pleinairmtl.com. Fine arts creators are lining up to be a part of ART IN THE PARKING LOT. This two-day event creates a venue to display and sell a wide variety of juried works in various media that include oil, watercolor and pastel, textiles, weaving, needlework, florals, glass, ceramics, jewelry, photography, wire sculpture, and woodcarving. These items are handcrafted and one of a kind. Over 50 artists come from Western Pennsylvania and beyond. Creative activities for children, live music, food booths and more round out the event. Mt. Lebanon Sunrise Rotary Club and the Mt. Lebanon Police Association donate all the net proceeds from Art in the Park and other fundraisers to many local, national and international charities. During the 2010- 2011 year, the organizations disbursed over $25,000, a complete list for which can be found on the Rotary Club's web site, www.mtlebanonsunriserotary.net. For more information, please contact Suzi Neft at 412.721.4320 or Elaine Rosenfield at 412.561.1224.
Mt. Lebanon | Fall 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 11
By Kathy Rudolph
istening to the talented musicians of Mt. Lebanon High School Band, in the beautifully-wooded setting resembling a natural amphitheater in Mt. Lebanon Park, was a perfect way to spend a warm spring evening. The band, consisting of 60 members, showcased a diverse range of musical styles and was led by Jason Cheskawich, band director. “This is a great way for us to give back to the community,” said Mr. Cheskawich. “The community does so much for us. It’s also a great way to kick off Memorial Day weekend.” The band has had a memorable 2011-2012 school year. “This is my second year as director and I really love it,” continued Mr. Cheskawich. “We have stepped it up in a lot of different areas. There has been an increase in students joining the program this year. Our percussion ensemble and wind ensemble consisting of juniors and seniors performed at a national music festival in Indianapolis. We’ve also added this extra performance.” To learn more about Mt. Lebanon High School Band, visit the website at www.mtlsd.org/highschool/.
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To see more photos of this event, visit facebook.com/icmags
Mt. Lebanon | Fall 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 13
or some, the smell of car wax, the heat of the summertime sunshine and the strains of Fifties music take them back to their younger days. In their minds, they go back to a time when having good weather and a great car for the afternoon, and the free time to enjoy it, were all that you needed for some fun. Nostalgia lovers, dust off the Turtle Wax car polish and break out the buffer. Thankfully, it’s again the time of year when you can lower the convertible roof on the car and go cruising, allowing the wind to blow through your hair, smelling the summer flowers and watching the gawkers staring at you as you roll past them in your classic car. After all, what’s the sense of having an antique car or a classic muscle car if you can’t show it off and allow others to enjoy it? Sharing the love of design, beauty and mechanics of a classic car or muscle car is part of the joy of collecting such vehicles. It also can be a quick cure for any lingering winter blues. The weather has warmed up—prematurely, in the eyes of some weather observers—but not too early for the many car buffs in
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Mt. Lebanon
Western Pennsylvania who have been waiting for the Car Cruise season to begin. Car cruises are an American tradition in which owners of classic and high-performance cars meet together in parking lots and other wide-open spaces, to show off their vehicles and to enjoy an afternoon or evening of fun with other car lovers. Often these events include music or entertainment and food, and sometimes, they even have races. Western Pennsylvania is home to many of these events, thanks to the many gearheads who live in the region. Here is a sampling of some of the many popular car cruises in the Pittsburgh area: Mineral Beach (in Finleyville) – This popular event happens every Friday night starting the first Friday in May, and often includes motorcycles as well as cars. This larger cruise usually includes several hundred cars. Wendy’s (in Peters Township, along Rt. 19) – This cruise is every Monday night beginning April 16th, and is a smaller cruise that usually has about 50 to 100 cars. McDonald’s (Meadowlands - Racetrack Road) – This event is held every other Saturday, beginning May 5. It is a medium-sized cruise is sponsored by The Washington Cruisers Car Club (www.washingtoncruisers.com). Wexford Star Lite Car Cruise (Wexford) – Wexford Star Lite Car Cruise is held every Friday night from 6 to 10 p.m., starting May 25, through Labor Day. This is one of the largest weekly cruises in the region, and usually has more than 1,000 cars attending each week. The Wexford Star Lite Car Cruise is free and is hosted and presented by North Way Christian Community (www.starlitecarcruise.com). Ultimate Car Cruise (Galleria at Pittsburgh Mills) – Every Wednesday from 5 to 9 p.m., May 16 through October. This cruise and many others can be found listed at the website www.carcruises.com. Flashlight Drags (Waynesburg) – Features a car show, a car cruise, a vendor’s midway, music, food and more. The idea behind this
event sprang from the need for local hot rodders to have a place to legally and safely race each other. The essence of the event is providing a safe environment in which to enjoy the excitement of street racing, with an equal measure of nostalgia—which is where the antique and classic cars displayed at the event make their greatest impact. www.flashlightdrags.com. Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix International Car Show (Schenley Park, Pittsburgh) – Held every July and touted by international media including National Geographic magazine, the Vintage Grand Prix once hosted competitive races between racers in vintage cars around the park’s winding roads, but for years the entire event has been for show, and as always, still benefits charity. More than 2,000 cars, many of them very high-end, will be displayed at the event, in which all makes of car are welcome. Held annually since 1983, the Vintage Grand Prix has raised more than $2.75 million to benefit autistic and developmentally disabled people. All local car cruises are weather-dependent. Check the web sites for each cruise regularly to determine if a cruise will be held when foul weather could be imminent. While each car cruise is unique in its location and the makeup of vehicles, owners, and attractions, every car buff comes to the hobby by his or her own path. It could have started with a secret childhood yearning for a hot rod, or by catching a glimpse of something extraordinary in a shop window, seen totally by happenstance. Like a lover retelling the story of his romance, each classic car owner has a tale to tell about how he and his car were united.
1969 Chevy Nova
By Brady Ashe
arry White of Mt. Lebanon was 16 when he bought his cousin’s 1969 Chevy Nova in 1973. After drag racing with the 379-horsepower Chevy for a brief period, White sold the car to another cousin—the younger brother of the original owner. Earlier this year, almost 40 years since his racing days, White bought the ’69 Nova back from his cousin. Now, the car that’s remained in his family since the Vietnam War is back in his possession and in the midst of a full body kit restoration. Despite White’s ostensible pride in the drag-racing family heirloom, one may be hard-pressed to hold a conversation about automobiles with the 55-year-old insurance salesman without hearing about his true pride and joy—a rare 1969 Chevy Corvette 427 four-speed. White, a former body shop employee and life-long motor enthusiast, fully restored the ’69 Corvette 13 years ago and has since kept it in mint condition, putting less than 700 miles on the vehicle in that time without a single car wash. “If you ever see me out driving this thing, you should take a picture because it’s a pretty rare sight,” White said. “I think I only put 21 miles on it in 2011.” Most of those miles are put on the odometer when White and his car-loving wife take the Corvette to the occasional car show either at the locally famous Mineral Beach gathering, Caste Village or the Colussy Chevrolet dealer in Bridgeville. The car has earned White eight first place ribbons at several of these shows. “We had two guys come up to us at Colussy once and ask us to leave to give everyone else a shot,” White joked. The Baldwin native bought the car just prior to the turn of the millennium from a woman in Cranberry for $7,200. With the changes made in White’s restoration, he now loosely estimates the value of the car at about $67,500. “It’s hard to say what something like this is worth in today’s market,” he said. “Before the market crashed, I had three six-figure offers for it.” As if White didn’t have enough American muscle to flex, he’s recently taken on another endeavor to help a long-time friend in Baldwin restore his 1967 Chevy Corvette 427 Coupe. White’s friend, only the third owner of the Corvette, has had the car since 1973, managing to keep the mileage below 1,200 in that time. White is doing all of the muscle car’s interior and body work, including the rechroming of the bumpers, door handles and grill, in the restoration while his friend handles the mechanical aspect. “I’ve always been a body guy,” White said. “You just have to respect someone who goes out and puts a good car together themselves instead of someone telling other people how to do it with their wallets. My love for cars kept me out of a lot of trouble growing up and I wouldn’t be here today without them in my life.” Mt. Lebanon | Fall 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 15
Taking Ill Mt. Lebanon Collector Has Car Bug
he Allentown, PA car collector was an older man, and he opened the squeaky door of his barn, surprising the visitor with its contents. The barn was full of old sports cars, including the one Paul Belluomini had come there for—a 1968 Triumph 250, in need of restoration. “He was sicker than me,” Belluomini said of the Allentown collector, from whom he bought
“The car was never restored. The paint was faded out, the interior was rotted away and the car was home to lots of mice. The engine barely ran, and I had to tow the car home,” Belluomini said. “The suspension was seized up—it was rusted solid from sitting so long.” But the MG had never been wrecked, and it had very little rust on it. It was an ugly orange color, but that has since been fixed, and it is now
fun to drive and they have a lot of personality, not like a modern car,” Belluomini said. “They’re basically hand-built cars, with chrome gauges, leather interior, and wool carpeting.” While his MG is ship-shape, his Triumph has a way to go before it is car cruise-worthy. The vehicle had a lot of body rust on it when Belluomini got it. Right now it is painted and has its suspension installed, with about 50 percent of the restoration complete. He is working to have the car drivable by fall and finished by this spring. Like many classic car owners who restore old vehicles for their own pleasure, thoughts of actually making money on the Triumph aren’t foremost in his mind, though the year and model of the car make it rarer than others. While Belluomini will probably put more than $12,000 into the car before it is finished, it could be worth $28,000 to $35,000 when it is done. You can’t really put a dollar figure on the enjoyment he gets out his classics, in restoring them and showing them. The best part of
Triumph TR250 the Triumph for $2,300, eight years ago. “It’s a sickness,” he said, laughing. The Mt. Lebanon car collector is a science teacher at Hempfield Middle School by profession, but a classic British sports car fan by passion. He jokingly refers to his hobby of collecting and restoring classic cars as a sickness, as in, once you get the bug, it never goes away. He’s working on restoring the Triumph 250, but in the meantime, he enjoys a fully restored 1975 MG BGT that he bought three years ago from a dealer in Detroit, MI. Since that time, he’s restored the MG, which he got as a project for which he planned a full restoration. “It’s a hobby for me. I find it very relaxing,” Belluomini said. “Over the years, I’ve had a bunch of British cars.” Still, it took about three years for Belluomini to finish restoring the Triumph. He recently installed the car’s rear axle, completing the project. But of course, the work on the vehicle has been much of the fun of ownership of it, and that’s why Belluomini was looking for an original car that had never been restored when he found the 1975 MG BGT. 16 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE |
a dark blue color known as Blue Royale. That car, in a way, brought the collector full circle to the start of his hobby, many years ago. Belluomini, 59, has been a convert to British sports car fandom since he was young. As a college student he bought his first car, which was a convertible MG that he got with money he earned during the summer in college. He has always enjoyed the way these British classics handle on the road, which is unlike most other cars. “When you’re driving, they hug the curves,” he said. But what is it about British sports cars that so captivates Belluomini? It might be the time travel that they enable a driver to do. “They take you back when you were young; it’s probably something psychological. They are
Mt. Lebanon
owning the MG, he says, is driving it. He tries to take the car out once a week throughout the year, except during winter. He always goes to the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix in Pittsburgh’s Schenley Park, and he also makes it to smaller local car cruises. He doesn’t think of the sports cars he owns as an investment. “I do it because I like it. I bought these cars because of the lines—they’re good-looking cars,” he said.
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By Brady Ashe
hen a flashy sports car whizzes by and someone says, “Man, I gotta get me one of those,” it usually doesn’t carry much merit. But if one were to hear Joe Moidel utter the phrase, they would be wise to bet that the make and model will find its way into his Mt. Lebanon garage in the near future. There have been three cars on the road that have stopped Moidel, 59, dead in his tracks—a 1963 Studebaker Avanti, a 1980 Triumph TR8 and a 1976 Chrysler Cordoba— all of which, at one time or another, have come into the Mt. Lebanon gear head’s possession. Moidel first laid eyes on his neighbor’s ’63 Avanti in 1963 when he was 10 years old. Infatuated with the sports car’s oblique exterior, he swore to himself he would one day own one. Twenty years later, on his 30th birthday, the self-made promise came into fruition as he treated himself to the old luxury coupe. The motor enthusiast traveled to Studebaker car shows all over the country in search of parts compatible with the Avanti and, after several years, finished a fairly extensive restoration on the American sports car. He enjoyed it for 20 years before selling it to a New Jersey man in 2003 for some extra cash. In the late 1970s, British Leyland manufactured the 1980 TR8 through their Jaguar/Rover/Triumph division. Moidel was immediately compelled to own one following its release and bought the car later that year. After spending the past ten years restoring the British racer, it still sits in his garage with 30,000 miles on the odometer.
1963 Stu
“The problem with these old cars is that they’re never finished,” Moidel said. “Every year it’s a different project. You have to appreciate the work or you’ll go crazy.” Moidel bought a 76 Cordoba in the year of its manufacture and was forced to sell it later that year. As he reluctantly handed the keys to the new owner, he knew he’d one day get another one. Today, the ’80 TR8 shares his garage with a ’76 Cordoba that he bought in 1996. The sports car bears 35,000 original miles on the odometer after undergoing a fiveyear restoration. A former mechanical engineer, Moidel learned motor craftsmanship from his father who worked as an airplane mechanic in the Second World War. He used those skills to perform the restorations independently, performing mechanical, electrical and upholstery repairs but avoided doing any body work. Moidel left his position as the director of energy
Clyde and Christine Weaver’s Triumph Couple’s 1960 Triumph TR3 Representative of Their Life Together
t was the winter of 1964, and the foreign exchange student was nervous about the night ahead. Christine had never been on a blind date before—they didn’t do that sort of thing in France. She was a little surprised she’d agreed to the double date with her girlfriend that evening in Kansas City, since she had a boyfriend in France. Waiting for her date, Christine had no idea what to expect. Though she was just 19 and he was about the same age, her date drove up in a beautiful new 1963 Triumph TR4. But he was just a freshman college student at University of Missouri, driving the sort of car a French businessman drove. She had no clue the young man was paying for the car in $50 monthly installments (which was a lot of money at the time), from cash earned at his nighttime job at Safeway. “I was quite impressed with the car, but he turned out to be a really nice guy, too,” said Christine Weaver, who married her former blind date, Clyde Weaver, in France in 1966. Over the years, the couple has shared a yen for travel and culture. Before moving to Mt. Lebanon in 1984, they lived in Europe for years. They raised three children together who now are adults and through it all, the couple has always loved British cars. These days, their mechanical baby is a 1960 Triumph TR3. But seeing that car for the first time also was unexpected for Christine. Clyde, a retired University of Pittsburgh GSPIA professor, took her for a ride to a Bridgeville car dealership and showed her the 1960 Triumph TR3. Then he bought the 1960 Triumph TR3 as a surprise gift for her 45th birthday. 18 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE |
Mt. Lebanon
“I was quite surprised to get the Triumph,” said Christine, who is retired from her former job as executive director of the American Respiratory Alliance. She had spoken with Clyde about them getting a Morgan +4 Roadster, a classic British car with a wood frame, but he decided against it for various reasons. “She wanted a Morgan +4 and we were too poor, and they were too hard to get,” Clyde said. The 1960 Triumph TR3 he bought from the dealer was partly restored and drivable, and the couple drove it for a while, but then they decided to upgrade. “We took care of some problems it had… Finally we decided to bite the bullet, and have it totally rebuilt,” Christine said. “We took it to a garage in Westmoreland County, and the guy totally took it apart and rebuilt it.” When the car was completely restored, it was repainted a shiny British racing green and finished with a black interior, like that first car the two had shared when she was an exchange student at Our Lady of Sion High School in Kansas City, many years ago. But Clyde’s affair with British cars predates his wife and goes back to his teens, when he bought that first Triumph in 1963, the year he graduated from high school. “The foreign car thing is just part of the life I’ve lived. I fell in love
h TR p m u i r T 0 8 9 1
conservation and facility engineering at Carnegie Mellon University in 1993 to take his mechanical restoration work pro. The former engineer opened Auto Perfection off Bethel Park’s Industrial Boulevard where he continues to perform engine, transmission, suspension and steering repair as well as electric and upholstery work. The Mt. Lebanon mechanic finds time to take his TR8 and Cordoba out to as many classic car shows as possible in between his long hours and relishes the relationships that he’s forged through the craft. “Aside from the love of actually working on the cars in peace, I love the friendships that I’ve built from bonding over the cars,” he said. “I’ve had the opportunity to do what I love, meet some great people and create life-long relationships which is unbelievable.”
By Jonathan Barnes with the British sports cars,” said Clyde, who taught economic development, global economy and other courses at Pitt. “Triumphs are wonderful. They have the most powerful engine you could have anywhere in that price range.” Clyde has had one other Triumph in the past, as well as a second MG. In the past, the size of these types of cars was so unique in the U.S. that they looked very different from nearly every other car on the road. Even these days, they stand out as an epitome of classic design. But car lovers who haven’t had the pleasure of driving one of these sporty numbers might wonder, how do those little vehicles feel to drive, cruising about a foot off of the ground? “Like a truck,” Clyde said, laughing. “Absolutely everything in it is oldfashioned, no power anything. And everything is 1930s engineering.” That quaintness means a driver feels pretty much every bump in the road as he rides along. It also amounts to the car having its own idiosyncrasies, like sometimes overheating when it is stuck in traffic. Each part of the Triumph is bolted together and it has a very small
engine, which was built for the cooler British climate. Clyde doesn’t seem to mind. “They require a great deal of maintenance. Everything breaks. They actually come with a tool kit—you were supposed to set the valves all the time, change the points frequently… They expected the owner to do all this,” Clyde said. In the past, Clyde had been a member of Triumph car owner clubs, but these days, he and his wife just like to enjoy the sports car together. When the weather is nice, they enjoy the sunshine by taking the Triumph for rides into the countryside outside of Pittsburgh. “We go down to Bridgeville, out 50 highway west, and then up through farm country to the Washington County line… It’s a beautiful ride. The whole car is squeaky, and it shakes and rattles,” he said, laughing. A driver simply can have no other experience that is quite like driving a Triumph, he added, and he highly recommends the experience. “If you really want to have fun in life, there’s nothing else out there but Triumph,” Clyde said. Mt. Lebanon | Fall 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 19
The Fall is not just a time of changing leaves and cooler temperatures, it’s a time when the dormant diesel engines of the school buses fire up, SAT applications and college inquiry letters are sent, and students return to college campuses across the nation. In the United States, education is a $900 billion a year business, and that investment, either by the federal and state government, parents and students themselves via student loans, is a testament as to how important learning is to making a name for yourself in the world. Fortunately, for individuals and the economy as a whole, everyone is different and educational opportunities abound for people no matter what their interests or aptitudes. College: College remains one of the most traditional avenues for graduated high school students to pursue. Colleges can be public or private and offer two-year or four-year degrees. While post-secondary education is not a requirement for securing work, those who obtain a college degree can expect estimated lifetime earnings of $2.1 million, according to the US Census Bureau. A master’s degree boosts that to $2.5 million, a professional degree averages $4.4 million, and a doctoral degree $3.4 million. High school graduates are estimated to earn just $1.2 million over the course of their lifetime, according to the same report. Trade Schools and Vocational Careers: While vocational training can start in high school, thanks to regional vocational/technical centers that serve school districts, post-high school programs can take graduates from apprentices to masters of their field. What’s more, vocational programs aren’t like they used to be in the latter half of the 20th Century. Today’s vocational schools still cover trades such as carpentry, plumbing and stonemasonry, but they also excel in specialty fields such as computer networking, HVAC, and robotics. Online Learning: Online learning is a relatively new form of degree program using the power
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of the Internet to bring students and schools together. Also known as E-learning or distance education, online programs have brought some big names into the fold as Harvard and MIT recently joined forces, offering a variety of free, online courses. Online education typically costs less than bricks and mortar schools. Financing Education: No matter where you end up after high school, chances are you’re going to need to take out a few loans to make your goals attainable. Student loans come in a variety of forms ranging from federal to private. Scholarships often are attainable for eligible students, and are nice to have, but realistic students shouldn’t expect to garner enough scholarship money to cover their entire academic career. Programs such as the Federal Stafford Loan can offset up to $23,000 of tuition, which can be increased to $46,000 if parents do not qualify for the Parent PLUS program. The downside to student loans is that you will be graduating with substantial debt to pay down. The upside, however, is that student loan interest rates are generally low, tax deductible and the loans themselves can be deferred until you are in a position to make payments on them, such as the time necessary for you to find a job.
Our Back to School
C-MITES 412.268.1629 www.cmites.org
Benefits of tutoring services: One of the keys to acquiring scholarships is good grades. While that’s totally on the student to achieve, there are many services available that can help that student put in the extra effort to make the grade. From SAT preparation centers to study centers that cover a broader range of curricula, these investments are well worth the cost if the result is several thousand dollars coming off your tuition bill because you got a 4.0 versus a 3.8 GPA. Private Schools: Private schools are a popular option for parents when it comes to picking an education for their child. A study found that students who attend private school tend to score higher on standardized tests, and sends more graduates to college than public schools, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. Private schools also tend to have a lower number of students, leading to a more effective student-teacher relationship. If a student tends to seek more attention or one-on-one help from teachers, private schools might weigh in more benefits. Private schools also create their own funding, including tuition, grants, and fundraising. According to the National Association of Independent Schools, the average cost of private school tuition tends to be around $17,441. Benefits of Preschools: When it comes to early cognitive development, researchers have found that that children who attend preschool tend to show higher intelligence quotients than those who do not, according to Early Childhood Research and Practice (ECRP). Although sending your child to preschool can help them academically, it also improves their early social skills. Preschool is the time when children become aware of sharing and learning how to interact with one another. The classroom gives the young students a friendly, safe environment that allows them to grow and prepare for the later education in kindergarten and Grade School. Children who attend preschool are usually between 3-5 years old. No matter what your path in life may be, being prepared academically for that path is the key to future success.
Anne Chaikowsky At OM Yoga 412.818.4151 www.atomyogapittsburgh.com
C-MITES at Carnegie Mellon University offers programs for gifted students in kindergarten through 10th grade including Weekend Workshops, Summer Programs, and abovelevel testing. C-MITES classes are purposefully challenging, meant to stimulate the minds of bright students. They are filled with captivating hands-on activities that are both informative and fun! Topics include creative writing, mathematics, robotics and chemistry. For more information, go to www.cmites.org or call 412.268.1629, ext. 1. At OM Yoga offers a class for teens and adults and has also developed specialized classes with a specific focus for young athletes. The Yoga for Young Athletes class at the Peters Township Community Recreation Center is designed to benefit young athletes regardless of sport. Partnering with the South Hills YMCA Aquatics Program, Yoga for Swim Conditioning classes are available for young swimmers who are on or planning to be on competitive swim teams.
C.S. Kim Karate was established in 1974 in Pittsburgh by Master C.S. Kim. The authentic Korean martial art of Tang Soo Do has helped thousands of students. This training increases a person’s coordination, concentration, flexibility and more importantly their focus, confidence, discipline and self respect. In this age C.S. Kim Karate of anti-bullying just saying “No” is not enough. Parents and students start this 412.854.1616 www.cskimkarate.com school year with an edge both mentally and physically with C.S. Kim Karate. Chyten is your family’s all-inclusive home for premier tutoring, test preparation and academic services. Chyten provides students with premium-level services over their complete academic life cycle. For benchmark tests such as SAT, ACT, AP, Subject Tests, GRE, GMAT and LSAT, Chyten’s reputation for achieving superior Chyten Premier Tutoring results is built on a solid track record of dramatic test-score improvements over & Test Preparation nearly three decades and with tens of 412.833.6060 thousands of students. www.chyten.com Mt. Lebanon | Fall 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 21
business spotlight
ack-to-school time raises a laundry list of new classes, schedules and goals. But it’s also a time when many high school students put college readiness front and center. While every aspect of a student’s high school life seemingly becomes a brush stroke in the picture for a college admissions committee, perhaps no other aspect of the college admissions process gets more attention than ACT and SAT test preparation. For better or worse, these tests have become a rite of passage to adulthood. Last year became the first year when more numbers of students across the country took ACT over SAT. Since we live in ‘SAT land,’ confusion and misconceptions regarding ACT prevail. Most college bound students prepare for the SAT. The ACT simply becomes an afterthought. It really boils down to the fact that there is a real opportunity for a student to laser in on one test, a test that is more suitable to a student’s skill set and that test does not always have to be SAT. Chyten Tutors and Test Preparation offers a very unique and powerful tool in the form of ACT vs. SAT Comparison Test that allows students to answer this very question – which test is best for them? With the results of this test, you can take the guess work out and focus on preparing for the test. Students are recommended to take this test before they begin any test preparation work.
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We recommend giving yourself at least three months to prepare. It’s also a good idea to consider a second – sometimes even third – testing so that colleges can view the best combination of scores. Beyond that, law of diminishing returns and test fatigue kicks in. Chyten recommends that students should plan on taking two iterations of these tests before the first half of their junior year, when the school work is ‘relatively light,’ and they can focus much better on the test preparation. This approach also leaves time for the third
iteration in spring, if needed. Imagine getting into the summer of ‘rising senior’ year, where you can completely focus on finalizing your college choices without having to worry about the test scores – that is what this time line affords you to do! Scoring well on SAT or ACT requires strong foundational understanding of the underlying concepts, time management and strategic techniques that boost student confidence. At Chyten, our focus is strategic and comprehensive preparation for the test through a curriculum that has been developed and refined over the years working with thousands of kids and hiring the best and most educationally qualified tutors to work with the students, while keeping in mind and adapting to individual strengths and weaknesses. Check out our schedule at www.chyten.com or call at 412.833.6060.
Our Back to School
Creative Minds Learning Center 412.343.4363
All Clients: A special 5 Year Anniversary September Discount! For 5 years Creative Minds Learning Center, located near Route 19 & 88 has offered age appropriate, fun and educational Pennsylvania Early Learning Standards child care. Its new school age program provides before/after school care and full/half day summer programs. It is proud to announce its upcoming achievement of the Star 2 Keystone Stars accreditation, the official recognition of surpassing Department of Public Welfare requirements.
At Lango, children learn Spanish, French or Mandarin in small full immersion classes. Children learn from dynamic teachers with native fluency. Small class sizes allow your child to receive personalized attention from the teacher. Our curriculum appeals to all types of language learners while keeping your child engaged. Parent communication through written updates and conference keeps you apprised of your Lango Pittsburgh www.langopittsburgh.com child’s progress. Reinforcement tools and materials allow you to work with your child 412.298.2013 at home to reinforce their progress.
Carnegie Mellon C-MITES Programs Is your child looking for fun, challenging activities? C-MITES, a program at Carnegie Mellon University, is proud to announce its 20th year providing classes for gifted students in kindergarten through 10th grade. High-achieving students aren’t always challenged in school, notes Dr. Ann Shoplik, C-MITES Director. C-MITES Weekend Workshops and Summer Programs bring these students together from many different schools for such classes as “Build a Robot,” “Kitchen Chemistry” and “Egg Drop Physics.” That’s important, Shoplik says, because “research has shown that gifted students benefit both academically and socially when grouped together.” Classes are also fun. “You should hear the conversations – concepts discussed in class are of a higher level than you would hear in most classrooms,” Shoplik says. Students spend their time doing age-appropriate activities like games, experiments and projects. “There are just a handful of programs like this in the country,” Shoplik notes. “Pittsburgh families are lucky to have such a program right here.” www.cmites.org
Mt. Lebanon | Fall 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 23
onica Oxenreiter, who graduated from Mt. Lebanon High School in June, was one of 10 high school students honored at the state level through the 2012 Prudential Spirit of Community Awards program. The 18-year-old received an engraved bronze medallion as a distinguished finalist for her work dedicated to raising money for diabetes research through “Zip the Cure,” a nonprofit organization she founded at the age of 15. The program was designed in its genesis to sponsor each of 43,000-plus U.S. ZIP codes through $100 donations. “It’s pretty humbling to have your efforts commended by such a great organization,” Oxenreiter said. “I never really imagined I’d be recognized for it.” For Oxenreiter, the fight against diabetes is personal. The MLHS graduate was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when she was only 13 months old. Her older brother, John, discovered he was afflicted with the same disease three years later at the age of eight. In 2005, the two joined over 150 children battling with Type 1 diabetes in Washington as delegates for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation’s Children’s Congress. The group, which represents all 50 states and the District of Columbia, meets with some of Washington’s top policy-makers biannually to shed light on the importance of finding a cure for the disease and its complications. Oxenreiter drew inspiration from the fellow delegates with diabetes and felt compelled to enact a program that could raise money in an effort to quell the disease. That vision came into fruition November 2009 when Oxenreiter filed the necessary paperwork with the Internal Revenue Service to create a 501(c) non-profit tax-exempt organization. The IRS approved the paperwork and her national campaign was launched on Nov. 14, World Diabetes Day. The teenage philanthropist impetuously designed the organization’s website (http://zipthecure.com) independently and contracted a Google Maps programmer to provide the online digital map with each designated ZIP code. She contracted JDRF shortly after to augment the organization’s exposure and funnel the money into an accomplished organization dedicated to raising diabetes research funds. “Zip the Cure,” three years into its operation, has raised over $74,000 under Oxenreiter across hundreds of U.S. ZIP Codes. “It’s truly inspiring to see how many people across the country really do care and want to help people like me,” she said. Oxenreiter will attend her mother’s alma mater Boston College in the fall where she will major in Chemistry. The “Zip the Cure” founder has been selected by the college to participate in the Shaw Leadership Program which pulls 20 highly driven young people from each class in an effort to boost their capability to lead and serve the global community. Oxenreiter said she plans on using the new platform to continue to spread awareness of Type 1 diabetes and raise money for a cure. With the increased stress and schedule restraints associated 24 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE |
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with a higher education course load, Oxenreiter recently decided to turn the organization over to JDRF. Under the national research foundation, “Zip the Cure,” has raised an additional $50,000. JDRF also adapted the program to $50 sponsorships for each ZIP code. The program is designed to sponsor each ZIP code every year, generating about $2.15 million annually. Oxenreiter, who is Channel 11 News sports anchor Alby Oxenreiter’s niece, said having Type 1 diabetes has helped shape her character and that she’s optimistic about the discovery of a cure in the near future. “It’s made me a much more responsible person and really made me stronger as a whole,” the philanthropist said. “It’s also put me in contact with some pretty amazing and inspiring people. It’s important to recognize the bright side of all that.”
Mt. Lebanon | Fall 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 25
o the radio disc jockey known for his jokes and one-liners, it is the music that really matters, and one way he shows that is through an annual fundraiser benefiting children. Several years ago, WDVE disc jockey Randy Baumann was thinking of the music when he had a new idea for the “Voices Carry for Auberle” fundraiser. After being invited eight years ago to be a part of the event, which originally was a “Gong Show” variety-style fundraiser, Baumann, of Mt. Lebanon, was happy to join the effort. But the following year when he was asked to help with Voices Carry again, he suggested to event organizers that they change course with the show. Rather than featuring amateurs and pros, the show should highlight accomplished performers. “I sort of talked them into doing an event with music professionals from all over town,” Baumann said. Thanks to the DJ, since that suggestion the Voices Carry showcases the talents of well-known and emerging performers from the region. During the event, a 4-piece house band led by guitar player Rick Witkowski will be joined alternately by various musicians and singers, each playing a couple songs with the band. Several iconic Pittsburgh performers including Joe Grushecky, Donnie Iris, BE Taylor, Sputzy Sparacino (of Sputzy and the Soul Providers) and others will be performing at the event, as well as other wellknown performers from the region such as
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country singer Sarah Marince, and members of No Bad JuJu. At the fundraiser, attendees also will hear how Auberle has helped students to set greater goals and create more meaningful lives for themselves. Proceeds from the event will benefit Auberle’s programs. The McKeesport-based school is a faith-based Catholic agency that helps troubled children and families. Auberle was founded in 1952 through the generosity of Pauline Auberle, a McKeesport resident who willed money and land to the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh to start a home for boys. Since the 1980s, the school also has offered other programs that help girls, adults and families. These days, more than twothirds of the nonprofit’s clients are served in their homes, schools or in their communities, rather than on Auberle’s McKeesport campus. Baumann said he likes to help charities when he can, but with Auberle, the results of their work are more obvious than others. “The great thing about Auberle is you can see the difference it is making in the community,” he said.
By Jonathan Barnes An accomplished musician, Baumann, 40, has worked professionally as a pianist since he was a teenager. He also plays guitar, but will be playing keyboards at the Voices Carry for Auberle event. “I usually play one song with the band. I’ll sit in on piano with Joe Grushecky,” Baumann said. This is the eighth year for Voices Carry for Auberle. Last year about 600 people were entertained at the event, raising $88,000 to support the Auberle Foundation. Baumann’s public persona, natural interests and particular skills all came together to permanently connect him with Voices Carry for Auberle. “I like being involved with charity events where I can use my strengths to help grow the event,” Baumann said. “Everybody says it’s their favorite charity event of the year to go to. It’s become something really unique—I’m honored to be a part of that.”
Mt. Lebanon | Fall 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 27
Ice Skaters that began in Mt. Lebanon now on Notre Dame team
by Melanie O. Paulick
hat are the odds that two girls who began skating together as children at the Mt. Lebanon Ice Rink would find themselves on the same synchronized skating team at Notre Dame? As fate would have it, Rose Krzemien and Natalie Joseph, graduates of Mt. Lebanon’s infamous Learn to Skate program, are about to begin their third year as teammates on the University of Notre Dame synchronized skating team. For the pas t two years, the Notre Dame team won their regional competition. Could this be due to the addition of local talent Rose Krzemien and Natalie Joseph? In a word, yes. Natalie and Rose became passionate about skating from an early age, although each took to the sport differently at first. Rose began skating before she turned three years old. Rose ’s own mother, herself a skater, introduced her to the ice as a way to get exercise and gain exposure to the sport. Rose took to skating readily, and increasingly it began to dominate the choices in her life (she was also a dancer). She admits that, ever since middle school, she knew that she wanted to ice skate in college. Natalie wasn’t so sure about skating at first. Also a dancer, Natalie loved the grace and fluidity that sport brought with it and thought that she would be a dancer forever. She was introduced to ice skating through a patient of her father’s (Dr. Peter Joseph, a podiatrist in Mt. Lebanon). Around age five, she gave it a try and hated it. “After the first lesson in figure skating I was so scared and frustrated because it was so incredibly hard.” Although she sometimes had to fight through tears, she kept giving it another chance until, one day many 28 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE |
years later, something just “clicked” and she started to enjoy it. At this point, she had to decide whether to continue with dance or with skating. She chose skating. “It wasn’t even a choice,” she admits. A large part of what shaped their passion for ice skating was their instructor, Mrs. Gwyn Rosen. Mrs. Rosen was Rose’s first instructor; Natalie came under her instruction shortly after she had already be gun to skate. Mrs. Rosen runs the Learn to Skate program at the ice rink in Mt. Lebanon and is known for her ability to safely and positively instruct youth in this challenging sport. Rose and Natalie agree that skating with Gwyn was very different from the other sport that they were both involved with: dancing. Whereas dancing can easily be highly competitive and individual, their experience with skating was entirely different. With Mrs. Rosen, girls constantly encouraged one another to do their best. Social bonding was extremely important, and the skaters would frequently get together to relax and hang out before a skating event or competition. There was a sense of safety, of family. There were no favorites with Gwyn. From their earliest years in the Learn to Skate program, both girls “rose through the ranks” and competed on both local and regional levels. Ice skating quickly became more than a casual sport or a good way to spend a Saturday afternoon. It was, literally, a way of life –
Mt. Lebanon
something they practiced nearly every day. If they were to miss even a few days in a row of practice, they literally couldn’t perform at the same level. Skating is not a sport for those afraid of injury. Both girls have had their share of not-sominor bumps and bruises, including the time when someone else’s blade sliced into Rose’s leg during a synchronized event, or when she fell and severely bruised her tailbone. Ironically, one of Natalie’s worst injuries occurred when she wasn’t skating but was standing about five feet from the boards and someone else that was skating accidentally ran into her, causing her to need liqu id stitches. Rose admits to skating feeling so precarious at times that her mother would send her to practice with gel packs underneath her leotard. Interestingly enough, Rose and Natalie did not share a detailed plan of attending St. Mary’s and skating for Notre Dame. Rather, the pieces of that puzzle were put together somewhat haphazardly. Rose had been introduced to the sport of synchronized skating yea rs before at Robert Morris University and was immediately attracted to it. She joined the Steel City Blades and, during her senior year in high school, the
Cleveland Edges (both synchronized teams), when the Blades no longer had a team for her age group. Eventually, Rose took a trip to Notre Dame to observe their synchronized skating team and to visit with the coach, Tracey Mulherin. After her visit, Rose concluded that the Notre Dame team was her best choice for skating and St. Mary’s was her best choice academically. (For those who may not know, St. Ma ry’s is a “sister” school to Notre Dame. Both schools work very much in tandem – they share academics, sports and faculty, while St. Mary’s remains a women’s college with emphasis on education and nursing.) Natalie, on the other hand, skated singles her whole life and did not even hear about synchronized skating until Rose brought it up in conversation. Rose strongly recommended that Natalie consider th e sport and the Notre Dame team in particular. Since Notre Dame was already a school of interest because that was where her father graduated from, Natalie decided to investigate further. Like Rose, Natalie watched the skating team practice and met with the coach. Also like Rose, Natalie was instantly drawn to the team and realized that it “felt right.” So, both Rose and Natalie, with shared beginnings at Mt. Lebanon ice rink, left Pittsburgh behind to become key members of the Notre Dame synchronized skating team.
Skating on the Notre Dame team has been a positive experience for both of them. Although it can be challenging to balance a sport with academics, Notre Dame and St. Mary’s always emphasize the importance of academics above all else. The team practices two hours at a time at least four days a week, and, while that can be overwhelming at times, the girls admit that being on the ice provides a tremendous amount of stress relief and makes one necessarily productive and organized academically. The team participates in roughly four competitions a year and, as previously mentioned, has won regionals two years in a row. What plans do Natalie and Rose have for the future? Natalie, a psychology majo r, envisions herself using her degree and her experience as a skater to become a sports psychologist. She would love to talk to dancers and sportsmen (and women!) about what issues they’re facing – such as anxiety or nervousness. Rose, a double psychology and communicative disorders major, plans to go on to graduate school. She knows that she also wants to continue skating, and has her eye on Boston University to fulfill those goals. Rose looks forward to hearing when synchronized skating becomes an Olympic sport, because, you never really can know where life will take you… Although they have known one another for many years, the friendship between Natalie and Rose has blossomed exponentially since they began skating together at Notre Dame. Many things connect people to one another; Rose and Natalie share geographical background, academic interests, and a passion for ice skating. We are proud that they represent our community at Notre Dame. For more information on how to get your own kids started in ice skating (or to find out when you could try it yourself) call the staff at the Mt. Lebanon Ice Rink at 412.561.4363 from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. MondaySaturday and from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sundays. (You may even see Rose helping Gwyn teach Learn to Skate during the summer!) Mt. Lebanon | Fall 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 29
Mt. Lebanon Celebrates Annual Community Day on July 4
To see more photos of this event, visit facebook.com/icmags
Photographs by Melanie O. Paulick On Wednesday, July 4th, residents of Mt. Lebanon enjoyed their annual Community Day. Adults and their children delighted in the petting zoo, rock climbing wall, Euro Bungee, amusement park rides, inflatables, pony rides and other games during the afternoon hours. That evening, people gathered on Washington Road to enjoy music by the band Airborne while enjoying ices and ice cream before the fireworks display. Mt. Lebanon residents loved this year’s celebration that was better-than-ever due to the town’s upcoming 100th anniversary.
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Taking it Outside
David Bodnar of Mt Lebanon combines love of gardening, trains and technology in Garden Railroading 32 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE |
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tep onto the back patio of David Bodnar’s home and you enter a world of miniature trees and shrubs, and a babbling waterfall and pond complete with fish and aquatic life. Look around the setting, and you’ll see a variety of small buildings, and even a miniature radio tower whose beacon flashes “Pittsburgh” in Morse code. Winding through this picturesque landscape are trains and trolleys, which are part of Bodnar’s garden railroad. Welcome to the world of garden railroading. A hobby that takes the world of model trains from under the Christmas tree and the game room, to the natural elements of sun, rain and snow, and even the hazards created to the track by the critters usually found around a garden, even an occasional deer. Garden railroading, utilizing G scale trains and track is not entirely new, but is somewhat unique to the Pittsburgh region. It’s a popular hobby in states like Florida and New Jersey but there is a niche of garden railroad modelers in the Pittsburgh region. Bodnar is one of about 50 members of the Pittsburgh Garden Railway Society, but is among only a handful of modelers to actually run a railroad. He placed it into operation in the summer of 2003, shortly after he and his wife, Lois purchased their home on Bower Hill Road in Mt. Lebanon. “I had American Flyer trains as a child, and as most kids I kind of grew out of them,” Bodnar said. “But I became intrigued by garden railroads later in life. Furthermore, my wife loves to garden, and when we saw the back patio of this house, I thought it would be a good combination to combine our talents.” He recalled his previous home, which was not conducive to creating such a layout, but his current home provided that opportunity. “It gave us an outdoor patio leading to the den, which was something we always wanted, and I knew right away that this would be a good place to put a railroad. The task of converting the back patio to create the railroad was not an easy one. The garden had been overgrown with trees and shrubs, and required the better part of a year of intense work before Bodnar could begin planning the layout and laying track. A retired teacher, and the head of technology and computers in the Mt. Lebanon High School, Bodnar used many of his skills not only to craft the structures, but also to set up a radio control system using microprocessors to operate the trains. In building the double-loop railroad, he had to scale natural terrain and create tunnels. He used pieces of a wooden-barrel hot tub that came with the property to construct the trestles and bridges. “When I tore out the tub, I discovered it was made of Australian hardwood, which was resistant to rot,” he said. “The color of the wooden bridges has aged, creating a natural-looking appearance.” The other major project was the replacement of a pond that had been built with the house in 1929. Bodnar used lava rock in combination with plants to help filter the new pond, which is fully lined, and is deep enough to allow fish to survive during the winter months. The question that seems most logical of taking model trains outside is the effect that weather and the elements have on the track and scenery, which are outdoors 12 months a year. The rails are made of brass and require regular cleaning, the crossties on the track are made of plastic, and the roadbed, made of outdoor plywood needs to be replaced to the effects of weathering. Just like the real railroads, track maintenance is a constant task. The buildings, most of which were scratch built by Bodnar can last as long as five years. As a precaution, during the snowy months, Bodnar will take some of the buildings indoors for storage. Animals roaming into the garden can also prose problems. Bodnar recalls a roaming deer causing damage to the track. Needless to say, garden railroading is not for those without the time Mt. Lebanon | Fall 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 33
and the resources to make it possible. At today’s cost of approximately $10 per foot just for track, the hobby can be an expense for the beginner. Bodnar said for that reason, garden railroads are developed over the years, and are always a work in progress. He credits his wife Lois, with creating and maintaining the garden, where trees to match the garden railroad scale have been added through the years. A Japanese maple tree, which came with the house, remains in the center of the railroad, which is kept perfectly manicured. When he and Lois are not entertaining guests on their patio among the trains, Bodnar designs, builds and creates computer operating systems for railway projects for individuals, and groups. Several years ago he designed and created the indoor animated train display for the children at Children’s Hospital. He continues to oversee that project today. “Garden railroads are not a trivial pursuit,” Bodnar said. “It takes a lot of time, it’s expensive, and you just can’t walk away from it like a train layout in your game room. But in the end it’s great fun.” Bodnar has catalogued the progress and highlights of his railroad on his web page at www.davebodnar.com.
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Mt. Lebanon | Fall 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 35
By Brady Ashe
he Mt. Lebanon Public Library celebrated its 22nd annual garden tour fundraiser Sunday, July 8, with seven exhibited gardens, all designed and tended to by men across the community. The tour was preceded by a kick-off party Saturday evening in the library’s courtyard to commemorate the efforts of the “Gentlemen Gardeners” and the Tour Committee which had been preparing for t he event for several months. Proceeds from the annual tour weekend are put toward library expansion, renovation and inventory. Library director Cynthia Richey said the garden tour has raised close to $400,000 over 22 years, allowing for an increase in books, electronic resources and programs for all ages. The community’s support of the annual event has also led to the construction of the public library’s outdoor courtyard. This year’s tour commenced at Family Hospice and Palliative Care on Moffett Street and continued with six private residences throughout the municipality. The 22nd garden tour is unique to previous years, according to Richey, because the gardens’ designs were approached from a male perspective. “There’s a lot more hardscape accessories like brick sidewalks and fountains because they’re designed by men,” she said. “It will give our community’s gardeners a fresh perspective on how to deal with the awkward, hilly and urban terrain of Mt. Lebanon.” The July 7 party’s theme was “puttering around the garden,” a play on words to affix a gardening term with the traditionally maleoriented game of golf. The $30 cover charge to support the library covered drinks, hors d’oeuvres and a putting green where some guests participated in a competition. “Everybody on the board and committee work so hard to put this all together,” Richey said. “It really feels great to see a bunch of people in the community come out to support the library and learn a little something about gardening, too.”
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Garden Party in
Photographs by Melanie O. Paulick
Mt. Lebanon | Fall 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 37
Reverse the ravages of time.
The Mt. Lebanon Class of 1977 held its 35th reunion on July 21, at the Herforth & Karlovich Party Palace on Mt. Washington, which afforded the group spectacular views of the city while they celebrated old times.
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UPMC TODAY Health and Wellness News You Can Use | Fall 2012
Get Ready for Fall Soon the leaves will change color and fall to the ground — a welcome mat for cooler days, chilly nights, football games, hayrides, warm sweaters, and everything else that makes fall special.
What’s Inside 2
Elevating Cancer Surgery for Women to a New Level
Give Your Back a Break Using Your Blood for Natural Healing
A Partnership of Hope and Transformation
Magee’s Newest Baby Is Two Stories Tall — and Ready for Guests
Your Doctor and You: A Healthy Relationship
Elevating Cancer Surgery for Women to a New Level Robotic surgery is transforming the treatment of gynecologic cancers with minimally invasive techniques that offer greater precision and promote faster healing.
For women diagnosed with cervical, endometrial (uterine), and early ovarian cancer, the use of minimally invasive robotic surgery is offering impressive results. “The robotic surgical system is truly revolutionizing the way we operate on certain cancers,” says Alexander Olawaiye, MD, a gynecologic oncologist and director of robotic surgery at UPMC Mercy. Also certified to perform robotic surgery at UPMC Mercy is gynecologic oncologist Wayne Christopherson, MD.
Enhanced clarity and precision With robotic surgery, surgeons also get a magnified, threedimensional view of the inside of the body — up to 12 times what the human eye can see. “That enhanced vision allows us to navigate with far greater precision around delicate internal organs, nerves, and large blood vessels,” says Dr. Olawaiye. “We’re able to see and dissect tissue and lymph nodes more thoroughly, which allows us to do a better job of removing any cancerous growths.” While surgeons applaud the robot’s surgical applications, patients appreciate the benefits it offers after surgery. “Because the incisions are small, there is less bleeding, less pain, and less risk of infection,” explains Dr. Olawaiye. “Most patients go home the day after surgery and return to their regular activities in a week or two.” The most advanced surgical care for all types of cancers is available to patients at the UPMC CancerCenter at UPMC Mercy. To learn more about all the cancer services and treatments offered at UPMC Mercy, visit UPMCMercy.com and click Our Services.
How robotic surgery works
Traditionally, women with gynecologic cancers faced a 12to 14-inch open incision that often involved weeks of recovery. Laparoscopic surgery offered patients a less invasive option, but its stick-like instrument often limited a surgeon’s range of motion. With today’s robotically assisted surgery, the robot becomes an extension of the surgeon’s hands, offering flexibility and a 360-degree range of motion that’s virtually impossible for humans to achieve. “We’re able to manipulate the tips of the surgical instrument at highly unusual angles,” says Dr. Olawaiye. “That gives us critical access to very compact and limited areas of the body.”
Once you are put to sleep, your surgeon generally makes a series of small incisions (“ports”) in your abdomen. The number and size will vary based on your condition. A surgical cart is then attached to the ports, and specialized instruments are inserted into your body. Your surgeon controls the movements of these instruments from a nearby consol, using controls to guide the surgery. Your surgeon is always in charge — the robot moves only as directed.
Typical benefits of robotic surgery for select gynecologic cancers đ Smaller incisions đ Minimal scarring đ Reduced blood loss
đ Less pain đ Shorter hospital stays đ Faster recovery
Health Tips from UPMC Health Plan
Give Your Back a Break
“And studies show that smokers have more back problems than non-smokers, which is another good reason to quit,” she adds. To help keep your back healthy and strong, Dr. Moon also recommends the following: Sit up straight. Use good posture when sitting or standing. That improves muscle tone and makes breathing easier.
Tips that can help you avoid back pain.
Work out. Back and abdominal exercises strengthen the core muscles that support your back, while low-impact aerobics strengthens bones and improves blood flow to muscles.
Amazingly complex, remarkably strong, and incredibly flexible, your back is one of the most important parts of your body. Without it, you couldn’t stand up straight, walk on the beach, chase after the kids, or dance the night away.
Lose it. Being overweight puts added strain on your back muscles. Carrying weight around your midsection isn’t good for your heart either.
Like most people, you probably take your back for granted — until it starts to hurt. “Eight out of 10 Americans will have back pain at some point in their lives,” says M. Melissa Moon, DO, a physician in the UPMC Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. So what’s causing all those achy backs? “Everyday habits like hunching over your computer, toting a heavy purse or backpack, or picking up a toddler are often to blame for the pain,” says Dr. Moon.
Using Your Blood for Natural Healing Even after having surgery for a sports-related groin injury, recovery was slow for Megan Cortazzo, MD, a physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist with UPMC. A fellow physician suggested platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy — and her results were so positive that she now offers the service to patients at UPMC.
Think before lifting. Remember to keep your back straight and bend at the knees or hips when lifting something. Ask for help with a heavy load. Pay attention. If you feel back pain during any activity, stop and rest. Your body may be trying to keep you from getting hurt. Call the doctor. Most back pain can be relieved with self-care. However, Dr. Moon recommends that you see a doctor if: đ You have pain after a fall or injury. đ You have weakness, pain, or numbness in one or both legs. đ The pain is severe and doesn’t improve with medication and rest. đ The pain is accompanied by trouble urinating, fever, or unintentional weight loss. Learn more about building a healthy back at UPMC.com/Today. Source: National Institutes of Health
It also can be an effective alternative to surgery for patients with a wide range of conditions, she says, including: • Chronic tennis elbow (tendinosis) • Mild to moderate rotator cuff tears • Chronic ankle sprains • Mild arthritis of the knee For best results, Dr. Cortazzo recommends combining PRP therapy with physical therapy.
What is PRP therapy? PRP therapy is a type of regenerative injection therapy (RIT) that promotes the healing of injured or deteriorated tissue. “Platelets are rich in growth factors that stimulate healing,” explains Dr. Cortazzo. “We draw a small quantity of the patient’s blood and spin it in a special centrifuge machine. The process extracts platelets, which we then inject at the point of injury or inflammation,” says Dr. Cortazzo.
Is PRP therapy covered by insurance? Because it is still in its infancy, medical insurance does not cover PRP therapy. “Although it’s a self-pay procedure, many patients feel it’s worthwhile because it can eliminate lost work time and the cost of a deductible for surgery,” explains Dr. Cortazzo. “Most of all, they want the relief from pain it offers.”
Who should use PRP therapy? “PRP therapy’s use by professional athletes has generated tremendous interest in the procedure,” says Dr. Cortazzo.
For more information about PRP, call UPMC Rehabilitation Institute at 412-692-4400, or go to UPMC.com/prp.
A Partnership of Hope and Transformation Every year, the lives of 74,000 cancer patients and their families are transformed by the care, specialized services, and research of UPMC CancerCenter, Partner with University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute.
Applying good science, investing in smart technology, and putting patients first. That’s the philosophy driving the cuttingedge research and lifesaving care offered through UPMC CancerCenter, Partner with University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute (UPCI).
A network like no other UPMC CancerCenter is one of the nation’s largest integrated community networks of cancer physicians and health care specialists. Its more than 30 locations throughout western Pennsylvania and Ohio — including UPMC Mercy — bring outstanding cancer care close to home for many patients. “One of the main strengths of the UPMC CancerCenter network is its ability to obtain virtually identical results wherever patients are treated,” says Peter Ellis, MD, director of the medical oncology network. “Our Clinical Pathways are evidence-based care standards that provide uniformity across the network.”
Three powerful pillars supported by 1,700 experts “Through our quarter-century-long partnership, UPCI and UPMC CancerCenter have identified three pillars that enable us to achieve our common goals: clinical care, specialized care, and research,” says Stanley Marks, MD, chairman of UPMC CancerCenter.
UPMC is consistently ranked by U.S. News & World Report as having one of the best cancer programs in the nation.
“We’re committed to being a leader in the fight against cancer today and tomorrow, with the patient always at the center of all we do,” says Nancy Davidson, MD, director of UPMC CancerCenter. “From the groundbreaking research that takes place in our laboratories to our delivery of the latest cancer therapies in locations throughout the region, we’re at the frontline of cancer prevention, detection, diagnosis, and treatment,” she says. “We also play a key role in inspiring and educating the next generation of bright young scientists and cancer specialists.”
“It’s not always easy to see the ‘behind the scenes’ story of who we are and what we do. With these three pillars, we marshal the resources of nearly 250 medical, radiation, and surgical oncology physicians; more than 1,160 nurses, technicians, and staff; and 350 research and clinical faculty,” he explains. “Few organizations in the country can match the level of scientific and medical expertise, state-of-the-art technology, and physical locations found here.”
Pillar I: Clinical Care From the moment of diagnosis, UPMC CancerCenter’s network of nearly 100 medical oncologists links patients to a full range of treatments and services that include: đ Conventional chemotherapy đƫStem cell transplants đƫBiological therapy
đƫTargeted therapies đƫHormone therapy đƫPerfusion therapy
Pillar III: Research UPCI physicians and scientists are recognized leaders in molecular and medical oncology research. Their primary goal is to discover new ways to prevent, treat, and cure all types of cancer, particularly those with the lowest survival rates. Working hand-in-hand with UPMC CancerCenter, UPCI’s investigators strive to translate their research into actual treatment. More than 300 clinical trials now underway at UPCI give patients access to cutting-edge therapies long before they are broadly available. The National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) 12th most-funded cancer research institution, UPCI received more than $174 million in support in 2011. UPCI is also western Pennsylvania’s only NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center. Mark Sosinski, MD, a nationally recognized lung cancer specialist who joined the UPMC CancerCenter and UPCI team in 2011, says “This was a good fit for me and my research, but the strong leadership really stood out.”
The UPMC CancerCenter radiation oncology network includes 16 community-based radiation oncology centers and 10 dual radiation and medical oncology centers. Many of these sites offer innovative, advanced technology that allows for more precise tumor imaging and radiation treatment. The surgical oncology network specializes in the surgical treatment of a wide variety of cancers, including many rare and difficult tumors. Its multidisciplinary team of physicians has attracted national attention for work in areas such as minimally invasive surgery, including robotic surgery; specialized procedures, such as the pancreatic Whipple; and regional perfusion therapy, which directs high concentrations of chemotherapy to the tumor site.
Pillar II: Specialized Care For patients with challenging or late-stage cancers, UPMC’s Hillman Cancer Center is a beacon of hope and innovation. It is home to internationally regarded surgical, medical, and radiation oncology specialists who perform treatments and procedures unavailable elsewhere in the region. Hillman also has the area’s most advanced imaging technologies to detect cancer and monitor treatment. Nationally ranked Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC features dedicated and comprehensive women’s cancer care, including breast, ovarian, uterine, and cervical cancers. For patients with hard-to-treat cancers, UPCI and UPMC CancerCenter offer disease-specific multidisciplinary clinics called Specialty Care Centers (SCC) designed to provide quick access to leading specialists. Many SCC reviews are done over the Internet, eliminating the need for long-distance travel. Care for children, adolescents, and young adults with cancer is provided at the highly-ranked Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC.
To learn more about UPMC CancerCenter, Partner with University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, visit UPMCCancerCenter.com.
Hillman Cancer Center Celebrates 10-Year Anniversary When the Hillman Cancer Center opened its doors in 2002, it was hailed as an architectural gem — its spectacular, glass-block walled atrium serving as a symbolic link between research and patient care. Today, Hillman Cancer Center is the treatment and research flagship of the growing UPMC CancerCenter network. A 350,000-square-foot comprehensive cancer center, Hillman is home to UPMC CancerCenter’s pre-eminent clinical care for patients and UPCI’s internationally recognized academic and research programs. Here, patients and their families have access to specialized cancer diagnosis, prevention, care, and treatment, including multidisciplinary outpatient stem cell transplant services.
Architectural rendering of the patient waiting area of the Mario Lemieux Center for Blood Cancers, currently under construction at Hillman Cancer Center.
Opening in January 2013, the new Mario Lemieux Center for Blood Cancers will offer comprehensive diagnostic services, individually designed treatment plans, and long-term follow-up services to patients with leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, multiple myeloma, and other blood malignancies. For more information, visit UPMCCancerCenter.com.
Magee’s Newest Baby Is Two Stories Tall — and Ready for Guests New state-of-the-art intensive care and cancer care units blend the latest in medical technology with the best in patient comfort.
It’s no coincidence that the words hospital and hospitality share the same Latin root, hospes, which means to treat guests with kindness and care. That spirit of welcome is immediately evident in the thoughtful design of two newly opened patient care units at MageeWomens Hospital of UPMC — one of Magee’s major expansion projects during a century of providing medical service.
“Their ideas and suggestions helped us create a quiet, calming, and safe environment for patients and caregivers. Each patient room is filled with natural light and decorated in soothing earth tones, blending comfort with technology. That kind of setting is very important to healing.”
Emphasizing patient and family-centered care Because studies confirm that the presence of loved ones promotes recovery, each patient room in the new unit features a comfortable sleeper sofa to encourage overnight stays. Family members also can order in-room meals for a modest fee, and all patient rooms have free Internet access and cable television. “Every room has separate zoned areas for families and caregivers, minimizing disruption and reducing infection,” explains David Muigai, MD, medical director of Magee’s ICU. “Visitors comment on how quiet it is here, thanks to acoustical features to minimize sound. And the ICU rooms are designed to accommodate changes in a patient’s condition, eliminating the need to transfer patients as they continue to recover.”
The patient rooms are warm and spacious, with a comfortable sleep sofa to encourage overnight stays by a family member or close friend.
“We wanted Magee’s latest major construction to focus on our patients with the greatest medical needs: those requiring intensive care and women undergoing cancer treatment,” says Leslie C. Davis, hospital president. “We’re still among the leading deliverers of babies in the nation, but we also care for men and children, from infants to centenarians. The additional beds also allow us to expand our core obstetrical (OB) services to the units that relocated. Adding space for our OB patients was a primary reason for this expansion.” Two floors were added to a three-story section of the hospital to create the new 14-bed Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and 28-bed Cancer Care Unit, more than doubling the number of critical care beds. Completed in record time, the new units increased the hospital’s overall bed capacity by 13 percent. “Before starting the project, we sought the advice of former patients, as well as our doctors, nurses, and staff,” says Joseph Kelley, MD, director of both the Division of Gynecologic Oncology and the Gynecologic Cancer Program at Magee.
Each floor also has a family lounge and a meditation room. They offer privacy when needed, and company when desired. Both floors also incorporate the latest technology and best practices in green building solutions to minimize environmental impact. “We couldn’t be prouder of our newest addition,” says Dr. Kelley. “It reflects the kind of signature care and compassion Magee has delivered for more than 100 years.” Several of Magee’s programs, including cancer care, are again ranked among the best in the nation by U.S. News and World Report (2012-13). Learn more about Magee’s services for women and men at UPMC.com/Magee. The meditation room on each floor provides patients and families with a private space that is peaceful and soothing.
Your Doctor and You: A Healthy Relationship
Someone to watch over you
Whether you have a minor concern or a more serious medical issue, your primary care physician (PCP) is the first line of defense in getting well and staying well. If you don’t already have a PCP, it’s best to find the right one before you get sick.
Since early detection can minimize the impact of many illnesses, your PCP will recommend screenings, including annual physicals, Pap tests, breast examinations and mammograms; prostate screenings, and colonoscopies. “Without a PCP, you might ignore important health maintenance issues,” he says.
A trusted partner in your good health “It’s important to have a relationship with a PCP you trust and are comfortable with, even when you feel great,” says Jorge Lindenbaum, MD, an internal medicine specialist with Lindenbaum Perryman and Associates-UPMC and medical director of the UPMC Mercy South Side Walk-in Primary Care Clinic. By getting to know you and your health history, your PCP can provide you with the best care possible.
Research indicates that people who have an ongoing relationship with a PCP are healthier than those without one. “Personalized care leads to patient trust, and that is vitally important in the doctor-patient relationship,” says Dr. Lindenbaum. Patients who trust their doctors are shown to have improved outcomes, such as better control of their diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol. If you need advanced care, your PCP is the most effective and efficient link to medical specialists, or advanced services or treatments. “For patients and their families, having a PCP to coordinate their care with specialists and other providers is a huge relief,” adds Dr. Lindenbaum.
Finding Dr. Right A PCP can be a family medicine physician, internal medicine specialist, pediatrician, or obstetrician/gynecologist. With so many types of PCPs, how do you choose? For many adults, internal medicine specialists or family practitioners are their PCP of choice. These physicians are equipped to deal with all kinds of health problems, whether simple or complex. “The benefit of having access to highquality, comprehensive care at one convenient location is something patients really appreciate,” says Dr. Lindenbaum. Two new physicians recently joined Lindenbaum Perryman and Associates-UPMC and are accepting new patients. Kelly Chaney, DO, an internal medicine specialist, earned her medical degree from the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine in Lewisberg, W.Va., and completed a residency in internal medicine at UPMC Mercy. John Wohar, DO, also completed a residency in internal medicine at UPMC Mercy. He received his medical degree from Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine in Erie, Pa. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Chaney, Dr. Wohar, or any UPMC physician, call 1-800-533-UPMC (8762).
Did You Know? Back-to-school and sports physicals as well as vaccinations for children of all ages are available at the UPMC Mercy South Side Walk-in Primary Care Clinic, located at 2000 Mary St. Appointments aren’t needed, and parking is free and plentiful. Clinic hours are 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. For more information, call 412-488-5705.
UPMC Mercy 1400 Locust St. Pittsburgh, PA 15219
UPMC Today is published quarterly to provide you with health and wellness information and classes and events available at UPMC. This publication is for information purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice or replace a physician’s medical assessment. Always consult first with your physician about anything related to your personal health.
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The name you trust in women’s health is right here at Mercy. UPMC Mercy ob-gyn services are growing to provide comprehensive women’s services by bringing you the same experts who practice at Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC. In addition to community-based physicians and midwifery, these expanding services for women are consistent with Mercy’s rich tradition of care. UPMC’s complete range of specialty services for women covers obstetrics and gynecology, maternal-fetal medicine, midlife health, women’s cancer, and much more. From checkups and preventive care to testing, diagnosis, and advanced treatments, the superb doctors, nurses, and caregivers at Mercy and Magee are with you every step of the way on the path to good health. We work closely with your primary care physician to provide seamless care. And every service is backed by UPMC’s world-class care, providing peace of mind when you need it most. To learn more about UPMC Mercy ob-gyn services or to schedule an appointment, call 1-800-533-UPMC (8762), or visit UPMCMercy.com.
Mt. Lebanon | Fall 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 49
Karen and Alby Oxenreiter and their children
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Continued on next page...
A day of golf on the pristine course of Chartiers Country Club on a perfect, summer day with friends should inspire most of us “to take pause about how lucky we are and what our purpose is.” This is how Alby Oxenreiter, WPXI-TV Sports Director and Sports Anchor, feels and is one of the reasons that he hosted the 6th Annual Alby Oxenreiter Golf Classic. The tournament benefited the Multiple Sclerosis Service Society (MSSS) Division of United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) Community Living and Support Services (CLASS). Mr. Oxenreiter’s goal is to raise money so that people living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) can receive “counseling, equipment and a maintenance exercise and support program for those affected by MS.” Approximately 125 golfers enjoyed a day of golf, gourmet meals and libations and a silent auction. Mr. Oxenr eiter also sits on the UCP/Class Advisory Board. A native Pittsburgher that attended Mt. Lebanon High School and Villanova University, he is glad that the funds that are raised from the Classic help local people with MS. His wife, Karen and their three children also attended the event. “The MSSS Division of UCP/CLASS is such a great organization,” said Mr. Oxenreiter. “MS is a terrible disease that affects people in the prime of their lives and is sometimes a forgotten charity. There are so many great charities out there, but it is wonderful to be able to champion this cause. The tournament is something that does so much good and knowing that all of the money that is raised stays in Pittsburgh and helps local people with MS gives me great satisfaction. My grandmother had MS and it is a charity that is close to my heart.” According to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, “approximately 400,000 Americans have MS, and every week about 200 people are diagnosed. MS is a chronic, unpredictable disease of the central nervous system (the brain, optic nerves, and spinal cord). It can cause blurred vision, loss of balance, poor coordination, slurred speech, tremors, numbness, extreme fatigue, problems with memory and concentration, paralysis, and blindness and more.” Although there is no cure for MS, there are many effective treatments that can make life better for an individual living with the disease. Since 1952, MSSS Division of UCP/CLASS has empowered thousands of people living with MS. An in-home exercise and support program, social work services, durable medical equipment, therapeutic social and recreational Mt. Lebanon | Fall 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 51
activities and community education are offered to over 1,500 clients. Susan Navish is the Director of the MMS Division of UCP/CLASS and has been the director for ten years. “When you do what you can to help people with MS, it makes all the hard things in your life a bit easier,” said Ms. Navish. “It is wonderful that people came out to golf today to support people that are living with MS.” The MSSS Division of UCP/CLASS offers people with MS an at-home program. “We offer what is a unique and wonderful program in the country,” said Ms. Navish. “It is a wellness exercise program for clients in their homes. It is hard for people with MS to leave their homes to go to the gym and they can’t use exercise equipment like you and I can. Our staff goes into the home and provides stretching, range of motion exercises and supervision so that people maintain their level of function safely and comfortably. Our staff also offers a huge amount of emotional support to them and their families during transition periods where their condition may change and get worse.” The non-profit organization receives no State or Federal funding and exists on fundraising events such as the Alby Oxenreiter Golf Classic, United Way and its Contributor Choice Option, Foundation grants and donations from the public. “Another challenge for the exercise program is because it is not a therapy program and is a maintenance program there is no insurance reimbursement,” continued Ms. Navish. “Although we receive no State funding, all of the cuts that the State has made affect our other divisions of UCP/CLASS and so we are going to have to make adjustments and changes for the whole organization. Cutting services for a person who needs help getting out of bed, to get dressed and to eat is devastating.” The Classic’s proceeds from 2012 is about 12% of the MS Service Society budget. “Part of being in television is that people know who you are,” said Mr. Oxenreiter. “If you can put that to good use, that is what it is all about. You can take your name and use your influence and put it to a good cause and be able to get sponsors and golfers. You can’t take anything in life until you do things for others.” To learn more about how you can help, please visit the UCP/CLASS website at www.ucpclass.org.
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b u s i n e s s
s p o t l i g h t
Nikia Burns, DMD, MS of McFarland & Burns Orthodontics
he first thought that comes to mind when the word “orthodontist” is uttered is typically braces. Braces are the most obvious service of an orthodontist, and Nikia Burns, DMD, MS, of McFarland and Burns would like people to know that orthodontists are medical specialists who work to provide patients with lifetime, optimal oral health in conjunction with their dentist. “There’s a common m isconception that braces are for creating an attractive smile and that’s only part of the treatment,” Burns said. “Alleviating and preventing physical health problems is the primary goal. Proper teeth and jaw alignment through orthodontics can help prevent tooth decay, gum disease, bone destruction, chewing and digestive difficulties, speech impairments, tooth loss and other dental injuries. Without treatment, misa lignment can contribute to abnormal wear of tooth surfaces, inefficient chewing function, excessive stress on gum tissue and the bone that supports the teeth, or misalignment of the jaw joints. These conditions can lead to chronic headaches and facial or neck pain. We can offer patients conventional braces, clear braces, adult orthodontic services, Invisalign, child interceptive treatment, TMJ correcti ve measures, surgical orthodontics and functional jaw orthopedics, just to name a few solutions. Our patients are children, teens and adults, and a lot of adults assume that orthodontic care is just for teens. It’s not. Currently, the American Association of Orthodontics cites that one in five patients is an adult and we find that number increasing.” The training necessary to practice as an orthodontist i s extensive. According to the American Association of Orthodontics, orthodontists are required to obtain a bachelor’s degree, graduate from an accredited dental school and successfully complete a minimum of two academic years of full-time, university-based study at an accredited orthodontic residency program. Only residency-certified orthodontists may be members of the American Association of Orthodontists, of which Dr. Burns is a member. She is a firm believer in continuing education, and attends frequent seminars and lectures to stay current in the field for her patients. "When a patient feels good about their smile, they feel more confident. I truly enjoy helping patients achieve good oral health and a beautiful smile,” Burns said. “This is a philosophy I practice daily and why I love orthodontics. For most people, a beautiful smile is the most obvious benefit of orthodontics. When you like the way your teeth look, you simply smile more often." Because of that dedication, Dr. Burns strives to provide patients with a clean, friendly, respectful treatment environment and fun, informative patient support methods. “I communicate consistently with my patients and their dentist,”
Burns said. “They come first, so we have an email account dedicated to answering questions or concerns our patients may have outside of their appointments. Patients are encouraged to ask questions and be an active participant in their care. We have a Facebook page that patients can join to remind them of homecare tips, dietary support, and information on orthodontics in an interactive manner. They enjoy following our brace fac es.” With offices in Mt. Lebanon and McMurray – both along Route 19 – McFarland and Burns Orthodontics is conveniently located to serve patients from all over the South Hills. They accept most insurances and offer reasonable, monthly payment plans, as well as accepting credit cards in order to help make treatment affordable. All initial consultations are free of charge. For more information, go to www.mcf arlandandburnsorthodontics.com, or call 412.563.2501 for the Mt. Lebanon office, or 724.941.2420 for the McMurray office.
Mt. Lebanon | Fall 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 53
n Saturday, June 9, 2012, the Mt. Lebanon library hosted the Pittsburgh Rose Society’s June Rose Exposition. At this all-day horticultural event, interested folks could attend one or two landscape design lectures. Table clinics were available in the afternoon where specific gardening topics were discussed and more questions addressed. The highlight of the day was the Rose Display Room, where over one hundred types of roses were brought in for show by local landscapers and gardeners. People delighted in the beauty of the different types of roses and enjoyed learning all that they could about the flowers – from what types are easiest to maintain to how to keep deer away from your garden. This event is one of several that lead up to the Mt. Lebanon Library’s Annual Garden Tour, which was held on July 8th.
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Photos by Melanie O. Paulick
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$1,100 ON SELECTED CARRIER SYSTEMS Sept. 1 to Nov. 15, 2012
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bout 10,400 children under the age of 15 were diagnosed with cancer in 2007. In 2004, an annual Lemonade Stand began to spread awareness and raise money for this childhood disease.“Lemonade Days” is now a threeday event founded by Alexandra Scott, a young girl who battled eight hard years of neuroblastoma, one of the major types of childhood cancer. After Alexandra’s fourth birthday, she decided to hold her first lemonade stand, raising money to help find a cure for other children battling cancer. Alex and her family continued to hold lemonade stands in her front yard from that point on. As the word began to spread, people across the nation decided to step in and hold their own lemonade stands as well, helping young Alex reach her goal. Unfortunately, Alex’s cancer got the best of her when she was eight years old in August 2004. Now, the lemonade stand tradition continues every June with thousands of participants and supporters across the county. “Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation” has raised over $1 million in just one weekend. This year, the 9th annual national “Lemonade Days” was set for June 8, 9, and 10. In Pittsburgh, a dedicated 4th grade student at Lincoln Elementary School decided to help Alex’s mission to make a difference for the 2012 event. Christina Mustian hosted her own lemonade stand in her front yard on Saturday, June 9. Christina’s mother, Anastasia, said they registered to participate as soon as they found out about the foundation.“We didn't know anything about the fundraiser prior to January,” Mustian said.“It all started when Toys R’ Us was holding a Lego Friends event. If you arrive at the event, each child gets a free Lego lemonade stand kit with all the mini figures that go with it. While we were there, they gave us flyers about Alex’s Lemonade Stand and how we could help 56 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE |
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Alex’s foundation by holding our own lemonade stand. So we immediately went online and registered.” Lemonade Days is set for the same weekend in June every year. Each participant is given the choice of any desired location to set up the stand.“We decided that our front yard was the best location for this event, not only because I can provide her with anything she might need during the sale, but also because Alex had her stands in her front yard as well,” Anastasia said. Christina and her dad worked hard together to build their own wooden lemonade stand and prepare for the big event.“Christina has always loved to do lemonade stands in the past,” Anastasia said.“She would just use an umbrella, a tiny stool, and a children’s table for the actual stand. So because this lemonade stand is more special, Christina and her dad decided to build a nice stand for the event.” At the lemonade stand, Christina sold fresh, cold lemonade, snacks, and wristbands. Christina’s excitement toward the lemonade stand shows her dedication in making a difference. Anastasia said that she believes this a great learning experience for her daughter in many different ways.“She wanted to sell the lemonade all by herself,” she said.“She was thrilled about doing this on her own and very well might want to continue doing this if all goes well.” All of the proceeds made at the lemonade stand go toward the foundation. Anastasia said that Christina’s fundraising goal was to reach at least $200. Fortunately, with the support of her neighborhood, friends and family, Christina closed up her stand with a successful $493 from the sales and online donations. Donations can also be made at Christina’s page on the Alex’s Lemonade Stand Web Site – www.alexslemonade.org/mypage/80171. Mt. Lebanon | Fall 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 57
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auren Hraber’s parents once told her that she needed to discover what it was that she loved to do. Then, she needed to find a way to get paid to do it. Although she began her college career studying math and psychology, Mrs. Hraber couldn’t escape from her true passion – music. She began playing the piano at a very early age and was always involved with the arts. No doubt she was influenced by her own mother, who was the head of the Music Department at Carnegie Mellon University for over ten years (and also a composer). After trying other areas of study, Lauren realized that she needed to return to the arts. She graduated from CMU with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Piano Performance in 1995. Mrs. Hraber relates that, at that point, there were basically two options for her: she could get into the field of Arts Management, or she could teach. She chose teaching. Lauren became an elementary vocal teacher and taught in the Pittsburgh area for a number of years. She realized that, although she enjoyed working with youth of all ages, she was particularly drawn to younger children. This interest piqued when she became pregnant with her first child. Lauren eagerly read all that she could about parenthood and early childhood development. In 2003, she earned a Masters degree in Special Education from the University of Pittsburgh. Mrs. Hraber continued to teach after having her daughter, but decided to stay home full-time after the birth of her son in 2004. When she decided that it was time for her children to begin piano lessons, she wasn’t totally satisfied with the choices available. Her own knowledge of music and her experience as a teacher and a parent led her to believe that, at that age, children are generally unable to sit still for a more formal, traditional-style piano lesson. Solidifying her own experience was her knowledge of Howard Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligences, which taught that there are many different types of learners. For example, some children (people) are kinesthetic learners, others aural, others visual; most often people are a combination of types. With all of this in mind, Lauren believed that, rather than have preschoolers delve right into formal piano lessons, it would be more beneficial for children to participate in a type of precursor class – an introduction to the piano and musical concepts that would include various learning methods. In 2005, Mrs. Hraber started her business, Piano Tots, at the suggestion of her mother. Her business grew in success and popularity (mostly through word of mouth). Lauren now holds classes at both the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh as well as the Unitarian Universalist Church on Washington Road in Mt. Lebanon. In Lauren’s class, musical concepts are introduced within a particular theme. For instance, on June 5, Lauren’s theme was the “Summer Olympics.” As usual, Pete the Beatkeeper (a metronome) began the class. Or, to be more precise, the children had to “wake up” Pete. When they did, they found that he was carrying the Olympic torch. With that, the class delved into the theme Continued on the next page
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Founded in 1966, Interim HealthCare is one of the nation’s leading providers of skilled and unskilled home health care services. We have earned our reputation as a recognized leader in home care with the highest quality professionals delivering family centered care enabling individuals to remain in the comfort and safety of their own home. We accept long term care insurance, Pennsylvania Waivers, private insurance and private pay. Interim is available by phone 24/7 to answer any questions you may have about private duty home care services tailored to your specific needs. Call for your free phone consultation or no obligation in-home assessment.
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of tempo. In keeping with the Olympic spirit, the kids sang a song that incorporated the word “hello” in several different languages. After that, the children moved to their own keyboards and practiced holding their fingers together properly, locating and playing each group of black keys. Finally, Lauren ended the class with another tempo/rhythm game. The children sat in a circle and passed the “beat” – practicing first with a beanbag, then using wooden sticks, then their own hands. To end the class, the children passed the “torch” (a flashlight) while continuing to match the rhythm on the big floor keyboard. Rather than try to sit still on a bench at a regular piano, Mrs. Hraber gives each child a keyboard (the cost of which is included in the registration fee). The children sit comfortably on the floor when they learn about the keys, and the keyboards are easily taken home for practice. They are also able to be shared between siblings. Lauren takes a relaxed approach to class participation. Her whole philosophy is that introducing music should not be negative or forceful; rather, it should be positive and engaging. The entire point of the class, she reflects, “is to have fun [with music].” She reflects that most children are very enthusiastic about the class, although there are differences in personality. For instance, some children are “observers” – they are not comfortable interacting or participating in all of the activities right away. Lauren recognizes this, and does not push the child. Eventually, as the child gets more comfortable, he or she will gradually participate in more and more of the activity. She notes that, at this age, “all kids are individuals… and it’s always a really happy environment [with them].” Mrs. Hraber believes that, although it is never too late to begin taking piano lessons, the preschool age is ideal to introduce music and music concepts because that particular age group is so enthusiastic. “You can grab it at the peak of that interest level… you can really get somebody at the right time.” Furthermore, research has shown that music positively impacts the human brain. Mrs. Hraber’s class sounds like a winning combination. Interested in getting your preschooler engaged with music? For more information on class schedules, or to inquire about a free trial class, contact Lauren Hraber at 412.654.9677, or visit www.pianotots.com.
business spotlight
McMurray Dental Practice a Staple of the Community for More Than 30 Years D
r. Jay Feuer Family Dentistry is an established dental practice in McMurray. For over thirty years Dr. Jay’s office has been a landmark and a semi-annual stop for thousands of families living in the Peters Township and South Hills region. Patients new and familiar are treated by an attentive team of longterm employees in an office that is modern, efficient and at the same time, relaxed. Short waiting time for appointments has always been the standard for Dr. Jay’s patients, and as a family dentist, he likes to schedule plenty of time for both comprehensive care and pleasantries. He has treated multiple generations of many families and has cultivated a close-knit office staff that interacts warmly with patients and with each other. Some of Dr. Jay’s staff even join him for the community bingo he runs every Tuesday night.
for dentistry and teamwork - a foundation that has led to a successful practice that continues to grow and serve the community. In his spare time, Dr. Jay grows an extensive herb and vegetable garden; woodworking and furniture making take over in the winter months. Dr. Adam enjoys photography and maintains various corals and fish in a saltwater aquarium that he custom built recently. Dr. Jay is proud to welcome his son to his team of expert health care professionals, and the entire team is always eager to meet new patients and reconnect with existing patients. Stop by the office or visit the practice website at www.drfeuer.com to learn more about Dr. Jay Feuer Family Dentistry and schedule your next dental appointment.
In addition to the benefits of personalized care, patients choose Dr. Jay Feuer Family Dentistry for the advantages of its modern facility. Four comfortable, well-equipped patient rooms and the spacious front office are wirelessly connected, with immediate access to electronic medical records. Patient information is secure and up-to-date while being accessible to key staff members by password protected software. This makes the review of important patient history possible, with seamless integration of the digital radiography system. The digital X-rays offer significantly lower exposure to radiation than traditional film and provide instant results that are shared with patients on large, easy-to-view chairside monitors. While the practice has been ahead of the technology curve for many years, more renovations to the office continue with the addition of Dr. Jay’s son, Dr. Adam Feuer. Dr. Adam is a recent graduate of the University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine and is trained in the latest advances in comprehensive oral care. Most established patients already know Dr. Adam for his winning smile and long-term involvement in the practice’s technology and business office. Returning patients will immediately recognize the newly renovated office, with coffee and tea provided daily in the waiting area. Dr. Adam also happens to be right-handed, while Dr. Jay is left-handed, necessitating some equipment updates that might have otherwise been optional! Drs. Adam and Jay Feuer share a gentle approach to dentistry and take pride in educating their patients, granting them the opportunity to choose the best treatment for their personal (and financial) health. They believe in their patients’ ability to make sound decisions when given their complete assessment and treatment options, whether they seek preventative or cosmetic care. They share an evident enthusiasm Mt. Lebanon | Fall 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 61
Mt. Lebanon Public Library 16 Castle Shannon Blvd. • Pittsburgh, PA 15228 • 412.531.1912 • www.mtlebanonlibrary.org Monday – Thursday: 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. / Friday – Saturday: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. / Sunday: 1 – 5 p.m. (Jan - May)
Better Choices, Better Health: SelfManagement of Chronic Diseases 9:45 a.m., Fridays, Oct 5, 12, 19, 29, Nov 2 & 9 The focus of this series is Stanford University's program, Self-Management of Chronic Diseases. This approach is now used worldwide. Attendance for this course is limited and participants must pre-register. Participants must attend at least four of the six sessions with the first meeting being mandatory. Graduates of this series receive a relaxation CD and a textbook. Contact Marcy Byers 412571-5220 or mbyers@asburyheights.org to register or for more information. Read with a Child During Your Lunch Break! 7 p.m., Wednesday, Sept 5 Receive information about the Everybody Wins! program. Reading is FUNdamental (RIF) Pittsburgh is seeking volunteers to read with children through the Everybody Wins! lunchtime literacy and mentoring program. By bringing volunteer reading mentors into the schools for weekly one-on-one reading experiences, Everybody Wins! increases a child’s opportunity for success, both academically and in life. Mysteries of the Art World 1 p.m., Tuesday, Sept 11 Art mysteries come in many forms. With the popularity of Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code, questions arise about what lies above and below the surface of the world’s great art. Take a look at some of the art world’s recent discoveries and conundrums and discuss why art tempts thieves and looters as well as connoisseurs. Presented by Beth Braughler of the Frick Art & Historical Center.
An Evening with David Shribman 7 p.m., Tuesday, Sept 11 Join us to hear Pittsburgh Post-Gazette executive editor David Shribman’s unique and thoughtful perspectives on elections, politics, and the race for the presidency. The program will conclude with a Q & A “editor's forum.” PA Voter ID: Public Education & Forum 7 p.m., Thursday, Sept 13 This ACLU voter education program will present the description of the new PA Voter ID law, and will let participants know what they will need for identification in order to comply with the mandatory requirements of the law. Clutter No More 7 p.m., Tuesday, Sept 25 Learn how to get motivated, get started, and tackle the everyday and accumulated clutter around your home and home office. We will discuss smart storage for small spaces, and how to attack the large, overwhelming spaces such as attics, garages, and basements. Presented by Jill Yesko of Discovering Organizing, Inc. Mt. Lebanon Football: A Tradition of Excellence 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Sept 26 Art Walker, former Mt. Lebanon High School coach, and Jeff Linkowski, who authored a book of the history of Mt. Lebanon Football, will pay tribute to the Blue Devils' players and coaches and their many titles and championships.
Parenting Solutions 7 p.m., Thursday, Oct 11 Kathleen A. Walton will share solutions to many very specific parenting problems that she has found successful in nearly forty years of parent education with children from birth through age eleven. The goal is to help parents raise responsible, caring self-reliant and cooperative children. Among the specific problems to be addressed will be temper tantrums, homework, chores, toilet training,
bedtime routines, morning routines, sibling rivalry, and other problems that attendees request to be addressed. Books & Bubbly Soiree 6 p.m., Saturday, Oct 13 Enjoy a fabulous evening to benefit our library! International food, champagne and other beverages, and lively company. Tickets are $25 pre-paid or $30 at the door from 6-8:30 pm. Rich Zahren Photography Talk 2 p.m., Sunday, Oct 14 Nature photography program presented by Mt. Lebanon Nature Conservancy Book Cellar Holiday Shop 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Saturday, Nov 17 & 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m., Sunday, Nov 18 The store's entire inventory of holiday books and decorative items will be available for purchase. We've set up a special holiday shop in Room A in addition to the regular store offerings.
WEEKLY & MONTHLY ACTIVITIES: South Hills Community Flute Choir 7 p.m., Thursdays All flutists from the South Hills area are welcome to join the South Hills Community Flute Choir. Flute players of all levels, ages, and abilities are invited to practice with the group. South Hills Scrabble Club 1 p.m., Saturdays South Hills Scrabble Club welcomes adults and kids ages 10 and up for an afternoon of friendly competition! Reader’s Theater 12:30 p.m., Mondays This group rehearses pieces and then performs for senior living facilities in the South Hills.
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On July 6, 2012, Mt. Lebanon Public Library celebrated the 100th birthday of Book Cellar volunteer, Bernie Queneau, with a surprise party. His exemplary life and continued volunteerism were recognized by Governor Tom Corbett, State Senator John Pippy, State Representative Matt Smith as well as the Mt. Lebanon Commissioners.
Library Director Cynthia Richey and Bernie Queneau read Gov. Corbett's birthday letter.
Mt. Lebanon Writer’s Group 7 p.m., Tuesdays, Sept 11, Oct 9 & Nov 13 Join other writers in sharing and editing work for personal use or for publication. International Women’s Conversation Circles 10 a.m., Wednesdays, Sept 12, Oct 10 & Nov 14 Have you recently moved to Mt. Lebanon from another country? Please join us for tea, refreshments, and conversation. Learn about your community while you make new friends! New women residents are welcome to practice their English while they learn about local activities and services available for themselves and their children. All women are welcome to meet their new neighbors from around the world, share information about our community, and learn more about the diverse cultures that enrich Mt. Lebanon. Folksong Sharing 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays, Sept 19, Oct 17 & Nov 28 We are an informal group of lovers of folk songs. Craftastic DIY for Teens & Adults 7 p.m., Wednesdays, Sept 19 & Oct 17 Join us for nouveau or nostalgic crafts for middle & high school students and adults. This year we are focusing on the Victorian crazy
quilt and the various techniques used–silk ribbon & other types of embroidery, lattice work smocking, patchwork with vintage cottons, velvet & silk, etc. Save your scraps or use ours!
SENIOR SPECIALS: Mt. Lebanon Conversation Salon 10 a.m., Tuesdays, Sept 4, Oct 2 & Nov 6 Join friends and neighbors in talking about current events and issues touching all our lives. Creative Connections 2 p.m., Wednesdays, Sept 5, Oct 3 & Nov 7 Join us on the 1st Wednesday of the month for Creative Connections, programs especially suited for adults ages 50 and over. In Sept: George Westinghouse, The Forgotten Genius. Ed Reis from the Senator John Heinz History Center will make this autobiographical presentation. Mt. Lebanon Genealogy Society 1 p.m., Mondays, Sept 17, Oct 15 & Nov 12 Join others in discussing family history as well as picking up tips on research.
JUST FOR KIDS: Tail Wagging Tutors 7 p.m., Thursdays, Sept 6, Oct 4 & Nov 1 Children can read aloud to a furry friend!
www.eventkeeper.com/code/events.cfm?curOrg=MTLEB Be advised that non-library events are also included on the calendar. Some are simply organization meetings, but others may be of interest to the community. These are just some of the many events and programs that the Mt. Lebanon Public Library offers.
Dog listeners are trained by Therapy Dogs International. Registration required. Chess Club 6:30 p.m., Tuesdays, Sept 4, 18, Oct 2, 16, Nov 6 & 20 Chess fun for kids in kindergarten grade 7. Fright Night 6:30 p.m., Friday, Oct 26 Join us for our annual Fright Night, a celebration of all things spooky and slightly spooky. Costume optional, but highly recommended to increase the fun factor. Snacks and fun seasonal activities throughout the library. Thrills and chills for the entire family. Please check at the children’s library for an updated list of fall storytimes, book discussion groups, and other fun programs!
MONTHLY BOOK CLUBS AND FOREIGN LANGUAGE GROUPS: At Mt. Lebanon Public Library, we have a wide array of monthly book groups for all ages and interests. Visit Book Discussion Groups at www.mtlebanonlibrary.org to find one that suits you. Once you have, just come to the library to pick up your copy of the book, read it, and then come to meeting at the library to discuss. We also offer language groups in six foreign languages. Welcome!!
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By Joann Naser
anielle Casiere, 18, of Mt. Lebanon placed 18th in the allaround competition at the Women’s Junior Olympic Level Nine Eastern Gymnastics Championships held May 4 through 6 in Landover, Maryland. Ms. Casiere competed in her division among the 16 age categories at the Prince George’s Sports and Learning Complex. She performed on the vault, balance beam, floor exercises and uneven parallel bars. This USA gymnastics competition leads some of the champions on to make the United States National Team and represent the United States at international competition such as the Olympics as well as compete in collegiate gymnastics. To make it to nationals, Ms. Casiere had to place in the top six at regionals, which was held in Virginia Beach, Virginia, on April 1315. She came in second in the all-around category. The regional competition includes elite gymnasts from West Virginia, Virginia, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania. This was her first time at nationals, explained her coach, Karen Clark, who is an owner at Gym Dandy’s, Meadowlands, where Ms. Casiere trains. “I’ve coached Danielle since she was five years old,” said Ms. Clark. “There were 17 on the team then and only 2 are graduating from the program. That is very uncommon.” “She is a quiet, diligent worker,” stated Ms. Clark. “She does not want the attention, which is unusual for a gymnast.” Plagued with several injuries such as knee and foot problems and abdominal muscle strains, Ms. Casiere missed months of competing last year. “But she came back strong,” said Ms. Clark. “She realized what she had to do to make it to nationals. We are very pleased with her performance.”
A daughter of Ann and Danny Casiere, Ms. Casiere was “excited” to go to nationals. “I worked hard on the repetitions and tried to stay calm,” she said. “The coaches told me what I was doing wrong and helped me out a lot.” Stating she was not so much a fan of the floor exercises, nevertheless, “I like being able to flip around and that I can do this kind of stuff.” Seventh grade was a tough year for Ms. Casiere, who did not like to complete homework at the gym, and she almost quit gymnastics. “It was not going well,” she explained. “I had gotten mono and broke my hand. I stopped tumbling for a while but I got better and started tumbling again. My parents, teammates and coaches helped me through that time.” Planning to attend Kent State University this year, Ms. Casiere wanted to attend a Division I school. She plans to take gymnastics at a club sport “but I’ll see what happens.” She would like to study interior design at Kent State. “I like having options there,” she concluded.
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he 2012 Mt. Lebanon Relay for Life was held Saturday and Sunday June 9 and 10 at the Mt. Lebanon High School Stadium to benefit the American Cancer Society. The event serves not only as a charitable fundraiser, but also to raise awareness about those battling cancer, those who were lost to cancer, and the survivors and caregivers who form the support network for those with the disease. In all, more than 1,000 people participated in the event with 78 teams and more than $144,000 was raised. The two-day event opened with Boy Scout Troop 28 presenting the flag, and included a myriad of events throughout the remainder of the fundraiser. Several bands performed throughout the weekend. Participants were visited by mascots like the Pirates Parrot, Mt. Lebanon’s Fire Dog and the Kennywood trolley. After the Luminaria service, movies were shown into the wee hours of the night, and Sunday’s sunrise was met with morning yoga and prayer services. For more information about Relay for Life events, or to find out more about the cause so that you’re prepared to participate next year, go to www.relayforlife.org. Mt. Lebanon | Fall 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 67
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Saturday, August 25, 2012 at 2 p.m. Frank’s Bar 2317 New England Road, West Mifflin, PA Come out and help support Cali-Lilly Animal Rescue. Get a chance to see available fosters and participate in the 50/50 raffle! Bring donations of dog/cat supplies such as food, carriers, toys, litter, and treats.
Wednesday, September 12th at 12 noon at the Chabad of the South Hills, 1701 McFarland Rd., Mt. Lebanon. Please join us for a delicious lunch including apples and honey, and honey cake. High holiday music and entertainment. Suggested donation $5. Wheelchair accessible. RSVP to barb@chabadsh.com or call 412.278.2658.
The Harmony Singers of Pittsburgh, a South Hills choral group, will launch its 2012-2013 season at 7:30 p.m., September 4, with an ice cream social for members and prospective members. The event will take place at the Brightwood Christian Church, 5044 West Library Road, Bethel Park. Weekly rehearsals are held at the church during the concert year. The Harmony Singers perform a wide variety of music – Broadway show tunes, swing, blues, rock ‘n’ roll and comedy. The group is available to perform for civic, social, church, or business organizations. The Harmony Singers are selling Macy’s “Shop for the Cause” discount tickets. Adults 18 years and older are welcome to join the Harmony Singers. All voices are needed. Performance experience and the ability to read music are preferred but not required. For information about the group or to reserve them for an event, call Bernie Komoroski at 412.381.7175 or visit www.harmonysingers.org.
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On October 25, 2012 the Little Sisters will continue their celebration of 140 years of caring for the elderly poor in Pittsburgh by serving up “A Heavenly Feast” Celebrity Chef Tasting. Eight priests from the Diocese of Pittsburgh, who are celebrity chefs in their own right, will dazzle our guests with their culinary wizardry. The evening, hosted by Honorary Chair Bishop David Zubik, will take place at the newly renovated Cardinals’ Great Hall at the St. Paul Seminary. The evening will include an offering of wines from Cana and homemade Limoncello, special recipes from our “chef’s’” own collections, a unique assortment of Live Auction Items, and the presentation of the St. Jeanne Jugan Medal to the Sisters’ longtime board chair and friend James F. Will. John Barsotti, owner of The Common Plea, will lend his expertise from over 30 years as a restaurateur in Pittsburgh and provide support to our “celebrity chefs” as they offer their splendors to over 300 guests. This event will serve as the major fundraiser for the Little Sisters of the Poor as they pursue their mission of promoting the dignity of life for so many elderly poor in our region who otherwise would not know such security and love in their final years. With the generous support of our friends and benefactors, the Little Sisters of the Poor will continue their legacy of maintaining one of the top 39 nursing homes in the nation, according to U.S. News and World Report. Tickets are $150/person. For more information, please contact Kathleen Bowser at 412.307.1268 or adevpittsburgh@littlesistersofthepoor.org.
iblical names, Hebrew names, abound across Pennsylvania from Bethlehem to Bethel Park. “Beth,” meaning “house,” is how the Hebrew word bet was anglicized. “Lehem” is the Anglicization of the Hebrew word for “bread,” lechem. So Bethlehem means “House of Bread.” I’ve eaten bread in the original Bethlehem. It is exceptional, deserving of a city named after it. As for Bethel, “El” is God’s elemental Hebrew name. There are other Hebrew names for God; El is God’s simplest name among them. Thus the Hebrew Bet El means “House of God.” Mt. Lebanon’s name also has roots that go back to the Bible literally as well as figuratively. King Solomon built the first Temple in Jerusalem with cedars of Lebanon. Song of Songs describes how Solomon fashioned a bed from cedar of Lebanon fit for a king. The species was unique to the mountains of the Middle East’s Mediterranean coastline. The whiteness of the wood gave rise to its name; “white” in Hebrew is lavan. Because of the color and exquisite fragrance, cedar of Lebanon was a favorite poetic metaphor for writers of the Bible. Cedar of Lebanon symbolized enduring uprightness, moral and spiritual strength. Psalms 92 sings, “The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree, grow tall like the cedar of Lebanon.” Cedar was also an essential ingredient in certain priestly rituals of the Torah. Altogether the Bible mentions cedar of Lebanon seventy-five times across eighteen different books. No doubt Reverend Joseph Clokey knew these biblical roots when he brought two cedars of Lebanon home from his visit to the Middle East circa 1850. He planted the trees on his Bower Hill Road property, near Washington Road. Mt. Lebanon then took its name from these two cedars of Lebanon. You can appreciate why I am eager to see cedars of Lebanon arise on Temple Emanuel’s grounds, a mile or so down Bower Hill Road from where Reverend Clokey’s cedars of Lebanon once stood. Eagerness is one thing, expertise is another. I’ve learned that our climate is inhospitable to this particular species which thrives at elevations much higher than the South Hills, with different mean temperatures and rainfall. Temple Emanuel’s master gardener is researching how we might plant and nurture cedars of Lebanon. As I write at summer’s start, we are hoping to plant cedars of Lebanon come autumn. They grow slowly, but they can reach heights upwards of one-hundred twenty feet, teaching us that patience and perseverance are requisites for greatness. Jewish tradition calls Torah our “Tree of Life.” Our roots emerge from deep in Torah, the trunk reaching heavenward, the branches yielding fruit to sweeten and sanctify our lives, with seeds to ensure our future. The Psalmist described cedar of Lebanon as God’s trees, “God’s own planting.” They are a perfect botanical symbol of our Tree of Life. Surely God planted other such trees across the world, the Koran and the Bhagavad Gita among them. Whatever God’s tree we cling to, may it thrive here in Mt. Lebanon.
Flock Leaders
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business spotlight
or more than 18 years, Paul Pekney has been keeping the lights on in Western Pennsylvania as a registered, licensed, and insured electrician. His company, Price Light Electric, is a full service electrical contracting company confident in tackling any electrical problem, and no job is too small. “Many people see a how-to article or show, and they think that doing their own electrical work is as easy as what they have seen on TV,” Paul said. “But the reality is, electricity is dangerous and shouldn’t be something you do as a weekend project. A lot of municipalities in the area also require that you obtain the proper permits and inspections on electrical work for safety so it really is best to leave these projects up to the professionals.” Price Light is a commercial and residential contractor. Your business wiring and lighting will be designed for functionality, energy efficiency, and aesthetics. “If you can imagine it, we can find a way to do it for our clients,” Paul said. And what of those who need assistance with the imagining? Price Light is experienced in interior and exterior lighting design, showcasing your rooms and/or home with style and elegance. From upgrading outlets to rewiring a whole house full of knoband-tube or aluminum wiring, Price Light can not only keep your home well lit and functioning, they can also give you back peace of mind in knowing that what is behind your walls is safe and done right. “Western Pennsylvania is unique in that we are always working on new construction, but there are also many homes here that are 100 years old or older,” Paul said. “In those old homes, you can find exposed knob-and-tube wiring or knob-and-tube wiring with missing or disintegrated insulation. This is a serious safety hazard. Also, if you are buying or selling a home, the home inspector will certainly uncover this condition, and chances are you are going to have to address it.”
Regardless of your electrical needs, there is no reason not to call Price Light—estimates are free. There is no obligation, and you are getting a veteran electrician who is going to get the job done right at a price you can afford. Paul is proud that most of Price Light’s work comes from referrals. “We are full-service, licensed and insured for work in the City of Pittsburgh and the state of Pennsylvania,” Paul said. “Residential, commercial, you name it and we do it right the first time.”
We repair, replace, or service anything with wires: • Service panel upgrades • Knob-and-tube wiring upgrades • Interior and exterior residential lighting design • Old and new construction • Total rewires • Computer and telephone network cabling and testing • Fiber optic cabling and testing • Low voltage wiring • Control wiring • Fire alarm system installation and repair • Consulting For more information about Price Light Electric or to request a free estimate for your job, call Paul at 412.977.2236 or email him at PriceLight@verizon.net.
PRICELIGHTELECTRIC.COM Mt. Lebanon | Fall 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 75
At Beinhauer Family Services,
Family Too
Pets Are
veryone knows that Beinhauer Family Services is a regional leader in providing compassionate, quality funeral services in the South Hills. But did you know that they also offer funeral arrangements for your four-legged family members as well? Beinhauer’s Peaceful Pastures Pet Cemetery not only offers families a beautiful setting for their pets’ final resting place, it also provides an opportunity for pet lovers to be buried next to their pets, through their cemetery, Woodruff Memorial Park. “For six generations, people have known Beinhauer’s as the leading name in funeral services, but our dedication to pets is something that people aren’t as familiar with,” said Rick Beinhauer, the company’s leader and a fifth generation family member. “Our pets are family, and they should be treated just as any other member of a loving family.” The Beinhauer dedication to pets goes beyond pet funeral services, memorials and burials, however. The family is so pet-loving, that they offer free burials and services to all service animals at Peaceful Pastures. Beinhauer said they do this because it’s simply the right thing to do. “These are police dogs and seeing-eye dogs who have put in a lifetime of service so that the lives of others can be enriched, so we are happy and proud to recognize that,” he said. The Beinhauer family serves five communities in the South Hills— Peters Township, Bethel Park, Bridgeville, Dormont/Mt. Lebanon, and Canonsburg. Their locations are family-friendly, providing children’s rooms, cafés where food and beverages can be served, and a community room where dinners and luncheons can be scheduled. In the business since 1860, Beinhauer’s can personalize services for
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their clients in a way that other funeral homes can’t. No other funeral company can provide the options they can in-house as they own funeral homes, cemeteries and the nation’s second oldest crematory. “We’re in the business of helping families create an event or service that is an extension of their loved one’s life— something that provides a meaningful experience for the family and the community,” said Scott Beinhauer. Some of those personal touches include an interactive website, personalized DVD videos, and webcasting of funerals, which, through the use of a password protected website, can give those with physical considerations or travel limitations the ability to attend a loved one’s funeral service over the Internet. People also can create photo collages that chronicle their loved one’s life, or bring in personal items that represent one’s hobbies or lifestyles. “You have the year of birth and the year of death, and then you have the dash in the middle. We focus on the dash—everything in the middle that that person has done for their family and community. We help the family celebrate and honor the life that was lived,” said Scott Beinhauer. The Beinhauer family also manages Woodruff Memorial Park Cemetery, located on Route 19 in North Strabane Township. The newly constructed Community Mausoleum offers magnificent crypt entombment as well as extensive cremation niches, including bronze and beveled glass and a beautiful indoor chapel. For more information on Beinhauer Family Funeral Homes and their cemetery and pet options, call 724.969.0200 or visit them at www.beinhauer.com. If you are looking specifically for their pet options, go to www.peacefulpasturespetcemetery.
ou’ve done the research into the safest car seats, set up the nursery, and read What to Expect When You’re Expecting cover to cover. Now the baby’s here and frankly, it’s nothing like what you expected. Perhaps you have more questions than your mother could possibly answer. Or maybe you just find yourself missing some adult conversation. Maybe you’ve been at this parenting thing for a couple of years and would Children of Mothers & More members enjoy like your child to meet some playmates. All of a bedtime snack after these are very good reasons to attend a a pool party at the meeting of the South Hills Chapter of Mothers Community and Recreation Center & More. Mothers & More is a national organization made up of local chapters. At both a national and local level, the organization’s goal is to create a place for mothers to feel a part of a larger community of women who are experiencing the challenges that all mothers face, not only in raising children but also in fulfilling their sense of self and selfworth. This begins with a sense of belonging, a space where women feel safe among friends, where they are able to utilize their gifts and celebrate their uniqueness; where they can truly be themselves. Mothers & More is open to all mothers, regardless of the age of their children, employment status, or neighborhood. The South Hills Chapter is comprised of mothers from around the South Hills and beyond. Each month, there are plenty of activities to engage mothers by themselves, with their children, or with their entire family. A moms-only meeting is held each month to discuss topics as broad as how to deal with picky eaters, how to take a great picture, or how to best plan for retirement. Infants up to 4 months of age are welcome to attend those meetings. In addition to the meetings, nights out, nights in, and a book club are other fun activities for mothers each month. Looking for opportunities for your child to meet and engage with other children? Playgroups and outings are planned several times each month that are appropriate for all ages of children. From apple picking, to bowling, to play dates at local parks, there is truly something for every child. Dads aren’t left out either—couple’s nights and family parties are also planned several times a year. Mothers & More isn’t just about having fun and supporting other members of the chapter. The South Hills Chapter is particularly active in philanthropic efforts, especially those that help women and children. Each May, the chapter holds a “Power of a Purse” campaign in which members collect new or gently used handbags, toiletries, and clothing to benefit a local women’s shelter. Organizations that have benefitted from the chapter’s charitable efforts include South Hills Urban Ministry, Womanplace, Project STAR, the Genesis Center of Washington, and the Women’s Center & Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh. Being part of a larger national organization certainly provides
benefits that local chapter members enjoy. Recently, Mothers & More began programming around the theme of “Mothers Work,” a series of programming, tools and resources to support members who are thinking about returning to paid work, currently working, want to volunteer, or want to make a change in how they work. This programming includes webinars, conferences, online discussions and virtual coaching, all provided at low or no cost to members. If you are interested in finding out more about what Mothers & More has to offer, please join us at our Annual Open House at 7:15 p.m. on Monday, October 1st at the Unitarian Universalist Church of the South Hills at 1240 Washington Road in Mt. Lebanon. There will be food, games, door prizes, and time to chat with current and Members prospective members. In addition, there will of Mothers & be a collection of much-needed baby items for More participate in an ice breaker SHIM. Please join us to learn more about this at their Annual worthwhile group in a fun, relaxed atmosphere. Open House Can’t join us that night? Please visit our webpage at http://mothersandmorepgh.wordpress.com/ or contact us by phone at 412.774.2138.
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Funding Your Child’s College Education A
college education is a gift that most parents would love to give their children. But with higher education becoming pricier each year, it’s important to use time to your advantage by starting to save early. College education expenses grew an average of 5.6 percent a year beyond general inflation from the 2010-2011 academic year to the 20112012 academic year, according to the College Board. If costs c ontinue to rise at that pace, the College Board estimates that today’s high school students could expect to pay close to $100,000 to attend a public, in-state university for four years… and more than twice that for a private institution. Many families don’t believe they can save enough to pay the continually rising college costs, especially given other important shortand long-term goals in their financi al plan. The sooner you begin saving for your child’s education, the better: A head start will give your investment more time to grow, as well as more time to ride the market’s ups and downs. Many students do receive financial aid; for the 2001-2012 academic year, more than $178 billion in financial aid was awarded to undergraduate students, according to the College Board. Still, most coll eges expect parents and students to contribute their share. In addition, typical financial aid packages also rely on loans. Thankfully, the federal and state governments have made saving for college easier with tax-favored education funding options. But how do you decide which vehicle is right for you?
To determine how to best save for your child’s college education, you may wa nt to start by comparing the following popular investment alternatives: Section 529 Plans are higher education saving and pre-paid tuition plans established under Section 529(b) of the Internal Revenue Code as “qualified tuition programs.” There are two types: the 529 college savings plan and the 529 prepaid tuition plan. The 529 college savings plan is an investment program that allows you or other family members and friends to invest in an account designated for qualified higher education expenses. Contributions may be used at any eligible U.S. higher-education institution, as well as some abroad. With a 529 prepaid tuition plan, you essentially buy all or part of a public in-state education at present-day prices. The program will then pay for future college tuition at any of your state’s eli gible colleges or universities (or a payment to private and out-of-state institutions). Most 529 prepaid tuition plans have residency requirements and are sponsored by state governments, which then guarantee the investments. The Coverdell Education Savings Account (ESA) is a trust or custodial account that provides you with a tax-advantaged method to save up to $2,000 p er year for your child's education. Included is elementary and secondary education as well as post-secondary education, such as college, graduate school or vocational school. An ESA may be established for the benefit of any child under age 18, with contributions beginning any time after birth and continuing until the 18th birthday. Contributions will only be accepted after the 18th birthday if your chil d is a special needs beneficiary as defined by federal tax law. You can establish an account for your child under the Uniform Gift to Minors Act (UGMA) or the Uniform Transfer to Minors Act (UTMA), depending on which law applies in your state. The UGMA/UTMA account allows you to make gifts to your child without setting up a trust. The contributions made to an account of thi s type are considered irrevocable gifts to the minor in whose name the account is registered. Diversification and asset allocation do not assure a profit or protect against loss. Foreign investments involve greater risks than U.S. investments, including political and economic risks and the risk of currency fluctuations. Bonds are subject to interest rate risk and may decline in value due to an increase in interest rates. The S&P 500® Index tracks the common stock performance of 500 large U.S. companies.
This Industry Insight was written by Joy Capozzi, CPCU®, ChFC®, CLU®, Agent for State Farm Insurance. Joy has more than 25 years of industry experience in both insurance and financial services with State Farm. Her State Farm Agency is located in the Kuhn’s Plaza located on Banksville Road and serves the Mt. Lebanon, Dormont, Green Tree and surrounding Pittsburgh communities. Both she and her team are committed to continuously meet their clients’ everchanging insurance and financial needs with hometown values and unparalleled service!!! For more information contact Joy directly at 412.344.3014 or joy@joyofinsurance.com.
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s p o t l i g h t
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he current economic and market environment has prompted many Americans to rethink their retirement strategies. If you are experiencing a job transition or a planned retirement, here are some important issues to consider. First of all, your employer-sponsored retirement plan is likely to be a key component of your retirement strategy. Because it represents a key source of future retirement income, it is important to carefully consider your alternatives for administering these assets. During a job transition, you will usually have three options: take a lump-sum distribution, leave your assets in the employer-sponsored plan or move your assets into a Rollover IRA. Taking a direct, lump-sum distribution—With this option, the assets in your retirement plan are distributed directly to you in a lump sum, which provides you with immediate access to your funds. Depending on your short-term needs, that may appear to be an attractive alternative. However, a distribution will likely result in substantial federal and state income taxes and, if you are under age 59 ½, a 10% IRS penalty tax, which can significantly reduce the amount of the distribution. Because you will be receiving the distribution directly, the plan administrator must withhold up to 20% of the value of the distribution for federal income tax purposes. Moreover, you will lose the benefit of the tax-deferred status of these assets, which could reduce the amount ultimately available to you at retirement.
The status quo option—You can decide to do nothing, leaving your assets in your former employer’s plan. That will protect the taxdeferred status of your assets and allow you to transfer the account assets at a later time to a new employer’s retirement plan that accepts rollovers. But you may be limiting your investment choices and control because employer plans typically have a restricted investment menu and require the consent of your spouse before you can name someone else as a beneficiary. Establishing a Rollover IRA—A Rollover IRA simultaneously addresses the issues of taxation, flexibility and control, and may hold significant benefits for you as a result: • If your distribution is transferred directly to a custodian, rather than to you, the Rollover IRA eliminates the withholding requirement and penalties that may result from a lump-sum distribution. • The entire rollover amount can be invested immediately, according to the strategy you specify. • Your assets and any earnings continue to have the potential to grow tax-deferred until you retire and begin taking withdrawals. • You may gain access to a wider range of investment options and more retirement planning and distribution flexibility. • You can name any beneficiary, including a trust, without needing the consent of your spouse (although special rules may apply in community property states). If you are planning to retire or are in the middle of a job transition, consider making a call to your financial advisor.
This Industry Insight was submitted by Michael J. Rutkowski, First Vice President, Financial Advisor, Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, South Hills Branch, 412.854.8466, www.fa.smithbarney.com/rutkowski/. Mr. Rutkowski has more than two decades of experience in the financial services industry serving both individuals and companies. His goal is to provide the highest level of service and experience to enable his clients to meet their wealth management an d financial goals. He is a graduate of Carnegie Mellon University and is licensed with a FINRA Series 7, General Securities Representative; FINRA Series 63, Uniform State Exam; and Pennsylvania Life, Accident, Health, Variable Annuities & Long Term Care Insurance license.
Michael J. Rutkowski is a Financial Advisor with the Global Wealth Management Division of Morgan Stanley Smith Barney in the Upper St. Clair branch. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC is not implying an affiliation, sponsorship, endorsement with/of the third parties referenced in this article or that any monitoring is being done by Morgan Stanley Smith Barney of any information contained within the web site. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney is not responsible for the information contained on the third party web site or your use of or inability to use such site. Nor do we guarantee their accuracy and completeness. The views expressed herein are those of the Financial Advisor and may not necessarily reflect the views of Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, Member SIPC, or its affiliates.
Tax laws are complex and subject to change. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, its affiliates and Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Financial Advisors do not provide tax or legal advice. This material was not intended or written to be used for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer. Individuals are urged to consult their personal tax or legal advisors to understand the tax and related consequences of any actions or investments described herein.
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Asset Allocation does not assure a profit or protect against loss in declining financial markets. 2 Free Forever IRA program requirements: The following IRA account types are eligible: Traditional, Roth, Rollover, SEPs, SIMPLEs and SAR-SEPs; the $50,000 addition to the IRA can be a combination of any of the following: IRA contribution, rollover from another non-MSSB or qualified retirement plan, e.g., 401(k) or a transfer from another non-MSSB IRA; the fee waiver offer is limited to one lifetime annual account maintenance fee waiver per Social Security Number listed on the account documentation; other product fees and charges (e.g., commissions) continue to apply; assets must remain in the account for one year from the date of deposit to qualify for the Free Forever IRA maintenance fee waiver; redeposit of a client’s prior IRA distribution does not qualify. The fee waiver will occur at the anniversary billing date following funding. Offer expires August 31, 2012.
The publisher was compensated by Morgan Stanley Smith Barney for this featured article. This article is directed to residents in the states where Michael J. Rutkowski is registered: www.fa.smithbarney.com/rutkowski. Article by Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Courtesy of your Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Financial Advisor. © 2012 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC.
hat can change your skin from blah to beautiful with a 20-30 minute treatment? The VI Peel can! This is a freshening facial peel, rejuvenating your skin and giving you the boost you need. This chemical peel can clear up acne, blemishes and pigmented skin in as little as one week. It helps to remove discoloration, pigmented patches of skin and increase cellular turnover and collagen production. It can also help with precancerous cells, but we must remember anyone with a history of skin cancer should always see their doctor on a regular basis for a check-up. Let’s begin by talking about the acne patient. This peel is excellent for both adult and adolescent acne sufferers. The results are quick and quite impressive. Combined with a daily skin regimen, most acne cases can be safely managed. Another plus is that often patients who suffer with cold sores are told not to get chemical peels. Although these patients may be asked to premedicate prior to their peel, they can certainly receive the peel—which is a big step forward from the chemical peels of the past. This skin treatment can also be used to improve the appearance of the skin not only on the face, but the chest and hands, as well. It can improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, age spots and enlarged pores. Another way it bestows a more youthful glow is by brightening the overall appearance of the skin and improving cellular turnover. This is all accomplished by using a chemical solution to remove the upper layers of skin allowing the growth of fresh new skin that is smoother and more youthful in appearance. The advantages of this type of rejuvenation are that it is basically pain free, little to no downtime, and you may return to normal activities almost immediately. It is safe and effective on all skin types, where the chemical peels of the past were not able to be done on
darker skin tones, such as Asian, Latino or African-Americans. The actual peel takes about 30 minutes to complete in the office and then needs to be left on for 5 hours and washed off by the patient at home. You may feel slight stinging when it is applied, but it quickly subsides. You can receive them every 2 weeks, until desired results are achieved, however, most patients need only 1 initial treatment and to follow up with 3 to 4 times per year for continual skin renewal and luminosity.
The peeling usually begins 3 days after the office treatment and can last up to one week. You should avoid sun exposure as much as possible at this time. Moisturizer may be used during this time to mask the appearance of the feathery peeling. For those who need help refining their skin or those who have problem skin, the VI Peel is your answer. Let this new and innovative skin peel help to deliver the radiant luminosity that you have always wanted.
Mt. Lebanon | Fall 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 81
business spotlight
SERVING YOU AND YOUR COMMUNITY C utting hair isn’t just a business for Supercuts stylists, it’s also a way to give back to the customers they love and the community they call home. Guests know that they can always count on superb service and a welcome smile when they visit one of the Mt. Lebanon Supercuts salons. Our expertly trained stylists offer a multitude of services including haircuts, waxing, blow-outs, color and more. As the owner of the Supercuts franchise in Southwestern Pennsylvania, Laurel Breuner has not only added over 350 jobs to the region through her stores, but she and her employees have also been supporting local schools, sports teams, civil services and charities in those communities for more than 20 years. “We support the communities we serve,” Breuner said. “Giving back is important to us because the communities have given us so much.” Supercuts also invests in its employees through extensive training programs and prides itself on hiring aspiring stylists graduating from local trade schools. “Pittsburgh is filled with talented people and we are thrilled to be able to hire vibrant employees, many of whom have recently graduated and are entering the work force for the first time,” Breuner said. Supercuts hires only licensed stylists and mandates extensive education with two weeks of in-store training before stylists are sent to Supercuts’ own Hair Stylist Academy. Stylists attend an advanced training course conducted by the Supercuts Certified Trainer/Artistic
Virginia Manor April, Tina, Alysha, Lisa, Ande and Emily
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Director. New stylists must pass the five-day, 40-hour course before they are able to actively work on the floor of the salon. After mastering this level, stylists will continue to undergo regular training to enable them to keep up with the latest styles and trends. “We take what they’ve learned at school, provide additional and ongoing education, and look to retain these employees for many years,” Breuner said. This strategy is apparently working because Supercuts was just rated one of the top places to work in 2012 by a Pittsburgh Post-Gazette survey. “It’s an honor to be recognized as a great place to work,” Breuner said. “Our employees are happy and that attitude is passed on to our guests. We not only offer a superior salon experience at an affordable price, but our locations are full of people who love and take pride in what they do and the community they serve.” If you haven't already experienced the full services Supercuts offers, please visit us soon. Supercuts has 30 Pittsburgh area locations; the nearest ones in Mt. Lebanon are located at the Virginia Manor Shops, 1717 Cochran Road, and at 325 Mt. Lebanon Boulevard and are open 7 days a week, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday; 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays; and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sundays. For more information on all of Supercuts locations and services visit www.supercuts.com, or to call ahead for faster service, call 412.561.7393 for the Virginia Manor Shops location, or 412.571.5484 for the Mt. Lebanon Boulevard location. Walk-ins are always welcome!
Mt. Lebanon Boulevard Julie, Jessica, Ally, Gina, Kelly and Ericka
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COMMUNITY MAGAZINES SEEKING NOMINATIONS FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARDS IN Community Magazines(ICM) is seeking nominations for its Community Awards for Service Excellence (C.A.S.E.). We know that what makes communities great are the special people who volunteer their time, talent and effort to help others. ICM would like to honor those special people, but we need your help. IN Community Magazines’ C.A.S.E. Dinner will recognize volunteers from each of ICM’s 36 magazines. Awardees will be
selected in the following categories: s 6OLUNTEER OF THE 9EAR s 9OUTH 6OLUNTEER OF THE 9EAR (21 years and younger) s Small nonprofit of the Year (staff of 10 or less) s Large nonprofit of the Year (staff of 11 or more). Awardees and those who nominated them will be honored at the awards dinner in Spring 2013. During the dinner an awardee from the Volunteer of the Year and Youth Volunteer of the Year categories will be selected to receive a donation for his or her chosen charity.
Name of nominee: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________________________ Email: __________________________________________________ Category (circle one): Volunteer of the Year, Youth Volunteer of the Year (21 years and younger); Small non-profit (staff of 10 or less); Large non-profit (staff of 11 or more) Which IN Community Magazine is this nomination for? _____________________________________________________________________ Name of person submitting nomination:_________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________ Why are you nominating this person or nonprofit organization? (Please submit a typewritten statement of no more than 600 words.) Send nomination form and statement to: Monica Haynes, IN Community Magazines, 603 E. McMurray Road, McMurray, PA 15317 If you have any questions, please contact Monica Haynes at monicahaynes2012@gmail.com or 412.254.8704. Deadline for nominations 09/21/2012. is
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