The Sound of opporTuniTy KnocKing
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Confronting the Fire Within
irefighters know the danger of letting a fire get out of control. They are trained to respond quickly. You, too, must respond quickly to control your anger before it consumes your life.
Proverbs 29:22 warns that
“An angry man stirs up dissension and a hot-tempered man commits many sins.” What are the degrees of anger? Anger is an emotional agitation that occurs when one’s needs or expectations are not met. Like heat, anger has many degrees ranging from mild irritations to explosive reactions. The range of anger includes: 1 Indignation- simmering anger provoked by something unjust or often seen as unjustified. 2 Wrath-burning anger which is accompanied by a desire to seek revenge. 3 Fury-fiery anger so fierce that it seeks to destroy common sense. 4 Rage-blazing anger resulting in a loss of self-control, often to the extreme of severe acting-out and violence. What are the major sources of anger? 1 Hurt- your heart and mind are wounded. Everyone feels an inner need for unconditional love and respect. When you experience rejection or emotional pain of any kind, anger can become a protective wall that keeps people and pain away. 2 Injustice- any of your “rights” can be violated. Everyone has an inner sense of right and wrong, fairness or unfairness, just or unjust. When you perceive that an injustice has occurred against you or others close to you, you may react with anger. If you hold on to the offense, the unresolved anger may breed further anger and resentment which may lead to inappropriate thoughts and behavior. 3 Fear- your future is threatened, and your inner need for security and stability is challenged. You may lose trust in yourself or others which changes how you relate to others in your life. 4 Frustration- your efforts are unsuccessful, thwarted, and you don’t meet your expectations. Your sense of significance may be confused or lost in the clouds of anger. Frustration over unmet expectations of yourself or others is a major source of anger. What are the steps to resolve past anger? Unresolved anger is a bed of hidden coals burning deep wounds into all relationships. Anger is a powerful emotion that robs your heart and mind of peace and steals contentment from your spirit. How is this anger resolved? 1 Realize your anger, admit you have unresolved anger, and openly reveal your anger with a friend, spouse, or counselor. 2 Revisit the source of your anger: Hurt- feeling rejected, betrayed, unloved, ignored Injustice- feeling cheated, wronged, attacked Fearful- feeling threatened, insecure, powerless, out of control
Frustrated- feeling hindered, inferior, controlled, inadequate 3 Release your rights, confess harboring anger or desire to get revenge, and refuse to hold onto your anger How to release present anger. Remember the “ANGER” is one letter short of “DANGER.” Determine the degree of intensity of your anger and whether it is really justified. Decide on an appropriate response and depend on your faith for guidance. Think before you speak and not from unforgiveness. Remain focused on the present issue and avoid past grievances. When you sense a surge of anger, ask “Can I change the situation?” If you can, change it. If you can’t, release it. This Industry Insight was written by Dr. James Adelman, PhD of Tri-County Counseling. Dr. Adelman received his bachelor’s, master’s and Doctor of Philosophy degrees & in psychology & education at the University of Pittsburgh. He worked at Staunton Clinic, Sewickley Valley Hospital, for 34 years before retiring two years ago. He has maintained a private practice in Wexford for 37 years. In addition to individual psychotherapy, he is also trained in marital therapy and is a Certified Diplomate in sex therapy.
North Allegheny | Winter 2012 | 1
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North Allegheny
IN North Allegheny is a community magazine dedicated to representing, encouraging and promoting the people of Bradford Woods, Franklin Park, Marshall Township and the Town of McCandless by focusing on the talents and gifts of the people who live and work here. Our goal is to provide readers with the most informative and professional regional publication in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
nd of The SouuniTy opporT ng KnocKi
2012 Walk for Children with Apraxia of Speech . . . . . . . . . . . . |
Local Mom Helps Pave the Way for Teens with Special Needs . . . . . | 13 Oktoberfest Celebration Helps Support Pennies From Heaven . . . . | 17 Caretaker of Memories . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 18 on the cover
North Allegheny students head back to school. Photo by Gary Yon.
Fran Magister “Fore IPF” Golf Outing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 32
Horses Help Kids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 34
Health and Wellness News You Can Use | Winter 2012-13
with Developmental and Physical Disabilities
Stay Well This Winter
Joe Prince is a Teacher of the Year Finalist . . . . . . . | 45
Some people seem to sail through winter without a sniffle or a grumble. These simple steps may help you do the same: Spend some time in the fresh air, de-stress your holiday planning, wash your hands often, get plenty of sleep, and get a flu shot.
What’s Inside 2 3 4
A Cut Above the Rest Absent From Pain
Local Church Makes a Strong Connection to Zimbabwe . . . . . . . . . . | 48
Butt Out: New Reasons to Quit Smoking Brittle Bones
5 6 7
Shedding More Than Pounds Growing Up With Heart Disease Welcoming New Physicians What’s Happening at UPMC Passavant
The McCandless Rain Garden . . . . . | 31
© 2012 UPMC
UPMC Today_Passavant_Winter_2012_Final.indd 1
46 10/19/12 3:35 PM
A Good Time Was Had By All . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 10 UPMC Today | Health and Wellness News You Can Use . . . . . . . . . . | 37 Pink Ribbon Round-Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 46 Health and Wellness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 69
Tri-County Counseling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
Splash Lagoon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
Northwest Savings Bank . . . . . . . . . . . |
Genesis Chiropractic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 24 Sperling Funeral Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 26
resident profile
Beleza Plastic Surgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 27
Father Joseph McCaffery . . . . . . . . . . | 50
Vein Institute of Pittsburgh . . . . . . . | 28
the Flying Priest
Wealth Managment Strategies . . . . | 36
J and D Lawn & Tractor Sales . . . . |
The Goddard School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 62 6
Pure Athletex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 64
European Wax Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 23
Clearskin Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 70
Vincentian Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 30
Forrest Orthodontics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 74
Sport Clips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 56
Advanced Pain Medicne . . . . . . . . . . . . | 79
Tudi Mechanical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 60
Children’s Dermatology Center . . . | 80
North Hills Family Dental . . . . . . . . . . | 73 Pittsburgh Audiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 76
At this time of year, I want to take the opportunity to thank you for taking the journey with us that was 2012. And while we’ve endured extremes of nature via the summer heat waves and Hurricane Sandy, as well as the onslaught of a presidential election that ate up any time available between our favorite shows, we still have much to be thankful for. IN Community Magazines continues to grow, and for that we thank you, our readers and our advertisers. Our readers help shape these magazines. Those of you who took the time to call, e-mail or write in with your ideas and events are the ones who set our table of contents. We pride ourselves on the fact that we listen to you and your ideas because, in the end, this is your community and you know it best. So I continue to encourage you to send in your ideas to our editor at I wish to thank our advertisers for your continued support of IN Community Magazines. By advertising with us, you are supporting your community by underwriting the cost of the editorial content that those who read these magazines enjoy and look forward to each issue. Because of you, our readers can be entertained and informed. In this last issue before 2013, I urge our readers to support the advertisers who support your community magazine before you make your holiday gift lists. If you like this magazine, let them know and make a point to stop in their businesses. They’re not just trying to sell you something, they’re also your neighbors and community sponsors. I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season and the best that 2013 has to offer!
Wayne Dollard Publisher
Miracles Happen Everyday... Have you or someone in your family ever experienced a miracle in your life?
A check arrives from an unexpected source, just as the house was about to be foreclosed upon? Someone was healed, despite all odds and predictions? Or maybe you were reunited with someone by circumstances that were far too phenomenal to be called coincidence... If you have, we would love to hear your story and so would your friends and neighbors. Because at the end of the day, we could all use a little hope and encouragement. Miracles really do happen all the time! Please mail your story to: IN Community Magazines Attn. Pamela 603 East McMurray Road, McMurray, PA 15317 or you can email them to Pamela at: Photos are welcomed with submissions, but not required.
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Spring content deadline: March 3
North Allegheny | Winter 2012 | 5
business spotlight
When Jim Stepp sold his first tractor out in front of Hampton Hardware, he had no idea that it would lead to the establishment of J and D Lawn & Tractor Sales, a locally-owned business that has been serving the area for 48 years. Stepp sold his first tractor while still in the Army in Pittsburgh. He enjoyed the experience so much he decided to stick with it and has built a business helping residential homeowners care for their lawns and gardens. J and D Lawn & Tractor Sales sells tractors, chain saws, pressure washers, leaf blowers, snow blowers and just about any kind of equipment you would ever need to take care of your home. More than just sales though, the staff can advise homeowners on what type of equipment will work best for their particular needs, as well as maintaining their equipment and repairing it. If a product is under warranty and needs repair, they are right there in the neighborhood to resolve the problem, without the bureaucracy of dealing with a big box store. They repair everything that they sell. They also sell parts for the equipment they carry, for those who prefer to do their own maintenance. “We’ve won a lot of awards over the years for selling the most [products] and also for customer service,” says Stepp. His youngest son, Tyler, is now the manager of the business and has worked at the store for about 15 years. He started cleaning around the store while still a teen and eventually worked in every phase of the
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business, including repair, sales and now management. “He really showed an interest in it from an early age,” says Jim, “and the customers just love him.” Tyler feels one of the greatest strengths of the family-owned business is the knowledge of the employees who work there. “All of our employees have been with us for a long time. We all have masters level certifications from the many different manufacturers that we carry in our store.” In addition to lawn care equipment, Tyler has seen a big surge in the purchase of generators in recent years. In the event of a power outage, whether it’s from the high winds of a spring thunderstorm or the ice of a winter storm, the generators offer extra security for homeowners. “They give homeowners standby power for light, heat and cooking in emergency situations,” explains Tyler. Given the giant snowstorm we experienced a few years ago, the increase in generator sales is not surprising. J and D Lawn & Tractor Sales can help homeowners to be better equipped for any season, with a knowledgeable, friendly staff that is there for the long haul.
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2012 Walk for Children with Apraxia of Speech
praxia is a mysterious disorder with many unanswered questions. Affecting the brain and nervous system, it renders a person unable to perform tasks or movements, even though the individual may know how to perform them and is physically able to do so. There can also be a profound effect on the speech of those suffering with the disorder. They sometimes struggle to put words together in a sensible order to form sentences, or they may leave words out entirely. The sound of the speech itself may be distorted or inappropriate words may be used. Those who are afflicted with apraxia are often aware of these problems, which makes the disorder even more frustrating. This can result in depression and anxiety. On Sunday, September 16, the Walk for Children with Apraxia
of Speech was held to raise funds for research and programs to combat the disease through the organization Childhood Apraxia of Speech Association of North America (CASANA). Participants of all ages made the 1.5-mile loop through North Park to show their support. Special children’s activities and live musical entertainment added to the fun of the day and valuable prizes were raffled off. The walk, which has become a national event, was started right here in Pittsburgh five years ago by Sean Freiburger, who continues to lead the march against apraxia. Progress has been made in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease, but much more research is needed to effectively treat the disorder and enhance the lives of children suffering from it. For more information on CASANA, please visit the website www.
North Allegheny | Winter 2012 | 7
for those close to you – and 2,400 families in Nepal Purchasing lokta bark paper for our gift sets has made a huge difference to families in Nepal. With income from papermaking, 2,400 families can live better – buy food and clothing, repair their homes, send their children to school. Bring joy to everyone on your list with Aveda gift sets and gift certificates. From family to friends – from head to toe – our naturally derived gifts have got you covered.
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Lending a Hand How one local bank’s history of service, award-winning track record, and desire to make responsible loans is making the difference right here in Wexford.
“While many other banks continue to find it challenging to help customers get the loans they need, we are actively lending,” says Doug Cappell, Manager at Northwest Savings Bank in Wexford. “Northwest is an experienced, local bank with expert lenders. Our low rates and fees make it easier to do what you need to do, with monthly payments to fit your budget,” Mr. Cappell adds. “Best of all, we can make it happen right here in our Wexford office.” Northwest Savings Bank prides itself on local decision making, quick turnaround, and competitive rates on: • Mortgages* with fast, free pre-qualifications so you can qualify before you buy. • Home Equity Loans and Lines of Credit* to use your home to pay for the things you need. • Personal Loans* for other necessities, such as purchasing a car, consolidating debt, or paying for medical expenses.
In addition, Northwest Savings Bank has been nationally recognized for exceptional service and trust. For the third consecutive year, Northwest was awarded “Highest Customer Satisfaction with Retail Banking in the Mid-Atlantic Region” by J.D. Power and Associates, 2010–2012. And, for the second time, in analyzing more than 8,000 publicly-traded companies across the country, Forbes named Northwest one of America’s Most Trustworthy Companies in 2012. For 116 years, Northwest Savings Bank has been committed to the communities it serves. There are plenty of them, with 167 Northwest offices across four states — 28 right here in the Greater Pittsburgh area. loan?
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Northwest customers enjoy convenient services including Online Banking and Bill Pay, eStatementsplus, Mobile Banking, GO! Rewards Check Cards, and 43,000+ service charge free ATM locations. Not yet a Northwest customer? Interested in a loan? Visit Doug Cappell at Northwest’s Wexford office to get started today.
10533 Perry Highway, Wexford (724) 935-3800 Doug Cappell, Manager Northwest Direct: 1-877-672-5678 *Credit approval required. Northwest Savings Bank received the highest numerical score among retail banks in the Mid-Atlantic region in the proprietary J.D. Power and Associates 2010-2012 Retail Banking Satisfaction North Allegheny | Winter 2012 | Studies.SM Study based on 51,498 total responses measuring 31 providers in the Mid-Atlantic region (DE, MD, NJ, NY, PA, VA & Wash., D.C.) and measures opinions consumers with their primary 9 banking provider. Proprietary study results are based on experiences and perceptions of consumers surveyed January-February, 2012. Your experiences may vary. Visit Member FDIC
s a W e m i A Good T ll Had By A munity Annual Com th 12 s it d el inning with cCandless h tember 8, beg p Se , ay rd tu g the North Day on Sa Road featurin ar l m go In n o stage events al a parade s. There were d an b ce te an D ga h e rt ag d No the Center St Allegheny an dancers from eny Brass ed d gh u lle cl A in e h th ic day wh r und and So n so er att b P rs rowsed ove e Academy, Dav od was on hand and visito of fo Band. Plenty 40 vendors. rial ina Jr. Memo e Frank J. Far th d e ye jo Th . en n o Attendees also as held during the afterno s show. hich w r firework Car Cruise w h a spectacula it w ed d en t entertainmen
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North Allegheny | Winter 2012 | 11
On Christmas morning...
Catholic Charities is the primary social service agency of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, serving all regardless of religious affiliation in their time of need. For 102 years, we’ve been making good mornings and better days possible for our neighbors in need. Last year alone, 72,656 people rose to brand new days! Through offices in Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Greene, Lawrence and Washington counties we can help with adoption and foster care, utility assistance, homeless outreach, counseling, and pregnancy and parenting support. Medical and dental care for the uninsured is provided at the Catholic Charities Free Health Care Center. Homeless men 50+ are welcomed at St. Joseph House of Hospitality where they receive a comfortable room, meals and supportive services. Seniors thrive from recreational, social and in-home services offered through Challenges: Options in Aging in Lawrence County. You can learn more about what we do and how you can help at
Current issues of this magazine are also available online.
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...and all year long, together, we can make good mornings and better days possible for our neighbors in need.
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Local Mom Helps Pave the Way for Teens with Special Needs By Kathy Rudolph
ccording to the Pennsylvania State Data Center, approximately 735 students with special needs were enrolled in the North Allegheny School District in the 2011-2012 school year. In recent years, because of awareness and education, teachers and peers
have done a great job with inclusion in the classroom, on the field and in clubs. But sometimes, as students become teenagers, an intellectual and social divide begins to take place. This can make it more difficult for special needs children to make friends and feel like they belong. Mom Noreen Liebrock knows what this scenario is like. Her son Stephen is a senior and a member of the marching band. He is also a teen with Down syndrome. “When kids are young, they get invited to all of the birthday parties and play dates,” said Liebrock. “As they enter middle school, typical kids get involved in their own interests. For us to find typical kids to hang out with Stephen required a lot of extra work. As he got into high school, things became a little more difficult. Naturally, typical peers are involved in all sorts of activities.” Liebrock decided to do something that would help bridge the gap. She introduced the idea of starting a “Best Buddies” chapter at North Allegheny High School to the district administration and the application is currently pending approval. “At the end of the 2011-2012 academic year, the administration instructed us to submit our application for Best Buddies and we are now third on the waiting list, which is wonderful,” says Liebrock. Best Buddies is an organization that facilitates real friendships between individuals with and without disabilities. “I think that the program is phenomenal, with lifelong friendships that are developed,” adds Liebrock. “It is a school district club that is run by students who receive training and plan group activities with the expectation of friendships.” A nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, Best Buddies is dedicated to establishing a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment and leadership development for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Founded in 1989 by Anthony K. Shriver, it is a vibrant, international organization that has grown from one original chapter to almost 1,500 middle school, high school, and college chapters worldwide. While awaiting word on the application process, with the help of Jaclyn Murphy, NASH learning support teacher, a “Peer Buddies” friendship club was formed at the high school. “The response was great, with over 10 kids with special needs and over 10 typical peers participating,” says Liebrock. Murphy matched up kids based on their ages, interests and geographic location. The
kids have been getting together for bowling, movies, Pirates games, bike riding and various dances. Liebrock likes what friendship brings to Stephen’s life. The family and other supporters recently formed Team NA and participated in a “Best Buddies Friendship Walk” to raise funds for the organization. “Stephen is doing great,” says Liebrock. “He enjoys people and wants to do things that all kids his age are doing on Friday and Saturday nights. To have friends who truly like and enjoy him, call him and ask him to go to a Pirates game or to go bike riding is incredible to us.” To find out more information, you may contact Noreen Liebrock at North Allegheny | Winter 2012 | 13
More Than 150 Little Tigers Open the New Season with
“Spirit Night” By Kathy Rudolph
hat could be better for a child’s self-esteem than performing on a football field to the backdrop of music and cheering from the North Allegheny marching band and varsity cheerleaders? Hearing parents, grandparents and friends applaud as if you were a cheerleader or a football player for a winning NFL team. For five years, the North Allegheny Tiger Pride youth football and developmental cheerleading program has started off its season in Blueberry Hill Park with a pep rally deemed “Spirit Night.” “Spirit Night is a great way to kick off the football season and acknowledge our young players, cheerleaders and also our volunteer parents for their hard work, leadership and dedication to the program,” said Michele Steigerwald, Tiger Pride cheer director, who was also the Spirit Night organizer. “It has been a great tradition to bring the community together to spotlight our Tiger Pride players and families. There is
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always a great feeling of enthusiasm and pride on this evening.” The program is a nonprofit, volunteer organization (not affiliated with North Allegheny School District athletics) that welcomes boys and girls from age six to 12. It is part of the Greater 19 League, which is “committed to providing a meaningful tackle football experience for as many children as possible within the communities that participate in the league.” The organization encourages participants to use football as a “teaching tool for life skills” and consists of Bethel Park, Keystone Oaks, North Allegheny, Peters Township, Seneca Valley, South Fayette and Upper St. Clair teams. To learn more, visit Tiger Pride’s website at asp?url=natigerpride.
North Allegheny | Winter 2012 | 15
Schools Take a Timeout from Rivalry to
“Unite for Game Night” By Kathy Rudolph
North Hills H.S. Cheerleaders
Bob Bozzuto, North Allegheny Athletic Director
North Allegheny H.S. Cheerleaders
he rivalry between the North Hills (NH) High School Indians and North Allegheny (NA) High School Tigers is legendary, but an annual tradition called “Unite for Game Night” brings them together to help those who are less fortunate. In its sixth year and benefiting the North Hills Community Outreach (NHCO) free coat shop, cheerleaders from both high schools collected coats at Newman Stadium before their football game in late October. In addition, the NA High School girls softball team pitched in and collected canned goods for the NHCO food pantry. Bob Bozzuto, NA’s athletic director, and Dr. Pat Mannarino, North Hills’ assistant superintendent, came up with the idea after wanting to create something meaningful from the rivalry. Other NA organizers of the event included Lynne BraunWarth, Joni Ferrara, Diana Brehl and many others. “Pat and I started this over six years ago,” said Bozzuto. “He and I are very good friends and one day we were talking about the great competition that our schools have on the field and on the court. We wanted to work together to do something positive, so Lynne Braun-Warth, we got our cheerleaders Adult Coat Volunteers and Courtenay Carrel, together to do a coat drive. NA Varsity Cheer Coach Now we collect over 700
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coats a year to donate to NHCO. We appreciate and thank the community for all of their support and for what they do to help others in need.” NHCO is an “interfaith organization addressing the needs of people in crisis, hardship and poverty,” according to the website. From 2010 to 2011, NHCO assisted “5,760 families in need toward stability and selfsufficiency by providing $1,927,576 in funds, North Allegheny H.S. Softball Team goods and services as well as information, support and advocacy.” Every fall the nonprofit organization distributes new and gently worn coats from its free winter coat shop. The director of NHCO is Fay Morgan. “These coats will mean that no one here in northern Allegheny County needs to go without a warm coat that fits,” said Morgan. “We are so grateful to the cheerleaders and their parents and sponsors for making this happen. The effort not only collects coats, it teaches the next generation to care and to share.” To learn more about NHCO or how you can help, visit the website at
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Oktoberfest Celebration Helps Support Pennies From Heaven
n Friday, October 5, the Elias Fry Barn in Marshall Township was alive with light and activity as guests arrived to enjoy live music from the hEARd Matthews Band with phenomenal food and libations. A campfire lent some warmth to the autumn night air and spirited live auctions brought some excitement. Guests also had a chance to bid on silent auctions featuring some of the most exclusive items in Pittsburgh. All proceeds went to directly support families with children in the hospital. The Pennies From Heaven Fund enables parents with financial hardships to remain with their children during their hospital stay. It also assists with transportation, food, care of siblings, and various other expenses when a child is hospitalized. For more information, please visit the website www. It is also on Facebook.
North Allegheny | Winter 2012 | 17
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Joe Bullick –
Caretaker of Memories –By Pamela Palongue
hat do Pope John Paul II, Dionne Warwick and hundreds of North Hills residents have in common? They have all crossed paths with resident and local historian Joe Bullick. The energetic 81-year-old is the keeper of memories, especially those reveries relating to school days. He has been the curator of the North Allegheny History Museum for the past 15 years. What started as a hobby has turned into a mission to compile information and artifacts on all North Hills schools for future generations to come. Bullick began collecting photos in his home which were then organized into albums, which then slowly began to overtake parts of his house. His son, Steve Bullick, who was a history teacher at North Allegheny School District for several years, encouraged him to organize his growing collection and make it available for public viewing. That is exactly what the elder Bullick did, although the collection had to be moved a few times when the space his collection was housed in became unavailable. Finally, the extensive collection was at last moved to the permanent location of the McKnight Elementary School Annex. As far as anyone knows, this is the only museum in Pennsylvania that is housed within a school and may be one of the area’s best-kept secrets. This one-of-a-kind collection has drawn praise from one of Pittsburgh’s most famous historians, Rick Sebak, and has earned Bullick a Jefferson Award, which is given by a prestigious national organization that recognizes extraordinary community and public service in the United States. The collection includes artifacts from various eras of history that relate to the North Hills community and especially the North Allegheny School District. The museum includes World War I and World War II uniforms, a pinball machine, juke box, and tons of photos, maps, wills, Victrolas, radios and sports memorabilia. There is literally something for everyone, with items that will pique the interest of all ages.
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North Allegheny | Winter 2012 | 19
“We have maps dating back to 1876,” explains Bullick, “with items all the way up to present day.” One area of the museum houses an early 1900s kitchen, with appliances and utensils from a century ago. And, of course, one area of major focus is education, with artifacts bringing the average school day of the early 20th century student to life. The museum has also been instrumental in helping local residents trace their roots. The maps have been especially helpful in depicting what the land looked like in the late 19th century, with original names and landmarks. The museum coordinated efforts with the Northland Public Library in the Northland Historical Image Collection, where a massive amount of historic photos of North Hills municipalities have been cataloged. Bullick has carefully organized and displayed the donated items over the years as the collection has grown, but describes the monumental amount of work as a labor of love. He has freely volunteered his time and talent to the museum. He also actively serves in his church in various ministries. Despite his active life, he has found time to write a book called Put a Tent Over the Circus. The book details the process of adoption and the life of children in foster care. Bullick was himself a foster child and the book was written with great personal passion. The circus is a representation of the craziness of life and the tent represents the entities of family, church and school, which help to stabilize life and instill values. Early reviews of the book have been extremely promising and the book should be available by early 2013. By now you must be wondering, “When did Joe Bullick meet the pope?” In 2000, Bullick attended the 2000 Music
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Millennium at the Vatican and, perhaps partially because of his Polish heritage, he was given a private audience with the pope. Obviously one of the highlights of his life, Bullick describes the late pope as “very frail and very soft-spoken.” Also at the millennium celebration, he met Dionne Warwick and joined her in a impromptu duet of “Do You Know the Way to San Jose?” For individuals or groups wishing to visit the North Allegheny History Museum, the hours are Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. Visitors are requested to call to confirm availability at 412.635.4080. Bullick also has a traveling show for which he selects certain artifacts and tailors his presentation for each audience.
North Allegheny | Winter 2012 | 21
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businEss spotlight
ost financial analysts agree that the key to economic recovery for the nation is in the hands of small business development. One local business is proving that theory correct. Ryan Glastein, area developer for the European Wax Center, has built his business on solid principals for success that include proprietary products and services and an exceptional team that provides a unique, indulgent experience for their clientele. “We don’t refer to our clients as customers, they’re our guests. Our goal is to provide the ultimate wax experience with maximum comfort in a highly enjoyable atmosphere, at an affordable price,” explains Glastein. Mission accomplished. After surveying European Wax Center, located just a quarter mile south of Ross Park Mall, the bright contemporary setting and sunny professional staff equate to a completely pleasant experience. Glastein is quick to point out that franchise opportunities exist in western Pennsylvania and northern Ohio for potential entrepreneurs interested in pursuing the same level of success he has achieved. “Our franchise gives the business owner a framework within which to work that is a proven system with all materials provided and the opportunity to participate in a co-op marketing campaign, to defer the expense of advertising.” As the area developer, Glastein functions in a supportive role to help franchisees succeed. “Our 4 steps to gorgeous skin, is an exclusive patented formula that is created for us in Paris,” says Glastein. But prior to the actual wax application, the skin is cleansed with a calmative solution. Next a protective oil is applied, which prevents irritation and helps the wax to adhere to the hair and not the skin. Then, the wax, which is completely natural and alcoholfree is applied. “Our wax is a hard comfort wax, not the “hot” yellow “soft” wax that people are used to enduring during usual hair removal treatments. Only European Wax Center offers Comfort Wax. Our unique wax is designed for optimal guest comfort and performance. European Wax Center takes pride in our position as the industry leader in comfortable and healthy body wax,” notes Glastein.
Key benefits include: Applied at warm bath water temperature Contains no alcohol Made from 100% all natural beeswax
4868 McKnight Road • 412-364-9299 (at the intersection of McKnight and Siebert Roads - we are 1/4 mile south of Ross Park Mall)
Infused with the finest highest quality polymers and ingredients. (It sticks only to hair as opposed to skin, irritating the skin less).
European Wax Center is so unique, they offer a FREE wax service for all first time guests (with proof of valid state ID), this adds to the Ultimate Wax Experience. Guests can choose from (bikini-line or eyebrow or underarm for women, or eyebrow or ear or nose wax for men). In addition to the wax services that their professionally licensed staff provide, European Wax Center also carries an extensive line of products to help impede unwanted hair growth and to add gloss and shine to eyebrows and skin. Our Slow It Bodywash is created with botanical extracts and jojoba exfoliants to clean clogged pores and rejuvenate the skin with hyaluronic acid, a natural ingredient that helps skin to retain it’s moisture. The Ingrown Hair Serum prevents painful ingrown hairs before they can start by clearing dead skin cells. The natural antiseptic properties of tea tree oil help seal the skin with protection. Their unique Slow It Body Lotion actually helps slow hairregrowth and keeps skin silky smooth in between visits, detoxifying the skin and softening body hair, while clarifying with vitamin A and antioxidants vitamins C and E. The Calming Cream contains milk protein and chamomile for reducing redness and irritation of the skin and the Exfoliating Gel, is comprised of anti-oxidant fruit extracts with hydrating hyaluronic acid which reduces the appearance of fine lines. In addition to the luxurious skin care, they also offer two products especially designed for eyebrows. Restore It repairs and restores eyebrows with a soy protein and aloe extract formula and Shape It keeps brows shiny and well-defined. By specializing in the care of hair removal, European Wax Center is a golden opportunity for those individuals wishing to become franchisees in a business that requires only a limited amount of square footage and is much easier to maintain than hair and massage salons. “Unlike conventional salons, we’ve found that our business remains relatively stable, even during more difficult economic times. And our clientele is always increasing and diversifying as people become more conscious of their appearance and the image that they are presenting to the world.” For more information on European Wax Centers, please visit the website For special promotions and holiday offers, like us on Facebook. North Allegheny | Winter 2012 | 23
g n i r r u Rec Pain? Are You Tired of
s we all know, pain limits physical activity. When we set shortmovement and further injury. Genesis Chiropractic uses specific term goals such as losing weight, we do this by dieting and modalities to ease muscle tension and improve joint motion. exercising. However, two weeks into our program we develop Did you know that lower back pain is the #2 reason why Americans that chronic recurring pain. Now mentally discouraged and having see their doctor? People typically feel lower back pain after lifting persistent pain we are back on the couch watching television. heavy objects or bending the wrong way. Lower back pain can result When was the last time you strengthened the muscles between your in radiating pain and numbness down your legs, bladder or bowl shoulder blades or in your lower back? When is the last time you truly dysfunction, muscle weakness, stiffness, and tightness. If you have had stretched out your lower back, your neck, or the muscles in the back of lower back pain, then you understand how this affects every aspect of your legs? Most people have not done either in years. It is no surprise your life. This pain interferes with your activities of daily living such verify allheadaches, ad copyneck forpain, accuracy indicate whyPlease people get tension or lower & back pain. all corrections as putting onclearly. socks or efforts to exercise and stay fit. This is a proof only. All colors here may or may not match final printed copy exactly. This is an opportunity to identify any erHeadaches can make productive days into those never-ending Lower back pain and sciatica can prevent anyone from taking that ror made during the creation of your advertisement. ABC Advertising shall not be held responsible for an error not marked. painful days. Since headaches can be the result of a subluxation (miswalk around North Park Lake. When your disc is pressed between This is an opportunity to identify changes or to correct errors. Should the number of sets of changes requested exceed alignment) the neck, we canFor correct spinal mis-alignments and be a minimum twoofvertebrae your spinebea disc bulge may form. This disc bulge two, additional in charges will apply. best production, QR Codes should 1” by 1”.inText should check forofa12 proper spinalFine curve. is similar to pressing a balloon between the wall and your hand. Just a minimum point font. line fonts may not be legible on dark backgrounds (ie: script fonts). Neck pain can be the result of simply sleeping the wrong way or as as the balloon flattens, your disc flattens and creates pressure on your severe as whiplash from a motor vehicle accident. On either occasion, spinal nerves. Chiropractic uses spinal traction to lower the pressure the body will protect itself by tightening the muscles to prevent in the disc while increasing range of motion and flexibility. Make the holistic choice!! Reducing spinal subluxations allows your nervous system to work to its fullest potential. When your spine is free of subluxations you will become more active, have less pain, and most importantly be less likely to get sick. At Genesis Chiropractic you will receive the most complete functional evaluation you will ever experience. We will discover the cause of your pain and treat the immediate discomfort. During your functional evaluation we will show you where your muscles are tight, tender, overactive, or deconditioned. The doctors will customize a treatment plan to decrease your pain while rehabilitating the area causing your pain. Through rehabilitation, stretching, and strength training we can prevent this pain from reoccurring and improve your quality of life. Drs. Bentz and Cook, your Genesis Chiropractors, specialize in the treatment and prevention of mechanical disorders of your musculoskeletal system (your spine and your joints) and the effects these disorders have on the function of your nervous system and general health. Treatment at Genesis Chiropractic consists of a consultation and detailed history, a comprehensive examination, digital X-rays (if indicated), therapy, and manual adjustments. Call 412-847-0066 today to schedule an appointment. This Industry Insight was written by Dr. Jeffrey Bentz and Dr. Matthew Cook. Dr. Bentz is a graduate of North Allegheny High School, Pennsylvania State University, and Palmer College of Chiropractic. Dr. Cook is a graduate of North Hills High School, Duquesne University, and Palmer College of Chiropractic. Drs. Bentz and Cook are board certified in chiropractic and adjunctive procedures and members of the Pennsylvania Chiropractic Association.
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North Allegheny | Winter 2012 | 25
Understanding your options…
ears ago whenever someone mentioned they wanted cremated people would get pretty upset. I would hear responses like: “The Church does not allow that” or “you can’t have a service if you’re cremated”. Today many of those beliefs have shifted and about 30% of Western Pennsylvania families choose cremation as their final form of disposition. That number is estimated to be around 60% in the next ten years. When it comes to choosing cremation it is important to have a full understanding of what your options are. A number of myths still exist. People choose cremation for many reasons. I would like to focus on a few of the myths and advantages of cremation. The first myth is that cremation must always be direct and not have any services. Although direct cremation is an option, we encourage every family to somehow say goodbye. This can be as simple as a gathering of friends and family to a large memorial service. A second myth heard often is that only people with little resources cremate. Although you can save considerable money with cremation, most families today focus more on services. They prefer cremation because they feel it fits their belief system as opposed to being inexpensive. Another myth concerns the Catholic Church and that Catholics cannot be cremated. This also is untrue. The Church’s initial rules disallowing cremation came about because cremation was a pagan ritual, one designed to disrespect the body. These rituals today are no longer around and the Church allows for cremation as a final form of disposition for its members. It is required that the ashes (cremains) be kept whole and entombed or buried in a place of reverence. A growing number of Catholics still have a Mass of Christian burial with the body present, then after the service the cremation takes place. The Church also allows the 26
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cremains to be present in church for Mass if the whole body cannot be present. Advantages of cremation are many and as I mentioned most families that choose cremation do so because it better fits their belief system. The funeral may be traditional with a viewing or gathering and a formal service. These types of services include the selection of caskets or urn. At Sperling’s we believe that a service should not focus on a casket or urn alone. Funerals are about remembering a life well lived and saying goodbye. We see a trend toward more services that celebrate the life of the individual and allow friends and loved ones to still say goodbye. Another advantage does concern costs. When someone is cremated, the high costs of the cemetery can be virtually eliminated. The costs of buying a grave or mausoleum space range from $500 to $10,000 and opening and closing of that space ranging from $800 to $3500. Cemeteries are an expensive big business. Many families today will still want the burial of the cremains at the cemetery, but will bury the cremains on a family plot for much less. At Sperling Funeral Home we still provide the same amount of service for families whether they choose cremation or burial. We strive to help them build a service around their beliefs. At Sperling Funeral Home we are experts in cremation services. We understand that every family’s decision and type of services they want are unique. From simple goodbyes to public events we provide services that fit your lifestyle and your family traditions. Our goal is to provide your family with the most complete care. If choosing cremation, your loved one will be in our care in our funeral home until the time of cremation. We handle all aspects of the service so you can focus on saying goodbye. If you have questions concerning cremation or burials please feel free to call or email us. If you have question about us or our services please feel free to call or email us. You can also learn more about our family and services by visiting
Sperling Funeral Home, Inc.
700 Blazier Dr. • Wexford, PA 15090 Jarett D. Sperling, Supervisor 724-933-9200
North Allegheny | Winter 2012 | 27
You don’t have to live with painful varicose and spider veins. Should I Have My Veins Evaluated?
Q & A WITH A VEIN SPECIALIST: While finishing charts at the end of my day, I took a few moments to listen to my staff answer questions for a patient on the phone. The questions asked were very important as were the answers that were given. Here are some examples:
What is Phlebology?
Phlebology is the branch of medicine that deals with veins and the disease of veins. Two organizations dedicated to the advancement of this field are The American College of Phlebology and the American Venous Forum.
Why should I see a board-certified phlebologist to evaluate my varicose veins?
When it comes to any aspect of your health care, it is important to be proactive in the choice and research of who will become medically responsible for your evaluation and treatment. Though venous disease is not always a visible ailment, it can be a serious health problem leading to more serious issues, so choosing a specialist, or board certified phlebologist for your venous care is a wise decision. Board certification in phlebology identifies a physician who has taken the extra step of becoming specialized in the treatment of venous disease. Not only is the physician often a member of organizations such as the American College of Phlebology (ACP) and the American Venous Forum (AVF) but they have met additional requirements set by the certifying board. After meeting these requirements, he or she must then pass a certifying exam allowing the physician to identify him or herself as board-certified.
Is membership the same as board certification?
This question is particularly important as it defines the specialty of a phlebologist. While a physician may be a member of many different organizations, these organizations only require an interest in the field for joining. Thus membership is unlike board certification where qualification is determined through training and testing. Here’s how the ACP defines its board certification: “The establishment of a Board Certification Exam brings recognition to both the field of phlebology and those providers in the field who have the knowledge, skills and experience to provide quality care to phlebology patients.”
I had a free screening at a health fair and was told that I don’t have venous disease, but I still have aching, pain and discoloration at the ankles. What should I do?
While free screenings can be informative, remember that this is just a brief glance into a patient’s venous system. A complete venous exam and venous mapping by a boardcertified phlebologist is best to determine if a patient has venous disease. Since a proper venous ultrasound is such an integral part of this evaluation, the American College of Phlebology has set requirements for it that include the following: • A venous ultrasound should be ordered by a physician. • A lower extremity ultrasound should study the entire leg, from ankle to groin. Failure to identify and treat all sources of reflux may result in outright treatment failure. • Evaluation of the venous system should be performed with the patient in the upright position. Sitting or lying down are inappropriate for the detection of reflux or the measurement of vein diameters. • A venous ultrasound should be performed by a trained physician or a registered vascular ultrasound technician (RVT) and then interpreted by a physician.
If I have had an evaluation elsewhere, can I still be evaluated in your office? Of course. A free evaluation is commonly ‘free’ because patients are often not meeting with a physician, a physician assistant or a nurse practitioner, so this visit cannot be billed to insurance. However, most insurances allow for a second opinion. If you have any questions about the second opinion being covered, contact member services on the back of your insurance card.
This Industry Insight was written by Theresa Schneider. Terrance R. Krysinski, MD General Surgeon Board Certified Phlebologist Vein Institute of Pittsburgh 724.934.VEIN (8346)
724-934-VEIN (8346) 28
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Stars on the Runway I
Fashion Show presented by Symphony Nor th in Wexford
n the 1960s the Women’s Auxiliary of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra formed neighborhood groups to aid in raising money for the Symphony Fund Drive. The North Hills was the first area to organize, and this resulted in Symphony North being established in 1960. These women realized the need to establish an organization to support the PSO and to serve as an outlet for their cultural interests. Fundraising efforts were an ongoing and important feature during the ensuing years, and these efforts resulted in financial support coming not only from Symphony North members but also from the entire community. Enthusiasm for raising funds and supporting the PSO continues today. The annual Fashion Show and Luncheon is the major fundraising event of Symphony North, and this event enjoys an attendance of about 400 people annually.
This year the Fashion Show with the theme “Stars on the Runway,” was held at The Chadwick in Wexford on November 10. All proceeds benefited the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra and the City Music Center at Duquesne University. Events included a Chinese auction, 50/50 raffle and boutiques. Lunch was served followed by entertainment and the fashion show. Fashions were presented by Kindred Spirits and The Fur Vault at Macy’s. The entertainment at the show was provided by the Pittsburgh Tanqueros, a dance group dedicated to Argentine Tango and a corresponding academy of the National Tango Academy in Argentina. For more information on Symphony North, please visit the group’s Facebook page.
* Expires December 23, 2012. While supplies last. At participating dealers. See dealers for details.
North Allegheny | Winter 2012 | 29
business spotlight
“Has It all”
New Rehabilitation Center at Vincentian Home
A simulated home setting takes occupational therapy to a new level. Residents can try out adaptive equipment, practice maneuvering around the kitchen or bathroom safely, and ensure they can do all those little things few people VC-Ad-3.625x4.785 6:14 PM safely Page at 1 home. think about but that are10/24/12 so important to living
Well on your way
“I’m heading home” The team at Vincentian Home focuses on your personal goals – they can put you back in the driver’s seat. Go home feeling strong and rejuvenated. Choose Vincentian Home’s NEW short term rehabilitation center featuring private rooms/baths, skilled, knowledgeable staff, and rehab excellence paced to meet your needs in a bright uplifting environment.
Call Us Today! 412-348-2346 |
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North Allegheny
The physical therapy room contains all the necessities and extras, too, including a space for interactive video games that can make therapy more entertaining.
hort-term residents can recuperate in style at Vincentian Home thanks to a new therapy center opened this fall. From basic hip or knee replacements to complex stroke or neurological rehabilitation, residents and therapists have everything they need to get the job done. “The occupational therapy kitchen and laundry area were so helpful,” says Millie Kozar, who recovered at Vincentian Home after a knee replacement. “I folded clothes, baked a cake… You can practice all those things you need to do at home.” The new therapy center complements the beautifully appointed private rooms and relaxing lounges of the new short-term rehabilitation wing, also equipped with modern conveniences like flat-screen TVs, phone and WiFi access in every room. It also marks a new approach to rehabilitation that caters to people’s varied lifestyles following a surgery, illness or other health event requiring hospitalization. “Rehab is hard work for those undergoing it, so we keep the mood light,” says Carolyn Augustine, therapy supervisor. “We provide the right pace for each resident’s needs, allowing each to progress as quickly as is feasible toward the goals we’ve set together.” Ken Nickels, son of a short-term resident agrees. “The therapists not only motivated my father and got him walking again, they also talked with him. He never felt rushed; the staff always took the time to make him feel important. Everyone is made to feel at home here, and the residents feel safe. That mental aspect – the peace of mind – is so important to healing.” if You plan Your surgery, Why not plan Your Recovery? Vincentian Home is located at the corner of McKnight Road and Perrymont in the North Hills. For information visit rehabilitation, or to plan your rehab stay call Julie Schell, admissions coordinator, at 412-348-2346.
f e at u r e
The McCandless
Rain Garden M
cCandless’ Town Council accepted a proposal from the Audubon Society of Western Pennsylvania (ASWP) for the installation of a a $25,000 storm water mitigation project along the Devlin Memorial Field parking lot. The project was successfully completed in September. According to Bill Shema, ASWP operations director, rain gardens are simple depressions in the landscape designed to receive rainwater from impervious surfaces, and eliminate the associated water flow to storm sewers or combined sewer systems, and to slow rainwater entering our adjacent streams and rivers. The proposal included the addition of more rain gardens along the field parking lot to absorb two inches of rainfall with no overflow. Construction was completed in just five days. Shema estimates that approximately 680,000 gallons of water run off into Pine Creek from the Devlin Memorial Field parking lot. Petroleum from asphalt and vehicles along with sediment, dirt and other contaminates create problems, especially for North Park Lake. “The Department of Environmental Protection’s objective was to retain 500,000 gallons a year from Pine Creek. The McCandless project alone is retaining 250,000 to 300,000 a year,” Shema said. The project was completed free-of charge to the Town of
McCandless from an existing grant, secured by the society and the Rain Garden Alliance, a partnership of a dozen or more like-minded organizations and agencies in western Pennsylvania seeking to improve storm water-related practices and awareness. Bruce Betty, Town of McCandless Zoning and Land Use officer said, “This rain garden will be a welcome demonstration of stormwater control tools utilized in the town. Not only will it serve to control and filter water, but it will serve as an important educational tool.” The gardens will aim to capture and treat this type of stormwater runoff, an environmental issue the town has been attempting to create more awareness about. The rain gardens will serve as a filter of contaminants as well. Town Manager Toby Cordek said, “I have been living the stormwater management dream since I plunged into local government management in 1981, embracing the concept of stewardship of our natural resources and protection of liberty and property. This project symbolizes all we have to do, are going [to do] and continue to do, to demonstrate how we can manage stormwater in a natural, unobtrusive way.” Other communities in the region have worked in conjunction with ASWP, successfully installing about 20 rain gardens in those areas.
North Allegheny | Winter 2012 | 31
f e at u r e
Fran Magister
“Fore IPF” Golf Outing
he 8th Annual Fran Magister “Fore IPF” Golf Outing was held in late summer to benefit the Simmons Center for Interstitial Lung Disease at UPMC. The event was held at the Wildwood Golf Club in Allison Park. The proceeds have helped fund patient support, outreach, education and research activities at the Simmons Center for ILD. The center was founded in 2001 and provides state-of-the-art care for individuals suffering from interstitial lung diseases. It conducts research on lung inflammation, fibrosis and new treatments for patients with lung disorders.
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North Allegheny | Winter 2012 | 33
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Horses Help Kids
with Developmental and Physical Disabilities By Kathy Rudolph
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orses have always been amazing creatures. It could be the grandeur of their size, which is around 1,200 pounds, or the big brown eyes that entrance, or the shiny coat that changes in the sun instantly from beige to burnt umber. It could be their posture, the way they gallop so elegantly, or how you feel when you’re riding them through the woods. Horses give most of us a fun, relaxing experience. But for kids with developmental and physical disabilities, they can work wonders. Riding for the Handicapped of Western PA, Inc. (RHWPA), a nonprofit organization located on Grubbs Road in McCandless Township, recognizes the unique ability of horses to help handicapped individuals. Since 1979, it has provided riding therapy sessions for emotionally, mentally, and physically challenged children and adults. The mission is to “enhance the progress of disabled children through therapeutic horseback riding, to supplement traditional physical therapy and educational development by improving muscle tone, balance, posture, coordination, motor skills, self-esteem and general well-being.” RHWPA provides these programs at no fee to families with handicapped children. Carol Shupe, president, explains, “We have a love of kids with needs, and a love of horses and that is why we do this.” Shupe has volunteered for more than 30 years. “We see miracles happen with the kids. Some who aren’t verbal become verbal; it is just amazing!” According to the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International (PATH Intl.), the development of therapeutic riding was inspired by Lis Hartel, an award-winning dressage rider from Denmark. Despite having polio, she earned the silver medal in Grand Prix dressage at the 1952 Olympics in Helsinki, Finland. Because of her, therapeutic riding centers were opened throughout the world including the United States. Toots Abbott, RHWPA’s program director, owns the farm where the organization is located, along with her sister, Wanda Haney. The farm has been in the family since the 1930s and also includes Parkview Riding Academy. She has been with the organization since 1979, but the group has only been at the Grubbs Road address for a short time. “In the late ‘70s, I needed to volunteer and get involved somewhere because my kids were getting older and I needed something to do,” says Abbott. “I started volunteering for RHWPA and I have been there this whole time.” Because of property sales and other reasons, the organization has had to move several times. Most
recently, the organization was at a farm near North Park for over 21 years, but had to move because the property was sold. “No one could take us on because we were big, with 10 horses and a two-day program,” says Abbott. “I talked to my sister, Wanda, and her husband, Frank, about working out some type of arrangement and we were able to build the new arena. Now we have a permanent home here and are happy.” The arena for the 107 riders, age two to 18, provides a large, safe, covered space for a variety of therapeutic activities. In the future the organization will also be renovating the pastures for the riders. Expenses include board for the horses which costs approximately $4,000 a month. The organization fundraises all year round with many events such as a golf outing, ride-a-thons, a dance, a lottery raffle and an Entertainment book sale. It also relies on volunteers to monitor and assist the riders and horses as a side walker or a horse leader. “The bottom line is that the therapy works and there is success here,” notes Abbott. “I would like people to know that it is an all-volunteer organization and there is no charge to the riders.” Abbott’s assessment of the value of the therapy is right on the money. Dr. Temple Grandin, author of Animals in Translation, is an expert in autism who has studied animals for more than 30 years. She thinks that the bond between horses and kids with developmental disabilities is essential and that horses offer calming, patience, responsibility, socialization and understanding. Grandin notes that studies have proven that “a repetitive rocking motion that requires a person to continually find and refind balance stimulates areas of the brain where learning receptors are located.” This happens while riding a horse. But she also adds, “Being on a horse is just so darned cool, it’s no wonder kids respond.” Abbott sees the same riders come week after week and their progress is evident. Volunteer physical and occupational therapists are on hand to critique the riders and measure their progress. There are also six volunteer riding instructors. Janet Frank is a riding instructor with RHWPA and has been around horses all of her life. “I worked as a speech pathologist with youngsters with challenges for over 30 years and had horses so it seemed like a good fit,” says Frank. “The children, but also the families, really benefit from what we do.” To make a donation or to find out more about the RHWPA, please visit the website at
North Allegheny | Winter 2012 | 35
What You Need to Know About the
New Health Care Tax on Investment Income
1 2
What is the Health Care tax rate and when does it start? The 3.8% tax starts on January 1, 2013, less than two months from now. What income is subject to the Health Care Tax? The tax is imposed on investment income – interest, dividends, capital gains, (long and short), distributions from annuities, (except those in IRAs or company plans), royalty income, passive rental income and other passive activity income.
What income is not subject to the Health Care Tax? The 3.8% tax is not imposed on wages, self-employment income, active trade or business income, distributions from IRAs, Roth IRAs and company plans, municipal bond interest, excluded gain from the sale of your principal residence, proceeds from life insurance policies, veteran’s benefits, social security benefits or gains from the sale of an active interest in a partnership or an S Corporation.
Above what income thresholds is the Health Care Tax imposed? The Health Care Tax is imposed on MAGI - Modified Adjusted Gross Income, (essentially Adjusted Gross Income from line 37 of your tax return), above $250,000 for married couples filing jointly; above $125,000 for married couples filing separately; and above $200,000 for single individuals. Trusts and estates are hit particularly hard with the Health Care Tax kicking in at a much lower income level: MAGI of $11,650. Note: taxable income from all sources can push you over the MAGI threshold and cause your investment income to be subject to the 3.8% Health Care Tax. However, income tax-free Roth distributions
are not included in MAGI.
How much income will be taxed? The 3.8% Health Care tax is imposed on the lesser of net investment income, (#2 above), or the amount of MAGI over the income thresholds, (#4 above). Taxpayers with income below the MAGI levels will NOT be subject to the Health Care Tax.
6 7
What other Health Care Tax provisions are coming in 2013? We will have an additional .9% Medicare tax withheld on wages and paid on selfemployment income over the MAGI thresholds, (#4 above). What else should I look for that would make me subject to the Health Care Tax? Nationally-prominent CPA, Robert S. Keebler, has identified the “Surtax Bubble”SM that occurs when taxpayers with a high level of investment income need to begin taking a Required Minimum Distribution, (RMD), from their IRA at age 70. While the RMD is exempt from the Health Care Tax, it can increase MAGI, and in some cases, lead to an effective Federal Tax Rate of 43.6% on the IRA distribution. For example, Ted and Sally, both age 69, have investment income, (#2 above), of $249,000. Next year, their RMD of $100,000 will cause their MAGI, (#4 above), to increase to $349,000, making $99,000, (excess of MAGI over $250,000 threshold), subject to the 3.8% Health Care Tax. Their surtax will be $3,762, ($99,000 x 3.8%). Ouch!
8 9
How can I plan to avoid the “Surtax Bubble”SM? Bob Keebler states it best: Converting to a Roth IRA now will reduce MAGI tomorrow. Are there other measures that can be taken to lessen the impact of the Health Care Tax? Many traditional planning opportunities exist, including the use of investments that defer income or generate income that is income that is exempt from federal income tax. a Municipal bond interest will remain income that is exempt from federal income tax. We believe that it is critical that trusts own municipal bonds if they could find themselves subject to the Health Care Tax. b Installment sales of property can defer the recognition of income over a period of time. These are helpful to stay under the MAGI threshold. c Charitable Gifts of appreciated property avoid the increase in income when the property is sold, keeping you under the MAGI threshold, (#4 above). d Investments in oil & gas provide tax benefits that can reduce income, including income from a Roth Conversion.
Securities and Investment Advisory Services offered through NFP Securities, Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC. NFP Securities, Inc. does not provide tax or legal advice. Consult with a qualified financial professional, attorney or tax advisor regarding your individual situation. NFP Securities, Inc. is not affiliated with Wealth Management Strategies, Inc. This Industry Insight was written by H. L. Bud Kahn, CPA, CFP®, CIMA® Mr. Kahn is the founding Principal of Wealth Management Strategies, Inc., a Pittsburgh-based enterprise whose professionals provide financial planning, asset management and other wealth management services for a wide range of individual and families throughout the eastern United States. Mr. Kahn’s professional background also includes eighteen years in practice as a CPA. Mr. Kahn is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh, with a BA in Economics and an MBA in Accounting & Finance, and Robert Morris College with an MS in Taxation. Mr. Kahn has also completed executive education studies in finance at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He is a member of the Investment Management Consultants Association, The Estate Planning Council of Pittsburgh and the Allegheny Tax Society. Mr. Kahn lectures frequently for numerous professional and civic organizations on a wide range of topics in the areas of wealth and income distribution planning and alternative investment opportunities in the real estate and natural gas industries. Mr. Kahn’s biography has been included in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in the East, and Who’s Who of Emerging Leaders in America. He is also active in several local charitable organizations, and is a graduate of Leadership Pittsburgh. Mr. Kahn is married and has two sons.
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Health and Wellness News You Can Use | Winter 2012-13
Stay Well This Winter Some people seem to sail through winter without a sniffle or a grumble. These simple steps may help you do the same: Spend some time in the fresh air, de-stress your holiday planning, wash your hands often, get plenty of sleep, and get a flu shot.
What’s Inside 2 3 4
A Cut Above the Rest Absent From Pain Butt Out: New Reasons to Quit Smoking Brittle Bones
5 6 7
Shedding More Than Pounds Growing Up With Heart Disease Welcoming New Physicians What’s Happening at UPMC Passavant
© 2012 UPMC
A Cut Above the Rest UPMC Passavant’s new single-incision robotic gallbladder surgery can offer patients faster recovery, less pain, and minimal scarring.
It was a typical summer day last August for Lauren Silver. But by nightfall, she began experiencing severe back pain. “It was so sharp, I decided to go to the emergency room,” says the 24-year-old tax accountant from Cranberry. “I was shocked to learn I had gallstones, because I never had any symptoms.” A few weeks later, Lauren’s gallbladder was removed by M. Lance Weaver, MD, a general surgeon at UPMC Passavant specializing in robotic single-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy surgery. Dr. Weaver and his associates at Northern Area Surgical Associates–UPMC — James Valuska, MD, and Thomas Lheureau, MD — are among approximately 100 surgeons nationwide trained in this cutting-edge procedure.
His hand, wrist, and finger movements were translated into precise, real-time surgical movements. “This is technically a more difficult operation for the surgeon because instead of making four small incisions, we use only a single incision at the belly button where all the instruments are placed,” explains Dr. Weaver. “But the benefits are absolutely worth it.” Dr. Weaver especially praises the greater visualization this procedure offers the surgeon. “It allows us to see in 3D — a kind of depth perception you don’t get in traditional laparoscopic surgery. It also enables us to be more precise, because the robot eliminates any trace of a hand movement.”
A better patient experience Even more important are the benefits for patients. “Because we’re only making one small incision, patients typically have less pain, recover faster, and experience minimal scarring,” says Dr. Weaver. Lauren’s surgery was completed in under an hour. She went home the same day and was ready to return to work a week later. “I’d highly recommend robotic surgery and felt fortunate that the new procedure was available,” she says. “In just a few days, I was back to living my life like it never happened.” To schedule an appointment with Dr. Weaver or one of his associates at Northern Area Surgical Associates–UPMC, 9930 Grubbs Rd., Ste. 100, Wexford, call 866-633-1075.
About Gallstones They can be present for years, without any pain symptoms. Like Lauren, most of the 1.2 million Americans who had their gallbladder removed last year never knew they had gallstones.
From four incisions to one To remove Lauren’s gallbladder, Dr. Weaver inserted the surgical instruments and a small camera into her abdomen through a single incision. Sitting at a special console that displays high-definition images, Dr. Weaver used controls to move the surgical instruments.
Gallstones are hard deposits that can be as small as grains of sand or as large as golf balls. They form in the gallbladder, a small sac-like organ under the liver on the right side of the abdomen. Its job is to store the bile made by the liver, which helps the body digest fats. Attacks often occur at night, and can last one to four hours. “Pain typically occurs in the right upper or middle upper belly, and can extend to the back and shoulders,” says Dr. Weaver. “If the pain is severe or accompanied by fever or chills, you should seek immediate medical care.”
Absent From Pain Most of us think of anesthesiology as the medical specialty that “puts you to sleep,” but it’s really all about pain relief.
internal medicine, pharmacology, and surgery. Many also pursue subspecialty training in such areas as pain medicine, and pediatric, cardiothoracic, or obstetric anesthesia. In today’s complex surgical suites, anesthesiologists lead an entire team of skilled professionals, which can include a certified registered nurse anesthetist, resident physician, student nurse anesthetist, and anesthetist assistant. “It’s a true team effort, with each member playing a distinct role in delivering patient care,” says Dr. Williams. Anesthesia’s role in health care extends far beyond the operating room. Anesthesiologists offer pain management in a variety of settings, enhancing the daily lives of patients with chronic diseases or complex medical conditions.
Getting to know you For minor operations, you’ll typically meet your anesthesiologist at the hospital, shortly before surgery. For major surgeries, you will be asked to participate in a pre-surgery consultation. “With patients who live at a distance, we’re now using telemedicine to conduct pre-op visits,” says Dr. Williams. “It allows us to get to know you, address your questions and concerns, review options, and determine if any additional tests or consultations are needed.”
What to tell your anesthesiologist
Anesthesia makes possible some of modern medicine’s greatest miracles. Can you imagine undergoing surgery without it? The father of Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes is generally credited with bringing the term into popular use in 1846, though references to anesthesia can be traced back to 1741. The term is based on a Greek word meaning “lack of sensation.” “Anesthesiology uses medicine to eliminate your ability to feel pain or other sensations,” explains John Williams, MD, the Peter and Eva Safar Professor and chair of the University of Pittsburgh’s Department of Anesthesiology. “Your anesthesiologist partners with your surgeon to manage your vital functions before, during, and after surgery. Everything from breathing, heart rate and rhythm, blood pressure, body temperature, blood clotting, and fluid loss is consistently monitored.”
A team of professionals Anesthesiologists are physicians who complete four years of residency after finishing medical school. Their extensive preparation includes training in cardiology, critical care medicine,
Prior to surgery, you’ll be asked to provide information about yourself. “Be candid and comprehensive. What you share will be held in strict confidence,” advises Dr. Williams. Be sure to include the following: • Previous reactions you or other family members have had to anesthesia • Any food, medicine, or latex allergies you have • Prescription, over-the-counter, or herbal medications you take • Your use of alcohol or recreational drugs
Did You Know? There are four basic categories of anesthesia: Local: Numbs a small, specific part of your body Regional: Numbs a larger area of your body, usually below the waist Twilight: Sedates and provides pain relief General: Renders you unconscious
Health Tips from UPMC Health Plan
Butt Out Despite dire health warnings, one out of five Americans still smokes. If you’re one of them, here are some new reasons to crush that butt. Before you light up your next cigarette, consider this: With every puff, you’re inhaling more than 7,000 chemicals. Hundreds of them are poisonous, and about 70 can cause cancer. And no organ or tissue in the body is immune to this toxic cloud. Most people know that cancer, heart disease, and lung disease are major health threats caused by smoking. But are you aware that smoking increases your risk of getting diabetes by 44 percent? That’s just one of the not-so-obvious reasons to put that butt out. Here are five more. 1. See the difference. If you smoke, your risk of age-related macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness, doubles. Smokers also have double the risk of developing cataracts.
Brittle Bones Osteoporosis is quickly becoming a national health care concern.
It’s estimated that 10 million Americans now have osteoporosis and 34 million are at risk. Whether you’re young or old, male or female, chances are good that you — or someone you love — will be affected by the disease. “In osteoporosis, your bones become thin and brittle, putting you at increased risk of a bone fracture,” says Susan Greenspan, MD, UPMC’s director of osteoporosis prevention and treatment. “In advanced stages, simple acts like lifting a baby or sneezing can lead to a fracture.” Here are four facts everyone should know about osteoporosis: 1. Osteoporosis can appear at any age. But after the age of 50, one out of every two women — and one out of every four men — are likely to experience a fracture due to the disease. These breaks occur most often in the hip, wrist, and spine. 2. Osteoporosis is silent. It’s often diagnosed only after a fracture. Menopause, family and medical history, physical build, and your lifestyle and diet can increase your odds of the disease.
2. Heal better. Smoking weakens the body’s ability to heal from surgery, disease, broken bones, and even minor back strains. 3. Now hear this. Smokers are more likely to develop a hearing loss. Exposure to secondhand smoke also puts former smokers and nonsmokers at risk. 4. Stand tall. Smoking weakens bones and raises the risk of osteoporosis and hip fractures in men and women. 5. Keep your head. If your mind is cloudy, smoking may be the culprit. It’s been linked to memory problems and poor reasoning skills in middle-aged smokers.
You’re not just hurting yourself The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that secondhand smoke kills about 50,000 people every year and sickens many more. Children who live with a smoker are especially susceptible to lung and breathing problems, and they run an increased risk of hearing loss as adolescents. If you’re among the eight out of 10 smokers who want to quit, talk to your primary care doctor. To locate a doctor in your area, visit or call toll-free 1-800-533-UPMC (8762).
Sources: American Academy of Ophthalmology, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Journal of the American Medical Association.
3. You can take proactive steps at any age to promote bone health. These include: eating foods rich in calcium, such as milk, cottage cheese, and calcium-enriched juices; exercising (weight-bearing exercise like walking); stopping smoking; and limiting alcohol use. If needed, consider taking a calcium supplement and vitamin D daily. 4. The good news is early detection is easy. If you’re 65 years of age or older, Dr. Greenspan recommends talking to your doctor about your risks. A simple bone mineral density test can assess your bone health. To learn more about osteoporosis, talk to your primary care provider, or visit the National Osteoporosis Foundation’s website at
Shedding More Than Pounds Bariatric surgery helps free patients from a range of life-threatening health problems.
It’s well known that bariatric surgery can produce impressive weight loss. But there’s increasing evidence that it offers other health benefits, too. For example, a recent Swedish study showed weight-loss surgery can prevent diabetes among individuals who struggle with obesity. That news came as no surprise to Anita Courcoulas, MD, professor of surgery and chief of the Section of Minimally Invasive Bariatric and General Surgery at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. “It’s another study demonstrating the lasting impact of bariatric surgery on health improvement,” says Dr. Courcoulas. “The changes are real and durable.”
Is bariatric surgery right for you? Current national guidelines recommend bariatric surgery for patients who are 80 to 100 pounds overweight and with a body mass index (BMI) greater than 40, or a BMI of 35 or more for those with one or more significant obesity-related health conditions. Those guidelines may change, though. For example, at UPMC — one of the most highly funded centers of bariatric research in the country — Dr. Courcoulas is heading a study examining the impact of bariatric surgery on diabetic patients with lower BMIs (30–35). She predicts more and more patients will seek out bariatric surgery for health reasons — not just weight reasons. “We’re just beginning to understand its full potential,” she says.
Bariatric Surgery Centers at UPMC Each of UPMC’s four bariatric surgery centers has been named a Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence by the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. Our multidisciplinary approach to weight loss through both surgery and lifestyle changes is available at: UPMC Hamot: Offers gastric bypass surgery, laparoscopic adjustable gastric band surgery, and gastric sleeve. For more information or to schedule an appointment with Amjad Ali, MD, or Rodolfo Arreola, MD, call 814-877-6997. UPMC Horizon: Offers gastric bypass surgery, laparoscopic adjustable gastric band surgery, gastric sleeve, and revisional surgery. For more information or to schedule an appointment with Christopher Myers, MD, call 724-588-6660.
A life-altering surgery According to the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, an estimated 72 million Americans are considered obese and nearly 200,000 undergo bariatric surgery annually. UPMC is a leader nationally in bariatric surgery and in the number of bariatric procedures performed annually. Dr. Courcoulas says bariatric surgery (including gastric bypass, gastric band, and gastric sleeve) can help reverse a variety of serious obesity-related health conditions, such as: • Diabetes • Heart disease
• High blood pressure • High cholesterol
• Sleep apnea
UPMC St. Margaret: Pittsburgh Bariatrics offers gastric bypass, laparoscopic adjustable gastric band surgery, gastric sleeve, and revisional surgery. For more information or to schedule an appointment with Joseph Colella, MD, or LeeAnn Peluso, MD, call 412-784-5900. Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC: Offers gastric bypass surgery, laparoscopic adjustable gastric band surgery, gastric sleeve, revisional surgery, and clinical trials. For more information or to schedule an appointment with Anita Courcoulas, MD, director, Minimally Invasive Bariatric Surgery; George Eid, MD; Giselle Hamad, MD; Carol McCloskey, MD; or Ramesh Ramanathan, MD, call 412-641-3632. Each center offers free monthly information sessions. To learn more about bariatric surgery, or to find out if you’re a candidate, visit
Growing Up With Heart Disease Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC is responding to the special challenges facing adults born with congenital heart disease.
The ACHD Center — a joint program of Children’s Hospital and UPMC Presbyterian — provides specialized transition support and care for patients with congenital heart disease. “Despite surgery, patients can experience complications as adults, including arrhythmias, stroke, heart failure, and sudden cardiac death. Our care and follow-up enables these young people — now in their prime — to lead long, productive lives,” Dr. Cook says.
A healthy outlook Before her diagnosis, Alexis thought she was in great shape; she had lost 100 pounds, was running daily, and had completed a two-mile race. But her conditioning actually helped disguise her declining health. After undergoing surgery at Children’s last April to restore blood flow, she now realizes how much better she feels. This summer, she ran the race again.
Alexis Laney was only 14 months old when she underwent open heart surgery in Cleveland to repair a faulty valve. She had annual checkups until age 17, when her pediatric cardiologist referred her to an adult cardiologist. She scheduled sporadic checkups, but stopped going after giving birth to a son in 2005. “I felt fine,” says Alexis. Now 27, the young wife and mother finally gave in to her family’s urging last year and saw a cardiologist near her home in Youngstown, Ohio. Although her EKG and echocardiogram were normal, he urged Alexis to see a specialist at the Adult Congenital Heart Disease (ACHD) Center at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, saying, “I don’t know what to look for, but they will.” Tests conducted by Stephen Cook, MD, director of the ACHD Center, found scar tissue blocking blood flow to her aorta — a serious condition putting her at risk of sudden death. “I was shocked. I could have collapsed and died,” Alexis says.
Lifelong expert care Alexis is part of a growing population of adults born with heart defects who had lifesaving heart surgery as newborns and children. Thanks to advances in medicine and improved surgical techniques, “the number of adults with congenital heart diseases has outgrown the number of pediatric congenital heart disease patients,” says Dr. Cook.
“Last year, I was better conditioned, but I couldn’t breathe after the race. This year, I felt fantastic,” Alexis says. “I’m glad I went to Children’s. I’m more confident about exercising now. I know my heart can take it.”
ACHD Center Fast Facts A single childhood surgery is seldom a permanent cure for patients born with a heart defect. The Adult Congenital Heart Disease Center provides lifelong care and follow-up for patients with congenital heart disease who are: • Ages 18 and up with conditions ranging from simple to severe • Women of childbearing age needing pregnancy counseling or contraception • Adolescents (13 to 17) who receive guidance, support, and care during their transition to adulthood For more information, contact the Adult Congenital Heart Disease Center at 412-692-5540 or email
Welcoming New Physicians To schedule an appointment, or for more information about any of our physicians, visit or call 1-800-533-UPMC (8762). Nduka M. Amankulor, MD Neurosurgery
Janine Michelle Frank, MD Internal Medicine
Nimish S. Naik, MD Nephrology
Priya Prabhakar Saxena, MD Internal Medicine
Efthymios D. Avgerinos, MD Vascular Surgery
Bethany Calaway Hahn, MD Gynecology
Corey Andrew Pacek, MD Orthopaedics
Barbara M. Swenson, MD Neurology
Samantha Leigh Kanarek, DO Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Leonard J. Polinski, MD Internal Medicine
What’s Happening at UPMC Passavant These free events are offered by UPMC Passavant and the Passavant Hospital Foundation. Food Busters – Debunking Common Food Myths
Sounds of the Season Holiday Music Concert
Tuesday, Nov. 13, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Legacy Music Series Friday, Nov. 30, 7 p.m.
CCAC, North Campus
Passavant Hospital Foundation Legacy Theatre, Cumberland Woods Village
Speakers: UPMC Passavant Registered Dietitian
The Passavant Hospital Foundation invites you to enjoy this special holiday program. Reservations suggested.
Attend this seminar to learn about weight loss and weight management to achieve a healthy, active lifestyle. Topics include healthy dieting, exercise, and behavior modification to help you lose weight safely and maintain the weight loss. Space is limited.
CCAC North Campus Speakers: Caroline Claus, MS, RD, LDN, and Samantha Mendelowitz, RD, LDN, Nutrition Services, UPMC Passavant Food and nutrition myths have been passed around for ages. Learn more about food myths that are old wives’ tales and not actual fact. Space is limited. Please call 412-369-3701 to register for this free course #YEB-256-1450.
For more information, please call 412-367-6640.
Atrial Fibrillation: What It Means to You
Weight Loss and Weight Management Tuesday, March 19, 2013, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Please call 412-369-3701 to register.
Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2013, 12:30 p.m. Healthy Living with Diabetes Wednesday, Nov. 14, 12:30 p.m. Senior Center, Cranberry Township Municipal Building Speaker: Patrick McCarthy, RN, manager, Healthy Lifestyles Center and diabetic educator, UPMC Passavant Millions of Americans have been diagnosed with diabetes. One in three has diabetes but hasn’t been diagnosed. This informative session will cover the basics: what is diabetes, medicines available for treatment, and current recommendations for staying healthy with diabetes.
Senior Center, Cranberry Township Municipal Building Speakers: UPMC Heart and Vascular Team Atrial fibrillation is an irregular beating of the top chambers of the heart, which often results in rapid heart rates and can have significant implications such as a weakened heart muscle and risk for stroke. Learn the symptoms, causes, risks, and potential treatment options for atrial fibrillation.
Bridge to Hope Family Support Group Wednesdays, 7 p.m. Passavant Hospital Foundation Conference Center, Cumberland Woods Village The Bridge to Hope support group provides education and support to families touched by addiction. Anonymity respected. No registration necessary. For more information, please call 412-367-6640.
Please call 412-367-6640 to register.
Please call 412-367-6640 to register.
UPMC Passavant 9100 Babcock Blvd. Pittsburgh, PA 15237
UPMC Today is published quarterly to provide you with health and wellness information and classes and events available at UPMC. This publication is for information purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice or replace a physician’s medical assessment. Always consult first with your physician about anything related to your personal health.
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take time to take care of you Holidays are for celebrating all of the things that make life special. Don’t let a major illness, injury, or even a sore throat keep you from enjoying them. UPMC Passavant physicians’ offices are open and conveniently located near you. Our physicians are accepting new patients, and in most cases even offer same-day appointments. Just call 1-800-533-UPMC (8762) or visit Care and we’ll get you an appointment with one of our doctors. It doesn’t matter why you need us; it matters that we’re here if you do.
Affiliated with the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, UPMC is ranked among the nation’s top 10 hospitals by U.S. News & World Report.
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A Prince of a Teacher
Joe Prince is a
Teacher of the Year Finalist By Jonathan Barnes
s a kid, Joe Prince and his siblings would play school in the basement of their home and their mother, a teacher, provided the blackboard and overhead projector for their lessons. But it wasn’t until high school that Prince realized he actually wanted to become a teacher. An unmotivated student, he was directionless for a while in high school. But his English teacher, Mary Grace Snyder, saw something in him and encouraged him. “She really started to push me and I started to think, ‘Maybe I should go to college,’” Prince said. Prince, now 35, is the library and research teacher of Marshall Middle School and has been working for North Allegheny for five years. He recently was named as one of the 12 finalists in Pennsylvania’s Teacher of the Year competition. The winner of the state competition will be chosen in December and will go on to represent the state in the national competition. When Prince learned from an email that he got the nomination, at first he was floored. “It was beyond flattering,” he said. After a while, he realized all of the work he would have to do to compete.
“I thought, ‘How will I do this?’ But then I thought of it as an assignment for graduate school, and planned on it.” To begin, he had to submit his resume, a summary of his teaching philosophy, three letters of recommendation and two essays on educational topics. Then he had to write three more essays on education and create a four-part video on education. In a way, all of that research and writing was practicing what he preaches each school day. Prince teaches students how to locate, select and evaluate research for their school assignments, through instruction in strategies for using text-based evidence in research, information-seeking strategies, and other areas. He also teaches information literacy skills, as well as the Joy of Reading. Previously Prince worked as an English teacher for eight years in Eastern York School District. He earned his B.A. in secondary education/English at York College and his M.L.I.S. in 2008 at the University of Pittsburgh. He views the state competition as an opportunity to spread the good word about the work teachers are doing. “Public education is often under-appreciated, and sometimes the focus is negative,” Prince said. “This is a great opportunity to show how much education has meant to me.” His style of teaching centers on inquisitiveness, and fitting the best information with each reader. “There’s no such thing as a book that’s for everybody… I’m always looking for that one book that could appeal to a child,” he said. “I’m still kind of ‘old-school,’ but I use a lot of technology to engage students.” Prince recently raised funds to buy 10 iPads for students to use in the library for research. The charitable effort follows a legacy begun by former librarian Linda Rosenbaum, he said. The current librarian couldn’t be happier with his chosen profession. “I really love what I do,” says Prince. “They say librarians are actually second reading teachers, and I agree with that.”
North Allegheny | Winter 2012 | 45
Pink Ribbon Round-Up By Kathy Rudolph
P Patricia Hodder, PWRU, president with her horse
atricia Hodder is a breast cancer survivor who turned a negative situation into something that helps so many. She founded the “Pink Ribbon Round-Up” with a group of close friends and relatives. “I am seven years clean and I am feeling pretty good,” says Hodder. The nonprofit event, which has raised $170,000 in six years for breast cancer research, combines a love of horses and a dedication to eliminating cancer. Its two-day format includes an evening gala with a “hoedown feel” at the Chadwick, and a horse ride and picnic the next morning in picturesque North Park. The organization believes that “the passion and energy spent with our animals can be directed to presenting a wonderful, exciting two-day event that will raise money for Susan G. Komen for the Cure-Pittsburgh and help us achieve our goal.” “We are an all-volunteer organization,” adds Hodder. “We donate all of our money to Susan G. Komen, but we earmark it for research only and that money stays in the Pittsburgh area. We have a small committee, but they are very dedicated and work very, very hard to pull off this two-day event.”
Combining horses into her fundraising efforts just came naturally to Hodder.
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“I just love horses,” she says. “I bought my first horse in 1991 and unfortunately, he just passed away in July. I moved from the city to seven acres in Cranberry so that I could have him with me at all times. He helped me get through the cancer. Every chance I got, I would go down to the barn and just talk to him and he would rub his head on my back. It was just the most amazing thing.” Hodder is enthusiastic about the future of Pink Ribbon Round-Up. “This is our seventh year and we are hoping to break the $200,000 mark and I am very excited about it,” she said. “It is a wonderful event and we get the same people who come back every year and they bring their friends. Next year we may change the gala to Saturday night and the trail ride to Sunday morning Kent and Josie Shoemaker because we want the parents who attend of Butler County Sheriff’s the high school football games to be able to Posse and PWRU volunteers come. We also ask survivors to come free of charge, of course,” adds Hodder. “There are people who attend who have been cancer-free from two months to 20 years, so it is very encouraging.” Founding Pink Ribbon Round-Up was life changing for Hodder. “It is probably the most satisfying thing that I have ever done. When I realized that we can make even a small difference in
contributing to the cost of research, which Brenda Krieger, PWRU board member is so exorbitant, it meant a great deal to me and Emily Winter personally. I have a niece and a couple of greatnieces and I just don’t want to see them go through what I went through.” To learn more about Pink Ribbon Round-Up, visit the website at
Amber Thompson
North Allegheny | Winter 2012 | 47
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Local Church Makes a Strong Connection to Zimbabwe By Heather Holtschlag
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n 2006, a group of 18 volunteers from Pittsburgh traveled on a mission trip to Zimbabwe and discovered something that would soon change their lives. Eight of them were from a local church, St. Paul’s United Methodist Church. A 150-bed hospital located in a rural remote area of Africa – complete with one doctor, limited medications and supplies, no rubber gloves and unpredictable amounts of water and electricity – was forced to serve a population of 150,000. “This type of hospital sounds incredible to even exist in the 21st century, but that was the type of environment that we encountered on this mission trip to Nyadire, Zimbabwe,” said Tom Greway, a founding volunteer member. “During our two weeks there, despite the physical shortcomings of the hospital, we were astounded by the spirit and dedication of the hospital workers as they provided medical services the best way they could.” It was at the point of the group’s departure that the members realized a determination to connect with the people at Nyadire and help provide services as needed. This is how The Nyadire Connection was born. “The word ‘connection’ in the group’s name was purposely chosen to emphasize our desire to form a bond with the Zimbabwean people,” Greway explained.
St. Paul’s United Methodist Church in Allison Park has been a strong supporter of the group since its inception, with some of it’s members having traveled to Nyadire more than once. Creative Hands for Comfort and Warmth, a group from St. Paul’s, has sent hundreds of handmade items, including knitted and crocheted blankets, hats, fabric dolls, sweaters, aprons and fabric checkerboards for use at the orphanage and hospital. The work of The Nyadire Connection is directed by a core of approximately 20 persons who meet monthly, according to Greway, and hundreds of other volunteers assist in specific ministry areas. “One of the ministries is to provide education for orphans in the Nyadire area. Sponsors in Pittsburgh donate annually, which provides the school fees for an entire year for an orphan in Zimbabwe,” Greway explained. “Currently, The Nyadire Connection group members support more than 300 orphans – children who would have been turned away from school had these fees not been paid for them. Other volunteers have a passion for different parts of the mission, such as the hospital, and have assisted in those particular areas of interest.” Since 2006, The Nyadire Connection has sent mission teams every year to Nyadire. In 2012, four mission teams comprised of a total of 40 people traveled to Nyadire at different times of the year, and while there, they have assisted in several ways, depending on their talents and skills. “Dentists and dental hygienists have provided dental service, nurses have assisted in the hospital and offered classes in the nursing school, and pastoral care has been offered. In addition, construction projects have been completed, Bible schools for children have been conducted, students have
been tutored, orphans have received care, computers have been installed, and farm projects have been started,” Greway said. “Also while in Nyadire, the team is able to ensure that funds that have been provided have been used for their intended purposes.” Many other projects have been started or completed as well, thanks to the efforts of The Nyadire Connection, which started the orphan school sponsorship program, provided funds for additional doctors in the hospital, sent shipments of medications twice yearly, provided seeds and fertilizer for the farm, organized a library, created a computer lab, and helped to build a reservoir and piping to secure a reliable water source, among a multitude of others. The group has also partnered with Global Links and Brother’s Brother to send two large containers of various supplies annually. “An amazing aspect of these mission trips is that almost without exception, people who have been to Nyadire have a strong desire to return,” Greway noted. “One of the primary reasons for this is because of the bonding that occurs between mission team members and the people we meet at Nyadire. Personally, I met a 10-yearold girl there in 2006. She and I continue to write letters and send pictures to each other. In fact, many of our orphan sponsors have become pen pals with the orphans whom they sponsor.” To be able to continue their work and provide as much aid as they can to the people in Nyadire, the group hosts a variety of fundraisers that take place throughout the year, including golf tournaments, garage sales, Christian music concerts and craft sales. Group members also get together for meals and to share Nyadire stories, participate in school carnivals, and host speakers from Zimbabwe during visits to the United States. Members also offer presentations to local schools, churches, hospitals and Rotary clubs. “The most satisfying thing for me about The Nyadire Connection is that the group does not decide what is needed at Nyadire,” Greway said. “The people in Nyadire tell us what they would like to accomplish, and we assist them in the endeavor. For example, there is a large farm area on the mission, but it had been unattended for the past 12 years. Our group has recently undertaken, at their request, to assist in restarting the farm by providing funds for seed and fertilizer, and for repair of the farm equipment. “In this way, the farm will eventually become self-sufficient in providing food for the people as well as providing a source of revenue to help sustain the other parts of the mission, such as the orphanage.” Greway also noted that The Nyadire Connection does not provide food for the people to eat, but provides the means by which the people can provide their own food. The Nyadire Connection is planning four trips again in 2013. For more information on these trips or to get involved with the group, visit the website at or email Greway at If your group would like to host a speaker at an upcoming meeting, call Greway at (724) 444-3070. North Allegheny | Winter 2012 | 49
Father Joseph McCaffrey,
The Flying Priest By Pamela Palongue
F 50
ather Joseph McCaffrey, the pastor of Saints John and Paul Catholic Church in NA, started life in Muse, Pa., in pretty much the same way that most kids grow up, but with one important difference: he found himself drawn to the priesthood at only seven years of age!
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The son of Alice and Jay McCaffrey, his father worked hard in the steel mills and his mother was a woman of great faith. “I just thought to myself, ‘If I only have one life to live, why not do the most important thing I can do with my life?’” says McCaffrey. And with that, he began a lifelong love affair with God and His church. Although there were to be bumps in the road, his devotion to his first love never wavered. If McCaffrey needed inspiration to follow his calling, he didn’t have to look very far. “In our family, whenever we would have hard times or things would go wrong, we always turned to God; it always came back to our faith,” explains McCaffrey. Becoming an altar server seemed a natural progression and as his faith grew, so did his aspirations to help. As a teenager he read North Allegheny | Winter 2012 | 51
an article in a faith-based magazine that would take him to a remote area, far from home. “The Alaskan Shepherd had this article about a village of Eskimos who badly needed help,” says McCaffrey. The Native Americans lived in abject poverty and the young future priest was eager to help out. He wrote to the bishop, hoping to be allowed to travel there to work with them. The bishop, taken aback by the age of this teenager writing to him, said, “Come back when you’re in college.” So after enrolling in Duquesne University as a freshman in 1979, the persistent 18-year-old wrote to the bishop again and said, “I’m in college now.” The bishop relented and McCaffrey had to pay his own way to travel to Alaska to the village of Hooper Bay. He remained in the village for three months and he describes the experience as a
For the parish picnic, he and Father Haney dressed in Batman and Robin costumes to the delight of the parishioners. McCaffrey was to remain in Whitehall for a year and a half. His next mission was to serve as secretary to Bishop Wuerl in an administrative capacity. But McCaffrey missed parish life, administering the sacraments and caring for the people. He was next assigned to St. Benedict the Abbot Church in McMurray where he served with Father Philip Donatelli. McCaffrey was the parochial vicar and worked with the youth ministry there. He also became the first chaplain with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in Pittsburgh, a post he still holds today. “You know the [agents] see a lot of horrible things – children who have been killed as a result of child abuse, recovering bodies from plane
“real eye-opener.” “They lived in shacks. Despite their poverty, the older ones were trying desperately to preserve their culture and they would go out and fish in their boats every day,” says McCaffrey. The younger generation showed little interest in preserving their culture and lacked hope and inspiration. McCaffrey’s “job” was to teach Bible classes and the catechism, and he also did a fair amount of manual labor, helping to get their shanties and community buildings in shape for the winter. When the time came to make a commitment to the priesthood, both of his parents were supportive but wanted him to be happy, regardless of his occupation. “Whenever I was growing up and would talk about other things I was considering doing, my mother never expressed disappointment that I wasn’t going to be a priest. She would just tell me that I should do what made me happy. She was never pushy.” With quietly supportive parents, McCaffrey completed his journey to become a priest on May 23, 1987, in an ordination ceremony at St. Paul’s with then-Bishop Anthony Bevilacqua at the age of 26. His first church was St. Gabriel’s in Whitehall where he had the happy assignment of serving with Father John Haney. “I was so blessed to serve with him,” says McCaffrey. “He is such a jovial person.”
wreckage and other terrible things,” he says quietly. Although he is Catholic, he serves individuals of all faiths and indeed those with no faith at all, helping them with the post-traumatic stress of dealing with their jobs serving western Pennsylvania and all of West Virginia. It was because of his work as a chaplain with the FBI that he became involved with the tragedy at the crash site of Flight 93 in Shanksville on 9/11. He was assigned as a law enforcement liaison to the families of the 40 passengers who perished and performed the rite of consecrating the ground with holy water the day after the crash. Asked what he said to the families in their hour of desperation, McCaffrey replies thoughtfully, “My message is always the same: when Jesus died, all his followers believed all was lost and yet Christ triumphed over death and we too have the promise of resurrection. God can bring good out of evil and there is always hope, even in the midst of defeat.” McCaffrey also ministered to the families at the dedication ceremony on September 11, 2011. When McCaffrey became the pastor of St. James the Apostle in New Bedford in 1995, he earned the distinction of becoming the youngest pastor in the diocese of Pittsburgh. The resourceful priest had always had an interest in flying and with the new appointment he found many of his parishioners lived in remote areas. He began
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to take flying lessons to be able to reach the outlying areas, and parishioners contributed gift certificates toward flying lessons for birthdays and holidays. When news of his flight lessons reached the diocese, Bishop Wuerl good-naturedly complained, “You cause me to work overtime praying for you.” Wuerl’s concerns must have been genuine as he always refused to go up with McCaffrey. However, Bishop Zubik managed to conquer his nerves and took a ride with the flying priest. He often donates a plane ride to be raffled off at golf outings and other charity events.
Current issues of this magazine are also available online.
Another area of focus for McCaffrey’s service was the New Castle Youth Development Center, where he served as chaplain to juvenile offenders at the maximum-security facility. Although somewhat reluctant to fulfill the new role at first, McCaffrey found himself realizing that if it had not been for his wonderful parents, he might have been in the same situation as many of the kids he ministered to at the center. He eventually built an interfaith chapel there which Bishop Wuerl dedicated in November 2001. On June 24, 2002, Father McCaffrey came to Saints John and Paul Parish where he has served for 10 years, during which he oversaw the building of the new 1,500-seat church dedicated on May 2, 2010, by Bishop Zubik. McCaffrey celebrated his 25th anniversary of the priesthood on May 23, 2012. Although many people may view religious service as a sacrifice, McCaffrey feels he hasn’t really missed much of anything at all. “I wanted to be married and have children, so that was a bitter pill to swallow. But instead I have thousands of children!” McCaffrey has this recommendation to any young person considering the vocation of religious life: “[The priesthood] has great rewards and it’s a privilege to be the one that parishioners turn to in times of need. It’s the greatest honor to offer up the bread and wine as the body and blood of our Lord. Not everyone gets to do that.” North Allegheny | Winter 2012 | 53
P rovid e nc e H e ights A lpha S chool
Fifth Grade Students Present the Talking Art Museum
he fifth grade students of the Providence Heights Alpha School hosted a Talking Art Museum on October 29 in the Providence Heights Auditorium. Students researched an artist and recreated one of his/her paintings. The information and paintings were then presented to the school similar to an opening exhibit in a museum. The Talking Art Museum is an annual event in which each fifth grader participates in presenting their research and artistic creation by either dressing up as the artist or becoming “a part of the painting.” The results are an interactive presentation where the entire school can learn about a variety of artists. The Talking Art
Museum is a cross-curricular lesson that involves strengthening language skills by researching and then writing a paragraph about an artist and using art skills to create one of the artist’s paintings. “The excitement that the students express in this project is truly contagious. I have had students bubbling over with anticipation about what artist or painting they are going to recreate when they reach the fifth grade after viewing the Talking Art Museum as a spectator. There is nothing more rewarding to me as a teacher than sparking that enthusiasm in my students!” says Jennifer Brown-Clair, Alpha School’s K-8th grade art teacher. This project is a favorite at Alpha School. It presents information to not only the students researching, writing and recreating the famous paintings, but also to those visiting the museum as well. It is a unique event where everyone enjoys learning new information about the art world without even realizing it!
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Current issues of this magazine are also available online.
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North Allegheny High School to Offer
The 29 Hour Show By Matthew J. Fascetti
other Theresa once said, “It is not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.” Those are certainly appropriate words when discussing the The 29 Hour Show, a unique production presented by North Allegheny High that benefits various charities. Last year the event raised $700 for Cystic Fibrosis, this year’s charity has yet to be named. It will be held January 26th at 7 p.m. The 29 Hour Show is a very challenging production that will take all the talent, skill and creativity the students can muster. The premise of the production is that the students have 29 hours to pitch ideas for a variety show, then complete all tasks involved in a typical production….writing, rehearsing, staging, producing, lighting and so on. The students began the process on November 25. The show’s format is short sketches, comparable to Saturday Night Live. The topics run the gamut from comedy to drama, from silly to political. This is the seventh year that North Allegheny has held The 29 Hour Show. Joseph Truesdell, acting teacher at North Allegheny, explains the challenges the students face. The 29 Hour Show is an extremely difficult production to pull off,” he said. “It takes talent, hard work and tremendous dedication from these kids. During the period when they are working on the production, we will all get only 3 or 4 hours of sleep. I am there only to guide them and keep the material appropriate. They come up with all the ideas and handle all the production aspects. The Second City Chicago, and a few other professional improvisational groups, produce similar
type of shows. It is very grueling and an amazing feat for high school students.” There will be approximately 30 students working on the production, and it is a very diverse group of students. The actor’s society is a busy and dedicated group throughout the year. Every year the group does a fall music production and travel throughout the year to see other productions. In fact, the group traveled to New York City December 4 to see four Broadway shows. Truesdell is extremely proud of his students. “I am very impressed and proud of their talent, skills and willingness to challenge themselves, all while doing it for a good cause, “he said.” This is truly a unique endeavor and they handle it like pros.” In other theater production news, Truesdell is working on a project that would bring a special needs production to North Allegheny. Nothing has been finalized, but Truesdell is hoping the school would sponsor the event for an April or May production. It would be a talent show format performed by a group of profoundly handicapped individuals. The community should be proud of these students for their hard work, dedication, talent and their willingness to give back through charitable funds raised. With the production of The 29 Hour Show as well as all their other endeavors throughout the year, many life lessons are learned, talents are blossomed and many laughs are enjoyed. For more information about The 29 Hour Show or any other productions, please call North Allegheny at 724-934-7200.
North Allegheny | Winter 2012 | 57
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The Thrill of the Chase M
y husband and I met for the very first time at Franklin Elementary School. We were both in the fifth grade. I was 10 years old and Ben was 11. At that age, boys and girls “hate” each other and would never admit to liking someone. Ben would always chase me at recess. We continued to go through school together, but never dated. We just got on each other’s nerves. It wasn’t until we had graduated from school that I realized that I had actually liked Ben all along. So at that point, I started the chasing. And I chased him until he turned around and caught me, and we were married on June 12, 1964. We are still happily married after 48 years together. We have four wonderful children, three sons and one daughter. And we have seven beautiful grandchildren. Submitted by Pat Williams of Franklin Park
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Marshall Township Native
Jake Herbert Wrestles in Olympics By Matthew J. Fascetti
hey say champions are born, not made. While there may be some truth to that, the fact remains that no one becomes a champion without hard work, determination, focus and an unmatched competitive drive. Certainly Jake Herbert is proof of this. While he was born with terrific athleticism, he still worked tirelessly most of his life to become the best wrestler he could be. His hard work culminated in his participation in the 2012 Olympic Games in London, where he competed as a freestyle wrestler at 84 kg. (185 lbs.). Herbert grew up in Marshall Township in a tight-knit family that included his parents, Jim and Kelly, and sisters Jenna and Jordan. He took to wrestling early in life and never looked back. He came by his passion for wrestling naturally, as his dad was a Pennsylvania state high school wrestling champion. Herbert went on to a storied high school career at North Allegheny where he was a two-time Powerade Champion, three-time WPIAL champion and state champion. He graduated in 2003 with a career record of 138-18. After high school he attended Northwestern University where he continued his wrestling dominance. During his collegiate career he was a Hodge Trophy winner, a four-time NCAA All-American, three-time Big Ten champion and a two-time NCAA champion. He finished with a 149-4 record, which is the fifth best winning percentage in NCAA history. Prior to the Olympics, Herbert also had great international success. He was a World Silver Medalist, Pan American Champion, USA Freestyle Wrestler of the Year, Dave Shultz Memorial Champion, New York AC International Champion and the Hargobind International Champion. When asked why he loves wrestling so much, Herbert was quick to answer. “It’s the greatest sport in the world. It is so mentally and physically demanding, most people wouldn’t last a week doing the kind of training we do,” he said. “It takes a different kind of person to do what we do. Wrestling is a very close-knit community and I am very proud to be a part of it.” After achieving success at every level it was time to make a run
at the Olympics. The Olympic trials are a very grueling process. The first step is a trial to make the Olympic team, with the top 12 wrestlers being selected. Then there are the Olympic trials, in which wrestlers must qualify in their weight class, and only the top 25 wrestlers in the world are able to make it. Herbert excelled at the trials and was proud to be a part of Team USA in the 2012 Summer Olympic Games in London. Heading into the Olympics, Herbert was very confident he could win a gold medal, as he had already beaten several of the top favorites in previous matches. Unfortunately the Olympics is totally different from any other competition. Sometimes questionable scoring by judges can completely change the results of a match. Herbert certainly experienced some of this, despite a strong performance. After winning his first match, he lost his next two matches due to questionable scoring. He ended up placing seventh. “Being disappointed is part of sports and competition,” Herbert said. “But this felt even worse because I feel I won those matches. It was very disappointing. Still, I was excited to be at the Olympics; the Olympic experience was awesome. The energy around the Olympic Village was like a playoff game at Heinz Field, only it lasted for weeks. I was in London from July 26 to August 11.” Herbert is not yet sure what the future holds for him. In the interim, he needs shoulder surgery, which will shelve him for approximately eight months. Currently he trains in Ann Arbor, Mich., with the Cliff Keen Wrestling Team. He may end up becoming a trainer, or possibly starting his own wrestling team in Chicago…and he hasn’t completely ruled out making another run at the Olympics in 2016. “The toughest thing for an athlete is deciding when to hang it up,” Herbert added. “I don’t know when that will be yet.” One thing is for certain: the entire Pittsburgh area should be very proud of this native son. He represents everything you would hope a young man from western Pennsylvania would have: strength, determination, competitiveness, focus, heart and a tireless work ethic. North Allegheny | Winter 2012 | 59
business spotlight
Tudi Mechanical Value is Measured in More Than Dollars and Cents
ob Tudi started Tudi Mechanical Systems in 1987 with just $4,000 and a pick-up truck. Although his company was small, it fulfilled a long-held dream of owning his own company. Tudi now owns 65 trucks and employs 110 happy individuals who enjoy helping businesses to increase their profits and the value of their property, as well as assisting homeowners with getting the most from their plumbing, heating and air systems. Selected by HVAC News as the Best Contractor for the eastern region, from Florida to Ohio, Bob Tudi believes that his customers are his business partners and his success is dependent upon being an integral part of their team. “Your business grows at the speed of trust,” explains Tudi. Tudi Mechanical can design and build systems for homeowners that have a passion for sustainable living. They have extensive expertise with solar energy and geothermal systems. “Many homeowners do not realize that their current energy system can be converted to solar energy,” notes Tudi, providing major energy savings for families. And the savings for companies that are interested in making the move to green systems can be remarkable. “We have saved companies over $6 million in energy savings over the past two years,” adds Tudi. This savings not only means greater profits for businesses, but it also increases the value of their property. One reason that Tudi Mechanical Systems has probably won so many accolades, is their commitment to create a culture of sharing with their employees and with the community. “The more money you pay your employees, the more money you’re going to make,” says Tudi. “We pay for 100% of our employees’ health care insurance premiums. Our people are our most important asset.” The employees also take part in a profit
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sharing program which gives them a personal interest in ensuring that customers needs are not only met, but exceeded. Tudi’s program “Heat for the Needy” grew out of the caring and concern of one of their employees for a customer... A technician visited the home of a single mom with three children for repair of their heating system. Upon inspection, the technician realized that the furnace was cracked. He was faced with an almost impossible dilemma of either leaving their heat turned on, which would slowly poison them with carbon monoxide over time, or shutting their system down which would leave them with no heat at all in the middle of a bitter, Pittsburgh winter. Tudi says,“The technician came back from the call and was so moved by the woman’s situation, he told me he would be willing to do the work on installing a new system for free on the weekend if the company could pay for the materials. I agreed to do it.” Since that first free installation 14 years ago, the program has grown to helping 15 homeowners each year who are in dire need of heat and have no way to pay for a new system. The number of helping hands has grown as well, with many people who are not even Tudi employees volunteering to help out with the delivery and installation of the new systems. “We have all kinds of vendors now that want to help with supplying materials and equipment. People love to be a part of it and look forward to it every year,” says Tudi. Tudi has known all along that the best way to grow your dreams is by helping others to grow theirs. For more information on Tudi Mechanical Services, please visit the website at They offer a Tudi Service Plan, which comes with a regular check-up and maintenance to ensure your family’s safety and optimal performance of your home’s system.
Providence Heights Alpha School Founded and Sponsored by the Sisters of Divine Providence 412-366-4455 A private, Catholic, K-8 School, welcoming children of all faiths, located on the campus of the Sisters of Divine Providence. Alpha’s student body reflects the diversity of many countries and philosophies which provides the opportunity to enrich and enlighten. In addition, we are preparing our students, culturally and verbally, to be effective and efficient participants in a growing global community. Alpha foresees our graduates as independent, creative citizens who have the ability to move within both national and international arenas. • Student/teacher ratio 15: 1 • Diverse student body • Extensive extracurricular activities • Advanced Academics • Competitive sports programs & intramurals • Before and after-school daycare • Spanish, Chinese language The best way to acquaint you with the Alpha School is to visit. Please call 412-366-4455 for an appointment or visit us online at Open House February 10, 2013, 1-3 p.m.
Every child could use an adult to For a 3rd grader, it’s a volunteer reader in her school’s library, while for a high school student, it’s career exploration. For thousands of children throughout Allegheny County, a volunteer is making a big difference on their outlook on school and life. It’s all part of “Be 1 in a Million,” the initiative that’s recruiting a million volunteers nationwide, including thousands of readers, tutors and mentors in our area. Whether someone has an hour a week or an hour a year, there are volunteer opportunities in every corner of Allegheny County. From being an email book buddy with an elementary student to offering tech tutoring at a local library, caring adults are stepping up to help shape a student’s life and our region’s future. “Be 1 in a million” is an initiative of United Way of Allegheny County and the Youth Futures Commission. Here in North Allegheny, volunteer assistant coaches are needed after school at Girls on the Run and online book buddies are needed for elementary students through In2Books. Anyone wanting to learn more or search the many additional volunteer opportunities should visit or dial 2-1-1.
North Allegheny | Winter 2012 | 61
Choosing Your Child’s Preschool
hoosing the right preschool for a child may be one of the most complicated decisions parents have to make. An estimated five million children are in preschool programs (children from six weeks to six years old), and the number is growing. According to the Families and Work Institute, children benefit from quality programs with a competent faculty and good ratios. They suffer fewer behavioral troubles, have larger expressive vocabularies, feel close to their teachers, and enjoy more complex, less aggressive play with peers. In his book Me, Myself and I, author Kyle D. Pruett, M.D.(world renowned Child Psychologist practicing at Yale University) states “Schools can help a great deal by having children listen to both read and told stories, and then discussing their content. This encourages a sense of cooperation by listening and playing with others, and rehearsing self-reliance. Quality schools can further assist children by allowing them to practice sharing and using their imaginations to learn language through play, songs, and stories.” When assessing a preschool program, parents should seek schools that encourage learning
through play. Play and imagination are possibly the most important resources children possess. In fact, Dr. Pruett stresses the connection between play and imagination by suggesting that “imagination surfaces when a child takes what she has learned through play about how past experiences can be symbolized, and starts to ‘imagine’ things, beyond mere repetition.”
Parent Tips Parents can begin to evaluate preschools by asking the following questions: • Do the lead teachers have a 4 year degree in Education (certified by the PA Department of Education (PA DOE))? • Is the school accredited? If so, as a school or a daycare? • Will my child’s curiosity and creativity be encouraged? • Do the teachers write their own lesson plans? • Is the school cheerful and bright? • Are all faculty members First Aid/CPR certified? • Are daily activity reports prepared for each child? • Is the school licensed by the PA DOE? • Does the school offer parent teacher conferences? • Are parents welcome to visit at any time? • Is an internal quality assurance program in place? • Is the school’s environment multi-cultural and developmentally appropriate? • Is a wellness policy in place? • Are teachers provided ongoing training as well as other opportunities for professional development?
Preschool Curriculum Preschool classrooms should be arranged to encourage imagination and play in order to enhance your child’s learning experience. They should include easily accessible age-appropriate educational materials, art supplies, books, and musical instruments. Children should be encouraged to explore learning centers such as creative art, math, dramatic play, science, music, and computers; to ask questions; and to take time making friends and socializing. Teachers should provide enriching activities and balance each day with quiet activities, spirited music and movement, and plenty of outdoor climbing, running, and jumping. Preschool programs should encourage their teachers to develop their own lesson plans. In fact, be wary of programs developed by a centralized entity or corporation – they typically neglect some children’s individual needs within each classroom. Unique lesson plans allow teachers to consider your child’s development as well as integrating play and imagination. In other words, in a quality preschool program, dinosaurs are not extinct during “Prehistoric Phrenzy Week.” Rather, your child may learn about the foods that carnivores and herbivores eat by sampling ‘dinosaur snacks,’ and discussing the differences between various dinosaur footprints while stamping colorful dino-prints on their classroom floors. The most ingenious preschool programs are integrating specialty enrichment resource programs, such as a second language, sign language, math, science, fitness, and music, into their curriculum. This seamless assimilation provides optimum learning opportunities for children in a convenient ‘all-in-one’ package. Choosing the right preschool means your child will make friends, discover that learning is fun, and feel safe every day. This Industry Insight was written by Mark & Jennifer Rebstock. Prior to opening The Goddard School in Wexford, Mark Rebstock was training manager for a national utility company, and Jennifer worked in early childhood education. 3000 Brooktree Road, Wexford, PA 15090 724.935.1100 or
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The Santa Watch Continues in North Allegheny By Pamela Palongue
ccording to Minnie Elfkin, public relations coordinator for Santa Claus Operations North America, the iconic Christmas figure will be keeping a dizzying schedule of public appearances this holiday season. During November and December, Mr. Claus will be visiting as many cities and towns across the U.S. as possible, including appearances in Bradford Woods, Franklin Park, Marshall Township and McCandless. Those wishing to consult Mr. Claus to make a particular gift request should check the local shopping malls and holiday parades. Mr. Claus also may be seen in the vicinity of 34th Street in New York City and any cold, mountainous region where reindeer may live. In other news from the North Pole, Prancer has been placed on the injured reserve list, although he is expected to be healthy for the Christmas Eve event. A young reindeer named Techno is being called up from the farm team as a possible replacement if Prancer is unable to fly by Christmas. Elfkin stresses, “Presents WILL BE delivered on time and there will be no lapse in service regardless of personnel changes.� Elfkin also reminds homeowners to leave the damper open to provide easier access through the chimney. (This season Mr. Claus is watching his cholesterol intake and low-fat snacks are appreciated.)
Elfkin also reports that the United Federation of Elves (UFE) has been working on some exciting, new toys this season that should please any toddler or preschooler. Children are alerted to be on their best behavior, now that Santa Claus has Skype capabilities. Although there have been many imposters, there is still no official Santa Claus website at this time. Santa Claus cannot be liked on Facebook or followed on Twitter due to the covert nature of his operations in the North Pole region. Those children wishing to write Mr. Claus should send all correspondence to the usual address, Santa Claus, North Pole. All children in the North Allegheny area are requested to go to bed no later than 10 p.m. on Christmas Eve. Santa Claus will be arriving in Bradford Woods sometime between 2:17 and 2:18 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, and stopping in Marshall Township last at 2:20 a.m. In order to receive a present from Santa, children should be sure to pick up their toys and eat all of their vegetables. In the meantime, keep a sharp eye toward the northern sky and watch for flying reindeer and twinkling lights. To All a Merry Christmas and to All a Good Night!
North Allegheny | Winter 2012 | 63
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t’s cooling down outside but things are heating up at Pure Athletex. With new renovations underway, things are really starting to come together inside. Highlighting a brand new spin room featuring a beautiful mural to ride towards makes you feel like you’re biking down a scenic country road. To all of you aerobic enthusiasts, keep your eyes out for the revamped aerobic schedule. The new schedule was launched in September and has been going swimmingly. “Like” Pure Athletex on Facebook to stay up-to-date with the new repertoire and don’t miss out on the fun! Going along with the theme of “out with the old, in with the new”, if you must, you have to check out our brand new yoga room. One of our members deemed it “The best studio in the area.” If that doesn’t spark your curiosity, I don’t know what will.
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We love that we have gotten the chance to welcome back some old faces and seeing the new ones is equally exciting. Needless to say, we’ve got a lot going on. Come and check it out for yourself and join us in living the Pure Life. See our class schedule at This Industry Insight was written by Philip Arena. Philip is staff writer at Pure Hospitality, LLC. 119 Neely School Road, Wexford PA 15090 724.935.2121
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Franklin Township Resident
' n i k c o R n o s p e e K By Matthew J. Fascetti
ometimes in life you will come across a person who you know was born to do a certain thing. One can certainly say that about Franklin Park resident Jeff Jimerson. As a kid, Jimerson remembers seeing The Beatles perform on TV and thinking to himself, “That looks like a great gig.” Since then, music has continued to be a driving force in his life. Jimerson joined his first band in high school, jamming for friends at garage parties and having a good time. He excelled as both a bass guitar player and a lead singer. As the years went on, he would be in several different bands, including one that played original music and was actively looking for a record deal. The deal never came, but Jimerson kept playing. Finally, in 1990, Jimerson helped form the cover band Airborne. Airborne is still together today as a very popular rock band in the Pittsburgh area, performing between 70 and 80 gigs a year. The band has played a variety of venues, including bars and casinos, but of late mostly performs at weddings, corporate events and charity benefits. Perhaps the biggest charity event Jimerson is involved with is Voices Carry, which benefits Auberle. This year’s show was held at Stage AE on September 25. The event, in its eighth year, had a record attendance of 750 people and raised an astonishing $92,914 for the at-risk children and families at Auberle. The list of performers there was a who’s who of local music. In addition to Jimerson it included
B.E. Taylor, Donnie Iris, Johnny Angel, Joe Grushecky, Scott Blasey and Rob James of The Clarks, Bill Deasy and many more. It is pretty simple why Jimerson is still in the business. “I love playing live music—there is nothing like it,” he says. “To me, there is nothing more fun or satisfying. It’s even better when it can be combined with a good cause like Voices Carry. What a great event, and it keeps getting bigger each year. I am happy and proud to be a part of it and to share the stage with such great musicians.” Jimerson also plays with B.E. Taylor each year in Taylor’s popular Christmas concert series. This year’s show will be held December 12-14. Even with all his success with Airborne and as an individual artist, Jimerson may be best known as the “Anthem Guy.” Since the early 1990s Jimerson has been singing the national anthem at the Pittsburgh Penguins home games. He currently does so at approximately two-thirds of all the home games. Jimerson, as both a singer and a hockey fan, is hoping the NHL lockout will end soon so he can get back to doing what he loves to do…move the fans with his stunning rendition of “The Star-Spangled Banner.” Jimerson is a great inspiration to all of us. He found his passion early on, worked at it, and is still rockin’ years later. We should all be so lucky.
North Allegheny | Winter 2012 | 65
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Project Linus:
Give Comfort to Kids By Kathy Rudolph
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ost of us can relate to Linus van Pelt, the character in Charles M. Schulz’s comic strip “Peanuts” and his undying love for his security blanket. Whether we swaddle a new baby in a soft blanket, watch our toddler drag around something that used to resemble a blanket, or warm ourselves in a blanket after sitting outside at a football game, we still get that feeling of comfort that blankets provide. But, for a premature infant or a sick child in the hospital, a handmade blanket is a small gift that can mean so much. Karen Loucks became inspired by the story of a little girl who was diagnosed with leukemia in 1993. She was able to endure over two years of chemotherapy with the help of her special “blankie.” Loucks decided to provide homemade security blankets to a children’s cancer center. From that point, she founded Project Linus in 1995, which eventually grew to have chapters in all 50 states. A local chapter of Project Linus is located at Orchard Hill Church (OHC) on Brandt School Road in Franklin Park. “Blanketeers” provide local children who are “seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need with gifts of new, handmade blankets and afghans.” The blankets are collected and distributed to children in local hospitals, the Ronald McDonald House, Western Pennsylvania School for the
Blind and many other institutions. Michelle Palmer is the volunteer organizer for Project Linus at OHC. Since July 2011, 10 to 15 blanketeers have created and donated over 300 blankets to the Project Linus Pittsburgh Chapter. She decided to get involved after the coordinator of Project Linus for Pittsburgh at that time, Barb Sappie, was speaking at her church about the organization but did not have the time to start a chapter at OHC. “There was a tug at my heart from God telling me that I had to do this,” said Palmer, who is also a mom to three girls. “I was four months pregnant at the time and had the potential [for my child to] be that child in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).” Her daughter, Amanda, was delivered via emergency C-section and spent several hours in the NICU after a tough delivery. So Palmer knows how some parents feel in that situation. “I would love to be a mother who receives a blanket,” says Palmer. “The majority of baby quilts are used to cover the incubators and keep in the heat for the baby.” She adds, “They are also for the parents who come in to see their baby and then see that someone cares. It gives them a happy feeling when they see the bright colors.” Anyone from the North Hills area is welcome to join; people don’t have to be members of Orchard Hill Church to belong. Training is also provided. The blanketeers meet on the third Tuesday of every month to work on the blankets. There is a drop-off option if someone wants to create a blanket at home. New and handmade baby quilts; single-layer, tied fleece blankets; and crocheted afghans in kid-friendly colors and fabrics that are washable and from a smoke-free environment are accepted as well as the appropriate materials to construct them. Some members bring their own materials to create their blankets and other blankets are constructed from material and monetary donations from the community. “It’s important to know that we are geared toward children from newborn to age 18,” said Palmer. “We want fabric that is children-specific and bright and vibrant colors. There
are certain materials that we can’t use for a blanket; for example corduroy or dark prints.” To let the families know where the blankets come from, an identification label is added. “A cool thing that happened was that Amanda, my eight-year-old, and Madelyn, my five-year-old, each completed a blanket,” explained Palmer. “We wrote their names on the label of each blanket and Amanda received a thank-you note in the mail. It was from a family of a little boy who received her blanket. He was able to leave the NICU and was on his way home. To see my daughter’s face light up, knowing that someone had received her blanket and acknowledged it, was huge. My kids see that we are working on the blankets to help others in need and that it is important to do that.” To continue their mission to comfort children, the group needs more members. “We are still planning on keeping Project Linus going, but at this point we need more members and want to make it much bigger than it is,” said Palmer. “Just knowing that you can help a family cope with something that is so terrible makes you feel good even if you don’t know them. It makes the world a better place.” To make a donation, please contact Lois Misko at 412.207.8259. To find out more about Project Linus at Orchard Hill Church, contact Michelle Palmer at For blanket patterns and other ideas, visit
North Allegheny | Winter 2012 | 67
STOP The Weight Loss Rollercoaster! Do you still have the 10 pounds you vowed to lose last year? Have your weight loss efforts ended with short term temporary results?
Helping Students Manage Money Money management is one skill that can be difficult for young adults to master as they head off on their own. But no matter what stage of life – whether they’re entering college or the workforce – every young adult should learn how to handle money.
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North Allegheny
Establish a Budget. Sit down together with your student and map out all monthly expenses including room and board or rent, books, supplies, food, personal care and medications, transportation, gas, entertainment and payment for phone, mobile devices, cable and Internet access. Stick to the budget. Prioritize needs vs. wants. Have your student do the math on how much some of the “necessities” will cost, and then talk about how to weigh purchase decisions. Find ways to spend less. A little planning can help young adults spend less and get more value for their dollar out of cellphone use, food, clothing and entertainment. Be smart about credit cards. Make sure your student understands the impact of interest rates; discuss setting limitations on using a credit card to avoid non-academic debt (emergencies, travel, school expenses, etc.). Equipping your students with some basic financial skills will help them make wise money choices now and for the rest of their lives.
By Matt Fascetti
Many people think of health and wellness as just diet and exercise. While those are two key components, there are many more factors that affect an individual’s overall vitality. Other areas of focus include dental and vision; specialties such as podiatry and audiology; preventive measures such as chiropractic visits and acupuncture/massage. Even feel-good procedures such as hair replacement and cosmetic surgery can boost a person’s demeanor and self-confidence.
include a wide array of equipment, fellow members to help motivate you, professional trainers and a monthly monetary obligation that can help you stay committed to your fitness goals.
With all of these areas of wellness to consider, it can be a daunting task to pay for the treatments and procedures that enhance the quality of our lives. So how do we decide what to spend our health care dollars on? Which procedures are the most effective and beneficial? The following is a review of what to consider when choosing a healthier lifestyle.
Unfortunately, gym memberships are not covered by health insurance, so it is up to the individual to not only foot the bill but to select one that best suits his/her needs. Most gyms have monthly payments, but some also have yearly or bi-yearly options as well. Depending on the facility and the region you live in, the average gym membership can vary from $10 a month to $100 a month. While gyms, fitness programs and personal trainers can be an excellent way to achieve cardiovascular health, just remember they are not the only way. If money is tight there are plenty of free alternatives that may work just as well for you.
• Fitness •
• Acupuncture and Massage •
Exercise is the one thing most doctors stress when the subject of health and wellness is broached. Certainly there are other factors such as genetics, eating, smoking, drinking and medication that can play a significant role, but exercise is at the core of health and wellness. So what is the best way to stay fit? There is no perfect answer as it is different for each individual’s needs and desires. There are many ways an individual can exercise on his/her own such as walking, running, biking, hiking, at-home workout DVDs or weight training, just to name a few. Many Americans join gyms to help them stay fit. There are advantages to having a gym membership which
If you’ve ever been treated to a massage, you probably don’t need a list of advantages to persuade you to have one on a regular basis. Massage is the manipulating of superficial and deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue using various techniques, to enhance function, aid in the healing process, and promote relaxation and well-being. Massage involves working and acting on the body with pressure – structured, unstructured, stationary, or moving – tension, motion, or vibration, done manually or with mechanical
Over the past 55 years, Brother’s Brother Foundation has connected over $4 billion in people’s resources with Connecting People’s Resources people’s needs across 146 with People’s Needs countries. BBF supplies hospitals with vital medication and equipment, supports hand-carried medical mission groups, funds the rebuilding of schools and fills them with donated books across the world. 1200 Galveston Ave. Pittsburgh, PA, 15233
Phone: 412-321-3160 North Allegheny | Winter 2012 | 69
An Acne Sufferer Finds a Solution…FINALLY! I have suffered with acne for most of my teenage and adult life. I spent many nights at home, missing opportunities because my skin was just too bad, and I was just too embarrassed. I tried every over-the-counter product available and also several prescriptions from a dermatologist in my quest for clear skin. I even considered taking the drug Accutane at one point. The prescription medications cleared my skin temporarily, but once I was done taking the pills, my acne eventually returned, even worse than before! Nothing worked. In frustration, I threw everything away and figured I’d grow out of it…but I never did. One day while reading through a magazine, I noticed an ad for a place called Clearskin Solutions Acne Clinic. Given all of the previous disappointments, I figured it probably wouldn’t work, but decided to at least look into it. When I called to get
information, the first thing that struck me as unique was that they specialized in acne treatment. I was also relieved to hear that they don’t use drugs as a part of their regimen. They offer an acne program which consists of in-office visits combined with a monitored home-care routine. I had nothing to lose, so I decided to schedule a consultation. The owner, Mary, evaluated my skin and performed some tests to determine my skin’s level of sensitivity. Then we sat down and talked for awhile. She explained about my grade of acne and how the program would be catered to target my specific case. I was given a wealth of information about why I had acne, pore clogging ingredients to watch out for, and what foods and products to avoid. My program consisted of visits every two weeks at a reasonable cost. During the inoffice visits, my acne was removed and my skin was treated with a variety of treatments
Mary Bickley, Licensed Esthetician and Owner of Clearskin Solutions
which helped with exfoliating the dead skin cells, keeping it hydrated and decreasing the inflammation. Most importantly, my skin was continually reevaluated and my program was adjusted according to my skin’s response. Between visits, I followed a treatment regimen at home using affordable products designed just for me. Throughout my treatment, I wasn’t alone. Someone was there to answer questions and encourage and help me every step of the way. All in all, it took about four months (or eight visits), and I am thrilled to say that my skin is finally clear! That was two years ago. I found a program that not only cleared my acne, but has kept it clear and given me the beautiful skin I’ve always wished for. Thanks to Mary, her staff and the Clearskin program, I am now confident about myself on both the inside and the outside.
If you or someone you know is struggling with acne, have them contact Clearskin Solutions, 724-453-0555.
Good for One FREE Consult Visit Expires April 4, 2013 CLEARSKIN SOLUTIONS 8035 Rowan Rd., Cranberry Twp.
Hours are by appointment. The information in First Person advertisements is the responsibility of the advertiser.
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aids. Target tissues may include muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, skin, joints or other connective tissue, as well as lymphatic vessels, or organs of the gastrointestinal system. Massage can be applied with the hands, fingers, elbows, knees, forearms, and feet. There are over 80 different recognized massage modalities. The most cited reasons for introducing massage as therapy have been client demand and perceived clinical effectiveness. Massage is usually only covered by insurance in very special circumstances, so be prepared to pay out of pocket for these services. According to, acupuncture involves the insertion of extremely thin needles through your skin at strategic points on your body. A key component of Traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is most commonly used to treat pain. Traditional Chinese medicine explains acupuncture as a technique for balancing the flow of energy or life force known as qi or chi (pronounced CHEE), believed to flow through pathways (meridians) in your body. By inserting needles into specific points along these meridians, acupuncture practitioners believe that your energy flow will re-balance. In contrast, many Western practitioners view the acupuncture points as places to stimulate nerves, muscles and connective tissue. This stimulation appears to boost the activity of your body’s natural painkillers and increase blood flow. Reasons for having an acupuncture procedure include chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, fibromyalgia, headaches, labor pain, low back pain, menstrual cramps, migraines, osteoarthritis, dental pain and tennis elbow. As with massage, acupuncture is generally not covered by insurance.
Our Health & Wellness
Children’s Dermatology Services & Acne Treatment Center 724-933-9190
Children’s Dermatology Services & Acne Treatment Center provides diagnostic and therapeutic dermatological services for infants, children, adolescents, and young adults. Our Acne Treatment Center is the only facility of its kind in the region, and our board-certified pediatric dermatologists are specially trained in the medical conditions of the skin. Our office located at 11279 Perry Highway, Suite 108, Wexford, Pa. For more information, call 724-9339190 or visit
• Chiropractic Care • According to, chiropractic care is a natural method of health care that focuses on correcting the causes of physical problems from subluxations or misalignments of the bones in the body, especially the spine. The field of chiropractic is considered holistic, improving people’s lives by optimizing the functioning of the nervous system. Every cell in the body is controlled by the nervous system, including taste, touch, smell, hormones, digestion and cardiovascular. Chiropractic does not just treat symptoms or
King Orthodontics 724-935-5323 Pgh Audiology ad_PROOF 4/25/12 10:54 AM Page 1
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King Orthodontics specializes in comprehensive orthodontic treatment for the entire family. Our Board Certified Specialists are ranked in the Top 1% of the Nation’s providers of Invisalign & Invisalign Teen. Consultations are always complimentary.
Howard K. Scott, MD & Associates 724-772-0777
Pittsburgh Audiology & Hearing Aid Center, Inc. specializes in hearing assessment, hearing rehabilitation and hearing aids. We are an independent private practice working with over 10 hearing aid manufacturers, providing the highest quality of care to our patients. Dr. Laura Di Pasquale-Gregory, Au.D. and Dr. Lori A. Howard, Au.D., are both Board Certified Doctors of Audiology and offer a complete hearing healthcare plan to each patient.
The office of Howard K. Scott, MD, and Associates has been serving the Cranberry and Seven Fields area for 22 years. We offer a complete range of pediatric care in a single office setting. Our job is to help you ensure that your children are happy, healthy and well cared for.
North Allegheny | Winter 2012 | 71
Health & Wellness problems, but allows for a healthy nervous system, so the body functions better. A healthy nervous system has the ability to resist disease and ill health. Chiropractic restores the body’s nervous system, thereby increasing its resistance to illnesses. Chiropractors are able to determine and remove blocks to the nervous system by locating subluxations or misaligned vertebrae and adjusting them. There is one issue that will arise with chiropractic care…visits are sometimes not covered by insurance. Although suggested by many health care practitioners, including primary care physicians, some insurance companies still consider chiropractors luxury visits in some instances. One session with a chiropractor can cost anywhere from $35$100 depending on the region you live in, with additional fees for more complicated procedures. When it comes to chiropractic care, one must decide if the benefits outweigh the cost.
• Dental Work • Dental care is a vital aspect of health and wellness. Many people incorrectly believe that dental care is important for aesthetic reasons only, but this is far from the case. According to the American Academy of Periodontology, there is a link between poor oral health and conditions such as endocarditis and cardiovascular disease, although researchers are not sure of the role that oral health plays in causing heart problems. Recent studies have also shown that women with periodontal disease are at three to five times greater risk for delivering a preterm infant than those who are periodontally healthy. There may also be a link between oral health and diabetes, Alzheimer’s and certain immune disorders. Whether you have a cracked tooth, a cavity, braces, dental implants or are needing a simple whitening or cleaning, dental care is a priority for most people. Because the costs of dental care keep increasing, some are choosing to cut out dentist visits all together. This is not recommended. However, if carrying dental insurance is not an option, then an individual should still stick to routine checkups. According to, the national average cost for a regular cleaning can range anywhere from $50-130 depending on the region in which you live. Skipping these checkups and cleanings can lead to more serious issues down the road that can cost thousands of dollars. In the meantime, as is the case with most health-related issues, prevention is the key. Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss after every meal and you drastically increase your odds of having great oral health.
• Vision Care • Many of us take our vision for granted. But we would certainly be completely lost without it, so it is essential we take good care of our eyes with regular exams and wearing glasses or contacts, if needed. 72
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According to the Vision Council of America, approximately 75% of adults need some sort of vision correction. Although drugstores sell nonprescription glasses for reading, which means anyone can buy them without seeing an eye doctor for an exam, there is no substitute for a professional vision exam by an eye doctor, with a customized prescription for glasses or corrective lenses. Approximately 30% of the American population is nearsighted and must use glasses for activities such as driving and schoolwork. About 60% of Americans are farsighted meaning that they have trouble reading or sewing without glasses, but can focus well at a distance. The majority of young people who wear glasses are nearsighted. As people age, they are more likely to need vision correction for far-sightedness. About 25% of people who wear glasses to see distances will end up needing reading glasses or bifocals as they get older. The recommendations for the frequency of vision exams vary somewhat, but generally individuals are advised to have an eye exam somewhere between every one to four years, depending upon their age group.
• Podiatry • Podiatry is the specialty devoted to the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the foot. According to the American Podiatric Medical Association, most people log an amazing 75,000 miles on their feet by the time they reach age 50. Regular foot care can ensure that your feet are up to the task. With proper detection and intervention, most foot and ankle problems can be lessened or prevented. Many people are unaware of the many issues that can affect feet. Arthritis, peripheral arterial disease (PAD), peripheral neuropathy, common injuries (sprains, strains and fractures), Haglund’s deformity (bony enlargement of the back of the heel bone), heel pain and tendinitis can all create mobility problems for individuals. There are various skin disorders including athlete’s foot, corns and calluses, psoriasis, skin cancer of the feet, as well as toe joint and nerve disorders such as bunions, hammer toes and neuromas to consider. Individuals may also suffer from ingrown toenails. Some basic but effective foot care tips include washing your feet daily, making sure to rinse off all soap and water especially between the toes and trimming nails straight across and not overly short to avoid cutting or digging at corners. Over-the-counter medications are not recommended for removing corns or calluses. A qualified podiatrist should be consulted for treatment and removal. Wear clean socks or stockings changed daily and make sure that they are not too tight. Always wear properly fitting shoes. If you do suffer a foot ailment, there are various ways to treat them. Prescription, custom orthotics, which are specially-made devices, are designed to support and comfort your feet and may correct the problem. For more severe issues, surgery may be needed in cases when pain or deformity persists.
• Audiology • Audiology is the evaluation, diagnosis, treatment and management of hearing loss and balance disorders in adults and children. It is an important component to health and wellness, yet it tends to be ignored unless there is North Allegheny
North Allegheny | Winter 2012 | 73
When Your 8 Year Old Needs Braces
“Isn’t this too early for braces?” “My daughter needed braces TWICE!” the eighth grade” “Why now? I only got my braces in
hese and similar comments by parents are frequently overheard when discussing the orthodontic treatment of their children. They may represent unfamiliarity with current thought regarding the appropriate timing for treatment. Maybe it’s a failure on the part of the orthodontist to communicate completely. It’s probably a little bit of both. In my practice, the goal is to ensure that parents and patients alike are well-informed regarding available options. In the end, it comes to an informed decision and your peace of mind. Not long ago it was uncommon to see eight year olds making trips to the orthodontist. Certainly many parents recall their middle or high school years in braces. Nowadays it’s fairly common to see elementary school students in some type of orthodontic treatment, even with plenty of baby teeth remaining. What gives? The following are a sampling of questions that any parent will need to consider when early orthodontic treatment has been recommended for their child. What exactly is early orthodontic treatment? Early orthodontic treatment is usually described at care that begins in the primary dentition (when only baby teeth are present) or mixed dentition (when the permanent front teeth and first permanent molars
are present along with most, if not all, primary molar and canine teeth). Early orthodontic treatment typically begins in the mixed dentition stage of dental development. What types of dental problems most benefit from early orthodontic treatment? There is a general agreement that certain bite or alignment problems (malocclusions) benefit from early treatment. Among them: 1. Crossbites Crossbites occur when the upper teeth fit “inside” the lower teeth when the jaws are closed together. A crossbite may involve the front teeth, back teeth or both. 2. Midface deficiencies or “underbites” These are referred to as Class III malocclusions. Often, the presence of a crossbite of the front teeth suggests a mismatch in the way the upper and lower jaws fit. 3. Protrusions of the upper front teeth relative to the lower teeth. This is referred to as a Class II malocclusion, and is an area where there may be a variety of opinions. Studies suggest that treatment of a Class II malocclusion is most efficient in adolescence, when most of the permanent teeth are in. However, if the protrusion of the upper teeth is significant there may be a “social awareness” concern for the child that should be considered. The potential for trauma to the upper front teeth may be an additional factor to consider. 4. Crowding of the upper and/or lower teeth Again an area where decisions are best made on an individual basis. Expansion of the dental arches can be helpful in cases where front teeth haven’t enough room to erupt. In other cases, simply maintaining available space may be enough to do the job. 5. When a habit is present Does the child have a thumb habit that is interfering with the eruption of a front tooth, or affecting the bite? If so, it makes sense to take action. What types of devices are most commonly used in early orthodontic treatment? A variety of devices are commonly used in early treatment. These often include, but are not limited to expanders, braces, and headgear or functional appliances. Things to think about when anticipating early orthodontic treatment for your child First and foremost, what is early treatment meant to accomplish? Can treatment at a later date be just as effective, or will later problems be avoided? One thing to understand: Successful early treatment often does not eliminate the need for later treatment with full braces to completely align the teeth. It can however lessen the length of time in full braces and improve the chances for a successful result. As one may imagine, by its very nature orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning is a highly individualized endeavor. No two individuals treat alike. My goal is to utilize my training and experience to thoroughly evaluate each child and to inform parents of all options available.
This Industry Insight was written by Dr. Tom Forrest. Dr. Tom Forrest continues a tradition of orthodontic excellence in Sewickley and McCandless that was started by two fine mentors, his father, Dr. Edward Forrest and Dr. James Tinnemeyer. Dr. Forrest combines diagnostic skill with state of the art technique to provide superior orthodontic care for you and your family.
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Metropolitan ENT 724-940-5755
a noticeable problem. Individuals should get their hearing checked yearly to ensure that everything is as it should be. An audiologist, commonly called an ear doctor, prescribes and fits hearing aids, assists in cochlear implant programs, performs ear or hearing related surgical monitoring, designs hearing conservation programs and provides newborn screening programs to test hearing levels. Audiologists may also provide hearing rehabilitation such as auditory training, speech reading and listening skills improvement. What many people don’t realize is that almost all types of hearing loss are treatable by an audiologist. No one should ever feel there is no hope with hearing loss. Some hearing related problems include occupational; earwax blockage; hearing loss related to aging; acoustic neuroma, a noncancerous tumor on the hearing nerve; Meniere’s disease, a serious tumor on the nerve ending; ringing in the ears; and fluid on the ear. Most hearing-related procedures and tests will be covered by most insurance companies.
Forrest Orthodontics Pittsburgh 412-366-8099 Sewickley 412-741-5222
• Family Medicine • According to the American Academy of Family Medicine (AAFP), family practice is health care for the individual and family that integrates the
The audiologists of Metropolitan ENT are committed to providing you with the highest quality services for your hearing healthcare needs. Each audiologist holds a masters or doctoral degree in audiology, and is board certified and licensed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. We work as part of a medical team and have advanced training in preventive, diagnostic and non-medical care of hearing problems. We believe educating you and your family is a critical component of improving your hearing. Dr. Tom Forrest continues a tradition of orthodontic treatment in both McCandless and Sewickley that was started by two fine mentors, his father, Dr. Edward Forrest and Dr. James Tinnemeyer. All patients are diagnosed and treated utilizing the most modern and state of the art techniques. At the same time, patient comfort and peace of mind is emphasized. Forrest Orthodontics has offices in McCandless and Sewickley. The world’s leader in comfortable, healthy waxing uses an exclusive strip-less Comfort Wax™ developed in Paris, made with 100% natural beeswax, without irritating alcohol, and is designed to produce the Ultimate Wax Experience by cleansing, protecting, waxing and rejuvenating the skin.
4868 McKnight Road 412-364-9299
Catholic Charities 412-456-6911
European Wax Center carries a proprietary line of high-end products for body, face, and eyebrows which blend high-performance ingredients like antioxidants, vitamins, and soothing aloe that calm the skin. They are designed to nourish and moisturize skin while protecting it from bumps and blemishes. Catholic Charities Free Health Care Center provides free medical and dental care to individuals without health insurance and income at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty guidelines regardless of race, gender or religion. Since 2007, over 10,000 patients received more than 25,000 medical and dental visits in our downtown Pittsburgh location. A Volunteer in Medicine model, 154 professional and administrative volunteers provide $1.5 million in donated service hours annually, supported by nine staff.
North Allegheny | Winter 2012 | 75
business spotlight
Disagreement over the TV Volume Setting
isagreement over the television setting can be problematic even in families where no one has hearing loss, so it is no great surprise that this is a great issue among families with one or more hearing impaired members. Market research shows that enhancing the television viewing situation was rated the most desired improvement in terms of wireless capabilities. Many in the hearing healthcare industry predict that overcoming the obstacle of an inconvenient gateway device would represent a breakthrough for the industry and for users. The ReSound Unite TV Streamer accessory is such a breakthrough- it connects to the audio output of a television or other audio device and transmits the sound directly to the hearing instruments. The hearing instrument program used for audio streaming can have the hearing instrument microphones turned off or on according to whether the user also wants to be able to hear and converse with others while listening to the streamed sound. The delay in transmission of the sound from the Unite TV Streamer to the ReSound Verso hearing instruments is critical for sound quality. The delay in the streamed sound to the ReSound Verso is 18 ms, which is the lowest of current technologies in hearing instruments. Delays exceeding 25 to 30 ms can be perceived as clear echoes when direct sound is also audible to the wearer. At 18 ms delay range it can actually be beneficial for the wearer in terms of speech recognition. The Unite TV Streamer accessory delivers great transmission range with no intermediate device and great sound quality. The hearing impaired wearing Verso hearing aids can listen to the volume of the television at the volume they wish while still being able to engage in a conversation with their family members. No more TV volume disagreements!
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Moon twp 412-424-0444
Health & Wellness biological, clinical and behavioral sciences. The scope of family medicine encompasses all ages, both sexes and every organ system of the body. Common services provided in family medicine include bone density screenings, EKGs, hospital care, immunizations and flu shots, lab services, minor surgery (warts, lesions, stitches), newborn health, gynecology and obstetrics, school and sports physicals and preventive visits. Family Medicine physicians work closely with patients to prevent disease and offer them a long and healthy life. Healthy lifestyle, exercise and weight control are often points that are stressed to all members of the family. For those with a personal history of chronic disease, specific measures are taken to ensure that they are being monitored and that their disease is being managed effectively. This is usually achieved with regular health maintenance exams and by keeping up with what is going on in their lives. The main focus and advantage of family medicine is the very personal and intimate care that is normally received. The attending physician almost becomes a member of the family. Another particular benefit of family medicine is that it concentrates on education as well. Everyone in the family should understand what good healthy living is and all the ins and outs of how to achieve health goals. This is done with open discussions with your physician.
• Pediatrics • Arguably, pediatric medicine is one of the most important areas of medical practice because it involves our children. This branch of medicine deals with the care of infants, children and adolescents. The ages treated usually range from birth to 18 years. According to, pediatrics differs from adult medicine in many aspects. The obvious body size differences are paralleled by maturational changes. The smaller body of an infant or neonate is substantially different physiologically from that of an adult. Congenital defects, genetic variance and developmental issues are areas of greater concern for pediatricians. Treating a child is not like treating a miniature adult. A major difference between pediatrics and adult medicine is that children are minors, and in most jurisdictions, cannot make decisions for themselves. The issues of guardianship, privacy, legal responsibility and informed consent must always be considered in every pediatric procedure. In a sense, pediatricians often have to treat the parents and sometimes the family, rather than just the child. Adolescents are in their own legal class, having rights to their own health care decisions in certain circumstances.
Are you missing the best sounds of the season? Whether it’s a story from an old friend or a child telling you about their latest adventure, ReSound Alera® hearing aids are packed full of features to help you hear better even in the most challenging seasonal environments! • Understand speech better, even in noisy environments • Automatically adjusts to your listening situation • Experience a phone call or a hug without whistling or buzzing in your ear • A truly wireless hearing aid that connects you directly to your TV, cell phone, and other audio devices ReSound Unite® Mini Microphone Clip on clothing, or plug into an iPod, to hear sound streamed directly to your hearing aids, even from across the room.
This is your chance for a no-obligation demonstration of this advanced technology right in our office.
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North Allegheny | Winter 2012 | 77
Health & Wellness Pediatrics is a fairly new practice, only becoming a specialty in the mid-19th century. Today it is one of the biggest medical specialties in the United States, mainly because individuals tend to care more for their children than they do themselves and are therefore more likely to seek regular and consistent medical care for their children.
• Geriatrics • Geriatric medicine is quite unique because it usually deals with health issues related to age such as arthritis, heart disease, diabetes and more. Despite these challenges, geriatric wellness is better than it has ever been before. People are living longer and taking better care of themselves. Retirement goals for the senior citizen of today differ widely from the objectives of retirees in years past. Today’s senior has a desire to not only stay healthy and prevent disease, but is passionate about living an active lifestyle. Exercise has been shown to increase longevity and quality of life. According to, the five categories of fitness include aerobic fitness, muscular strength, muscular endurance, bodyad_PROOF composition4/25/12 and flexibility. geriatric Pgh Audiology 10:54For AMthe Page 1 exercise
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participant, balance also plays a huge role in the development of a wellness program. For example, working on strength and balance to prevent falls is important, but in reality a trip, slip or fall will eventually happen. Exercises that build bone density and joint integrity along with flexibility are important to prevent fractures and other injuries. The American College of Sports Medicine exercise guidelines for men and women 65 and older include cardiovascular exercise at a moderate pace for 30 minutes, five days a week to improve aerobic fitness. It is also recommended that older adults engage in strength training two days per week. The focus should be on large muscle group exercises that mimic activities of daily living, such as standing, reaching overhead and pulling. It is also suggested that flexibility exercises be added at least two days per week. One should also utilize balance exercises to create a well-rounded program that focuses on both performance and prevention. The bottom line is, today’s world offers better opportunities than ever before for seniors to live and be healthy for many years to come.
• Hair Restoration • It is no secret we live in a society where looks are important to many people. So, naturally, hair replacement has become more and more popular. According to, hair loss is primarily caused by a combination of aging, a change in hormones, and a family history of baldness.
The Proverbial Straw… “T
he straw that broke the camel’s back” is an old adage that is often used to refer to a seemingly benign circumstance or light stress that has pushed a situation from seemingly proper function into failure. You might associate this with the crash of your cell phone after that final inconsequential download, or when your AC quits during a heat wave. If you happen to be in the straw transport business, and you employ camels, then this old saying is self-explanatory, and obviously applicable! As biological mechanisms we are often hard-working and hard-playing. When we have pushed our physical capacity to the extent of injury, identifying the last straw may be difficult. Perhaps you have tried to save time by lifting that extra ream of paper at work or you felt that “pop” while shoveling the driveway. You may even have twisted while loading that increasingly heavy car seat into the car or pushed too hard on your CrossFit workout of the day. Many of us have been surprised that we have jarred our back while fading a drive around the dogleg
on the 18th hole. A low back injury can greatly impact the simplest daily activities as well as our ability to enjoy life and maximize production both at work and at home. The low back, or lumbar spine, is wonderfully constructed to optimize strength and flexibility. Its components include the stack of strong bony vertebrae up front alternated by intervertebral discs which act as cushions. There are more delicate facet joints along the back of the spine held together by a network of ligaments and muscles that provide support. Each and every one of these components are susceptible to injury, either individually or in combination, which can lead to acute or chronic pain. Let’s briefly discuss one of these common syndromes, discogenic pain. The discs are shaped like large kidney beans with a firm fibrous outer annulus surrounding a gelatinous center, the nucleus. Over time the annulus is susceptible to degeneration from forceful injury or repetitive wear-and-tear. Immediately adjacent to the outer edge of the discs are the nerve roots that control strength and sensation in the legs. Not surprisingly, this arrangement allows degeneration of these discs to affect the nearby nerves causing pain, weakness, numbness of the legs, and easy fatigue ability which result from direct crushing of those nerves and local inflammation. Fortunately, there are a number of treatments available that can ameliorate these effects. They can be addressed with medications, personally tailored physical therapy and exercises, minimally invasive techniques and surgery. We at Advanced Pain Medicine find it very gratifying to help hardworking people regain as much of their physical potential as possible. We are a group of physicians from the disciplines of anesthesiology, neurology, internal medicine, psychology, and physical therapy. We specialize in advanced minimally invasive techniques in the treatment of acute and chronic pain from orthopedic and neurosurgical disease. The doctors render the highest quality treatment, with both dignity and respect improving the patient’s quality of life. With more than 20 years experience Dr. LoDico is a pioneer in the field of pain medicine. He believes that no one should have to live with undertreated chronic pain. Board Certified in both Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, he founded Advanced Pain Medicine in 2001, uniquely committing the practice to finding precise, ongoing solutions to specific pains. Dr. LoDico earned his medical degree from and completed his residency training at the S.U.N.Y Health Services Center at Syracuse. During his career, he also has held key positions at leading medical schools, hospitals, and other institutions while establishing Advanced Pain Medicine.
North Allegheny | Winter 2012 | 79
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Our Health & Wellness
As a rule, the earlier hair loss begins, the more severe the baldness will become. Hair loss can also be caused by burns or trauma, in which case hair replacement surgery is considered a reconstructive treatment, and may be covered by health insurance.
Northway Christian 724-935-0680
Baldness is often blamed on poor circulation to the scalp, vitamin deficiencies, dandruff, and even excessive hat-wearing. All of these theories have been disproved. It’s also untrue that hair loss can be determined by looking at your maternal grandfather, or that 40-year-old men who haven’t lost their hair will never lose it. Hair replacement surgery can enhance your appearance and your selfconfidence, but the results are not always what you envisioned. Before you decide to have surgery, think carefully about your expectations and discuss them with your surgeon. It’s important to understand that all hair replacement techniques use your existing hair. The goal of surgery is to find the most efficient uses for existing hair. Hair replacement candidates must have healthy hair growth at the back and sides of the head to serve as donor areas. Donor areas are the places on the head from which grafts and flaps are taken. Other factors, such as hair color, texture and waviness or curliness may also affect the result. Transplant techniques, such as punch grafts, mini-grafts, micro-grafts, slit grafts and strip grafts are generally performed on patients who desire a more modest change in hair fullness. Flaps, tissue expansion and scalp reduction are procedures that are usually more appropriate for patients who desire a more dramatic change.
Advanced Pain Medicine 724-933-0300
Remember, there are limits to what can be accomplished. An individual with very little hair might not be advised to undergo hair replacement surgery.
• Cosmetic Surgery • Cosmetic surgery is very popular in the United States these days. In fact, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Americans spent a staggering $10.7 billion on cosmetic surgery in 2010. According to, the most popular cosmetic procedures include liposuction, breast augmentation, BOTOX®, eyelid surgery, thermage, facelift, rhinoplasty, tummy tuck and buttocks implants.
James Adelman, Ph.D. Tri-County Counseling 724-935-5130
Good health is not just a linear concept of adhering to a rigid routine for everyone. Each individual is different, and his/her personality, lifestyle and priorities must be taken into account.
Advanced Pain Medicine is a specialized group of physicians from the disciplines of anesthesiology, neurology, internal medicine, and psychology. We specialize in advanced interventional techniques in the treatment of acute and chronic pain from orthopedic and neurosurgical disease. The doctors render the highest quality treatment, with both dignity and respect improving the patient’s quality of life. Dr. Adelman received his Bachelors, Masters and Doctor of Philosophy degree & in Psychology & Education at the University of Pittsburgh. He worked at Staunton Clinic, Sewickley Valley Hospital for 34 years before retiring two years ago. He has maintained a private practice in Wexford for 37 years. In addition to individual psychotherapy, he is also trained in marital therapy and is a Certified Diplomate in sex therapy. North Hills Family Dental was established to provide optimal oral health in a pleasurable, non-threatening environment where patients can take comfort in knowing that they are receiving state of the art, top quality dental care in a reasonably affordable manner.
While cosmetic surgery is generally safe, when it does go bad, results can be disastrous. The key is to research your doctor thoroughly, making sure he/she has extensive experience and many references from satisfied patients. Insurance does not usually cover cosmetic surgery, so it is a rather expensive, completely out-of-pocket expense. For example, a liposuction can cost around $10,000. The only kind of cosmetic surgery that is generally covered by insurance is for conditions that may interfere with someone’s overall health and wellness.
North Way Counseling Services, 12121 Perry Highway, Wexford, was established in 2002. They provide professional, masters-level counseling to those seeking a Biblically-based approach and effective Christian-based resources for all phases of life. Services include individual and family-oriented treatment. Prayer is an essential component and remains at the heart of North Way Counseling Services. For an assessment interview, please call 724-935-0680. Slide fee scale. For additional information, visit
North Hills Family Dental Dr Larry Mauro 9370 McKnight Rd Suite 302 412-364-1477
603 East McMurray Road McMurray I PA I 15317 724.942.0940
IN Community Magazines is seeking nominations for its Community Awards for Service Excellence (C.A.S.E). We know that what makes communities great are the special people who volunteer their time, talent and effort to help others. ICM would like to honor those special people, but we need your help. IN Community Magazines’ C.A.S.E. Dinner will recognize volunteers from each of ICM’s 36 magazines. Awardees will be selected in the following categories:
Volunteer of the Year; Youth Volunteer of the Year (21 years and younger); Small Nonprofit of the Year (staff of 10 or less); Large Nonprofit of the Year (staff of 11 or more). Awardees and those who nominated them will be honored at the awards dinner in Spring 2013. During the dinner an awardee from the Volunteer of the Year and Youth Volunteer of the Year categories will be selected to receive a donation for his or her chosen charity.
Name of nominee ____________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________
Category (circle one): Volunteer of the Year, Youth Volunteer of the Year (21 years and younger); Small Nonprofit (staff of 10 or less); Large Nonprofit (staff of 11 or more) Which IN Community Magazine is this nomination for? ___________________________________________________________ Name of person submitting nomination ______________________________________________________________________
Address:___________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________________ Email: __________________________________________ Why are you nominating this person or nonprofit organization? (Please submit a type written statement of no more than 600 words.) Send nomination form and statement to: Monica Haynes, IN Community Magazines, 603 E. McMurray Road, McMurray, PA 15317 If you have any questions, please contact Monica Haynes at 412-254-8704, or email Deadline for nominations is January 31, 2013.